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Developmental Lesson Plan

Unit Lesson #4-Touch/skin

Teacher Candidate: Nikkole Brown
Mentor Teacher: Mrs. Hallick

Date: February 1, 2022 Group Size: 20 Allotted Time: one hour Grade Level: 1st grade

Subject or Topic: Day 4 of Unit on “Exploring the five senses and more” with a lesson on touch
& skin.

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

Standard - 10.1.1.B1
Identify and describe functions of basic body parts and organs.

Construct and gather knowledge

Standard - AL.1.1.C1
Engage in cooperative, purposeful, and interactive play experiences that enhance learning.
Learning Targets/Objectives:
The first grade students will be able to examine the sense of touch and why the human body’s skin
organ is important by exploring and completing the “exploration touch booklet.”

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1.Observational-during sensory exploration 1. Observe student discussions, predictions, and

(formative) drawing/writing during group sensory exploration
about the sense of touch. (formative assessment)
2.Interview (formative)
2. Interview with students during sensory
3. Exploration Touch Booklet (formative) exploration experiment. The teacher will ask
Exploration Touch Booklet students how they make their predictions and what
*A written portion is added to this lesson other senses they are using to help them identify
through the addition to this exploration booklet. items they cannot see. (formative assessment)

4. Exit Ticket (completed individually) 3. Exploration Touch Booklet (completed

individually by each student)
Exploration Touch Booklet

4. Exit ticket (completed individually)

1. What is one thing that your skin helps you
with? (Understanding our environment,
protects our organs, protects us from hot
and cold temperatures.)
2. What is our body’s largest organ? (skin)
3. Which one of the five senses did you learn
about today? (touch/feeling)
Exit Ticket for Touch

Subject Matter/Content:

● Basic use of writing words with a pencil
● Able to present words and pictures to display thinking


● Skin is the protection for organs inside of our body

● Skin is the largest organ on our body
● Touch helps us learn about our environment
● Touch allows us to feel hot, cold, rough, soft, smooth, and other textures

Introduce the following terms:

*Touch- to put one's hand or fingers on in order to feel.(kids.wordsmyth)

*skin-the thin tissue covering the body of a person or animal. (kids.wordsmyth)

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:

Introduction (approximately 5 min.)

● Teacher will ask the following prompting questions while holding a ziplock bag filled with
“Boys and girls, what is this bag doing?” (answer-holding water)
“Why is the water not coming out?” (answer-the bag is protecting the water)

● Teacher walks around the room and allows the students to touch the bag. He/she asks the
students to feel if the bag of water is hot or cold. (answer-cool or room temperature/warm)

Teacher compares the ziplock bag filled with water to skin-

Teacher asks the question, “How is this bag of water just like our skin?”
(waits for responses and confirms or clarifies)

#1 Holds all of our important organs inside of our body and protects them. Just like this bag is
protecting the water.
#2 Our skin helps us with our sense of touch because it allows us to feel the things in our
environment that are hot, cold, bumpy, soft, or sharp.

Whole Group-Exploration with hands on and minds on (approximately 20 min.)

Experiment time
Students will make predictions with various items that they cannot see. They will have a workbook
that they will illustrate and/or write words of their predictions at each station.

Exploration Touch Booklet

Five stations will be created:

Each station will be labeled with the corresponding numbers 1-5

Station numbers:
1. Sensory Socks
2. Sensory Socks
3. Sensory Socks
Sock #1-roll of mints
Sock #2-small mermaid doll
Sock #3-toy credit card

4. Sensory Box #1 (tissue box with items to be explored by sense of touch-toy comb)
5. Sensory Box #2 (tissue box with items to be explored by sense of touch-toddler fork and
cooked noodles)

Blindfolds-students will be offered blindfolds to use while they explore (student choice)

Students will be broken into teams of 4 students each (5 groups of 4 students)

The groups will go around the room to the various centers to explore their sense of touch and make

Teacher will pick groups based on horizontal or vertical rows (teacher will choose)

● Teacher will observe student discussions, predictions, and drawing/writing during group
sensory exploration about the sense of touch. (formative assessment)

● The teacher will also perform student interviews during sensory exploration experiments in
order to understand thinking. (formative assessment)

Development/Teaching Approaches
Additional-Instructing Classifications (approximately 15 min.)
Reveal of sensory items and discussion time.

Teacher will reveal each sensory item by displaying each for the class.
How did you make your predictions?
If correct, how did you know?

Learn more with the following video:

Play the YouTube video for the class-

Operation Ouch - Skin | Amazing Biology for Kids

What did we learn about our skin?

What is the largest organ of our bodies? (skin)

What does skin help us with? (allow for student responses)

(body temperature, protects our organs, protects us by telling us if something is too hot or too
cold, and helps us to learn about our environment)

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:

Summary (approximately 10 min.)

● The teacher will read the book entitled, Our Skin Can Touch by Jodi Lyn Wheeler-Toppen

● The teacher will have the students complete the exit ticket individually and collect all of them
for review and assessment.

Exit ticket (completed individually)

Teacher will read each question for the students as they complete the exit ticket.

Exit Ticket about Touch

1. What is one thing that your skin helps you with? (Understanding our environment,
protects our organs, protects us from hot and cold temperatures.)
2. What is our body’s largest organ? (skin)
3. Which one of the five senses did you learn about today? (touch/feeling)


Several students in the class are part of the title 1 program and struggle academically. In order to
● The teacher will allow students to provide more illustration than words on the “Exploration
Touch Booklet.”
● The teacher will make sure to interview all of the listed students during the exploration time.
● The teacher will check on each of these students while they fill out their exit ticket in order to
make sure that they understand the questions.
Students: EB, KK, RW, MK, ZB.



● One large smartboard/tv to play a video

Operation Ouch - Skin | Amazing Biology for Kids

● Computer with all the connecting cables to play a video on the smartboard
● 20 pencils
● 20 “Exploration Touch Booklets” Exploration Touch Booklet
● 20 exit tickets Exit Tickets on Touch
● Book-Our Skin Can Touch by Jodi Lyn Wheeler-Toppen
● 20 blindfolds
● 1-ziplock bag filled with water
● 5 cards to number the exploration stations (1 card with #1, 1 card with #2, 1 card with #3, 1
card with #4, 1 card with #5)
● 2 empty tissue boxes for exploration stations
Box #1 (Toy comb)
Box #2 (Toddler fork and cooked noodles)
● 3 socks
● Items for the socks
Sock #1-roll of mints
Sock #2-small mermaid doll
Sock #3-toy credit card

Facts Just for Kids.(current). Skin Facts for Kids.Facts Just for
Skin Facts - Facts Just for Kids

Nemours Children's Health. (1995-2022). Your Skin.Nemours Kids


Operation Ouch. (December, 2016). Operation Ouch-Skin/Amazing Biology for Kids.

Wheeler-Toppen, J.L. (2017). Our Skin Can Touch (Our Amazing Senses). Capstone Press

Wordsmyth Organization. (2020-current). Kids Wordsmyth. Kids Wordsmyth-Children’s


Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

(Reflection on students performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who failed to
meet acceptable level of achievement)
Personal Reflection Questions
● Did the students work well collaboratively in groups?
● Did I stay within my time limits?
● Did most or all of the students answer all of the questions correctly on the exit ticket?

Additional reflection/thoughts

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