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Tuesday 28 December 2021 Wednesday 29 December 2021


Friday 24 December & Friday 31

No class

Teacher Joe

THURSDAY 09 DECEMBER 2021 [Thursday the n_ _th of December twenty twenty-one]

OBJECTIVE: Questions with Want VOCABULARY:

● Review Homework: Job Vocabulary ● Questions with Want (133)

● Warm-up: What do you want to do after
● Book p.133 Questions with Want
● Book p.137 Listening Practice
● Want Matching Activity


● Workbook Page 54

Review Homework: Job Vocabulary

Jobs: engineer, lawyer, doctor, nurse, manager, business owner, chef, reporter, actor, police officer, firefighter,
teacher, professor, tour guide, writer, artist, actor, beautician, Psychologist, architect, pilot . . .

Warm-up: What do you want to do after class?

→ After class, I want to ________ .

Book Page 133 Questions with Want

Listening Practice: Listen to complete exercises A and B.

Matching: What do they want to do?

1. 2. 3.
He wants to play with his He wants to eat ice They want to buy their
toy. cream. groceries.

4. 5. 6.

They want to get on the She wants to buy a new He wants to apologize to
bus. phone. his girlfriend.

WEDNESDAY 08 DECEMBER 2021 [Wednesday the eighth of December twenty twenty-one]


● Review Homework: Error Correction Activity ● Goals = Objectives

● Warm-up: What do you want to do in the ● Want To + Base Verb
future? ● Professions (see document)
○ Job
● Book p.131 Future Goals Vocabulary
○ Work
○ Speaking: What is your dream job? ○ Career
● Book p.136 Job vs. Work vs. Career ● Desires: I want to eat pizza.
○ Complete the Sentences ● Goal (Objective): He wants to become a
● Future [few-cher]


● Workbook Page 53

Review Homework: Error Correction Activity

Warm-up: What do you want to do in the future? Goal = Objective

→ I want to _________ . + Base Verb
● I want to go to graduate school.
○ Teacher Joe wants to go to graduate school.
● I want to learn to play the guitar.
○ Elizabeth wants to learn to play the guitar.
● I want to study at a university.
○ Mizuki wants to study at a university.
● I want to study in another country.
○ Adelí wants to study in another country.
● I want to travel around the world.

○ Luis Fernando wants to travel around the world.
● I want to visit other countries.
○ Kimberley wants to visit other countries.
● I want to speak fluent English.
○ Abraham wants to speak fluent English.
● I want to be the best tour guide.
○ Lia wants to be the best tour guide.
● I want to travel to other countries.
○ Fanny wants to travel to other countries.
● I want to study graphic design.
○ Edras wants to study graphic design.
● I want to travel to Spain.
○ Angie wants to travel to Spain.

Book Page 131 Future Goals Vocabulary

Speaking: What is your dream job?

Jobs: engineer, lawyer, doctor, nurse, manager, business owner, chef, reporter, actor, police officer, fire
fighter, teacher, professor, tour guide, writer, artist, actor, beautician, Psychologist, architect, pilot . . .

→ I want to be a ______ .

Book Page 136 Job versus Work versus Career

➔ She has 2 jobs. She is a waitress and a writer.

➔ He wants a career in graphic design.
➔ In the morning I work from home, but later I walk to work.

Complete each sentence with job, career, or work.
1. He is a waiter and a cashier. He has two jobs.
2. She works for a nonprofit organization.
3. They are coworkers. They work together.
4. After a long career in medicine, he retired [re-tair’d].
5. His first job was at a gas station.
6. Many people work from home because of the pandemic.
7. I have a lot of work to do today. I will be at work late.

TUESDAY 07 DECEMBER 2021 [Tuesday the seventh of December twenty twenty-one]

OBJECTIVE: Review Progressive Tenses VOCABULARY:

● Review Homework: Progressive Sentences ● Progressive Tenses = Continuous Tenses

● Warm-up: Present Progressive Chain Game ○ Present Participles (Verb-ing)
○ Review Conjugation Chart ● 18 - Eighteen
● 80 - Eighty
● Progressive Tenses Game
● To Drip (very wet)
● Present Progressive: Describe the Picture ● To Rub
● Past & Future Progressive Sentences ○ Ex: She is rubbing lotion on her arm.


● Error Correction Activity

Review Homework: Progressive Tense Sentences (See Yesterday’s Lesson)

Speaking Warm-up: While ____ is verb+ing, I am verb+ing.

● While Teacher Joe is playing tennis, I am playing volleyball.
● While Elizabeth is playing volleyball, I am drinking coffee.
● While Adelí is drinking coffee, I am reading books.
● While Mizuki is reading books, I am studying English.
● While Joseph is studying English, I am watching TV.

● While Abraham is watching TV, I am reading a book.
● While Melanie is reading a book, I am learning.
● While Luis Fernando is learning, I am driving.
● While Edras is driving, I am eating.
● While Kimbereley is eating, I am cooking.

Review Progressive Tenses: To Cook {Subject + Be + Verb-ing}

Subject Past Present Future Verb-ing
I was am will be cooking

You were are will be cooking

He/She/It was is will be cooking

We were are will be cooking

You were are will be cooking

They were are will be cooking

Progressive Tenses: Create a complete sentence. ⏰

Present Progressive: What are the Simpsons doing?

Write one sentence to describe the picture. Use the present progressive tense.
Teacher Joe’s Example: Marge is holding Maggie.
Elizabeth: Homer is floating. ✅
Adelí: Lisa is sitting. ✅
Mizuki: Homer is floating. ✅
Joseph: Homer is floating on a floatie [fló-tí]. ✅
Abraham: Homer is drinking a beer. ✅
Melanie: Homer is drinking a soda. ✅
Luis Fernando: Bart is jumping over Homer. ✅
Edras: Marge is helping Maggie. ✅
Kimberley: Bart is jumping into the water.✅
Fanny: Maggie is standing in the water. ✅
Angie: Lisa is rubbing sunscreen on her arm. ✅

Past & Future Progressive: Complete the sentences.

Teacher Joe’s Example:
● Last weekend, I was traveling from Costa Rica to Guatemala.
● When I am 80 [eighty] years old, I will be watching old movies at home.
● Last weekend, I was cooking with my family.
● When I am 80 years old, I will be traveling the world.
✅ ✅
● Last weekend, I was reading two books. ✅

● When I am 80 years old, I will be eating chocolate ice cream in my living
room with my dog.

● Last weekend, I was watching anime on TV. ✅
● When I am 80 years old, I will be resting in my house or possibly dead. ✅
● Last weekend, I was traveling to visit my parents. ✅
● When I am 80 years old, I will be listening to today’s music. ✅
● Last weekend, I was playing soccer. ✅
● When I am 80 years old, I will be playing video games at home. ✅
● Last weekend, I was running a marathon. ✅ ✅
● When I am 80 years old, I will be feeding my cat.

● Last weekend, I was playing with my cats. ✅

Luis Fernando:

● When I am 80 years old, I will be walking around the city with my wife. ✅
● Last weekend, I was playing playstation with my wife. ✅
● When I am 80 [eighty] years old, I will be driving in the meta universe. ✅
● Last weekend, I was painting my room. ✅
● When I am 80 years old, I will be watching sunsets from my porch. ✅
● Last weekend, I was spending time with my friends. ✅

● When I am 80 years old, I will be listening to music that brings back
● Last weekend,I was watering the plants. ✅
● When I am 80 years old, I will be traveling with my family. ✅
Homework: Correct the errors.
1. We are reviewing the progressive tenses.
2. My mother am is cooking chicken in the kitchen.

3. I is am drinking coffee in a café.
4. Next year, I will be living in New Zealand [zí -lend].
5. Last year, I were was living in Peru.
6. They are were working all day yesterday.
7. She was will be traveling tomorrow.
8. When I am old, I will be taking care of my cats.
9. When he was 8, he is was learning English.
10.The store am is having a sale today!

MONDAY 06 DECEMBER 2021 [Monday the sixth of December twenty twenty-one]

OBJECTIVE: Review Progressive Tenses VOCABULARY:

● Warm-up: Progressive Tense Questions ● Progressive Tenses = Continuous Tenses

○ Conjugation Chart ○ Present Participles (Verb-ing)
● Present Progressive Tense Matching Activity
● Book p.126 Progressive Tenses
○ Complete the Conversations


● Write 3 example sentences - one in each progressive tense.

Warm-up: What were you doing before class? Past Progressive

→ Before class, I was ______ing. + Verb-ing
● I was making coffee.
● I was eating.
● I was making tea.

What are you doing right now? Present Progressive

→ Right now, I am ______ing. + Verb-ing
● I am drinking coffee.
● I am eating cake.

● I am sleeping.

What will you be doing tonight? Future Progressive

→ Tonight, I will be ______ing. + Verb-ing
● I will be watching Netflix.
● I will be eating pizza.
● I will be seeing a movie.

Review Progressive Tenses: To Sleep [Subject + Be + Verb-ing]

Subject Past Present Future Verb-ing
I was am will be sleeping

You were are will be sleeping

He/She/It was is will be sleeping

We were are will be sleeping

You were are will be sleeping

They were are will be sleeping

Review: Complete in the present progressive tense.

Verbs: drink / play / sleep / eat / blow / learn

1. She is blowing 3. They are playing

bubbles. 2. He is drinking coffee.

4. It is sleeping. 5. “We are learning 6. “I am eating tacos!”

Book Page 126 Progressive Tenses

Speaking: Complete the conversations with progressive tenses.
Verbs: do, try, work, take, attend, study, learn, move

Speaker 1: Hey, how are you doing?

Speaker 2: Good, I am working on my homework.
Speaker 1: Oh, what are you studying for?
Speaker 2: I am trying to learn German, but it is difficult.
Speaker 1: Wow, are you taking German at your university?
Speaker 2: Yes, and starting in January, I will be attending an institute too.
Speaker 1: Why are you learning German?
Speaker 2: I will be moving to Germany to get my Master’s Degree.

Verbs: charge, do, answer, come, watch, call, talk, shop

Speaker 1: Hey, what were you doing last night?

Speaker 2: I was watching Netflix. Why?
Speaker 1: I was worried because you weren’t answering my phone calls.
Speaker 2: Oh, I’m sorry. My phone was charging in a different room.
Speaker 1: Don’t worry. I was only calling to talk.
Speaker 2: We are talking now. What did you want to tell me?
Speaker 1: Will you be coming to my birthday party this weekend?
Speaker 2: Of course! I was shopping for your present before work today.

Homework: Write 3 examples using progressive tenses.
Teacher Joe’s Example:
Past Progressive: They were watching Harry Potter movies on Halloween.
Present Progressive: We are reviewing the progressive tenses today!
Future Progressive: I will be cooking fish after class.

*Please use time words. ⏰


✅ ✅
Past Progressive: I was playing the guitar yesterday.
Present Progressive: She is cooking pasta now.
Future Progressive: He will be studying English next week. ✅
Past Progressive: He was drinking beer at the party. ✅ ✅
Present Progressive: They are studying English (right now).
Future Progressive: I will be eating eggs with ham after class for breakfast. ✅

Past Progressive: I was playing with my friends yesterday.✅

Present Progressive: I am writing sentences right now.
Future Progressive: She will be cooking lunch.

Past Progressive: I was playing soccer with my friends last night.✅
Present Progressive: He is driving the car today.
Future Progressive: I will be playing playstation with my mom later. ✅
Luis Fernando:
Past Progressive: I was cooking spinach pie yesterday. ✅ ✅

Present Progressive: I am drinking a cup of coffee right now.
Future Progressive: I will be going to my work tomorrow.
Melanie: ❓

✅ ✅
Past Progressive: Yesterday, it was raining when I came to my mom’s house.

Present Progressive: I study tourism. That’s why I am learning English.
Future Progressive: I will be visiting many places in a few years.

Past Progressive: We were playing volleyball last night.

Present Progressive: I am having breakfast (right now).
Future Progressive: I will be working after class.
Past Progressive: Yesterday, it was sunny when I was visiting with you. ✅ (Past

Present Progressive: I am going to the pool today.
Future Progressive: I will be sleeping tonight.
✅ (Present Progressive)

FRIDAY 03 DECEMBER 2021 [Friday the third of December twenty twenty-one]

OBJECTIVE: Is & Are There Questions VOCABULARY:

● Review Homework: Places & Prepositions ● Is there . . . ? (Singular)

● Warm-up: Where is your favorite restaurant? ● Are there . . . ? (Plural)
● Book p.123 Is & Are There ● Places (see document)
● Prepositions of Location (see document)
○ Questions with City Map
● The = Specific
● Reorder the Conversations ○ My favorite restaurant is behind the
post office.
● A = General
○ My favorite restaurant is next to a
● Name → No Determiner
○ My favorite restaurant is under
Mama Africa.
● Downtown = city center


● Is there any homework on the weekend? → No, there isn’t. 😎

Review Homework: Places & Prepositions of Location

Warm-up: Where is your favorite restaurant? 🌮
→ My favorite restaurant is ___ (Preposition) the/a ___ (Place).

Book Page 123 Is & Are There

Present Simple Tense: Be
I am not We aren’t
You aren’t You aren’t
He/She/It isn’t They aren’t

Pronunciation: Kimberley is drinking coffee in a café.

Coffee [koff-í] = A Drink Café [kaff-é] = A Restaurant

Giving Directions: Answer with prepositions of location.

1. Are there any restaurants?

2. Are there any restrooms?

3. Is there a bookstore?

4. Is there a swimming pool?

5. Where is the bank?

● Example: Yes, there is a Chinese restaurant between the bank and the
● The bank is across from a grocery store.
● Yes, there is a swimming pool beside the grocery store.
● Yes, there is a bookstore next to the Chinese restaurant.
● Yes, there is a public restroom across from the parking lot.
● Yes, there is an Italian restaurant to the right of the travel agency.

Speaking: Reorder The Conversations

I’m Looking for A Café
1. Yes, there’s a café over there. 1. Excuse me. I’m looking for a
2. No, across the street from the café. Kimberley
restrooms. 2. Yes, there’s a café over there.
3. Behind the post office? Fanny
4. Excuse me. I’m looking for a 3. Behind the post office?
café. 4. No, across the street from the
5. Great. Thank you very much. restrooms.
5. Great. Thank you very much.

I’m Looking for a Restaurant
1. No, it’s above a clothing store 1. Excuse me. I’m looking for a
across from the train station. good restaurant.
2. Yep! 2. How about an Italian restaurant?
3. How about an Italian restaurant? 3. Sure! Are there any close by?
4. Yes, there are. There is one 4. Yes, there are. There is one
around the corner on the left. around the corner on the left.
5. Excuse me. I’m looking for a 5. Is it beside the police station?
good restaurant. 6. No, it’s above a clothing store
6. Sure! Are there any close by? across from the train station.
7. Upstairs from the store? 7. Upstairs from the store?
8. Is it beside the police station? 8. Yep!
9. Okay, thanks! 9. Okay, thanks!

THURSDAY 02 DECEMBER 2021 [Thursday the second of December twenty twenty-one]


● Warm-up: Where is your house? ● Prepositions of Location (124)

● Book p.121 Directions Vocabulary ● Directions Vocabulary (121)
● Book p.125 Giving Directions ● The = Specific
○ My house is around the corner from
● Book p.127 Listening Practice
the supermarket.
● Speaking: Describe a place in your city. ● A = General
○ My house is next to a shop.
● Downstairs/Upstairs (from) - Levels in a
● Lawyer’s Office
● My best friend’s house is to the left of the
● Plaza / Square
● Downtown = city center


● Workbook Page 49

Warm-up: Where is your best friend’s house? 🏡

→ My best friend’s house is ___ (Preposition) the/a ___ (Place).

Book Page 121 Directions Vocabulary

Book Page 125 Giving Directions

Listening Practice: Listen to the conversations to number the
places and choose the correct preposition of location.

Speaking: Describe a place in your city.

→ The ______ (Place 1) is ______ (Preposition) the ______ (Place 2).

● Example: The supermarket is across from a pharmacy.

● Plaza de Armas is next to Plaza San Francisco.

● The bank is close to the makeup store.
● Plaza Leta is in front of the church.
○ The English Institute is next to a bakery.
○ Maximo Nivel is next to El Viejo Café.
● The bank is between the English school and the post office.
● Qorikancha is next to the travel agency.

WEDNESDAY 01 DECEMBER 2021 [Wednesday the first of December twenty twenty-one]

OBJECTIVE: Introductions & Review VOCABULARY:

● Warm-up: Introductions ● Like (Enjoy)

● Speaking: Like, Want & Need ○ + Noun, Infinitive, or Gerund
○ 1st → 3rd Person ■ Coffee - Noun
■ To Drink Coffee - Infinitive
● Review Simple & Progressive Tenses
■ Drinking Coffee - Gerund
○ Student Example Sentences ● Want (Desire)
● Basic 2 Review Game ○ + Noun or Infinitive
● Need (Necessary)
○ + Noun or Infinitive
● Country - I live in Peru. / I am from Peru.
● Nationality - I am Peruvian.


● Review Prepositions of Location (Book p.124)

Warm-up: Introductions

Hi, my name is _____________ .✋

I live in _____________ .

My favorite type of music is _____________ .🎵

My favorite color is _____________ .
My favorite food is _____________ . 🍕🧉

My favorite drink is _____________ .
This month, I want to practice _____________ in English class. 🧠
○ Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Grammar

Speaking: I like ______ , I want ______ , and I need ______.
● I like doing yoga, I want to sleep more, and I need new pants.
○ Teacher Joe likes doing yoga, she wants to sleep more, and she
needs new pants.
● I like watching TV, I want a new computer, and I need my breakfast.
○ Luis Fernando likes watching TV, he wants a new computer, and he
needs his breakfast.
● I like running, I want to eat more, and I need a cell phone.
○ Adelí likes running, she wants to eat more, and she needs a cell
● I like playing volleyball, I want to travel, and I need a new laptop.
○ Lia likes playing volleyball, she wants to travel, and she needs a new

Which is incorrect?
A. She likes Peru. ✅ B. She likes travel to Peru.

C. She likes traveling to Peru. ✅ D. She likes to travel to Peru. ✅

Review Simple Tenses: To Celebrate
Subject Past Present Future
I celebrated celebrate will celebrate
You celebrated celebrate will celebrate
He/She/It celebrated celebrates will celebrate
We celebrated celebrate will celebrate
You celebrated celebrate will celebrate
They celebrated celebrate will celebrate
➔ Past Simple Tense: They played a soccer game last weekend.
➔ Present Simple Tense: She makes coffee every morning.
➔ Future Simple Tense: I will have breakfast after my morning classes.

Examples: Write two simple tense sentences. Use time words.
Name Tense Example Sentence
Teacher Joe Past Simple He cooked chicken and rice yesterday.
Luis Present Simple She takes a shower every day. 🌟
I will play Nioh in the afternoon. 🌟
Future Simple
Past Simple I ate tacos last night. 🌟
Present Simple He plays soccer in the yard
Future Simple I will dance at my brother’s party tonight. 🌟
Past Simple I traveled to Puno last summer. 🌟
Present Simple I drink milk every night.🌟
I'll get out of town soon. 🌟
Future Simple

Review Progressive Tenses: To Celebrate [Subject + Be + Verb-ing]

Subject Past Present Future Verb-ing
I was am will be celebrating

You were are will be celebrating

He/She/It was is will be celebrating

We were are will be celebrating

You were are will be celebrating

They were are will be celebrating

➔ Past Progressive Tense: She was studying all night.

➔ Present Progressive Tense: We are reviewing tenses right now!
➔ Future Progressive Tense: I will be teaching all day.

Examples: Write one progressive sentence. Use a time word.
Name Tense Example Sentence
Teacher Joe Past Progressive I was eating a snack before class.
Present Progressive We are learning English right now. 🌟
Adelí Future Progressive I will be eating pancakes after class. 🌟

home from work. 🌟

Lia Past Progressive It was raining yesterday when I came

Review Basic 2: Correct the errors.

Homework: Review Prepositions of Location


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