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Submitted By
Babita Sobhani
Roll No: 2010059
Section: B
In the novel “The Goal”, the author Goldratt provides a vision to the reader to view
organizational goals logically rather than to be driven by measurements and parameters which
are superficial in nature.

The novel explores the life of Alex Rogo, a recently transferred manager of one of the plants of
UniCo Manufacturing Corporation, located in his hometown, a slowly declining industrial town.
The book teaches various principles about operations management in the form of a story in
which Alex is forced to take up newer methods to turn around his plant in the times of disaster.
The use of real-life situations such as the Boy Scouts, the matches game, etc. was exemplary.
Alex is guided by his physics teacher “Jonnah”, who makes him, realize that the measurement
parameters used by his company did not reveal the ground reality. Alex and his team were able
to determine that if the goal of the organization was to make money, then the steps to achieving
that goal fell within three functions. These were Throughput, Inventory and Operational
Expense. The author also revealed how to identify bottlenecks and non-bottlenecks and
emphasized that bottlenecks should never be idle or run at lower capacity. The author reviews
the importance of redefining priorities in the process of achieving the end goal. The goal is to
reduce operational expense and reduce inventory while simultaneously increasing throughput.
Alex was constantly striving higher and re-developing his and his team member’s ideas to be
able to utilize an improved profit. The reading of the novel made me realize the efforts that it
takes to continually strive to attain a goal and to keep a business open. The novel also revealed a
crucial aspect that activating a resource and utilizing a resource are not synonymous. Alex’s
home and family problems were also projected in the novel which formed an important aspect
since a person does face these issues in real life. Alex also made sure that he would not go by the
conventional methods just to keep the middle management like Bill Peach happy.

The book requires the basic understanding of operations management in order to grab reader’s
attention completely and to convey the message across.The ideas presented in “The Goal” do not
apply only to manufacturing industries but can be applied across the variety of organizations.
This book inspires all the leaders to constantly evaluate the system of their organizations to
ensure that they are making real, measurable improvements along with retaining their mission
and values.

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