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The Nature and Variety of living Organisms

Learning Outcome Start End Revision

I know all living organisms share the following characteristics:
move, respire, sense, control, grow, reproduce,excrete, 1
nutrition. (MRS C GREN) 11

I can draw and label a typical plant cell.

I can describe the common features of plants as multicellular
organisms; their cells contain chloroplasts and can carry out
photosynthesis; the cells have cellulose cell walls; they store
carbohydrates as starch or sucrose. 2

I can draw and label a typical animal cell.

I can describe the common features of plants as multicellular
organisms;their cells do not contain chloroplasts; they are not
able to carry out photosynthesis;they have no cell walls;they
usually have nervous coordination and move from one place
to another; they often store carbohydrate as glycogen. 2

I can describe the structure and function of cell structures

including the nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall,
mitochondria, chloroplasts, ribosomes and vacuole. 2
I can recall the similarities and differences in the structure of
plant and animal cells. 2

I can describe levels of organisation in organisms: organelles,

cells, tissues, organs and systems 2

I can draw and label a yeast cell and a hyphae as an

example of fungi.
I can describe their common features as organisms not able
to carry out photosynthesis;their body is usually organised into
mycelium made from threadlike structures called hyphae,
which contain many nuclei, some examples are single
called;their cells have walls made of chitin;
They feed by saprophytic nutrition and I can define this as
they feed by extracellular secretion of digestive enzymes
onto food material and absorption of the organic products.
They may store carbohydrate as glycogen. 4

I can describe Protoctists as microscopic single celled

organisms e.g amoeba which has features like an animal cell
and others such as Chlorella which have chloroplasts and are
more like plants. 5

I can describe common features shown by prokaryotic

organisms e.g bacteria
I can draw and label a typical bacterium with a cell wall, cell
membrane, cytoplasm and plasmids, no nucleus but a
circular chromosome of DNA. I can explain that some
bacteria can carry out photosynthesis, but most feed off
other living or dead organisms. e.g lactobacillus and
I can recognise the structure of a typical virus. I know they
are not living organisms, they are small particles (smaller than
bacteria)they are parasitic and can reproduce only inside
living cells, they infect every type of living organism. There is a
wide variety of shape and size, they have no cellular
structure but have a protein coat and contain one type of
nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) e.g tobacco mosaic virus,
influenza and HIV.
I understand the term pathogen and these include fungi,
bacteria, protoctists and viruses 5

I understand the process of diffusion as the movement from

high concentration of particles to a low concentration of
particles by which substances move in and out of cells 8

I can explain osmosis and active transport by which

substances move in and out of cells. 9

Plants and Food

Learning Objectives before after revision

I can write the word equation for photosynthesis 20

I can describe and explain how to test a leaf for starch 22

I can explain how testing a leaf for starch can be used to

show if photosynthesis is taking place. 22

I can write the balanced chemical ( symbol) equation for

photosynthesis. 20

I can explain the importance of the process of

photosynthesis and its conversion of light energy to
chemical energy. 21

I can describe the structure of the leaf 20

I can explain how a leaf structure is adapted to its
function 20

I can describe and explain how light intensity, carbon

dioxide concentration and temperature affect the rate of
photosynthesis. 21

I can identify and explain what a limiting factor is.


I can describe a practical to measure the rate of

photosynthesis using pond weed. 23

I can describe how plants use glucose 29

I can identify the chemical elements in carbohydrates,

lipids and proteins

I can describe the the structure of carbohydrates,

proteins and lipids e.g starch and glycogen from simple

I can describe the practical how to test for protein

I can describe the practical to test for glucose

I can describe the practical to test for starch

I can describe the practical to test for fat

Food and Digestion

Learning objectives before after revision

I can identify the chemical elements in carbohydrates,

lipids and proteins

I can describe the the structure of carbohydrates,

proteins and lipids e.g starch and glycogen from simple

I can describe the practical how to test for protein

I can describe the practical to test for glucose

I can describe the practical to test for starch

I can describe the practical to test for fat

I can describe the structure and function of the human

alimentary canal, including the mouth, oesophagus,
stomach, small intestine ( duodenum and ileum) ,large
intestine ( colon and rectum) and pancreas

I understand the role of enzymes as biological catalysts

in metabolic reactions

I understand how temperature changes can affect

enzyme function, including changes to the shape of
active site

I can investigate how enzyme activity can be affected

by changes in temperature

I understand how enzyme function can be affected by

changes in pH altering the active site

I can explain the role of digestive enzymes, specifically

starch to glucose by amylase and maltase, proteins to
amino acids by proteases and lipids to fatty acids and
glycerol by lipases

I can identity independent, dependent and control

variables in experiments

I can draw a graph, label axes with units, plot points

accurately and draw a line of best fit.

I can use maths to calculate / manipulate data.

Breathing and Gas Exchange Checklist

Learning Outcome before after revision

I understand that some substances move into and out of

cells by diffusion

I understand how certain factors affect the rate of

diffusion e.g. temperature, distance, surface area to
volume ratio and concentration gradient

I understand how the process of respiration produces

ATP in living organisms

I know that ATP provides energy for cells

I can describe the difference between aerobic and

anaerobic respiration

I know the word equation and the balanced symbol

equation for aerobic respiration in living organisms

I know the word equation for anaerobic respiration in

plants and animals

I know that breathing is the mechanism that moves air in

and out of the lungs

I can accurately label a diagram of the thorax

I can describe the structure or the thorax, including the

ribs, intercostal muscles, diaphragm,trachea, bronchi,
bronchioles, alveoli and pleural membranes.

I can explain the role of the intercostal muscles and

diaphragm in ventilation

I can describe how the position of the ribs and

diaphragm change during breathing
I can explain how pressure in the lungs changes during
the breathing cycle

I can explain the difference in the composition of

inhaled air and exhaled air

I can explain how alveoli are adapted for gas

exchange by diffusion between air in the lungs and
blood in capillaries

I can analyse data and explain the relationship

between variables

I can evaluate the method and make suggestions for


Blood and Circulation Checklist

Learning Objectives before after revision

to understand that simple unicellular organisms can rely

on diffusion for movement of substances in and out of
the cell

to understand that multicellular organisms need a

transport system

to be able to label the structure of the circulation

system, including the blood vessels to and from the heart
and lungs

to be able to describe the structure of the heart

including the atria, ventricles, blood vessels and valves.

to be able to describe how the heart functions.

to be able to describe the structure and function of
arteries, veins and capillaries.

to know the composition of blood, specifically red blood

cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma

to know and understand the role of plasma in the

transport of carbon dioxide, digested food, urea,
hormones and heat energy.

to be able to describe how red blood cells are adapted

to their function, including absence of nucleus, shape
and prescience of haemoglobin

to know how the immune system responds to infection

using white blood cells, specifically phagocytes
ingesting pathogens and lymphocytes retake sing
antibodies specific to the pathogen

Reproduction Checklist

Learning Outcomes before after revision

I understand the difference between sexual and

asexual reproduction

I know that fertilization involves the fusion of a male

and female gamete to produce a zygote

I know how the structure and function of the

human male and female reproductive systems are
adapted for their function

I can explain the role of oestrogen in the

development of secondary sexual characteristics

I can explain the role of testosterone in the

development of secondary sexual characteristics
Plant Reproduction And Osmosis Checklist

Learning Outcome start lesson revision

1. I can explain that substances move into and out

of cells by the processes of diffusion, osmosis and
active transport.

2. I understand how factors affect the rate of

movement of substances into and out of cells,
including the effects of a) surface area to
volume ratio,
b) distance,
c) temperature
d) concentration gradient

3. I can name the parts of an insect-pollinated and

a wind-pollinated flower and explain how each
is adapted for pollination.

4. I understand that the growth of the pollen tube

followed by fertilisation leads to seed and fruit

Chemical coordination & Ecosystems Checklist

Learning Outcome before after revision

1. Understand the terms ecosystem, habitat,

population, and community.

2. Explain how quadrats can be used to estimate

the population size of an organism in two
different areas

3. I understand how abiotic and biotic factors

affect the population size and distribution of

4. Explain the names given to different trophic

levels to include producers, primary, secondary
and tertiary consumers, and decomposers.

5. Understand the concepts of food chains, food

webs, pyramids of number, pyramids of
biomass, and pyramids of energy transfer.

6. Understand the transfer of substances and of

energy along a food chain.

7. ​Explain why only about 10% of energy is

transferred from one trophic level to the next.

8. Describe the stages in the carbon cycle,

including respiration, photosynthesis,
decomposition, and combustion

9. I can identity independent, dependent and

control variables in experiments

10. I can draw a graph, label axes with units, plot

points accurately and draw a line of best fit.

11. I can use maths to calculate / manipulate data.

Chromosomes, Genes, DNA, Cell Division


Learning Outcome before after revision

1. Understand that the nucleus of a cell contains

chromosomes on which genes are located.

2. Understand that mutation is rare, random

change in genetic material that can be

3. Know that in human cells the diploid number

of chromosomes is 46 and the haploid is 23.

4. Understand how genes exist in alternative

forms called alleles, which give rise to different
inherited characteristics.

5. Understand how random fertilisation produces

genetic variation of offspring.

6. Understand that variation within a species can

be genetic, environmental or a combination
of both.

7. I can identify independent, dependent and

control variables in experiments

8. I can draw a graph, label axes with units, plot

points accurately and draw a line of best fit.

9. I can use maths to calculate / manipulate


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