Desire Riviera Maya A Swinger Resort

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Every couple has their story… this is

Desire resort subjects can be so vibrant, predictable, and at the same
time so difficult to understand. There is fear, lust, and adrenaline,
but I wanna tell you, my friend, that no review nor podcast or post
can explain the feeling exactly the way it is by living it.

I have to clear out, that I´m no source paid by the hotel, not a
member of a magazine or web site, I´m simply a person that
struggled to live the experience. Being this the reason to decide
writing a little bit about the subject, it´s not just a hotel review, it´s
more about the taboo that englobes having fun with whom you love
the most, and understanding that is also about choices, choosing to
make your mess with who´s been with you for years and living this
experience together. It helps a lot that this place only accepts male-
female couples, so everything is even, the risks, the fears, and good

Lastly, I want to comment that I´ve never written something similar,

just work or educational related stuff, but I´ve come to realize that I
can share experiences to people in such an enjoyable way, especially
when I´ve drunk one or two, same technic that I´ve used to write this
To protect our identity, cause we´re from a relatively small and
conservative city as you will read ahead, in this book we will be
Publio and Cornelia, why these names? I don´t know why the heck
Chapter 1
First sign. - Summer of 2018, Dr. Robert´s consulting room,
a personal friend of mine.

Talking in the middle of a routine consultation, the doctor, who had

just bought a membership for Secrets hotels chain, tells me that he´d
“gone with his girlfriend to the Breathless hotel” and that if I
wanted to go with my family, I could use it on the Dreams, cause it
allows the whole family… and with my all stupid face… “aren´t all
hotels for the whole family?” meaning a dork face that looked like
had no fucking idea about the happy world, he stares at me like our
Mexican president does to the reporters in the early news, with that
sarcastic giggle that hits you in the balls, he answers -Obviously
not... Breathless allows chicks to be topless-

Topless struck to my brain at the same velocity in which your

grandmother hit you in the head with the soap “jabón zote”..that
was sign number 1.
Second sign. - Summer of 2018, Friday at the bar with two

Like is costumed, I decided to go eat and have some drinks with

whichever friends were available, that day there were two, Anibal
and Atrubal. In the middle of the chit chat, I bring out my talk with
the doctor, -Dudes, do you know there´s a hotel where you can go
with your chick and she can be topless, you know the party and all
is the shit- I´m super excited feeling as this superior being, to which
Anibal answers, -C´mon dude, I went to Azulik and they´re topless
but you can also fuck in the balcony and usually these people are
watching- that´s super hot, this guy tells us he went with his wife
and that it was…all right (new dart to the brain).

The other friend Astrubal, a married guy says, -Wait, dude, there´s
this one called Desire and there´s this whole mess in there, you fuck
and all that shit- he says he took “una movida” and that is to die for
(here I first thought “dude why didn´t you take your wife, taking
another ass well, you don´t expose yourself the same), it is worth
mentioning that as time went by we realize that he´d gone with his
wife several times before, but as it is expected, one hardly talks
about this situations.

This couple of revelations where sign number 2.

Third sign. - Autumn-winter 2018, Mexicali-San Felipe BC

I remember that that particular year, I had a lot of work that required
me to travel a lot by plane, but also on highways. In particular, I love
the landscapes of all the different sites in our dear Mexico, from the
“Selva Veracruzana (Veracruzana Jungle)” with its beaches, passing
through the woods of Mexico State and Chihuahua, to the dry lands
of Sonora and the matchless Sea of Cortes in Baja California. Well,
naturally in all these trips I got tired of listening to music, I finished
all the podcasts from Olallo Rubio and his app @CONVOY. I recall
listening to the last show of Cartas sobre la mesa (Cards on the
table), which is a podcast that talks about sexual manners in such an
entertaining way.

I remember that once I arrived in Mexicali, I stopped for something

to eat, and looked at what the heck to listen to, cause if someone
knows the Mexicali-San Felipe highway, you´ll know is tedious,
especially if you travel by night.
I recalled that chat with my friends about horny hotels, so I wrote on
the browser of my phone desire resorts, and in between lots of
articles, there is this special one called Lo que realmente pasa en
Desire (what really happens in Desire) from a Mexican couple
called @swingermexico podcast.

I bought without a doubt a six-pack of Modelo beer, and as worthy

representant of the chavorrucos (older men that feel younger) that
love to drink while driving, I jumped all motors into the federal
highway number 5. Nothing could go wrong, my Ford King Ranch,
a Modelo six-pack, a Californian night with a starry night, a great
podcast, let´s hit it. That, was my last sign.
Chapter 2
The research
“Swinger Mexico podcast”
Like all projects we undertake in our lives, especially those that
really passionate you, they require time, and fill you with curiosity.
Like I commented before, at signal number 3, that road of nearly a
3-hour trip was sufficient not only for listening to Lo que realmente
pasa en Desire (what really happens in Desire), but to drinking
another six-pack and listen to yet another chapter of the really nice
couple @swingermexico podcast, just like that my time on the
road, the gym, and every other chance I had I listened to their
podcast. Actually, I think I know better Ale and Manuel then most
of my friends, without even knowing how they look like.

Well, these fuckers talk about all kinds of situations in the swinger
world, from its origins till today (by the time I´m writing this I think
they have over 88 chapters, last one taking place in January 2020),
I loved to hear all about their first experiences, the horniest and the
liberal ones.

The bad in all this is the swinger word, that is fucking disgusting.
The first thing that pops into your mind is -they´re going to screw
my chick- so I went into a mental and cultural shock. I liked a lot of
these guys moments, for what I started to sympathize not only on
the sexual subject, but on the complexity of it, and yet without
knowing them you can sense they share a good vibe.

I remember in one of the chapters, they are at the Desire, they share
how they went down to the restaurant really hammered to eat some
delicious pizzas -Dude, I could even smell the pizzas of how well
they were describing it- (I have to say that when I lived the
experience it was way similar to what they described in their
podcast), so all podcasts really started to shape my idea into telling
Cornelia one day.

But if you´re curious and go into Google, the truth is there´s

NOTHING relevant about the hotel, no pictures of real people
(except by the bald guy that shows up more than Waldo), there are
only good references, but NOTHING, a fucking mystery that scares
you, so wondering and making more research online, I bumped into
another podcast of two Mexican couples that share similar
situations, talk about their adventures, misadventures, and there´s
this whole chapter dedicated to Desire.
“Sex Whispers”
The @sexwhispers are these four other dudes, from which I think
two of them are the steadiest, Pink and Black. They too,
accompanied me through the highway in lots of different states of
the country. I remember fondly listening to them in the North Arch,
the Mexico-Tuxpan highway, San Felipe-Mexicali, Chihuahua-
Basaseachi and many others in this beautiful country.

They talk fantasies, fears, adventures, messes, journeys, well

everything, but what caught me the most, is that like Ale and
Manuel, Pink and Black seemed to have had a blast, you can tell
they´re in a happy marriage, and they have fun doing whatever they

Without a doubt, there were too many things that I sympathized

with, and would like to experience them with Cornelia, cause till this
moment, we´ve had a very healthy relationship, very sexy, and

But the simple fact of just mentioning this made my dick shrink and
made my thoughts be kept in my head.
“Adults playground”
After finishing the @swingermexico podcast and @sexwhispers
podcasts, I continued making research online about Desire, due to
the fact that my curiosity wasn’t even a little bit satisfied, to which
I bumped with a blog (I even bought the book on Amazon), of these
dudes who are a little bit older than we are, and you can tell they´re
the next step to follow this trough. They have a very illustrative blog
that´s called @jardindeadultos, where this nice couple, Diego and
Mariana, touch various subjects in the swinger vibe (again that
hideous word), and again, there’s moments where they talk about
the Desire hotel. I’ve gotta say, these two are way more advanced
and open minded to situations that I would say -Hell, is nice to read
but there’s no freaking way I’m going with my wife- but I remember
somewhere they said that the worse it can happen, is you don’t
interact, don’t participate just look and done, nothing has to happen.

That was my stupid little speech for one day having to tell my wife.
Chapter 3
Balls up to my throat
Generally, cause of my work and my way of living, it’s normal for
me to be making decisions constantly, some are hard, some are easy.
This one, well it was fucking hard. How the hell would I tell my
wife that I want to go to a hotel where people walk around naked,
fuck each other, where orgies get really deep and stuff like that. It’s
difficult because she’s my wife, the mother of my children, the one
whose father gave away at church, the catholic school mom, my
public events dame, the friend of my friends, anyway, all the roles a
typical married woman has. So suddenly getting her into orgies,
naked in a pool with god knows who, it´s fucked up.

But my mom didn´t raise no pussy. This worthy big sized man once
got home, and without knowing how, started to chat a little, I’m
pretty sure in a very stupid way; started saying that there´s this hotel
for couples and shit. The answer was the best part – Don´t fuck with
me Publio, I´m not ready for that-.
This should’ve been the final point of the argument, but no it wasn’t.
I remember feeling the worst shame, by her thinking that I wanted
to enter the swinger world, or thinking that she doesn´t satisfies me,
or that the relationship was stuck, even worst, that I wanted another
dude to fuck her. Stupid shame.

Anyway, I didn’t open my dirty mouth about the hotel again, but
that didn’t make me shut it towards our neighbor. The blond
divorcée. Hope she never reads this.
“Slowly but surely”
Surely, by this time we had started to put the imagination in action,
and maybe I’ll make a mistake here on the chronology, it’s
confusing to remember what happened first and what later. But we
started to hit the motels, we started our sex toys arsenal, lashes,
underwear, imagining the hot divorcée neighbor with us in the
middle of a warm pool fight face to face, anyway, all that sort of
crap anyone gets criticized about. From there and with two other
previous facts, the relationship took a slightly turn, and we got
incited to go to Desire.
“The ladies from the gallant life”
This was without a doubt, one of the first trips that Cornelia and I
would repeat, even after having a bunch of kids (three). I remember
it was a three-night getaway. Previously, we had discussed going to
a strip club just to see what’s up. Tits and booties are healthy for
stress. We had a hell of an attitude, even though I was dealing with
some shit at work, but that didn’t matter, the mission was to have a
blast, and so we did. The hotel “Paradisus” to die for, the food
incredible, the booze, the beach, everything was great, till one day
we decided to go for drinks to the marine, dine and so. Until the
freaking devil made its appearance.

That devil has a name, and her name is Cornelia, after a few drinks
I told her, - Let’s go to a strip club and see what the heck happens-
Cornelia without surprising answers - ok fine-. As we got closer to
the place my dick started shrinking and without babbling, I told her
– You know what? Fuck this I’m starting to feel sleepy- and she
straight answers -Don’t be a jackass let’s see what happens-.

We got to the place, and I think it was weekday cause it was empty,
but there were a lot of geishas Jalisco style, real cool for the eye. I
order some beers and soon the girls came along, one sits on Cornelia
and asks her what the deal was, what brought us there, to what she
answers as good northern girl -I want some big ass bitches, like my
husband likes them, to have a private- Dude I don’t know what
happened first, either my ass wrinkled or my dick shrinked.
They get ahead holding hands, and little time after, and like the first
one they come back with one big-bootie chick, so without preamble
“let the cobbler stick to his last”, we head to the private salon, and
hear I make one small parenthesis, because I was supposed to
receive some big payment from a client, which didn’t arrive, so I
wasn’t carrying much money. Being honest, I had visualized with
anteriority that if I ever was in this situation, I was not going to spare
the money. But God did not give scorpions wings. That day I didn’t
have much chips, so instead of renting a nice suite, we went to an
old room with a crappy chair, where the two girls of broad boobs
and tight butts jumped into Cornelia while I watched. It was very
quickly but I liked it, liked a lot what I saw. Cause I didn’t have
much money, the five minutes ended so we fucked off and went to
sleep to the hotel.

When I suddenly wake up at 4am, running naked in the hotel

gardens, I wondered what the fuck happened, not without finding
first one of those silks where they wrap the knifes in the restaurants
and using it as a loincloth, causing disgust in some hotel personnel,
and some other sleepless guest, I realized we’ve been drugged at the
strip club, but Cornelia wasn’t permitted to drink any beer, so I
drank the four of them, and there was drug in them !Thankfully I
didn’t receive my payment that day!.
“Miss Tara”
Naturally, the memory and the libido of Cabo, the many hours of
motel chats, with beer, a Don Julio 70, made me land into this bad
girls website, where you’re supposed to find
the most valued escorts in Mexico and looking at dates and tours, I
found this good looking girl named Tara Manjari (there even were
adds), so I called her, explained that I wanted a threesome with my
wife and shit, and the truth is she digged it all right, told me she
would be fascinated cause she loves chicks. Anyway, we concreted
the date and around two months later, she travels to Chihuahua.

I´ll try and be brief: that night Cornelia and I checked into a hotel.
When we were there and after having dinner and some drinks, I told
Cornelia -It won´t take long now for an escort that I hired to arrive,
and well, we´ll see how it goes-

What happened that night was like that Arjona song “Why describe
what we did on the carpet”. Miss Tara arrived somewhere near 9pm
and left at 6am kind of, I think she had a great time cause I hired her
for two hours and it lasted almost 10.

All these anecdotes made us talk again about Desire. It´s worth
mentioning that we had opened a little more our relation, and we
could talk with more confidence about the place, about what we
wanted, what we expected, anyway, all there´s to it, but there were
still more doubts than before.
It all went to shit anyway, because I bought a ticket for my birthday,
the 8th of October. Either we were gonna have a great time or a bad
time, but it was my birthday gift. And so it was, to this day I still
think the trip overcame our expectations, so in the next pages, I’ll
talk all about this place and why people want to go back again, and
again, and again…
Chapter 4
“The wait”
Not by rising early dawn comes sooner. Six months after the
reservation, after imagining, having bought dresses and costumes
from Amazon and Mercado Libre, where some were pretty cool and
other looked like piñatas from a hood kid, after creating an SDC
profile, and checking who the hell would attend to this place, living
the kids in a someone else’s house, well, all of this actions had an
outcome on Tuesday, October 6th of 2019.

On Monday, October 5th, we left the kids at my mom’s house, and

we went home to finish our cases. Something we didn’t finish cause
we ended up drinking half a bottle of Maestro Tequilero, not giving
a dick what we put on our suitcases, it is obvious I only packed a
bathing suit and to finish shitting the bed I forgot to pack a jacket.
Only God knows if Cornelia packed underwear because she didn’t
wear any for five days. That was our night before our sexy getaway.
“The trip”

Since the beginning it was a disaster, besides the hangover we

had on the plane, something happened with our passages and
we weren’t sure our luggage would arrive, at DF (Mexico’s
federal district) our suitcase didn’t arrive and just like that we
took off to Cancún. Later, Cornelia told me she was wishing
for our damn suitcase to get lost, that way we would have an
excuse for not making it to the hotel.

When we arrived in Cancún, I don’t even remember how, but

we found our suitcase, and I headed to the taxi stop and
bought a ticket -Take us to Desire Riviera Maya…- obviously
lowering my voice by instinct as I said the name of the hotel,
just like when you go buy your first condoms. You may think
that by speaking lower, the person attending you won’t know
exactly what you want. It’s incredible how stupid human
beings are, but anyway, Riviera Maya it is.

When you get in the taxi people look at you as if you were
convalescent, anyhow, Cornelia and I were on “mute” mode
until we passed a Seven-Eleven and she says – Fuck it, I’m
buying something cause I’m shitting my pants here over this
whole situation- I bought a Corona six-pack and four
Victoria’s, and everything disappeared in like 15 minutes,
what the taxi makes to the hotel (it is really that close to the
“First impression”
Arriving facing the hotel, you can tell it’s a small place, very
small. Our latest trips to Cancun resorts had been different,
you always look for ostentation, the luxury, the best food, the
best amenities, etc. But here we arrived, and the lobby was
fine, but nothing spectacular, similar maybe to a car agency,
or sports club, nothing that could justify the hotel price.

We are welcomed by this very friendly guy who begins

explaining everything about the hotel, we see this shitty map,
it only has one pool, the restaurants are all together (I think
there were only two), one hot tub. The hotel is small, nothing
out of the ordinary, he started asking if we had that kind of
lifestyle (I obviously got what he was saying) and with a cold
look I said -No dude, of course not- He stares at me and
finishes explaining what the hotel deal was, where’s permitted
to fuck and where not, the spa this and that, and suddenly
through the lobby windows the first naked people walk by, son
of a bitch, I almost get a stroke, and Cornelia’s face looked like
it was telling me -you fucker what the hell am I doing here-
and still, the shameless concierge tells us to wait at the buffet,
cause our room wouldn’t be ready till 3pm, fucking shit it was
11am. And so, we go onto what someone once defined as “the
walk of shame”, so embarrassed walking to the restaurant.
I guess it’s no casualty that the restaurant has its main view
towards the pool, where you can see all kinds of couples,
obviously everyone’s naked. From very attractive people to
seniors a little advanced in years, but the truth, everyone
seems to be having a blast. As one can imagine, the food tasted
like carton to me, I was thinking on everything but the food,
in fact, maybe leaving to another hotel. I think we didnt ate
again since next day cause the party was amazing.

We finished eating, went back to the lobby and voilà our room
was ready. I think we might’ve had a few drinks on us cause
the tension went down a little bit, we headed to the room, I’m
pretty sure we took a bath, and went back to the pool to see
naked people. Us, like good Christians, had our clothes on like
in a normal hotel. I remembered that post from
@jardindeadultos where they mention that the worst it can
happen is that you look at people, have drinks and eat well,
nothing had to happen. Four hours later we were fucking on a
pool cot next to the jacuzzi with another two couples to the
side. That’s this place.

As I previously mentioned, the shitty map, and to get a better

idea of what happens in every spot, I’ll make a brief
description of our experiences in these singular spots.
“The room”
The first thing we encountered and then enjoyed a lot was the
room. In our case, when we arrived at the reception, they
offered us an upgrade, to have a room in front of the sea (we
had the cheapest reservation to be clear), I didn’t seem like too
much money so we accepted.

I know it’s redundant, but again, the hotel was really small.
The first thing that impressed me, was that everything, and I
mean absolutely everything, was sex themed. There are
advertisements about themed nights, the little market to buy
goods is practically a sex shop, the portraits and images are
sex allusive, everything.

Getting to the room, that was situated in a second floor in

front of the sea, I observed that the rooms that were on the
same level where united by a balcony, kind of fused together
like a small village, if you’d like you can have coffee in the
morning or a quick bang with the neighbor couple.

Inside, is basic, that’s the word, this place is far from the
luxury other hotels may offer (not so long we had stayed in
“Secrets The Vine” in a very luxurious room). The walls are all
white, it gives the impression that instead of paint it´s just a
mass of white plaster, it has a king-sized bed supported by a
rock base, and in front of it, there’s this little table, where you
can find all lined up, aspirins, alka-seltzer, five-hour energy
shots, all those sorts of things you would need in this place.
On top of it, there was a small tv where half the programming
was porn, good porn, with variety. One of the walls has the
famous Desire mirror, that one that looks like a golden ring
with sparkles around. The room also has a bar fridge
containing only water and coke. I have to accept that on rare
occasions I drink soda, but at Desire, my breakfasts were
always a coke with alka-seltzer boost. There was also a full-
body mirror and a normal bathroom, comfortable, that’s it.

I made this description because to me it felt like a high-quality

motel, but with the same sex load these places offer, that just
a few admit assisting, but many frequent.
“The pool”
The pool is the resort’s spine, it’s the place where people
mingle in a relaxing way, have drinks, rest. Damn gringos
(don’t know why), all freaking day they’re playing volleyball in
the pool or the beach, it really is a question I’ve always asked
myself. Well that’s another subject, this place has
cheerleaders so damn sexy, organizing stupid things for
stupid people, like me, that one day was naked on a surf board
in the middle of the pool. Mainly this place is where all the
hotel people gather at dawn and at 3-4pm.
“The beach”
The beach is pretty dope, with no waves, pretty calm like a
lake. Unfortunately, we had a rainy season and enjoyed it a
little, but enough time for one dude that sells cigarettes to take
a look at Cornelia, that’s not dope, so we hang just a little while
over there.
“The spa”
I can’t remember if it was the first or the second day when we
attended the spa, I think the first, but I’m kinda stupid so, I
can’t be sure. Anyway, this little freaking trip started to make
sense at the spa, again we took our stupid book, our coupons,
and we headed there. As I said before, don’t expect a super
luxurious and enormous spa, Vegas style and shit, in here it’s
really nice, small and tranquil. They explained the services,
but before, we were recommended to choose the erotic ritual
out of the “Fantasy Menu”. So, fuck it, just the name made me
have a hard-on while writing this. We weren’t giving a crap
about anything, and in fraganti, we made an appointment.

It might´ve been just a few hours later that we used our

reservation, first of all, they send me to a men’s locker room,
same with Cornelia’s but to the women’s, they gave us
bathrobes, sandals, and a key to put away our belongings.
Being ready, each one with its robe, they explained the
logistics of the ritual, but first, they made us choose the sex of
my wife’s therapist, obviously cause mine was a woman, the
answer was… two girls!

Later they took us to a jacuzzi, with dim light, season fruit, tea,
champagne, relaxing stuff, we were there for nearly 20
minutes, drinking, chatting, all dope, until this lady arrives
and asks us if we’re ready. Hell yeah, we were.
When we got to the massage area or erotic ritual, we
encountered two girls and two massage tables in which the
distance between them wasn’t bigger than a couple meters,
again the dim light, perfect climate, sensual odors. First, they
give you a mask, and they lay you face down. The ritual starts
slow, as a massage that does not have enough pressure to be a
therapeutic one. You start to feel a couple hands caressing
your whole body, in a rhythmic and horny way, in fact, I don’t
know to which point they take away your robe, but the ritual
continues, I’m pretty sure the music speeds up a little cause I
didn’t notice when I had it harder than a tube, obviously I’m
facing up now, the girl starts jerking me off in a way that I can’t
cum (they’re freaking rubbing machines), it is undoubtable
that I’m real turned on, and suddenly I start hearing Cornelia
moaning like a porn movie muse, which obviously turns me
on. A couple minutes go by, when they get Cornelia off her
massage table and onto mine, while we were fucking, I felt
four hands caressing us to the eardrums. I think I came harder
than that scary movie 2 scene.
“The jacuzzi”
But one thing is all the previously. The jacuzzi is yet another
business, remember I told you the pool has people until 3-
4pm? Well, this is the reason. Around that time people start
arriving at this place. Just as the concierge described, this is a
place where sex is permitted. This is by consequence our next

To this point, we’ve had several tequila shots and four hours
of looking at naked people so we were anesthetized by looking
at too many cocks, tits, and butts. This hot water mass is on a
second floor, kind of like a roof-top, so you go up some pretty
inclined stairs, and when you finally get to the highest part,
the whole mess that’s going on in there blows up in front of

This place is similar to a small pool, with the characteristics of

a hydromassage tub that has a bar where you can order your
beverages from the wet zone and the dry zone. It was in the
dry zone where we sited, and in front of us, just behind the
bartender we had a view of the people submerged, maybe 20
couples, the majority European or Americans, this was such a
luxury festival. First, I saw three great looking ladies sucking
some man’s dick, suddenly there was another one with two
chicks, two misters with one lady and in between butts, racks,
cocks and ping-pong balls flying as dares to complete, this
thing was burning.
All this mess was orchestrated by a series of pool cots lined
outside the water, 5 or 7 meters away from the screwing
spring. In these pool cots, as a two-beat symphony, you would
see people fucking and sucking, and according to my calculus,
there were five or six pool cots in which they had coordinated
cycles where people took turns to fuck, cause when one couple
would get up, another would take their place. Sometimes,
someone didn't need to get up, the four would just simply

Going back to the part where I describe the place's

infrastructure, Cornelia and I sited at the bar and order a
drink, later some Uruguayan couple sits next to us and we
started chatting, it was a little uncomfortable because this
dude had a boner while talking to Cornelia, but his wife was
right there. The chat was friendly, and so another Paraguayan
couple arrived and became our friends too, to what our
recently made friends told us "Well guys, see you in a bit" and
they went to a pool cot to give each other a nice fuck. Oh no, I
won't be left like this, I grabbed Cornelia's hand and took her
to the poll cot next to them. It wasn't much time after, that
another Mexican couple got there, and in just eight square
meters we were three couples doing the same Kamasutra. In
turns, we were finishing and starting the chit-chat, each one
in its own cot, in a very natural way, that's the magic of Desire.
“The restaurants”
If I'm not getting it wrong, besides the central buffet, there
only exist two restaurants: Suki and Sahlo. We went to one of
them. Here the dress code is formal, maybe it's a place where
people dress nicely and cocky because after looking at ladies
butts all day, you can finally see them well attired, with make-
up on, and radiant. It's like Alicia in wonderland's clock, it
spins backward, first, you see them naked, then fucking in
groups, finally, in clothes.

Just like the rest of the resort, the restaurant theme is dim
light, with all kinds of pictures on the walls emulating sexual
moments, just like the tv has erotic stuff, but without being
porn exactly.

Food's real good, but as I've been saying, you don't come to
this hotel to eat.
“The Desire suite”
In this resort, it really is easy to make friends, it is doubtless
that the majority of people leave all their problems behind.
Either way, they're just going to be here a couple days and
then go back to their normal activities, in fact, it is really dope
to talk to people of all kinds of trivial subjects, always with a
sexual hint.

One night, coming out of the jacuzzi, we got invited to a

reunion by a fifty-something chilango. That time we
respectfully declined the offer, however, the next day we saw
them at the pool, and this time we hang out with them, also
with his brother and the lady with him. We lasted a great part
of the day talking and having some liquor, in the night, coming
out of the jacuzzi they invited us again, this time, we took their

The Desire suite is pure luxury, something like a two-floor loft,

the downstairs has a living room, and the patio a big pool
that's pretty dope, we were in this place with these couples just
for a while, we had a great time, had a nice chat, had a heck of
a laugh, and a couple hours later we said goodbye to go to the
disco and the red room.
“The Disco”
This place, without a doubt, is what I wanted to know the
most. All the mysticism it has but is impossible to visualize if
you go to Google and browse "red room" or "sin room", it leads
you to movies or porn shows, there's nothing that tells you or
makes you imagine what this place really is, except the
podcasts before mentioned, this room has the least existing

First, the disco is where the vast majority comes dress

according to the night theme, girls productions is always
better, they come looking incredibly hot. We went to Glow in
the dark, Gods and Goddesses, and Masters & Mistresses

The first night, I think it was Masters & Mistresses. Cornelia

went wearing a mini skirt and high heels, worth a heart attack,
instead, I attended with dress pants and a white shirt. I believe
so, can't quite remember, at the end the star and the reason
for all this is the lady.

The disco starts as usual, with a dance floor that changes

colors, something common where the only difference is that
the majority of ladies attend dressed super sexy.
The weird thing is that nobody looks and drools for them,
unlike what happens at a normal disco, that way of dressing is
considered so normal here, is out of my knowledge if
somebody bothered to wear a bra or panties.

As the night goes by and the temperature rises, there's

suddenly a pause in the music and a show starts, as everything
else in the resort, the show is loaded with eroticism, these last
maybe twenty minutes where most of the people watch
around the dance floor.

Being over, around 12am, the booze, the adrenaline, the sexy
dresses, everything starts to make a sweet combination, is in
this lapse of the night when bit by bit you start seeing people
in pairs going to a spot just behind the bar. The famous Sin
“The Sin Room”
If you've gotten to this point of the story, and you've felt
resentful of my writing about sexual situations, then I
recommend deleting this shit or, if you have it in print throw
it away. But if not, you're going to like this.

Out of the four nights that we were here, this one, in

particular, was the one with more people in this dark room.
I'll try and describe what happens here, in the most assertive

I remember going with Cornelia holding hands, and in our

other hand, we had probably a tequila or something that got
us drunk. Going through the curtain, holy shit, paradise
appeared in front of my eyes. The place had some 18 meters
long, and as I remember, it was arranged this way. To the right
side and next to the door, there's the famous love horse; this
is a sea horse looking couch, which to me in particular, it's not
that interesting cause Cornelia is short and I'm tall, so we've
never known how to fit properly in that crap. It then begins a
huge cushion or bed, about 10 meters long, don't know if it
was leather, but is very comfortable to lay on. In the end, this
structure tops off in a wall and spins a little bit to form an L,
in front of it there are three or four screens that are always
projecting porn. I don't know if someone was looking at them,
but my attention deviated to the other side.
As soon as we enter the darkroom, we saw maybe 8 or 9
couples having sex. I remember there where three making a
human muérdago (Mexican candy made of corn pieces glued
to each other), meaning, all against all, the others were just
with their partners. Cornelia and I went almost to the back,
just where the L is shaped, definitely a great spot, it gives you
extra space. The couples next to us were distanced by 50 to
60cm. It would be difficult to know if it was the emotional
load, the drunkenness, having imagined this situation, but we
had a hell of a fuck, the dude from Rocco Siffredi had nothing
on me. Just the scene is hot enough, there's also a lot of
elements that get you going. First, you hear the moanings of
people, you hear spanking, ringing eggs, chats pre, and post
fucks. When there are several couples in an orgy, it sounds like
a dog drinking water, the smells, I'm not sure there's a study,
but I'm sure sex has a smell and it's quite hot.

On this occasion, Cornelia was on top of me, or at least that's

how we ended. The first time, I remember that when finished,
we sited. What I saw, damn, a porn movie was nothing, the
place was freaking full with people, the space between couples
wasn't half a meter anymore, we were elbow to elbow, but
what I liked the most, is that of all the 15-20 couples that were
there, all the chicks were in dog style, -Fuck this- says Cornelia
-Now you're gonna screw me like that- I don't know where I
got the strength for it. Let's give it hard, in here the screws
sound loud, maybe because of the closeness, or the amount of

That's how we were until it was time to finish again, we

reclined for the second time (given our position we had our
backs towards the entry door), I saw another hot scene, first,
our South American friends were really focused on the show
and asked us to give them a little room, they were surely in a
hurry to begin, with all kindness we gave the space. It didn't
seem to bother them if the bed was wet. Just behind them,
there was a couple that could be from India or Pakistan, the
girl was very hot by the way, and they were also paying us
attention, and when we stood, the girl kneeled in front of this
dude and started blowing him. Jesus almighty, not even
Playboy stories are this turned on. We passed by them as we
walked to the exit, Sodoma and Gomorra, it looked like a kids
playground, a lot of group sex, couples in the horse couch,
others standing, and other fuckers that didn't give a damn and
were on the floor.

The next days, only the themes would change, the girls
remained beautiful, the shows just as hot, and even though
they didn't get to the same level of hotness as the night I
described here, it is always a place worth visiting.
Chapter 6
Badass moments

I can synthesize the resort stay as a bunch of experiences that

make you feel cool, it gives you the sensation of being in a very
intimate community with yourself and your partner. Without
having to talk about it, you know you've reached a level of
complexity that beats everything you've done before. You
realize, the voyages you make with your spouse are not to tell
your friends or family, paradoxically to what the majority
experience, hiding their partner's misdeeds. When you
understand this and feel that deep between you two, you're
having a great time, is when you realize it was worth trying.

Maybe I made a slight approach, but we manage to mingle

with those couples that had a similar lifestyle to us, at the
beginning, I mentioned this book is destined for latin couples.
Normally, they are the ones we hang out more, Piscis and
Nerón from the south of Mexico and, Justiniano and Trivia
from South America.

The crack about meeting them is you realize these people are
very similar to you, how they live, what they like, the
environment they develop in. They had their own particular
story of how they started and got here, also is very personal
what their into, what they would like to play, in here, things
are said as they are, nobody gets wary about it, without fear I
dare to say that a lot of couples want this, but by situations
and realities of our society is difficult to get from a fantasy to
a reality.

Here, very few are interested in who you really are, what you
represent, it's weird listening to whinings, complaints,
gossips, cause nobody knows who you are. That's the magic of
this place, independently of your social roles, economics,
religion, fame, politics, business, anyway, in here it does not
matter. Nobody will bother you, there are no stereotypes or
status symbols, it's so, that the very interest is to have a good
time with who you find, have a cold one, to whatever your
mind gets you to.

It was cool hanging with those manes, I remember the six of

us getting wasted on my birthday, a lot of kinky chat, and
some hard to accomplish dares, later to have dinner all well
dressed, and to finish in the darkroom, these situations are
not common in the outside world, or what some peculiar
lifestyle people call "vanilla world", so I'm left with no other
choice but to live them in the moment and enjoy, just like the
pizza on the palm roof at late hours of the night.
During this series of events, I've told you about all that
happened to accomplish visiting the resort, and up to a big
scale, what it is to live it.
At the end of our stay, they asked us to live a little review of
our experience. I did it in the few characters
that @Tripadvisor allows you.
Days later I started to get emails from people that wanted to
visit the resort, with the same doubts I had a while ago, I
answered a few but it was hard to accommodate or write
objectively the panorama.
Is this reason why I converted my experience into words, and
as you have noticed this document has no images, this is so
you can put whichever you like, in the situation you favor,
either way, we all have fantasies (even if your pimp says she
doesn't, she does), with this I pretend to make the imagination
flow, just as I write with these nonsense words, the events, the
drunkenness, that's how we lived it, that's how we are, and
without a doubt, this is the way I'd like someone to tell it to
We don't know what will happen to us in the future, we have
another trip booked for this year, I don't know if we’re gonna
have a better time, or worst, but I can tell what we've lived and
not what we are going to live.

I hope our experiences help you clear your doubts, and if you
took the time to read this shit, you have a naughty worm
somewhere in your brain.

I end this post with a Pablo Neruda phrase:

“I don’t want much from life, I barely want to

know that I tried all I wanted, had all I could,
loved what was worth and lost barely what was
never mine”

Twitter. @publioycornelia

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