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Functionalism is a theory influence by

-Darwin theory of Evolution

What are the goals of psychology

-Describe explain predict and influence behavior and mental processes

What is Psychology
-Is the study of person mind

Deals with the applicability and usefullness and the principles and theories of
group life as bases
for the regulation of man's environment
-Sociological theory and method

Is a field of medicine that is concerened woth the treatment of mental illness


Is a psychologist who deelop operant conditioning theory

-B.F skinner

Psychoanalysis means
-Make unconcious it restarins through therapy

Is a science of Man's Culture


What is Theory
-Is general set of principles to suggest the explanation of how a number of
separtate facts are related

It deals with nature and behavior of a population and relation group present social
It is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

B.F. Skinner
is a psychologist who developed " operant conditioning theory"

Social Anthropology
It deals with nature and behavior of a population and relations to the groups
present social intuitions.

Describe, explain, predict and influence behavior, and mental processes

What are the Goals of Psychology

Is a general set of principles to suggest the explanation of how a number of
separate facts are related

Is a science that studies man's culture

Make unconscious; it restrain trauma through therapy

Sociological theory and method

Deals with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group
life as bases for the regulation of man's social environment.
Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Functionalism is a theory influenced by _________________________________________.

is a field of medicine that is concerned with the treatment of mental illness

Applied Sociology
Deals with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group
life as bases for the regulation of man's social environment.

Practices, sexual activities and identity which may or may not be aligned with
biological traits or cultural meanings

Meanings of femininity or masculinity that is associated with culture

Physical Self
This refers to the body which is a marvelous and complex container of human

Sigmund Freud
He introduced the concept of the body ego

Refers to close ties or feelings of familiarity to a person

Birth control pills and contraception

_______ used to prevent conception

This refers to biological traits that society associates with being male or female

William James
He considers the body as the source of sensation and the origin and maintenance of

William James
He argued that mind and body are one and all psychological process are part of
physical processess

Gender Queer
These are people who do not identify themselves with a particular gender or sexual

Political Science
It is focuses on the study of politics or government".

This is viewing a person who is Not naturally sexual but seeing it as such

Is analysis, comparison and contrast of cultures of people

a path of practice and spiritual development

This is viewing a person as a sexual object for one's own pleasure

William James
A psychologist who initiated the idea of functionalism and focused on direct
observations to supplement introspection

Wilhelm Wundt
Who founded the modern experimental psychology

Is living in the way of the Tao or the universe

A branch of social science that study living organisms

These are people whose biological attributes are not aligned with his/her
perception of his/her gender

Robert Sternberg
A psychologist who proposed the triangular theory of love

John Stuart Mill

Who works the " system of logic"

These are people whose biological body is aligned with their gender identity

It is characterized by an in depth fiery feeling or attractedness which can be
sexual or romantic attraction

A branch of social science that study the property and composition of substance and
related changes of those substances

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