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The Blog post describe how the resaercher conducted a realtively original


THe high density of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere brings which of the ff
-Climate Change

It is the dimension of science that realtes to the distribution and understandin of

scientific knowledge through the publication of scientific works

-Cognitive and Philosophical Dimension

It is the dimension of science where the publish article corresponds to

-Cognitive or philosophica; Dimension

It is the dimension of science that pertains to the transmission of scientific

knowledge to a particular sector of society
-Sociological and Communal Dimension

It is the dimension of science that alludes to the authority of the author of

scientific knowledge and its corresponding recognition
-Psychological Dimension

It function as a workhorse to breakdown carbon dioxide to acetate


It deals with how the technology that arises from science is applied in industries
-Industrial science

It refers to the way scientific knowledge is transfered from an area of sicence to

a territory of technology
-Academic Science

It is the convversion of greenhouse gas to value added chemicals can deminish


What process did the researche from Lawrence Berkely National Lab.adopted in order
to convert carbon dioxide to biofuels

It relates to science as an interplay between works of scientist and the

activeinvolvement of the people of scientific inquiry
-Sccience asa social Expertice

Avaluable chemical that can be used as an biofuel


Producing Acetate out of carbon dioxide and sunlight using nanowires and bacteria
and subsequently produicng valuable chemical using out of acetate us an example of
-Hybrid Techonology

It is the scientific statements that scientist make based on the resultd of

-Logical Generalization

It shows the impact of science on societal values and cultural beliefs

-Science as a cultural Resoource

It is the principle descibing the quest for unconventional knwolegde thriugh

systematio=ic investigation and experimentation
-Discovery Science

It is an Accumulated and organized body of knwoledge that is intented to solve real

world problems

The blog post describe how the researchers conducted a relatively original

It is an established illustrated idea by the blog post that discusses a

breakthrough in biotechnology in a published article where it is passed on to the
world of technology for used in industry
-Scientific knowledge

It is well known animal rights activist group

-People for the Ethical Treatment of animals

The ---Formalized the Decalration of Helsinki in 1964

-World Medical Association

It is Responsible for the evaluation of the living conditions of experimental

-Institutional animal care and Use Commitee

It is a Research funded by different organizations and companies that focus on

developing an open datacoordination platform focused profiling the cells in the
human bidy
-The Human cell Atlas

It is the cultural influence of science that is based on subjective values and

political goals for the way things should be in society
=Ideological Principles

It is a new Subtance where the used of human subject in biochemical research is

essential in its development and for it to be used for new theraphy

Bruno Lautur insisted on networks and hybrid mixture and denouce the myth of a pure
science disticc from technologuessusceptoble to good and abd day

A researh which demostrate wthical misconduction and therefore show the need for
ethical and legal guideline in using human for biomediacal research
-Tuskegee Srudy

The distinction between theory ad pratice fundamental and apploed necames clearera
technoscientif vcivilixzatio

The term Technoscience first important aperances was on a article worttern by'
-Gilber tHottoise

He Utilzed the lural form of theckoceimce

Bruno Lautor
Which of the ff did the investigators mixed to create a fuel an an attempt to
copoty levaeproducing energe
Paired inorganic solar water splitting tecnolofywith specialy engine microbes

It is the process where new drugs are tested for effectiveness and safety using
human subjects
-Clinical Trial

Genomic vaccines take form of what in order to encode desired proteins in a cell
-DNA and RNA

Environmental Issues are often of the sociosceintic nature and treatment often
requires project work in interdiciplinary settings

Erwin Schrondinger according to the module opened the quantum era 1900

According to the theory of dissonance if there is a conflict between idea between

action or between thoughts and actionsit produces an unpleasant dissonace and a
person will be motivated to take action
aimed at reducing the dissonance

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