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Power Policy 2005 1

The national environmental policy aims to protect, conserve and restore Pakistan’s environment in order to
improve the quality of life of the citizens of Pakistan through sustainable development.

• Conserve, restoration and efficient management of environmental resources
• Integration of environmental considerations in policy making and planning process
• Capacity building of Government agencies and other stakeholders at all levels for better environmental
• Meeting international obligations effectively in line with national aspirations
• Creation of a demand of environment through mass awareness and community mobilization

Water Supply and Management

• Duties of GOP for safe water supply and conservation of resources

• Develop legal and policy framework for promotion of safe drinking water
• Increase coverage of water supply and water treatment facilities
• Establish water quality management and surveillance 7system
• Installation of treatment plants at all drinking water supply schemes
• Promote low-cost water treatment technology at community and household
• Promote appropriate technologies for rain water harvesting in rural as well as urban areas.

Air Quality and Noise

1. To reduce air and noise pollution the GOP will do:
2. Enforce standards issued by 1997 Environment Act
3. Enact National cleaner air Act
4. Enforcement of NEQS
5. Ensure reduction and control harmful emissions through regulation
6. Regulate vehicular emission
7. Establish vehicle standards at manufacturing stage
8. Phase out Sulphur from HSD, Petrol and Furnace oil
9. Phase out two stroke vehicles
10. Promote mass transit and cheap intercity travel
11. Promote cycling
12. Enforce standards of ambient noise

Waste Management
Pollution by Liquid and solid waste to be prevented

1. Enforce self-monitoring reporting system

2. Introduce discharge licensing
3. Installation of waste water treatment plants
4. Develop national sanitation policy
5. Plan to treat municipal wastes
6. Management of industrial, municipal, hospital and hazardous wastes
7. Reduce risks from contamination of sub-soil water from underground tanks
8. Launch national oil spill plan

9. Mitigation of oil spills.

10. Oil pollution act
11. Marine pollution commission
12. Risk assessment for current industries and new development
13. Develop a plan to mitigate accidents which result in pollution of environment
14. Provide incentive for technological improvement in industry.

• Sustainable management of forests

• To ensure food security of country
• Promote tree plantation in cities and farm land
• Protection and rehabilitation of mangrove forests
• Protect critically threatened eco-system
• Provide fuels like LPG, mini hydel plants and piped gas to avoid use of wood
• Strengthen research in forestry
• Promote sustainable management of rangelands.

Bio-diversity and Protected Areas

Management of protected areas
1. Implementation of bio-diversity Action Plan
2. Create new parks and protected areas
3. Plan to combat invasive species
4. Establish national Bio-diversity institute and eco-sciences
5. Develop National Zoological Garden Act
6. Develop guidelines for Private sector wild animals breeding
7. Protection of marine life in coastal zones
8. Develop comprehensive wetland policy
9. Protect fish habitat against encroachment and harvest fisheries
10. Ensure that mining operations does not damage National parks
11. Protect sites of historical and cultural significance.

Climate Change and Ozone Depletion

1. Develop National Climate Change Policy
2. Establish clean national development mechanism (CDM) authority
3. Develop policy and framework for effective CDM process
4. Promote use of ozone friendly technologies
5. Phase out use of Ozone depleting substances in line with Montreal protocol.
Energy Efficiency and Renewables
 Devise and implement a National Energy Conservation Plan
 Formulate and enact energy conservation legislation and audit
 Introduce building energy codes
 Tax incentives for energy efficient domestic products
 Convert public transport to CNG
 Establish energy resource centers
 Institute National Energy Award

 Promote renewable energies (wind, solar, bio-gas) at all levels

 Encourage use of waste resources for energy production

Agriculture and Livestock

 Preservation of prime agriculture land
 Promote organic farming
 Prevent soil degradation
 Policies to tackle desertification of land and plan to control it as well as Drought
 Pest management and control indiscriminate use of agrochemicals
 Establish National Desertification Control Fund
 Encourage ecologically compatible cropping system
 Enhance livestock production with new technologies
 Promote recycling of animal waste with urban waste
 Encourage highly productive breeds of livestock

Multilateral Environmental Agreements

 To participate in regional and international fora for cooperation for protection of environment and natural
 Ensure effective implementation of bilateral, regional- and international multilateral *environment
agreements to which Pakistan is a signatory
 Develop and implement national strategies and action plan for all multilateral environmental agreements

Poverty and environment

 Poverty reduction is a must for environmental protection
 Economic policies to address poverty to protect environment
 Enhancing local body’s role in protection of environment
 Access of poor to environmentally sound technologies
 Proper water supply to slums
Population and Environment
 Environmental concerns in population control policies
 Effective population planning
 Increase public awareness of the problems of unchecked population growth.
 Control migration to urban areas.
 Generate jobs to ensure reverse migration.
 Develop master plans for urban and rural areas in a planned manner.
 Ensure equitable access to land and other environmental resources.

Gender and Environment

 Ensure women participation in environment programs

 Mainstream gender in all policies and planning

 Address the environmental issues which impact women more like indoor pollution and lack of access to
water resources
 Include gender and environment in all curricula

Health and Environment

 Include environmental health and healthcare waste management into medical teaching curriculum
 Develop and implement occupational health and safety rules
 Introduce effective waste management in health care facilities
 Safe water and sanitation facilities for all public 3facilities like schools and hospitals
 Disseminate information on preventive healthcare to grassroot level.

Trade and Environment

 Certify/accredit private and public sector environmental laboratories
 Promote ISO-14000 certification
 Build facilities to transfer technologies, certification and testing
 Promote sector specific research on environmental effects
 Develop a mechanism to deter import of environment damaging goods.

Environment and Local Governance

 EMS and local bodies level
 Capacity building of elected local body officials
 Devolution of powers to Local Government
 Sustainable development funds at district level

Natural Disaster Management

 Develop and implement a natural disaster management strategy
 Establish disaster management institutions at Federal and Provincial Levels

Policy Instruments
 Integration of environment into development planning
 Legislation and regulatory work
 Economic and market-based instruments
 Public awareness and education
 Public-Private-Civil society partnership

Integration of Environment into Development Planning

 Environmental considerations to be part of sectoral policies and plans
 EIA provisions of 1997 Act would be enforced
 EPA/EPD be members of Provincial department Working Committees
 Strategic EIA to be used as a tool for decision making

 Environment and natural resource accounting to be integrated into national accounting system

Legislation and Regulatory Framework

 Existing environmental legislative to be strictly implemented
 Rules and regulations to be developed at all levels
 Revision of existing environmental legislation from time to time

Capacity Development
 Capacities of Federal, Provincial, EPA and District officials to supplemented with training and provision
of adequate staff
 Establishment of National Environmental Information Management System
 TNA of all for short, medium and long term
 Public Sector institute to integrate environment in their curricula
 R&D to be strengthened

Economic and Market Based Instruments

 Environmental fiscal reforms to be promoted
 Trade barriers in import of clean technologies to be removed
 Incentives like reduced tariff, tax incentives for public and private sector
 Sustainable development funds
 Environmental Accounting
 Green business

Public Awareness and education

 National strategy for raising environmental awareness
 Environmental education at all level
 Educational institution to be encouraged to establish environment club.

Energy Policy 2019

• The previous Alternate and Renewable energy policy was promulgated in 2006 which expired in 2018.
• Several ARE project were launched successfully under this policy
• ARE promises a higher proportion of the national energy supply mix and helps ensure universal and
affordable access to electricity in all regions of the country.
• The strategic objectives of Energy Security, Affordability of Electricity, Availability for All, Environmental
Protection, Sustainable Development, Social Equity and mitigation of Climate Changes.

Aim of ARE 2019

 Policy 2019 aims to create a conducive environment for the sustainable growth of ARE Sector in Pakistan.

 It has an expanded scope encompassing all alternative and renewable energy sources, competitive
procurement and also addresses areas like distributed generation systems, off-grid solutions, B2B
methodologies, and rural energy services.
 It carries forward most of the liberal and attractive incentives of RE Policy 2006 to maintain the investors’
confidence, and places greater emphasis on aggressive growth of grid-connected ARET applications as
well as a programmatic development of distributed ARE power generation market on more competitive

Aim Of 2019 Policy

 Pakistan intends to have 20% of its generation capacity as ARE technologies by 2025 and 30% by 2030
(20X25 and 30X30 target).
 This target cannot be achieved with the present transmission and distribution system
 The connectivity of ARE units with main grid is key to success of ARE plants and getting clean and green
 Pakistan also aims to have 30% electricity requirements from Hydel by 2030
 This coupled with ARE will put Pakistan on map of world with cleanest mix of energy.
 This is an ambitious target and require lot of planning and dedication by all stake holders

ARE 2019

 This ARE 2019 policy is part of a broader National Electricity Plan (NEP)
 NEPRA section 13A (2) “special provisions for ensuring the development of a sustainable renewable
energy market with a dedicated and gradually increasing share in the electricity power sector”.
 A major directional change in ARE Policy 2019, is that rather than adding ARE projects just based on capacity
needs, such projects shall also be solicited for displacement of more expensive fossil energy as long as they
are cheaper.
 With current cost of renewable energy having become very competitive, if such energy can be obtained at a
total cost which is lower than the “variable cost” of thermal fuels, then addition of such renewable capacity shall
lower the average basket cost of generation for the system, regardless of whether capacity is needed or not
and such renewable energy shall be higher on merit order than such thermal power.
 Hence, displacement of fossil fuels, with a lowering of average cost, becomes one of the drivers rather than
capacity additions alone.

Scope of ARE 2019

 The new projects to be inducted in the NTDC/DISCO system, it does cover projects in the Karachi Electric
(“KE”), or any other privatized utility in the future, to the extent that they wish to avail the concessions
provided herein
 However, any contractual arrangements for projects in KE, or any other privatized utility in the future,
shall remain the responsibility of the parties with no obligation of the Government of Pakistan. NEPRA,
as the regulator, shall be responsible for ensuring compliance to its procedures for privatized utilities.
 The technologies covered under this Policy are both conventional Renewable Energy sources including
solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass, as well as Alternative technologies like biogas, syngas, waste to
energy (WTE), energy storage systems, Ocean/Tidal Waves, as well as all kinds of hybrids thereof.

Scope and Objective of ARE 2019

 To safeguard the environment by increasing the share of “green” energy in the overall energy mix
 To provide the least cost power generation while keeping other constraints in mind
 To ensure fast track and transparent development of ARET power projects

 To encourage and ensure utilization of indigenous resources

 To encourage private sector investment while securing competitive rates of return

Types of Projects in ARE 2019

 Biomass (including but not limited to bagasse, agricultural waste, and other waste)
 Geothermal
 Ocean /Tidal Wave energy
 Solar (PV or Thermal, or any technology that uses heat and/or light of the sun to make electricity)
 Wind
 Storage Technologies (Battery systems, Cells of all types, compressed gas, pumped storage)
 Biogas using any organic material (except fossil fuels)
 Energy from Waste (including but not limited to municipal solid waste, industrial waste, sewage, Refuse
Derived Fuel).
 Hydrogen or Synthetic Gas (made from any source except fossil fuels)
 Hybrids of any of the above Technologies
Project Development Options Federal

• GOP will award projects willing to sell electricity to WAPDA/NTDC considering the transmission
• GOP may announce requirement in certain area of country and ask the interested parties to bid based
on latest technologies available
• Government to Government: in some cases, GOP may decide to enter into an agreement with another
country based on new technology invented by that country. These agreements will be negotiated by a
team comprising of AEDB< WAPDA and Ministry of Power
• Unsolicited Projects – The third method is for unsolicited projects. Such projects shall be entertained only
for new technologies, or where proprietary right exist for the sponsor, and shall require feasibility study
and shall be allowed on a “cost plus” method, if approved by the AEDB as qualifying.

Provincial Role

 Article 157 of The Constitution of Pakistan allows the provinces to develop their own power generation
projects, lay transmission lines, distribute electricity, and even set their own tariffs, if the power generated
is for use within the boundary of the relevant Province.
 Recognizing these constitutional rights, the provinces are free to institute their own policies for projects
where neither the power off-take is by a federal entity nor the interconnection by NTDC/DISCO if they
wish to do so under Article 157.
 In such cases, there shall be no financial or contractual commitment of the Federal Government, or any
of its entities, whatsoever.
Captive Power & Business to Business (B2B) Power Projects

 In addition to projects that plan to sell electricity to public utility companies, projects selling their electric
generation on a private basis are also encouraged.
 This includes self-use projects/captive power projects as well as Business to Business (B2B) projects
that intend to avail the policy benefits provided herein.
 A simplified licensing regime shall be available to these projects
Variability of Renewable Energy

 Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) projects present some technical challenges to weaker grids like

 In such grids, having large blocks of VRE at one location make the grid vulnerable to instability through
sudden changes in frequency and/or voltage
 . In order to deal with these challenges, two main approaches shall be taken in parallel.
Tariff Determination

 For mature technologies, the GOP shall procure the power from ARE IPP projects through International
Competitive Bidding except in the case of G2G arrangements whereby the GOP may utilize Cost Plus
methodology or any other methodology allowed under law.
 Final approval of the tariff will be given by NEPRA.
 Mature technologies shall include all technologies that have at least two or more projects in construction
or operations in Pakistan, at any given point in time.
 General rules for such bidding shall be announced by competent authority within 2 months from the date
of this Policy. Specific rules for each bid shall be a part of the bid round itself.
 In order to promote new ARE technologies, NEPRA may allow (a) upfront tariffs, or (b) cost plus tariffs
 However, NEPRA shall not announce any upfront for mature technologies without prior approval of the
 Any upfront tariff shall be time bound and shall not stay in field for more than a year.
 The tariff will be denominated in Pakistan Rupees. However, if any bidder wishes to seek indexation to a
foreign currency (USD, GBP, JPY, CY, or Euro), the same shall be allowed.
 For projects that are given cost plus tariffs by NEPRA, shall also be evaluated using a notional
devaluation factor when coming up with comparisons with average basket prices of generation.
Financial Incentives
 Project implemented under this Policy, whether selling to a public utility, on a distributed/off-
grid mode or on a B2B basis shall be exempt from Corporate Income Tax. Dividend
withholding tax shall be as applicable at the time the bid is submitted.
 Projects are currently subject to no Customs Duty on import of equipment / machinery not
manufactured locally to be installed in Renewable Energy Projects.
 Provincial Sales tax on services applicable
Carbon Credits

 Pakistan is signatory to Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement that allows accessing global carbon
crediting markets, environment and climate funds and other global financing options for projects under
mitigation, adaptation and a combination thereof.
 These financing options can be accessed by the public and private sector entities.
 GOP encourages the ARE project developers to apply for procuring carbon credits through various
carbon crediting mechanisms including Carbon Crediting Mechanism (CDM) under compliance market,
financing options under voluntary markets and mitigation & adaptation actions under Nationally Approve
Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).
Net Metering & Grid Spill Over

 An ARET project that is primarily for Self-use but wishes to sell any excess electricity on a non- firm basis
to the DISCO it connects to, shall have the right to do so, which is netted against the energy delivered by
the grid, as long as the maximum sale at any time is less than 1 MW.
 Under this mechanism utility consumers are encouraged to generate their own electricity from
renewable resources in pursuant to the regulations issued by NEPRA from time-to-time.
 Such project that intends to sell any excess supply more than 1 MW, set up for self (captive) or dedicated
use, may supply surplus electricity to the DISCO (grid spillover), after getting a Generation License from
NEPRA and getting “Cost Plus” tariff approval, subject to the DISCO agreeing to purchase the same.

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