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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 January 21, 2022 pm – George Orwell died

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCLVII] – *Brandon/Harris Fate

The trenchant goal of these memos is to garner support for efforts to dislodge the Dems
from 1600 ASAP; as per op-eds that were initiated ~14 months ago, this can only be done
via the SCOTUS after it validates decertification of three battleground states’ Electoral
College votes, dropping Brandon’s total to < 270. This strategy has gained adherents:

Seven op-ed essays published in Israel culminated in refutation of

potential legal challenges to the SCOTUS accepting Certiorari if filed by
three state legislatures. The culmination of essays that projected Trump’s
campaign would follow a Study Guide and how it had been Handicapped,
triggering him to orient litigation toward the Supreme Court. Reviewing
Pennsylvania cases would have provided a vehicle to honor myriad voting
irregularities, a seismic action that would have energized Originalists.

Lotsa Evangelicals invoke the “It’s God’s Will” tagline when rationalizing setbacks, and
one could argue that inordinate delay has allowed increasing numbers of Americans both
to recognize key elements of the “Steal” [while eschewing CNN/MSNBC] and to hope that
this national Dem-led nightmare must end ASAP. It is in that spirit that this compilation
of thoughts about how this debacle can be terminated without “Civil War” is presented.
The first item-of-business is to state a disclaimer [the 1973 “Goldwater Rule”] issued by
the American Psychiatric Association [ignored, of course, regarding Donald Trump]:

It’s unethical for psychiatrists to give a professional opinion about public

figures they have not examined in person and from whom they have not
obtained consent to discuss their mental health in public.

Thus, this is composed from the perspective SOLELY of an observer of what has been
captured daily in his professional activities [Brandon stammers through Covid-19 presser
and can’t even pronounce the name of the guy leading his “Testing Program”] and in his
leadership capacity [Brandon leans forward and does the creepy whisper thing at Harry
Reid’s Funeral, and then starts shouting]. His apologists disclaim Alzheimer’s Disease, but
they forget Pick’s Disease that targets emotional well-being (frontotemporal); emotional
lability yields overt expression of minimally-provoked anger (which was manifest during
rare campaign-stops). A shorthand for Alzheimer-Pick behavior is being “frontal lobey”;
nevertheless, just as occurred with Wilson, Dr. Jill will be as protective as necessary.
Invoking this as a working-hypothesis does NOT excuse his handlers from trotting him
out for Tele-Prompter sessions; they [Obama primarily] have their useful-idiot and they
aren’t about to alter this method by which a “50-50” nation can be transformed. Similarly,
the Axis-of-Evil (CCP, Russia, Iran) is thrilled [note “China Joe” by Andy Meehan] and the
“Let’s Go Brandon” meme has become institutionalized [NBC News Says ‘Let’s Go,
Brandon’ is a ‘Right-Wing Anti-Biden Slur’; Biden’s Repeating of “Let’s Go Brandon” Brings
Up Greater Concern; Business Is So Good At The ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Store That They’re
Expanding; NASCAR Driver Brandon Brown Unveiled “Let’s Go Brandon”-Themed Car;
Let’s Go Brandon Crypto Coin to Become NASCAR Driver Brandon Brown’s Primary
Sponsor; NASCAR Rejects Brandon Brown’s ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Car]. Indeed,
this appellation became institutionalized in these memos (supplanting “acting-POTUS”)
and has obviously become an effective political tool to facilitate national discomfiture.

But it’s insufficient to calm disquiet when these radicals demonize the citizenry [overt
designation of mainstream Americans as “domestic terrorists”], it’s now dangerous to be
privately among Hillary’s deplorables/irredeemables even when engaged publicly in
activities of daily living [Smash-and-Grab Robbers Steal $1 Million in Classic Watches from
Chicago Business Owner — After He Complains on TV Mayor Lightfoot Sends in City
Inspectors to Fine Him]. It’s unnerving to note every facet of media coverup [Corporate
Media Enabled Elizabeth Holmes’ Fraud with Glowing Coverage and Establishment Media
Ignore Biden’s Involvement with Theranos]; it’s repulsive when libs muster sympathy for
a totalitarian regime [“It Is Very Dark For Him Right Now” – CNN’s John King on Joe Biden’s
Failed Presidency] that ignores self-satire [Biden Erects Concrete Security Wall Around
White House, But Leaves US Border Wide Open] as the economy collapses [The “Mother
of All Supply Chain Shocks” Is Coming as China Shuts Down Major Ports Due to Pandemic].

The Veep doesn‘t offer surcease when she mirrors Brandon’s evasiveness [Kamala Harris
Delivers Word Salad When Asked If Biden Regime Needs to Shift Away From Their Covid
Strategy of Mandates and Tyranny], regardless of its potentially-shared etiology [New
Kamala Comms Guy Mocked Biden as ‘Dazed and Confused’]. Ironically, she channeled
Jimmy Carter when she declared, “There is a Level of Malaise” Among Americans.

Nor does Congress, when even Dem. Sen. Merkley admitted that the Speaker’s portfolio
sways her legislative judgment; no wonder the Dem retirement disaster claimed its 26th
victim as Perlmutter announced House exit; a surreal moment occurred when the House
distributed KN95 masks stamped “MADE IN CHINA.” Perhaps Sarah Palin could help.

Through it all, Trumpsters must laser-focus on the correct targets. This doesn’t entail
honoring Kevin McCarthy’s milquetoast list of promises to the American People WHEN
the GOP retakes the House; it’s supplanted by the Gateway Pundit list of 15 action-items.
Contending with Brandon entails, at this point, reinforcing awareness of how his handlers
are implementing the Cloward-Piven Strategy to destroy the USA, deriving reassurance
that the BBBBB [Build Back Bankruptcy Better Bill] has been deep-sixed and, with it, the
underlying effort to destroy Voter Integrity. That’s why all roads lead to fixing 11/3/2020.

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