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INSTRUCTIONS: As a group, develop questions that, if answered, would allow you to put forth a really strong argument in response to the question “To what extent did the Great War cause the Russian Revolution?”
New Lines of Inquiry: If you feel a question has been fully answered, then come up with a brand new line of research and pursue it.
Refined Lines of Inquiry: If you feel a question has been partially answered, and the spirit of the question was right but the direction needs to be adjusted, refine.
Continued Lines of Inquiry: If you feel you whiffed and a source didn’t answer your question, or if you feel you only scratched the surface, continue along with the same question.

Record group member names to the right, and color-code the text Grilled Radish Steamed Radish Baked Radish Sautéed Radish
that each person will write in below.

Each group member should begin their line of inquiry in a different column below.
-Include questions (numbered, caps, bold) and notes in box below. -Write and number questions and your notes in the box below. -Write and number questions and your notes in the box below. -Write and number questions and your notes in the box below.
-Note source of information in parentheses. -Note source of information in parentheses. -Note source of information in parentheses. -Note source of information in parentheses.
-Color-code by person in alignment with key. -Color-code by person in alignment with key. -Color-code by person in alignment with key. -Color-code by person in alignment with key.

*The purpose of this question is to observe what BELIEVE? EVENTUALLY COLLAPSE?
conditions (both economically and socially) were like in and-revolution-1913-1928 Sources
Russia BEFORE the war started. By doing this specific - Russia joined the war in 1914 and suffered an Q.2 WHAT WAS RUSSIA’S POLITICAL STATUS
research we will then observe these status’ after the economic decline for years until Stalin brought - After the February Revolution, which was a strike BEFORE THE GREAT WAR STARTED?
war (in the next question) and into the revolution and them out of the dumps with his industrialization for the scarcity of food, the provisional government
see how much change took place and if these results tactics comes to power after Tsar NICHOLAS II (FIRST RULER)
were directly because of the war, or if there were - The economy suffered through wars, civil wars, - Council of People’s Commissars withdraws Russia ○
outside reasons why these status’ change, and if these famines, and more from the war icholas-II-tsar-of-Russia
conditions were the reasons for the revolution - Records of the Russian economy only go back to - 1918, the tsar and his family are killed ○ Soon after his accession, Nicholas II
1885 - Leader russian revolution: Vladimir Lenin proclaimed his uncompromising views in - The economy was growing from 1885 to the - Lenin began plotting an overthrow of the an address to liberal deputies from the
1917-the-gathering-storm.htm 1910’s and was set to become even more powerful Provisional Government. zemstvos, the self-governing local
● ECONOMIC STATUS - Between 1913 and 1922, Russia gave up 3% of its - The Bolsheviks seized power of the government assemblies, in which he dismissed as
● Before the war, Russia was considered to be a territory and proclaimed Soviet rule, making Lenin “senseless dreams” their aspirations to
“stable power” in Europe - That meant that 1/5th of its pre-war population leader of the world's first communist state. share in the work of government.
● Fast growing economy living there had to depart from Russia and adjust to - When Lenin returned home to Russia in April ○ He met the rising groundswell of popular
○ Economic strength fueled by peasant work a new life under a new country 1917, the Russian Revolution was already unrest with intensified police repression.
force - Russia suffered 13 million premature deaths from beginning ○ In foreign policy, his lighthearted attitude
○ Industrial centers in Petersburg and conflict and famine during this time period (1913- - Lenin began plotting an overthrow of the toward international relations sometimes
Moscow 1928) Provisional Government. To Lenin, the embarrassed his professional diplomats.
● Army was reformed - This was 1 in 10 of the population provisional government was a “dictatorship of ○ Nicholas considered all who opposed him,
● “Autocracy regained confidence and stability after - Studies have been made that shows Russia’s the bourgeoisie regardless of their views, as malicious
the 1905 revolution” economy completely collapsing and repairing itself - Vladimir Lenin was founder of the Russian conspirators. Disregarding the advice of his
● From 1895 all the way to 1913, the russian between 1913 and 1928, no doubt affecting their Communist Party, leader of the Bolshevik future prime minister, he refused to make
economy had grown by 5% each year performance in the Great War as well Revolution and architect and first head of the concessions to the constitutionalists until
● Russia’s economy was one of the fastest growing - The economic collapse also was most likely caused Soviet state. events forced him to yield more than might
in the world by the war itself, as Nicholas II directed the whole - Aleksandr’s involvement in oppositional politics have been necessary had he been more
https://encyclopedia.1914-1918- economy towards the war front and getting troops was not an isolated incident in Lenin’s family. flexible. out to fight against the Central Powers In fact, all of Lenin’s siblings would take part to ○ On March 3, 1905, he reluctantly agreed to
_empire - He was also neglecting the people who weren’t on some degree in revolutionary activities. create a national representative assembly,
● The reason that it was growing so rapidly was the battlefield with a damaged economy, causing - In late 1917 Lenin led what was soon to be or Duma, with consultative powers, and by
because of its international markets as well as these people to deal with less money and less food known as the October Revolution, but was the manifesto he promised a constitutional
domestic demand - Nicholas II was also printing more money to essentially a coup d’état. Three years of civil regime under which no law was to take
● However Russia was lacking coordinated increase war preparations, so inflation was a big war followed. The Lenin-led Soviet government effect without the Duma’s consent, as well
economic policy because everything was in the factor in this situation as well. faced incredible odds. as a democratic franchise and civil
hands of the Tsar, without actually consulting - The economy during the war was declining, but no - Out of the revolution was born the Provisional liberties. Nicholas, however, cared little for
anyone else in the cabinet more so than any other country involved, asides for Government, formed by a group of leaders of keeping promises extracted from him under
○ Many disagreements were “commonplace” Britain the bourgeois liberal parties. duress. He strove to regain his former
- The strength of modern mobilization was pulling powers and ensured that in the new
● SOCIAL STATUS these countries’ economies apart, including - In both spheres, Lenin was plagued by breaks Fundamental Laws (May 1906) he was still
● Tsar and the concept of tsarism was “envied by the Russia’s within the ranks of Bolshevik leaders. designated an autocrat.
elites” - By 1919, Soviet Russia’s economy was devastated, - He left Russia to continue his revolutionary ○ He patronized an extremist right-wing
○ This was because all the power over the with average incomes being as low as 600 activities abroad. Lenin opposed World War I organization, the Union of the Russian
economy and institutions was all in the international dollars (1990 prices) which he saw as an imperialist struggle. People, which sanctioned terrorist methods
hands of just one man - That total was less than half of the average - In 1905, workers rebelled across Russia, but it and disseminated anti-Semitic propaganda. incomes just 6 years earlier in 1913, before the war was not until 1917, and Russia’s disastrous ○ Riots over the scarcity of food broke out in
● Some say that Russia was only a major European and the Revolution involvement in World War I, that Lenin the capital, Petrograd, and, when most of
power before the war because of its “sheer size and - Incomes this low had not been seen in Eastern realized that the opportunity for Communist the Petrograd garrison joined the revolt,
population” Europe since the 17th century revolution had come. In March 1917, the Tsar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate.
● Russia had a very rigid social structure - In Petrograd in 1919, the average worker’s intake Russian army garrison at Petrograd defected to When his brother, Grand Duke Michael,
○ 14 different ranks was at around 1600 calories, about half the level the Bolshevik cause, and Czar Nicholas II was refused the throne, more than 300 years of
○ More than ⅘ of the population was before the war forced to abdicate. Lenin immediately left rule by the Romanov dynasty came to an
peasants - Spreading hunger also met its match with waves of Switzerland and crossed German enemy lines to end.
■ Uneducated and illiterate typhus, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, with even arrive at Petrograd on April 16, 1917. Six
more deaths coming from those diseases months later, under his leadership, the ● POLITICAL STATUS AFTER NICHOLAS II
- The grain harvest also collapsed in 1921 Bolsheviks seized power in Russia, and Lenin ○
- These combined left Soviet Russia with 5 million became virtual dictator of the country. n-Revolution
premature deaths at their disposal However, civil war and foreign intervention ○ By 1917 the bond between the tsar and
- The economic decline was most prevalent in 1918 delayed complete Bolshevik control of Russia most of the Russian people had been
- Bolshevik policies of economic mobilization and until 1920. broken.
class warfare acted independently to spread chaos - Stalin was the second president of the USSR ○ Governmental corruption and inefficiency
and decline - were rampant. The tsar’s reactionary
- These policies were intensified during the Civil policies had spread dissatisfaction even to
War in 1920, and contributed to famines in 1921 moderate elements. The Russian Empire’s
- Economic recovery didn’t begin until 1922 many ethnic minorities grew increasingly
- It was very rapid until Soviet leaders reverted to restive under Russian domination.
civil war mobilization tactics ○ A committee of the Duma appointed a
- In russian history the state has either had too little Provisional Government to succeed the
capacity or too much autocracy, but it faced a rival in the
- The state had not enough capacity to regulate the Petrograd Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’
war economy during WWI Deputies.
- In the 1920’s the state regained its capacity and ○ On March 1, the Soviet issued its famous
increased mobilization efforts Order No. 1, which directed the military to
https://encyclopedia.1914-1918- obey the orders of the Soviet and not those of the Provisional Government. The
and_repression_russian_empire Provisional Government was unable to
- Russia was freed from serfdom from 1861 countermand the order.
- An expanding economy beckoned villagers to ○ All that now prevented the Petrograd Soviet
come to cities from openly declaring itself the real
- Russia’s middle class rapidly expanded and government of Russia was fear of
challenged the nobility in terms of wealth provoking a conservative coup.
- The active nobles were also transforming their ○ But while the Provisional Government’s
families into a business class (upper-middle class) power waned, that of the soviets was
- Russia entered the war with a society in extreme increasing, as was the Bolsheviks’
flux with numerous social issues left unsolved influence within them.
- Industrial workers had been on strike for over two ○ By September the Bolsheviks and their
years when the war began allies, the Left Socialist Revolutionaries,
- They were angry at the entrepreneurs and had overtaken the Socialist Revolutionaries
proprietors since they made them work long hours and Mensheviks and held majorities in both
for inadequate pay the Petrograd and Moscow soviets.
- The pre-war bourgeoisie showed sympathy for the ○ The Provisional Government was
workers’ plight and advocated for them in the reorganized twice over its eight-month
government existence, each time as a coalition of
- The government used patriotism to suppress several political parties.
worker unrest and drove socialist parties and labor ○ At no point, however, was it able to
unions underground adequately address the major problems
- The worker strikes completely stopped once the afflicting the country, and it was swept
war broke out from power in a bloodless coup by the
- Peasant unrest was at a fairly low level for most of Bolsheviks in the second phase of the
the war Russian Revolution.
- High casualties, inflation, food shortages, massive ○ By autumn the Bolshevik program of
mobilization efforts, government incompetence, “peace, land, and bread” had won the party
and the tsar’s unpopularity destroyed the potential considerable support among the hungry
social peace Russia seemed to have. urban workers and the soldiers, who were
- Growing amounts of worker strikes basically led to already deserting from the ranks in large
the February Revolution numbers.
- The nobility supported the war
- Workers, peasants, and the intelligentsia hated the
government for their entrance into the war, their
mishandling of the war, and the wartime repression
as well
- Peasant unrest in the previous decade broke the
regime’s dream of peasant royalty
- Revolutionary parties contained people of Baltic,
Polish, Armenian, Georgian, Tatar, and Jewish


● THESIS: While the Russian Revolution was partly impacted by the Great War in economic aspects, the main cause of the Revolution was due to Russia’s internal weaknesses, both socially and politically, before the war even started..
○ TOPIC SENTENCE 1 (CONCESSION): Great War caused economic collapse, leading peasants and lower class to revolt (Great War was a catalyst - speeds up a reaction, but does not create it)
○ TOPIC SENTENCE 2 (ASSERTION): Tsar problems before Great War
○ TOPIC SENTENCE 3 (ASSERTION): Labor issues and peasant problems before Great War

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