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DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS 236:1144 –1156, 2007


Epigenetics in Development
Julie C. Kiefer*

It has become increasingly evident in recent years that development is under epigenetic control.
Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function that occur independently of alterations to
primary DNA sequence. The best-studied epigenetic modifications are DNA methylation, and changes in
chromatin structure by histone modifications, and histone exchange. An exciting, new chapter in the field
is the finding that long-distance chromosomal interactions also modify gene expression. Epigenetic
modifications are key regulators of important developmental events, including X-inactivation, genomic
imprinting, patterning by Hox genes and neuronal development. This primer covers these aspects of
epigenetics in brief, and features an interview with two epigenetic scientists. Developmental Dynamics 236:
1144 –1156, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: epigenetics; genomic imprinting; X chromosome inactivation; REST; PcG; DNA methylation; chromosomal
interactions; ncRNA

Accepted 22 January 2007

INTRODUCTION rectly interfere with transcription fac- minal tails. The N-terminal tail is pri-
tor binding to recognition sites on marily subjected to posttranslational
Presented here is an introduction to
DNA. Second, methyl-CpG binding modifications, such as acetylation,
epigenetic modifications, followed by
domain proteins (MBPs) can reinforce phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and
descriptions of epigenetically regu-
silencing by recruiting corepressor methylation, which can result in pro-
lated developmental events. The
complexes that harbor histone found changes in local chromatin
primer concludes with an insightful
deacetylases (HDACs) or histone structure.
discussion about current topics in the
methyltransferases (HMTs). MBP-as- The histone code hypothesis states
field with epigeneticists Giacomo Cav-
sociated HMTs fuel a positive feed- that specific combinations of histone
alli, Ph.D., and Noel Buckley, Ph.D.
back loop between DNA methylation modifications form a language that
and another epigenetic silencing specifies the structural state of chro-
EPIGENETIC mark, methylated lysine 9 on histone matin (Strahl and Allis, 2000). Effec-
MODIFICATIONS 3 (H3K9; Fujita et al., 2003; Fuks et tor proteins read and carry out the
al., 2003). code’s instructions to specify hetero-
DNA Methylation chromatin formation, DNA that is
DNA methylation is a covalent modi- tightly packed with nucleosomes, or
fication that triggers heritable gene
Histone Methylation more loosely packed euchromatin.
silencing (Levenson and Sweatt, The nucleosome, consisting of 146 bp Compared with euchromatin, hetero-
2005). DNA methyltransferases of DNA wrapped around an octamer of chromatic DNA is largely inaccessible
(Dnmts) catalyze the reaction by histones, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, is to transcription factors and chromatin
transferring a methyl group to the 5 the basic structural unit of chromatin remodelers, making it relatively tran-
position of cytosine on CpG dinucleoti- (Margueron et al., 2005). Histones scriptionally inert.
des. This triggers silencing in one of have a central globular domain and Three histone marks encode epige-
two ways. First, methylation can di- relatively unstructured N- and C- ter- netic processes that are described in

Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
*Correspondence to: Julie C. Kiefer, Ph.D., Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, 20 North 1900 East, 401 MREB,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84132. E-mail:
DOI 10.1002/dvdy.21094
Published online 15 February 2007 in Wiley InterScience (

© 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


the sections below. H3K9 and H3K27 stone acetylation state affects factor re- derstood how histone variants are tar-
methylation are marks of silent or re- cruitment and/or structural changes in geted to specific chromosomal regions.
pressed chromatin (Cheung and Lau, chromatin. The ATPase Brahma-re-
2005). Heterochromatin protein 1 lated gene 1 (Brg1), a member of the
Long-Distance Chromosomal
(HP1) binds methylated H3K9 by epigenetic activators trithorax group, is
means of its chromodomain and in- also a component of the SWI/SNF nu-
duces local chromatin condensation. cleosome remodeling complex, and reg- Another epigenetic mechanism has
The chromodomain protein Polycomb ulates neurogenesis, myogenesis, and been brought to the fore in recent
(PC) binds methylated H3K27 and in- left–right asymmetry (Seo et al., 2005; years: alterations in gene activity in-
duces silencing in ways that are not Ohkawa et al., 2006; Takeuchi et al., duced by direct interactions between
yet understood. Promoters and tran- 2007). SWI/SNF causes nucleosomes to chromosomal regions that are posi-
scribed regions of many active genes slide along DNA, either exposing or oc- tioned at long-distances from one an-
are decorated with methylated H3K4, cluding regulatory elements that affect other. Long-distance chromosomal
a modification recognized by two fac- the transcriptional status of nearby interactions can mediate gene activa-
tors associated with transcriptionally genes. Are these epigenetic mecha- tion or repression (Grimaud et al.,
active genes. CHD1 and BPTF, a sub- nisms? It is partly a question of seman- 2006; Lomvardas et al., 2006), and
unit of the multiprotein complex tics (see Interview). At present, modifi- both intra- and interchromosomal as-
NURF, both remodel nucleosomes in cation by HDACs and nucleosome sociations have been observed. In
an ATP dependent manner (Sims and remodeling are considered dynamic, 2002, two papers were the first to re-
Reinberg, 2006). whereas histone methylation is a tried port intrachromosomal interactions at
Compared with other histone post- and true long-lasting epigenetic mecha- the endogenous ␤-globin locus, be-
translational modifications, lysine nism. Although it is clearly not so black- tween the locus control region (LCR)
methylation is a long-lasting mark and-white, the discussion here is and active ␤-globin genes located
(Margueron et al., 2005). It is thermo- limited to established epigenetic mech- some 50 kb away. Subsequently, it
dynamically very stable, persists anisms. was found that, in T-cells, the LCR for
through mitosis, and is found on chro- cytokines Il4, Il5, and Il13 is posi-
matin regions that are silenced for the tioned in close proximity to each of
long term, such as pericentric chroma- Histone Variants their promoters, bridging 120 kb in
tin (dimethylated H3K9, H3K9me2) total (Spilianakis and Flavell, 2004).
Chromatin proteins are dynamic, and
and the inactive X chromosome The interactions may facilitate com-
(H3K27me3, H3K9me2). Only re- a histone can be exchanged for a vari-
munication between regulatory ele-
cently was it discovered that histone ant within its own class (Cheung and
ments, influencing the transcriptional
methylation can be catalytically re- Lau, 2005). Structural differences be- state of associated genes.
versed by histone demethylases (Shi tween variants impact overall nucleo- Within the past year, there has
et al., 2004; Cloos et al., 2006). De- some structure, altering accessibility been a surge of papers documenting
methylases are probably under tight of DNA to transcription factors and nuclear colocalization of domains on
control, because continual histone chromatin remodelers. two different chromosomes (Spili-
methylation is a hallmark of heritable H2A has the largest number of iden- anakis et al., 2005; Bacher et al., 2006;
transcriptional cellular memory. tified variants, and because of its stra- Grimaud et al., 2006; Lomvardas et
It should be noted that specific his- tegic position in the nucleosome, H2A al., 2006; Xu et al., 2006). In naive
tone modifications are not always pre- histone variants are particularly T-helper cells, there is an interchro-
dictive of gene activity. In embryonic suited to dramatically alter histone mosomal association between the cy-
stem (ES) cells, lineage specific genes and DNA contacts. Two variants, tokine LCR mentioned above and in-
that are either repressed or tran- macroH2A and H2A-Barr body-defi- terferon-␥, a determinant of the TH1
scribed at low levels are “bivalent,” cient (H2A-Bbd), are involved in X cell fate. Upon differentiation, the in-
bearing marks of active (H3K4me, chromosome inactivation. macroH2A teraction is lost, suggesting that it co-
H3K9ac) and repressive (H3K27me3) promotes gene silencing by preventing ordinates active gene expression
chromatin (Azuara et al., 2006; Bern- remodeling by the SWI/SNF complex, (Spilianakis et al., 2005). Interactions
stein et al., 2006). These observations initiation of p300-dependent polymer- between X-chromosomes, polycomb
have led to the hypothesis that dual ase II transcription, and p300-depen- response elements (PREs), and olfac-
markings enable developmental genes dent histone acetylation (Angelov et tory receptor enhancer and promoters
to be repressed in ES cells while al., 2003; Doyen et al., 2006a). H2A- have also been observed, and are de-
poised for quick activation. Bbd is associated with active chroma- scribed in the X-chromosome inactiva-
It is likely that chromatin remodelers tin. The structure of its central globu- tion, Polycomb and Olfactory receptor
and other histone modifications are addi- lar domain allows only 130 bp of DNA sections below. The discovery of inter-
tional sources of epigenetic changes. For to be wrapped around the nucleosome, chromosomal interactions highlights
example, histone deacetylase (HDAC) is creating a more relaxed, accessible a possible role for nuclear architecture
a component of the polycomb group and chromatin structure (Doyen et al., in epigenetic regulation. Regulatory
REST/NRSF corepressor complexes, 2006b). H2A.Z is associated with both chromosomal domains may be seques-
both epigenetic modifiers (see Polycomb active and inactive chromatin tered to a subcompartment of the nu-
and REST/NRSF sections). Relative hi- (Cheung and Lau, 2005). It is not un- cleus, which acts as a center for coor-

dinating either gene silencing or the two Xics, somehow enabling its dinarily stable to remain inactive for
activation (O’Brien et al., 2003). critical functions of counting the num- the lifetime of the animal.
Broad implications can be gleaned ber of X chromosomes in a cell, and
from the long-distance chromosomal determining which X chromosome will
associations that have been discov- be inactivated in female cells. Genomic Imprinting
ered, despite that there is only a hand- The future inactivated X chromo- Imprinting is the process by which
ful of examples so far. Because intra- some (Xi) is characterized by accumu- epigenetic marks permit monoallelic
and interchromosomal association oc- lation of the noncoding (nc) RNA, Xist. expression from a single parental al-
curs in different types of genes and in Within Xic are three genes encoding lele. There are around one hundred of
varied cell types, the phenomenon is ncRNAs that cross-regulate one an- imprinted genes, many of which regu-
likely global. Moreover, all reported other: Xist, Tsix, and Xite. Xist is re- late placental and fetal growth. So far,
interactions are cell-type specific, and quired to initiation inactivation of one research of different imprinted loci
among interactions that are transient, of the X chromosomes, Tsix is anti- has shown that there is variation be-
the timing of chromosomal domain co- sense to Xist and invokes Xist silenc- tween the molecular processes that
localization tracks with changes in ing, and Xite positively regulates Tsix
regulate imprinting. Nevertheless,
cellular differentiation. Taken to- transcription. Following Xic pairing,
there are parallels between the epige-
gether, these findings suggest that Xi down-regulates Tsix transcription,
netics of genomic imprinting and X
long-distance chromosomal interac- while Xist is up-regulated. On the ac-
chromosome inactivation (XCI; Reik
tions are developmental regulators. tive X chromosome (Xa), Tsix re-
and Lewis, 2005).
presses Xist, but counterintuitively
Like XCI, silencing of imprinted
does not do so by destabilizing Xist
genes can be regulated by ncRNAs.
DEVELOPMENTAL GENE RNA (Sado et al., 2005; Sun et al.,
Global identification of imprinted
REGULATION 2006). Rather, Tsix induces H3K4me2,
genes has shown that 30% encode for
a mark of euchromatin, which some-
X-chromosome Inactivation ncRNAs, indicating that they may be
how results in Xist repression. The
commonly used for imprinting. Im-
Mammalian females have two X chro- precise manner by which this occurs is
printed genes usually occur in clusters
mosomes (XX), whereas males have under debate (Navarro et al., 2006;
of 3–11 genes. Two noncoding RNAs
one (XY), posing the biological prob- Sun et al., 2006). There are no inter-
that silence their respective ICRs are
lem of how to equalize the dosage of actions between Tsix and Xist during
X-linked genes between the two sexes. Air in the Igf2r cluster and Kcnq1ot1
imprinted X inactivation, because
The mammalian subclasses euther- they are imprinted maternally and in the Kcnq1 cluster (Delaval and Feil,
ians, marsupials, and monotremes, paternally (Xi), respectively. In both 2004). Genes in the Igf2r and Kcnq1
and other species, such as C. elegans random and imprinted X inactivation, clusters are expressed on the mater-
and Drosophila, have each taken dif- Xist transcripts accumulate on Xi, nal chromosome and encode a fetal
ferent approaches to solving this prob- “coat” it, and may function as a scaf- growth regulator and cardiac potas-
lem (Lucchesi et al., 2005). Presented fold to recruit silencing histone modi- sium channel, respectively. On the
here is the eutherian solution, mainly fying enzymes. maternal chromosome, DNA methyl-
studied in mice, which uses epigenetic Many epigenetic mechanisms pro- ation prevents transcription of Air
mechanisms to inactivate one of the X mote heterochromatization of Xi. and Kcnq1ot1, allowing clusters of im-
chromosomes in female cells (Heard, First, Xi is decorated with histone printed genes to be expressed (Stoger
2005; Thorvaldsen et al., 2006). methylation marks characteristic of et al., 1993; Engemann et al., 2000).
In the preimplantation mouse em- chromatin silencing. The Polycomb On the paternal chromosome, all
bryo, all cells initially undergo im- group (PcG) HMT, EZH2, associates three coding genes in the Igf2r cluster,
printed inactivation of the paternal X with Xi and endows it with the silenc- Igf2r, slc22a2, and slc22a3, are si-
chromosome (Xp). In the late blasto- ing mark H3K27me3 (Plath et al., lenced by Air, even though it is only
cyst, inner cell mass cells reactivate 2003). Xi also acquires the repressive antisense to Igf2r (Sleutels et al.,
Xp, while extraembryonic cells (tro- mark H3K9me2, and the activation 2002). How Air silences Igf2r cluster
phoectoderm, primitive endoderm) mark H3K4me2 is underrepresented remains to be determined, but regula-
maintain Xp inactivation. Subse- (Valley et al., 2006). Second, the his- tory mechanisms behind the silencing
quently, the epiblast, or future em- tone composition on Xi is altered com- of Kcnq1 may yield some clues. Pater-
bryo, initiates random X inactivation pared with Xa and autosomes. Xi is nal Kcnq1ot1 induces silencing by tar-
(Allegrucci et al., 2005). The mecha- relatively devoid of activating H2A- geting PcG-mediated H3K27 and
nisms of imprinted inactivation of Xp Bbd, H2A.Z, and a large proportion H3K9 methylation to the cluster (Um-
and random X inactivation are largely of H2A are replaced by repressive lauf et al., 2004). This finding suggests
similar; differences are noted below. macroH2A histone variants (Chad- that ncRNA regulates genomic im-
Before random X inactivation, there wick and Willard, 2001, 2003). Third, printing by altering chromatin states,
are transient interchromosomal inter- Xi in embryonic cells is sprinkled like ncRNAs Tsix and Xist during XCI.
actions between X inactivation center with hypermethylated CpG islands Indeed, imprinting and XCI are be-
(Xic) loci on the X chromosomes (Kratzer et al., 1983). Layers upon lieved to be evolutionarily linked
(Heard, 2005; Xu et al., 2006). This layers of inactivation might guarantee (Reik and Lewis, 2005).
event may promote cross-talk between Xi repression, which must be extraor- In contrast to the Igf2r and Kcnq1

clusters, silencing of the clustered im- vageau, 2003; Molofsky et al., 2003; (Comet et al., 2006). These interac-
printed genes Igf2 and H19 appears to Park et al., 2003). As mentioned pre- tions induce paring-sensitive silenc-
be mainly regulated by DNA methyl- viously, trimethylation of H3K27 by ing: PRE pairs silence gene expression
ation. Igf2 and H19 are in the same PcG also promotes silencing on Xi and more efficiently than a single PRE.
cluster, but expression of Igf2 is pater- imprinted genes. These examples il- Paired PREs and bound PcG proteins
nal and H19 is maternal. Their mutu- lustrate that PcG controls many dif- aggregate as tight foci in the nucleus,
ally exclusive expression is regulated ferent cellular processes. forming so-called PcG nuclear bodies
by an imprint control region (ICR), a PcG binds to PREs in regulatory re- (Grimaud et al., 2006). The purpose of
stretch of DNA that regulates expres- gions of target genes. Thus far only the nuclear bodies may be to sequester
sion of all genes in imprinted clusters defined in Drosophila, PREs are com- PRE-containing genes to a nuclear
(Delaval and Feil, 2004). On the ma- prised of different combinations of subcompartment where silencing is
ternal allele, Igf2/H19 ICR is unmeth- specific binding sites. PcG targets in- propagated and/or maintained.
ylated. This permits an insulator, clude developmental genes such as PcG nuclear bodies colocalize with
CCCTC binding factor (CTCF), to bind various transcription factors (Fox, or lie in close proximity to RNAi nu-
a boundary element within the ICR. Sox, Pax), and signaling molecules clear bodies bearing components of
CTCF inhibits Igf2 expression by pre- (Wnts, Shh, BMPs; Bracken et al., RNAi machinery, including Dicer-2,
venting interactions between its pro- 2006; Negre et al., 2006). Taken to- ARGONAUT1, and PIWI. Genetic
moter and enhancer (Hark et al., gether with the finding that PcG tar- data show that RNAi machinery lies
2000). At the same time, lack of ICR get profiles differ in undifferentiated upstream of long-range PRE associa-
methylation is permissive for mater- and differentiated cells, PcG may reg- tion. Mutants for single RNAi proteins
nal H19 expression. On the paternal ulate many developmental processes. experience decay in PRE association
allele, the ICR is methylated, directly PcG is composed of two complexes, over time. PcG-dependent cosuppres-
preventing H19 expression and allow- Polycomb repressive complex (PRC) 1 sion, a phenomenon whereby intro-
ing for Igf2 expression by blocking and 2. Mammalian PRC2 contains duction of multiple copies of a trans-
CTCF binding (Engel et al., 2004). four core proteins, EED, SUZ12, and gene results in their silencing, also
H19 encodes an ncRNA, but unlike RbAP48, and EZH2, and PRC1 is com- requires RNAi machinery, but is ap-
Air and Kcnq1ot1, does not function as posed of more than 10 subunits in- parently governed by an independent
a silencer. cluding the chromodomain protein mechanism. While cosuppression is
Polycomb (PC), the oncoprotein BMI1, faulty in mutants of the RNAi machin-
and E-3 ubiquitin ligases RING1A ery gene homeless, PRE association is
Polycomb Group Regulates
and B (Lund and van Lohuizen, 2004). not (Pal-Bhadra et al., 2004). Cosup-
Gene Silencing PcG exerts its repressive effects in pression mediates heterochromitiza-
Beyond XCI and genomic imprinting, multiple ways. The catalytically tion of repeat sequences, but how
one might think that epigenetics and active component of PRC2, EZH2, RNAi machinery maintains long-
embryonic development are incompat- trimethylates H3K27, and recruits range association of PREs is unclear.
ible. Epigenetics positively or nega- DNMTs to PcG target genes (Vire et The answer may lie in the observation
tively affect transcription over the al., 2006). PC binds H3K27me3 and that siRNAs are generated from PRE-
long term, while development is a dy- brings with it the rest of the PRC1 containing transgenes. The authors
namic process dependent on rapid and complex (Min et al., 2003). PRC1 also propose that siRNAs from PRE loci act
frequent changes in gene expression. imposes silencing, at least partially by as “molecular glue” that keeps PcG
Work with PcG genes first demon- inhibiting chromatin remodeling by complexes on different PREs together.
strated that at least some aspects of SWI/SNF (Francis et al., 2001). Other So far, siRNAs from endogenous PREs
development are under control of epi- properties of PRC1 may also contrib- have not yet been detected.
genetic mechanisms. PcG maintains ute to its ability to repress transcrip-
the spatial pattern of Hox genes, con- tion: PRC1 ubiquitination of H2A is Trithorax Group Promotes
served gene groups that regulate an- critical for Hox silencing by an un-
terior/posterior patterning. Through known mechanism (Cao et al., 2005),
Active Chromatin
deposition of the silencing epigenetic and at least one PRC1 variant con- As the mechanistic opposite of PcG,
marks, H3K27me3 and to a lesser ex- tains HDAC1 (Huang and Chang, trithorax group (trxG) maintains gene
tent H3K9me2, PcG represses Hox 2004). PcG has also been reported to expression, including Hox genes, by
genes in regions where they are not prevent transcription initiation (Del- facilitating euchromatin (Beisel et al.,
normally expressed. Flies and mice lino et al,. 2004). Multiple epigenetic 2002). Mammalian trxG consists of
mutant for PcG genes exhibit ectopic mechanisms may make repression by multiple proteins and includes a pan-
Hox expression, sometimes eliciting PcG failsafe. oply of homologs to the Drosophila
homeotic transformations (Jürgens, There is mounting evidence that re- H3K4 HMT trithorax, namely Set1a,
1985; van der Lugt et al., 1994). Mice pression is at least partly mediated by Set1b, Mll1, Mll2, Mll3, and Mll4, and
mutant for the PcG gene Bmi1 also PRE-dependent chromosomal interac- the SWI/SNF ATPase Brg1. trxG
show defects in hematopoietic and tions. PREs on the same chromosome binds the same chromosomal element
neural stem cell self-renewal, and in or on different chromosomes can pair as PcG. In the silenced state, the ele-
proliferation of primary fibroblasts together, with the former resulting in ment recruits PcG (PRE), and in its
(Jacobs et al., 1999; Lessard and Sau- a looping out of intervening sequence active state recruits trxG (TRE). Acti-

vation of PRE/TRE requires tran- transcription. The elements reside in that Co-REST persists as a platform
scription of the TRE. Noncoding TRE genes central to neurogenesis, includ- to facilitate dynamic gene regulation
transcripts bind and recruit the Dro- ing ion channels, neurotransmitter re- in mature neurons. This work shows
sophila trxG HMT Ash1, which depos- ceptors, axonal guidance molecules, that slight manipulations of REST
its marks for euchromatin, H3K4me3 and the neurogenic gene NeuroD and its corepressors prepare a cell
(Sanchez-Elsner et al., 2006). Recent (Bruce et al., 2004). REST/NRSF im- with neuronal potential for the next
studies show that BPTF specifically poses dynamic, impermanent repres- phase of development.
binds H3K4me3, and loss of Xenopus sion through its association with the
BPTF results in aberrant Hox expres- corepressors CTD phosphatase, which TERMINAL
sion. BPTF is a subunit of NURF and inhibits RNA polymerase II, and
may target the chromatin remodeling
HDACs, which limit chromatin acces-
complex to histones methylated by sibility (Battaglioli et al., 2002; Yeo et DNA and Histone
trxG. NURF facilitates active chroma- al., 2005). The corepressor Co-REST Methylation Are Required
tin by repositioning nucleosomes coordinates stable, epigenetic repres- for Differentiation of
along DNA (Sims and Reinberg, sion by directly binding the H3K9
2006). TrxG also promotes expression
Specific Organs
HMT G9a and the H3K4 demethylase
of the Hox gene Ubx by facilitating LSD1 (Roopra et al., 2004; Shi et al., Many genes that regulate epigenetic
transcriptional elongation (Petruk et 2004). Co-REST also recruits addi- mechanisms are expressed ubiqui-
al., 2006). These findings may explain tional epigenetic silencing factors, the tously, and are essential for life. These
how trxG regulates gene activation. methyl DNA binding protein MeCP2, characteristics have made it difficult
and the H3K9 HMT SUV39H1 (Lu- to parse out epigenetic requirements
nyak et al., 2002). Finally, heterochro- for the development and differentia-
LINEAGE RESTRICTION matin protein 1 (HP1) binds and con- tion of specific cell types. Recently, Rai
REST/NRSF Activities denses neuronal genes marked with et al. circumvented this problem by
methylated H3K9 (Lunyak et al., reducing, but not eliminating, expres-
Govern Neuronal Fate
2002). sion of DMNT1 and the HMT Suv39h1
Decisions REST/NRSF is also expressed in in zebrafish embryos by injecting
As the embryo develops, multipotent cells that have the potential to become translation blocking antisense mor-
cells activate specific gene programs neurons, embryonic stem cells and pholino oligos (Rai et al., 2006). Sur-
that trigger differentiation into spe- neuronal progenitors. In multipotent prisingly the phenotypes in mor-
cialized cell types. Equally important, cells, neuronal genes must be permis- phants for both genes largely
a cell must silence expression of genes sive for activation. Therefore, REST/ phenocopy one another, and the ob-
specific to other cell types to secure its NRSF must not simply be an “off” served defects are very specific. Ter-
fate. Because repression must be switch for neuronal genes. Rather, the minal differentiation is impaired in
maintained throughout the life of the degree of repression mediated by the intestine, exocrine pancreas, and
animal, epigenetic mechanisms are REST/NRSF is tailored to the devel- retina, while other organs are unaf-
ideal for mediating such events. opmental stage of the cell (Ballas et fected. Explaining the observed iden-
How a cell keeps from expressing al., 2005). In pluripotent embryonic tical phenotypes, genetic and bio-
inappropriate gene programs has stem cells, REST/NRSF binds RE1 chemical data show that DMNT1 and
been worked out for genes from just sites, but H3K9 remains unmethyl- Suv29h1 function in the same path-
one cell type, the neuron. Repressor ated, suggesting that neuronal genes way. Both cytosine DNA methylation
element 1 (RE-1) silencing transcrip- are poised for activation. In neuronal and H3K9 methylation are reduced in
tion factor/neuron restrictive silencing progenitors, posttranslational modifi- DMNT1 morphants, and overexpres-
factor (REST/NRSF) is a zinc finger cations lead to the down-regulation of sion of suv391 rescues DMNT1 mor-
protein that triggers epigenetic silenc- REST/NRSF. A cell with low levels of phants. It remains to be determined
ing of neuronal genes (Ballas and REST/NRSF is permissive for tran- what genes are targeted by the two
Mandel, 2005). In mice lacking REST/ scription of some neuronal genes. In regulators, and what molecular cues
NRSF, the neural-specific gene ␤III- differentiated neurons, transcrip- trigger their silencing. The answers to
tubulin is expressed in some non-neu- tional repression of REST/NRSF re- these questions may help determine
ral tissues, but many cell types are sults in derepression of most RE1-con- whether these epigenetic modifica-
unaffected (Chen et al., 1998). How- taining genes. Interestingly, in the tions regulate differentiation of other
ever the mice die at E11.5, precluding mature neuron, a class of stimulus- cell types.
insight into the roles for REST in ner- inducible genes remains methylated
vous system development. These data at DNA and continues to be bound by Long-Distance Chromosomal
illustrate that REST/NRSF is not a the REST corepressors MeCP2 and Interactions Mediate
master regulator of neuronal gene si- Co-REST. Upon membrane depolar-
lencing, but rather maintains repres- ization, expression of one such gene,
Olfactory Receptor Choice
sion. brain-derived neurotrophic factor In mice, an olfactory sensory neuron
In non-neuronal cells, REST/NRSF (BDNF), is up-regulated and MeCP2 expresses only 1 of 1,300 olfactory re-
binds RE-1 elements in regulatory re- is released while Co-REST remains ceptor (OR) genes. How one gene is
gions of target genes and blocks their unaffected. The authors speculate expressed exclusive of all others has

other genes that play important roles cesses. I had the privilege to join in
in developmental patterning and reg- the chromatin field during these years
ulation of cell differentiation and pro- and to witness crucial advances show-
liferation. One important feature of ing that epigenetic regulation of chro-
PcG and trxG proteins is that they are matin is at the heart of genome function
able to maintain the memory of devel- and contributes important information
opmental decisions through cell divi- that can be passed on to the cellular
sion. progeny along with the DNA sequence.
We are studying the molecular This is not only true in yeast and Dro-
mechanisms of PcG/trxG-dependent sophila, our model organism, but also in
Fig. 1. Noel Buckley, Professor, Molecular epigenetic inheritance of chromatin plants and vertebrates.
Neurobiology, King’s College London, London, states, and we are trying to under- N.B.: We took up the theme of epi-
U.K. (Left), and Giacomo Cavalli, Group Leader,
stand the global regulatory logic be- genetics relatively recently—more a
Institute of Human Genetics-CNRS, Montpel-
lier, France (Right). hind the function of these proteins. slow embrace rather than an impas-
We have recently found that PcG pro- sioned charge. The drive largely came
teins have the ability to induce the in parallel with our burgeoning inter-
been a subject of much study. Richard association of some of their target est in neural stem cells. First, there
Axel and colleagues recently reported genes in the three-dimensional space was an interest in identifying tran-
that OR choice is mediated by inter- of the cell nucleus. Now we would like scription factors that determined or
chromosomal interactions (Lomvar- to understand how widespread are regulated neuronal phenotype. Sec-
das et al., 2006). The H DNA sequence these contacts and what is their influ- ond was a frustration borne from the
was previously found to act as an en- ence on genome regulation. dearth of suitable tractable, meaning-
hancer element in cis for a cluster of Noel Buckley (Fig. 1): We have ful cellular systems to carry out these
OR genes. In this study, fluorescent in looked at transcriptional regulation in studies—there was no neural equiva-
situ hybridization (FISH) visualized neurons for several years. The idea of lent to the myoblast cell lines and
the association of H with OR genes in “epigenetic regulation” is one that has hematopoietic stem cells that under-
trans. The authors also discovered taken hold relatively recently and has pinned much of our current knowl-
that one H allele is silenced by DNA great resonance within neurobiology edge of hematopoiesis and myogen-
methylation, a finding that gave rise because of the potential to provide an esis. This barrier has now been broken,
to the idea that H might only activate understanding of the molecular un- and there are several robust neural
one gene at a time. In support of this, derpinnings of the sorts of long-term stem cell models that are amenable to
olfactory neurons in transgenic mice changes that are the hallmark of neu- dissecting neurogenesis in a similar
bearing more than one active H ele- ronal plasticity and memory. Having manner. The final thread of this trin-
ment, and OR pseudogenes express said that, caution must be used to dis- ity was the realization that many
two OR receptors, one endogenous and tinguish “epigenetic changes” from long-term changes induced by tran-
one pseudogene, in ⱕ1% of cells. An simple readily reversible histone mod- scription factors were mediated by
OR pseudogene was used to circum- ifications— even though the former means of changes in histone modifica-
vent a negative feedback loop whereby may depend upon the latter. This is a tions and/or DNA methylation. So, a
OR gene selection prevents expression well-recognized caveat and one that rather indirect route brought us to
of a second OR gene. The authors hy- many, including Bryan Turner, have epigenetics.
pothesize that OR choice is controlled been careful to highlight. What papers have influenced you the
by random, long-distance chromo- Our own work has focused upon most?
somal association of a single H en- changes in histone modifications that G.C.: One striking paper by Shiv
hancer element with a single OR gene. accompany the transition from pluri- Grewal and Amar Klar (Grewal and
potent ES cells, through multipotent Klar, 1996) showed that alternative
AN INTERVIEW WITH THE neural stem cells to differentiated chromatin states of the Schizosaccha-
neurons, particularly in relation to the romyces pombe mating type locus
EXPERTS neuronal transcription factor, REST. could be passed on to the majority of
Developmental Dynamics: Describe More recently, we have begun to ex- the mitotic and meiotic cellular prog-
your research. amine chromatin modifications at eny. This was the first clear demon-
Giacomo Cavalli (Fig. 1): We are pan-neuronal and subtype specific stration that epigenetic regulation
interested in patterning mechanisms genes as neuronal differentiation un- can affect heredity, making the point
that involve the function of Polycomb folds. that genes are more than their pri-
group (PcG) and trithorax group How did you become interested in mary DNA sequence. A second semi-
(trxG) proteins. These epigenetic com- epigenetics? nal paper in the field is that of Rea et
ponents were originally discovered as G.C.: Toward the end of the 1980s, al., identifying the first histone meth-
regulators of Hox gene expression. it started to become clear in yeast that yltransferase enzymes, which turned
Through this function, they play a chromatin was not just a dull way to out to be proteins previously known
master role in the specification of the condense DNA in order to pack it into for their role in heterochromatin for-
anteroposterior axis of the body plan. the nucleus, but rather a functional mation (Rea et al., 2000). This study
In addition, they regulate a variety of substrate of genomic regulatory pro- paved the way to the identification of

many histone methylases involved in genomic landscape, and this land- question), then we must accept that
chromatin assembly and inheritance, scape, in turn, can be viewed at differ- there is an epigenetic component to
including the widely conserved En- ent developmental time points. There development—in this case, the devel-
hancer of zeste protein of the PcG as are now many of these papers, but I opment of behavior.
well as histone methylase proteins of would pick two papers from Eric The hard bit is the last part of the
the trxG. More than a single paper, I Lander’s and Mark Groudine’s groups question. Except for a few studies
would like to mention as a third event since they were the first to show large- showing changes in DNA methylation
in epigenetics a flurry of papers pub- scale correlation between histone at schizophrenia risk genes, there is
lished independently by several methylation, and acetylation and gene nothing to hint at the exact nature of
groups in 2006, all of them mapping activity (Schubeler et al., 2004; Bern- these heritable changes. This I think
the genomic distribution of PcG pro- stein et al., 2005). I was also taken is the principle difficulty in identifying
teins in flies and mammals (Boyer et with Mandy Fisher’s work (Azuara et epigenetic mechanisms in develop-
al., 2006; Bracken et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2006) and her demonstration that ment— demonstration of the phenom-
al., 2006; Negre et al., 2006; Schwartz these marks can coexist in pluripotent enon of epigenetic inheritance and
et al., 2006; Squazzo et al., 2006; Tol- stem cells — an idea echoed by Eric provision of a direct molecular corre-
huis et al., 2006). Together, these Lander later that same year (Bern- late. All too often, the twin aspects are
studies have a huge impact since they stein et al., 2006). Both of these stud- not robustly linked.
show that PcG proteins regulate in a ies get away from the idea of individ- G.C.: Noel is right, there has been a
coordinated fashion a number of con- ual histone marks as the definitive drift in the semantic definition of what
served transcriptional pathways of feature of the epigenome. is epigenetics, shifting from the devel-
fundamental importance for the de- Relatively few epigenetically regu- opmentalist viewpoint of Wadding-
velopment of the body plan. They also lated developmental decisions have ton—the ensemble of the processes
mark the beginning of a new phase in been identified (e.g., X inactivation, that use the information of the geno-
genome-wide location studies, where imprinting, maintenance of Hox si- type to bring the phenotype into be-
DNA chips of the latest generation, lencing by PcG, control of neuronal ing—to a sharper and DNA-centered
tiling through the large genomes of genes by REST). Why are they so dif- definition focused on mechanisms of
vertebrates, are coupled to chromatin ficult to find? inheritance not relying on the primary
immunoprecipitation to yield very ac- N.B.: We have to first deal with the DNA sequence. This second definition
curate protein distribution maps. This old chestnut of what we mean by “epi- was going against the mainstream
robust technology will produce mas- genetics.” There is a semantic and a view following which ALL inheritance
sive amounts of information in the scientific aspect to this and unfortu- was dependent on DNA. Although fas-
next few years. nately, one clouds the other, especially cinating as a concept, this put the peo-
N.B.: As a neurobiologist I remain in neurobiology. A textbook definition ple working in epigenetics in the
intrigued by the molecular and cellu- of epigenetics usually goes along the trenches. Every work they were deliv-
lar basis of mood, perception, and cog- lines “reversible heritable changes in ering “had to” demonstrate that there
nition. Some time ago, a colleague gene function or other cell phenotype was such a thing as inheritance after
pointed out a study that had discov- that occur without a change in DNA DNA. In my opinion, this preoccupa-
ered a significant increase in the inci- sequence.” Neurons are terminally tion has prevented many attempts to
dence of adult schizophrenia in the differentiated postmitotic cells, so any even identify developmental processes
offspring of mothers who had under- change in gene function is not herita- regulated by epigenetic components.
gone prolonged starvation in the Chi- ble at either the cellular or organismal Because everybody was trying to de-
nese famine of 1959 – 61 in the prov- level. Epigenetic theories of neural de- crypt mechanisms, they took phenom-
ince of Anhui (St. Clair et al., 2005). It velopment, therefore, embrace the im- ena that were overtly regulated epige-
is thankfully rare that we have access plicit assumption that any “epigenetic netically. This is typically the case of
to studies such as these on the scale change” must also occur in the germ the processes you mention.
necessary to have sufficient statistical cells in order for the change in gene In fact, it is likely that many pro-
power to allow robust conclusions to function to be heritable. Changes in cesses are regulated by “classical”
be drawn, and although not an ounce chromatin that are restricted to neu- transcription factors as well as epige-
of mechanism can be inferred, the in- rons cannot lead to heritable changes. netic components. Moreover, many
fluence of epigenetics on something as Nevertheless, I want to expand this processes regulated by epigenetic fac-
profound as human behavior can be argument by reference to schizophre- tors may not have a strong heritable
clearly inferred. nia (Perkins et al., 2005; Sharma, component. Luckily the groundwork
Although, not strictly epigenetics, 2005), a devastating psychosis that ef- of convincing the scientific community
ChIPchip studies (first pioneered by fects around 1% of the population. that epigenetic factors do regulate
Rick Young in yeast) have shown on a Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmen- genes and can convey inheritance is
global scale how changes in histone tal disorder, at least in the mind of now done, and this idea starts getting
modifications can be mapped over the many neurobiologists, and since large- across even to the larger public. This
whole genome (Ren et al., 2000). This scale population studies such as those brings development and also cognition
is an immensely powerful technology used in the Dutch and Chinese fam- and behavior at the center of interest
and allows individual histone marks ines show a robust epigenetic compo- of people involved in epigenetics, and
to be overlaid on to features of the nent to inheritance (see reply to third also facilitates access to epigenetic re-

search to those who were not doing it are derepressed upon ES cell differen- question, PcG, is normally (but not al-
before. I am sure that, in the next tiation, while they actually become ways) associated with silenced genes
years, we will watch discoveries of ev- permanently silenced by DNA methyl- (stem cells provide an interesting ex-
ery sort of process being regulated, in ation upon cancer development ception) whereas our studies (Belyaev
part, by known epigenetic compo- (Schlesinger et al., 2006; Widsch- et al., 2004; Bruce et al., 2004; Green-
nents. wendter et al., 2006), how can one sen- way et al., 2006) show that REST is
Coming back to semantics, however, sibly doubt that epigenetics regulates normally associated with active genes,
this is not without consequences. If we important developmental processes? i.e., employment of REST can main-
don’t need a demonstration of DNA Both REST and PcG repress/silence tain repression of an otherwise active
sequence-independent inheritance to genes are involved in neuronal differ- gene, whereas in the differentiated
admit the implication of epigenetics in entiation. Why do neuronal genes need state, PcG normally acts to establish
a certain process, then are there really their own repressor/silencer? and/or maintain silence.
“epigenetic” and “nonepigenetic” regu- N.B.: This is one of the hardest out- G.C.: Noel is making a strong case
lators? In an age when every tran- standing questions and usually sits for the study of these questions from
scriptional regulator is being found beside the equally vexed question of an evolutionary perspective. We often
forming chromatin regulatory com- what governs whether a particular have a biased view of the processes we
plexes, is there a fundamental differ- gene falls under REST (or PcG) regu- are studying, thinking that they are
ence between epigenetic stars like lation? The reason for coupling these “mature,” i.e., close to their endpoint
Polycomb or heterochromatin proteins two questions is that it unifies the evolution. There is a temptation to
and any other transcription factor? idea that we need to provide an expla- think that if something is as we see it
The only one I can imagine is that nation for why particular genes be- today there must be a very good rea-
some epigenetic processes involve in- come regulated by any individual son (strong selective pressure) to
heritance, while others don’t. In this transcription factor. In the case of maintain it. If we understand how cer-
view, epigenetic regulation would be a REST, many targets, but by no means tain regulatory circuits have evolved,
very general concept and epigenetic all, are neuronal genes. Equally im- we come closer to the understanding
inheritance would be restricted to a portant is the corollary that, by no of whether “chance” or “necessity” as-
part of these processes. means, are all neuronal target genes signed certain regulators to certain
Do you think that many develop- regulated by REST. Inspection of the processes. This approach is going to
mental decisions are epigenetically 1,300 or so RE1 sites in the human become more and more important as
regulated? genome (Johnson et al., 2006) pro- genomics progresses and many organ-
N.B.: It is hard to believe otherwise. vides no insight into any linkage isms, including nonmodel species are
Any developmental change is accom- among the targets, other than a bias sequenced and studied.
panied by wholesale changes in gene toward genes associated with neuro- Coming to the specific question,
expression with entire batteries of nal development or function. maybe that PcG proteins do regulate a
genes activated or silenced. Changes One speculation that provides in- lot of neuronal genes, but the nervous
in histone acetylation and methyl- sight, if not explanation, is our recent system might require its own dedi-
ation accompany all these events and demonstration that many REST bind- cated set of epigenetic factors as an
appear to be stably maintained in the ing sites seemed to have been depos- additional layer of regulation.
differentiated state. Phenomenologi- ited into 5⬘UTRs by means of LINE2 Do you think other tissue-specific
cally, this is epigenetics. Again, as in retrotransposons (Johnson et al., gene programs (e.g. muscle) have spe-
my earlier comments, the missing as- 2006). In other words, the “selection” cialized repressors/silencers?
pect is often the mechanistic link. Fur- of genes may be random. Deposition of N.B.: It is interesting that they
ther proof comes from gene knockout a LINE2 element into a 5⬘UTR usu- haven’t been discovered, even in the
studies that show the impact of chro- ally decreases the rate of transcription light of complete sequencing of several
matin modifying activities on develop- so deposition of a LINE2 element that vertebrate genomes. As alluded to ear-
mental decisions. There are many carries a transcription factor binding lier, regulation of gene expression in
examples, including the role of chro- site, confers regulated repression. the nervous system may require finer
matin remodeling activities such as Maybe this is an advantage in allow- controls than other tissues because of
Brg1 in myogenesis (de la Serna et al., ing batteries of genes to be regulated the scale of the cellular heterogeneity.
2001) and neurogenesis (Eroglu et al., whilst in the continued presence of an One further point to bear in mind is
2006). Before being hoist upon my own activator. Simply switching off the ac- that REST is an evolutionary new-
petard, I accept that this does not in tivator may be more expensive in comer on the block—it is only found in
itself constitute proof-positive of epi- terms of alternative molecular com- vertebrates—again coincident with a
genetics, but it is a very strong indi- pensatory mechanisms that would be rapid expansion in brain size and neu-
cator. necessary to keep essential genes ronal diversity. Maybe not a com-
G.C.: I fully agree with Noel. When turned on. Such fine-tuning of gene pletely compelling argument, but an
you look at the list of genes bound and expression may be more necessary in interesting coincidence.
repressed by PcG proteins in mouse the vertebrate nervous system where G.C.: I am at a loss here, on the one
and human cells (Boyer et al., 2006; cell number and cell– cell interaction hand I share Noel’s feeling that the
Lee et al., 2006), and when you fur- surpass any other biological system. nervous system is a very “epigenetic
ther consider that many of these genes To address the latter part of the object” with lots of cross-talk between

stable cell fates and plasticity, which trxG partners on their targets and the ation events “on the fly.” Most impor-
is the realm of action of epigenetic reg- papers cited above by Noel, as well as tantly, we will learn about the ge-
ulators. On the other hand, I would be a fly study by Muller and coworkers nome-wide distribution of histone
very cautious not to make a prediction (Papp and Muller, 2006) really sug- demethylases, and this might help un-
in this infant field; we may learn soon gest that this is not just a mix of active derstanding the whole issue. It is
that muscle development is epigeneti- and silent cells, but rather a true pres- early to say whether there will be spe-
cally regulated. For instance, a recent ence of bivalent marks on one and the cific signatures identifying genes that
paper (Mal, 2006) showing a regula- same chromatin region. are reversibly methylated as opposed
tory association between SUV39H1 The recent discoveries of the LSD1 to genes that are not. Even the most
and MYOD makes me feel very ex- and GASC1 histone demethylases sug- stable regulatory gene states are
cited about the amount of hidden reg- gest histone methylation is more dy- likely to be reprogrammable under ex-
ulatory potential in tissue develop- namic than previously thought. How treme circumstances. However, it is
ment. I hope to read beautiful stories might this affect the interpretation likely that different genes (or classes
about these subjects in the future to of “silencing” histone methylation marks? of genes) can be differentially repro-
help make up my mind. G.C.: The discovery of histone dem- grammed during development or in
Both REST and PcG can occupy ac- ethylases was very important, although response to external stimuli.
tively transcribed loci. How do you ex- in a way expected, since histone meth- N.B.: I certainly concur with the
plain this? ylation patterns were earlier found to power of ChIPchip studies to provide
N.B.: This comes back to the idea of vary rather rapidly following certain genome-wide views of epigenetic
whether you think REST and PcG are treatments. Nonetheless, one should changes. Considering that an oocyte
repressors or silencers. In most adult keep in mind that methyl groups have nucleus can reprogram a somatic cell
tissue and differentiated cells, we find an average half-life of about two orders to derive a whole organism then it is
REST present at actively transcribed of magnitude longer (approaching the clear that all marks are erasable.
loci, and abrogation of REST function half-life of histones themselves) com- Silencing of at least some PcG tar-
leads to derepression, indicating that pared to other histone marks like acet- gets is mediated by pairing-sensitive
REST acts to regulate levels of tran- ylation. Therefore, methyl marks are silencing. Do you think other epige-
scription rather than to simply silence likely to be maintained stably on the netic silencers use this strategy?
transcription. This derepression is ac- chromatin template of most genes, G.C.: Long-distance pairing can be
companied by reciprocal increases in making histone methylation a good can- driven also by heterochromatin. In-
histone H3K9 acetylation and de- didate modification for transmission of deed, the first ever reported case of
creases in H3K9 dimethylation at the epigenetic inheritance. Histone dem- long-distance repressory chromo-
REST binding site (Belyaev et al., ethylases are probably able to “reset” somal associations were published by
2004; Greenway et al., 2006). this memory when needed, and it will the Henikoff and the Sedat lab 10
The idea of singular histone modifi- be important to dissect when and how is years ago and involved heterochro-
cations offering a read-out of gene ac- this reset brought upon. matic regions (Csink and Henikoff,
tivity is losing ground, and it is likely N.B.: I think Giacomo’s idea of “re- 1996; Dernburg et al., 1996). It is a
that no singular mark will have such setting” is key. Just because demethy- common observation that heterochro-
predictive or causative power. This is lases exist does not mean that all matic loci cluster at the so-called chro-
especially evident in studies of stem methyl marks will be erased. It simply mocenters in both insects and verte-
cells where much of the cells chroma- lends more adaptability to allow reac- brate cells, and this clustering may
tin appears to carry a “bivalent” or tivation of genes previously silenced. affect silencing. Other epigenetics si-
mixed signature comprising both “ac- This could be particularly important lencing systems may employ similar
tive” and repressed’ marks (Azuara et in the recruitment, expansion, and strategies and, indeed, long-range
al., 2006; Bernstein et al., 2006). Also, differentiation of tissue-specific stem chromosomal associations are also
remember that in the REST⫺/⫺ em- cells in response to damage in the linked to gene activation, as the work
bryo, very few target genes were pre- adult where silenced genes may need of several labs is recently showing
cociously activated (Chen et al., 1998). to be reactivated (or conversely, active (Spilianakis et al., 2005; Lomvardas
This of course could be due to absence genes needed for maintenance of the et al., 2006).
of appropriate activators. Since em- multipotent state may need to be si- N.B.: The notion of long distance
bryonic lethality occurred before neu- lenced). Identification of the transcrip- interactions, both in cis and in trans is
rogenesis, then in vivo testing of these tion factors that target the demethy- extremely important both for silenc-
ideas awaits production of a condi- lases will provide insight into when ing and activation since it offers a
tional REST knockout. and where demethylation is em- mechanism to allow coordinate regu-
G.C.: Noel is reminding us of a very ployed. lation across multiple genes— exactly
important point, many regulatory pro- Will it be important to distinguish the sort of mechanism you would ex-
cesses result from a balance between stably methylated genes from ones that pect to see during development and
putative activation and repression, are subject to demethylation? differentiation. The paper by Lomvar-
with activators and repressors coex- G.C.: I predict that, thanks to the das et al. cited by Giacomo is a great
isting on their target rather than ex- explosion of high-throughput epige- example of the power of chromosome
cluding one another. For instance, netic mapping technology, we will capture conformation (3C) to unravel
PcG proteins have to leave with their actually “see” some of these demethyl- these interactions. In passing I should

point out that we have no evidence events are regulated both spatially of the combinatorial complexity that
that REST undertakes such interac- and temporally. can be reached. Everything, from
tions, although I accept that absence N.B.: Giacomo is absolutely right. transcriptional output to gene prod-
of evidence is not evidence of absence. We have produced detailed linear uct’s location, can be dynamically reg-
The one report in the literature by maps of multiple vertebrate genomes, ulated in a fine-tuned way by different
Lunyak et al. (Lunyak et al., 2002) and the application of increasingly so- processes. The other side of the coin is
that purports to show that REST can phisticated bioinformatics and cross- that there are also many risks for mo-
silence an entire locus is unfortu- genome comparisons is overlaying de- lecular mistakes that can potentially
nately based upon an incorrectly an- tailed annotations of regulatory sites. damage the developmental process.
notated gene order (Belyaev et al., The discoveries of long-range interac- We will thus need to analyze how
2004). tions, nuclear compartmentalization these complex regulatory processes
What exciting ideas are emerging in and noncoding RNAs all impose new can be coordinated in order to combine
the field? dimensions of complexity onto this lin- developmental plasticity with robust-
G.C.: One new idea is related to nu- ear map. I think, as always, those of ness.
clear compartmentalization. The es- us working on development in higher N.B.: All of this is true. Develop-
tablished view of “genes” is that they eukaryotes will be keeping a close eye ment has often been perceived as a
are regulated by cis-elements located on the work of our colleagues in yeast balance between external signals and
somewhere close to the transcription genetics particularly in relation to intrinsic programs, a description that
start site or within “reasonable” (1– building regulatory networks (Lee et finds its reflection in some classic em-
100 kb) distances from it. However, al., 2002; Wyrick and Young, 2002). bryological terms such as “competent”
the mounting evidence for chromo- What important questions remain to and “determined.” The interplay be-
somal contacts involving loci from dif- be answered? tween intercellular signals and whole-
G.C.: Concerning nuclear architec- sale remodeling of the genome that
ferent chromosomes or from different
ture, a critical implication of the exis- occurs as differentiation and develop-
parts of the same chromosome raises
tence of long-range regulatory chro- ment proceed will increasingly occupy
the exciting possibility that gene reg-
mosomal contacts is that a phenotype our experiments—whether such changes
ulation uses these contacts.
may be induced from very remote are defined as epigenetic or otherwise.
Another new concept is that noncod-
parts of the genome. Therefore, it will At the moment, most researchers fo-
ing RNAs play important regulatory
be important to map long-range chro- cus on either the chromatin or on the
roles in the genome, affecting all steps
mosome contacts systematically and signaling events, but these must con-
of gene regulation, from chromatin
to understand how frequently they af- verge if we are to offer comprehensive
structure to stability and trafficking of
fect gene regulation. It will also be molecular correlates of “fate” and “po-
the mRNA and to regulation of RNA
crucial to study whether these con- tential.” Again, I think this interplay
translation. Many different classes of will be at its most complex in the ner-
tacts are the cause or the effect of reg-
noncoding RNAs exist, many of them vous system where the complexity of
ulation of gene transcription.
playing a role in developmental regu- signals and diversity of cell type is
Another unanswered question con-
lation. It is thus important to analyze greater than with any other tissue.
cerns the mechanisms of epigenetic
each of them, and the initial studies inheritance through DNA replication
are very promising. and mitosis (or meiosis). Indeed, chro-
Finally, the flood of genome-wide ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
mosomes undergo major reorganiza-
data raises the need to put a huge tion events during these two phases of Many thanks to Jacqueline Witt-
effort in understanding the logic of the cell cycle. How can a chromatin meyer, Christine Disteche, Rebecca
gene-regulatory circuits. For instance, state survive these events is not Oakey, Nurit Ballas, and Itys Comet
a glance at the PcG target genes re- known and, largely, not even studied, for helpful suggestions. I am also
veals that they often include multiple because of the lack of appropriate ap- grateful to Noel Buckley and Giacomo
genes involved in the same pathways. proaches. Much of current effort in Cavalli for sharing their insights.
Frequently, these genes code for tran- molecular biology aims to develop
scriptional regulators. In the case of tools in order to work on the scale of REFERENCES
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