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3 • Summary 125

3.1 Spontaneous Generation contain extrachromosomal DNA in plasmids.
• Prokaryotic ribosomes that are found in the
• The theory of spontaneous generation states
cytoplasm have a size of 70S.
that life arose from nonliving matter. It was a
• Some prokaryotic cells have inclusions that
long-held belief dating back to Aristotle and the
store nutrients or chemicals for other uses.
ancient Greeks.
• Some prokaryotic cells are able to form
• Experimentation by Francesco Redi in the 17th
endospores through sporulation to survive in a
century presented the first significant evidence
dormant state when conditions are unfavorable.
refuting spontaneous generation by showing
Endospores can germinate, transforming back
that flies must have access to meat for maggots
into vegetative cells when conditions improve.
to develop on the meat. Prominent scientists
• In prokaryotic cells, the cell envelope includes a
designed experiments and argued both in
plasma membrane and usually a cell wall.
support of (John Needham) and against (Lazzaro
• Bacterial membranes are composed of
Spallanzani) spontaneous generation.
phospholipids with integral or peripheral
• Louis Pasteur is credited with conclusively
proteins. The fatty acid components of these
disproving the theory of spontaneous
phospholipids are ester-linked and are often
generation with his famous swan-neck flask
used to identify specific types of bacteria. The
experiment. He subsequently proposed that
proteins serve a variety of functions, including
“life only comes from life.”
transport, cell-to-cell communication, and
3.2 Foundations of Modern Cell sensing environmental conditions. Archaeal
Theory membranes are distinct in that they are
composed of fatty acids that are ether-linked to
• Although cells were first observed in the 1660s phospholipids.
by Robert Hooke, cell theory was not well • Some molecules can move across the bacterial
accepted for another 200 years. The work of membrane by simple diffusion, but most large
scientists such as Schleiden, Schwann, Remak, molecules must be actively transported through
and Virchow contributed to its acceptance. membrane structures using cellular energy.
• Endosymbiotic theory states that mitochondria • Prokaryotic cell walls may be composed of
and chloroplasts, organelles found in many peptidoglycan (bacteria) or
types of organisms, have their origins in pseudopeptidoglycan (archaea).
bacteria. Significant structural and genetic • Gram-positive bacterial cells are characterized
information support this theory. by a thick peptidoglycan layer, whereas gram-
• The miasma theory of disease was widely negative bacterial cells are characterized by a
accepted until the 19th century, when it was thin peptidoglycan layer surrounded by an outer
replaced by the germ theory of disease thanks membrane.
to the work of Semmelweis, Snow, Pasteur, • Some prokaryotic cells produce glycocalyx
Lister, and Koch, and others. coatings, such as capsules and slime layers,
that aid in attachment to surfaces and/or
3.3 Unique Characteristics of
evasion of the host immune system.
Prokaryotic Cells
• Some prokaryotic cells have fimbriae or pili,
• Prokaryotic cells differ from eukaryotic cells in filamentous appendages that aid in attachment
that their genetic material is contained in a to surfaces. Pili are also used in the transfer of
nucleoid rather than a membrane-bound genetic material between cells.
nucleus. In addition, prokaryotic cells generally • Some prokaryotic cells use one or more flagella
lack membrane-bound organelles. to move through water. Peritrichous bacteria,
• Prokaryotic cells of the same species typically which have numerous flagella, use runs and
share a similar cell morphology and cellular tumbles to move purposefully in the direction of
arrangement. a chemical attractant.
• Most prokaryotic cells have a cell wall that helps
the organism maintain cellular morphology and 3.4 Unique Characteristics of
protects it against changes in osmotic pressure. Eukaryotic Cells
• Outside of the nucleoid, prokaryotic cells may • Eukaryotic cells are defined by the presence of a
126 3 • Review Questions

nucleus containing the DNA genome and bound phagocytosis, and damaged intracellular
by a nuclear membrane (or nuclear envelope) components.
composed of two lipid bilayers that regulate • The cytoskeleton, composed of
transport of materials into and out of the microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and
nucleus through nuclear pores. microtubules, provides structural support in
• Eukaryotic cell morphologies vary greatly and eukaryotic cells and serves as a network for
may be maintained by various structures, transport of intracellular materials.
including the cytoskeleton, the cell membrane, • Centrosomes are microtubule-organizing
and/or the cell wall centers important in the formation of the
• The nucleolus, located in the nucleus of mitotic spindle in mitosis.
eukaryotic cells, is the site of ribosomal • Mitochondria are the site of cellular respiration.
synthesis and the first stages of ribosome They have two membranes: an outer membrane
assembly. and an inner membrane with cristae. The
• Eukaryotic cells contain 80S ribosomes in the mitochondrial matrix, within the inner
rough endoplasmic reticulum (membrane membrane, contains the mitochondrial DNA,
bound-ribosomes) and cytoplasm (free 70S ribosomes, and metabolic enzymes.
ribosomes). They contain 70s ribosomes in • The plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells is
mitochondria and chloroplasts. structurally similar to that found in prokaryotic
• Eukaryotic cells have evolved an cells, and membrane components move
endomembrane system, containing according to the fluid mosaic model. However,
membrane-bound organelles involved in eukaryotic membranes contain sterols, which
transport. These include vesicles, the alter membrane fluidity, as well as glycoproteins
endoplasmic reticulum, and the Golgi and glycolipids, which help the cell recognize
apparatus. other cells and infectious particles.
• The smooth endoplasmic reticulum plays a • In addition to active transport and passive
role in lipid biosynthesis, carbohydrate transport, eukaryotic cell membranes can take
metabolism, and detoxification of toxic material into the cell via endocytosis, or expel
compounds. The rough endoplasmic reticulum matter from the cell via exocytosis.
contains membrane-bound 80S ribosomes that • Cells of fungi, algae, plants, and some protists
synthesize proteins destined for the cell have a cell wall, whereas cells of animals and
membrane some protozoans have a sticky extracellular
• The Golgi apparatus processes proteins and matrix that provides structural support and
lipids, typically through the addition of sugar mediates cellular signaling.
molecules, producing glycoproteins or • Eukaryotic flagella are structurally distinct from
glycolipids, components of the plasma prokaryotic flagella but serve a similar purpose
membrane that are used in cell-to-cell (locomotion). Cilia are structurally similar to
communication. eukaryotic flagella, but shorter; they may be
• Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that used for locomotion, feeding, or movement of
break down small particles ingested by extracellular particles.
endocytosis, large particles or cells ingested by

Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following individuals argued in 2. Which of the following individuals is credited for
favor of the theory of spontaneous generation? definitively refuting the theory of spontaneous
A. Francesco Redi generation using broth in swan-neck flask?
B. Louis Pasteur A. Aristotle
C. John Needham B. Jan Baptista van Helmont
D. Lazzaro Spallanzani C. John Needham
D. Louis Pasteur

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3 • Review Questions 127

3. Which of the following scientists experimented 10. Which of the following terms refers to a
with raw meat, maggots, and flies in an attempt bacterial cell having a single tuft of flagella at
to disprove the theory of spontaneous one end?
generation? A. monotrichous
A. Aristotle B. amphitrichous
B. Lazzaro Spallanzani C. peritrichous
C. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek D. lophotrichous
D. Francesco Redi
11. Bacterial cell walls are primarily composed of
4. Which of the following individuals did not which of the following?
contribute to the establishment of cell theory? A. phospholipid
A. Girolamo Fracastoro B. protein
B. Matthias Schleiden C. carbohydrate
C. Robert Remak D. peptidoglycan
D. Robert Hooke
12. Which of the following organelles is not part of
5. Whose proposal of the endosymbiotic theory of the endomembrane system?
mitochondrial and chloroplast origin was A. endoplasmic reticulum
ultimately accepted by the greater scientific B. Golgi apparatus
community? C. lysosome
A. Rudolf Virchow D. peroxisome
B. Ignaz Semmelweis
13. Which type of cytoskeletal fiber is important in
C. Lynn Margulis
the formation of the nuclear lamina?
D. Theodor Schwann
A. microfilaments
6. Which of the following developed a set of B. intermediate filaments
postulates for determining whether a particular C. microtubules
disease is caused by a particular pathogen? D. fibronectin
A. John Snow
14. Sugar groups may be added to proteins in which
B. Robert Koch
of the following?
C. Joseph Lister
A. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. Louis Pasteur
B. rough endoplasmic reticulum
7. Which of the following terms refers to a C. Golgi apparatus
prokaryotic cell that is comma shaped? D. lysosome
A. coccus
15. Which of the following structures of a
B. coccobacilli
eukaryotic cell is not likely derived from
C. vibrio
endosymbiotic bacterium?
D. spirillum
A. mitochondrial DNA
8. Which bacterial structures are important for B. mitochondrial ribosomes
adherence to surfaces? (Select all that apply.) C. inner membrane
A. endospores D. outer membrane
B. cell walls
16. Which type of nutrient uptake involves the
C. fimbriae
engulfment of small dissolved molecules into
D. capsules
E. flagella
A. active transport
9. Which of the following cell wall components is B. pinocytosis
unique to gram-negative cells? C. receptor-mediated endocytosis
A. lipopolysaccharide D. facilitated diffusion
B. teichoic acid
C. mycolic acid
D. peptidoglycan
128 3 • Review Questions

17. Which of the following is not composed of

A. desmosomes
B. centrioles
C. eukaryotic flagella
D. eukaryotic cilia

18. Exposure to air is necessary for microbial 20. Mitochondria in eukaryotic cells contain
growth. ribosomes that are structurally similar to those
19. Bacteria have 80S ribosomes each composed of found in prokaryotic cells.
a 60S large subunit and a 40S small subunit.

Fill in the Blank

21. The assertion that “life only comes from life” 24. The scientist who first described cells was
was stated by Louis Pasteur in regard to his _____________.
experiments that definitively refuted the theory 25. Prokaryotic cells that are rod-shaped are called
of ___________. _____________.
22. John Snow is known as the Father of 26. The type of inclusion containing polymerized
_____________. inorganic phosphate is called _____________.
23. The ____________ theory states that disease 27. Peroxisomes typically produce _____________,
may originate from proximity to decomposing a harsh chemical that helps break down
matter and is not due to person-to-person molecules.
contact. 28. Microfilaments are composed of
_____________ monomers.

Short Answer
29. Explain in your own words Pasteur’s swan-neck 36. Label the parts of the prokaryotic cell.
flask experiment.
30. Explain why the experiments of Needham and
Spallanzani yielded in different results even
though they used similar methodologies.
31. How did the explanation of Virchow and Remak
for the origin of cells differ from that of
Schleiden and Schwann?
32. What evidence exists that supports the
endosymbiotic theory?
33. What were the differences in mortality rates due
to puerperal fever that Ignaz Semmelweis
observed? How did he propose to reduce the
occurrence of puerperal fever? Did it work?
34. What is the direction of water flow for a
bacterial cell living in a hypotonic
environment? How do cell walls help bacteria
living in such environments?
35. How do bacterial flagella respond to a chemical 37. What existing evidence supports the theory that
gradient of an attractant to move toward a mitochondria are of prokaryotic origin?
higher concentration of the chemical? 38. Why do eukaryotic cells require an
endomembrane system?
39. Name at least two ways that prokaryotic flagella
are different from eukaryotic flagella.

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3 • Review Questions 129

Critical Thinking
40. What would the results of Pasteur’s swan-neck 46. Label the lettered parts of this eukaryotic cell.
flask experiment have looked like if they
supported the theory of spontaneous
41. Why are mitochondria and chloroplasts unable
to multiply outside of a host cell?
42. Why was the work of Snow so important in
supporting the germ theory?
43. Which of the following slides is a good example of

Figure 3.58 (credit a: modification of work by U.S. Department

of Agriculture; credit b: modification of work by Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention; credit c: modification of work by
47. How are peroxisomes more like mitochondria
44. Provide some examples of bacterial structures
than like the membrane-bound organelles of
that might be used as antibiotic targets and
the endomembrane system? How do they differ
explain why.
from mitochondria?
45. The causative agent of botulism, a deadly form
48. Why must the functions of both lysosomes and
of food poisoning, is an endospore-forming
peroxisomes be compartmentalized?
bacterium called Clostridium botulinim. Why
might it be difficult to kill this bacterium in
contaminated food?

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