947907-Succubi Incubi v2

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Author’s Foreword

Salutations, Maldrog Haalzeh, once again my mortal readers, I’ve returned to this text to
amend it after a fierce scolding from my Brachina Spouse, Brayza after she discovered I
done this without her oversight. Provided with new lore and information, I will correct my
erroneous mistakes for fear of another verbal lashing, especially when one utilizes magic to
enhance the volume of their voice. My ears are still ringing, regardless I shall press on.*

Editor’s Note alike in the pursuit of power, serving

Hello readers, I’ll be editing this text diligently until the time where they can
and correcting his mistakes while obtain a position of authority where they
ensuring he doesn’t create any further can further extend their control. Of
misunderstandings. course, the loyalty to their superiors can
be called into question where the need to
satiate their unnatural hunger, where not
Seducers of Mortals even the strongest fiend can discipline the
The Daemonic forces of the night that desire to feed out of them.*
seek to draw the essence of mortal souls,
plaguing the dreams of their victims with
their unnatural beauty, luring them into [Editor’s Note]
their deathly grasp with the trappings of The type of Succubi and or Incubi first
love. Succubi and Incubi are demons mentioned here is a Brachina, also
found in the service of other fiendish known as pleasure devils, are often
emissaries sent on the behalf to corrupt
entities and deities, seeking to serve their
Clerics, Paladins, and Warlocks into
purposes in driving mortals into the arms
serving infernal deities and archfiends.
of their patrons, embodying the corrupt Statistically, numerous warlocks will
forces that seek to raise the ranks of the form pacts with Succubi and Incubi as
hellish planes of existence. These their patrons, of course I will leave the
creatures are sometimes found in the details of said deals to the imagination.
service of mortals, if not those skilled in It should be noted that he is correct
the divine and arcane arts who’ve that said Succubi and Incubi tend to be
enraptured them with a contract, written quite ambitious so be mindful if you
or otherwise. encounter one.

Succubi and Incubi possess a natural

affinity for persuading others into their Discarded Servants
bidding, revering deities who align with
their interest, if not outright petitioning Aeons ago when Luciel, or Heliel, led his
them for their blessings of power. They rebellion against the Overdeity of
will often find their place hiding amongst Shayayem, then was cast out. In the
the ranks of both demons, and mortals process, numerous Angels of Love had
gone with him for support his endeavor
while others left of their own accord for and quick tongues, namely bards. Leanne
fear of persecution. This is where the first Si are by far the more common Succubi or
Generation of Succubi and Incubi stem Incubi for one to encounter, especially in
from, where over time they developed the lands with strong fey influences. *
traits they possess to this day, apart from
Editor’s Note
Lilith and her Lilin, that is another story.
Leanne Si are reputed protectors of
Subsequently, similar entities were cast glades, warding off those who threaten
from other heavenly pantheons leaving them with druidic magic, and their
them to fend themselves or find their way natural charms. The end result of their
into the arms of deities that were willing protection tends to end with
to accept them as their servants. The changelings being born. You mortals
must enjoy finding love in all the wrong
Ancient Goddess Ishtar, also known as the
Devil Lord Astaroth, seized the
opportunity to take them into her ranks
and forlorn Furies. Brachina, or pleasure It is known that some Brachina or Lilin
devils, originate as the product of these that experience a shift in beliefs or morals
two outsiders mingling, leading the may become a Leanne Si over the course
creation of these infiltrators that aim to of a Full moon, and some Lilin can become
sway the pious to serving their masters.* Brachina, Etc. However, those that do
break away from their hosts or legions
typically pursue their own goals.
Editor’s Note Regardless, it is rumored that there is a
Maldrog fails to mention the fact that ritual that allows them to change between
Brachina double as agents for Infernal these races.*
plots and Schemes. He simultaneously
ignores the fact that they are also easy Editor’s Note
swayed to swerve other masters You haven’t an inkling of the numerous
considering they are often the victims rituals that exist for such a purpose.
of plots from Archfiends. Its the
primary Dilemma for Brachina to either
climb the ladder of power in Infernus, Children of the First Maiden
or find their way in the material plane.
Aeons ago in the realm of Eden, the God of
Shayayem, El, had create two human
Fairy Lovers mortals, Adom and Lilith. However, Adam
didn’t like his current partner considering
In the land of the Fey, Tir na Nog, the she liked to show him whose boss by
wayward Angels of Love settled away basically making him her submissive.
from the potential persecution of their Lilith’s soul was also forged from the
former fellows. Over time they became depths of the Abyss, ala the primordial
fey creatures, associated with Faeries, chaos, so the deck was stacked against
nature and fertility with a reputation for her when he complained to his god that
preying on those with wild imaginations she bossed him around. El banished her
from Eden, taking one of Adom’s ribs to becomes a one of their ilk, where they
create the ideal lover for him, calling her then proceed to procreate with their
Eve. Unfortunately for the two humans, victim. This how generations of Succubi
their immortality was taken away when can be created, outside of the souls of the
they had plucked a fruit from Ein Sohf, damned whom enter the hellish planes.
gaining knowledge of Good and Evil,
while Lilith retained her immortality but Succubi & Inccubi
turned into a demon after leaving Eden.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
El’s right hand angel, Samael, Angel of increases by 2
Temperance, and also known as Satan to
Infernals and Demons, decided to make Age. As a Succubus or incubus, you don’t
Lilith his wife along with his other wives, age like other mortals do, retaining most
Naamah, Agrat Bat, and Eisheth Zenunim. of your characteristics throughout life.
Now, Samael could bear children with his However, most start developing memory
other wives but Lilith when she mated loss after several hundred years.
with him or her sister wives, bore Alignment. Succubi and other likeminded
creatures called Lilin. This is still a happy creatures require the essence of mortals
ending for Lilith except us mortals get the for their continued existence, often
short of end of the stick, where we get equated to the likes of vampires,
some of the earliest incarnations of considered evil creatures, with few
Succubi and Incubi.* exceptions of those who attempt to break
the mold.

Editor’s Note Size. Succubi and incubi are built

Naamah, Agrat Bat, and Eisheth similarly to mortals, roughly equivalent to
Zenunim are hermaphroditic, female their medium size.
pronouns preferred, fallen angels that Speed. Your base speed is 30 ft, and while
form their own distinct pantheon with
in your native form, you have a flying
Lilith. They’re collectively worshipped
speed of 30 ft.**
by witches in oppressive patriarchal
societies, often associated with magic DM’s Info
utilizing blood and other ‘bodily fluilds’. Alternatively, you can replace the flying
This pantheon is revered by many evil speed with a Glide speed where a
succubi and incubi, mainly Lilin as they creature must descend 5 ft every 30 ft
are the first of their kind. they move, or have flying require
While Brachina and Leanne Sidhe can
reproduce with other members of their Darkvision. You have darkvision of 60 ft.
race, Lilin have an insidious method of
reproduction. They utilize dark magic to Charm. You can target a creature that you
corrupt an individual, particularly an evil can see within 30 ft must make a Wisdom
one, over time before their victim saving throw against 10 + Your Charisma
modifier or be magically charmed for one the goals of their taskmasters in
hour. The Charmed Target obeys your persuading the devout to join their ranks,
verbal or telepathic commands. If the thus making them of typically evil
target receives damage or is asked to alignment. The few that do escape the
perform a suicidal command, it can repeat chains of hell find themselves pursuing
the saving throw. Upon a successful save, their own goals or serving another master
it becomes immune to this effect for 24 such as the dark fey, placing their own
hours. Once you use this ability, You can’t freedom and advancement over their
use it again until you finish a Long Rest former masters, becoming chaotic in
Draining Kiss. At 5th level. You kiss a
creature charmed by you or a willing Editor’s Note
creature. The target must make a Brachina form a large portion of
Constitution saving throw against 10 + Infernus’s middle and lower class,
your Charisma modifier, taking 3d6 + taking occupations from prostitutes to
Your Charisma Modifier in psychic business magnates. An unsavory fate
damage, or half damage on a successful awaits those who fall prey to the
save. You regain hitpoints by that amount. machinations of Archfiends as their
slaves. This is the reason why Brachina
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it
prefer to stay on the material plane
again until you finish a short or long rest.
away from the nightmarish conditions
Alternate Form. You can magically alter of hell, Attractiveness is a workplace
yourself to adopt the racial appearance of hazard in Hell.
humanoid race equal to your size, of
either gender of your choice. Your Ability Score increase. Your Dexterity
equipment doesn’t change with you. You increases by 1
revert to your true form if you are
reduced to 0 hitpoints or die. Hellish Resistance. You are resistant to
fire damage.
Charming. You have Proficiency in
Persuasion Beguiler’s Legacy. You know the
Produce Flame cantrip. When you reach
Languages. Common. You have telepathy 3rd level, you can cast the Suggestion
of 60 ft spell once with this trait. When you reach
Subrace. There exists three main kinds of 5th level, you can cast the Enthrall spell
Succubi and Incubi found through the once with this trait. You must finish a long
multiverse, often lurking in the Material rest to cast these spells once again with
planes to further the goals of themselves this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting
or their dark masters. ability for them
Languages. You know the Infernal tongue
Brachina are bound in the service of
fiends and greater devils, aligning with
Lilin Leannan Si
Lilin are the Children of a mortal turned Another name for these beautiful
into a monstrous succubus bent on the creatures is “Fairy Lover” whom prey
corruption of mortals, and seek to devour upon a mortal and seeks their love, whom
their souls, whom lusts for vengeance on if consent cannot escape their clutches
the material plane. They call the abyss unless they find another to take their
home where their God-ancestor dwells, place. They often act as muses that offer
aiming to condemn mortal spirits into inspiration to an artist in exchange for
joining the legions of their ranks and the their affection, however causing the
dark depths in which they lie. subject to suffer a premature death from
madness, with Bards a favorite prey of
Ability Score increase. Your Constitution
their choosing.*
increases by 1
Abyssal Fortitude. Your hit point
maximum Increases by half your level Editor’s Note
(minimum of 1) Victims of a Leannan Si’s love normally
experiencing their race’s full lifespan as
Poison Resistance. You are immune to these fey tend to ensure their Lover’s
poison damage and the poisoned live to the point until their mortal
condition. consort’s die of old age. What a cruel
fate to witness your loved ones perish.
Languages. You know the abyssal tongue

Ability Score increase. Your wisdom

increases by 1.
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed, and
magic can’t put you to sleep
Otherworldly Muse. As a bonus action
You can bestow a bardic inspiration dice,
a d6, onto another creature of your
choice. Once within the next ten minutes,
a creature can roll the die and add the
result to an ability check, attack roll, or
saving throw. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you finish a
long rest.
Languages. You know the Sylvan tongue
DM’s Info
Greetings Players and Dungeon Masters! Its been months since I originally released this
homebrew supplement that has been downloaded over thousand times and receive such
a fanbase. Now, thanks to your support and feedback from my playtest groups, I’ve
decided to update to this to show my support to you by updating it to balance out
features that were largely more attuned to the monstrous NPC versions of these PC
options. I’ve created an entire series of supplements designed to support you the player,
and fuel a DM’s arsenal with the ability create interesting NPCs outside of the mold of the
Monster Manual.

I’m also here to address an aspect of Succubi & Incubi as a Player Race option, where I’ve
noticed some players in my testing groups where some DMs unaware of mythology
simply refer to them as the “R*** Demons” when this simply a major misnomer.
Numerous cultures possess their own variation of the Succubus & Incubus that all
behave in different manners, with Japanese culture possessing the Yuki-onna and in
certain tales the Kitsune, Gaelic culture the Leannan Sidhe, and countless other variations
found throughout historical myths and legends. In Hindu culture, The Yakshini, the
Indian version of the creature, are associated with wealth, fortune, and nature. To the
DMs whose first thought that comes to mind is “R*** Demon” when Succubi and or
Incubi, there is numerous other magical creatures that would commit the same atrocity
in heartbeat or worse.

Succubi & Incubi Player Characters have great potential to be master infiltrators,
assassins, and even mages, where their own children may become great wizards or
sorcerers. In some tellings of Merlin’s Myth, he is known as cambion that was spawned
from his mortal parent mating with an Succubi/Incubi, often used as the source of his
arcane power. Now, will you let the Demon redeem themselves or will you condemn
them to damnation for all eternity? Have fun!

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