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SECTION 1: THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS cycle each year (e.g., winter, spring, summer, fall).

, spring, summer, fall). All symmetry) is the simplest kind of symmetry.

snowflakes contain sixfold symmetry which no two are One of the most common kinds of symmetry
PART 1: MATHEMATICS IN OUR WORLD exactly the same. There is evidence presented by that we see in the natural world. It can also
mathematician that hexagonal snowflakes have an be called mirror symmetry because an
Core Idea: Mathematics is a useful way to think about
atomic geometry of ice crystals. object with this symmetry looks unchanged if
nature and our world.
a mirror passes through its middle. The fold is
Many patterns and occurrences exist in nature, in our Patterns can be seen in fish patterns like spotted called a line of symmetry because it divides
world, in our life. Mathematics helps make sense of these trunkfish, spotted puffer, blue spotted stingray, angel the shape into two equal parts. Bilateral-
patterns and occurrences. Mathematics is a tool to fish. symmetric objects have at least one line or
quantify, organize, and control our world, predict axis of symmetry. The lines of symmetry may
phenomena, and make life easier for us. Mathematics These animals and fish stripes and spots attest to be in any direction.
helps organize patterns and regularities in the world. mathematical regularities in biological growth and
Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and form. Animals mainly have bilateral symmetry, even
phenomena in the world. Mathematics helps control leaves of plants and some flowers such as
nature and occurrences in the world for our own ends. Zebras, tigers, cats and snakes are covered in orchids.
Mathematics has numerous applications in the world patterns of stripes.
making it indispensable. b. Radial symmetry (or rotational symmetry)
Leopards and hyenas are covered in patterns of spots is a type of symmetry around a fixed point
Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World while giraffes are covered in patterns of blotches. known as the center and it can be classified
PATTERN as either cyclic (symmetry around a center
We usually think of it as anything that repeats AGAIN Nature modifies and adapts these basic patterns as point, but no mirror lines) or dihedral
and AGAIN.A pattern is an arrangement which helps needed, shaping them to the demands of a dynamic (symmetry around a center point with mirror
observers anticipate what they might see or what environment. But underlying all the modifications and lines through the center point).
happens next. adaptations is a hidden unity. - Pat Murphy’s “By
Nature’s Design” An equilateral triangle and circles are
A pattern shows what may have come before. It examples. You can cut along three different
organizes information so that it becomes more useful. Mathematical stories have its own beauty which start axes on the equilateral triangle while a circle
Number patterns such as 2,4,6,8,10 and from the clues and deduce the underlying rules and can be cut along an infinite number of axes.
5,10,15,20,25, are among the first patterns regularities, but it is a different kind of beauty, applying Radial symmetry suits organisms like sea
encountered in younger years. to ideas rather than things. The development of new anemones whose adults do not move and
mathematical theories begins to reveal the secret of jellyfish. Radial symmetry is also evident in
As we advance, we encounter more patterns and nature’s patterns. different kinds of flowers and fruits.
discover that number patterns are not restricted to a
few types. They could be ascending, descending, PATTERNS AND REGULARITIES 2. Fractals
multiples of a certain number. As we discover more about our environment, we can Fractal is a curve or geometric figure and each part of
mathematically describe nature. The beauty of a which has the same statistical character as a whole.
We learned patterns through the concept of functions flower, the majestic tree, even the rock formation
and sequences like arithmetic and geometric exhibits nature’s sense of symmetry. In mathematics, it is any of a class of complex
sequences. geometric shapes that commonly have “fractional
DIFFERENT TYPES OF PATTERNS dimension”, a concept first introduced by the
Mathematics is the science of patterns and 1. Symmetry mathematician Felix Hausdorff in 1918.
relationships.By applying mathematics to organize and Symmetry is a sense of harmonious and beautiful
systematize ideas about patterns, we have discovered proportion of balance. occurs when there is Fractals are useful in modeling structures in which
a pattern in nature. congruence in dimensions, due proportions, and similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales,
arrangement. and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena
PATTERNS AND NUMBERS IN NATURE such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence and galaxy
Patterns are everywhere. They are deeply embedded Object is invariant to any of various transformations formation. Fractals can be seen in some plants, trees,
all around us. (reflection, rotation, or scaling). leaves and others.

Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found Symmetry can be found everywhere. It can be seen A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are
in the natural world and can also be seen in the from different viewpoints namely nature, the arts, infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across
universe. These patterns recur in different contexts architecture, mathematics, especially geometry and different scales. They are created by repeating a
and can sometimes be modeled mathematically. science. simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback
Patterns can be observed even in stars which move in TWO MAIN TYPES OF SYMMETRY
circles across the sky each day. The weather seasons a. Bilateral symmetry (or reflection 3. Spirals
Spirals are shapes that wind in a gradually widening or - The Vitruvian Man (“The Man in Action”) by
tightening curve. A trunk grows until it produces a branch, resulting in Leonardo Da Vinci. It's a study of the ideal
A logarithmic spiral (or growth spiral) is a self-similar two growth points. The main trunk then produces proportions of the human form
spiral curve which often appears in nature. It was first another branch, resulting in three growth points and
described by Rene Descartes and was later then the trunk and the first branch produce two more
investigated by Jacob Bernoulli. growth points, bringing the total to five as illustrated on
the image. Mathematics For Our World
Spirals are more evident in plants. But we can also When we hear the word “mathematics”, the first thing
see spirals in typhoons, whirlpool, galaxy, tail of 3. Honeybee that floats in our mind is numbers. Numbers serve as
chameleon, and shell among others. The family tree of a honeybee perfectly resembles the the raw materials which a great deal of mathematics is
Fibonacci sequence. A honeybee colony consists of a forged. However, some mathematical ideas are so
queen, a few drones and lots of workers. basic to our world and every day in our lives we
The Fibonacci Sequence encounter mathematics.
Born in 1170 and died in 1250. Around 1200 ad, The human body has elements that show the In our daily life, we use mathematics directly or
published the Liber Abbaci, or Book of Calculation, Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio. indirectly in various fields.
an arithmetic text which concentrated mainly on
financial computations and promoted the use of 5. Geography, Weather and Galaxies The application of mathematical methods in different
Hindu-Arabic numerals. fields such as science, engineering, business,
computer science, and industry is a combination of
GROWING RABBIT POPULATION mathematical science and specialized knowledge.
“A man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded on The Golden Ratio
all sides by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits are If we take the ratio of Fn to F n−1 for n ≥ 1. For example, statistics, combinatorics, and graph
produced from that pair in a year, if it is supposed that theory are used by investigators to solve crimes.
every month, each pair produces a new pair, which
The Golden Ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter
from the second month onwards becomes Roger Bacon (1214-1294), an English Franciscan
productive?” φ (Phi). This is approximately equal to 1.618. friar, philosopher, scientist and scholar of the 13th
century, once stated: “Neglect of mathematics
We start by defining: A rectangle whose side ratio (length:width) equals to 𝜑 works injury to all knowledge, since he who is
is called a golden rectangle.
F 1=1 and F 2=1. ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or
the things of the world.”
For n > 2, we define: F n=F n−1+ F n−2 1+ √ 5 Math helps us understand or make sense of the world
φ¿ ≈ 1.6180339887 – and we use the world to understand math.
The sequence F 1 , F2 , F3 , … is then the Fibonacci
1−√ 5 As it is valuable and integral in the life of man,
Sequence. This definition is called a recursive φ́ ¿ ≈−0.6180339887 mathematics is a discipline that introduces humanity
definition because it starts by defining some initial 2
values and defines the next term as a function of the with the wide array of possibilities from honing
We can write the nth Fibonacci number explicitly using problem-solving skills to enriching aesthetic
previous terms.
n n judgement.
FIBONACCI SEQUENCE IN NATURE the formula: F n=¿ φ − φ́ , which is the
1. Pinecones, Vegetables and Fruits √5 APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS
BINET’S FORMULA by Jacques Philippe Marie 1. Forensic Science
Spiral patterns curving from left and right can be seen
at the array of seeds in the center of a sunflower. The Binet. Mathematics is applied, specifically, the differential
and integral calculus to clarify blurred image to clear
sum of these spirals when counted will be a Fibonacci
number. The seed pods on a pinecone are also GOLDEN RATIO IN ARCHITECTURE image.
arranged in a spiral pattern. Each cone consists of a - The Great Pyramid of Giza
pair of spirals, each one spiraling upwards in opposing - Taj Mahal Another application of calculus is optimization
- Notre Dame (maximize or minimize) surface areas, volumes, profit
directions. Spiral patterns can also be deciphered in
cauliflower and pineapples. Fibonacci sequence - Parthenon and cost analysis, projectile motion, etc.
appears on these fruits and vegetables.
- Mona-lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci seems to be Much of a function of a protein is determined by its
2. Flowers and Branches
Most flowers express the Fibonacci sequence if you made purposefully line up with golden shape and how the pieces move. Many drugs are
rectangle. designed to change the shape or motions of a protein
count the number of petals on these flowers.
by modeling using geometry and related areas.
hence they are NOT propositions.
3. Engineering 9. Music and Arts
Engineers use numerical analysis in phenomena The rhythm that we find in all music notes is the result Although sentence (4) is a declarative sentence, it
involving heat, electricity, and magnetism, relativistic of innumerable permutations and combinations. Music cannot be considered as a proposition because the
mechanics, quantum mechanics, and other theoretical theorists understand musical structure and meaning of the word “handsome” is subjective in
constructs. communicate new ways of hearing music by applying nature.
set theory, abstract algebra, and number theory.
4. Information Technology
Modern computers are invented through the help of New forms of arts were also based in some NEGATION
mathematics. An important area of applications of mathematical structures. The old Gothic Architecture The negation of a proposition p is the proposition
mathematics is in the development of formal was based on geometry and even the Egyptian which is false when p is true; and true when p is false.
mathematical theories related to the development of Pyramids architecture and engineering were based on The negation of p is denoted by ¬𝑝.
computer science. mathematics.
Computer science development includes logic, PART 2: MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE AND Example:
relations, functions, basic set theory, counting SYMBOLS p: Everyone in Visayas speaks Cebuano
techniques, graph theory, combinatorics, discrete q: Today is Wednesday.
probability, recursion, recurrence relations, number Core Idea: Like any language, mathematics has its own
theory, computer-oriented numerical analysis, and symbols, syntax, and rules. The corresponding negations are:
operation research techniques. ¬𝑝: Not everyone in Visayas speaks Cebuano
Mathematics is a language itself. Hence, it is useful in
¬𝑞: Today is not Wednesday.
Just like Google, they use linear algebra to set itself communicating ideas. Mathematics as a language is
apart from the other search engines by its ability to clear and objective. Language conventions are
quantify relevance with the help of mathematics. On necessary in mathematics for it to be understood by all. COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS
the other hand, Facebook uses graph theory to create Characteristics of mathematical language: precise,
A simple proposition is a proposition with only one
links between individuals. concise, powerful. Four basic concepts: sets, functions,
subject and only one predicate.
relations, binary operations.
5. Cryptography Propositions and Logical Connectives For example: “Every cat that barks has a PhD.” is a
Cryptography is a combination of both mathematics simple proposition.
and computer science and is affiliated closely with PROPOSITIONS Subject: Every cat that barks
information theory, computer security and engineering. Mathematics is a language. As in any other types of Predicate: has a PhD
It is used in applications present in technologically language, we use sentences to communicate thoughts
advanced societies; examples include the security of and ideas. Mathematics is not an exception. We use In logic, we can combine simple propositions to form
ATM cards, computer passwords, and electronic propositions to communicate mathematical ideas COMPOUND PROPOSITIONS using logical
commerce. precisely. connectives.

6. Archaeology A proposition (or statement) is a declarative Some of the most common connectives are “or”, “and”,
Archaeologists use a variety of mathematical and sentence that can be objectively identified as either “but”, “unless”, etc.
statistical techniques to present the data from true or false, but not both.
archeological surveys and try to find patterns to shed CONJUNCTION
light on past human behavior and in carbon dating If a proposition is true, then its truth value is true and is
artifacts. denoted by T or 1; otherwise, its truth value is false Let p and q be given propositions. The conjunction of p
and is denoted by F or 0. and q is the proposition “p and q”, denoted by 𝒑∧𝒒,
7. Social Sciences which is true only when both p and q are true. In other
In social sciences such as economics, sociology, Example: words, if one of p or q is false, then 𝑝∧𝑞 is false.
psychology, and linguistics, all now make extensive Douglas MacArthur arrived in the Philippines in 1521.
use of mathematical models, using the tools of Are you insane? We summarize this idea using the following table.
calculus, probability, game theory, and network theory. Is that your laptop?
In economics, mathematics such as matrices, Basketball players are handsome. Note: Since each of p and q may assume two distinct
probability and statistics are used. truth values, then there are a total of 2^2 = 4
Sentence (1) is a proposition because Douglas combinations, hence the truth table must contain four
8. Political Science MacArthur either arrived in the Philippines in 1521 or rows as shown below.
Political analysts’ study past election result to see not. In fact, this proposition is false because historical
changes in voting patterns and the influence of various records show that Douglas MacArthur arrived in the
factors on voting behavior, on switching of votes Philippines some time in 1900s.
among political parties, and mathematical models for
conflict resolution using game theory and statistics. Sentences (2) and (3) are not declarative sentences,
q : Elephants are mammals.
r : Philippines is a first world country.

We know that p and q are true and r is false.

Therefore, the statement “Either 3 is odd or elephants

are mammals.” symbolized by "𝒑∨𝒒" is true since both
Example: Given the propositions of them are true.
q : Elephants are mammals. Also, “Either 3 is odd or Philippines is a first world In row 2 of the truth table, we see that when p is true
r : Philippines is a first world country. country.” symbolized by “𝒑∨𝒓” is true since one of the and q is false, the proposition ¬(¬𝑝∨𝑞)∨𝑞 in the
proposition, which is p, is true. rightmost column is true.
We know that p and q are true and r is false.

Example: Given the propositions

p : 3 is odd. TRUTH TABLES
q : Elephants are mammals. We consider methods of constructing truth tables for a
r : Philippines is a first world country. proposition that involves a combination of
conjunctions, disjunctions and/or negations. If the
Therefore, the compound proposition : given proposition involves only two simple
“3 is odd and elephants are mammals.” has the propositions, then start with a table with 2^2 = 4 rows,
called the standard truth table form, allotted for the Example 2
symbol 𝑝∧𝑞 while the compound proposition: “3 is odd
combination of truth values for p and q and proceed as Construct a table for (𝑝∧𝑞)∧(¬𝑟∨𝑞).
and Philippines is a first world country.” is symbolized
by 𝑝∧𝑟. shown in Example 1.
Use the truth table from part a to determine the truth
value of(𝑝∧𝑞)∧(¬𝑟∨𝑞), given that p is true, q is true,
Example: Given the propositions
and r is false.
p : 3 is odd.
q : Elephants are mammals.
r : Philippines is a first world country.
- Start by constructing the truth table for p, q
and r.
Also, 𝑝∧𝑞 is true since both p and q are true, while 𝑝∧𝑟
- Add a column for 𝑝∧𝑞.
is false since one proposition, which is r, is false.
Example 1 - Add a column for ¬𝑟.
Construct a table for ¬(¬𝑝∨𝑞)∨𝑞. - Add a column for ¬𝑟∨𝑞.
- As our last step, we form (𝑝∧𝑞)∧(¬𝑟∨𝑞) and
Use the truth table from part a to determine the truth place the results in the rightmost column of
Let p and q be given propositions. The disjunction of p
value of ¬(¬𝑝∨𝑞)∨𝑞, given that p is true and q is false. the table.
and q is the proposition “p or q”, denoted by 𝒑∨𝒒,
which is false only when both p and q are false. In
other words, if one of p or q is true (or both), then 𝒑∨𝒒 SOLUTION / ANSWER FOR PART A
is true.
- Start by constructing the truth table and then
We summarize this idea using the following table. include a ¬ p column.
- Now, use the truth values from the ¬𝒑 column
and q column to produce the truth values for
- Negate the truth values in the (¬𝑝∨𝑞) column
to produce the following table.
- As our last step, we form the disjunction of
¬(¬𝑝∨𝑞) with q and place the results in the SOLUTION/ANSWER FOR PART B
rightmost column of the table.

Let us use the given propositions from the preceding

p : 3 is odd.
truth values in the column denoted by E. statement p → q is the proposition “If p, then q” which
is false only when p is true and q is false. The
converse, inverse and contrapositive of p → q are the
conditional statements q → p, ¬p → ¬q , and ¬q → ¬p,

The following is the truth table for p → q:

In the proposition p → q, the proposition p is also

called as the premise and q is called as the

Step 3: Use the truth values in columns A and E to

ALTERNATIVE METHOD determine the truth values to enter under the “or”
If the given proposition has n simple propositions, then connective.
start with a standard form that has 𝟐^𝒏 rows.
Note: See the column denoted by F, which is the truth
In each row, enter the truth value for each simple table for 𝑝∨[¬(𝑝∧¬𝑞)].
proposition and their negations.

Use the truth values from Step 1 to enter the truth EXAMPLE
value under each connective within a pair of grouping Suppose that your mother exclaims “If you don’t wash
symbols (parentheses, brackets, braces). If some the dishes, then you don’t get money for a buffet.”
grouping symbols are nested inside other grouping
symbols, then work from the inside out. In this conditional statement, the premise is “You don’t
wash the dishes” and the conclusion is “You don’t get
Use the truth values from Step 2 to determine the truth money for a buffet.”
values under the remaining connectives.
This statement can only be false when you don’t wash
Example: Check your learning now. the dishes but you still get the money for the buffet.
Construct a table for 𝑝∨[¬(𝑝∧¬𝑞)]. Construct a table for (¬𝑝∧𝑟)∨(𝑞∧¬𝑟)
Use the truth table from part a to determine the truth Note: ▪There are many ways to say p → q aside from
Solution: value of(¬𝑝∧𝑟)∨(𝑞∧¬𝑟), given that p is false, q is true, “If p, then q.” Alternatively, we can say the following:
The given proposition 𝑝∨[¬(𝑝∧¬𝑞)] has the two simple and r is false. - “q if p”
propositions p and q. Thus, we start with a standard - “p implies q”
form that has 2^2=4 rows. SOLUTION/ANSWER FOR SEATWORK - “p is sufficient for q”
- “q is necessary for p”
Step 1: In each column, enter the truth values for the In row 6 of the truth table, we see that when p is false,
propositions p and ¬𝑞, as shown in the columns q is true and r is false, the proposition(¬𝑝∧𝑟)∨(𝑞∧¬𝑟) is EXAMPLE
denoted by A, B and C of the following table. true. Given the statements
p: “π is irrational.
q: “3 is less than 2.”

Then, p → q would mean “If π is irrational, then 3 is

less than 2.”

Given the statements
p: “π is irrational.”
q: “3 is less than 2.”

Step 2: Use the truth values in columns B and C to The converse, q → p would mean “If 3 is less than 2,
determine the truth values to enter under the “and” then π is irrational.”
connective. See the column denoted by D. Now, CONDITIONAL STATEMENT
negate the truth values in the column D to produce the Let p and q be given propositions. The conditional EXAMPLE
Given the statements below. 10. p ⟷ q ⟺ p → q ∧ q → p .
p: “π is irrational.”
q: “3 is less than 2.”
The Language of Mathematics
The inverse, ¬p → ¬q would mean “If π is not Language serves as a tool for learning mathematical
irrational, then 3 is not less than 2.” concepts. It can show how to make syntax and
Let p and q be propositions (possibly compound). We structure of mathematical language clear and explicit
NOTE: The negation of “π is irrational” as “π is not say that p logically implies q, expressed as p ⟹ q, if to understand the fundamental mathematical
irrational” is considered to emphasize the fact that it is the conditional statement p → q is a tautology. concepts.
not assumed that the opposite of being irrational is
being rational, unless otherwise stated. If p ⟹ q and q ⇒ p, we say that p and q are logically Language serves as a major pedagogical tool to
equivalent and we write p ⇔ q. A Z that is neither a understand how, what, and why things are said.
EXAMPLE tautology nor a contradiction is called a contingency.
Given the statements
p: “π is irrational.” EXAMPLE:
q: “3 is less than 2.” The Language of Sets
By constructing truth tables, show that p ⇒ p ∨ q and p
∧ q ⟹ p. Set theory is the branch of mathematics that studies
The contrapositive, ¬q → ¬p would mean “If 3 is not sets or the mathematical science of the infinite. The
less than 2, then π is not irrational.” study of sets has become a fundamental theory in
mathematics in 1870s which was introduced by Georg
EXAMPLE Cantor (1845-1918), a German mathematician.
Given the statements
p: “π is irrational.” SET – a well-defined collection of objects called
q: “3 is less than 2.” elements.
Note: If we assume that p is true and q is false (just
like how they really are in mathematics), it can Be In logic, the implication p ⇒ (p ∨ q) is called as the law Example:
verified that both p → q and ¬q → ¬p are false, while of addition and the implication (p ∧ q) ⟹ p is the law a. A collection of enrolled students in GEED
both q → p and ¬p → ¬q are true. of simplification. 10053 MMW class for SY 2021-22 is a set.
(Note: Students can easily be identified as
The following are some of the b. enrolled or not in the said class)
BICONDITIONAL STATEMENT b. A collection of the women presidents of the
Let p and q be propositions. The biconditional Theorem: Philippines is a set. (Note: The women
statement p ↔ q to be read as “p if and only if q” is Let p, q, and r be propositions. presidents of the Philippines are Pres.
the proposition which is true only if both p and q are Corazon Aquino and Pres. Gloria Macapagal-
true or both p and q are false. 1. p ⟺ q if and only if p ↔ q is a tautology. Arroyo)
2. p ⇔ p. c. A collection of five best basketball players of
all time. NOT a set. (Note: Because of the
3. p ∨ q ⟺ q ∨ p and p ∧ q ⟺ q ∧ p. (Commutative word “best”, which is clearly subjective in
Properties) nature, this collection is NOT a set.)
d. The collection of real numbers such that
4. p ∨ q ∨ r ⟺ p ∨ q ∨ r and p ∧ q ∧ r ⟺ p ∧ q ∧ r. 𝑥^2−1=0
(Associative Properties) e. The collection of vowel letters
f. The collection of integers such that 1<𝑥<8
A compound proposition is a tautology if its truth value 5. p ∨ q ∧ r ⟺ p ∨ q ∧ p ∨ r and p ∧ q ∨ r ⟺ p ∧ q ∨ p
remains true regardless of the truth values of its ∧ r . (Distributive Properties) FACTS ABOUT SETS
component propositions.
6. De Morgan’s Laws Sets are denoted by capital letters (e.g. A, D, C,…).
On the other hand, a compound proposition is a (a) ¬ p ∨ q ⟺ ¬p ∧ ¬q . The objects of a set are separated by comma and
contradiction if its truth value remains false regardless (b) ¬ p ∧ q ⟺ ¬p ∨ ¬q . are enclosed by braces.
of the truth values of its component propositions.
7. p → q ⟺ ¬p ∨ q. These objects are called the elements or members
of the set.
8. ¬ p → q ⟺ p ∧ ¬q .
The compound statement p ∨ ¬p is a tautology and
If A is a set, the notation x ∈ A means that x is an
the compound statement p ∧ ¬p is a contradiction. 9. p → q ⟺ ¬q → ¬p . element of A. (x belongs to A)
This can be observed by looking at the truth table
The notation x ∉ A means that x is not an element of letter J} 2.) A is the set of positive integers less than 10.
A. 2. L = {y|y is a whole number less than 5} A={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
ℕ for the set of natural or counting numbers (positive If A and B are sets, A is called subset of B, written
 A set contains the months of the year beginning with integers): 𝐴⊆𝐵, if and only if, every element of A is also an
the letter J {1,2,3,4,…} element of B. Symbolically, 𝐴⊆𝐵⇔∀𝑥, 𝑥∈𝐴→𝑥∈𝐵.
M = {January, June, July}
January ∈ M ℤ for the set of integers: (Note: ∀ means “for all” or “for every” and remember,
August ∉ M  {…,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,…} ⇔ means “if and only if”)

A set contains the whole numbers less than 5 ℚ for the set of rational numbers: A is a proper subset of B, written 𝐴⊂𝐵, if and only if,
L= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} {├ 𝑎/𝑏┤|𝑎,𝑏∈ℤ,𝑏≠0} every element of A is in B but there is at least one
3 ∈ L element of B that is not in A.
10 ∉ L  ℝ for the set of real numbers
On contrary, the symbol ⊄ denotes that it is not a
1. Descriptive Method - uses a verbal statement to A finite set A is a set whose elements are limited or A equals B, written, 𝐴=𝐵, if and only if, every element
describe the set.    countable, and the last element can be identified. of A is in B and every element of B is in A.
Examples: Otherwise, A is said to be infinite. Symbolically, 𝐴=𝐵⇔(𝐴⊆𝐵)∧(𝐵⊆𝐴).
M is the set of all the months of a year
beginning with the letter J. Examples of finite sets: REMARKS
L is the set of all positive integers less than 5.  1.) A is the set of positive integers less than 10. 1. For any set A, 𝐴⊆𝐴 and ∅⊆𝐴.
A={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} 2. If A and B are finite sets and 𝐴=𝐵, then n(𝐴)=n(𝐵).
2. Roster Method or Listing Method - list all the 2.) C is the set of letters in the word “mathematics”
elements of the set enclosed with braces C={m,a,t,h,e,i,c,s} EXAMPLES
Examples: Examples of infinite sets: Let A be the set of all mathematicians 20 feet high and
M = {January, June, July} ℕ,ℤ,ℚ,ℝ B be the set of all PUP students.
L= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} We can conclude that
A unit set is a set with only one element; it is also 𝐴=∅ and
For sets with more elements, show the first few entries called singleton. 𝐴⊆𝐵 (by remark #1 in the previous slide)
to display a pattern, and use an ellipsis  (…) to
indicate “and so on.” Examples: Suppose U = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}
Example: 1.) P = {w} A = {c, d, e}
The set of the first 50 positive integers.    2.) I = {x|x is a whole number greater than 1 but less B = {a,b,c,d,e}
{1,2,3,…,50}  than 3} C = {e,a,c,b,d}
I = {2}
3. Rule Method or Set Builder Notation - uses a Thus, the following holds true:
variable (a symbol, usually a letter, that can represent The set with no elements is called the empty set (or A and C are both subsets of B. But, 𝐴⊂𝐵,
different elements of a set), braces, and a vertical bar | null set). It is denoted by the symbol ∅ or {┤}. whereas 𝐶⊄𝐵.
that is read as “such that”. Example:
K= {x|x is an integer less than 2 but greater than 1} DEFINITION
This is usually used when the elements are too many Since there is no integer between 1 and 2, the set has
to list down. no element. Therefore, K = { }. Given a set S from the universal set U, the power set
of S denoted by ℘(𝑆), is the collection (or sets) of all
All sets under investigation in any application of set subsets of S.
theory are assumed to be contained in some large
fixed set called the universal set, denoted by the A set S of n elements has 2^𝑛 subsets.
symbol, U.
Example # 1: EXAMPLE
a. M is the set of all the months of a year The cardinal number of a set is the number of Given: A = {e,f}
beginning with the letter J elements or members in the set. The cardinality of set
b. L is the set of whole numbers less than 5 A is denoted by n(A). Since A has two elements, it has 2^2=4 subsets,
Answers: Examples: namely {e}, {f}, {e,f}, ∅
1. M = {x|x is a month of the year which begins with 1.) E = {a,b,c,d,e}
Therefore, the power set of A is ℘(𝑨)={{𝒆}, {𝒇}, Mathematical problem solving takes time. Solutions are Therefore, all tests are difficult.
{𝒆,𝒇},∅} not always apparent to a solver. There may be more than
one approach in solving mathematical problems. 3.) Mark is a Science teacher. Mark is bald.
The complement of A, denoted by 𝐴^′, is the set of all Therefore, all Science teachers are bald.
elements x in the universal set U such that x is not in INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE REASONING
A. Reasoning is our ability to use logical thinking to EXAMPLES OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING
Symbolically, 𝑨^′={𝒙∈𝑼"|" 𝒙∉𝑨} come up with a decision. 1.) All birds have feathers. Ducks are birds.
Two types: Therefore, ducks have feathers.
EXAMPLE: Inductive Reasoning
Given: A = {a,b,c,d,e} Deductive Reasoning 2.) All Science teachers are bald. Mark is a Science
U = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} teacher.
Inductive reasoning – the process of reasoning that Therefore, Mark is bald.
Then, ^′={𝒙∈𝑼"|" 𝒙∉𝑨} 𝑨^′={𝒇,𝒈} arrives at a general conclusion based on the
observation of specific examples. 3.) All engineers are men. My sister is an engineer.
Therefore, my sister is a man.
Deductive reasoning – the process of reasoning that
arrives at a conclusion based on previously accepted Note: Logical reasoning may be valid but not
general statements. necessarily true.

The conclusion drawn by using inductive reasoning is

called conjecture. The conjecture may be true or false Polya’s Problem-Solving Strategy
depending on the truthfulness of the argument. GEORGE POLYA (1887-1985)
In 1945, mathematician George Polya devised a
A statement is a true statement provided that it is true model for problem solving and published it in his book
in all cases and it only takes one example to prove the “How to Solve It”. The book contains a collection of
conjecture is false, such an example is called a mathematical problems and selected strategies on
counterexample. dealing these. He called his problem solving model
Note: they can be represented in terms of venn heuristic (or serving to discover).
diagram. Logically speaking, we cannot prove a general
EXAMPLE statement from a number of specific examples unless
Given: A = {0,1,3,5,7} there are only finitely many examples and we can POLYA’S PROBLEM- SOLVING STRATEGY
B = {1,2,4,7,9} exhaust them. However, only one counterexample can 1. Understand the problem. (Ask questions,
prove that our conjecture is false. experiment, or otherwise rephrase the question in your
Then, 𝑨∪𝑩={𝟎,𝟏,𝟐,𝟑,𝟒,𝟓,𝟕,𝟗} own words.
𝑨∩𝑩={𝟏,𝟕} Deductive reasoning does not rely on examples. 2. Devise a plan. (Find the connection between the
𝑨∖𝑩={𝟎,𝟑,𝟓} We make our conclusion based on general statements data and the unknown. Look for patterns, relate to a
whose truth value is known or assumed. Formal previously solved problem or a known formula, or
mathematics is usually based on this type of simplify the given information to give you an easier
reasoning. We first lay down definition of terms, and problem.
assume basic true statements called axioms and 3. Carry out the plan. (Check the steps as you go.)
derive true statements from these axioms called as 4. Look back. (Examine the solution obtained. In other
theorems. words, check your answer.)

Inductive reasoning cannot in general prove Together with these guidelines, the following are some
general statements as this relies on examples of the recommended strategies:
PART 3: PROBLEM SOLVING AND REASONING only. In contrast, we can use deductive reasoning to 1. Draw a diagram.
prove a certain conjecture. 2. Solve a simpler problem.
Core Idea: Mathematics is not just about numbers; much 3. Make a table.
of it is problem solving and reasoning. EXAMPLES OF INDUCTIVE REASONING 4. Work backwards.
1.) 1 is an odd number. 11 is an odd number. 21 is an 5. Guess and check.
Mathematics requires not only facility with numbers but odd number. 6. Find a pattern.
also to critically think through situations, to reason and Therefore, all numbers ending with 1 are odd 7. Use a formula or an equation.
argue logically and to creatively solve problems. numbers. 8. Using logical reasoning.
Mathematics is an active human endeavor. We can
create the mathematics we need to solve problems. 2.) Essay test is difficult. Problem solving test is
Mathematics is for everyone who cares to learn it. difficult. Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns
Some types of pattern: consideration consists of large number of objects, we Refers to the task of drawing conclusions from the
- Prime number pattern try to obtain information about the group by examining analyzed data.
- Imaginary number pattern its subgroup. Results must be able to answer the research problem
- Geometric number pattern and give recommendations.
- Growing number pattern
Branches of Statistics 6. PRESENTATION OF THE RESULT
SEQUENCE 1. Descriptive Statistics – is concerned with Present all pertinent results in a clear and concise
Finite and Infinite the description and summarization of data. It manner.
 An infinite sequence is a function whose domain is deals with the techniques used in the Use appropriate form of media to present results.
the set of positive integers. collection, presentation, organization, and
analysis of the data on hand.
The function values a 1 , a2 , a3 , … , an−1 , a n … are 2. Inferential Statistics – Population and Sample
The total collection of all the elements that we are
terms of the sequence.
interested in is called a population. A subgroup of the
population that will be studied in detail is called a
If the domain of the function consists of the first n
positive integers only, the sequence is a finite
A sample of k members of a population is called a
random sample, also called a simple random
A general sequence a 1 , a2 , a3 , … , an−1 , a n … sample, if the members are chosen in such a way that
having the first term a 1, the second term a 2, the third all possible choices of the k members are equally
term is a 3, and the nth term, also called the general
term of the sequence, is a n. SAMPLING
Sampling refers to the process of obtaining samples
DIFFERENCE TABLE from the population. Sampling maybe categorized as
It shows the differences between successive terms of either probability sampling or non-probability sampling.
the sequence. The differences in rows maybe the first,
second, and third differences. In the first differences, Steps in Statistical Investigation PROBABILITY SAMPLING VS. NON-PROBABILITY
each number in the first row of the table is the 1. DEFINING THE PROBLEM SAMPLING
differences between the closest numbers just above it Identify a specific problem. Probability sampling, also referred to as random
(subtract the upper left number to the upper right Define the scope and limitations, assumptions to be sampling, is the method of sampling in which every
number). If the first differences are not the same, made, and expected outcomes. member of the population have equal chance of being
compute the successive differences of the first 2. COLLECTION OF DATA selected as sample; otherwise, it is considered as
differences (called the second and third differences). Make sure to collect the data properly. non-probability sampling.
Incomplete, fabricated, outdated and inaccurate data PROBABILITY SAMPLING
are useless.
SECTION 2: MATHEMATICS AS A TOOL 1.) Simple Random Sampling – This is also
3. SUMMARIZATION AND TABULATION OF DATA known as the fish-bowl method or the lottery
Part 1: STATISTICS AND DATA MANAGEMENT method. Each member in the population is
This refers to organization of data in text, tables,
graphs and charts, so that logical conclusion can be assigned a number from 1 to N. Each number
Core Idea: Statistical tools derived from mathematics are is written on a piece of paper (or a ballot),
useful in processing and managing numerical data in derived from them.
Explore the data to obtain additional insight that could which is then placed and thoroughly mixed in
order to describe a phenomenon and its effects. a bowl or a convenient container such as a
contribute to the study.
tambiolo. The researcher then draws out n
4. ANALYSIS OF DATA number of these ballots. The numbers are
STATISTICS is the study of the collection, then listed and their corresponding
organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation This pertains to the process of deriving from the given
data relevant information from which numerical participants are identified.
of data. 2.) Stratified Random Sampling – The
descriptions can be formulated.
Summarized data must be examined so that insights population is divided into groups based on
It deals with all aspects of data, including the planning certain characteristics. The groups are called
of its collection in terms of the design of surveys and and meaningful information can be produced to
support decision-making or solutions to the question or strata.
experiments. 3.) Systematic Random Sampling – This is the
problem at hand.
method of selecting every kth element in the
In statistics, we are often interested in gathering population list. The value of k is determined
information from a group of objects. If the groups in 5. INTERPRETATION OF DATA AND RESULTS
by the formula 𝑘=𝑁/𝑛, where N is the
population size and n is the sample size. The
first element in the list is randomly selected.
Thereafter, every kth element is elected until Level of Measurement
the sample is completed. It is important to understand the level of measurement
4.) Cluster Random Sampling – The total of variables in research, because the level of
population is grouped based on some where N is the population size measurement determines the type of statistical
“natural” means. For instance, schools are analysis that can be conducted, and, therefore, the
grouped according to their geographical The higher the margin of error, the less likely it is that type of conclusions that can be drawn from the
locations. Then random sampling is applied the results of the sample are true for the whole research.
to choose which cluster is treated as the population.
sampling unit such that analysis is done on 1. NOMINAL LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT
population of clusters. Example: In this level of measurement, words, letters, and alpha-
A researcher plans to conduct a survey about food numeric symbols can be used. It classifies data into
NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING preference of BS Accountancy students. If the mutually exclusive (non-overlapping) categories in
population of students is 1000, use the Slovin’s which no order or ranking can be imposed on the data.
1) Accidental Sampling – Sample is chosen by the formula to find the sample size if the margin of error is  
researcher by the obtaining members of the 5%. Examples
population in a convenient, often haphazard way. Suppose there are data about people belonging
Also known as Convenience Sampling. Solution to three different gender categories. In this case, the
2) Quota Sampling – There is specified number of Given: N = 1000, e = 0.05 person belonging to the female gender could be
persons of certain types is included in the sample. Using the Slovin’s formula, classified as F, the person belonging to the male
The researcher is aware of categories within the N gender could be classified as M, and transgendered
population and draws samples from each 𝑛= classified as T.
category. The size of each categorical sample is 1+ N e2 For example, jersey numbers in basketball are
proportional to the proportion of the population we get measures at the nominal level. A player with
that belongs in that category. 1000 number 30 is not more of anything than a player with
3) Purposive Sampling – The researcher employs n= number 15, and is certainly not twice whatever
his or her judgments on choosing which he or she 1+(1000)¿ ¿ number 15 is.
believes are representative of the population. ≈ 285.71
4) Snowball Sampling – This technique is also 3. ORDINAL LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT
called referral sampling. A primary set of samples Therefore, the researcher needs to survey 286 BS This level of measurement depicts some ordered
are chosen based on the criteria set by the Accountancy students. relationship among the variable’s observations.
researcher. Information on where to find Suppose a student scores the highest grade of 100 in
succeeding set of sample having the same criteria the class.  In this case, he would be assigned the first
will be gathered from this primary set in order to Methods of Data Collection rank.  Then, another classmate scores the second
expand the number of samples. 1. Survey Method. The survey is a method of highest grade of an 92; she would be assigned the
5) Multistage Sampling – The sample is selected collecting data on the variable of interest by asking second rank.  A third student scores a 81 and he
by combining at least two different sampling people questions. This may be done by interview or by would be assigned the third rank, and so on.   The
methods. using questionnaires. ordinal level of measurement indicates an ordering of
the measurements.
2. Experiment. Experimental data are collected
Sample Size Considerations through active intervention by the researcher to Examples
The sample size is typically denoted by n and it is produce and measure change or to create difference Rating Scale
always a positive integer. No exact sample size can be when a variable is altered. Experimental data typically Ranking in a contest (First place, Second place,
mentioned as it can vary in different research settings. allows the researcher to determine a causal etc.)
However, all else being equal, large sized sample relationship and is typically projectable to a larger Note: Distances between attributes do not have any
leads to increased precision in estimates of various population. This type of data are often reproducible, meaning.
properties of the population. but it often can be expensive to do so.
For example, on a survey you might code
Slovin’s formula is used to calculate the sample size 3. Observations. Observational data are captured Educational Attainment as 0=less than high school;
n given the population size and a margin of error e. It through observation of a behavior or activity. It is 1=some high school.; 2=high school degree; 3=some
is a formula used to estimate sampling size of a collected using methods such as human observation college; 4=college degree; 5=post college. In this
random sample from a given population. We can or the use of an instrument or sensor to monitor and measure, higher numbers mean more education. But
compute record information. Because observational data are is distance from 0 to 1 same as 3 to 4?
captured in real time, it would be very difficult or
impossible to re-create if lost 3. INTERVAL LEVEL OF MEASUREMENT
The interval level of measurement not only classifies At each level up the hierarchy, the current level
and orders the measurements, but it also specifies that includes all of the qualities of the one below it and A frequency table for a data set containing a large
the distances between each interval on the scale are adds something new. In general, it is desirable to have number of data values is constructed as follows:
equivalent along the scale from low interval to high a higher level of measurement (e.g., interval or ratio)
interval.  For example, an interval level of rather than a lower one (nominal or ordinal). - Determine the data range of the data set.
measurement could be the measurement of anxiety in - Decide the width of the class intervals.
a student between the score of 10 and 11, this interval - Divide the range by the chosen width of the
is the same as that of a student who scores between Presentation of Data class interval to determine the number of
40 and 41.   1. TEXTUAL FORM intervals.
Examples Data are presented in paragraph or text. The text
Temperature (Celsius and Fahrenheit) highlights the important figures or results that the Range - The difference between the largest value and
IQ researcher wishes to focus on. smallest value in the data set
For example, when we measure temperature (in Data appears in a systematic manner in rows and How many classes should we use?
Fahrenheit), the distance from 30-40 is same as columns. The number of categories of equal length that will be
distance from 70-80. The interval between values is a. simple or one-way table used to group the data.
interpretable. Because of this, it makes sense to
compute an average of an interval variable, where it RANGE: BS – SN
doesn’t make sense to do so for ordinal scales.


In this level of measurement, the observations, in LENGTH OF CLASS INTEVAL:
addition to having equal intervals, can have a value of Range / No. Of Classes
zero as well.  The zero in the scale makes this type of
measurement unlike the other types of measurement, b. two-way table
although the properties are similar to that of the
interval level of measurement.
Salary Step 1: Determine the data range of the data set.
Step 2: Decide the width of the class intervals.
In applied social research most “count” variables 3. GRAPHICAL FORM Step 3: Divide the range by the chosen width of the
are ratio, for example, the number of clients in past six Data or relationship among variables could be class interval to determine the number of intervals.
months. Why? Because you can have zero clients and presented in visual form, thru graph or diagrams. In
because it is meaningful to say that “…we had twice that manner, the reader can easily perceive what is Cumulative Frequency- The total of a frequency and
as many clients in the past six months as we did in the being meant by the figure or any trend being portrayed all frequencies so far in a frequency distribution. It is
previous six months.” by the data. the “running total” of frequencies.

Class Midpoint, Frequency, Cumulative Frequency HISTOGRAM

Class Midpoint or Class Mark- The midpoint of each A histogram is a graph in which the classes are
class interval marked on the horizontal axis (x-axis) and the class on
the vertical axis (y-axis). The height of the bars
represents the class frequencies, and the bars are
drawn adjacent to each other.

A frequency polygon is a graph that displays the data
using points which are connected by lines. The
frequencies are represented by the heights of the
It’s important to recognize that there is a hierarchy points at the midpoints of the classes.
implied in the level of measurement idea. At lower
levels of measurement, assumptions tend to be less CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY POLYGON / OGIVE
restrictive and data analyses tend to be less sensitive. A cumulative frequency polygon or ogive is a graph
that displays the cumulative frequencies for the MEAN OF UNGROUPED DATA
classes in a frequency distribution. We will let n represent the number of data points in the
distribution. Then,
A pareto chart is a graph used to represent a
frequency distribution for a categorical data (or
nominal-level) and frequencies are displayed by the
heights of vertical bars, which are arranged in order
∑ of values
from highest to lowest.
number of values
A bar chart is similar to bar histogram. The bases of
the rectangles are arbitrary intervals whose centers
are the codes. The height of each rectangle represents
the frequency of that category.

A pie chart is a circle divided into portions that
represent the relative frequencies (or percentages) of
the data belonging to a different categories.


A time series graph represents data that occur over
specific period of time under observation. In addition, it
shows a trend or pattern on the increase or decrease
over the period of time.

A pictograph immediately suggests the nature of the MODE
data being shown. It is a combination of the attention- MODE OF UNGROUPED DATA
getting quality and the accuracy of the bar chart.
Appropriate pictures arranged in a row (sometimes in
a column) present the quantities for comparison. MEDIAN
A scatter plot is used to examine possible relationships
between two numerical variables. The two variables MEDIAN OF UNGROUPED DATA
are plotted in x-axis and y-axis. First, order the data.
(n + 1) / 2

Measures of Central Tendency MEDIAN OF GROUPED DATA x lb = lower boundary of the modal class
A measure of central tendency or average is a location d 1 = difference between the frequency of the class
measure that pinpoints the center or typical middle mode and the class before the modal class
value of a data set. A convenient way of describing a
set of data with a value that describes the average
d 2 = difference between the frequency of the class
characteristic of a data set. The three common mode and the class after the modal class
measures of central tendency are the mean, median i = class width
and mode.
x lb = lower boundary of the median class
Grouped Data vs Ungrouped Data 𝑛 = total frequency
Data is often described as ungrouped or cf b = cumulative frequency before median class
grouped. Ungrouped data is data given as f m = frequency of the median class
individual data points. Grouped data is data given in
intervals.  i = class width

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