Activity #11: The Linear Curriculum Development Models

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Reflect on and address the following:
1.Review the linear curriculum development models.
● the linear models of curriculum development prescribe a rational step-by-step procedure
for curriculum development starting with objectives.
A.Tylers Rational Linear Model(Ralph Tyler)
● developed the first model of curriculum development.
● argued that curriculum development should be logical and systematic.
● argued that to develop any curriculum,curriculum workers should
respond to four basic question.
● Also identified three curriculum sources:
1. Society
2. Students
3. Subject matter
B.Taba's Grassroots Rational Model(Hilda Taba)
● Presented her model in her book Curriculum Development
● Argued that curriculum development should follow a sequential and logical process and
suggested for more information input in all phases of curriculum development.
● Also claimed that all curricula are composed fundamental elements.
● Also suggested that curriculum development could be made successful if there was a
diagnosis of needs.
C.Standards-based Curriculum Development Model(Allan Glatthorn)
● Intended for developing curriculum standards for any discipline from basic education to
higher education.
● This has three phases to be followed;
1. Develop standards
2. Develop benchmarks
3. Develop final products
● Is an example of linear and rationale curriculum development model.
D.Understanding by Design Model/UBD(Wiggins and Mctighe)
● Also called as the Backward Design there are three stages:
1. Identify desired results
2. Determine acceptable evidence
3. Plan the learning experiences and instruction
E.Systematic Design Model(Robert Diamond)
● Developed the systematic design model in the Early 1960's.
● Has two basic phases:
1. Project Selection and Design
2. Production,Implementation,and Evaluation for each unit
● Prescriptive and rational
F.Murray Print Model for Curriculum Development(Murray Print)
● Prescribes a sequential and logical approach to curriculum development to provide a
useful and easy-to-understand process in developing curriculum.
2.Identify the possible strengths and weaknesses of each model when applied to the
Philippine context.



TYLER'S RATIONAL ● provides an easy ● it overlooks the

LINEAR step-by-step in planning unpredictable nature
DEVELOPMENT and delivery process of teaching and
● provide a logical sequence learning.
of curriculum element ● the objectives model
has flaws in terms of
the reality of
development which is
rarely a fixed or linear

TABA'S GRASSROOTS ● Gifted students begin ● Can be difficult for

RATIONAL MODEL thinking of a concept, then non-gifted students to
dive deeper into that grasp Difficult for
concept Focuses on heterogeneous
open-ended questions classrooms The Taba
rather than right/wrong model is not an easy
questions The instructional method
open-endedness requires to grasp, making it
more abstract thinking, a more of a challenge to
benefit to our gifted students of all
students The questions backgrounds.
and answers lend ● This method of
themselves to rich teaching is harder to
classroom discussion Easy use across the
to assess student learning curriculum.
The Taba model ● Taba's inductive
encourages higher-order model may not appeal
thinking skills in the to curriculum
classroom developers who prefer
● It allows students to start to consider the more
with a concept and dig global aspects of the
deeper into that particular curriculum before
concept. proceeding to

STANDARDS-BASED ● Students are completely ● standards should be

CURRICULUM aware of what they are created for each
DEVELOPMENT expected to know or be individual student.
MODEL able to do. those out of touch
● The standards are clear with students, such as
and precise, often written businesspeople and
in kid-friendly language. politicians, will remain
● Standards-based unreasonable, and
instruction guides planning educational practices
and instruction and helps will be reduced to
teachers keep their focus bean counting.
on the learning target. ● By pursuing
achievement based
on a rigid set of goals,
children are missing
the pleasure and
motivation connected
with simply solving a
● Students who work
only for points do not
understand that
"knowledge matters"
and that "active
processing of
information is the only
reliable way to acquire

UNDERSTANDING BY ● Enables student-centered ● Requires a lot of

DESIGN MODEL(UBD) learning. teacher prep time.
● Makes learning interesting ● Works for students
and multi-dimensional. who can think and
● Develops teacher's conceptualize on
creativity. higher levels.
● Provides better curriculum ● Renders confusion
plan. and complexity when
● Opens door to different issues arise in the
learning modalities. initial framework.
● Holds teachers responsible ● Misconceptions arises
for learning environment. between
essential content
verses priorities of
state-based high
stakes testing.
● Challenges existing
classroom curriculum
structures set by
teacher's teaching

SYSTEMATIC DESIGN ● Creates curriculum that ● success depends on

MODEL focuses on how students teamwork within a
learn, as well as course school's faculty.
Content Continual ● A school with a very
assessments are used to divided staff will not
see if the new curriculum is work.
doing what it was designed
to do Reduced number of
"Turf Wars" - People
fighting for their subject
● Involves many different
views (administration,
faculty, and other

MURRAY PRINT ● Sequential and logical ● Unclear where the

MODEL FOR approach to curriculum philosophy of the
CURRICULUM development institution and
DEVELOPMENT ● Recognizes the nature of philosophy of the
involved curriculum curriculum will come
workers into play.
● Embraces the principles of ● Weak link between
cyclical and dynamic curriculum presage
models. Embraces the and situational
principles of cyclical and analysis
models. ● Lack of
● Inclusion of instructional contextualization of
evaluation, monitoring, and curriculum
feedback system ● Assumption that all
● Can be used in any level of teachers & developers
curriculum development. understand curriculum
theory & elements.
● Reflection of reality

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