Exam On Proteins & Enzymes and Lipids: I. Multiple Choice. Submit All Your Answers To Google Classroom in PDF Format

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Exam on Proteins & Enzymes and Lipids

I. Multiple Choice. Submit all your answers to Google classroom in PDF format.

1. Protein are chains of _____________ joined together by ______________.

a. enzymes, peptide bond b. amino acids , peptide bond
c. monosaccharide, glycosidic bond d. nucleic acids,hydrogen bond

2. Two important proteins are collagen and keratin, which are major components of skin, bones, hair, and nails.
They serve as ____.
a. structural protein b. catalytic protein c. storage protein d. transport protein

3. Peptidase breaks down protein through hydrolysis reactions in the body. Peptidase is what kind of protein?
a. hormone b. enzyme c. storage d. transport

4. Which of the following amino acids contain sulfur?

a. asparagine b. methionine c. histidine d. threonine

5. A peptide is known to have the sequence (Gly-Try-Asp)n. This provides information about its:
a. primary structure b.secondary structure c. tertiary structure d. quaternary structure

6. The protein primary structure is held together by:

a. hydrogen bonds b. disulfide bonds c. peptide bonds d. protein bonds

7. The α-pleated sheet is an example of:

a) a primary protein structure. c) a tertiary protein structure.
b) a secondary protein structure. d) a quaternary protein structure.

8. Which is the correct projection formula of alanine in a strongly acidic solution?

a. b. c. d.

9. Combining three amino acids produces:

a. a tripeptide + 2 water molecules c. a tripeptide + 3 water molecules
b. a dipeptide + 2 water molecules d. a dipeptide + 1 water molecule

10. Which of these agents can denature proteins?

a) salt b) alcohol c) UV light d) all of the above can denature

11. A holoenzyme is made up of:

a) protein and substrate c) coenzyme and substrate
b) apoenzyme and coenzyme d) activator and coenzyme

12. . Amino acids exist in water with positive charge on -NH3+ and negative charge on –COO- . compounds like amino
acids are called.
a) acids b) bases c) zwitterions d) answer a) & b)

13. An amide bond that links two amino acids is called ______ bond.
a) peptide b) hydrophobic c) hydrophilic d) hydrogen

14. The pH at which proteins have a net charge of zero is ___________.

a) isoelectric point or pI b) acidic pH c) basic pH d) both a) & b)

15. 24. ________ is the specific portion of the enzyme where the substrate binds during the reaction.
a. regulatory site b) inhibitory site c) active site d) answer a), b), & c)
16. 25. Which of the following is not a good source of protein?
a) wheat b) fish c) soybeans d) eggs

17. 26. A substance that will give a positive xanthoproteic reaction with concentrated nitric acid is:
a) Ala-Cys b) Pro-Gly c) Phe-Pro d) all of these

18. 27. Which of these will give a positive Biuret test?

a) Pro-Gly b) Phe c) Ala-Cys d) Cys-Gly-Ala

19. 28. Which of these will not give a blue Ninhydrin test?
a) Pro b) Phe c) Ala d) Cys

20. 29. The zwitterion for alanine is:

a) b) c) d)

21. 30. The pH at which at which an enzyme is most active is

a) isoelectric point, pI c) neutral pH
b) optimum pH d) none of these structure

22. 31. Sanger's reagent allows identification of:

a) the N-terminal amino acid c) only serine amino acid
b) the C-terminal amino acid d) all amino acids containing benzene rings

23. The -pleated sheet is an example of:

a) a primary protein structure. c) a tertiary protein structure.
b) a secondary protein structure. d) a quaternary protein structure.

24. The specific portion of the enzyme where the substrate binds during the reaction is called
a) regulatory site b)inhibitory site c) active site d) all of these

25. .Which statement is incorrect concerning the tripeptide Ala-Pro-Gly?

a) The Ala is the N-terminal residue
b) The Gly is the C-terminal residue
c) The tripeptide contains two peptide bonds

26. What are conjugated proteins?

a) Proteins that contain more than 1000 amino acids
b) Proteins that have quaternary structure
c) Proteins that contain all twenty common amino acids
d) Proteins that yield products other than amino acids when they are hydrolyzed

27. Which of the following is not an example of a globular protein?

a) Collagen b) Myoglobin c) Immunoglobulin G d) Carboxyopeptidase A

28. Which of these agents can denature proteins?

a) salt b) alcohol c) UV light d) all of the above can denature proteins

29. Which of the following is responsible for the primary structure of proteins?
a) the number, kind and sequence of amino acids c) interactions between amino acid sidechains
b) hydrogen bonding along the peptide backbone d) noncovalent bonds between subunits
30. Which of the following is not a normal protein function?
a) prevent blood from freezing in certain fish c) absorb and transport oxygen
b) provide support d) absorb and transport hemoglobin

31. Proteins that catalyze metabolic reactions are called

a) denaturants b) substrates c) enzymes d) antioxidants

32. Which of the following is not one of the six general enzyme classification?
a) hydrolase b) ligase c) oxidoreductase d)racemase

33. The enzymes that digest protein can be called

a) lyases b) hydrolases c) ligases d) transferases

34. Which of these are characteristics of enzymes?

a) highly specific b)have enormous catalytic powers c) have active sites d)all of these

35. An inhibitor binds to the surface of the enzyme away from the active site. This type of enzyme inhibition is
a) competitive b) noncompetitive c) uncompetitive

36. Which desctibes the lock-and key model of enzyme action?

a) an enzyme binds a substrate in a region called the active site.
b) only certain substrates can fit the active site
c) an enzyme-substrate complex forms
d) all of these are true

37. What is the defining characteristic of a lipid?

a) All lipids are soluble in non-polar organic solvents.
b) All lipids have structures based on a system of four fused carbon rings.
c) All lipids have sulfur atoms in their structure.
d) All lipids are esters.

38. Phosphatidyl choline is an example of a:

a) glycolipid b) wax c) triacylglycerol d) phospholipid

39. Which of the following statements must be true of a polyunsaturated fatty acid?
a) It has 20 carbon atoms. c) It has more than one double bond.
b) It has a trans double bond. d ) It has no double bonds

40. What is the difference between saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids?
a) Unsaturated fatty acids have double bonds, saturated fatty acids do not.
b) Unsaturated fatty acids have an even number of carbons, saturated fatty acids have an odd number of
c) Unsaturated fatty acids have cis double bonds, saturated fatty acids have trans double bonds.
d) Unsaturated fatty acids are naturally occurring compounds, saturated fatty acids do not occur in nature
and must be prepared synthetically.

41. Which of the following molecules is the parent molecule for steroids?
a) Cholesterol b) Sphingosine c) Arachidonic acid d) Glucose

42. The generally accepted model for biological membranes is the:

a) lipid bilayer model b) fluid transport model c) solid-liquid model d) fluid-mosaic model

43. Waxes are composed of:

a) glycerol and three long-chain fatty acids. c) two fatty acids.
b) glycerol, two fatty acids and phosphoric acid. d) one long chain fatty acid and one long chain alcohol.

44. The cholesterol-scavenger lipoprotein is designated:

a) LDL b) HDL c) VLDL d) IDL
45. Which of the following is not true?
a) Cholesterol is biochemically converted into testosterone
b) Arachidonic acid is an eicosanoid.
c) Stearic acid is a steroid.
d) Phosphatidic acid is a precursor to fats.

46. Which substance below is not a simple lipid?

a) fat b) oil c) phospholipid d) wax

47. Which of the following molecular formula represents choline?

a) (HOCH2)2N+(CH3)3 b) HOCH2CH2 N+(CH3)3 c) HOCH2N+(CH3)3 d) HOCH2NH3+

48. Identify the structure of the steroid nucleus from the molecules below.

a) b) c) d)

49. Which of the following best describe the composition of a simple lipid, fat or oil?
a) contains glycerol + 2 fatty acids + long chain alcohol + carboxylic acid
b) contains glycerol + 2 fatty acids + carboxylic acid
c) contains glycerol + 3 fatty acids + long chain alcohol
d) contains glycerol + 3 fatty acids
50. The formula, CH3(CH2)14COOH, represents:
a) stearic acid b) oleic acid c) palmitic acid d) cortisone

51. Which of the following molecules is the parent molecule for prostaglandins and leukotrienes?
a) Cholesterol b) Sphingosine c) Arachidonic acid d) Glucose

52. The following is not involved in cholesterol transport.

a) high density lipoprotein c) very low density lipoprotein
b) low density sterolprotein d) low density lipoprotein

53. What form of membrane transport requires no energy expenditure by the cell and uses proteins to bind a target
molecule on the side of the membrane with a higher concentration of the target molecule then release the
molecule on the other side of the membrane (where the concentration is low)?
a) active transport. b) reverse transport. c) facilitated diffusion. d) simple diffusion.

54. What type of lipid is represented below?

a) A triacylglycerol b) A prostaglandin c) A wax d) A sphingolipid

55. What type of lipid is represented below?

a) A phospholipid b) A phosphatidic acid c) A wax d) A triacylglycerol

56. Which of the following eicosanoid in which one of its regulatory function is intensifying pain?
a) thromboxanes b) prostacyclins c) prostaglandins d) leukotrienes.

57. Some fatty acids, as well as other lipids, are biochemical precursors of several hormones. Which of the following
is not among them?
a)ω-6 arachidonic acid b) ω-3 arachidonic acid c) ω-6 linoleic acid d) stearic acid

58. Which of the following are used illegally to increase muscle mass?
a) aldosterone b) cortisone c) oxandrolone d) norethindrone

59. Which of the following make the cell membrane fluid-like rather than rigid?
a) proteins b) carbohydrates c) cholesterol d)unsaturated fatty acids

60. Which of the following means is not involved in the transport of substances through cell membrane?
a) diffusion b) facilitated transport c) active transport d) all of the above

61. Which of the following is a saturated fatty acid?

a) oleic acid b) lauric acid c) arachidonic acid d) linolenic acid

62. For a compound to be classed as a lipid, it must:

a) contain a glycerol unit c) contain at least one fatty acid unit
b) be soluble in nonpolar solvents d) be soluble in water

63. A sphingolipid always contains:

a) sphingosine b) choline c) phosphatidic acid d) three fatty acids

64. Arachidonic acid is used to make:

a) steroid hormones b) stearic acid c) leukotrienes d) thromboxamines

65. Which vitamin below is not a lipid?

a) vitamin A b) vitamin C c) vitamin D d) vitamin E

66. Which of the following is not a steroid?

a) vitamin D b) estradiol c) bile acid d) prostacyclin

67. What is the most abundant steroid in the human body?

a) Cortisone b) Vitamin D c) Cholesterol d) Cholic acid

68. Which of the following cellular responses is/are not due to eicosanoids?
a) blood clotting as the can cause platelet aggregation c) trigger an increase in body temperature
b) cause vasodilation as well as vasoconstriction d) all of the above

III. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if wrong.

1. Enzymes are energy foods.

2. An essential amino acid is one that is not synthesized in the body and thus must be supplied in our diet.
3. When a protein is denatured, the polypeptide bonds are broken, liberating the amino acids.
4. Denaturation involves alteration or disruption of the secondary, tertiary, or quaternary, but not of the primary
structure of proteins.
5. Hydrolysis of a dipeptide produces two amino acids and one water molecule.
6. Alanine is the C-terminal amino acid in the following peptide: Ala-Pro-Tyr-Met
7. Bonding alanine and glycine can form only one dipeptide.
8. The primary structure of a protein is established by the number, kind, and sequence of amino acid units comprising
the polypeptide chain.
9. Hemoglobin is considered a transport protein.
10. Enzymes act as catalysts by greatly lowering the activation energy of specific biochemical reactions.
11. A remarkable property of enzymes is that a single enzyme catalyzes the reaction of a specific type of substrate.
12. A substrate binds to enzyme active site.
II. Matching Type. Match column A with Column B. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Column A Column B
1. ω-6 acids A. an eicosanoid that can cause asthma-like attack
2. ω-3 acids B. electrolyte balance
3. waxes C. female hormone
4. thromboxanes D. unsaturated fatty acid in plants
5. phospholipid E. component of cell membrane
6. glycolipids F. moves particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration
7. cholesterol G.unsaturated fatty acid in fish
8. atherosclerosis H. esters of high molar mass and high molar mass fatty acids
9. bile salts I. aid in the digestion of fat
10. leukotrienes J. most abundant steroid in the body
11. mineralocorticoids K. a metabolic disease that leads to deposits of cholesterol
12. glucocorticoid L. found mainly in cell membranes of nerve and brain tissue and has a
13. fluid- mosaic model carbohydrate group
14. passive transport M. increase blood glucose level and stimulate synthesis of glycogen in the liver
15. estrogen N. promote formation of blood clot
O. Lipid bilayer

III. Answer as required

1. Give five (5) agents that denature proteins.5pts

2. List the ten (10) essential amino acids.10pts
3. Write the general formula of an amino acid.2pts
4. Write the saponification reaction of tripalmitin 5pts
5. Deduce the sequence of a certain peptide which produces the following amino acids after complete hydrolysis : 10pts

Gly(1), Pro(1), Met(3), Glu (2), Tyr(1), Phe(1), Ala(1)

Treatment with : a. DNFB yields Gly

b. carboxypeptidase yields Glu

Treatment with nonspecific enzymes yield the following fragments:

Tyr – Phe
Glu - Met – Tyr – Phe
Pro – Met – Glu
Gly – Pro – Met
Phe – Ala
Ala – Met – Glu
Tyr - Phe – Ala

6. The following is a sequence of bases for an exon portion of a strand of a gene: 12pts


a. What is the sequence of bases on the strand of DNA complementary to this segment?
b. What is the sequence of bases on the mRNA molecule synthesized from this strand?
c. What anticodons will be found on the tRNA molecules that interact with the codons ?
d. What is the sequence of amino acid in the polypeptide formed using this protein synthesis instructions?

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