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Accidents are everywhere and the most common injuries that are happening everyday are

from cuts, burn, insect bites, road injuries, nosebleed, sprains, and fractures. Later on, accidents
like these are now posted on facebook, watched on a television, probably written in a newspaper,
heard on a radio, and sometimes we can see it right infront of our eyes. Since these cases are
really alarming, people should know the importance of basic first aid education. First aid is
defined as the immediate care given to a person who is suffering from a minor or serious injury
or illness. Simple first aid could mean a lot.
Knowledge of first aid promotes the sense of safety among people. Having desire to be
accident free keeps your safety and reduces the number of causalities and accidents.
You’ll also be trained on how to collect information and data about what happened and
the patients’ condition. This information will be passed on to the emergency services.
In some situations if a patient doesn’t receive basic first aid care immediately their
situation will become worse. By being able to provide basic care, you can stabilize a patient until
emergency medical services arrives.
It’s always a good idea to have basic first aid skills just in case you need it yourself, or
someone needs it around you. With this, we can help save lives of many people in danger. We
can provide comfort to those who have been into trouble. First aid would be one's greatest life

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