Module - Assessment of Learning

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Assessment of Learning

Submitted by:
Ledema, Zinna Mae
Lorio, Daniel
Macado, Anreyl
Table of Contents
Objectives ……………………………………………………… 3

Introduction …………………………………………………….. 4

Pre-test ………………………………………………………… 5

Guiding Principles ………………………………………………. 7

Assessments in the Different Phases of Instruction ………… 16

Appropriate Assessment Tools…………………………………. 18

Post Test ……………………………………………………….... 19

Key Terms ………………………………………………………. 22

References ……………………………………………………… 24

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 2

At the end of this module, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the guiding principles in the assessment of learning and their
implications to the teaching-learning process
2. Give examples of appropriate assessment tools prior, during, and
after instructions
3. Distinguish between summative and formative evaluation, criterion-
referenced and norm-referenced evaluation.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 3

The teaching cycle is not complete without the assessment of learning. This
module will be devoted to a discussion of the guiding principles in the assessment of
learning and on assessment tools in the three phases of instruction. The discussion and
presentation will not be very detailed. It will be introductory to the two separate courses
on Assessment of Student Learning you have to take after this course.
Assessment of learning involves students becoming more active in their learning
and starting to ‘think like a teacher’. They think more actively about where they are now,
where they are going and how to get there.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 4

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Shade the letter of the correct answer.

A. B. C. D.
〇 〇 〇 〇 1. If I have to use the most authentic method of assessment,
which of these procedures should I consider?
A. Traditional Test
B. Written Test
C. Objective Assessment
D. Performance-based Assessment

〇 〇 〇 〇 2. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment of learning.

Which of these should she include in her plan considering
her purpose for assessment?

A. How to give immediate feedback to student's

strengths and weaknesses
B. How to determine the area of interest of learners
C. How to certify student's achievement
D. How to design one's instruction

〇 〇 〇 〇 3. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is

a weakness of the paper-pencil test?
A.  It utilizes so much time
B. It lacks reliability
C. It is not easy to administer.
D. It puts non-linguistically intelligent people at a

〇 〇 〇 〇 4. Mr. Cidro wants to test students' knowledge of the different

places in the Philippines, their capital and their products and
so he gave his students an essay test. If you were the
teacher, would you do the same?
A. No, the giving of an objective test is more appropriate
than the use of an essay.
B. No, such a method of assessment is inappropriate
because essays are difficult.
C. Yes, the essay test could measure more than what
other tests could measure.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 5

D. Yes, essay tests are the best in measuring any type
of knowledge.

〇 〇 〇 〇 5. Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic

A. Ms. Santos asked questions when the discussion
was going on to know who among her students
understood what she was trying to emphasize.
B. Mr. Colubong gave a short quiz after thoroughly
discussing the lesson to determine the programs of
C. Mrs. Lopez who administered a readiness test to the
incoming grade one pupils.
D. Ms. Ventura who gave a 10-item test to find out the
specific lessons which the students failed to

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 6

An assessment is a sine qua non of teaching. Without the assessment, the
teaching cycle is not complete. Here are some guiding principles in the assessment of

1. Assessment of learning is an integral part of the teaching-

learning process.
As a teacher, there is a certain objective need to attain. After we have
taught, then it is logical that we find out how well we have attained our lesson
objective, thus we engage ourselves in the process of assessment.
The process is an integral part of teaching. The formative evaluation must
be done frequently to determine learning that early for us to be able to make
adjustments to the lesson in accordance with the information gathered.
If assessment or evaluation is built into the teaching-learning process,
students’ allergy to tests may be cured because it becomes very common and
natural to them. Students are made to understand that the purpose of
assessment is to check on learning.

2. Assessment tool should match the performance objective.

If the assessment tool is aligned with the performance objective, the
assessment tool is valid. In concrete terms, this means that if a teacher wants to
teach students how to cook and a teacher wants to find out if the students are
now able to cook, then a cooking demonstration should be performed. Therefore,
the performance test is aligned with the performance objective. However, a
written test should be used when a teacher asks the students to write the steps

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 7

of cooking from the first step to the last step to measure their ability in cooking.
Then, the evaluation tool is valid.
Other than written and performance tests as assessment methodologies,
product assessment is also classified into written and physical.
According to Danielson (2002), he gives examples of written products and
physical products.

Written Products Physical Products

Term papers Dioramas

Short play Sculptures

Laboratory report Photographs

Newspaper articles

Letters to public officials

3. The results of assessment must be fed back to the learners.

If the main purpose of assessment is to find out how well the learner has
attained a particular learning objective, it goes without saying that the
assessment process serves its purpose only when we return corrected quizzes,
tests, seatwork, assignments, and evaluated projects at the soonest time
possible. The students will know whether they are progressing towards the
benchmark set at the beginning of the class by way of the performance objective.

4. In assessing learning, teachers must consider learners', learning

styles and multiple intelligences and so must come up with a
variety of ways of assessing learning.
The learning styles and multiple intelligences are considered in the
assessment activities if they are integrated in the assessment activities
themselves. It may not be able to integrate all learning styles and multiple
intelligences in one assessment activity but what a teacher can do is to strive to

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 8

take into consideration as many learning styles and multiple intelligences as
possible. The traditional assessment practice of giving written tests is quite
According to Thomas Armstrong (1994), the Assessment Contexts may
give us creative ideas in the attempt to come up with a variety of assessment or
evaluation techniques. Take note that there are now an eight and a ninth
intelligence, the naturalist intelligence and existentialist.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 9


Logical- Bodily- Interpers Intrapers Natu Existe

Linguistic Mathema Spatial Musical Kinesthe onal onal ralist ntialis
Task tical Task Task Task tic Task Task Task Task t Task
Play a
Examine Listen to cooperat Think
a Watch a a piece Go on a ive about a
statistical movie, of music, field trip, game, personal
Read a chart, then then then then
ce, then
Linguistic book, then then write write a write a write a write a write a
Assessme write a a respons response respons response response
nt response. response. e. . e. . .
Play a Think
Examine Listen to cooperat about a
a Watch a a piece Go on a ive personal
statistical movie, of music, field trip, game, experien
Logical- Read a chart, then then then then ce, then
Mathemati book, then then develop develop develop develop develop
cal develop a develop a a a a a a
Assessme hypothesi hypothesi hypothe hypothes hypothe hypothes hypothes
nt s. s. sis. is. sis. is. is.
Play a Think
Examine Listen to cooperat about a
a Watch a a piece Go on a ive personal
Read a statistical movie, of music, field trip, game, experien
Spatial book, then chart, then then then then ce, then
Assessme draw a then draw draw a draw a draw a draw a draw a
nt picture. a picture. picture. picture. picture. picture. picture.
Examine Play a Think
a Listen to cooperat about a
statistical Watch a a piece Go on a ive personal
Read a chart, movie, of music, field trip, game, experien
Musical book, then then then then then then ce, then
Assessme create a create a create a create a create a create a create a
nt song. song. song. song. song. song. song.
Bodily- Read a Examine Watch a Listen to Go on a Play a Think

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 10

cooperat about a
a a piece ive personal
Kinestheti statistical movie, of music, field trip, game, experien
c book, then chart, then then then then ce, then
Assessme build a then build build a build a build a build a build a
nt model. a model. model. model. model. model. model.
Examine Play a Think
a Listen to cooperat about a
statistical Watch a a piece Go on a ive personal
chart, movie, of music, field trip, game, experien
Interperso Read a then then then then then ce, then
nal book, then share share share share share share
Assessme share with with a with a with a with a with a with a
nt a friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend. friend.
Play a Think
Examine Watch a Listen to Go on a cooperat about a
a movie, a piece field trip, ive personal
statistical then of music, then game, experien
Read a chart, design then design then ce, then
Intraperso book, then then your design your design design
nal design design own your own own your own your own
Assessme your own your own respons response respons response response
nt response. response. e. . e. . .
Examine Play a Think
a Listen to cooperat about a
statistical Watch a a piece Go on a ive personal
Read a chart movie of music, field trip, game, experien
book, then then then then then then ce, then
Naturalist relate it to relate it to relate it relate it relate it relate it relate it
Assessme the the to the to the to the to the to the
nt nature. nature. nature. nature nature. nature. nature.
Existentiali Read a Examine Watch a Listen to Go on a Play a Think
st book, then a movie a piece field trip, cooperat about a
Assessme write a statistical then of music, then ive personal,
nt reflection. chart write a then write a game, then
then write reflectio write a reflectio then write a
a n. reflection n. write a reflection
reflection. . reflectio .

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 11


Source: Thomas Armstrong. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom. Virginia: Association for Supervision and
Curricular Development, 1994, p.126

5. To contribute to the building of the culture of success in the

school, it is pedagogically sound that in our assessment
techniques we give some positive feedback along with not-so-
good ones.
Comments like "nicely put," "well done," "fine idea" "good points," on
students' papers boost their ego and add to their level of confidence. Starting the
critical evaluation of a performance or project by accentuating on positive points
and giving in the fonn of suggestions those not-so-good points that definitely
need improvement will cushion the impact of our critical evaluation. When a
teacher critically evaluates in this manner, a teacher makes the student feel that
we are not subjecting his presentation or project to critical evaluation when, in
fact, it has already done so without the students’ knowing.

6. Emphasize on self-assessment.
If the pupils/students make learning objectives their own, it is fitting and
proper that in the assessment stage they do their self-assessment against the

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 12

standard or criterion of success established at the beginning of the class in the
performance. objective. Furthermore, if learning is a personal process, then the
students are in the best position to measure their own progress against the
benchmark. The students' self-assessment coupled with the objective
assessment may give a more complete and adequate picture of how far or close
they are to the established criterion of success. If ever assessment results are
used for comparison it is a comparison against one's past performance and
against one's standard and never against another's performance or standard.
According to Danielson (2002), assessments should not force students to
compete against one another; any competition should be between students and
their own prior performance. Self-assessment is also termed as assessment as

7. If we believe that our task as teachers is to teach all

pupils/students, and that it is possible that all students, even
those from limited backgrounds, will have access to
opportunities and therefore can achieve, then the bell curve
mentality must be abandoned. (Danielson, 2002)

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 13

If it insists on the
bell curve mentality, it will
be made to think that it is
normal and is expected if-
some fail. This thinking
may make us
complacent. If some
pupils/students fail, we
have a ready excuse. "It
is normal anyway. Some
are really expected to fail." Remember, we wish to build the culture of success in
the classroom because success breeds success. Concentrate on the thought
that all can learn.

8. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or

as a disciplinary measure.
Some teachers who give an
unscheduled quiz because the
class is noisy or teachers who give
a very difficult test in order to
punish students who do not study.
When a teacher resorts to this sort
of practice, it can veer away from
the true purpose of assessment, to
validate learning. It can also
contribute in a sense to the

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 14

development of students who frown on any form of learning assessment for this
gets identified with punishment.

9. Results of learning assessment must be communicated

regularly and clearly to parents.
Parents are keenly interested in the progress of their children in school.
They like to know how their children are doing in school and how they can help
their children learn. Besides, parents are also the customers and more than that,
the partners in the education of the young.

10. Emphasize on real world application that favors realistic

performances over out-of-context drill items.
Such assessments require students to generate rather than choose a
response, and to actively accomplish complex tasks while bringing to bear prior
knowledge new learning and relevant skills." The evaluation or assessment of
learning is an integral part of a lesson plan and that this can be done while we
are still in the process of teaching or at the end of the teaching. There are many
ways of assessing learning. The choice is ours in consideration of the
instructional objective, nature of the topic and intelligences and learning styles of

11. To ensure learning, do formative assessment.

Do not wait until the end of the chapter or unit to check if the students
understood the lesson. While the teachers are in the process of teaching, check
for understanding. If a student does discover that it failed to understand the
lesson, then by all means come up with an intervention or a remedial measure.
This will endure learning.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 15

12. To ensure reliability of assessment results, make use of
multiple sources.
Make use of multiple sources — written tests, performance tests,
portfolios, and observations.

Prior to Instruction During Instruction After Instruction

Pre-teaching assessment Classroom activities Formative evaluation

Know-Want-Learn Quiz Post-test



TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 16

● Prior to instruction
A teacher may give a pre-teaching assessment to determine where your
students are in relation to your lesson. It can make use of a written pre-test, the
KWL technique, or by simply asking them some questions to diagnose your
students' entry knowledge and skills. Research found that "teachers in schools
with high achievement rates use pre-assessments to support targeted teaching
of skills important to learn for standardized tests, as well as to group students for

● During instruction
There are many ways by which learning can be assessed in the process
of teaching. It can immediately find out if the students can follow the lesson by
posing oral questions or by observing them as they perform classroom activities
or exercises. Giving a quiz is the most popular. It can already sense whether it is
already near or far from the attainment of the objectives. When a teacher
engages in the evaluation activity in the process of the teaching, it is called
formative evaluation. Formative evaluation is also referred to as assessment for
learning. Why do we assess? The main purpose is to ensure learning. To
conduct formative evaluation is beneficial to learning. If in the process of
teaching, we can already get to know that remedial teaching in some sub-skills is
necessary, then we can do remedial teaching at once without having to wait for
the result of summative evaluation. If we wait until the end of the semester to
check on the status of pupils' learning, it may be quite late because we have
already wasted time and energy pounding on the heads of our students/pupils
without knowing that their inability to learn was perhaps due to lack of mastery of
prerequisite skills.

● After instruction

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 17

After spending an hour or less teaching, a teacher would like to find proof
of learning. You will do formative evaluation. This is also referred to as
assessment of learning. If you gave a pre-test prior to instruction, then you give a
post-test after instruction. If you use the KWL technique, then go back to it and
ask your students to share what they've learned (L). If you discover that your
lesson objectives were not achieved ( although this may not happen if we were
serious with formative assessment), find out why and employ remedial measures
like re-teaching, peer tutoring, and the like.

assessment tools will be most appropriate? That depends on the lesson objectives, the
attainment of which is what you are assessing.
The teacher-made test or the paper-and-pencil test in many forms is the most
common tool used to assess learning.
Performance tests are said to be more authentic than mere paper-and-pencil
tests. The so-called practical tests in skill subjects like Physical Education, laboratory

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 18

subjects. Computers and the like are examples of performance tests. If indeed "the
proof of the pudding is in the eating", the most reliable way to test if our students
learned the skill we intended to teach is by way of hands-on exercise, by way of actual
performance. In no way will a paper-and-pencil test be able to authentically test skill in
dancing, playing, focusing the microscope, using computer programs.
Another example of an authentic evaluation tool is the portfolio assessment. It is
a better way of showing the development in the child's writing skill if not through a
display of a collection of the child's written work for the past three months or four.
For the assessment of learning in the affective domain, teacher's observation of
the students’ behavior interviews with the students, reading of journal entries or
students’ personal narratives, rating scale are most appropriate.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Shade the letter of the correct answer.

A. B. C. D.
〇 〇 〇 〇 1. What does a teacher do when she does a norm-referenced
interpretation of scores?
A. The teacher describes what the performance should

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 19

B. The teacher describes group performance in relation
to a level of the master set.
C. The teacher uses specified content as its reference
D. The teacher compares an individual’s score with
other scores

〇 〇 〇 〇 2. Which of the following objectives is the highest level of

Bloom’s taxonomy?
A. Identifies the meaning of the item.
B. Interprets the meaning of an idea.
C. Improves defective test items.
D. Identifies the order of the given events.

〇 〇 〇 〇 3. Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic

A. Ms. Santos asked questions when the discussion
was going on to know who among her students
understood what she was trying to emphasize.
B. Mr. Colubong gave a short quiz after thoroughly
discussing the lesson to determine the programs of
C. Mrs. Lopez who administered a readiness test to the
incoming grade one pupils.
D. Ms. Ventura who gave a 10-item test to find out the
specific lessons which the students failed to

〇 〇 〇 〇 4. If a teacher is concerned with the development of a

student's higher-order-thinking skills, then his lesson
objectives must go beyond______.
A. Application
B. Analysis
C. Recall
D. Comprehension

〇 〇 〇 〇 5. Mr. Cidro wants to test students' knowledge of the different

places in the Philippines, their capital and their products
and so he gave his students an essay test. If you were the
teacher, would you do the same?
A. No, the giving of an objective test is more
appropriate than the use of an essay.
B. No, such a method of assessment is inappropriate
because the essay is difficult.
C. Yes, the essay test could measure more than what

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 20

other tests could measure.
D. Yes, essay tests are the best in measuring any type
of knowledge.

〇 〇 〇 〇 6. To ensure mastery of a cognitive lesson, which assessment

tool is most appropriate?
A. Essay test
B. Objective test
C. Summative test
D. Pre-test and post-test

〇 〇 〇 〇 7. If I have to use the most authentic method of assessment,

which of these procedures should I consider?
A. Traditional Test
B. Written Test
C. Objective Assessment
D. Performance-based Assessment

〇 〇 〇 〇 8. Teachers are encouraged to make use of authentic

assessment. Which goes with authentic assessment?
A. Answering multiple choice test items
B. Real world application of lessons learned
C. Del contextualized drill
D. Unrealistic performances.

〇 〇 〇 〇 9. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment of learning.

Which of these should she include in her plan considering
her purpose for assessment?

A. How to give immediate feedback to student's

strengths and weaknesses
B. How to determine the area of interest of learners
C. How to certify student's achievement
D. How to design one's instruction

〇 〇 〇 〇 10 After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short

. quiz to find out how well students understood the lesson.
What type of assessment was done?
A. Summative Assessment
B. Diagnostic Assessment
C. Formative Assessment
D. Placement Assessment

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 21

● Assessment of learning is an integral part
of teaching—learning process.
● Assessment tool should match with the performance objective.
● The results of assessment must be fed back to the learner.
● Teachers must consider learners’ learning styles and multiple

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 22

● To contribute to the building of the culture of success in the school.
● Emphasize on self-assessment.
● Abandon the bell curve mentality.
● Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as a
disciplinary measure.
● Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly and
clearly to parents.
● Emphasize on real-world application that favors realistic
performances over out-of-context drill items.
● To ensure learning, do formative assessment.
● To ensure reliability of assessment results, make use of multiple
● Prior to Instruction - giving a pre-teaching assessment to determine
where your students are in relation to your lesson.
● During instruction - find out if our pupils/students can follow the
lesson by posing oral questions or by observing them as they perform
classroom activities or exercises.
● After Instruction – giving a post-test after instruction to find out proof
of learning.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 23

Corpuz PhD, Brenda B. & Salandanan, PhD, Gloria G. 2015. Principles of
Teaching 1.

TEAC21 - Assessment of Learning | Page 24

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