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Nalzaro, Kathleen Abegail B.

DDM 2-A5


Check for Understanding (45 minutes)

Student will answer these questions and will rationalize this. Teacher will then confirm if answers are
correct and synchronously rationalize with the students. Students will be given 4S minutes to answer
the activity sheet.

1. The ball of the foot corresponds to the:

a. Sole of the foot
b. Heads of metatarsals
c. Base of the metatarsals
d. Calcaneus

Answer: b. Heads of metatarsals


In the process of rising up from the sitting position, the following muscles are active, EXCEPT:
a. Iliopsoas
b. Gastrocsoleus
c. Gluteus maximus
d. Quadriceps femoris

Answer: b. Gastrocsoleus

3. This ligament does not contribute to the stability of the hip joint:
a. Ischiofemoral joint
b. Ligamentum teres
c. Pubofemoral ligament
d. Iliofemoral ligament

Answer: b. Ligamentum teres


4. The blood supply of the posterior thigh comes mainly from:

a. Popliteal artery
b. Inferior gluteal artery
c. Profunda femoris artery
d. Femoral artery
Answer: c. Profunda femoris artery

Stability of the ankle joint is primarily afforded by the:

a. Negative intra-articular pressure
b. Musculotendinous attachment
c. Osseous architecture
d. Ligamentous connection

Answer: d. Ligamentous connection


6. The strongest support for the longitudinal arch of the foot is the:
a. Peroneus longus
b. Tibialis longus
c. Tibialis posterior
d. Peroneus brevis

Answer: c. Tibialis posterior


7. How many compartments are in the lower leg?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 5

Answer: b. 4

8. The tibialis anterior:

a. Is also an effective toe extensor
b. Can only invert the foot from a fully everted position up to the neutral position
c. Is not capable of everting the foot at all
d. Is primarily an ankle dorsiflexor as well as a strong invertor

Answer: d. Is primarily an ankle dorsiflexor as well as a strong invertor


9. The anterior cruciate ligament of the knee is taut during:

a. Full internal rotation at the femorotibial joint
b. 40-50 degrees of knee flexion
c. Full extension
d. Knee adduction

Answer: c. Full extension


10. Course of the anterior cruciate ligament

a. Upward, backward, medial
b. Upward, forward, lateral
c. Upward, forward, medial
d. Upward, backward, lateral


11. Functions of the cruciate ligaments, EXCEPT:

a. Limit all rotational movements of the knee
b. Tense in all positions of the knee especially in extreme flexion and extension
c. Prevent anteroposterior displacement of the joint
d. None of these

Answer: d. None of these


12. Which of the following is statements is true of the hip adductors?

a. Most of the adductors can flex as well as adduct
b. All of these
c. They can assist in extending the hip
d. Because they pass behind the femur, they can assist in medial rotation

Answer: b. All of these


13. This bone articulates above with the acetabulum to form the hip joint and below with the tibia
to form the knee joint.
a. Patella
b. Fibula
c. Femur
d. Pelvis
Answer: c. Femur

14. All of these are supplied by the superior gluteal nerve, EXCEPT:

a. Gluteus maximus
b. Gluteus minimus
c. Gluteus medius
d. Tensor fascia latae

Answer: a. Gluteus maximus


1S. All of these are external rotators of the hip, EXCEPT:

I. Gemellus Superior
II. Gemellus Inferior
III. Quadratus Femoris
IV. Quadriceps Femoris
a. I and III are correct
b. II and IV are correct
c. I, II and III are correct
d. Only IV is correct

Answer: d. Only IV is correct


16. This nerve is a branch of the sacral plexus, leaves the pelvis through the upper part of the
greater sciatic foramen above the piriformis
a. Inferior gluteal nerve
b. Superior gluteal nerve
c. Piriformis nerve
d. Sciatic Nerve

Answer: b. Superior gluteal nerve


17. The deepest muscle of the leg, is an inventor if the foot and plantarflexes the transverse tarsal
a. Tibialis posterior
b. Flexor Hallucis longus
c. Abductor hallucis
d. Flexor digitorum longus

Answer: a. Tibialis posterior


18. The only tarsal bone with no muscle attachment:

a. Cuboid
b. Talis
c. Navicular
d. Calcaneus

Answer: b. Talis

19. Which of the following does the femoral artery supply?

a. All of these
b. The skin of the front if the thigh and of the medial side of the leg as far as the base of the
great toe
c. The muscle in front of the thigh
d. The hip and knee joints

Answer: a. All of these


20. Almost the whole of the broad sacral plexus narrows down to form a huge branch called:
a. Femoral nerve
b. Obturator nerve
c. Sciatic nerve
d. Saphenous nerve

Answer: c. Sciatic nerve


21. Function of the soleus, EXCEPT:

a. Postural muscle
b. Ankle plantarflexion
c. Does not involve in forceful ankle plantarflexion
d. Concerned with ankle stabilization than gastrocnemius

Answer: c. Does not involve in forceful ankle plantarflexion

This muscle is proximally attached to anterior superior spine of the ilium and attached distally
to the medial surface of the ilium and attached distally to the medial surface of the tibia; it is
innervated by the femoral nerve and flexes, externally rotates, and adducts the hip, as well as
flexes and medially rotates the knee:
A. Recuts femoris
B. Sartorius
C. Pectineus
D. Tensor fascia latae

Answer: b. Sartorius

23. This muscle inserts into the iliotibial tract and into the gluteal tuberosity of the shaft of the
femur, posterior aspect:
a. Biceps femoris
b. Semimembranosus
c. Semitendinosus
d. Gluteus maximus

Answer: d. Gluteus maximus


24. The hindfoot is composed of the following bones:

a. Navicular, cuboid and three cuneiform
b. Metatarsals and phalanges
c. None of these
d. Talus and calcaneus

Answer: d. Talus and calcaneus


2S. Inversion and eversion of the foot occurs at which joint

a. Subtalar and transverse tarsal joint
b. Cuneonavicular joint
c. Cubonavicular joint
d. Intercuneiform and cuneocuboid joints

Answer: a. Subtalar and transverse tarsal joint

II. Summarize the muscles of the leg and ankle

• The deep fascia of the leg forms the compartments of the leg as well as a series of retinacula that aid in the
mechanical efficiency of the leg muscles.
• The small saphenous vein runs up the middle of the back of the leg and then dives into the popliteal fossa to
join the popliteal vein.
• The interosseous membrane and septa from the deep fascia of the leg divide the leg into three compartments:
anterior, lateral, and posterior.
• The anterior compartment contains the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, fibularis tertius, and
extensor hallucis longus muscles. The anterior tibial vessels are the vascular channels, and the deep fibular
nerve supplies the muscles.
• The lateral compartment contains the fibularis longus and brevis muscles. Branches of the fibular artery and
the superficial fibular nerve supply the compartment.
• The posterior compartment consists of two parts, superficial posterior compartment and deep posterior
compartment. The superficial group includes the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris muscles. The deep
group includes the popliteus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, and tibialis posterior muscles. The
posterior tibial vessels and the tibial nerve supply the entire posterior compartment.
• Damage to the common fibular, superficial fibular, or deep fibular nerves results in varying degrees of
footdrop, in which the toes drag on the ground during gait.


• Structures crossing the ankle and passing between the leg and foot do so either anterior or posterior to the
medial and lateral malleoli.
• Major structures crossing anterior to the malleoli include the great saphenous vein, saphenous nerve,
superficial and deep fibular nerves, anterior tibial vessels, and long tendons of the muscles in the anterior
compartment of the leg.
• Major structures crossing posterior to the malleoli include the posterior tibial vessels, tibial nerve, sural nerve,
small saphenous vein, and tendons of the muscles in the posterior and lateral compartments of the leg.

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