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Selection of NHPEDC and NPEO Participants 2018 (Debate, Oratory, News Casting, Story Telling)

A. General Competence Test

Essay Test
1. Measure language competence (grammatical, lexical, rhetoric)
2. Measure Critical thinking (sructurised thinking, depth and coverage of analysis, details-supported
3. ui
1. Write a one-page essay consisting of one introduction paragraph, one or more body paragraphs,
and one concluding paragraph.
2. Write your essay on the topic: “Television is Bad for Children”
3. You have 45 minutes to write your essay.
Sample of Essay
Topic: Impacts of Parents to Their Children

Parents Are Not The Best Teachers For Their Children title
Orang Tua Bukanlah Guru Terbaik Untuk Anak-Anak Mereka

Introductory paragraph
Parents shape their children from the beginning of their children's lives. They develop
close emotional ties with their children. They share their interest with them. They teach
 Gene
them values. Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives. However, ral
parents can also give negative examples to their children. Some mental disruption of statement
adult lives can be traced back to the wrong parenthood during childhood lives. So,  Probl
parents are not always the best teachers. em
Orang tua membentuk anak-anak mereka sejak awal kehidupan anak- identificati
anak mereka. Mereka mengembangkan ikatan emosional yang erat on
dengan anak-anak mereka. Mereka berbagi minat dengan mereka.
Mereka mengajari mereka nilai-nilai. Orang tua dapat menjadi guru
 Thesi
yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan anak-anak mereka. Namun, s statement
orang tua juga bisa memberi contoh negatif kepada anak-anak
mereka. Beberapa gangguan mental kehidupan orang dewasa dapat
ditelusuri kembali ke orang tua yang salah selama masa kanak-
kanak. Jadi, orang tua tidak selalu menjadi guru terbaik.

Body Paragraphs
Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a
child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a
 Elabo
big city, but a parent may think this trip is too dangerous. A school may want to take the ration of
children camping, but a parent may be afraid of the child getting hurt thesis
Orangtua mungkin terlalu dekat dengan anak-anak mereka secara
emosional. Misalnya, mereka dapat membatasi kebebasan anak atas
 Argu
ment 1,
nama keselamatan. Seorang guru dapat mengatur perjalanan
pendidikan ke kota besar, tetapi orang tua mungkin menganggap
perjalanan ini terlalu berbahaya. Sekolah mungkin ingin membawa
anak-anak berkemah, tetapi orang tua mungkin takut anak itu

Another problem is that parents sometimes expect their children's interests to be similar
to their own. If the parents love science, they may try to foster their child to love science
too. But what if the child prefers art? If the parents enjoy sports, they may expect their
child to participate on the different things. But what if the child prefers to read?
 Argu
ment 2
Masalah lain adalah bahwa orang tua kadang-kadang berharap bahwa
minat anak-anak mereka sama dengan mereka. Jika orang tua
mencintai sains, mereka mungkin mencoba untuk membesarkan anak
mereka untuk mencintai sains juga. Tetapi bagaimana jika anak
lebih suka seni? Jika orang tua menikmati olahraga, mereka
mungkin mengharapkan anak mereka untuk berpartisipasi pada hal-
hal yang berbeda. Tetapi bagaimana jika anak lebih suka membaca?

Finally, although parents want to pass on their values to their children, values can  Argu
change. The children of today are growing up in the world different from their parents’ ment 3
world. Sometimes parents especially older ones can't keep up with rapids social or
technological changes. A student who has friends of different races at school may find
that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find that her
parents don't understand or value the digital revolution.

Akhirnya, meskipun orang tua ingin menyampaikan nilai-nilai

mereka kepada anak-anak mereka, nilai dapat berubah. Anak-anak
saat ini tumbuh di dunia yang berbeda dari dunia orang tua
mereka. Kadang-kadang orang tua terutama yang lebih tua tidak
dapat mengikuti perubahan sosial atau teknologi yang rapuh.
Seorang siswa yang memiliki teman dari berbagai ras di sekolah
mungkin menemukan bahwa orang tuanya memiliki pandangan yang
lebih sempit. Seorang siswa yang mencintai komputer mungkin
menemukan bahwa orang tuanya tidak mengerti atau menghargai
revolusi digital.

Concluding paragraph
Parents are important teachers in our lives, but they aren't always the best teachers.
Fortunately we have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach
 Summari
zing main points or
us and we learn from our peers. Books and newspapers also teach us. All of them are
valuable.  Paraphras
ing thesis statement
Orang tua adalah guru penting dalam kehidupan kita, tetapi mereka
tidak selalu menjadi guru terbaik. Untungnya kami memiliki banyak  Suggestio
guru dalam kehidupan kami. Orang tua kami mengajari kami, guru n / final comment
kami mengajar kami dan kami belajar dari rekan-rekan kami. Buku
dan surat kabar juga mengajar kita. Semuanya berharga.

Essay Evaluation

B. Specific Competence Test

1. Story Telling
2. Oratory

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