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• Ericka Puero

• Favia Elizalde

“Living together before marriage”

What people think about “Living together before marriage”? A lot of couples have
the idea that live together before marriage is one of the factors to avoid divorce in the
future. Actually, it’s not a taboo to see this kind of coexistence, but for now there’re not
proves this is one solution for divorces. Studies have shown that the duration of this
unions is less than two years, where only 40 percent ending in marriage, for that reason,
a certain percent of people is not agreed doing the premarital cohabitation and to waste
their time. Living together before marriage is not a good idea because a relationship
doesn’t need a previous coexistence, it doesn’t encourage trust and commitment and it
doesn’t ensure a successful marriage.

First, a good relationship doesn’t need a previous coexistence before marriage.

For example, people who are in a good relationship with a fantastic communication can
easily get to know the strengths and weakness of the partner without having to live
together. Certainly, people often think that premarital cohabitation is a good idea
because they can test if they are ready for the next step but “All love that has to be tested
is not true love”. Thus, it’s necessary to examine how is going on your relationship
before taking a huge step like the cohabitation with your partner.

Second, living together before marriage does not encourage trust and
commitment in a relationship. A study by the thinker tank Rand Corporation states that
41% of men and 26% of women who cohabit affirm they are not completely committed
to their partners. Also, the statistics shows too many couples make this decision because
there is a lack of trust in each other, so this choice is based on the fears of not ending of
relationship and not on the love between them. That is why, thanks to research,
it’s clear that it’s very important to build trust in the relationship rather than living together
before marriage.

Finally, the premarital cohabitation doesn’t ensure you will get a successful
marriage. Couples who decide to live this situation usually get used to it and never get
married. In addition, research affirms that couples who live together before getting
married have a higher risk to get divorce than those couple who decide to live together
after getting married. Therefore, premarital cohabitation doesn´t assure you of getting
married or a successful marriage.

In conclusion, communication, trust and commitment must be included and

strengthened in a relationship before the premarital cohabitation. Living with your partner
before marriage doesn’t ensure you will get a successful marriage or avoid the divorce
in the future. Factors such as connection, trust, loyalty and devotion should be part of
a wonderful relationship for couples to have a great probability to get a good marriage.

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