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College of Education

Date : November 22, 2021

To : Ms. Ma. Luisa Ongcol, CLAC Professor

From : BSE 31 Students

Subject : Progress Report for Project Proposal entitled “Restricting Online



In adherence with the new normal in education, plagiarism is prevalent in the new

educational set-up which allows students to be dependent on it. The students from the

College of Education proposed this project to address this problem and to enhance the

quality of our education in online set-up.

We are proposing a project wherein we emphasized understanding and restricting online

plagiarism in the new normal set-up. This project proposes methods at affordable costs

and can be implemented within several days.

However, we are still in progress of making this project possible until the end of time.

Attached below are the progress achieved, changes and work remaining that we


Thank you for your consideration of our project proposal.


Our group started to create and propose an Internal Project that addresses

educational and academic issues. With this proposal, we have developed a solution that

will benefit and solve some of the issues that emerge in online education as a result of

the pandemic. During our first meeting, we discussed and shared our views about what

we believe are the most prevalent issues in online education, as well as suggested a

format for our proposal. We have concluded that plagiarism is the most serious problem

in this method of learning which is described as the practice of passing off someone else's

work or ideas as one's own. After two weeks of preparation and planning, our professor

suggested that we should change the title of our proposal, so we changed it to "Restricting

Online Plagiarism."

The purpose of this project proposal is to reduce and limit the percentage and

chances of students plagiarizing in class. Due to the online nature of our education, some

studies indicates that the number of students who plagiarize is on the rise. It's concerning

and alarming because plagiarism is a well-known problem among students, particularly

in higher education. Our objective in proposing this initiative is to promote awareness

about the effects of plagiarism and how it might influence one's education and we want

students to be aware of the potential consequences of committing this crime. It is possible

if students are aware of what plagiarism is and how it works. This proposal also aims to

develop and implement a mechanism that will help students and other members of the

school community recognize the severity of plagiarism. Students would be less likely to

do it at all, and they would be mindful of the repercussions if they were detected doing

We haven't made any changes yet and are still working on it. The next sections of

this progress report will inform you about the work we have already completed, the work

we are currently engaged in, the work that remains to be done, and an overall assessment

of how the project is progressing.

Work Completed

November 22, 2021

My group held a meeting through Microsoft Teams to finalize our Internal Project

Proposal. Topics could include a problem due to pandemic that has arisen on campus in

conducting online activities in any platforms used; or perhaps problems encountered

during synchronous classes; online transactions in campus offices. We shared our

observations and experiences in online class. We have lots and different opinions. We

consider each suggestions and research what matters the most.

November 23, 2021

After researching what topic will be suitable for Internal Project Proposal, we came

up with one problem that we want to address and avoid to. We chose online plagiarism

because we believe that students during online class just depends their answers on the

internet and not making efforts to think critically. After we finalized our topic, we also

assigned ourselves on the parts we will be making. Each member has a task to do.

November 24-25, 2021

We openly shared our thoughts about this problem and how we can solve it. We

are researching deeply and writing our draft of ideas. In this span of days, we also started
to write the introduction, problem, objectives, solution, methods and costs. We reviewed

each parts several times to ensure the accuracy and reliability.

December 3, 2021

We explained and defended our project proposal through Microsoft Teams. We

explained why we chose this problem and our suggestions to solve it. After that, we talked

about the things we want to improve in our proposal and how can we implement the

solutions we wrote.

December 17, 2021

Our professor met us through Microsoft Teams. She reviewed our project

proposals and suggested some revisions to improve our paper.

January 10, 2022- present

We are currently reviewing and making some changes in our paper. We are

checking the grammar, format and the content of this project proposal. My group is

currently in-depth research of our problem which is online plagiarism. We are planning to

change and expand the title of our proposal to make it more accurate.

Work Remaining
We have finalized the content of the project proposal and we believe that 90% of

the work has been done. The remaining 10% is for the plan of expanding the title, the

format and for the minimal revisions. My group will meet at least three days before the

expected date of the final submission of this paper in January 27, 2022 to discuss the

possible changes and improvements in our paper.


Upon latest assessment of the revisions that our group had made in accordance

with our subject professor’s recommendation, we had agreed with periodical and tedious

re-evaluations. These are to transpire during the remaining time before the expected date

of the final submission of the project proposal. This measure would be for the purpose of

our paper being thorough and free from any form of discrepancy and impracticality.

We aspire, or preferably, expect to avoid any form of delay as our group had

already enough amount of work done. This leaves the remaining and rearmost task of

proof-reading with the object of achieving as much certainty as possible of accuracy and

conformity. Should there be any unavoidable situation that may cause adjournment, we

have scheduled our final meeting days before the final submission date so as to not turn

to hasty resolves. Overall, our group is quite assertive of the status or progress of our

project proposal.

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