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David and Jonathan

Lesson 2

Who was David, Saul and Jonathan?

 David is the youngest son of ___________ and had 3 brothers serving in the army.
 Saul was anointed by Samuel as the _________ king of Israel.
 Jonathan is the son of Saul and heir to the throne of Israel.

Jonathan’s Friendship with David (1 Samuel 18:1-4):

 David became a national hero and lived at __________________ (1 Samuel 18: 5-8).
 Jonathan was likely several years older than David, but the two had a lot in common.
 Jonathan was happy for his friend and made a covenant with him deciding to give David
some of his things that were special and important to him:
o __________________
o __________________
o __________________
o __________________

Why did King Saul want to kill David?

 Saul was jealous of David’s victory and the people’s praises of him.
 The Bible says that Saul had a “_________________________.” (1 Samuel 18:9) The
spirit of jealousy brought in him the spirit of murder.
 He was afraid that David would take __________________ from him.

Saul’s Plans to Kill David (1 Samuel 18:10,11):

 The very next day on, a(n) ____________________ from God came on Saul.
 Filled with the spirit of jealousy, Saul made attempts to kill David with a
________________ while he was playing the harp. But his attempt failed.

David and Michal (1 Samuel 18:17, 21, 25-29)

 Saul tried to trap David by giving his daughter ___________ in marriage to David.
 The king demanded David to bring _____________________ of the Philistines as a
dowry to marry Michal, the king’s daughter.
 Saul wanted to make David die at the hand of the Philistines. (1 Samuel 18:25).
 Saul’s attempt to kill David failed because David killed ________ Philistines and married
Michal. So, the king was even more angry with David. (1 Samuel 18:27-29)

Jonathan’s Loyalty to David (1 Samuel 19:1-10)

 Saul asked his servants and his son Jonathan to kill David.
 Jonathan spoke __________________ about David to his father and changed his mind.
 Saul promised Jonathan that he wouldn’t kill David.
 Soon after David came back from another victorious battle, the evil spirit came upon
Saul and he tried to smite David with his javelin but David eluded and went home.
Saul Attempts to Kill David at Home (1 Samuel 19:11-18):
 After David escaped from Saul’s javelin he went home.
 The king sent men to David’s home to surround him and kill him, but this time he did
not tell this plot to _________________.
 David eluded the soldiers with the help of ______________. From there David fled to
______________ at Naioth in Ramah.

Jonathan Meets David:

 David later fled to see Jonathan to ask why the king wanted him killed
 Jonathan was surprised, not knowing about the plot. He promised to talk to the king
again and planned a secret way to let David know the result of his talk during the feast
of the __________________.
 He told David to hide by the _____________________ while he talked to his father.

Jonathan’s Plan (1 Samuel 20:21-22):

 Jonathan said to David that he will shoot _________ arrows by the side of the stone Ezel
where David is going to hide.
 Then he will send a lad to go and find the arrows.
 If he tells the lad that the arrows are ____________ then David can come out of his
hiding place and go with Jonathan to the palace, for there is peace.
 But if Jonathan tells the young man to look for the arrows ______________ the hiding
place, then David must flee from the palace because the Lord has sent him away.

Saul’s Reactions (1 Samuel 20:27-33):

 Saul wondered why David’s place was ___________ during the feast of the new moon.
 He asked Jonathan about David’s whereabouts. (1 Samuel 20:27)
 Jonathan told Saul that David went for a family _____________________ in Bethlehem.
 Saul got angry at Jonathan and told him to fetch David so Saul could kill him.
 When Jonathan protested, Saul then threw a spear at ________________ in blind fury.
Jonathan knew that Saul was determined to kill David. This event confirmed it.

Jonathan Gives David the Signal (1 Samuel 20:35-42)

 Jonathan took his bow and arrows out to the field and shot an arrow. The helper who
was with him ran to find the arrow. Jonathan yelled to him to go _______________.
 David came out of his hiding place to talk to Jonathan. They both wept.
 And Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the
name of the Lord, saying, _________________ be between me and thee, and between
my seed and thy seed forever.”

Jonathan Meets David for the Last Time (1 Samuel 23:14-18):

 Fleeing from Saul, David hides in a mountain in the wilderness of ______________.
 Jonathan came to see David in the wilderness and encouraged him in the Lord.
 He told David that Saul would not find him and that he would be the
_____________________ of Israel.
 Jonathan departed to his house. David stayed in the woods.

David Mourns for Jonathan’s Death (2 Samuel 1:22-26)

 Later on, the Philistines fought the Israelites again. Saul and his three sons, including
Jonathan, died on ________________________. (1 Samuel 31:1-2)
 When David heard of their deaths, he lamented with great sorrow.

Even though Jonathan loved David, he did not choose to forsake his comforts and suffer with
him. We should not only love Jesus and His saints, but also be prepared to suffer with them.

Memory Verse 1 (For 7/25/21)

2 Timothy 2:11
“It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:”

Memory Verse 2 (For 8/1/21)

2 Timothy 2:12
“If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:”

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