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Hypochondriasis (HA) involves the fear of serious ill-

ness despite appropriate reassurances. Because HA is
associated with patients’ personal suffering and clini-
cal management problems, it is important for clini-
cians to be knowledgeable about current conceptual
and treatment approaches to this problem.

Most people working within the field of medicine

Severe Health have come across patients with physical complaints
for which an organic basis cannot be determined, or

Anxiety: Why It for whom no amount of reassurance is sufficient to

quell their excessive anxiety over serious illnesses
such as cancer. Such individuals may make frequent

Persists and How telephone inquiries or office visits seeking reassur-

ance over seemingly minor (or undetectable) signs
and symptoms, or to ask for additional medical

To Treat It tests. In the short-term, such questioning may pose

interpersonal and practical management problems;
however, in the long-term these symptoms lead to a
strain on valuable medical resources, escalation in
JONATHAN S. ABRAMOWITZ, PhD costs, and may paradoxically expose otherwise med-
BRETT J. DEACON, PhD ically healthy patients to the bona fide risks that can
Mayo Clinic accompany medical or surgical procedures. Thus,
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology severe health anxiety (HA; clinically termed
Rochester, Minn hypochondriasis) represents a public health and cost
concern for many areas of medical practice.1-3
We describe a novel approach to understanding
and treating severe HA. The focus of this conceptu-
alization is on a paradox commonly observed among
patients with this disorder; if patients do not actual-
ly have a serious illness, why does their intense fear
of illness persist? That is, why don’t such people
respond appropriately to the reassurance they
receive from their doctors or other sources?
The answers to this question lie in a more thor-
ough understanding of the physiologic, cognitive,
and behavioral processes that underlie the develop-
ment and persistence of severe HA. Awareness of
these processes is also critical to effective treatment.
The essential feature of hypochondriasis accord-
ing to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (4th ed.)4,5 is a preoccupation with the
(inaccurate) belief that one has, or is in danger of

Jonathan S. Abramowitz, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo
Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905
The authors have stated that they do not have a significant financial interest or
other relationship with any product manufacturer or provider of services dis-
cussed in this article. The authors also do not discuss the use of off-label prod-
ucts, which includes unlabeled, unapproved, or investigative products or
Submitted for publication: July 18, 2003. Accepted: November 3, 2003.

44 COMP THER. 2004; 30(1):44–49

developing, a serious illness. In most cases, the dis- mary symptom in hypochondriasis is the misap-
ease conviction is functionally disabling and persists praisal of otherwise innocuous bodily sensations and
despite appropriate evaluation and reassurance of symptoms as indicating a threat to one’s health.11,12
good health. The preoccupation may be symptom Why do some people misinterpret health-relevant
based, with a focus on bodily functions (e.g., heart- information as threatening when realistically there
beat, peristalsis), minor physical abnormalities (e.g., is no need for concern? Such misinterpretations
a sore), or vague and ambiguous physical sensations likely emanate from basic (albeit erroneous)
(e.g., “tired heart”, “aching veins”). The person assumptions about health and illness or from mem-
attributes these signs and symptoms to the suspected orable health-related incidents. For example, equat-
disease and is very concerned with their meaning, ing “hurt” with “harm” or observing a loved one’s
authenticity, and etiology. Alternatively, there may bout with heart disease may lead to misinterpreting
be a preoccupation with a specific organ or a single indigestion as signs of heart failure. Faulty general
disease (e.g., fear of having cancer). Due to patients’ health assumptions may have a variety of origins,
reluctance to seek mental health evaluation, the such as information gleaned from media sources or
prevalence of hypochondriasis is largely unknown. unpleasant personal experiences with illness. If
Available prevalence estimates vary widely and such assumptions are particularly extreme or inflex-
range from 0.8% to 8.5% depending on the setting.6,7 ible they are apt to lead to HA. For example, indi-
A number of psychodynamic explanations for viduals with HA hold overly narrow definitions of
hypochondriasis have been proposed, such as the good health, perhaps believing that good health
theory that patients repeatedly seek doctors’ reassur- means no bodily sensations whatsoever.13 To illus-
ance to fulfill unmet needs for attention. However, trate, while most people would seek a doctor’s opin-
such theories have no basis in scientific research and ion if they had unexplained neck pain continuously
are not supported by empirical findings. The idea for several days, a person prone to developing HA
that hypochondriacal behavior is motivated by “sec- might impetuously assume that any neck pain is a
ondary gain” is also encountered in the medical and sign of serious illness. Whereas the former pre-
psychiatric field. Again, while intuitively appealing sumption leads to appropriate use of medical
and straightforward, this view implies a dismissal of resources, the latter drives excessive and irrational
the patient’s behavior as deliberate or a “personality behavior including preoccupation with and continu-
disorder.” Moreover, it overlooks the need for a ous scrutinizing of one own symptoms, and strong
more cautious analysis of individual symptoms, urges to seek medical consultation.
which (as we discuss below) is a necessary part of Other problematic assumptions that may lead to
successfully alleviating hypochondriasis. mistaken interpretations about health (and thus to
HA) include beliefs about health care habits, such
HYPOCHONDRIASIS AS SEVERE HEALTH as “you shouldn’t waste any time in getting to the
ANXIETY doctor when you notice anything unusual or it will
Anxiety and fear serve an adaptive function; they be too late.” Beliefs related to perceived personal
protect animals from harm by activating the sympa- weaknesses or vulnerability to particular illness
thetic nervous system—often termed the “fight or may function similarly. For example, “cancer runs
flight” response—when threat is perceived. It is in my family,” “my father died when he was my
important to understand that the anxiety response is age,” or “I have a weak heart.” In vulnerable indi-
activated in the presence of perceived threat, viduals, such beliefs may be activated by critical
whether or not true danger actually exists. More- incidents such as the diagnosis of a loved one or a
over, the frequency, intensity, and duration of anxi- well-publicized health issue.
ety one experiences is proportional to the Severe HA, then, develops if benign physical signs
significance and imminence of the perceived threat. and symptoms are misinterpreted as indicating seri-
Thus, issues perceived as vitally important to one’s ous illness in light of underlying erroneous health-
welfare evoke high levels of anxiety. As perceived related beliefs and assumptions. As part of a normal
threats to one’s physical well being are likely to be response to perceived threat the presence of health
considered particularly important, it should not be concerns would be expected to give rise to checking
surprising that health-focused anxiety is a common of one’s health status (i.e., via physicians). However,
phenomenon.7,8 In this way, hypochondriasis can be despite the appeal of understanding possible causes
conceptualized as an extreme manifestation of exces- of severe HA, the present conceptual model empha-
sive and persistent anxiety focused upon a perceived sizes the role of factors that promote the persistence
threat to one’s health.9,10 Put another way, the pri- of HC symptoms, as we describe below.

COMP THER. 2004; 30(1) 45

WHY DOES HEALTH ANXIETY PERSIST to seek evaluation for a suspected medical problem.
DESPITE REASSURANCE? Cognitive Factors. Severe HA is also maintained
Occasional concern over physical symptoms is nor- by ways in which people think about health-related
mal;9 and in most cases is relieved with the realiza- information that they receive. For example, unex-
tion that nothing serious is the matter. However, plained body sensations naturally evoke a quest for
people with severe HA experience persistent health evidence to confirm or disconfirm one’s worst fears.
related concerns despite what would seem to be con- Since the cost of a false negative decision (assuming
vincing reassurance that their fears are unfounded. good health when an illness is present) is higher
It is as if something interferes with the effects of than that of a false positive (assuming illness when
reassurance for these patients. Below we describe one is healthy), the prevailing bias with which peo-
three domains of factors (physiologic, cognitive, and ple interpret available evidence is to err on the side
behavioral) that serve to prevent patients from real- of caution. However, this results in selective atten-
izing that they need not be so worried about the par- tion toward information that could confirm the pres-
ticular physical signs and symptoms that they fear. ence of sickness (headache = brain tumor).
Physiologic Factors. As we mentioned above, Moreover, information suggestive of good health
anxious arousal (including increased heart rate, (e.g., symptoms feel similar to previous headaches
sweating, hyperventilation, vasoconstriction, etc.) and respond to aspirin) tends to be disregarded.
serves to protect the organism from danger and to This kind of selective attention can also influence
prepare it to take immediate action (i.e., fight back the impact of reassurance provided by doctors; evi-
or escape). Whereas most people recognize increased dence consistent with an illness strengthens the fear
heart rate as part of autonomic arousal, other cardio- that one might be ill, whereas disconfirmatory infor-
vascular effects are less well known. These include mation is discounted as inadequate or immaterial.
increased blood flow to large muscle groups (to pre- This selective attentional bias explains the persis-
pare for action) and reduced flow to the skin, fin- tent drive to seek second opinions despite medical
gers, and toes (to guard against blood loss). Hence, tests indicating that no illness is present.
during anxiety the skin may look pale or feel cold, Another cognitive factor involved in the mainte-
and fingers and toes may become numb or tingly. nance of HA is body vigilance—the tendency to pay
Autonomic arousal also causes hyperventilation close attention to, and monitor, even slight bodily
to increase the flow of oxygen to the muscles. How- sensations based on concerns about such
ever, the increase in speed and depth of breathing sensations.14 Indeed the expectation that one’s body
often produces breathlessness, smothering or chok- will produce threatening signs and symptoms will
ing sensations, or even pain or tightness in the invariably evoke heightened sensitivity to quickly
chest. If no actual activity occurs, the ratio of oxy- detect any such phenomena. However, body vigi-
gen to carbon dioxide to the brain is slightly offset lance may lead to the over-detection of normal bodi-
with prolonged hyperventilation. While completely ly fluctuations and perturbations that are
harmless, this may produce temporary lightheaded- subsequently misinterpreted as “new” symptoms of
ness, blurred vision, confusion, unreality, or hot serious illness.
flashes. Other effects include increased perspira- Along with body vigilance, people with severe
tion, dry mouth, pupillary dilation (which results in HA show an intolerance of uncertainty—indeed when
blurred vision or spots), and a decrease in digestive it comes to personal health, anything less than
function (often producing sensations of nausea or absolute certainty is extremely anxiety evoking for
constipation). Finally, the associated muscle tension such individuals.15 Whereas most people accept a
may result in aches, trembling and shaking, as well certain level of uncertainty in everyday life (includ-
as a general tiredness. ing issues related to their health), those with HA
How are these physiological effects related to interpret any doubts regarding their health as highly
HA? Although innocuous (and in fact adaptive) the distressing. To reduce this doubt and distress,
onset of such symptoms seems unexpected to the health-anxious people tend to seek reassurance by
HA sufferer and may thus be misinterpreted as indi- asking doctors for further evaluation, describing the
cating a serious illness.11 So, at the same moment symptoms to others, checking medical references,
one is becoming anxious or stressed over one’s or checking one’s own bodily signs or symptoms
health, more threatening symptoms seem to (e.g., taking one’s own blood pressure, checking for
emerge. This creates additional anxiety, which lumps, etc.).
intensifies the “inexplicable” autonomic symptoms— Behavioral Factors. Taking action to minimize the
an upward spiral leading to extreme HA and urges potential for harm is a natural (and adaptive) response

46 COMP THER. 2004; 30(1)

for a person perceiving him/herself to be threatened. cotton when around loud children. Thus, even sub-
Such “safety-seeking” behavior also results in an tle avoidance of this harmless noise prevented the
immediate reduction in fear. However, if the threat is teacher from discovering that normal exposure to
erroneously perceived, then the safety-seeking behav- loud children would not lead to hearing loss. In this
ior prevents the individual from noticing that the fear way her mistaken belief and irrational fear of hear-
is groundless. Various safety-seeking behaviors play a ing loss from screaming children was maintained.
role in HA as we describe below.
Reassurance-seeking is the most overt safety TREATMENT
behavior in HA, and is considered a cardinal symp- The conceptualization described above suggests that
tom of hypochondriasis. Reassurance, whether effective treatment for severe HA must (a) assist
obtained from a doctor or other reference, becomes patients to identify and correct erroneous assump-
habitual because of the immediate reduction in tions concerning illness and (b) eliminate factors
doubt/distress it produces. Thus, the person will that prevent the correction of such faulty assump-
eventually come to rely upon such reassurance to tions. This treatment approach, termed cognitive-
obtain relief from HA; for example “hearing Dr. behavioral therapy (CBT), encompasses a set of
Jones tell me I do not have a brain tumor is the only procedures with empirically demonstrated efficacy
way I can stop worrying.” Paradoxically, reassur- in weakening undesirable thinking and behavioral
ance also maintains faulty illness-related beliefs responses. Below we describe the specific CBT pro-
(and fears) in the long-term, especially if patients cedures effective in reducing HA.
receive different information from different Proper Medical Evaluation. Prior to treatment
resources (e.g., doctors), or worse, inconsistent of HA the prospect of any co-existing or confound-
information from the same source (e.g., Internet ing organic basis for symptoms (e.g., injury, or med-
chat rooms) on different occasions. ication/substance abuse) must be ruled out via a
Some safety behaviors can lead to an increase in thorough physical examination. Information from
the very symptoms one perceives as threatening. this exam can be reviewed with the patient and for-
Body-checking, for example, is a commonly observed warded to the therapist as evidence of good health.
symptom in HA—patients concerned with particular Comorbid mood disorders should also be assessed,
symptoms (e.g., raised birthmark) may carry out and if present, pharmacological management con-
frequent examinations of affected areas involving sidered alongside CBT for HA.
manipulation of a given body part. However, such Developing a Personal Model of HA. The first
behavior may lead to an increase in physical symp- step in CBT involves the development of a personal
toms, which is then misinterpreted as a sign of ill- model of the patient’s particular HA symptoms.
ness. For example, a patient of ours was worried This model, developed in collaboration with the
that her trachea was constricted to the point that patient, diagrams how symptoms are influenced by
she would not be able to breathe. Despite reassur- general health-related assumptions, and how the
ance that her breathing was quite normal, she various physiological, cognitive, and behavioral
repeatedly pressed on her neck and throat to deter- maintenance factors contribute to the persistence of
mine whether the “condition” had grown worse. As certain illness-related beliefs. The conceptualization
a result, the area became sore and painful, symp- is then used to guide the choice of specific CBT
toms that further convinced the patient that her strategies. Figure 1 depicts a conceptual HA model
feared problem was a reality. for a woman with fears of dying from an unex-
Avoidance of fear cues is another form of safety- plained lack of oxygen to her brain. Years earlier
seeking behavior. One middle-aged man evaluated she had seen a television program about the brain
in our clinic had ceased all exercising believing that and emphasizing the importance of oxygen for
such activity would overstrain his lungs leading to healthy brain functioning. This women’s HA symp-
lung cancer. Covert avoidance is also observed, toms were activated by any feelings of lightheaded-
such as in the case of a teacher who continually ness, which she mistakenly interpreted to indicate
wore cotton in her ear for fear that “the screaming low levels of oxygen in her brain. She erroneously
children would lead to progressive deafness.” believed that such sensations were indicative of
Avoidance prevents self-correction of erroneous harm and likely to mean that “important” brain cells
beliefs that would otherwise naturally occur when were dying. This assumption led her to purposely
feared negative outcomes do not transpire. In the hyperventilate, which she thought would provide
example above, the teacher erroneously attributed more oxygen, but which paradoxically evoked fur-
never losing her hearing to her continual wearing of ther sensations of lightheadedness, dry mouth, and

COMP THER. 2004; 30(1) 47

Figure 1.—Conceptual model of health anxiety in a 51 year-old female.

chest pain, all of which were interpreted as further and assumptions. Cognitive restructuring is a form
confirmation that she was dying, leading to extreme of guided discovery wherein the therapist helps the
anxiety. She frequently telephoned doctors and patient (a) identify a basis for erroneous beliefs, (b)
nurses to seek assurance about her symptoms, and identify contradictory events or experiences, and (c)
believed strongly that she would have died by now understand the significance of contradictory evi-
if she did not hyperventilate whenever she felt dence. For example, the patient described in Figure
lightheaded. Her fear of these sensations also 1 recalled that her lightheadedness diminished
brought about body vigilance, which caused her to when she eventually slowed her breathing rate. The
check for and be hyper-aware of even normal fluc- therapist helped the patient more clearly under-
tuations in such sensations. stand the meaning of this phenomenon and how it
Education. Education about bodily symptoms, runs contradictory to her ideas about needing to
especially the physiology of anxious arousal, is a hyperventilate to stay alive. For example, the thera-
vital component of CBT. Patients are taught that pist inquired, “if your lightheadedness is really a
anxiety is a normal and adaptive response to per- symptom of brain death, does it make sense that the
ceived threat. They are also provided with rational, symptoms go away when you breathe less heavily?”
non-threatening explanations for the bodily symp- and “if reducing your breathing rate would not stop
toms they frequently misinterpret as catastrophic. brain cells from dying, what role might it play in
Although identifying feared bodily cues and provid- the symptoms?” and, “could the problem be that
ing physiological explanations is important, the you are jumping to the wrong conclusions about
therapist must not provide excessive reassurance in what lightheadedness really means?”
such discussions, as the patient must learn to con- Exposure and Response Prevention. Exposure
sole him/herself when such symptoms occur. therapy includes a set of techniques designed to cor-
Correcting Erroneous Assumptions. A proce- rect mistaken beliefs about illness. These tech-
dure called cognitive restructuring is used to help niques all involve gradually confronting the very
patients modify unrealistic illness-related beliefs situations or bodily sensations that evoke illness

48 COMP THER. 2004; 30(1)

fears. During exposure patients put their illness- ety. Because HA patients typically present in med-
related predictions to the test and learn that they ical settings it is often up to the primary care or spe-
need not fear the situations and sensations once per- cialty physician to broaden the patient’s perspective
ceived as threatening. For example, the patient on their complaints. This includes helping them to
described above was taught to purposely make her- consider the possibility that in light of no evidence
self feel lightheaded by via hyperventilating for 90 of ill health, their complaints may be better
seconds. After completing this task repeatedly (in accounted for by fears of their (very real) physical
various contexts) without fainting or dying, the symptoms. Indeed patients are likely to value an
patient’s fear of this bodily sensation was substan- explanation from a knowledgeable and empathetic
tially reduced. physician who shows an understanding of their con-
Response prevention is a technique used in tandem cerns and can put forth a reasonable explanation
with exposure in which patients are helped to and rationale for the need for psychotherapy. CT
refrain from behaviors that interfere with the cor-
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