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Department of Mathematical Sciences

Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science & Technology
Faculty Recruitment Test, 2021

Mathematics Test 100 Questions

1. Let γ be any curve in E3 (i.e. three dimensional real Euclidean space). Suppose that
{t̂, n̂, b̂} is the usual Frenet-trihedron defined ∀ p ∈ γ. Then as p moves along the
path γ, the changing Frenet-trihedron is expressed as:
 0     0   
t̂ 0 κ 0 t̂ t̂ 0 −κ 0 t̂
(a) n̂0  = −κ 0 τ  n̂ (b) n̂0  = κ 0 −τ  n̂
b̂0 0 −τ 0 b̂ b̂0 0 τ 0 b̂
 0   
t̂ −κ 0 −τ t̂
(c) n̂ =
  κ 0 0   n̂ (d) None of a, b and c
0 0 τ 0
b̂ b̂

2. Assume that f (x, y) has continuous first-order partial derivatives in an open disk
around (x0 , y0 ) and that ∇f (x0 , y0 ) 6= 0, then ∇f (x0 , y0 ) through (x0 , y0 ) defines a
(a) tangent vector to the level curve (b) directional derivative of level curve
(c) normal to the level curve (d) curvature of the level curve

3. Let Y be a closed subspace of a complete metric space X. Then

(a) Y is a normed space (b) Y is a Banach Space
(c) Y is a complete metric space (d) None of a, b and c

4. Let X be any finite dimensional linear space. Then

(a) X is a Banach space (b) X is a complete metric space
(c) a and b (d) None of a, b and c

5. A covariant vector of Ai is said to be irotational if

∂Ai ∂Aj ∂Ai ∂Aj ∂Ai ∂Aj ∂Ai ∂Aj
(a) j
= i
(b) j
=− i (c) j
+ i = −1(d) + =1
∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂xj ∂xi
6. Let X = C[a, b] with norm kxk∞ = max|x(t)|, ∀t ∈ [a, b]. Let k(· , · ) ∈ C([a, b] ×
[a, b]). Define F : X → X := F (x)(s) = a k(s, t)x(t)dt, ∀x ∈ X, s ∈ [a, b], then
(a) F is a bounded linear operator (b) F is a bounded function on X
(c) F is uniformly continuous (d) a and c

7. Assume f has continuous derivatives of order (n + 1) on (a, b), then for any c <
n f k (a)
(x − a)k + Rn (x), where
x, c, x ∈ (a, b), we have the Taylor formula, f (x) =
k=0 k!
Rn (x) is called the remainder or error. This Rn (x) admits the expression as:
1 Rx f n+1 (θ)
(a) Rn (x) = (x − t)n f n+1 (t)dt (b) (x − a)(n+1) , θ ∈ (c, x)
n! c (n + 1)!
f n+1 (θ)
(c) (x − θ)n (x − a), θ ∈ (c, x) (d) a, b and c
8. Let X be a Hilbert space and let Y be its closed subspace. If Y ⊥ denotes the
orthogonal complement of Y in X, then
(a) X = Y + Y ⊥ (b) (Y ⊥ )⊥ = Y
(c) Both a and b (d) None of a, b and c

9. Which of the following is Riemann integrable

sin 1 if x ∈ Q
0 if x ∈ Q
(a) f (x) = x (b) f (x) =
0 if x ∈ R\Q 1 if x ∈ R\Q
x if x ∈ Q
(c) f (x) = (d) |f |, where f is same as in c
−x if x ∈ R\Q

10. If [x] denotes the usual bracket function (i.e.R [x] =greatest integer not exceeding x),
then the value of Riemann-Stieltjes integral 0 xd([x] − x) is
(a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 16
n nx
11. The sequence of functions fn (x) = } is
1 + n 3 x2
(a) Not point-wise convergent (b) Uniformly convergent
(c) Point-wise convergent only (d) None

12. If a sequence of functions {fn } converges uniformly to f on [a, b] such that each {fn }
is integrable then,
Rx Rx
(a) f is integrable on [a, b] (b) a f dt = limn→∞ a fn dt
(c) f is differentiable (d) a and c
13. Let Gn = ( −1
n n
, 1 ) ( R, ∀n ∈ N, then if G = n=1 Gn , we get
(a) G = φ (b) G = {0}
(c) G is an open set in R (d) G not well-defined

14. Let X be any metric space, then if A ⊆ X and B ⊆ X then which of the following
is false under certain conditions
(a) A = Ā if and only if A is closed (b) A ∩ B = Ā ∩ B̄
(c) A ∪ B = Ā ∪ B̄ (d) A ⊆ B implies Ā ⊂ B̄

15. Let f : (X, d1 ) −→ (Y, d2 ) where (X, d1 ) is a compact metric space and (Y, d2 ) is any
metric space with respect to the metric d2 then
(a) f is always a homeomorphism (b) f is always an injection
(c) f is always uniformly continuous (d) f is never uniformly continuous

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16. Let C = Ck be the contour of length L, and suppose f (z) is some complex
variable function which is piece-wise continuous on this curve C lying in its domain
of definition. If M is some non-negative constant such that |f (z)| ≤ M, ∀z ∈ C, at
which f (z) is defined, then if L(Ck ) is the length of the smooth arc Ck .
n n L(C )
R P R P k
(a) C f (z)dz = M L(Ck ) (b) C f (z)dz ≤ ( )
k=1 k=1 M
P R P n
(c) |f (z)| = M L(Ck ) (d) C f (z)dz ≤ M L(Ck )

k=1 k=1

17. For a complex variable function f : D(⊆ C) −→ C, the sufficient condition for
holomophy/analyticity for f at z0 ∈ D is that
(a) f is continuous at z0 ∈ D (b) f is continuous at z0 ∈ D
(c) f has a continuous at at z0 ∈ D (d) None of a, b and c
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
18. Let V = (y − x) + xy and W = x2 + yz be the two vector fields on R3 .
∂x ∂z ∂x ∂z
Then the covariant derivative of W with respect to V denoted by ∇V (W ) is
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
(a) 2x(y − x) + xy 2 (b) (y − x) + xy
∂x ∂z ∂x ∂z
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
(c) xy(y − x) + x2 y (d) 2y + xy
∂x ∂z ∂x ∂z
19. Consider E3 with cylindrical coordinates (r, θ, z) and the corresponding cylindrical
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
frame fields V1 = cos θ + sin θ , V2 = − sin θ + cos θ and V3 = , then the
∂r ∂θ ∂r ∂θ ∂z
connection forms (wij ) for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ 3 of {Vi }i=3
i=1 is given in matrix form as
       
0 1 0 0 1 0 0 −dr 0 0 dθ 0
(a) −1 0 dr(b) −1 0 0 (c) dθ 0 0 (d) −dθ 0 0
0 −dr 0 0 dθ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. Let X be a cylindrical surface patch given by X : D → E3 , D = ((0, 2π) × R) ⊂ R2
defined as X(θ, z) = (a cos θ, a sin θ, z), a > 0, then its second fundamental form is
(a) dθ + dz (b) (dθ)2 − (dz)2 (c) (1 + a2 )dθ + dz (d) −adθ2
21. Let X be some smooth 2-dimensional manifold, then locally, if k1 and k2 are the
principal curvatures at each point p ∈ X, then the Gaussian curvature K is given as
√ k1
(a) K = k1 k2 (b) K = k1 k2 (c) K = (d) K = |k1 k2 |
22. Let X be some topological space with 4 : X → X × X be the usual diagonal map
(i.e. 4(x) = (x, x), ∀x ∈ X). Then 4(X) ⊆ X × X is closed in X × X
(a) if and only if X is second-countable (b) if and only if X is Hausdorff
(c) if and only if X is co-finite (d) if and only if X is discrete
23. Every unique factorization domain is
(a) principal ideal domain (b) integral domain
(c) Euclidean domain (d) a, b and c

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24. Let C[x, y, z] be the polynomial ring. Let < (xy − 1), (z 3 ), (x3 − y 5 ) > be the ideal
generated by the stated polynomials. Identify (C[x, y, z]/ < (xy − 1), (z 3 ), (x3 − y 5 ) >
) ' C[x̄, ȳ, z̄]. Then the polynomial P (x, y, z) = xyz − y 2 + x2 z 6 + 1 in C[x, y, z]
becomes the following polynomial in C[x̄, ȳ, z̄]
(a) x̄ + ȳ − z̄ + 1 (b) x̄2 − x̄ȳ + 1 (c) x̄3 + 1 (d) z̄ − ȳ 2 + 1

25. Let R be any commutative ring with 1 6= 0. Let I be an ideal in R. Then R/I is an
integral domain if and only if
(a) I is principal (b) I is prime
(c) I is maximal (d) I is finitely generated

26. Let Q, N, Z, R, C denote the set of rational, natural, integers, real and complex num-
bers respectively. The if ' denotes bijective equivalence, which of the following is
(a) Power set of natural P(N) ' N (b) N × Q × Z ' N
(c) R × C × N ' R (d) Z × Q × Q . . . ' N

27. Which one is correct?

~ × ds̄ =
(a) A ∇ × Ā dv (b) ds̄ × Ā = − (∇ × Ā) dv
(c) Ā × ds̄ = Ā · ds̄ (d) ∇ · Ā dv = Ā · ds̄

28. Which one is correct?

(a) c dr̄ × B̄ = (n̂ × B) × ∇ ds (b) c
ψdr̄ = ∇ψ × ds̄
(c) s r̄ · ds̄ = −4πa3 (d) s
r̄ × r̂ ds = 0

29. The inner product of two tensors of ranks r and s is a rank tensor of rank
(a) r + s + 2 (b) r − s − 2 (c) r + s − 2 (d) r − s + 2

30. In an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, which is correct?

(a) Êw , Êu = 1 (b) Êu , Êv = 1 (c) êw = hu ∇v (d) êw = hw ∇w
31. Bessel-Imaginary function is also known as
(a) Ber function (b) Bei function
(c) Bessel real function (d) Bessel complex function

32. Let X be a normed linear space. Which of the following is false

(a) X is a topological space (b) X is a Banach space
(c) X is metric space (d) X is a linear space

33. Let X be the set of all polynomials considered as functions on some finite closed
interval [a, b]. Define the function d : X × X := d(x, y) = max|x(t) − y(t)|, ∀t ∈ [a, b].
(a) d is a metric on X (b) d induces a norm on X
(c) d makes X into a metric space (d) A and B

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34. If Ricci tensor is symmetric, then the number of distinct components of Rij is
n+2 n−2 n(n + 1) n(n − 1)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
n n 2 2
35. If a normed space X has the property that the closed unit ball M = {x ∈ X|kxk ≤ 1}
is compact then
(a) X infinite dimensional (b) X is finite dimensional
(c) X is not a complete metric space (d) None of A, B and C.

36. If X is an inner product space then which of the following is false

(a) X is a Banach space (b) X is a normed linear space
(c) X admits parallelogram law (d) X admits Pythagoras theorem
0 0
37. If M and m are the supremum and infimum of f and M , m are the supremum and
0 0
infimum of |f | on [a, b] then M − m ≤?
(a) m − M (b) m + M (c) M + m (d) M − m

38. The transformation from (x1 , x2 , x3 ) to (y1 , y2 , y3 ) is given by Y = AX and another

transformation of (y1 , y2 , y3 ) to z1 , z2 , z3 ) is given by
(a) A = (b) A = (c) Z = AX (d) Z = BY
ak |x − 1|k , where ai ∈ R then at x = 1 f (x) is
39. If f (x) =

(a) continuous for ∀ ak ∈ R (b) differentiable for ∀ ak = R

(c) differentiable provided a2k+1 = 0 (d) continuous provided a2k = 0
40. Singularity of e z at z = 0 is of the type
(a) Essential Singularity (b) Regular Singularity
(c) Holomorphic Singularity (d) Homogeneous Singularity

41. If a and a + h are two consecutive approximation roots of the equation f (x) = 0
obtained by Newton method, then h is equal to
0 0
f (a) f (a) f (a) f (a)
(a) 0 (b) (c) − (d) −
f (a) f (a) f (a) f 0 (a)
42. Let f (x) be a polynomial such that f (x1 )f (x2 ), then in (x1 , x2 ) the function f (x)
(a) Atleast one or odd number of root (b) Any number of roots
(c) No root or an even roots (d) only even roots

43. A complete metric space is a metric space in which every Cauchy sequence is
(a) Continuous (b) Discontinuous (c) Converges (d) Diverges

44. The covariant derivative of g ij is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

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1 − cos pπ
45. Inverse finite Fourier Sine transform of Fs (p) = for p = 1, 2, 3, ... and
p2 π 2
0 < x < π is
∞  1 − cos pπ 
2 P ∞  1 + cos pπ 
1 P
(a) f (x) = 3 sin px (b) f (x) = 3 sin px
π p=1 p2 π p=1 p2
∞  1 − sin pπ 
2 P −2 P∞  1 − cos pπ 
(c) f (x) = 3 cos px (d) f (x) = 3 sin px
π p=1 p2 π p=1 p2
46. The set of integer Z with the binary opertion ∗ defined as a ∗ b = a + b + 1 ∀a, b ∈ Z,
is a group. The identity element of this group is
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 12
47. Let G denoted the set of all n × n non-singular matrices with rational number as
entries. Then under multiplication G is a/an
(a) Sub group (b) Finite abelian group
(c) Infinite non-abelian group (d) Infinite Abelian group
48. If a, b are positive integers define a ∗ b = a where ab = a(modulo 7) with ∗ operation,
then the inverse of 3 in group G(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) is
(a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 5 (d) 4

dx x + t2 − 2x t
49. Identify the function p(t) and q(t) if the differential equation = is
dt t
written in the form + p(t)x = q(t), then
√ √
(a) p(t) = 2 t − 1, q(t) = t2 (b) p(t) = 1 − 2 t, q(t) = t

2 t−1
(c) p(t) = , q(t) = t (d) None of these
50. The space lP , P ≥ 1 is a real number, is
(a) Complete (b) Divergent (c) Open (d) Convergent
51. det(R) = −1 is
(a) Improper Transformation (b) Proper Transformation
(c) Identity Transformation (d) Coordinate Transformation
52. Which of the following is not an isotropic tensor
(a) Kronecker delta (b) A scalar of rank zero
(c) Levi civita tensor (d) Symmetric tensor
53. A commutative ring with identity is a field if and only if each ideal of it is
(a) Real (b) Complex (c) Rational (d) Prime
54. Free surface of a liquid behaves like a sheet and tends to contract to smallest possible
area due to the
(a) Force of adhesion (b) Force of cohesion
(c) Force of friction (d) Force of diffusion

Page 6
55. The fluid forces considered in the Navier Stokes equation are
(a) Gravity, pressure and viscous (b) Gravity, pressure and turbulent
(c) Gravity, viscous and turbulent (d) Pressure, viscous and turbulent

56. If a function f (z) can be analytically continued along every path in a simply connected
domain then the resulting function is
(a) Single valued (b) Multi valued (c) Real valued (d) Complex value

57. In an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, which of them is correct

(a) Êu , Êv = 1 (b) Êv , Êw = 0 (c) Êw , Êu = 1 (d) Êu , Êv = 0
58. The space l∞ of all bounded sequence of real number is a metric space with metric
d. Then ∀ x = {xn }, y = {yn } ∈ l∞ , d(x, y) =
P p p
(a) Supn∈N |xn − yn |(b) n∈N |xn − yn | (c) n |xn − yn | (d) n+1 |xn + yn |
3 3
59. 
Let  a linear transformation T : R → R represented by the matrix
there be
2 0 −1
4 0 −2, then which of the following statement is false?
0 0 0
(a) T is not an isomorphism (b) T is not invertible
(c) T is neither injective nor surjective (d) Dimension of the image subspace is 2

60. Two norms ||.||1 and ||.||2 are equivalent if there exist non-zero positive real numbers
a, such that
(a) a||x||1 = b||x||2 (b) a||x||1 ≤ b||x||2 ≤ a||x||1
(c) a||x||2 ≤ ||x||1 ≤ b||x||2 (d) a||x||1 6= b||x||2

61. The dual space of lp is lq where:

1 1 1
(a) p + q = 0 (b) p
+ q
=1 (c) pq
=p+q (d) pq = p − q

62. Which of the following alternating series is convergent.

∞ n2 ∞ 1
(a) (−1)n−1 2 (b) (−1)n−1 n
1 n +1 1 e
∞ lnn ∞ 1
(c) (−1)n−1 (d) (−1)n−1 ntan
1 n 1 n
63. In NAND-gates (0 ∧ 1)0 =
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) -1 (d) 2

64. Which of the following is rth moment about mean for population data.
1 1 1√ 1
(a) µγ = (xi − µ)γ (b) µγ = (xi + µ)γ (c) µγ = xi + µ (d) µγ = (xi µ)γ

Page 7
R 2 sin2 nx
65. If In = 0 dx, then
sin2 x
π R π sinnxcos2nx
(a) In = (b) In = 0
4 sinx
(c) I1 , I2 , I3 , ·, In , · is an A.P. (d) sin(I15 ) = 0

66. Let x = (x1 , x2 , ·, xn ), y = (y1 , y2 , ·, yn ) ∈ <n then

n 1 n 1 n 1
(xi + yi )2 2 ≤ x2i 2 + yi2 2 is
j=1 j=1 j=1

(a) Cauchy’s inequality (b) Minkowaski’s inequality

(c) Langrange’s inequality (d) Gaussian’s inequality

67. If f(x) is Riemann integrable over [a,b], then

Rb Rb Rb
(a) | a f (x)dx| = 0 (b) | a f (x)dx| ≤ a |f (x)|dx
Rb Rb Rb Rb
(c) | a f (x)dx| = a |f (x)|dx (d) | a f (x)dx| ≥ a |f (x)|dx

68. If X and Y are the subsets of Rk , the k-Euclidean space, then f is a function and d
will be given by —
(a) |q − p| (b) |z1 − z2 | (c) |p − q| (d) |z2 − z1 |

69. Let T : N → M be bounded linear operator then norm of operator T is:

||Tx ||
(a) ||T || = Sup (b) ||T || = ||x||||Tx ||
06=x∈N ||x||
(c) ||T || = ||Tx || (d) ||T || = ||x|| − ||Tx ||

70. Which one is correct?

(a) c dr̄ × B̄ = (n̂ × B) × ∇ ds (b) c
ψdr̄ = ∇ψ × ds̄
(c) s r̄ · ds̄ = −4πa3 (d) s
r̄ × r̂ ds = 0

71. Which of the following collection is a well-defined Set in mathematics?

(a) Collection of all Cardinal Numbers. (b) Collection of all Ordinal Numbers.
(c) Collection of all Groups. (d) None of the a, b and c

72. Let V be a vector space of dim n over some field K. If F is any other field such that
Km ∼= F n , then
(a) m 6= n (b) m = n (c) m ≥ n (d) m ≤ n

73. Let W be a subspace of a vector space V over some field K. Then there always exist
an epimorphism (i.e. a surjective linear transformation) φ : V → V /W with ——
(a) Ker φ = V (b) Ker φ = W (c) Ker φ = V /W (d) Ker φ = W/V

74. Let V and W be the two vector spaces over the same field K and having dimension
m and n respectively. Then dimension Hom(V, W ) = ——–
(a) mn (b) m − n (c) m + n (d)

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75. Let Zm denote the residue class modulo m group. Then for any m, n ∈ N such that
both m, n are relatively prime, Zm ⊕ Zn is isomorphic to —-
(a) Zm+n (b) Zm−n (c) Zmn (d) Zm/n

76. Let G be some finite group of order m. Let a ∈ G be any element of G. Let H be
the subgroup of G generated by a, i.e. < a >= H. Then if | · | denotes the order of
the group, the order of a divides —-
(a) |H| and |G| both. (b) |H| but not |G|.
(c) |G| but not |H|. (d) |H| + |G|.

77. Let G be any abelian group of order 16. Then according to the Fundamental Theorem
of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups; it may be isomorphic to —-
(a) Z2 × Z2 × Z2 × Z2 (b) Z2 × Z4 × Z2
(c) Z2 × Z8 (d) a, b and c.

78. Let R denote any ring. Which of the following statement is false for R?
(a) It is possible that 1 = 0 in R. (b) There is a ring R0 with 1 and R ' R0 .
(c) R can always be considered with 1. (d) R/I is field whenever I is prime.

79. Let X be some topological space with τX and Let τX0 denoting the class of all open
sets and closed sets of X respectively. Let S(τX ) and S(τX0 ) denote the σ-algebra of
subsets of X generated by τX and τX0 respectively. If BX denotes the Borel subsets
of X, then which of the following is false?
(a) BX = S(τX ) (b) BX = S(τX0 ) (c) S(τX ) = S(τX0 ) (d) BX = S(τX −τX0 )

80. If lim(xn ) and lim(xn ) denote the inferior and superior limits of the sequence (xn ),
inf(xn ) and sup(xn ) denote the infimum and supremum of (xn ) considered as a set,
(a) inf≤ lim(xn ) (b) sup(xn ) ≤ lim(xn )
(c) lim(xn ) ≤ inf(xn ) (d) None of a, b and c.

81. Let A be some algebra of subsets of X 6= φ. Let µ be a measure on A. If µ∗ denotes

the induced outer measure, induced by µ, then µ∗ is —-
(a) also a measure. (b) countably additive.
(c) countably subadditive. (d) finitely additive.

82. Let S ∗ denote the class of all µ∗ -measurable subsets of X 6= φ, where µ∗ denotes the
Lebesgue outer measure. Then which of the following is correct?
(a) S ∗ is σ-algebra (b) µ∗ is a measure on P(X)
(c) µ∗ (A) > 0, ∀A 6= φ, A ∈ S ∗ (d) µ∗ is countably additive on P(X)

83. Which of the following is not an equivalence relation?

(a) Homeomorphism(b) Isomorphism (c) homomorphism (d) Bijection

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84. A set X is infinite if and only if X is —-
(a) countable. (b) uncountable.
(c) contains a subset of real numbers. (d) bijective to some proper subset.

85. Which of the following pair of topological spaces is not a homeomorphic pair under
induced Euclidean topology from R2 ?
(a) Graph of Sine-curve and straight line.(b) A hyperbola and a broken line.
(c) A unit circle and an interval. (d) A unit circle and a rectangle.

86. Which of the following is not a compact subspace of C under standard metric on
complex plane?
(a) Imaginary-axis (b) Any finite set.
(c) A unit circle on C-plane. (d) A polygon.

87. Equation of the tangent to the curve y = e−2x for x = ln2 is —-

(a) 2y = x + 2ln2 (b) 2y = −x + 2ln2
(c) 4y = 2x + 1 + 2ln2 (d) 4y = −2x + 1 + 2ln2

88. Let A be some invertible (n × n) real-matrix such that TA is its corresponding linear
transformation from Rn to itself. Then which of the following is false?
(a) Rank of A is n. (b) Ker(TA )= 0.
(c) One of its eigen value is zero. (d) AX = 0 has trivial solution only.

89. Let S be some collection of linearly independent vectors from a vector space V over
some field K. Let |S| denote the number of elements in S. Then, we have —-
(a) dim(V)≥ |S|. (b) dim(V)= |S| (c) dim(V)≤ |S| (d) dim(V)6= |S|

90. Let f : U → R be some real-valued two variable function, U being an open subset of
R2 . Let f have both partial derivatives defined on a point (x0 , y0 ) ∈ U , then f —
(a) is continuous at (x0 , y0 ) (b) has differential at (x0 , y0 )
(c) is differentiable at (x0 , y0 ) (d) None of a, b and c
91. If f (x) = , then
(a) f (2) = 0 (b) f (1) = 3
(c) y increase with x, for x < 1 (d) f is a rational function of x

92. Let G be a group of order 24. Let H be its subgroup. Then the order of H is —.
(a) 6 (b) 10 (c) odd (d) 11

93. Let φ : G → G0 be some epimorphism. Then, —.

(a) G/G0 ' 0 (b) G ' G0 (c) G0 /Ker(φ) ' G (d) G/Ker(φ) ' G0

Page 10
94. Which of the following is a topological property (i.e. a property preserved under
(a) Compactness (b) Connectedness (c) Hausforff (d) All of these

95. Every absolutely convergent series is —

(a) bounded. (b) Cauchy (c) convergent (d) All of these

96. Let f be a continuous real-valued function on some closed interval [a, b]. Then f is
(a) Riemann-integrable (b) bounded
(c) differentiable (d) None of these

97. If f is continuous on [a, b] and is differentiable on (a, b), then there exists a c ∈ (a, b)
such that f 0 (c) = f (b)−f
, is statement of —
(a) Rolle’s Theorem (b) Cauchy’s Theorem
(c) Lagrange’s Theorem (d) Riemann’s Theorem

98. Let f be any function. Then the inverse function denoted by f −1 exists if and only
if —
(a) f is bijective. (b) f is an isomorphism.
(c) f is continuous (d) None of these.
x ∂ ∂ ∂
99. Let Φ = x sin(y)dx + (y + z)dy + z 2 dz be a 1-form, and V = y ∂x
+ yz ∂y + ∂z
be a
vector field. Then, evaluation of Φ over V , is Φ(V ) =
(a) 0 (b) y
sin(y) + (y + z)yz + z 2

(c) xy sin(y)dxdy + y 2 z ∂x + z2 (d) None of these.

100. Let Φ be any p-form on Rn . If d denotes the exterior derivative, then we always
have —.
(a) d2 (Φ) = 0 (b) d(Φ) = f , for some non-linear f
(c) d(Φ) = 0 for p ≥ n. (d) None of these.

Page 11
Answer Key
 0  Admission
 Test
  (General Knowledge), 2021
t̂ 0 κ 0 t̂
1. (a) n̂ = −κ 0 τ
    n̂
0 0 −τ 0
b̂ b̂

2. (c) normal to the level curve

3. (c) Y is a complete metric space

4. (c) a and b

∂Ai ∂Aj
5. (a) j
∂x ∂xi

6. (d) a and c

7. (d) a, b and c

8. (c) Both a and b

9. (d) |f |, where f is same as in c

10. (c) 2

11. (b) Uniformly convergent

12. (d) a and c

13. (b) G = {0}

14. (b) A ∩ B = Ā ∩ B̄

15. (c) f is always uniformly continuous

R P n
16. (d) C f (z)dz ≤ M L(Ck )


17. (d) None of a, b and c

∂ ∂
18. (a) 2x(y − x)+ xy 2
∂x ∂z
 
0 dθ 0
19. (d) −dθ 0 0
0 0 0

20. (d) −adθ2

Page 12
21. (b) K = k1 k2

22. (b) if and only if X is Hausdorff

23. (b) integral domain

24. (d) z̄ − ȳ 2 + 1

25. (b) I is prime

26. (a) Power set of natural P(N) ' N

27. (d) ∇ · Ā dv = Ā · ds̄
28. (d) s
r̄ × r̂ ds = 0

29. (c) r + s − 2

30. (d) êw = hw ∇w

31. (b) Bei function

32. (b) X is a Banach space

33. (d) A and B

n(n + 1)
34. (c)

35. (b) X is finite dimensional

36. (a) X is a Banach space

37. (d) M − m

38. (d) Z = BY

39. (c) differentiable provided a2k+1 = 0

40. (a) Essential Singularity

f (a)
41. (d) −
f 0 (a)

42. (a) Atleast one or odd number of root

43. (c) Converges

Page 13
44. (a) 0

2 P ∞  1 − cos pπ 
45. (a) f (x) = sin px
π 3 p=1 p2

46. (c) -1

47. (c) Infinite non-abelian group

48. (c) 5

2 t−1
49. (c) p(t) = , q(t) = t

50. (a) Complete

51. (a) Improper Transformation

52. (d) Symmetric tensor

53. (d) Prime

54. (b) Force of cohesion

55. (a) Gravity, pressure and viscous

56. (a) Single valued

57. (b) Êv , Êw = 0

58. (a) Supn∈N |xn − yn |

59. (d) Dimension of the image subspace is 2

60. (c) a||x||2 ≤ ||x||1 ≤ b||x||2

1 1
61. (b) p
+ q

∞ lnn
62. (c)
1 n

63. (b) 1

64. (a) µγ = (xi − µ)γ

65. (c) I1 , I2 , I3 , ·, In , · is an A.P.

Page 14
66. (b) Minkowaski’s inequality
Rb Rb
67. (b) | a
f (x)dx| ≤ a
|f (x)|dx

68. (b) |z1 − z2 |

||Tx ||
69. (a) ||T || = Sup
06=x∈N ||x||

70. (d) s
r̄ × r̂ ds = 0

71. (d) None of the a, b and c

72. (b) m = n

73. (b) Ker φ = W

74. (a) mn

75. (c) Zmn

76. (a) |H| and |G| both.

77. (d) a, b and c.

78. (d) R/I is field whenever I is prime.

79. (d) BX = S(τX − τX0 )

80. (a) inf≤ lim(xn )

81. (c) countably subadditive.

82. (a) S ∗ is σ-algebra

83. (c) homomorphism

84. (d) bijective to some proper subset.

85. (c) A unit circle and an interval.

86. (a) Imaginary-axis

87. (d) 4y = −2x + 1 + 2ln2

88. (c) One of its eigen value is zero.

89. (a) dim(V)≥ |S|.

Page 15
90. (d) None of a, b and c

91. (d) f is a rational function of x

92. (a) 6

93. (c) G0 /Ker(φ) ' G

94. (d) All of these

95. (c) convergent

96. (a) Riemann-integrable

97. (b) Cauchy’s Theorem

98. (a) f is bijective.

99. (b) y
sin(y) + (y + z)yz + z 2

100. (a) d2 (Φ) = 0

Page 16

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