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a. Definition:
In everyday life, everyone must have a different opinion about a topic / issue and discuss it with
others. Some examples of these issues are:
Do you agree with the fact that teenagers spend too much time playing video games?
Should smoking be allowed everywhere?
Opinion paragraph is a paragraph that contains a person’s opinion/thoughts about something that
is used to persuade readers to support their opinions.

b. How to write an opinion paragraph?

Step 1. Write your opinion in the topic of sentence clearly
Step 2. Explain each reason in logical order
Step 3. Use facts to support each reason
Step 4. Finish your paragraph with a concluding sentence at the end.

Note: The Difference Between Facts and Opinions

Opinions are statements that come from a person’s beliefs/thoughts about something.
Expressions such as, ―I believe …―, ―I think that …―, or ―According to me, …‖ are being used to
express your opinion.
Opinions is different from facts. Opinion could or couldn’t be approved people, while they
couldn’t deny facts, because facts are true statements that don’t come from someone’s thoughts.
Read a few sentences below so you can understand the difference between opinions and facts

Facts Opinion

The sunrise was beautiful this

The sun rises in the east

The lake is too cold for

This lake’s temperature is under 10oC

Based on the police reports, it is dangerous to use cell Using a cell phone while driving
phone while driving. is dangerous
It was forbidden for women to vote in the United
Everyone should vote
States until 1920

Mr. Vance said, ―I am a bad father.‖ Mr. Vance is a bad father

c. Language and Expressions

I believe/ think/ feel that… Tôi tin/ nghĩ/ cảm thấy rằng…
I strongly/ firmly believe that… Tôi tin tưởng chắc chắn rằng…
In my opinion/ view,… Theo quan điểm/ cách nhìn của tôi thì…
I am totally against… Tôi hoàn toàn phản đối…
My opinion is that… Quan điểm của tôi là…
I (do not) agree with/ that… Tôi (không) đồng ý với việc/ rằng….
As far as I cam concerned,… Theo những gì tôi được biết thì…
I completely/ totally agree/ disagree with/ that… Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý/ không đồng ý với/
I strongly disagree with/ that… Tôi cực kỳ không đồng tình với/ rằng…
It seems/ appears to me that… Đối với tôi thì có vẻ như….
I could not agree/ disagree more with/ that…. Tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý/ không đồng ý với

d. Sample
A paragraph expressing the writer’s opinion on violent video games
In my opinion, violent video games are harmful to young people. First, playing these games can
cause changes in the behavior of young people. Frequent players have poorer grades in school,
according to studies by psychologists. Secondly, it seems to me that violent video games make
young people less sensitive to violence in the real world. The games are toxic to children that
make it looks fun to shoot and kill, and the line between violence in games and real violence
becomes very thin or disappears entirely. In short, I feel that violent video games are harmful to
young people and should be controlled – or, even better, banned.
a. Definition
This type of paragraph asks you to comment on the advantages and/or disadvantagesof

Write a paragraph about the advantages/disadvantages of home-schooling.
Write a paragraph about the advantages/disadvantages of online learning.

b. Language and Expressions

The first advantage/disadvantage of this is …
There are many advantages/disadvantages to … and one of them is…
The positive/negative aspects of … are …
The positive/negative points include …
Another positive/negative aspect is …
Another benefit/drawback is …
A negative consequence of … is …

c. Sample
1. The advantages of learning a foreign language
There are numerous benefits associated with learning a foreign language, for example, it helps to
bridge social barriers. It also increases brain power because a foreign language is a whole new
system with distinct rules, and meaning, which are just a few of the complexities of a language.
This means that the brain has to extend itself and acknowledge this new language structure.
Quite miraculously, the brain figures out what it all means, and then it fully utilises this new
armory to convey ideas. Furthermore, it sharpens peoples' ability to solve problems, negotiate,
and read.
2. The disadvantages of living in the city
Living in the city has many disadvantages.The higher cost of living is the first disadvantage that
people typically think of when considering moving to a city. Major cities always have a higher
cost of living than the surrounding suburbs. Normal living expenses such as rent and utilities
tend to be higher in big cities and you may have additional living expenses you wouldn’t have in
the suburbs such as parking permits and laundry. Another negative aspect is that the noise level
in major cities is higher than in the suburbs. Cities have more people and more traffic that
contribute to the noise, as well as trains and nearby airports with loud planes flying in and out.
Special events such as concerts and ball games can also make a neighborhood louder and more
a. Definition
In composition, cause and effect is a method of paragraph or essay development in which a
writer analyzes the reasons for—and/or the consequences of—an action, event, or decision.

b. Language and Expressions

Expressing reasons:
…result from…
…be a result of…
…be a consequence of…
…be due to…
…follow from…
Eg. His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.
Expressing effect:
…result in…
…be the reason for…
…contribute to…
…be responsible for…
…lead to…
Eg. Icy conditions resulted in two roads being closed.
Eg. Regular exercise can be the reason for general diminution in stress levels.
Sentence connector:
as a result/ consequence
because of this

c. Sample
Reason why more and more people live in urban area
In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth’s population lives
in urban area and there are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing
industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which
tended to be located in cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted
many people from rural areas. Second, there were many schools established to educate the
children of the new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families
to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people
established places of leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and
museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on
the farm and drew them away from rural communities.

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