Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission - May 16, 2011

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May 16, 2011 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center

I. Call to Order –

II. Reports
A. Approval of Minutes for April 11, 2011 regular monthly meeting
B. Financial Report
1. HMR Revenues – Marilyn Heifner
2. Financial Statements -
3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts – Kit
A. Change in HMR ordinance
C. Clinton House Museum Report -
D. Visitor Bureau Report – Shelly Walters
E. Town Center Report – Sandra Bennett
F. Executive Director Report – Marilyn Heifner
1.City of Fayetteville flag
G. Advertising Agency Report – Mike Sells

III. Old Business

A. HMR for bonds
B. Update on Town Center remodeling

IV. New Business

V. Adjourn

Funding requests
April 11, 2011

Commissioners Present: Bill Lyle, Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn,
and Maudie Schmitt.

Commissioners Absent: Justin Tennant

Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett

Maudie Schmitt called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and
Promotion Commission to order on April 11, 2011, at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m.


Schmitt welcomed new commissioner Hannah Mills.

Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to approve the minutes of the March 11, 2010 meeting.
Motion carried.

HMR Revenue – Marilyn announced that March HMR collections were $169,093. This
represents a -2.06% decrease over 2010 March collections. Year to date collections are up
Financials – In the absence of Keith Glass, Marilyn reviewed February financials. No
unusual activity occurred. All expenses are in line with budgets.

Update from the City Attorney – Jason Kelley, assistant city attorney reported that the
City Prosecutor’s office collected $2,440.41 in the month of March.

City Councilman Justin Tennant will sponsor an ordinance to amend the HMR to no longer
exempt concession stands for festivals.


The Museum had 162 visitors in March. The Museum is featured in March AY magazine. A
tour group visited the house as a part of their Lucky Charms Tour. They tried to find the hidden
Leprechauns through the House and Gardens to receive a prize. New brochure for the Museum
is expected shortly. Buy a Brick and Buy a Stone will launch shortly as a part of a spring
fundraising campaign. Work continues on the grounds.

The Museum will host the Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission on Wednesday, April 20 at
a reception before they have dinner at the Arkansas Air Museum. Commissioners are invited to
Sales at the Visitor Center increased 228.8% in March, with 2,450.88 in sales. Visitors in the
Center increased 60% as well. The Bureau staff issued leads for AAA State Soccer finals and
State Softball Championships as well as All Star Week. They also issued leads for a Hispanic
Conference fall conference, National Federation for the Blind state conference, and an Irish
Dance summer competition. We received the bid for Mountain Home St. Patrick’s Day tour,
State Soccer finals and State Softball championships. Fayetteville Parks & Recreation hosted the
Arctic Classic Adult Softball Tournament. Total economic impact of these events was 450 room
nights and $315,760. Business lost included the VYPE 7 on 7 football tournament because of
construction of UA fields and high school regulations affected by snow days. We lost the bid for
the Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas annual meeting because of insufficient number of
rooms downtown. These two total 1,650 room nights and $513,810.

A report on restaurant week was included in the agenda packet.

Returned sales contracts for the Town Center in March were even with last year at 21 contracts.
Completed events were down 5% (1 event) and collections were down 27%. For the year,
completed events are up 9% and the returned contract dollars and executed contracts shows an
improvement. The staff has reached 23% of its sales goal for the year.


Tanner Montgomery was hired as Visitor Services Manager.

Mike Sells announced that Jade Gustin was leaving the Agency. She will be replaced by Drew
Finkbiner. Jade presented the new cover design for all brochures now in preparation. The
Clinton House Museum and Walking Trails brochures are being printed now. A gang run on
both of those together saves approximately 35%. Following that is printing of the Historic
Walking Tour and All Seasons Trail Guides together.

Media is running during the Razorback Red/White game of two 30 second spots.

Chair bids – Two quotes were received from companies for chairs (VIRCO and Mity-Lite) for
the Town Center as a part of the remodeling project. Moved by Davis, second by Jordan to take
the low bid of $56,000.00 from VIRCO for 800 chairs. Motion carried.

Marilyn said remodeling project had a couple of delays. Painting is complete. Several tiles in the
lobby were damaged during the painting. The accent color in the lobby will be repainted.
Carpet will not be installed on date initially planned because carpet is coming from Canada
instead of Georgia. A date has now been set in June for that installation.
Presentation by Stephens regarding use of HMR for bonds for Walton Arts Center – Dennis Hunt
presented information regarding using HMR taxes to refinance capital needs on Walton Arts
Center. Preliminary numbers for restructuring bonds include 1) debt service of $2,475,000 left
on Town Center bonds; 2) appeal to Supreme Court to eliminate usury cap of 2.75%; 3)
refinancing would include an interest rate of 4.75% for 25 years, paying off present bonds in
2015, and annual payment not being higher than current payment.

Steve Clark and Don Marr addressed the Commission regarding the issue. Davis said it would
be nice to have something to look at and asked if there was a projected revenue stream.

Marr agreed that there should be more information for the voters and said the first step was to see
if A & P Commission was willing to commit to this.

Jordan said one of the biggest drivers of the economy was the arts community.

Karn asked if it was felt that if we don’t build the 600 seat theatre that it would go up north.
Clark said every person who attends the Walton Arts Center pays an extra $20. If the 600 seat
venue is booked one half of the time (and that was not an unreachable goal), a significant
economic impact would be seen.

Karn said he wished to have more information and wanted to talk to the University of Arkansas.
We need to check out the 900 seat auditorium that the high school is building.

Schmitt asked that time be scheduled so that the Commissioners could talk with Walton Arts
Center, University of Arkansas, and the school system regarding their plans.

Jordan said he thought he ought to bring this to the Commission.

Marr said there is a sense of time. The City in its submission proposed this and has been asked
to be the lead in getting this project off the ground.

Lyle asked to see a business model with ticket prices, concerts, money details, Walton Arts
Center, University programming partnership, and location details.

Commissioners agreed to have its next meeting on May 16 instead of May 9 so that the above
discussion could be held.

FUNDING REQUESTS - Funding requests will be heard at the June meeting.

Karn moved to adjourn, second by Lyle. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Heifner
Executive Director
Advertising and Promotion Commission
For month of April 2011

Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101.00) $ 187,458.85

Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101.01) $ 517.11
First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 1,356.01

Total Revenues $ 189,331.97

Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ -

Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,759.52)
Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (1,125.00)
Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (56,304.00)
2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60)

Total Expenses $ (61,188.52)

Total Check to A&P $ 128,143.45

City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2008-2011

2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011

Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over
HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year

January $174,005 $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00% $179,546 7.74%

February $158,693 $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88% $158,037 9.80%

March $172,804 $180,027 4.18% $172,662 -4.09% $169,093 -2.06%

April $183,672 $191,542 4.28% $187,730 -2.00% $187,976 0.00%

May $175,064 $190,320 8.71% $185,096 -2.74%

June $194,447 $190,237 -2.17% $184,371 -3.08%

July $188,253 $180,944 -3.88% $196,323 0.08%

August $174,648 $167,897 -3.87% $180,741 7.65%

September $190,244 $176,463 -7.24% $184,471 4.54%

October $187,125 $189,728 1.39% $195,169 2.87%

November $197,814 $190,887 -3.50% $213,494 11.84%

December $174,682 $174,568 0.00% $171,511 -0.18%

Total $ $2,171,451 $2,165,969 0.00% $2,182,155 0.75% $694,651 3.52%

Accountant’s Compilation Report

To Board Members,

I have compiled the accompanying statements of assets, liabilities, and capital arising
from transactions of Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission, The
Fayetteville Town Center, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, and The Clinton House
Museum as of March 31, 2011 and the related statements of revenue and expenses for the
period then ended, and three months then ended and the period then ended last year, and
three months then ended last year, and the related statements of revenue and expenses for
the previous twelve months. I have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial
statements and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or provide assurance about
whether the financial statements are in accordance with the modified accrual basis of
accounting. The financial statements have been prepared on the modified cash basis,
which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting

Management (Owners) is(are) responsible for the presentation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in accordance with the modified cash basis of accounting and for
designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and
fair presentation of the financial statements.

My responsibility is to conduct the compilation in accordance with Statements on

Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants. The objective of a compilation is to assist management in
presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without undertaking
to obtain or provide any assurance that there are no material modifications that should be
made to the financial statements.

Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures ordinarily included in
financial statements arising from modified cash basis of accounting. If the omitted
disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user’s
conclusions about the Company’s asset, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.
Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed
about such matters.

I am not independent with respect to Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion

Commission, The Fayetteville Town Center, The Convention and Visitors Bureau, and
The Clinton House Museum.

Keith M. Glass, CPA

Fayetteville A&P Commission
Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis
March 31, 2011


Current Assets
CVB Cash in Register $ 100.00
CHM Cash in Register 100.00
Arvest A&P General #4856 177,903.84
1st Security A&P General #8714 774,118.69
1st Sec Fay Town Ctr #8722 89,685.42
1st Sec. Clinton House #8749 14,037.25
1st Sec. Conv Visitor #8730 13,138.11
Arvest Payroll Account #4636 11,523.86
Accounts Receivable 18.48
Due From Other Funds 6,664.04
Investments 1,769,261.63
Investment Adj to Market 10,057.07

Total Current Assets 2,866,608.39

Property and Equipment

Furniture and Fixtures 41,952.36
Equipment 179,689.91
CVB Building 930,569.02
CVB Land 198,621.00
Building Additions 318,677.24
Accum. Depreciation (339,396.50)

Total Property and Equipment 1,330,113.03

Other Assets

Total Other Assets 0.00

Total Assets $ 4,196,721.42


Current Liabilities
Accrued Expenses $ (13,292.96)
Aflac 188.46
Colonial Life & Acc Ins Payabl 124.24
Federal Payroll Taxes Payable 6,560.83
FUTA Tax Payable 732.93
State Payroll Taxes Payable 1,501.47
SUTA Payable 1,256.60
Due to Other Funds 3,383.18
Due to Town Center 4,142.40

Total Current Liabilities 4,597.15

Long-Term Liabilities

Total Long-Term Liabilities 0.00

Total Liabilities 4,597.15

Beginning Balance Equity 3,879,562.33
Unresticted Fund Balance 281,937.74
Restricted Fund-540 Film Grant 221.53
Net Income 30,402.67
See Accountants' Compilation Report
Fayetteville A&P Commission
Statement of Assets, Liabilities & Equity - Modified Cash Basis
March 31, 2011

Total Capital 4,192,124.27

Total Liabilities & Capital $ 4,196,721.42

See Accountants' Compilation Report

Fayetteville A&P Commission
Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis
For the Month and Three Months Ending March 31, 2011

Current Month Year to Date

HMR Tax Revenue $ 168,444.95 79.55 $ 494,973.26 79.94
Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 648.16 0.31 11,702.22 1.89
Rental Income 31,629.29 14.94 88,472.22 14.29
Other Income 2,900.00 1.37 3,410.00 0.55
Parking Revenue 365.00 0.17 1,234.00 0.20
Parking Lease 0.00 0.00 3,220.12 0.52
Gift Shop Sales 383.48 0.18 812.74 0.13
Visitor Store 2,927.93 1.38 4,904.64 0.79
Partnership Income 400.00 0.19 2,400.00 0.39
Admission Revenue 770.00 0.36 1,058.54 0.17
Investment Income 0.00 0.00 2,348.19 0.38
Special Projects 675.00 0.32 675.00 0.11
Interest Income Investments 1,356.01 0.64 1,356.01 0.22
Interest Income Checking 486.79 0.23 1,391.15 0.22
Visitor Guide Ad Income 575.00 0.27 1,075.00 0.17
Hospitality Summit 180.00 0.09 180.00 0.03

Total Revenues 211,741.61 100.00 619,213.09 100.00

Cost of Sales
Clinton House Gift Shop 277.70 0.13 846.59 0.14

Total Cost of Sales 277.70 0.13 846.59 0.14

Gross Profit 211,463.91 99.87 618,366.50 99.86

Signage- Tourism 999.06 0.47 1,217.56 0.20
Credit Card Discounts 401.01 0.19 1,346.83 0.22
Bank Charges 310.29 0.15 342.15 0.06
Parking Expense 100.00 0.05 300.00 0.05
Advertising & Marketing 37,082.38 17.51 55,393.08 8.95
Brochures 23,118.11 10.92 45,845.60 7.40
Accounting & Legal Fees 0.00 0.00 1,300.00 0.21
Office Expense 552.11 0.26 2,775.97 0.45
Visitor Store Exp 150.67 0.07 8,018.50 1.29
Insurance & Health Benefits 5,613.81 2.65 13,579.65 2.19
408 (P) Company Match 895.54 0.42 2,096.42 0.34
Car Allowance 300.00 0.14 750.00 0.12
Telephone Expense 709.09 0.33 2,264.14 0.37
Postage and Shipping Expense 500.00 0.24 2,479.12 0.40
Tracking Software 1,695.00 0.80 1,695.00 0.27
Rent 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 1.94
Repairs & Maintenance Expense 36,214.07 17.10 49,037.79 7.92
Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 471.55 0.22 1,205.64 0.19
Linens 768.66 0.36 4,776.15 0.77
Publications & Dues 1,645.00 0.78 3,055.00 0.49
Travel/Training Expense 3,270.56 1.54 7,954.58 1.28
Taxes & Licenses 967.23 0.46 967.23 0.16
Collections Expense 3,381.86 1.60 10,133.51 1.64
Payroll Tax Expense 3,121.65 1.47 7,854.94 1.27
Convention Development 2,720.05 1.28 8,318.24 1.34
Research Expense 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.08
Contract Labor 3,925.50 1.85 11,990.50 1.94
Wages Expense 35,124.78 16.59 86,771.07 14.01
Electricity Utility 4,293.36 2.03 13,713.01 2.21
Gas Utility 1,064.96 0.50 7,611.68 1.23
Water Utility 601.43 0.28 2,608.38 0.42
Cable 0.00 0.00 1,458.61 0.24
See Accountants' Compilation Report
Fayetteville A&P Commission
Statements of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis
For the Month and Three Months Ending March 31, 2011

Current Month Year to Date

Recycling 241.84 0.11 413.73 0.07
Security 381.85 0.18 1,096.77 0.18
Airport Advertising 1,335.00 0.63 1,485.00 0.24
Minor Equipment 9,391.89 4.44 13,716.80 2.22
Airport Info Booth 1,200.00 0.57 1,200.00 0.19
DECA 0.00 0.00 1,827.75 0.30
Joe Martin 2,500.00 1.18 2,500.00 0.40
Arts Live Theatre 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.16
Misc Special Project 21,365.72 10.09 25,351.43 4.09
Bond Payments-Town Center 56,304.00 26.59 168,912.00 27.28
Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 1,125.00 0.18

Total Expenses 262,718.03 124.07 587,963.83 94.95

Net Income $ (51,254.12) (24.21) $ 30,402.67 4.91

See Accountants' Compilation Report

Fayetteville A&P Commission
Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis
For the Three Months Ending March 31, 2011

Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date

This Year Last Year This Year Last Year
HMR Tax Revenue $ 168,444.95 $ 168,983.93 $ 494,973.26 $ 469,793.11
Prior Year HMR Tax Revenue 648.16 3,677.69 11,702.22 13,261.02
Rental Income 31,629.29 34,674.60 88,472.22 107,875.76
Other Income 2,900.00 14,661.25 3,410.00 16,184.71
Parking Revenue 365.00 793.00 1,234.00 1,845.00
Parking Lease 0.00 0.00 3,220.12 3,397.39
Gift Shop Sales 383.48 296.35 812.74 733.38
Visitor Store 2,927.93 587.66 4,904.64 1,341.10
Partnership Income 400.00 800.00 2,400.00 2,600.00
Admission Revenue 770.00 673.95 1,058.54 1,146.04
Investment Income 0.00 0.00 2,348.19 0.00
Special Projects 675.00 0.00 675.00 0.00
Interest Income Investments 1,356.01 3,219.22 1,356.01 9,486.86
Interest Income Checking 486.79 226.05 1,391.15 616.24
Visitor Guide Ad Income 575.00 0.00 1,075.00 0.00
Hospitality Summit 180.00 0.00 180.00 0.00
Transfer In 0.00 0.00 0.00 155,000.00

Total Revenues 211,741.61 228,593.70 619,213.09 783,280.61

Cost of Sales
Clinton House Gift Shop 277.70 0.00 846.59 33.09

Total Cost of Sales 277.70 0.00 846.59 33.09

Gross Profit 211,463.91 228,593.70 618,366.50 783,247.52

Signage- Tourism 999.06 2,266.31 1,217.56 3,794.24
Credit Card Discounts 401.01 392.03 1,346.83 733.43
Bank Charges 310.29 0.00 342.15 16.97
Parking Expense 100.00 100.00 300.00 300.00
Advertising & Marketing 37,082.38 25,750.31 55,393.08 82,100.89
Brochures 23,118.11 12,000.00 45,845.60 39,615.79
Accounting & Legal Fees 0.00 600.00 1,300.00 1,890.00
Office Expense 552.11 540.77 2,775.97 4,214.49
Visitor Store Exp 150.67 (579.24) 8,018.50 1,060.84
Insurance & Health Benefits 5,613.81 3,203.65 13,579.65 9,044.09
408 (P) Company Match 895.54 897.92 2,096.42 2,242.93
Car Allowance 300.00 300.00 750.00 750.00
Telephone Expense 709.09 967.44 2,264.14 3,259.29
Postage and Shipping Expense 500.00 626.29 2,479.12 4,455.84
Tracking Software 1,695.00 1,695.00 1,695.00 1,695.00
Rent 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
Maintenance/Lawn 0.00 30.00 0.00 30.00
Repairs & Maintenance Expense 36,214.07 5,921.68 49,037.79 22,325.95
Kamensky Fountain Maintenance 471.55 149.95 1,205.64 1,977.82
Linens 768.66 815.93 4,776.15 5,150.16
Publications & Dues 1,645.00 1,479.00 3,055.00 3,548.95
Travel/Training Expense 3,270.56 2,593.91 7,954.58 11,234.88
Taxes & Licenses 967.23 0.00 967.23 0.00
Collections Expense 3,381.86 3,453.23 10,133.51 9,661.08
Payroll Tax Expense 3,121.65 3,577.26 7,854.94 8,542.32
Convention Development 2,720.05 1,100.63 8,318.24 5,016.45
Research Expense 0.00 0.00 475.00 0.00
Contract Labor 3,925.50 4,497.50 11,990.50 11,027.50
Commissions 0.00 2,228.00 0.00 4,771.50
See Accountants' Compilation Report
Fayetteville A&P Commission
Statement of Revenue & Expenses - Modified Cash Basis
For the Three Months Ending March 31, 2011

Current Month Current Month Year to Date Year to Date

This Year Last Year This Year Last Year
Wages Expense 35,124.78 35,663.68 86,771.07 86,193.09
Electricity Utility 4,293.36 4,157.75 13,713.01 13,524.42
Gas Utility 1,064.96 3,251.81 7,611.68 7,803.05
Water Utility 601.43 552.15 2,608.38 1,459.31
Cable 0.00 89.39 1,458.61 268.17
Recycling 241.84 165.28 413.73 495.84
Security 381.85 564.52 1,096.77 1,932.96
Airport Advertising 1,335.00 0.00 1,485.00 1,485.00
Minor Equipment 9,391.89 220.00 13,716.80 8,206.28
Airport Info Booth 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
DECA 0.00 0.00 1,827.75 1,350.00
AR Air Museum 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,300.00
Theatre Squad 0.00 2,852.71 0.00 6,823.87
Joe Martin 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00
Bikes, Babes, & Bling 0.00 185.73 0.00 1,535.73
Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods 0.00 3,912.50 0.00 8,239.17
National School Boards 0.00 257.26 0.00 2,257.26
Arts Live Theatre 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00
Misc Special Project 21,365.72 2,510.35 25,351.43 14,934.17
Bond Payments-Town Center 56,304.00 55,949.41 168,912.00 167,848.23
Trustee Expense 0.00 0.00 1,125.00 1,125.00
Transfer OUt 0.00 0.00 0.00 155,000.00

Total Expenses 262,718.03 196,940.11 587,963.83 737,441.96

Net Income $ (51,254.12) $ 31,653.59 $ 30,402.67 $ 45,805.56

See Accountants' Compilation Report

Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion
Stmt of Budget, Revenue and Expense-Modified Cash Basis
Month Ending March 2011

2011 2011 2011 2011 March March 2010

Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date
Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual
HMR Tax Revenue 2,171,850.00 514,822.00 494,973.26 1,676,876.74 180,507.00 168,444.95 469,793.11
Prior Year HMR Tax Rev - 11,702.22 (11,702.22) 648.16 13,261.02
Interest 35,000.00 8,756.00 3,704.20 31,295.80 2,916.00 1,356.01 9,486.86
Visitor Guide ads 15,000.00 - 1,075.00 13,925.00 575.00
Misc Income 17,000.00 17,000.00 2,600.00 14,400.00 2,600.00 2,692.46
Health Reimbursement 4,893.41 1,220.59 - 4,893.41 407.00
Rental Income - 8,250.00 (8,250.00) 2,750.00 7,923.00
Interest Inc Checking 1,500.00 375.00 1,163.01 336.99 125.00 418.84 307.51
Total 2,245,243.41 542,173.59 523,467.69 183,955.00 176,792.96 503,463.96

Unrealized Gain/Loss
Town Center Fund 675,548.64 168,486.00 168,912.00 506,636.64 56,162.00 56,304.00 167,848.23
Bond Audit Exp 2,000.00 - - 2,000.00
Bond Paying Agent Fee 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,125.00 4,875.00 1,125.00
Workman's Comp Ins 2,600.00 - - 2,600.00
Collection Exp 43,437.00 10,295.00 10,133.51 33,303.49 3,610.00 3,381.86 9,661.08
Transfer to CVB 313,431.24 100,000.00 - 313,431.24 125,000.00
Transfer to Clinton Hou 72,071.00 30,000.00 - 72,071.00 30,000.00
Peace Fountain Maint 10,000.00 2,499.00 1,205.64 8,794.36 833.00 471.55 1,977.82
Contract Labor - 8,250.00 (8,250.00) 2,750.00 8,250.00
Salaries 81,653.00 20,412.00 16,666.66 64,986.34 6,804.00 6,666.66 15,502.04
Payroll Tax Exp 7,348.77 1,836.00 1,485.79 5,862.98 612.00 550.41 1,568.02
Insurance-Health 10,953.51 2,640.00 1,482.01 9,471.50 880.00 435.79 (150.53)
401K Match 2,449.59 600.00 494.37 1,955.22 200.00 200.00 471.85
Car Allowance 3,600.00 900.00 750.00 2,850.00 300.00 300.00 750.00
Advertising & Marketing 400,000.00 60,000.00 54,532.79 345,467.21 25,000.00 37,082.38 79,819.75
Airport Info Booth 5,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 4,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Airport Advertising 6,000.00 - 1,485.00 4,515.00 1,335.00 1,485.00
Brochures 150,000.00 20,000.00 45,845.60 104,154.40 15,000.00 23,118.11 39,615.79
Website Update 5,000.00 - - 5,000.00
Signage- Tourism 10,000.00 3,300.00 1,217.56 8,782.44 1,500.00 999.06 3,794.24
Publication & Dues 2,045.00 725.00 750.00 1,295.00 125.00 575.00 969.95
Travel/Training 5,000.00 2,400.00 100.00 4,900.00 1,200.00 100.00 763.56
Recycling - - - 495.84
Office Sup & Printing 1,000.00 300.00 356.56 643.44 100.00 135.80 138.34
Postage 20,000.00 4,000.00 2,369.13 17,630.87 2,000.00 500.00 4,181.58
Professional Services 7,500.00 1,875.00 1,300.00 6,200.00 625.00 1,890.00
Convention Development - 385.35 (385.35) 385.35
Audit Expense 2,000.00 - - 2,000.00
Town Center Garden M 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00
Square Gardens - - -
Special Projects 239,176.00 239,176.00 28,217.61 210,958.39 17,404.15 4,982.97
Air Museum - - 5,300.00
AR H.S. Coaches Clinic - -
Arts Live - -
Bikes, Babes, & Bling - - 1,535.73
Bikes, Blues, & Hot Rods - - 8,239.17
Committee for Mardi Gras - -
DECA Marketing Fash. Show - - 1,350.00
H.S. Allstar Games - -
NWA Coaches Clinic - -
Saturday of Champions - -
State Soccer Finals - -
7A State Track Meet - -
Baseball & Softball Weekend - -
Dickson St Music - -
Duathlon - -
4 State Volleyball Classic - -
Iron Pig Festival - - 2,000.00
Joe Martin Stage Race - - 2,500.00
Natl School Boards - - 2,257.26
Ozark Valley Triathlon - - 500.00
Fayettville Night Jam - -
Ozark Millitary Museum - -
Solar Splash - -
TheatreSquared - - 6,823.87
Tri Sports Kid's & Family Triathlon - -
NCAA Baseball Regional - -
NCAA Track Indoor - -
SEC Tennis Tournament - -
SEC Men's & Women's Indoor - -
SEC Softball Championships - -
Walton Arts Center - -
Misc Expense - - -
Repair & Maintenance 75,000.00 12,000.00 30,301.66 44,698.34 4,000.00 30,076.66 1,803.11
Minor Equip 50,000.00 18,750.00 3,781.45 46,218.55 6,250.00 2,451.89 7,863.29
Depreciation Exp 20,000.00 4,995.00 - 20,000.00 1,665.00
Bank Charges - 159.30 (159.30) 127.44 16.97
Taxes & Licenses - - -
- 97.85
- -
Unallocated Revenue 6,229.66 6,229.66 - 6,229.66
Total 2,245,243.41 714,118.66 382,604.84 126,866.00 191,551.11 536,529.93
Clinton House Museum
Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis
Month Ending March 2011

2011 2011 2011 2011 March March 2010

Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date
Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual
Transfer from A&P 72,071.00 30,000.00 235.00 71,836.00 30,000.00
Admission 6,000.00 1,500.00 1,166.86 4,833.14 500.00 770.00 1,146.04
Special Events - - -
Gift Shop Sales 5,000.00 1,248.00 990.05 4,009.95 416.00 383.48 764.38
Interest 144.00 36.00 29.85 114.15 12.00 8.19 42.34
Other Income - 360.00 (360.00)
Total 83,215.00 32,784.00 2,781.76 928.00 1,161.67 31,952.76

Salary+Benefits 35,865.00 8,475.00 6,917.50 28,947.50 2,825.00 2,755.00 6,725.27
Payroll Tax Exp 2,870.00 678.00 626.04 2,243.96 226.00 249.32 639.61
Insurance-Health 4,025.00 1,005.00 1,268.12 2,756.88 335.00 432.46 703.78
401K Match 975.00 234.00 192.02 782.98 78.00 77.26 150.00
Rent 24,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
Utilities-$3690 - - -
Water 1,000.00 120.00 153.96 846.04 40.00 56.81 113.61
Gas 1,345.00 609.00 773.23 571.77 162.00 21.85 640.76
Electricity 1,060.00 168.00 238.41 821.59 56.00 190.96
Telephone Actual 1,250.00 315.00 317.81 932.19 105.00 108.94 312.73
Materials & Supplies 1,100.00 250.00 255.14 844.86 100.00 255.14 145.07
Credit Card Discounts 750.00 185.00 198.00 552.00 60.00 46.67 73.46
Bank Charges - - -
Security 275.00 66.00 43.70 231.30 22.00 65.55
Maintenance/Lawn 500.00 150.00 - 500.00 50.00 30.00
Repair/Maintenance 1,000.00 200.00 4,043.32 (3,043.32) 52.32
Sales Tax/Other Tax 500.00 100.00 795.39 (295.39) 35.00 561.89 31.00
Special Projects 1,000.00 300.00 - 1,000.00 100.00
Publications/Dues 200.00 - 100.00 100.00 100.00
Travel/Training 500.00 - - 500.00 94.99
Gift Shop Items 5,000.00 1,500.00 846.59 4,153.41 277.70 33.09
Total 83,215.00 26,355.00 28,769.23 4,194.00 4,995.36 21,949.88
Convention Visitors Bureau
Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis
Month Ending March 2011

2011 2011 2011 2011 March March 2010

Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date
Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual
Transfer from A&P 313,431.24 125,000.00 - 313,431.24 125,000.00
Interest 600.00 150.00 57.07 542.93 50.00 12.61 172.87
Partnership Dues 6,000.00 2,800.00 2,400.00 3,600.00 1,600.00 400.00 2,600.00
Travel Hero 3,000.00 500.00 - 3,000.00
Vist. Ctr. Store 30,000.00 5,000.00 4,904.64 25,095.36 2,000.00 2,927.93 1,662.20
Special Projects - 675.00 (675.00) 675.00
First Thursday 5,000.00 1,200.00 - 5,000.00
Dickson St 1,500.00 500.00 - 1,500.00 500.00
Film Festival - - -
Premeir Baseball - - -
Other Income - 630.00 (630.00) 480.00 1,100.00
Total 359,531.24 135,150.00 8,666.71 4,150.00 4,495.54 130,535.07

Salary+Benefits 183,608.00 43,500.00 35,180.38 148,427.62 14,500.00 14,408.00 37,766.78
Payroll Tax Exp 14,688.00 3,672.00 3,194.91 11,493.09 1,224.00 1,299.73 3,486.45
Insurance-Health 25,362.00 4,800.00 5,940.40 19,421.60 1,600.00 2,584.76 4,560.48
401K Match 5,508.24 1,377.00 1,028.67 4,479.57 459.00 414.04 940.15
Telephone 5,000.00 1,248.00 1,271.59 3,728.41 416.00 414.06 684.59
Electricity 4,620.00 780.00 1,186.77 3,433.23 260.00 277.83 1,320.94
Water 650.00 165.00 153.88 496.12 55.00 47.37 135.06
Conv & Tourism Develop 40,000.00 10,450.00 7,835.04 32,164.96 5,200.00 2,334.70 5,016.45
Travel & Training 32,385.00 9,145.00 7,854.58 24,530.42 2,975.00 3,170.56 10,376.33
Publications/Dues 3,810.00 1,960.00 2,205.00 1,605.00 790.00 970.00 2,470.00
Repair/Maintenance 2,000.00 400.00 264.80 1,735.20 174.80 251.01
Office Supp/Printing 12,000.00 2,500.00 950.04 11,049.96 1,000.00 52.17 2,933.13
Tracking Sftware/Maint 2,000.00 - 1,695.00 305.00 1,695.00 1,695.00
Credit Card Discounts 1,000.00 200.00 393.43 606.57 100.00 69.08 130.57
Taxes & Licenses(ASCAF 300.00 300.00 405.34 (105.34) 405.34 321.10
Visitor Ctr Store Itms 20,000.00 8,000.00 8,018.50 11,981.50 1,000.00 150.67 1,060.84
Education Reimbursement - - -
Bank Charges - 182.85 (182.85) 182.85
Parking Expense 1,200.00 300.00 300.00 900.00 100.00 100.00 300.00
Advertising & Marketing - - - 1,150.00
Special Project - 1,000.00 (1,000.00) 2,835.00
First Thursday 3,900.00 - - 3,900.00
Dickson St 1,500.00 500.00 - 1,500.00 500.00
Minor Equipment - 6,994.61 (6,994.61) 6,940.00
Premier Baseball - -
Sales Tax - -
Depreciation Expense - -
Research Expense - 475.00
- - -
Total 359,531.24 89,297.00 86,530.79 30,179.00 35,690.96 77,433.88
Fayetteville Town Center
Stmt of Budget, Revenue, and Expense-Modified Cash Basis
Month Ending March 2011

2011 2011 2011 2011 March March 2010

Annual Budget Year To Date Year To Date Year Monthly Monthly Year To Date
Accumulated Actual Balance Budget Actual Actual
Rental Incl Service - -
Actual 11 394,880.00 103,403.00 80,364.72 314,515.28 39,300.00 29,023.29 101,137.30
Interest - Checking 480.00 120.00 141.22 338.78 40.00 47.15 93.52
Parking Revenue - - -
Daily 7,000.00 1,680.00 1,234.00 5,766.00 723.00 365.00 1,845.00
Leases 10,000.00 3,354.00 3,220.12 6,779.88 (200.00) 3,397.39
Sales Tax Exp (3,500.00) (400.00) (377.50) (3,122.50) (144.00)
Special Projects 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00
Misc Revenue - - - 12,392.25
Transfer - - -
Total 418,860.00 108,157.00 84,582.56 39,863.00 29,291.44 118,865.46

Salary+Benefits 156,379.00 37,398.00 28,006.53 128,372.47 12,466.00 11,295.12 26,199.00
Commissions - - - 4,771.50
Contract Labor 1,500.00 375.00 3,740.50 (2,240.50) 125.00 1,175.50 2,777.50
Payroll Taxes 12,510.00 3,075.00 2,548.20 9,961.80 1,025.00 1,022.19 2,848.24
Credit Card Discounts 3,000.00 750.00 755.40 2,244.60 250.00 285.26 529.40
Insurance 19,827.60 4,322.00 4,889.12 14,938.48 1,722.00 2,160.80 3,930.36
401K Match 4,691.37 1,027.00 381.36 4,310.01 407.00 204.24 680.93
Utilities - - -
Water 6,225.00 1,450.00 2,300.54 3,924.46 475.00 497.25 1,210.64
Phone 720.00 180.00 674.74 45.26 60.00 186.09 2,261.97
Electricity 64,741.00 16,147.00 12,287.83 52,453.17 5,020.00 4,015.53 12,012.52
Gas 11,969.00 6,746.00 6,860.30 5,108.70 1,096.00 1,064.96 7,162.29
Cable 5,400.00 1,350.00 1,458.61 3,941.39 450.00 268.17
Recycle Dumpster 1,980.00 495.00 413.73 1,566.27 165.00 241.84
Postage 500.00 150.00 109.99 390.01 263.56
Minor Equipment - 2,940.74 (2,940.74) 342.99
Office Expense 6,000.00 1,580.00 1,214.23 4,785.77 490.00 109.00 1,117.65
Linens 25,000.00 6,249.00 4,776.15 20,223.85 2,083.00 768.66 5,150.16
Outside Laundry
Repairs & Maintenanc 60,750.00 14,000.00 14,428.01 46,321.99 2,500.00 5,910.29 20,271.83
Advertising & Promo 3,000.00 1,750.00 860.29 2,139.71 1,131.14
Travel/Training 3,000.00 1,000.00 - 3,000.00 500.00
Building Insurance 9,000.00 - - 9,000.00
Taxes & Licenses 4,000.00 - - 4,000.00 1,184.54
Special Projects 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,461.57 8,538.43 1,461.57 7,116.20
Misc 3,667.03 - - 3,667.03
Bank Charges - - -
Security 5,000.00 800.00 1,031.22 3,968.78 400.00 360.00 1,867.41
Depreciation Eps - -
- -
- - -
Total 418,860.00 103,844.00 91,139.06 29,234.00 30,758.30 103,098.00
Kit Wiiliams
City Attorney
TO: Mayor Jordan Jason Iì. Kelley
A & P Commissioners Assistant City Anorney

CC: Don Marr, Chief of Staff

FROM: Kit Williamr

DATE: April S,20ll

RE: Overdue HPIR collection efforts

The active overdue HMR collection case

list shrank from 22 to 17 inMarch.
Five or six of those cases were dismissed
or showe d a zero Delinquent Balance.
The city Prosecutor collecte d s2r440.41 in
ivtarct, for a year-to-date total of

Alderman Justin Tennant has agreed to sponsor

an ordinance to amend the
HMR tax code to longer exempt concession srands operated fJ;¡o,¡
of time (for festivals). I hãve attached,a copy äti,j
oitr,i, proposed ordinance.

coDE oF pevErrE**l_ï"
$35.19 AND $35.30 DEF'INITIONS
rHE oppñlnou oF

,o"rfr"ruiî""1HåÏ*%îrl" rHE cIrY couNcrl, oF rHE crry oF,

Section l:
That the City Council of
the City of Fayefteville,
$35'19 Derinitions-and g3s'3óõ"niit¡on, Arkansas hereby amends
"concession stands" ttt"it t"irrä,t,r ui
"rir,. åií.îåï"", 9o_d" ¿"l"ri"e the definitions of
.niirrtiãr ä"¿ .nu.ting
definitions as forows:
stands. Except for stands
run bl
Slij:Ï;',"rïj,,1q"il; *d o,h", r"áã'ã' ¿i"r. concession stands are


this lgrh day of Apr il,20ll.

LIONELD ¡OnnÃF, rr¿ayo, By:
E-mall: hotcheck@öl.fayotevlllo.ar.us
(479) 575€378
Hot Checks: (479) SZS{AS4


TO: K. Williams
Fayetúeville City Attorney

FROM: Casey Jones

Fayetteville City prosecutor

DATE: April 4,2011

RE: Status of Active HMR cases

1. Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Delinquent Balance: $1,469.04 (5 & 6, 09)

Active Criminal Summons
2. Brenda's Drive-In Collin L. Wilkins Delinquent Balance: -0- (10/10)
Active Criminal Summons
3. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Court Ordered to pay $200.00 per Month
Delinquent Balance: $ l,g7l.2g
Active Contempt of Court
4. Delta Soul Nels E. Danielson, Jr. Active Criminal Summons (11/10)
Nels E. Danielson, Sr. Criminal Summons (l l/10) - Dismissed
@ Anaignment
James H. Bullock Criminal Summons (l l/10) pulled
per PA
Paid: $355.26 (tt/t})
Delinquent Balance: -0- (l l/10)
5. Dickson Street Theater Benton S. Bandy Arraignment 4/22 (I2/ I0)
Clinton W. Ogle Arraignmen t 4/22 (t2/ I 0)
Paid: $794.71 (t2/10)
Delinquent Balance: -0- (12/10)
6. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Delinquent Balance: $4,590.66
TD: 7/08/09 - Court ordered ro pay
$200.00 a monrh
Criminal Summons (Fail to pay HMR)
Trial Date: 9/15/10 - No Show
Active FTA Warrant
Telecommunicafion for the Deaf TDD (479) SZt-tets
Kit Williams
Apnl 4,2011

7. Elenitas Elaine M. Reyes Paid: $572.44 (fi &,12,10)

Delinquent Balance: -0-
Active Criminal Summons
8. Frulatti Mary A. McNeil Paid: $200.00
Todd E. McNeill Delinquent Balance: $l 59.34
9. Hallabong Korean Paul S. Yeo DelinquentBalance: -0-(9& 10, l0)
Criminal Summons - Dismissed at
10. Hogwild Pizzena David S. Mackey Delinquent Balance: $1,330.00 (l _ 3, 09)
Delinquent Balance: No Forms (4/0g)
TD: 10/28/09 -90 days to pay
TD: 7/l4lt0 Gail ro pay HVfnl
Settled (90 days ro pÐ
11. La Duena Vfaria D. De-Aguilera Delinquent Balance: No Forms (g & 10, t0)
Pending Criminal Summons
12. Lightbulb Club Benton S. Bandy Anaignment: 4/22 (l2l l0)
Clinton W. Ogle Araignmenr : 4/22 (IZ/t})
Paid: $368.00 (12fi0)
Delinquent Balance: -0- (12110)
13. Mama Deans Meneria D. Msrrison Arraignment 4/t (Il &,lZ, t0)
Terry L. Morrison Arraignment 4/25 (ll & lZ,l0)
Delinquent Balance: -0- (l I &.12,10)
14. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig E. Dowd Paid: -0-
Delinquent Balance: 54,942.60
TD.: 9/16/09 - Time pay: $200.00 by the
30ú of every month.
Trial Date: S/t9/10 (Fail to pay HMR)
Settled - to pay $100.00 a month

15. Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Paid: -0-

China Garden
Delinquent Balance: $3,090.00
16. Soul Restaurant & Lounge Cus"y E. Dighero Paid: $150.00
Delinquent Balance: $1,343.64 (3 & 4, l0)
Trial Date: 10/13/10
Settled -to pay $150.00 amonth
Kit Williams
Page 3

17. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquenr Balance: $33.00 (2/10)
Delinquent Balance: $44S.00 (3/ l0)
Trial Date: 7/ZB/10 Senled
- ç2. A. í, rc¡
Delinquent Balance: $704.00
i+ A 5, f O¡
Trial Date: tI/03/10 (4 &. s, tò¡ _ No Show
Set for Trial: S/4/ll (4 &,5, 10i
Delinquent Balance: 5276.00
Set for Trial: S/4/tt (6/10)
Delinquent Balance: $21 6.00 (7 /10)
Set for Trial: 514/tt (7/10)
Delinquent Balance: $360.00 (g & 9, 10)
Set for Trial: 5/4/ll (g & 9, l0)
Delinquent Balance: No Forms (10/10)
Pending Criminal Summons (10/10)
Delinquent Balance: No Forms (nlrc)
Active Criminal Summons (l t/lò)

TOTAL: 92,440.41
The Clinton House Museum had a total of 106 visitors in April 2011. The arrival of spring and
Hillary’s blooming daffodils and tulips on the Grounds has made the House a visual explosion of
color and beauty. New exhibits on H.H. “Scotty” Taylor and Dr. Warren Gifford offer a deeper
and more conceptual look into the historical significance of the House. Additional exhibits on
Gilbert and Bo Swanson and several featuring Clinton Memorabilia will be completed in May.


The Clinton House Museum Board of Directors met on April 6th. The Board was excited about the
progress of the garden, exhibits, group tours, and events.

Curator, Kate Johnson, was invited to speak to volunteer workers at Mount Sequoyah on April 6th
and 13th. The history of the House and the Clinton’s Fayetteville years were unique and
informative entertainment for the Methodist lunchtime crowds. Many of the volunteers visited the
House upon completion of their work.

On April 20th, the House welcomed Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism Commissioners
along with A&P Chairwoman, Maudie Schmidt and members of the Fayetteville Town Center and
Visitors Bureau staff. The Commissioners (some for the first time) were excited to see the Museum
and the First Ladies Garden. Executive Director of Arkansas Parks & Tourism, Richard Davies,
was particularly enthralled by the “vintage” Clinton political television ads.

The Cassville Young Democrats visited the Museum on the 27th of April. Club Sponsor, Bonnie
Cox brought a group of students last spring and for many, this was their second time to visit. Cox
felt last year’s visit was a rich experience for the students has turned the trip into an annual event.
The eager group of Young Democrats even held a fundraiser to pay for the trip’s expenses.
Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2011 Sales & Visitor Count
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sales Totals $854.92 $1,262.24 $2,450.88 $5,220.72
2010Totals $557.65 $354.29 $745.44 $2,166.24 $2,296.32 $2,360.35 $3,516.20 $3,557.59 $2,680.20 $2,889.62 $2,515.90 $5,694.64
% Change
from 2010 53.3% 256.3% 228.8% 141.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0%

Visitor Count 295 238 691 1301

2010 Totals 213 209 432 901 945 1,062 1,378 1,304 1,049 1,145 816 754
% Change
from 2010 38.50% 13.88% 59.95% 44.40% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00% -100.00%

2011 Goal = $30,000/year or $2,500/month on pace for: $0.00

Yearly $9,788.76 Monthly $0.00
Totals 2,525 Averages 0
% Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the 2010 number
then move the decimal two spaces right

20 10Monthly Sales Average=$2,444.54 2010 Monthly Visitor Average=851

2010 sales per visitor = $2.87 2011 sales per visitor = $3.97
Definite Bookings By Booking Date

April 2011 Meeting Dates Attnd Peak Rooms $ Value

Mt Sequoyah 04/06/2011 35 0 0 8,382

Clinton House Museum Presentation 04/06/2011

Mt Sequoyah 04/13/2011 35 0 0 8,382

Clinton House Presentation 04/13/2011

UA Track and Field 04/21/2011 500 50 125 119,745

John McDonnell Invitational 04/24/2011

Good to Go with Patti Beth 05/31/2011 35 0 0 8,382


Arkansas Activities Association 09/26/2011 100 20 40 23,949

Womens' 7A State Golf Championships 09/28/2011

Arkansas Activities Association 10/03/2011 100 20 40 23,949

Men's 7A State Golf Championships 10/05/2011

Arkansas Activities Association 10/17/2011 200 40 40 47,898

Men's & Women's 7A State Tennis Championships 10/18/2011

California Oregon Symposium 10/28/2011 50 30 90 11,975

Symposium 10/30/2011

Arkansas Living History Association 03/01/2012 200 15 45 47,898

Annual Conference 03/04/2012

1,255 175 380 $300,559.95

Lost Business By Reason

Business Turned Lost Between 04/01/2011 and 04/30/2011
Poor participant sign up Rep Mtg Dates Attd Rm Nts $ Value

Southwest Tours JULIE 05/11/2011 52 60 $12,453.48

Trying to rebook for 2012 05/13/2011
Convention Calendar
Attendance/ Peak/Rooms
Meeting Dates
April 2011

4/1/2011 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association 500 0 0

4/3/2011 Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/1/2011 All Sports Productions** 1,100 75 150

4/3/2011 Iron Pig Festival Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/2/2011 Association of Mechanical Engineers 200 50 50

4/2/2011 District E Conference Citywide

4/2/2011 Friends International 35 0 0

4/2/2011 Backyard Billionaire Tour

4/2/2011 Good to Go with Patti Beth 30 0 0


4/6/2011 Mt Sequoyah 35 0 0
4/6/2011 Clinton House Museum Presentation

4/7/2011 UA Mathematical Sciences 40 40 40

4/9/2011 Spring Lecture Series Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/7/2011 Frances Custom Tours 45 0 0

4/7/2011 U of A driving tour and dinner@ Power House

4/8/2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers 250 75 150

4/10/2011 Regional Conference Holiday Inn Express

4/8/2011 Arkansas Comets - Soccer 1,000 300 600

4/10/2011 Ozark Classic Cup Citywide

4/9/2011 Hogeye Marathon & Relays 1,000 150 300

4/10/2011 Hogeye Marathon Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/9/2011 Frances Custom Tours 45 0 0

4/9/2011 Student Group

4/9/2011 Leverett Elementary 30 0 0


4/13/2011 Mt Sequoyah 35 0 0
4/13/2011 Clinton House Presentation

4/15/2011 UA Alumni Association 1,000 300 600

4/17/2011 Black Alumni Reunion Citywide

4/15/2011 UA Engineering 500 250 500

4/17/2011 Engineering Academy Citywide

4/15/2011 Dudley Thunder Series 200 25 50

4/17/2011 Adult Softball Tournament Holiday Inn Express
4/20/2011 Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission 42 10 10
4/21/2011 Monthly Meeting Cosmopolitan

4/21/2011 UA Track and Field 500 50 125

4/24/2011 John McDonnell Invitational Citywide

May 2011

5/5/2011 All Sports Productions 1,000 100 300

5/8/2011 Joe Martin Stage Race Cosmopolitan Hotel

5/7/2011 Good to Go with Patti Beth 35 0 0


5/11/2011 Southwest Tours 50 0

5/13/2011 Clarion

5/11/2011 University of Arkansas 5,000 0 0

5/11/2011 Dalai Lama Visit

5/13/2011 University of Arkansas** 15,000 1,600 3,200

5/15/2011 Graduation Citywide

5/14/2011 UA Tennis 200 25 25

5/15/2011 NCAA Women's Tennis 1st & 2nd Rounds Rogers Embassy Suites

5/17/2011 Dream Journeys 40 0 0

5/17/2011 Fayetteville Tour- Farmers Market and Golden Coral

5/20/2011 Arkansas Activities Association 250 100 200

5/22/2011 State Soccer Finals Citywide

5/20/2011 Arkansas Activities Association 250 100 200

5/22/2011 State Softball Championships Citywide

5/31/2011 Wal-Mart** 20,000 1,000 3,000

6/3/2011 Annual Shareholders Meeting Citywide

5/31/2011 Good to Go with Patti Beth 35 0 0


June 2011

6/2/2011 Bilbrey Tours 50 0 0


6/9/2011 B.E.S.T Baseball 1,000 500 1,500

6/12/2011 Hawg Showcase Citywide

6/9/2011 Bikes, Babes & Bling** 1,000 250 550

6/12/2011 Summer Motorcycle Rally Citywide

6/10/2011 Pitch for the Cure 1,000 500 1500

6/12/2011 Citywide

6/17/2011 All Sports Productions** 375 50 100

6/19/2011 Kid's & Family Triathlon Cosmopolitan Hotel
6/18/2011 All Sports Productions** 1,050 50 50
6/19/2011 Ozark Valley Triathlon Cosmopolitan Hotel

6/19/2011 Arkansas Activities Association 2,000 250 1,450

6/23/2011 All Star Week Cosmopolitan Hotel

6/23/2011 UA Curriculum & Instruction 350 15 30

6/24/2011 UA Literacy Symposium: Differentiated Literacy Cosmopolitan Hotel

6/23/2011 Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association 50 10 10

6/24/2011 Continuing Education Cosmopolitan Hotel
Inquiries Tabulated by Source/Mode
From: 4/1/2011 To: 4/30/2011

NOTE: This report shows only active modes and sources, and can only display the first nine active modes defined in your system.

Source 800 Number e-mail Formatted - Formatted - Totals
Bulk First Cl
@ Website 5 3 74 210 292

Midwest Living 0 0 153 0 153

Southern Living 0 0 4 0 4

Travel Information.com 0 0 149 0 149

UA Graduate School 0 0 0 52 52

Totals: 5 3 380 262 650

Page 1 of 1 5/12/2011 04:56 PM

Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau

21 S. Block, Suite 100 ~ Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521-5776 ~ Fax: (479) 571-4731 ~ info@experiencefayetteville.com ~ Web:


AE 1 1
Alabama 14 9 4 10 37
Alaska 2 4 1 7
Alberta 1 1 0 2 4
AP 1
Arizona 12 11 4 5 32
Arkansas 125 75 96 96 392
British Columbia 2 2 2 6
California 34 27 20 21 102
Colorado 8 14 11 8 41
Connecticut 1 3 1 1 6
Delaware 1 1 2
Florida 29 33 22 14 98
Georgia 23 15 6 7 51
Hawaii 1 2 3
Idaho 2 2 2 1 7
Illinois 66 49 37 46 198
Indiana 23 30 17 20 90
Iowa 36 22 17 15 90
Kansas 43 23 30 29 125
Kentucky 12 16 4 6 38
Louisiana 38 19 19 16 92
Maine 1 2 2 3 8
Manitoba 1 1
Maryland 6 6 3 15
Massachusetts 3 11 4 1 19
Michigan 33 32 23 33 121
Minnesota 39 28 14 15 96
Mississippi 14 14 5 4 37
Missouri 139 74 50 57 320
Montana 4 3 1 8
Nebraska 15 8 11 10 44
Nevada 7 1 3 1 12
New Brunswick 3 4 2 2 11
New Foundland
New Hampshire 4 1 1 6
New Jersey 7 9 5 2 23
New Mexico 5 6 3 1 15
New York 19 23 18 11 71
North Carolina 25 10 5 8 48
North Dakota 3 3 2 1 9
Nova Scotia 2 1 3
Ohio 27 38 20 29 114
Oklahoma 74 22 35 34 165
Ontario 5 6 9 20
Oregon 3 4 3 7 17
Pennsylvania 16 25 12 15 68
Prince Edward Isl. 0 0
Puerto Rico 1 1 2
Quebec 3 2 2 1 8
Rhode Island 2 2 4
Saskatchewan 1 1 2
South Carolina 20 9 6 2 37
South Dakota 5 2 2 9
Tennessee 15 25 19 16 75
Texas 135 82 83 58 358
Utah 9 6 1 1 17
Vermont 3 3
Virginia 12 7 13 9 41
Washington 18 6 7 2 33
Washington, D. C. 2 1 3
West Virginia 7 8 6 1 22
Wisconsin 42 31 19 20 112
Wyoming 4 6 2 12
Military 0
TOTAL 1197 880 685 650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3411
Fayetteville Town Center, Manager’s Activity Report
April 1, 2011 to April 30, 2011

2010 (base) 2011 % Change 2010 2011 % Change
18 25 6% 81 79 (2%)
(# returned contracts by log date – GL)
Complete Events (Paid/Sponsored)
22 25 14% 62 69 11%
$30,430.00 $40,900.00 34% $130,778.95 $119,711.75 (8%)
($ returned contracts by log date – GL)
Collections **
$37,217.23 $39,909.85 7% $152,963.32 $123,285.38 (19%)
($ - Payment Log)
$ Executed Contracts $32,350.00 $38,550.00 19% $117,139.00 $147,135.00 26%
-0- -0- NA -0- -0- N/A
($ - GL)
Average per event
$1,690.55 $2,152.63 27% $1,614.55 $1,639.89 2%
($ Sales / # Sales)

** We collected $39,909.85 for rentals and incidentals in April 2011. We have reached 30% of our 2011 goal.

Operations Items:
• Sump pump in Garage had to be replaced and one was repaired.
• Air conditioning unit in Dogwood was damaged by hail and lightning.
• Teak Tables and umbrella’s on plaza.

Marketing, Sales and Public Relations:

• Focus is on increasing week day business and working on 2012 bookings and executing contracts for future

Event Listing
 April 1 – Sigma Chi Derby Days  April 16 – Ballesteros Reception
 April 2 – Lincoln HS Prom  April 16 – Rocha Reception
 April 2 – West Fork HS Prom  April 21 – Arkansas Parks & Tourism
 April 4 – Kappa Banquet  April 22 – Blue Cliff College
 April 5 – Fayetteville Leadership  April 23 – Glenn Wedding & Reception
 April 6 – UA Towers  April 25 – Order of Omega
 April 7 – UA Towers  April 25 – PepsiCo
 April 8 – UA Towers  April 27 – Smart Step
 April 9 – UA Chemical Engineering  April 28 – Smart Step
 April 13 – UA College of Ed. & Health Prof.  April 29 – Benfield Reception
 April 15 – Shiloh Banquet  April 29 – West Fork Class Reunion
 April 15 – UA Education Reform  April 30 – Circle of Friends
 April 30 – Thomas Reception
City of Fayetteville


3’ x 5’
Hemmed, Canvas Heading,

Red 186 5’
Yellow 109

Scale 1” = 1’

4 Color Process colors may appear different from printer to printer.

Pantone colors must be supplied to guarantee color match.
Rastor images and/or vector gradients will print direct from art supplied.
Flagandbanner.com cannot be held responsible for print quality or color shades.

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