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individual. It

pride of the
brings up the optimum hea
and also helps the society
environment to grow to the
to create a health

nation. A

also fulfils the WH0 objective:

serve the best". By

m e a n s of physical

wellness programmes, good lifestyle can b

It is th
and fit societ
"Live most an

achieved. Apart from this, a healthy living als

makes a person a good citizen.
said: "Physical fitness and
One has righth
wellness is one,

PHYSICAL FITNESS, richest possession; it cannot be purchased bu

a daily routine
it has to be earned through
WELLNESS AND physical exercises."


It is the capacity of an individual to d

INTRODUCTION work effectively with joy and pleasure; afte

the work is over, he still has sufficient capacit
Man is said to be the 'man of action'. His to do more work without any exertion
activities are full of movements and for this
moreover, his recovery is faster and quicker.
physical fitness is required. Physical fitness
and wellness play an important role in
fulfilling the objective of Physical Education'.
Physical fitness and wellness programmes are
used as one of the modes through which the
aim of Physical Education can be achieved, i.e.,
Complete wholesome development of
individual'. Today man's life is full of physical
and mental stresses which can be relieved only
if he is physically fit and psychologically
balanced and socially well adjusted. Thus,
physical fitness and wellness are matter of
concern for optimum development of an
There are difterent views regarding physical fitness. Some say it is related to task or wor.
Some consider it good looking physique. Many consider it as proper functioning of physiological

systems. Whereas it is a term with wide meaning. It is more than the possession of strength. speed
and endurance. The person who remains energetic. enthusiastic and cheerful in doing his work is
said to be physically fit. Thus, it is physical work output ability of an individual.
The level of physical fitness varies from person to person. It depends upon the nature of work.
size, shape, structure. age, sex and
adaptability of an individual
Difterent games require different levels of
physical fitness depending upon the type of activity.
event. game and sports. Physical fitness
requires efficient motor mechanism (movement of body).
efficient organic mechanism (physiological functioning) and efticient mental
functioning (psychological
t-up). A fit individual possesses all these.
According to Webster Encyclopedia: "It is the ability of a person to do daily routine work
without fatigue; moreover, to participate in playful activity and still reserve enough capacity
to meet any emergency."
David R. Lamb: «Physical fitness is the capacity to meet the present and potential
physical challenges of life with success."
Dr. Kroles: "Successful
adaptation to the stresses of one's lifestyle."
Wellness is a vast term related with good health, balance of mind and body and spirit of
overall feeling of well-being. It gives us the motire to live most and serve the best, thus gives
us healthy and happy life.

Teafth is astate of bary Wefhessis astateotbeing


According to James Randi, "Wellness is health related practice to optimise individual

ability with balance of physical, psychological, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual
aspects of life."
According to Halbert L. Dunn, I t is an integrated method of functioning which is
oriented towards maximising the potential of individual capabilities by well balanced relation
of body, mind and good health."

Candid A Texthook of Phvsical Education-11

Thus. we can say that welness is balanee of physical, mental, soecial, emotional, intellectual
and spiritual lite of imdividual. It inmproves the optimum level of cupabilities of individual. In other
words it is the maximal capacity of individual to lead a well balanced life related to good health,
active physical lite. positive mental abilities, well adjusted social life. psychological halance,
halanced emotional life. good spiritual life, release to stress, ete.
Wellness helps the individual for active life without stress and it improves our health. It
makes the person as active member of society and good citizen. Thus the motive of optimum
growth and development can be achieved through wellness. Morevoer, it makes the individual to
live most and serve the best. It provides optimum capabilities and provides healthy and happy life.
According to WHO Health is the state of complete physical mental, social well being of
individual and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Human life is based upon the
body one keeps. All the activities of life are done with the help of healthy and fit body. Naturehas
created humans to perform various types of activities efficiently. Today modernisation has made
human life easy, as most of the work is performed by machines. The sedentary lifestyle has
reduced the human efficiency. The lazy lifestyle of humans has also led to many health problems
ike. cardiac-disorders, diabetes, cancer, asthma, obesity and many more chronic problems.
Today our environment is polluted, human life is stressful, poor diet, unhygienic habits, etc.
Aave increased the health problems of humans. Today we desperately need physical fitness,
wellness and healthy lifestyle programmes to improve our abilities and reduce health problems. It
leads the man towards progress and prosperity.
Good health is the base of individual's personality. The lifestyle changes can improve the
health of individual, like to do regular physical activity, eat nutritious food, avoid fried and
junk food, drink sufficient water, maintain personal hygiene, maintain good posture, take
proper rest and sleep, manage stress and tension, recreate oneself, stay happy, no to intoxicants,
avoid pollution, medical care, etc.
(i) Total Efficiency is Improved: A physically fit person can perform more work with less
fatigue and tiredness. Therefore, his total efficiency is improved.
(i) Better Quality of Work: A physically fit person has better responses. He is more accurate.
Therefore, there is less wastage of energy. There is better quality of work. It
improves neuro0
muscular coordination.
(ii) Optimum Growth and Development Physical fitness and wellness
good and healthy environment. This helps in the optimum growth and development.
(iv) Better Utilisation of Time : Physical fitness programme provides good atmosphere for
growth and development. Thus, time is utilised in a healthy way.
(v) Healthy Environment: To remain fit one requires healthy, clean and safe environment.
Thus, a healthy and clean environment is built through physical fitness and wellness programme.
CandidA Textbook of Physical Education-11
. intelleartusi
ual. In other (vi) Prevenis Health Hazards and Health Problems 'The progranmmes of physical fitness and
good health. wellness improve our immune system. Thus, prevents us from various discases and illnesses.
ical balane. Moreover healing is faster and quicker.
(vii) Improve Physiological Functioning : Physical fitness and wellness
programmes improve
ar health. lt the funetioning of various systems. Thus, body works
efficiently and effectively without any disorder.
of optimum (vii) Good Looking Physique: Physical fitness and wellness activities
help us to maintain good
individual to shape, size and body structure. Thus, physical personality becomes attractive.
happy life. (ix) Improvement in Physical Abilities : Physical fitness and wellness activities directly
strength. speed, endurance, flexibility and co-ordination abilities to a great extent.
x)Idea of Hygienical Habit The programmes of physical fitness and wellness guide us to
well being of take an ideal balanced diet. They also guide us how to control weight, remove postural deformities,
sed upon the develop hygienical habits and know their importance.
. Nature has
(xi) Development of Social Quality: Through physical activity many social qualities
ion has made are developed
like co-operation, adjustment, tolerance, patience, leadership, etc. which help us to adjust well in
lifestyle has society.
alth problems
ems. (xii) Experience of Life Stresses Physical activities help us to control and manage stress. It
c habits, etc. also directs our emotions in
good way. They give us joy, fun and pleasure.
sical fitness, (xii) Prevents Premature Aging : A healthy, clean and safe environment provides
problems. It well being to live most. This keeps us young throughout and prevents from
premature aging.
(xiv) Preparedness for Emergency : A physically fit person performs his job efficiently and
improve the still has sufficient reserve of energy to meet emergency situations.
bid fried and
posture, take 2. cOMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL
o intoxicants, There are five physical fitness components. They are directly or indirectly interrelated
with each other. Each component has its own importance in different
games and sports.
ss AND Components of Physical Fitness

work with less Strength Endurance Speed Flexibility Coordinate Ablity/

Ability to overcome Ability to resist Ability to perfom Ability of joints Agillty
resistance taugue movement taster
to move in Ability to perfom
maximum range movement with
pertecion and
nore accurate. efficiency
Static Strength
Isometric Strength
Short tem Anaerobic/
Muscular Endurance
Reaction Tme Passive Flexibility
p r o v e s neuro-

Dynamic Strength
lsotonic Strength
Longterm/Aerobic/ Acceleration Active Flexibility

amme provides ndurand Speed of

L Movement Static Flexibility
Maximal Strength
atmosphere for Dynamic

Explosive Strength

Strength Endurance
Candid ATextbook of Physical Education-11
sical Education-11
It is an ability of muscles to overcome resistance. Strength can be defined as the amount of
force a muscle can exert. It is an essential component for games and sports. Different games require
different levels and types of strength. It can be improved through systematic training
(a) Static Strength : It is also known as
Isometric strength. It is the ability to act against
resistance from single or one position, e.g.. Arm
wrestling. Power lifting. Pushing wall., etc.
(b) Dynamic Strength I t is also known as
Isotonic strength. It is related to movement. Thus,
we can say that it is required for movement. It is of

Maximal Strength : It is the ability to act
against maximum resistance. It is the
is also known as power. It is more required in
quality of muscle to contract forcefully. It
weightlifting. throwing, wrestling, etc. It can be measured by throw attempts and power

()Explosive Strength: It is the ability to overcome resistance with a high speed. In fact, it
is the combination of strength and speed. In simple words, it is the ability of museles to
perform forceful movement at quíckest possible time. It is generally required in jumping
activity and also in those games and sports where very fast and powerful responses are

required. This strength can be measured by dynamometer or by jumps chinning test.

Cii) Strength Endurance:It is the combination of strength and endurance ability. It is defined
as the ability to overcome resistance under fatigue condition. This quality enables a person
to sustain localised muscle group for extended period of time. It is commonly required for long
distance races, swimming, road cycling and mountaineering, etc. Strength endurance can be
measured through chin-ups.

It is the ability to perform movement at faster rate. In other words, it is the ability to move
as fast as possible. Speed is basically dependent on heredity but can be improved through
proper training. It depends upon the white muscle fibres (fast twitch). It is one of the important
components for sprinting and also required for fast response skills in games and sports. Speed can
be measured through reflex test, short sprint, etc.

Candid A Textbook of Physical Education-11



It is of four types
immediately after the stimulus.
(a) Reaction Time : It is the time taken by the body to respond
It can also be said as the first reaction to bring body into action.
This helps to gain
(b) Acceleration It is time taken by the body to reach maximum speed.
initial speed during action.
action or movement. In other words, it is
(c) Speed of Movement: It is the quickness of complete
time taken by the body to perform complete action.
(d) Locomotor Ability: It is the ability to move fast with change of directions.


It is the ability to sustain or continue activity. In other words, it is the ability to resist fatigue.
for almost
important components for middle and long distance races; and it required
of the is
It is one
all major games like football, hockey, basketball, handball, etc. It can be measured through
run or time factor races.

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Candid ATexthook of Physical Education-11

It is of two types: (a) Short-term/Anaerobic/Muscu Endurance (b) L
Cardiovascular Endurance.
(a) Short-erm/Anaerobic/Muscular Endurance: This component of lurance is helyful
of activity
donlonger duration with fast speed. This is the endurancelurance
where the
is anaerot
type of activity is done, when the intensity or speed fast. This endur
spec is very performed in
absence shon
duration and also known as activity is of o
muscular endurance as
with the help of enau
muscle glycogen. IttDroduces io
stored energy in muscle a lot of fatigue and tire

all games and sports like Tennis, Badminton.Iness as

causes oxygen-debt. It is required for almostglycoge narts like Tennis, Badminton,
inton, Hangh Handbai
Basketball, VolleyballI, middle distance races, swimming,
(b) Long-term/Aerobic/ Cardiovasca Endurance: This endurance is helpful wh
when the activ
is done for longer.duration and the intensity or speed is slower. It is, in fact, the combinas
circulatory with respiratory system which provides continuous energy for workout. In othe thet Worwds
this type of activity is of aerobic nature and speed is slow. It delays fatigue, thus it is I
required for long
Istance races, road cycling, cross-country, marathon race, footbal, elc.

It is the ability of to move in
maximum range. In other words, this is the
range of a joint to move maximum.
Flexibility is specific to a given joint and
dependent upon the musculature surrounding
a joint. Flexibility varies from joint to joint
due to its structure, surrounding, adjoining
ligaments, tendons and muscles. It is
measured through flexometer.
It is of two types:
(a) Passive Flexibility (b) Active Flexibility

(a) Passive Flexibility: It is the ability of joint to move in maximum range with external
help, e.g., stretching with partner.
(6) Active Flexibility: It is performed without external help or self movement of a partt
maximum range.
It is of two types:

() Static Flexibility: It is the flexibility performed from stationary position, e.g., Chakra
asana, toe touching, sideward bending, etc.
() Dynamic Flexibility: It is the flexibility performed while in motion or movement. This 5
required for gymnastics, diving, etc.

Candid A Textbook of Physical Educatio

It is the ability of the body to perform movement
with perfection and efMciency. It is the ability of the
human body to change direction quickly and effectively.
In other words, it is ability to change movement or
direction in the shortest time without getting unbalanced.
This provides good balance of body during action. It is, in
fact, the proper combination of strength, speed, endurance
of movement, balance,
and flexibility during movement. The accuracy of actions, rhythm, change
co-ordination that
graceful action, etc., all depend upon co-ordinative ability. It is mainly neuromuscular
depends upon central nervous system. It is required for almost every game.

Coordinative Ability is offive types

(i) Adaptive Ability: It is the ability that enables
modifications of motor activity on the basis of
comparison or anticipation of new or changing condition
while performing activity.
(ii) Balance Abilty: It is the ability to keep body or its parts in relatively stable position.

Or Coubling Ability It is the ability to put partial movements together into

(ii) Combinatory :

more complex movements.

(iv) Ability: It is the ability to realize kinesthetic and dynamic

Kinesthetic of movement. features

motor movement and expresses that

(v) Rhythm Ability : It is the ability that enables to grasp
movement in very coordinated way with graceful actions.
exercises to respone a complex movement
(vi) Orientation Ability: It is the practice of coodinative
and activity.

health, mental health,
ability to lead a well-balanced life relating physical
Wellness is
to bring wellness, all
social health and emotionally balanced life. There are many components
these also develop optimum health:
fit and
() Physical Activity: It makes the person
active. It improves various system of body and improves Eovirdnnental
our health. It also improves our growth and development.

(i) Balanced Emotional Life: Wellness requires notion.d

Elements of
balanced emotional life and release of emotions, moreover,
it should be under control.
(ii) Intellectual Atitude: Wellness requires positive PIiysca
improves our behaviour, intelligence,
intellectual attitude. It Spiritual

alertness, futuristic, insight thinking,


Candid ATextbook of PhysicalEducation-11

(v) Active Social social qualities and help us
our to
well in Life: Active social life
ile improves
society, thus, improves wellness.
stresses and tensioy
Managing Stress : Wellness needs the proper na
keeps us calm and controls
(7) Spiritual Well-being : It makes the person ethically good, morally good,
peaceful; orever
guides the values of
( ) Occupational Wellness : It makes the person to be hard worker and carn the liveli
and gives satislaction.
t helps to achieve the balance ofwork and leisure
(vii) Environmental Wellness. Wellness promotes good environment which is safe
e, clean ang
healthy: moreover, away from
There are five areas of health related fitness. They are heart and lung endurance or cardiovasou.
endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body compoStion.
the ability to
() Cardiovascular Endurance Heart and Lung Endurance: It is bility
the entire
body for long periods of time. It requires a strong heart, healthy lungs and clear
ear bloe
vessels to supply the blox
body with oxygen. Activities to improve fitness in this areaiinclude include runina
n g and aerobic dance. A person must do the activity continuously for a minimum
m of
20 minutes within
their target heart rate zone. Endurance/cardiovascular
acivity should be done .
minimum of 3 days per week. Every other day is preferable. The mile or the pacer will measi
fitness testing in this area.
(1) Muscular
Strength: It is the amount of force you can forth with your muscles.
often measured by how much
weight you can lift. People with strength have fewer problems with
backaches and can carry out their daily tasks
efficiently. Examples of muscular strength include
push-ups, weight lifting heavy weight with few repetitions and pull-ups. Fitness testing will be
measured by doing push-ups.
(ii) Muscular Endurance: It is the ability to use the muscles, for
long duration and without
getting tired. People with good muscular endurance are likely to have better
back problems and be better able to resist posture, have fewer
fatigue than people who lack muscular endurance. You
can improve muscular endurance
by lifting weights with many repetitions or doing sit-ups. Measuring
the number of sit-ups you can do
correctly is used for fitness testing.
(iv) Flexibility : It is the ability to use your
are long
joints fully. You are flexible when the muscles
enough and the joints are free enough to allow movement.
have fewer sore and injured muscles. People with good flexibulity
Stretching before and after activities
flexibility. The sit-and-reach and the trunk lift are two tests used to measure will help to improv
(v) Body Composition : It is the percentage of flexibility.
body tissue, such as bone and muscle. People who have a weight
that is fat compared to otn
to be ill and have a higher death rate than high percentage of fat are more kc
lean people. Exercise and
proper amounts can improve body composition. eating the right foods in
instrument called calipers, a specialized scale, or it can composition can be measured using
(BMI) which uses height and weight to determine your BM1.calculated by using the Body Mass

Candid ATexthook of y sical Educatio

(SomE ImroramT QuESHIONs
Very Short Answer Type Questions (30 Words)
1. Define Physical Fitness.
2. What do you understand by Wellness ?
3. Give two advantages of Physical Fitness and Wellness.
4. State Strength and its types.
5. Define Bndurance, its types.
6. List down the components of Physical Fitness. Enlist two components of Wellness.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1. Physical Fitness is the ability of the individual to do
(a) Daily routine work with joy (b) Heavy weight training
()Recreational and fun activity (d) All of the above
2. Strength and Endurance are the components of
(a) Wellness (b) Health
(c) Recreation activity (-Plrysical Fitness
3. Which of the following is not the component of wellness?
(a) Physical Fitness (b) Reading newspaper
(c) Developing clean and safe environment (d) Playing games
4. Endurance is the ability of person to do
(a) Activity with high speed (b) Powerful activity
(c) Work for long duration (d) Various actions and movement.

Short Answer Questions (Type I-60 Words)

1. What do you mean by Physical Fitness ? Mention the components of Physical Fitness.

2. Give the importance of Physical Fitness.

3. Explain the importance of Wellness.
4. State speed and its types.
5. Mention the components of Physical fitness and explain any one in detail.

6. State Flexibility and explain its types.

7. Highlight the components of Health Related Fitness.
8. Define wellness and give any four of its components.

Short Answer Questions (Type II-150 Words)

1. of Physical Fitness and Wellness.
Explain the meaning Highlight its importance.
2. Give the importance of Physical Fitness and
3. Discuss any three components of Physical
4. Explain the components of Wellness.

Candid A Textbook of Physical Education-11

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