Maninang Documentationandcommunicationplan JB

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Documentation and Communication Plan

Jessica Danielle Maninang

Old Dominion University

TLED 360: Classroom Management and Discipline

Dr. Jori Beck

December 5, 2021

As a first-year teacher, it can be scary at times for me to figure in what ways I can create

a well-managed classroom in which I feel I can best serve my students in. There are many

components in how I lead my classroom and communicate with my students and their parents

that allow me to create a foundation that can build upon throughout the school year. By creating

this plan, I can feel more prepared and confident in how I may utilize my resources. By

establishing rules and class norms, I will be able to set a standard for how the students should

behave as well as understanding what they feel is important to them in the classroom. Setting

procedures will create a structure within my lesson planning and allows for students to also have

an expectation for the classroom structure. Creating a communication plan with both my students

and their families allows me to be able to communicate both the successes of my students as well

as gain support from their households when issues arise. By providing myself these tools, I will

be able to feel more prepared so that I focus more on student engagement (Marzano et al., 2003).

Establishing Rules and Consequences

At the beginning of the school year, it is crucial to set classroom expectations as these set

a foundation for my classroom management (Marzano et al., 2003). On the first day of school

after introduction activities, the students will begin to think about what they believe should be

expected of themselves and each other. By giving students the ability to work together in setting

these norms, they feel more inclined to follow them rather than those that are strictly imposed

(Marzano et al., 2003). Within the first week, the classroom constitution will be drafted and

displayed on the wall so that the students are reminded of what is expected of them while they

are in my classroom. I will also include a syllabus that introduces the students to what I expect

from them throughout the year and includes procedures such as should they be absent or how

they may contact me. When a student breaks a rule or a classroom norm set within the class

constitution, I will initially set them aside during the class time when they are working

independently, or after class. If these actions persist, I would schedule a meeting where we can

focus on how they can avoid repeating their violation. This meeting serves for the student to

learn how their action impacted the classroom environment and for me to understand what may

have caused them to break a classroom rule. If the violation was harmful to any other students, I

would contact the student’s parents or guardians to address the issue if I feel that it is necessary

after our meeting. By opening the opportunity to the students to help establish classroom norms,

it will allow the students to feel that their learning experience is important to the environment of

the classroom.


When students are absent, my syllabus will outline the different ways in which they can

catch up on any missed assignments. By providing this, the student does not have to wait to

communicate with me about how they can access their work if it is during school hours or other

times where I cannot reply to them right away. Using Schoology as an example, I will create a

daily post that shows and provides links to each assignment that the students completed during

class as well as any slideshows that were presented (Schoology, 2022). It will also include due

dates if there are any assignments that were not submitted within the class time. Inside my

classroom, I will designate an area near the front door that students can walk in and grab any

physical handouts that they missed if they choose to submit the assignment through a physical

copy. Next to this folder will be a basket where students can turn in assignments. For homework

assignments, the students will grade themselves as we go over the answers as a class. They will

submit their homework, if the assignment was not to be turned in digitally, into the basket and, at

this time, pick up their homework assignment from the class prior. This allows me to spend more

time focusing on what areas that the students may need more assistance on, rather than spending

time checking their answers since they would be self-grading. Although, I would make sure that

there would be a balance of the students grading as well as me grading. Through both

procedures, the students will be able to know where they can go to pick up their make-up work

as well as submit assignments without having to disrupt the class.


In Figure 1, I have included several categories that gives me flexibility in taking a much

information as necessary. By providing myself with these different categories, it allows me to

reflect on as I plan on following up with the student as well as if I am communicating with their

parents. As I have noted prior, when a student violates a class rule or norm, I would contact them

to set up a meeting where we can talk about their behavior. With teaching high school students, I

feel that it is important to allow them to be able to communicate and learn from their mistakes,

instead of setting direct consequences if no harm had been inflicted on others. In the attached

example log, where it says, “Notes of Behavior,” I can write what occurred, who may have been

involved, or if this student had any prior violations. I would then note our scheduled meeting

date and if the student was in attendance on our first scheduled date. I have provided a section

where I can take notes during or after the meeting that can dictate where I would like to move

forward. If a follow up meeting is necessary, I have included a spot to schedule this meeting as

well as if I had to contact their household or administration/school counselor. In the additional

contact areas, I provided a space where I can write down when either party was contacted and

any notes during these points of contact. In the beginning of the school year, I provide the

students a survey in which they let me know what the best point of contact is to their parents or

guardians, whether it is a phone call or email. By allowing the students this space to meet with

me, they may feel safer and more heard, instead of feeling discouraged by other forms of

consequences when it may not be necessary.

Student Communication Plan

At the beginning of every class, each student will be given the opportunity to do a daily

check in. Each student has a multitude of things going on in their lives beyond just my

classroom, and each day can be different for each student. By providing them a space where they

can let me know how they are doing, it allows me to be there for them when there are days it

may be more difficult for them to participate in the classroom. These daily check ins would be

through a Google Form where they could either let me know how they are doing through a

weather check in or simply giving them a space where they can tell me anything they would like

to let me know. These will also be flexible so that not all students feel pressured to answer fully

regarding what they are feeling if it may be private. Through these responses and through

observations during class time, I can reach out to students either through talking to them after

class or sending them a message to see where I can assist and provide them support (Milner et

al., 2019).

Similar to how I will communicate with families prior to the end of the grading period,

students will be given a Google Form in which they can communicate how they feel they have

grown since the last grading period and any areas they would like to continue working on in the

following period. Students will also be given a check in email prior to progress reports so they

can evaluate their progress and set goals for the remainder of the quarter. The students will be

given a homework assignment that includes sending me an email that acknowledges their receipt

of my check in email by sending me their goals for the remainder of the quarter. This assignment

will be graded for completion and serves more as a way for the students to set and reflect on

these goals. This will also allow them to create a plan in which they can finish out the remaining

assignments and what resources they may need to reach their end of grading period goals. This

will also be a point where the students will be able to evaluate the course so far in aspects such as

classroom environment and my method of teaching so I can reflect and revise for the remainder

of the school year.

Family Documentation Plan

While it is very important to provide students a support system within the classroom, it is

also important to encourage their support system within their home. By maintaining a positive

communication stream with the students’ parents or guardians, it allows them to encourage their

students and allows me to learn how to better help students especially when they may be

struggling. At the beginning of the school year, the parents or guardians will complete a portion

in the student’s introduction survey in which they can provide me their best point of contact as

well as any information that they feel would be important for me to know as I get to know their

child. Many times, it is parents or guardians who know the child best and gaining their

perspective can show a little bit more into who the student is as a person and what they may be

going through at home. This information allows me to know how to best communicate with them

throughout the school year and the parents will also have access to my email if they need to

contact me at any point.

Prior to the end of a grading period, I will reach out through emails to let parents and

guardians know what their student has excelled in throughout the current grading period and any

remaining pieces of assignment that they have left to complete. This email will also show their

grade in the class so that the parents or guardians are aware of where they stand in the class. In

Figure 2, I have also included a parent communication log that I will utilize when there is any

point of communication with the student’s parent or guardian me. It includes a space where I can

take notes during either the phone call or contents from their email, and if either party would like

to set up a follow up phone call where we can discuss the progress of their student after we

initially speak. This log would be important in keeping track of any concerns that their parents or

guardians may have and how it may be addressed both in class and at home. Positive and

negative consequences of the student’s actions can be through the enforcement of their families,

and by maintaining contact with parents, we are able to examine when these actions are

necessary (Marzano et al., 2003). This can be through positive reinforcements such as their

parent or guardian congratulating them on their hard work or intervening by enforcing them to

create a plan in which they can improve their grades. By keeping caretakers informed, they are

able to know when they could provide their methods of support to encourage their students to


By having a plan in place to document the behavior of students and communicate with

both them and their families, it allows me to gain confidence in being able to then focus on

creating a student-centered learning environment. When the students are given control in helping

set the classroom norms, this responsibility allows them to understand the importance of

following these rules are more inclined to following them (Milner et al., 2019). With

implementing procedures, more focus is placed on engaging the students and they are able to

take on the responsibility in following them day-to-day. With creating a strong communication

plan between the students as well as their families, when issues arise, they are easier to combat

as we form a team that supports the student and their growth. It also allows for a space where we

can celebrate the accomplishments of the students and document their growth throughout the

school year. Although it takes time and practice to find what methods will actually work best in

my classroom, by having these methods on hand I am able to walk into my first year with

resources that serve both me and my students.



Marzano, R. J., Marzano, J. S., & Pickering, D. J. (2003). Classroom management that works:

Research-based strategies for every teacher. ASCD.

Milner, H. R., Cunningham, H. B., Delale-O'Connor, L., & Kestenberg, E. G. (2019). "These

kids are out of control": Why we must reimagine "classroom management" for equity.


Schoology. (n.d.). Learning management system: LMS. Schoology. Retrieved January 22, 2022,


Figure 1

Student Behavior Assessment Meeting



Notes of Behavior

Date of Meeting

Meeting Attendance

Meeting Notes

Date of Follow Up

Parent/Guardian Contact Date:


Administration/Guidance Date:

Contact Notes:

Figure 2

Parent Communication Log

Student Name: _________________________ Class: __________________________

Parent/Guardian Name
Method of Contact


Date of Follow Up

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