Story For Class

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The dark bitter taste of reality something people wish they didn’t have to taste.

As it echo’s in the realm

of unescapable time and blackens out our path in life. Ever since I was young I’ve known this I’d listen to
my mom mumble out bitter words to my father when she was in such a drunken state she couldn’t think
properly. Every day when I came to school with cuts and hand imprints as the teachers gathered around
me asking begging what happened I was a weird kid I guess I liked climbing trees.

“What happened to mommy and daddy?”

“Nothing dear… everything’s going to be okay”

“Liar” As I speak my mind I begin to see the cops face turn pale white everything is a lie but when that
cop backed away from me that’s the only truth I’ll ever believe the truth that people… are scared of me.

“Alright students listen up this is your first year at junior high school. Make sure you give off a good

First impression what’s that no one really knows but we guess what people think of us based on our
actions. Truly you never know what someone knows what someone thinks of you. Although you can get
a good guess and my guess Is that these girls don’t like me.

“Move” says a girl in braid tied back with a red hair tie as she flips her neatly brushed hair she tells me

“Move pig” I look up to see a beautiful woman brown eyes neat black hair pink wet lips and rose-colored
cheeks. She was beautiful but I would not give up my seat for her and he group of friends.

“No, I won’t but your welcome to sit next to me.” I scoot over a seat I watch her as she scoffs and sits
down her two lackies follow. As I watched more and more her “lackies” were stuck to her like glue no
one could get passed them. Interesting but what a shame that so many people were around her but no
matter I’m very resourceful.

Walking home in the dark in the cool rain I return to my room covered in thoughts and ideas I pin my
new photos to the wall and aw at all my ideas.

“This one shall do” as I run my hands down the wall to a slip of paper with writing on it.

“This will do wonders” The next day comes and I’m ready I walk to the train station on Saturday to meet
with someone. She stands perfectly still waiting for me unfortunate but I’m the last person she will ever
see as the bullet train honks louder and louder I come closer and closer she asks me why I met her and
as I whisper I push he back against the yellow line soon up to the tracks.

“She will be mine” A light shove is enough to get a loud scream and a large splatter blood covers my
clothes I look down to se her dead body crunched like road kill the train wheels ran across her skull
leaving an indent her body mangled. yellow green liquid came out of her wound her mouth was wide
open although her bottom jaw was gone with her tongue and most of her teeth.


“Everyone, I have sad news a kind woman at our school was killed on Saturday in a train accident we will
hold a service this afternoon in her honor rest in peace Sariuki Kanakae.”
Its great amazing now with only one problem left its going to be a lot easier to talk to her but there is
always a problem. Being a good cook isnt one of them.

“Hello, welcome what can I get for you today?”

“One rice ball please”

“Coming right up”

Man this is great weather not too cold not too hot just right. I hope that she enjoys her last moments

“Um your rice ball is done”

“Oh… Thank you looks great”

I watch her as she digs into it I was pretty happy seeing as I got a job just for this. She begins to cough up
blood the rice is stained a beautiful bright red as beautiful as the red sunset sky behind her. I stare as
she violently begins to vomit hunched over on the ground getting on her hands and knees. She begins to
gasp for air as her face begins to turn dark purple. She passes out in her own vomit and blood I giggle as
she face plants into her rice ball funny.

I run to HER house my legs feel heavy and uneven as I stumble inside she’s sitting in front of the T.V as I
walk in. I pull her upstairs a long chunk of rope in hand.



She screams as I pull out a chunk of her braid as we make it upstairs. I shove her up against the wall a
large blood splatter forms around her head and a loud smack comes to my ears as she hits the wall.
Smashing open the window and climbing outside I hang and tie a chunk of rope. Going back to me dear I
begin beating her to death slowly after my fists were bloody and swollen and she was almost dead but
breathing I headed to the window. The next minutes turned into a blur the heavy rain the smell of blood
reminded me of my parents death. Killing them wasn’t as much fun as this although it was alright. As I
stepped out into the rope and jumped the feeling in my neck flooded and the noise and the world
flooded away with it all I wanted was to see my parents one last time.

“A murder suicide has been reported the young middle schooler Nanako killed herself and tried to kill
another student. The other student in question is skill recovering.”

“Man that must have been terrible Misa…”

“Yeah I guess…”

The truth bleed into me as I was bleeding out of sight and now all I want to do I find out the truth. The
bitter sweet truth the only truth that people are afraid of me.

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