Lesson 2 Local and Global Communication in Multicultural Settings

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 Local And Global Communication In MultiCultural Settings

Learning Objectives:
          At the end of this lesson , you should  be able to:
1. identify the  different diversity  of people and culture;
2. understand how cultural diversity affects communication; and 
3. appreciate the challenges and benefits  of cross-cultural communication.

        What do you think are the causes of


What is Intercultural Communication?
A discipline that studies communication across different cultures and social groups.
Intercultural Communication

           Science  explained that each people is genetically unique. This uniqueness

becomes more heightened because of individual  experiences. Humans are formed by
different forces like family background,  emotional sates, economic conditions ,religious
affiliations, educational achievements, socio-cultural forces and other factors shape
human identities. These factors made  no two people exactly the same.

           The diversity of people and culture  impacts communication.  People interacting 

with those coming from  unfamiliar cultures may have difficulties in communication.

Communication Across Culture

A.  Communication across cultures is challenging as it has its own set of rules .

B. The challenge for multicultural communication has never been greater.
Worldwide business organizations discovered that intercultural communication is
significant not just because of  the increase of  globalization .
C. No two people belonging to the same culture are guaranteed to respond exactly
the same way.

 High- Context Vs. Low-Context

D. All international communication is influenced by cultural differences.

D. High- context cultures leave much of the message unspecified, to be understood
through context , nonverbal cues and between the -lines interpretation of what
was said.  On the other hand by contrast is the low - context culture.

Sequential Vs. Synchronic

F. Some  cultures view time synchronically .

F. Sequential culture  give full attention to one agenda item after another.
F. Synchronic culture influences how organizations in those cultures approach
deadlines, strategic thinking, and concept of long term planning.
F. Synchronic cultures context is to understand the present and prepare for the

Affective Vs. Neutral

J. Affective – readily showing emotion while Neutral do not telegraph their feelings 
but keep them carefully  subdued and controlled.
J.  This doesn’t mean that neutrals are cold or unfeeling but are careful to monitor
the amount of emotion they display.
J. Emotion and reason are part of human communication.
J. It’s easy for neutral people to sympathize.
J. No culture is right or wrong better or worse- just different.


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