Smart Deregulated Grid Frequency Control in Presence of Renewable Energy Resources by Evs Charging Control

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2, MARCH 2018 1073

Smart Deregulated Grid Frequency Control in

Presence of Renewable Energy Resources
by EVs Charging Control
Saber Falahati Aliabadi, Seyed Abbas Taher, Member, IEEE, and Mohammad Shahidehpour, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Nowadays, due to the increasing price of fossil fuels some these resources depend on environmental conditions and
and its decreasing resources on the one hand and environmen- change during daytime. A major impact of large penetration
tal pollutions on the other hand, use of electric vehicles (EVs) of variable generation into the power system’s operation and
has been increased. Charging EVs has imposed new loads on
power systems. These new and major loads along with the dereg- control is on frequency control. Due to the uncertainties that
ulation of power systems, which introduces new uncertainties are introduced in power system by renewable energy sources,
to grid, have caused new challenges for the frequency control more spinning reserve is needed to compensate for the gener-
and stability of power systems. Use of EVs as moving batter- ation and demand unbalance. Batteries can be used as storage
ies is one of the ways for dealing with this problem. In this systems to compensate for such an unbalance. But, high price
method, EV charging is controlled and, when necessary, EV bat-
tery is discharged in grid. This concept is so-called vehicle to of batteries is one the obstacles of this solution.
grid (V2G). V2G concept is employed in this paper for the con- In addition to the above uncertainties, by converting con-
trol of a smart deregulated grid frequency. For this purpose, an ventional power systems into deregulated power systems in
optimized fuzzy controller is used to control EVs. Using the pro- early decades, new uncertainties have been introduced to
posed method, charging or discharging batteries is carried out power systems. In a traditional power system, generation,
with respect to grid frequency and battery state of charge. To
investigate the proposed approach, a modified IEEE 39-bus sys- transmission, and distribution are owned by a single entity
tem in the presence of renewable energy resources is assumed. called a vertically integrated utility (VIU), which supplies
Then, this system is converted into a three area system in order power to customers at regulated rates. In an open energy
for the frequency analysis. Investigating the performance of the market, generation companies (Gencos) may or may not par-
proposed method for the charging of EVs is done in another part ticipate in the LFC task. On the other hand, a distribution
of paper. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK
environment and their results illustrate good performance of the company (Disco) may contract individually with Gencos or
proposed method in the frequency control of deregulated system independent power producers (IPPs) for power in different
and EV charging. areas [4]. So, in deregulated power system, frequency control
Index Terms—Smart grid, deregulated grid, vehicle to grid, is more complex.
fuzzy control, renewable energy. In recent years, electric vehicles (EVs) have gained renewed
interest in the global research and industrial sectors. The
major factor attracting the promotion of EVs is the pollu-
I. INTRODUCTION tion and emission-free transportation it could offer, which is
a much needed global necessity for the sustainable future [1].
LOBAL challenges of climate change, energy secu-
G rity, and environmental pollution have made renewable
energy increasingly significant in the energy system. National
According to [2], the number of EVs in the United States
in the years 2020, 2030, and 2050 will reach 35%, 51%,
and 62%, respectively. International Energy Agency (IEA) has
policies in many countries have set ambitious targets for the
predicted that the sales of passenger light-duty EV/plug-in
promotion of renewable energy. In the European Union (EU),
hybrid EV will boost from 2020 on and might reach more than
goals are set for 35% of electricity generation from renew-
100 million of EV/plug-in hybrid EV sold per year worldwide
able sources in 2020 [1]. Renewable energy currently provides
by 2050 [1]. Charging of such a large number of plug-in EVs
14% of the world’s energy supply [2], [3]. Output powers of
applies a major load to grid. This major load faces the power
system’s frequency control and stability with new challenges.
Manuscript received September 10, 2015; revised January 3, 2016 and Control of EVs as controllable loads and use of their batter-
April 12, 2016; accepted May 26, 2016. Date of publication June 7, 2016;
date of current version February 16, 2018. Paper no. TSG-01110-2015. ies as power system spinning reserves are one of the solutions
(Corresponding author: Seyed Abbas Taher.) for the frequency control of power systems. In this method,
S. F. Aliabadi and S. A. Taher are with the Department of Electrical EVs are connected to grid by bidirectional converters. Thus,
Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan 87317-51167, Iran (e-mail: when load of grid is low, battery is charging; but, at high
M. Shahidehpour is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering loading of grid, it is discharging in grid. This concept is
Department, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 USA. known as vehicle to grid (V2G) and was used in [5] for the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at first time. The idea behind V2G is that people usually do
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSG.2016.2575061 not use their cars for long trips; so, batteries are not fully
1949-3053 c 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 2. Employed V2G structure.

Fig. 1. EV availability [2]. Fig. 3. Structure of charging station.

discharged. Hence, when EVs are connected to the grid, the with respect to coming signals makes the output power to grid
remaining charge in their batteries can be used for regula- or EV battery. More details about the proposed fuzzy controller
tion purposes. In Fig. 1, EV availability in hours of day is are given in Section III.
shown [2]. It can be seen in this figure that a proper num- The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
ber of EVs are reachable during a day. Hence, V2G concept the studied system and its modeling are presented. In this sec-
can be used in ancillary services. Since battery change rate is tion, modeling of EVs is briefly described. Modeling of arrival
very fast, V2G concept can be employed in frequency ancil- and departure times of EVs along with modeling of daily travel
lary services [6]. V2G concept has been employed in several range of them are presented in this section. Moreover some
papers for frequency control of grid [7]–[12]. In [7], V2G con- explanation on types of EVs and modeling of battery capacity
cept was used in order for grid’s frequency control along with is given. In Section III, the proposed controller is explained.
proposing a scheduled charging method. In this reference, the Moreover, a summary description about fundamentals of fuzzy
controller was designed so that SOC (state of charge) of bat- controllers is given in this section. Simulations are carried
tery was balanced around 50%. However, if an EV owner out and their results are analyzed in Section IV. Finally, in
needs more SOC, this controller is unable to supply it. But, Section V, the conclusion is expressed.
in this paper, although 50% SOC was set for the controller,
if an EV owner needed more SOC, fuzzy rules could be
changed easily. In [8], although V2G was used for the robust II. S YSTEM M ODELING
frequency control of system, it suffered from the same problem There are several frequency control loops in a power sys-
as in [7]. In [9] and [10], V2G concept has been used for sec- tem such as primary frequency control, secondary frequency
ondary frequency control. In [9], use of plug-in hybrid electric control, tertiary frequency control, and emergency frequency
vehicles (PHEVs) along with controllable loads for frequency control. Primary and secondary frequency control loops are
control was investigated and, in [10], a number of EVs and performed on the generation side only, while tertiary and
heat pump water heaters were employed for load frequency emergency frequency control loops can be used on both gen-
control. But, in this study, V2G concept was employed for pri- eration and demand sides. Primary control is the governor
mary frequency control. Fuzzy control of photovoltaic systems control which is sufficient until frequency deviation is less
along with using V2G for frequency control was proponed than a certain value. If the value of the frequency deviation
in [11]. In this reference, EVs were used in secondary fre- exceeds this certain limit, then primary control will not be
quency control and SOC of batteries was limited between 10% sufficient anymore and secondary frequency control or sup-
and 90%. But, there was no control on the SOC of batteries. plementary control should be employed. Secondary control is
In [12], decentralized V2G control was proposed for frequency also called load frequency control. In this study, in order to fre-
regulation. quency control of grid, V2G concept based on fuzzy controller
Fuzzy controller is used in this paper for the control of EV along with primary and secondary frequency control loops
charging in order for the frequency control of a deregulated is used.
grid. The general structure is represented in Fig. 2. In this The studied IEEE 39-bus system is shown in Fig. 4. In this
approach, each EV is connected to a charging station. Each power system, in addition to the conventional resources, solar
charging station communicates with grid with high speed links cells and EV charging stations are considered. In order for
so that, in this study, no delay time is supposed to exist in the frequency analysis, this system is converted into a three
data transfer. EV battery information such as SOC from EV area deregulate system. Area i of the considered deregulated
and grid information such as frequency from smart grid is system is depicted in Fig. 5. In this figure, Ki (s) is controller
transferred to charging station. Fig. 3 represents the structure of area i, and a PI controller is used for this purpose, similar to
of charging station. In charging station, processing based on most of the conventional power systems. The parameters of PI
fuzzy control is carried out and the corresponding signals to are obtained by imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) [13].
bidirectional converter are generated. Bidirectional converter ICA has been used in various papers owing to its high speed

Fig. 4. Modified IEEE 39 bus system in the presence of renewable energy resources and EVs.

Fig. 5. Area i of three area model.

and accuracy in finding the solutions of optimization prob- GTur (s) = (2)
lems; theory of this method has been described in detail 1 + sTt
in [14] and [15]. In order for simplicity, conventional genera-
tion resource is assumed as a non-reheat steam unit. Governor
and turbine units are modeled as follows: In the above equation, Tg and Tt are governor and turbine
time constants, respectively. In Fig. 5, PTie,i and Tij represent
1 tie line power deviation of area i and synchronous torque factor
GGov (s) = (1)
1 + sTg between areas i and j, respectively. It can be shown that PTie,i

and Tij are obtained from the following equations [4]: N UMBER OF VARIOUS T YPES OF EV S IN THE U.K. IN 2020
⎡ ⎤

2π ⎢ 

PTie,i = Ptie,ij = ⎢ T f − Tij fj ⎥
s ⎣ ij i ⎦ (3)
j=1 j=1 j=1
j=i j=i j=i

|Vi | Vj
Tij = cos δi0 − δj0 (4) 
V4i−1 = gpf1j PLj
In Eq. 3, N is equal to the number of areas. In Eq. 4, Vi ,δi , j=1
and Xij show terminal voltage and phase of area i and reac- ..
tance between area i and j, respectively. In Fig. 5, Ri , Di , Hi , .
and βi are droop characteristic, equivalent damping coefficient,  N

inertia constant, and frequency bias of area i, respectively. V4i−n = gpfnj PLj (11)
Frequency bias is obtained using Eq. 5: j=1

1 Since the objective of this paper is to investigate the perfor-

β =D+ (5) mance of the proposed fuzzy controller for smart charging of
EVs, accurate modeling of photovoltaic system and its con-
αik in Fig. 5 represents the participation factor of Genco k of
trollers is neglected and only its output power is considered.
area i in load frequency control.
In each area, the output power of PV systems is aggregated. It
There can be various combinations of contracts between
should be noted that this modeling does not affect the objective
each Disco and available Gencos. On the other hand, each
of this study.
Genco can contract with various Discos. Generation partic-
In this study, plug-in EVs are used for verifying the pro-
ipation matrix (GPM) concept is defined to visualize these
posed method in terms of the frequency control of grid.
bilateral contracts conveniently in the generalized model. The
According to National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)
GPM shows the participation factor of each Genco in the con-
2009 [16], arrival time and departure time of EVs follow
sidered control areas and each control area is determined by
a normal distribution which can be expressed as follows:
a Disco. The rows of a GPM correspond to Gencos and the
Farr (t) = √ e−(t−μ)/2σ , 0 < t < 24
columns to control areas that contract power. In this study, (12)
GMP matrix is considered as follows: σ 2π
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ where μ = 17.01 and σ = 3.2.
gpf11 gpf12 gpf13 0.5 0.4 0.1
GPM = ⎣ gpf21 gpf22 gpf23 ⎦ = ⎣ 0.2 0.4 0.4 ⎦ (6) 1
Fdep (t) = √ e−(t−μ)/2σ , 0 < t < 24
gpf31 gpf32 gpf33 0.3 0.2 0.5 σ 2π
where gpfki refers to generation participation factor and shows where μ = 9.97 and σ = 2.2.
the participation factor of Genco k in the load following area i. For determining the initial SOC of EVs, it is essential to
V1i in Fig. 5 is obtained as follows: know how much each EV travels before arrival to charging sta-
tion. For this purpose, EV’s daily travel range (d) is modeled
V1i = PLi + Pdi (7) as a lognormal distribution as follows [16]:
where PLi and Pdi are local contracted and disturbance 1 −
(ln d−μ) 2

loads of area i, respectively, and V2i is interface effects Fd (d) = √ e 2σ 2 ,d > 0 (14)
d 2π σ 2
between each control area and other areas, which is computed
where μ = 3.2 and σ = 0.9. Then, by using the following
as follows:
equation, initial SOC of EV is obtained:

V2i = Tij fj (8) d
Sini = 1 − × 100 (15)
j=1 dmax
where dmax shows the maximum travel range of each
In Fig. 5, V3i is scheduled tie-line power, which can be EV. Based on a survey of European EV market, four types
generalized for an N control area as follows: of EVs are identified for the EV database [17]:
 L7e: Quadricycle-four wheels with the maximum unladen
V3i = (Total export power − Total import power)
⎛ ⎞ mass of 400 kg or 550 kg for goods-carrying vehicles;
n M1: Passenger vehicle with four wheels and up to 8 seats
N ⎜
n N
⎟ in addition to the driver’s seat;
= gpfkj PLj − ⎜ gpf ⎟PLi (9)
⎝ jk ⎠ N1: Goods-carrying vehicle with four wheels and maximum
j=1 k=1 k=2 j=1
j=i j=i laden mass of 3500 kg;
N2: Goods-carrying vehicle with four wheels and maximum
V4i is a vector that includes the contracted demands of other
laden mass between 3500 kg and 12000 kg.
DISCOs from GENCOs of area i.
  As can be seen in Table I, M1 type EVs has more popu-
V4i−1 V4i−2 · · · V4i−n (10) larity. In this study this type of EV is considered. Different

to slow dynamics that there are in study system, convert-

ers have not been modeled in simulations. Battery SOC is
calculated by:
Q1 − Q2
SOC = (21)
where Q1 represents battery capacity and Q2 is output energy.


In this study, the fuzzy controller has two inputs. As can be
seen in Fig. 3, two variables of SOC of battery and frequency
deviation of gird are inputted to fuzzy controller. In the next
step, with respect to these inputs and the corresponding mem-
Fig. 6. EV battery used as distributed energy source [18]. bership functions and fuzzy rules, charging and/or discharging
power of each EV battery is determined. Fig. 7 represents the
membership functions of variables. In Fig. 7(A), frequency
battery technologies such as NiMH, Li-ion, and lithium poly- deviation membership function is shown. Input frequency
mer can be employed for EVs [3]. In this paper, there is no deviation is fuzzified into the corresponding fuzzy signals with
concentration on the type of battery technology and an ideal seven linguistic variables: very low (VL), medium low (ML),
battery with no losses is supposed for EVs. These assumptions small low (SL), medium (M), small high (SH), medium
have no effects on the objective of this study. Battery capacity high (MH), and very high (VH). In Fig. 7(B), battery SOC
of M1 type EVs has a gamma distribution as follows [17]: membership functions are displayed. Input SOC is fuzzified
1 c into the fuzzy regions with five linguistic variables: very
α−1 − β
fcap (c) = c e (16)
β α (α) low (VL), low (L), medium (M), high (H), and very high (VH).
In Fig. 7(A) and (B), upper, lower, and middle limits are con-
where α = 4.5 and β = 6.3. Maximum and minimum capacity
sidered constant and parameters a, b, c, d, e, and f are regarded
of M1 type EV’s battery is 72 and 10 kWh, respectively. It is
as optimization variables. They are optimized using ICA so
supposed that typical energy required for a car to drive a mile
that the following fitness function is minimized:
is 0.25 kWh [3]. According to Eq. (16) and constant factor of 
0.25 kWh/mile, dmax can be found.
F = |f |tdt (22)
In this paper, the total number of EVs was assumed 30000;
i.e., 6% of the number of M1 type EVs in Table I. Each
using the following limits:
area was also supposed to have 10000 EVs.
As mentioned before, EV charging is carried out by bidi- −0.4 ≤ a ≤ −0.2; − 0.2 ≤ b ≤ 0; 0 ≤ c ≤ 0.2
rectional power electronic converters. A schematic diagram of
0.2 ≤ d ≤ 0.4; 20 ≤ e ≤ 40; 60 ≤ f ≤ 80
a battery and a bidirectional converter coupled with the dis-
tribution node via line reactance X is represented in Fig. 6. The aforementioned parameters are optimized by ICA as
Power delivered by the battery storage can be written as: follows:
SEV = VI ∗ (17) a = −0.3; b = 0; c = 0.16; d = 0.25; e = 28.19; f = 60.
Membership functions of power are represented in
E∠δ − V∠0 Fig. 7C. The power is fuzzified into nine fuzzy regions repre-
I= (18)
jX sented by linguistic variables: very negative high (VNH), neg-
In (17) and (18), SEV and I are the power and current sup- ative high (NH), negative medium (NM), negative low (NL),
plied by the battery, respectively. E and V are the voltages zero (Z), positive low (PL), positive medium (PM), positive
at the sending and receiving ends, respectively. δ is the angle high (PH), and very positive high (VPH). In this figure, the
between E and V. X is the line reactance between the con- negative sign means that battery is charged. Membership func-
verter and the utility node. It can be demonstrated that active tions of power are attained by both analysis and trial-and-error.
and reactive powers are obtained as [18]: Fuzzy rules of fuzzy controller are presented in Table I.
With respect to the daily travel range of EVs (Eq. (14)) and
EV sin(δ)
PEV = (19) μ = 3.2 miles [16], an EV travels approximately 36 miles per
X day. Assuming that typical energy required for a car to drive
E2 − EV cos(δ) a mile is 0.25 kWh [3], the required energy for each EV is
QEV = (20)
X approximately 9 kWh per day. With respect to the capacity
It has been assumed that power electronic converters are of batteries (Eq. (16) with α = 4.5 and β = 6.3), it can be
controlled so that QEV = 0. V2G implementation using fuzzy found that most of M1 type EVs have batteries with capacity
logic controller has been designed at a system level. Due of approximately 28 kWh [17]. Also, 50% SOC for battery

Fig. 7. Membership functions; A) Grid frequency deviation, B) Battery SOC, C) Power.


means 14 kWh. So, if EV is charged to 50%, it is sufficient IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
for it to travel its daily range. Moreover, it is noteworthy to say In this section, the performance of the proposed method in
that EV owners pay for contribution in the frequency control of nine case studies by the simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK
grid and, therefore, minimum reasonable SOC is sufficient for is evaluated.
them. However, EV owners can inform EVSE from its desired
final SOC value and, therefore, fuzzy rules of fuzzy controller
A. Case Study 1
can be changed according to this value. So, fuzzy rules of
Table II are obtained assuming that 50% SOC is sufficient for There are several charging strategies to charge EVs, namely
EVs. These rules are achieved logic and analysis. Fuzzy rule dumb charging, dual-tariff, smart charging, V2G charging,
i in this controller is expressed as follows [19]: etc. In this study, to investigate the proposed method, the
system shown in Fig. 5 is considered and EV charging is
Rule i: IF f is Lx and SOC is My , THEN PI is Zl carried out using the proposed method and dumb charg-
x = 1, 2, . . . , 7, y = 1, 2, . . . , 5, l = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9 (23) ing. In dumb charging, after the last trip of the day or
when a charging point is available, EVs typically connect
where Lx and My denote the antecedents and Zl is the to gird and, without any consideration, begin to charge. For
consequent part. fuzzy controller’s output PI is calculated by: each area, a lumped variable load is assumed. The 3 kW
power limit is assumed for charging and discharging of

35 EVs. Frequency deviations for all the areas are represented
PI = ωi Zl ωi (24) in Fig. 8. As can be seen in Fig. 8(A-C), using the pro-
i=1 i=1 posed method, frequency deviations in all areas are reduced
where ωi denotes the grade for the antecedent and is significantly. Using dumb charging, maximum frequency devi-
obtained by: ations of areas 1, 2, and 3 are -0.2147Hz, 0.2318 Hz,
and -0.2061Hz, respectively; but, by utilizing the proposed
ωi = ωfi ωSi (25) method, they are 0.0623 Hz, 0.0574 Hz, and 0.0746 Hz,
respectively, which approximately shows 71% frequency devi-
where ωfi and ωSi are the grade of antecedents for each rule. ation reduction in area 1, 75% in area 2, and 64% in


Fig. 8. Frequency deviation; A) Area 1, B) Area 2, C) Area 3. Fig. 9. Tie line power deviation; A) Area 1, B) Area 2, C) Area 3.

area 3. Tie line power deviations in three areas are pre- the proposed method, tie line power deviations are reduced
sented in Fig. 9. It is obvious that the proposed controller approximately by 79%, 63%, and 68% in areas 1, 2, and 3,
reduces tie line power deviation properly so that, using respectively.

In Table III, values of maximum frequency and tie line

power deviations along with their RMS values are presented
for the proposed method and dumb charging. RMS values are
calculated by:

1  N
RMS =  ui (t)2 (26)

where N represents the number of samples and u(t) is consid-

ered signal. It can be found that, using the proposed method,
RMS values of frequency and tie line power deviations for all
the areas are reduced significantly. Using the proposed method,
RMS values of frequency deviations of areas 1, 2, and 3 are
reduced by 87%, 88%, and 86%, respectively. With respect to
Table III, it can be found that, using the proposed method, tie
line power deviations are reduced by 81%, 73%, and 79% in
areas 1, 2, and 3 compared with dumb charging, respectively.

B. Case Study 2
In order for the comparison, the proposed method was com-
pared with V2G controller of [8] in the presence of solar units
and variable loads in IEEE 39 bus deregulated power sys-
tem. In Fig. 10(A-C), frequency deviations of areas 1 to 3 for
a range of time is shown, respectively. As can be seen, using
the proposed method provided a better response than the V2G
controller in [8] so that maximum frequency deviation of the
areas using the proposed method was less than the one by
V2G controller of [8]. RMS values of frequency deviations of
areas by the proposed method and V2G controller of [8] are
given in Table IV. It can be found that, by using the proposed
method, RMS values of frequency deviations of areas 1 to 3
were decreased 39%, 41%, and 38%, respectively.

C. Case Study 3
To investigate the effect of the proposed method on sudden
loss of a generation unit, it is assumed that, at the instance of
the fifth second, a solar unit in area 1 is disconnected from
the grid. It is shown in Fig. 11 that, by using the proposed
method, EVs can support the grid to prevent the high decrease
of grid frequency, while by dumb charging, all the areas suffer
high frequency deviations. In Fig. 12, tie line power deviations
of the areas for the proposed method and dumb charging are
displayed. It is shown that, by using the proposed method with
loss of solar unit in area 1, the grid is not subjected to high
tie line power deviations, but by dumb charging, deviation
of tie line power deviations is high. In order to compare the Fig. 10. Frequency deviation; A) Area 1, B) Area 2, C) Area 3.
proposed method with dumb charging, maximum and RMS
values of the frequency deviations of all areas are given in RMS VALUES OF F REQUENCY D EVIATION
Table V, and maximum and RMS values of tie line power
deviations of all the areas are summarized in Table VI.

D. Case Study 4
In this case study, it is assumed that a solar system with the
capacity of 0.1 pu is connected to area 1 at the instance of
tenth second. Frequency deviations of areas 1 to 3 are shown well. For more verification, maximum frequency deviation val-
in Fig. 13. As can be seen in Fig. 13, in this scenario, the pro- ues of all the areas with the proposed method and with dumb
posed controller could control frequency deviations properly as charging are given in Table VII. It can be found that, when the

Fig. 11. Frequency deviation due to the disconnection of a solar unit;

A) Area 1, B) Area 2, C) Area3. Fig. 12. Tie line power deviation due to the disconnection of a solar unit;
A) Area 1, B) Area 2, C) Area 3.

solar unit is connected, the grid suffers from frequency devia-

tion as 0.2724 Hz, 0.3136 Hz, and 0.3153 Hz in areas 1 to 3, is applied to area 2 at the instance of fifteenth second
respectively, but by using the proposed method, the proposed and the results are given in Fig. 14 and Table VIII. When
maximum frequency deviations of areas 1 to 3 by the connec- dumb charging is used, frequency of areas 1 to 3 is reduced
tion of the solar unit are reduced to 0.1323 Hz, 0.1458 Hz, by 0.5078Hz, 0.5645Hz, and 0.5694 Hz. This low fre-
and 0.1415 Hz, respectively, which shows frequency devia- quency can cause the activation of under frequency relays;
tion reduction by 51% in area 1, 54% in area 2, and 55% in although in this paper protection issues such as under fre-
area 3. quency relay have not been considered, as can be seen
in Fig. 14, by using the proposed method, areas 1 to
E. Case Study 5 3 do not considerably suffer from negative frequency devi-
In this case study, performance of the proposed method is ation, which illustrates good performance of the proposed
compared with dumb charging when a big load of 0.3 pu method.




F. Case Study 6
To investigate the penetration level of EVs on the grid fre-
quency and verify the effect of the proposed method on it, four
cases are considered so that the total number of EVs can be
30000, 45000, 60000, and 90000. Simulations are carried out
in all the cases using the proposed method and dumb charging.
In Fig. 15(A-B), RMS values of frequency deviations of the
areas are shown using the proposed method and dumb charg-
ing. As can be seen, when using the proposed method, by
increasing the total number of EVs, the trend of RMS values
of frequency deviations is approximately decreasing. However, Fig. 13. Frequency deviation due to the connection of a solar unit; A) Area 1,
in dumb charging, with increasing the number of EVs, RMS B) Area 2, C) Area 3.
values of frequency deviation are increased, because EVs in
the proposed method have the role of a controllable load and TABLE VIII
generator and, therefore, could help the grid to decrease fre- M AXIMUM VALUES OF F REQUENCY D EVIATION BY A PPLYING A B IG
quency deviations, but in dumb charging, they are stiff and
uncontrolled loads that increased the burden of the grid.

G. Case Study 7
To investigate the performance of the proposed controller in
the control of SOC of EV batteries in the steady state, a step
load in all the areas is assumed in the absence of renewable
energies. It is noted that arrival and departure times are not that frequency deviation becomes negative. So with respect to
important in this case and there is enough time for charging the fuzzy rules of Table II, EVs with SOC of higher than 50%
EVs. By applying this step load to all the areas, it is found begin to discharge to the grid.

Fig. 15. RMS values of frequency deviations by increasing total number of

EVs; A) Proposed method, B) Dumb charging.

Fig. 16. SOCs of EVs batteries after applying step load to all areas.
Fig. 14. Frequency deviations due to applying a big load to the grid;
A) Area 1, B) Area 2, C) Area 3.
higher than 50% would not reach 50% exactly; however, they
are discharged to the grid. In this case study, one group of
EVs is assumed for each area. Initial SOC of EVs and their
capacities are given in Table IX. Fig. 16 shows the SOCs of
each group of EVs after applying step load to all the areas for
7200 seconds (2 h). It can be seen that EVs with the SOCs
of higher than 50% discharge to the grid and their SOCs are
reduced to 50% and EVs with SOC of below 50% reach 50%
after 2 h approximately. The SOCs of EVs with 50% initial
If frequency deviation is assumed to be negative for enough SOC do not change and remain at 50%.
time, EV batteries have the SOCs of higher than 50% dis-
charge until reaching 50%. When frequency deviation of the
area enters the triangular membership function of Z (accord- H. Case Study 8
ing to Fig. 7(A)), EVs batteries with the SOC of less than To investigate the performance of the proposed method for
50% begin to charge according to the fuzzy rules of Table II. the charging of EVs with different desired final SOCs, a two
This process continues until SOCs of batteries reaches 50%. area test system is assumed. In this case, it is supposed that
If after applying step load, frequency deviation is not negative there are two EVs in area 2 with the same battery capacity
for enough time, the SOC of EVs batteries with the SOCs of equaling 30 kWh and the same initial SOCs equaling 45% and


are shown. It can be seen that SOC of EV 1 reaches 60% in

the steady state, but SOC of EV 2 reaches 50% at last.

I. Case Study 9
To make a comparison, the proposed method is compared
with an optimized PI controller in terms of charging EVs.
PI controller is optimized by ICA algorithm. For this purpose,
a two area system as above is considered and it is assumed that
there is an EV with initial SOC equals to 55% in area 1 and
an EV with initial SOC equals to 45% in area 2. The battery
capacity of both EVs is supposed to be 30 kWh. Changes of
Fig. 17. SOCs of EV 1 and EV 2. SOCs of EVs by using the proposed method and the optimized
PI controller in the period of about 3 h are shown in Fig. 18A
and 18B, respectively. With respect to Fig. 18A, it can be
seen that the SOC of EV with 55% initial SOC is reduced
and reaches 50% and the SOC of EV with 45% initial SOC is
increased and reaches 50% approximately. However, by using
the optimized PI controller (as can be seen in Fig. 18(B)),
there is no control on the SOCs of batteries so that SOCs of
EVs are reduced almost continuously.

In this paper, in order to grid frequency control in the pres-
ence of EVs in a smart deregulated power system, a new V2G
method was proposed. In this method, EVs are controlled by
an optimized fuzzy logic controller. Two variables of SOC of
batteries and grid frequency deviation are considered as inputs
of optimized fuzzy controller. With respect to these inputs and
the considered membership functions and fuzzy rules, charge
or discharge power of EVs is determined. To investigate the
proposed controller in control of grid frequency, deregulated
modified IEEE 39-bus system in the presence of EV charg-
ing stations and solar energies was assumed. For frequency
analysis, this system was converted into a three area system.
Simulations were carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK envi-
ronment. The results of the simulations illustrated that by using
the proposed method, frequency and tie line power deviations
Fig. 18. Changes of SOCs of EVs; A) With proposed method, B) With
of system were reduced considerably. To make a comparison,
optimized PI controller. the proposed method was compared with the V2G controller
of Ref. [8]. It was illustrated that the proposed method had
better performance in the control of frequency deviations than
there is no EV in area 1. It is assumed that EV 1 needs 60% V2G controller of Ref. [8].
final SOC and the desired final SOC of EV 2 is 50%. Since In another section of the paper, performance of the pro-
EV 1 needs a different final SOC from 50%, different fuzzy posed controller in control of SOC of batteries in steady state
rules are used for it. In Table X, these fuzzy rules are given. was discussed. It was shown that, by applying step load in
For EV 2 that needs 50% final SOC, fuzzy rules of Table II all the areas, EVs batteries with the initial SOC of higher
are employed. In Fig. 17, the changes of SOCs of both EVs than 50% began to discharge, batteries with the initial SOC

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