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Salivary enzymes

Howard. H . Chauncey, P h.D .* Boston, Mass.

A high positive correlation has been T able 1 contains a listing and classifica­
found between severe periodontal disease tion of the better known enzymes.
and high protease activity in human sub­ From am ong the enzymes which have
jects. Although the exact role that pro­ been classified as carbohydrases, amylase
teases play in the initiation and progres­ is undoubtedly the best known. This
sion of periodontal disease is not clear, enzyme is one of the three in this cate­
a review of the literature leads to the gory th a t are known to be secreted by
the salivary glands. W hereas there is
following theory: Salivary proteases, little inform ation available concerning
alone or acting syngergistically with the ability of oral microorganisms to
hyaluronidase, are capable of penetrat­ attack starch, fortunately, or perhaps u n ­
ing oral epithelium in areas of irritation fortunately, the literature abounds with
and lysing the collagen fibers and ground studies on the amylase content of whole
substance in the underlying connective saliva. H u m an saliva exhibits consider­
tissue. This could render a region more able variation in amylase activity.1'4
susceptible to bacterial invasion. Pickerill5 was am ong the first to note th at
the amylase content of mixed saliva in­
creased as the secretion rate increased.
T his phenom enon, however, is in con­
tradiction to later observations8 which
Saliva is a complex m ixture of liquid and indicate th a t the enzyme titers of the
particulate m atter which originates from pure glandular secretions are independ­
several sources. T herefore, it becomes ent of the rate of flow. This latter find­
requisite th a t aspects other th an a ing is supported by a recent study of
simple biochemical analysis of this heter­ Schneyer’s7 in w hich the amylase con­
ogenous m ixture be evaluated in the tent of parotid, submaxillary and sub­
study of salivary enzymes. Before any lingual saliva was measured. Schneyer
attem pt can be m ade to understand the noted th a t the amylase content of these
influence of enzymes on the physiological three fluids, particularly the parotid
processes occurring in the oral cavity, the which contained four times as much
function, origin, characteristics and in­ amylase as the submaxillary and sublin­
terrelation of these enzymes m ust be gual secretions, was n o t affected by-
determ ined. A t present m ore th an 30 varying the rate of flow. Schneyer8 has
enzymes have been found in saliva. found, also, th a t whole saliva collected

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