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1. The first workhouse in England (1557-1558)

a. Singsing Prison c. Alcatraz
b. Bridewell d. Walnut Street Journal

2. B.J.M.P. is under the administration of the:

a. Executive Department c. P.N.P.
b. D.I.L.G. d. None of these

3. The basis of this school of penology is human freewill.

a. Penology School c. Classical School
b. Neo-Classical d. Positivist

4. Takes charge of financial affairs particularly in accounting, budgeting and other related activities by the
consolidation of financial reports and statements of subsistence outlays and disbursements in the operation
of the jail.
a. Budget and Finance Branch c. General Services Branch
b. Property and Supply Branch d. Mass Services Branch

5. Operation conducted by the BJMP wherein the prisoner may be searched at any time to look for contrabands.
a. Check and Balance c. S.O.P
b. Inventory d. Operation Greyhound

6. The first international cooperation with respect to the prevention of crime and the treatment of convicted
offenders in 1875 is _________.
a. American Correctional Association
b. Philippine Correctional Association
c. Correctional Association of the Philippines
d. International Penal and Penitentiary Commission

7. This service provide the most extensive diagnostic and treatment activities which generally include the
functions of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and auxiliary personnel to cater to the needs of
convicts who are with deep seated emotional problems.
a. Diagnostic Services c. Case Work
b. Medical Services d. Clinical Services

8. A person who is detained for the violation of law, while the case is pending in court.
a. Detention prisoner c. City prisoner
b. Municipal prisoner d. Provincial prisoner

9. It is responsible for carrying out the treatment programs of the prisoners.

a. Warden c. Disciplinary Board
b. Classification Committee d. Chaplain

10. Section 18, P.D. No. 608, provides that there is hereby created under the Department of Justice (DoJ) an
agency to be known as ____________.
a. Probation Administration c. Parole Administration
b. Secretary of DoJ d. Child and Welfare Code

11. It is that branch of administration of Criminal Justice System charged with the responsibility for the custody,
supervision and rehabilitation of convicted offenders.
a. Conviction c. Corrections
b. Penalty d. Punishment

12. This is also called guidance or case conference where the prisoner after undergoing all tests and interviews,
appear before the Center’s staff to plan out his tentative rehabilitation program.
a. Admissions procedure c. Exit conference
b. Guidance and counselling d. Staff conference


13. A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine of not more than one
thousand pesos or both.
a. City prisoner c. Insular prisoner
b. National prisoner d. Municipal prisoner

14. Is that kind of prison discipline applied after an offense has been committed, in these cases punishment does
not deter violations.
a. Positive discipline c. Strict discipline
b. Negative discipline d. Leniency

15. This is a form of group vengeance as distinguished from retribution, where punishment is exacted publicly for
the purpose of appeasing the social group.
a. Protection c. Deterrence
b. Retribution d. Expiation

16. In prison, it is commonly thought of as a procedure to prevent riots, escapes and disorders and the
punishments for those involved.
a. Punishment c. Preventive discipline
b. Control d. Discipline

17. Are prisoners who cannot be trusted in open conditions and pose less danger to society if they escape.
a. Minimum security prisoners c. Maximum security prisoners
b. Medium security prisoners d. Detention prisoners

18. In determining whether an offender may be placed under probation, the court shall consider all information
relative to which of the following?
a. All of these c. Antecedent and environment
b. Character d. Mental and physical condition

19. This practice in punishing convicted offenders effectively replaced corporal punishment.
a. Imprisonment c. Public Humiliation
b. Death penalty d. Flogging

20. This kind of punishment was given to the offender to show others what would happen to them if they
committed a heinous crime.
a. Protection c. Deterrence
b. Lethal injection d. Stoning

21. For amnesty to be granted, there should be:

a. Recommendation from the UN
b. Application
c. Recommendation from the CHR
d. Concurrence of Congress

22. The highest official of the Bureau of Corrections.

a. Director c. Secretary
b. Chief Executive d. Prison Inspector

23. No prisoner shall be made to serve more than ____.

a. 2 times c. 3 times
b. 4 times d. 5 times

24. It plays a unique role in the moral and spiritual regeneration of man.
a. Vocation c. Work
b. Education d. Religion

25. It is the penalty where a convicted person shall not be permitted to enter the place designated in the sentence,
or within the radius specified therein which shall not be more than 250 meters and not less than 25 meters.
a. Segregation c. Destierro
b. Fine d. Imprisonment

26. The ____ century maybe considered as the period of transition from corporal punishment to imprisonment.


a. 16th
b. 17th
c. 15th
d. 18th

27. This law provides that life sentence shall be automatically reduced to 30 years.
a. PD 603 c. RA 2849
b. EO 343 d. RA 9165

28. Probation may not be revoked unless;

a. A hearing is held c. Notice is given
b. All of these d. A violation is alleged

29. The type of working detention who is not entitled to full time service.
a. Recidivist c. Lazy prisoners
b. Sexual deviates d. Homosexuals

30. The period of deducted sentence granted to a prisoner who escaped on the occasion of disorder arising from
conflagration, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or any catastrophe where he voluntarily returns and
surrenders within 48 hours following the proclamation announcing the termination of such disorder.
a. 2/5 reduction of sentence c. 1/3 reduction of sentence
b. ¼ reduction of sentence d. 1/5 reduction of sentence

31. The most common problem of the national prison;

a. Excessive number of escapees c. Overcrowding
b. Idleness d. Lack of adequate funding

32. Nobody can assume suffering for a crime committed by others.

a. Commensurate c. Personal
b. Legal d. Certain

33. Article 70 of the RPC, provides that in applying its provisions, the duration of sentence of a life termer is;
a. 20 years c. 40 years
b. 30 years d. 15 years

34. Formerly, pardon was applied and granted to any member of a _______ who committed crimes and offenses
against the authority of the King.
a. Royal family c. Rebellious family
b. Mendicant family d. Indigent family

35. Probation is a condition privilege an act of mercy by the judge which has not been earned by the defendant,
and such probation can simply be withdrawn in any condition if the privilege is violated by the probationer.
a. Contract Theory c. Consistent Theory
b. Grace Theory d. Custody Theory

36. It is a procedure by which prisoners are selected for release on the basis of individual response to the
correctional and rehabilitation programs within the institution by which they are provided with the necessary
controls and guidance as they serve the remainder of their sentence within the free community.
a. Pardon c. Amnesty
b. Parole d. Conditional pardon

37. It is the punishment and treatment model of prisons established in 1820 by which communication among the
inmates was next to impossible, since prisoners are individually isolated.
a. Mark system c. Irish system
b. Auburn system d. Pennsylvania system

38. It was built in 1704 by Pope Clement XI for incorrigible boys and persons under30.
a. Hospice of San Michelle c. Irish System
b. Maison de Force d. Auburn system

39. Parole is granted by the:


a. President c. Board of Pardon and Parole
b. Director of BuCorr d. Court

40. A person who is sentenced to serve imprisonment for not more than 6 months.
a. Insular prisoner c. City prisoner
b. Provincial prisoner d. Municipal prisoner

41. This is a procedure which allows a jail prisoner to pursue his normal job during the week and return to the
jail to serve his sentence during weekends and non-working hours.
a. Amnesty c. Probation
b. Good Conduct Time Allowance d. Delayed sentence

42. Probation proceeds on the theory that the best way to pursue this goal is to extend the criminal sanction
towards the _____ in sentencing.
a. Community setting c. None of these
b. Individual setting d. Prison setting

43. He established the Borstal Prison which was known as the finest institution for young offender.
a. Macanochie c. Sir Walter Crofton
b. Zebulon Reed Brockway d. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise

44. A recipient of absolute pardon is ____ from civil liability imposed upon him by the sentence.
a. Partially exempted c. Exempted
b. Conditionally exempted d. Not exempted

45. It is an act of clemency which changes a heavier sentence to a less serious one or a longer tern to a shorter
a. Pardon c. Commutation
b. Probation d. None of these

46. This are the group of prisoners who may be allowed to work outside the fence under guard escorts generally
employed as agricultural workers.
a. Medium security prisoners c. Maximum security prisoners
b. Minimum security prisoner d. Super security prisoners

47. Aside from the court, these are other authorities who can commit a person to jail; except
a. The Board of Indeterminate Sentence
b. None of These
c. Deportation Board
d. Police Authorities

48. Can a probationer pursue a prescribed secular study or vocational training while on probation?
a. Neither c. None of these
b. No d. Yes

49. All persons in custody shall before final conviction be entitled to bail as a matter of ____________;
a. Preference c. Right
b. Privilege d. Choice

50. The Bureau of Corrections is under the -

b. DOJ d. DOH

51. It is the authority of the President of the Philippines to suspend the execution of the penalty, reduce the
sentence and extinguish criminal liability.
a. Parole c. Executive Clemency
b. Pardon d. President’s Clemency

52. There are three (3) casework techniques applied by the parole office, which one is not?
a. The trick or treat technique
b. The executive technique
c. The manipulative technique


d. The manipulative technique

53. This helps the prisoner/detainee in the resolution of his problems.

a. Meeting c. Working
b. Recreation d. Counselling

54. A person can be considered an inmate if:

a. he has committed a crime c. bodyguard of the warden
b. barkada of the barnagay d. he is a police asset

55. He introduced the “Progressive of Mark System” of penal management granting privileges, and service
reduction leading to a ticket to leave.
a. Sir Evelyn Ruggles Brise c. Sir Walter Crofton
b. Alexander Macanochie d. Zebulon Brockway Reed

56. Pardon cannot be extended to one of the following instances.

a. Rebellion c. Coup D’ Etat
b. Plunder d. Impeachment

57. It refers to commission of another crime during the service of sentence of penalty imposed for another
previous offense.
a. Recidivism c. Delinquency
b. Quasi-recidivism d. “Concurso De Delito”

58. The only instance when a prisoner maybe given passes or leaves from jails or places of confinement, as maybe
allowed by law, regulation upon approval of the appropriate authority, or the court, if already committed by
court order and upon recommendation of the warden.
a. On recognizance
b. Very meritorious cases
c. When he puts bail for his temporary release and liberty
d. All of these

59. A model in correctional history that had been successful for young boys and girls in the earlier house of
refuge and training that was adopted for older offenders.
a. Family model c. Reform model
b. Penitence model d. Rehabilitation model

60. It detains minimum custody offenders serving short sentences with constructive work programs by providing
employment to prisoners, remedial services and constructive leisure time activities.
a. Provincial jails c. Workhouse, jail camps, camp house
b. Ordinary jails d. Lock-up

61. Pardon cannot be exercised in which of the following instances?

a. before conviction c. before trial
b. after conviction d. both A and C

62. This prison system implemented confinement of inmates in their cells for day and night.
a. Auburn System c. Pennsylvania System
b. Borstal d. Alcatraz

63. This system was evaluated as more advantageous because prisoners can be more efficient and increase
output when they work in groups instead of working alone.
a. Maison de force c. Auburn System
b. Irish System d. Pennsylvania System

64. An innovation in serving sentences where the inmate pursues a normal job during the week and returns to
the jail to serve non-working hours and weekends.
a. Amnesty c. Good conduct time allowance
b. Probation d. Delayed sentence

65. The central goal of the probation administration is to enhance the safety of the community by reducing the
incident of criminal acts by person’s ______________.


a. To be convicted c. Just been convicted
b. Previously convicted d. Not yet convicted

66. Signed the Law R.A. 968. An act establishing Probation in the Philippines.
a. Juan Ponce Enrile c. Ramon Bagatsing Sr.
b. Ferdinand E. Marcos d. Teodulo C. Natividad

67. Pardon is given when the person is___________.

a. already convicted c. not yet convicted
b. about to be convicted d. serving the sentence

68. The Primary Purpose of Probation.

a. Rehabilitation c. Retribution
b. Welfare of the Community d. Punitive Sanction

69. It is used to discover and put into service other resources in the community in order to supplement the effort
of the probation officer.
a. Manipulative technique c. Neihgborhood technique
b. Leadership technique d. Executive technique

70. For a convicted offender, probation is a form of ___________.

a. Punishment c. Treatment
b. Enjoyment d. Incarceration

71. It is a model in correctional history which treats criminality as a breakdown of the family and community.
a. Penitence model c. Family model
b. Punishment model d. Auburn system

72. What is the purpose of the waiting period in granting absolute pardon to restore the political and civil rights of
the offender released from prison?
a. to give time to the offender to think
b. to allow the released prisoner suffer the consequences of his criminal act
c. none of these
d. to give the offender an opportunity to demonstrate that he has established a new pattern of good conduct.

73. The presidential decree that suspends the sentence of minor offenders whose ages range from nine (9) to
under eighteen (18) and place them in rehabilitation centers.
a. PD 923 c. PD 603
b. PD 968 d. PD 1203

74. The BJMP is provided by the government with the food allowance of offenders for three meals per day in the
amount of _____.
a. 30 Pesos/day c. 25 Pesos/day
b. 22 Pesos/day d. 19 Pesos/day

75. What law can be considered the second Probation Law in the Philippine which is intended only for minors?
a. PD 968 c. PD 6425
b. RA 4221 d. PD 603

76. Historic signing of PD 968 which transported Philippine Criminal Justice System to the 20 th Century.
a. July 24, 1976 c. July 28, 1976
b. August 7, 1899 d. June 13, 1987

77. Punishing a criminal to serve as an example to others is a theory of ___________.

a. Self-defense c. Social defense

b. Exemplarity d. Equality

78. ________ of prisoners are aimed to prevent moral and physical contamination of inmates and to thwart
unnecessary custodial risks.
a. Classification c. None of these


b. Imprisonment d. Segregation

79. The following are purposes of commutation, Except:

a. to save the life of a person sentenced to death
b. none of these
c. to extend clemency in cases where parole or probation does not apply
d. to break the rigidity of the law

80. The purpose of the decree on probation shall be to:

a. Provide an opportunity for the reformation of an offender which might be less probable if he were to serve
a prison sentence
b. Prevent the commission of offenses
c. All of these
d. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an offender by providing him with individualized treatment.

81. In case of conflicting orders, the order given by the _____ is obeyed.
a. Highest in rank c. Immediate superior
b. Commanding officer d. Higher officer

82. These are factors considered in diversification, except:

a. Age of offenders c. Mother of offender
b. Sex of offenders d. Medical condition

83. When shall probation take effect?

a. three days after issuance of probation order
b. three days prior to issuance of probation order
c. immediately upon issuance of probation order
b. 72 hours after its issuance of probation order

84. This branch takes charge of the preparation of the daily menu, food purchases, preparing, cooking and
serving the food of the inmates on a day to day basis.
a. General services branch c. Mittimus computing branch
b. Budget and finance branch d. Mess services branch

85. It is a justification for punishment which claims that certain things can be done after the person has served
his sentence will not want to commit another offense.
a. Incapacitation c. Deterrence

b. Rehabilitation d. Retribution

86. It is a temporary stay of execution of sentence.

a. Reprieve c. Pardon

b. Commutation d. Amnesty

87. It is not to be considered as a punishment when used to prevent an inmate from influencing witnesses or of
preventing injury to himself or others.
a. Counsel and reprimand c. Loss of Privilege

b. Solitary Confinement d. Loss of Good Time

88. This group consists of chronic troublemakers but not as dangerous as the super security prisoners, since
they are not allowed to work outside the institution.
a. maximum security prisoners c. super security prisoners

b. minimum security prisoners d. medium security prisoners

89. It is the factor used mostly for the diversification of correctional institutions.


a. Degree of custody c. Sex
b. Age d. Medical and Mental condition

90. It is a program of graduated release designed to reduce the severity of abrupt discharge into the community
from the institutional life.
a. Re-entry program c. group counselling

b. Conjugal visits d. Psychodrome program

91. Inmates who commits suicide are considered as in any of the following:
a. Liability of the jail administration

b. No liability because inmate is insane

c. Liability of the sentencing court

d. Liability of the inmate himself

92. Amnesty is granted by whom:

a. Commission on Human Rights c. Legislative

b. Chief Executive d. Judiciary

93. It is one of the earliest devise for softening brutal severity of punishment trough compromise with the church.
a. Parole c. Benefit of the clergy

b. Public humiliation d. Amnesty

94. Under this Law, Offenders who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the service of
their sentence consisting of deprivation of liberty, with the full time during which they have undergone
preventive imprisonment, if the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners
a. RA 6063 c. RA 7371

b. RA 7137 d. RA 6127

95. ___________ is an act of grace and the recipient is not entitled to it as a matter of right.
a. Pardon c. Parole

b. Probation d. None of these

96. Upon the assumption of the IPPC’s work, the United Nations preferred to identify its activities and programs
under the broader concept of _____________.
a. Social justice c. Social offense

b. Social defense d. Juvenile justice

97. In probation system’s philosophy and concept, it is stated that the individual has the ability to ________, and
to modify his anti-social behaviour with the right kind of help.
a. Challenge c. None of these

b. Change d. Aggravate his behaviour

98. It is practiced under English common law whereby judge could suspend the imposition or execution of a
sentence on condition of good behaviour on the part of the offender.
a. PD 603 c. Recognize of good behaviour


b. Benefits of Clergy d. Judicial Reprieve

99. It is one which will relieve inmate’s feeling of insecurity about his situation; it is likewise essential in effecting
new changes which affect the masses or inmate population.
a. Good communication c. Food and recreation

b. Conjugal leave d. All of these

100. A person who is sentenced to serve a prison term of over three(3) years is a-
a. Municipal prisoner c. National or Insular prisoner

d. Detention prisoner d. City prisoner


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