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Recruiting people who are wrong for the organisation can lead to

increased labour turnover, increased costs for the organisation, and

lowering of morale in the existing workforce. Such people are likely to
be discontented, unlikely to give of their best, and end up leaving
voluntarily or involuntarily when their unsuitability becomes evident.
They will not offer the flexibility and commitment that many
organisations seek. Managers and supervisors will have to spend extra
time on further recruitment exercises, when what is needed in the first
place is a systematic process to assess the role to be filled, and the
type of skills and abilities needed to fill it.

Most recruitment systems will be simple, with stages that can be

followed as a routine whenever there is a vacancy to be filled, and
which can be monitored and adapted in the light of experience.

This booklet describes the main features of such systems, and other
related issues. Systems should be:

• efficient - cost effective in methods and sources

• effective - producing enough suitable candidates without excess
and ensuring the identification of the best fitted for the job and
the organisation
• fair - ensuring that right through the process decisions are made
on merit alone.

The importance of fairness

The employer has the legal responsibility to ensure that no unlawful

discrimination occurs in the recruitment and selection process on the
grounds of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, and religion or
belief. Equality of opportunity is an integral part of the recruitment and
selection process, and to this end employers may offer training and
encouragement to any under-represented groups. Examples include
pre-application assistance for those who do not have English as their
first language, or management development training for women where
they are under-represented in management grades (1).

Job advertisements may also state that the employer encourages

applications from those groups that are under- represented in the

Employees and their representatives will also have an interest in fair,

non-discriminatory recruitment and selection policies, and they should
be fully consulted when new procedures are introduced or existing
procedures reviewed. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race
Relations Act 1976, the Employment Equality Regulations (covering
sexual orientation, religion or belief, and age) and the Disability
Discrimination Act 1995 set out the legal requirements for employers.

Organisations should be aware that the provisions of the Disability

Discrimination Act 1995 not only make it unlawful to discriminate
against disabled individuals without justifiable reason but also require
employers to make reasonable adjustments to the workplace or
working arrangements. Detailed guidance is available in the Code of
Practice on the elimination of discrimination in employment. This can
be obtained from The Stationery Office (2).

The Acas Equality Direct helpline (tel: 08456 00 34 44) can give advice
on the best ways of implementing an equal opportunities policy.

Advice is also offered to employers in small and medium sized

organisations through the Business Link service (4) and through Acas
training (5).

Human resource planning

Recruiters need to keep abreast of changes in the labour market to

ensure that their recruitment efforts are not wasted or directed at too
small a pool of labour. Skill shortages may occur unexpectedly and
recruitment and training processes need to be kept flexible. It is a
good idea for any organisation to plan its labour force requirements,
matching available supply against forecast demand. A skills audit of
existing staff will increase knowledge of the skills the organisation has
available and those which are lacking, and thus help pinpoint areas for
future development.

A human resource plan need not be highly complicated. A

straightforward plan will help organisations to:

• assess future recruitment needs

• formulate training programmes
• develop promotion and career development policies
• anticipate and, where possible, avoid redundancies
• develop a flexible workforce to meet changing requirements
• control staff costs whilst ensuring salaries remain competitive
• assess future requirements for capital equipment, technology
and premises.
Management is responsible for producing the human resource plan,
senior management for supporting it. Implementation is likely to be
most effective if it carries the support of the workforce, normally
achieved through consultation with trade union or other employee

Producing a human resource plan involves:

• forecasting staffing requirements against business objectives

• assessing the available supply of people to meet those
• matching available supply against forecast demand (6).

Information on current employees, labour turnover and the labour

market will help in the formulation of the plan. The Learning and Skills
Council (visit be able to provide general
information on the local labour market in England and on the skills
balance available, as will the local Jobcentres. Local Education
Authorities can assist with information on the numbers of school and
college leavers.

Labour markets and the labour force

In times of changing labour markets, organisations need to adapt their

recruitment and retention policies to allow them to compete more
effectively for staff, particularly those with skills that are in short
supply. The offer of training and development opportunities is often a
strong attraction to potential recruits, and here again the Learning and
Skills Council can offer advice and assistance. Jobcentres, which
administer Government training schemes are another source of advice
and potential recruits.

If recruitment is difficult in certain jobs or skills, consideration may

need to be given to re-designing the job to make it a more attractive
prospect - perhaps by offering a greater variety of tasks, or increased
self-management. Employers also need to encourage a good 'work-life
balance' within the organisation by giving consideration to more
flexible ways of working. Employees with young and disabled children
and the carers if adults, have the right to request flexible working
arrangements - including job-sharing, part-time working, flexi-time,
working from home/teleworking and school time contracts - and
employers must have a good business reason for rejecting any
application. Another possibility is to introduce some more flexible
working arrangements, perhaps job-sharing, part-time working, flexi-
time, working from home/teleworking, and school term-time contracts.
These variations on the 'standard' forms of working will open the
vacancy to people who might otherwise be unable to consider it.
Equally, the offer of assistance with domestic care arrangements and
costs can prove highly attractive to people with these responsibilities.
Many companies are now offering 'family-friendly' policies. These are
often developed in conjunction with local Business Links and Chambers
of Commerce, which can provide examples of good practice.

The balance of the labour force is changing, with some increase in the
numbers of women, young people, and most particularly older workers
available for work. Employers are beginning to give serious
consideration to the employment of older workers, and a voluntary
Code of Practice to counteract ageism in employment has been
introduced by the Government (7). Jobcentres will not accept
vacancies with age limits.

The value of labour market information is that it gives employers some

forecasts from which they can decide how best to plan for future
recruitment. Should the organisation make a positive move to attract
older workers? What might best be done to counter any shortage of
potential recruits with particular skills? Should training new and
existing workers move higher up the priority list in the firm?

Should the organisation make the introduction of family-friendly

policies a priority so as to attract the widest range of suitable staff?
Looking at all the options means that recruitment will be better
targeted and therefore more efficient and effective.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for
employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation”. Recruitment is the
activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are:

 A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins
when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a
pool of applications from which new employees are selected.

 It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing

schedule and to employ effective
measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of
an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of
prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right
candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to
expedite the selection process.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified
applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist.
Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a
specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.


i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.

Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict by
studying trends in internal and external environment.

Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

• Overview

Two important functions of a human resources department are recruitment and selection. Though linked
together in what is generally called the employment discipline of human resources, they are two distinct
functions. The recruitment phase is the initial step for all applicants--once the applicant presents the skills,
knowledge base and qualifications, she moves into candidacy for a position.

• Recruitment

Full-cycle recruiting is a term used by human resources specialists who manage the recruitment process
from start to finish. Full-cycle recruiting begins with sourcing candidates, which means looking for
prospective applicants whose qualifications might be suitable for the job openings you have. Sourcing has
evolved in the past several years with the proliferation of job and career sites. Many of the newspapers that
once had pages of job listings in the Sunday edition have been replaced by job sites such as CareerBuilder
and Monster.

• Recruitment Technology

Technology for managing the initial employment process is referred to as an “applicant tracking system.”
These sites are linked to the careers section of a company’s website. When perusing the Internet, many job
seekers prefer to learn more about the company first, before performing a job search through the careers
section. An applicant tracking system is configured according to the employer’s needs. The simplest kinds
merely collect basic information about the applicant and permit the applicant to cut and paste or upload a
resume. More sophisticated systems match the resume qualifications to specific jobs in the database and
suggest matches for which the applicant may want to consider. The recruiter can then access the applicant
information, based on keyword searches and qualifications to determine which applicants would possibly
qualify as candidates.

• Applicant Assessments

Many employers require additional qualifications, such as security clearance, background investigations,
proficiency examinations and other batteries of tests to determine initial suitability. For executive level
positions, the assessment process may include observation of the candidate’s decision-making skills,
interpersonal relationship skills and even business etiquette. There are a myriad of methods used by
recruiters to determine suitability outside a typical review of the applicant’s work record.

• Selection

Once the applicant has become a candidate, it means she has the requisite skills to warrant an investment
of resources necessary to schedule, prepare and conduct an interview. These days interviews are one of the
most important factors in the selection process because the recruiter and hiring manager are looking at
more than what can the candidate do for the company. They are looking for soft skills the candidate may
have in terms of building teams, working in collaboration with other professionals, and what the candidate
can bring to the company that no other candidate can. Interviews may be one-on-one for administrative and
support positions; however, candidates for management and director level positions can expect to be panel
interviewed and judged on their capability to interact with a variety of personalities while presenting her
qualifications in a manner that sells her capabilities to the prospective employer.

• Final Decision

The final decision to extend an offer of employment should come from the employment section of the human
resources department. While the hiring manager or directors involved in the interview process are ultimately
the people to whom the prospective employee will report, the employment specialists have the expertise and
knowledge to process the final steps in the hiring process. There are employment laws that every
employment specialist must follow--eligibility to work is one of the hottest topics in employment, particularly
with visas, lotteries for work permits and permanent resident cards that validate a non-U.S. citizen's right to
work in the U.S. Finally, the new employee's orientation, new hire documents and initial paperwork is
provided by the employment specialists
World Steel Industry: Steel, the recycled material is one of the top products
in the manufacturing sector of the world. The Asian countries have their
respective dominance in the production of the steel all over the world. India
being one among the fastest growing economics of the world has been
considered as one of the potential global steel hub internationalization
policies all over the world, the World steel industry is growing very fast.

Steel Industry is a booming industry in the whole world. The increasing

demand for it was mainly generated by the development projects that has
been going on along the world, especially the infrastructural works and real
estate projects that has been on the boom around the developing countries.

Steel industry is becoming more and more competitive with every passing
day. During the period 1960s to late 1980s, the steel market used to be
dominated by OECD (organization for Economic cooperation and
development) countries. But with the fast emergence of developing countries
like china, India, and south Korea in this sector has led to slipping market
share of OECD countries. The balance of trade line is also tilting towards
these countries.

The main demand creators for steel industry are automobile industry,
construction industry, infrastructure industry, oil & gas industry, and
container industry.

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