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Pilar National Comprehensive Highschool

Quarter 3 – Module 6

Performance Task

Activity 3: My Research Topic/ Problem and Title

Direction: Based on the STEM areas and corresponding topics/ problems that were
identified in Activity 2, choose the research topic with the highest score. Write a
corresponding research title for it.

STEM Research Area:

Organic Chemistry

STEM Research Topic / Problem:

Using Plum Extract and Rice Leftovers as the Alternative Ink Ingredients for Markers

STEM Research Title:

The Effectiveness of Plum Extract and Rice Leftover as the Alternative Natural Ink
Ingredients for Markers

Direction:Go back to the Research topic/problem and the corresponding research title
that you were able to make in Activity 3. Answer the self-check provided below. Check
Yes if you have successfully followed each indicator, otherwise check No.

Indicators Yes No
A. Research Topic
1.The topic/problem is relevant to the stem field and
appropriate to the target audience.
2.The topic/problem is interesting.
3.The topic/problem is manageable and doable with
the semester.
4.The topic/problem has available resources.
B. Research Title
5.The title is quantitative in nature.
6.The title is concise and summarize the main
idea of the study.
7. The use of phrases like “A Study of...,” and An
Investigation of...,” is avoided.
8. If the proposed study is not an evaluation
study, the time or year of the study is not
9. Unnecessary abbreviations are not used.
10. the title contains the respondents, setting, and
the variables used in the study.

Quarter 3 – Module 7


Performance Task
Activity 3: Writing the Background of the Study
Direction: Recall the research topic/problem and the title that you have crafted in the
last module. Search for the relevant print and online sources. Write the background of
your research by showing the establishment of the research gap and emphasizing the
possible contributions of your identified STEM-related research study to address the
said gap.

STEM Research Topic / Problem:

Using Plum Extract and Rice Leftovers as the Alternative Ink Ingredients for Markers

STEM Research Title:

The Effectiveness of Plum Extract and Rice leftover as the Alternative Natural Ink
Ingredients for Markers

Background of The Study:

Ink is a pigmented liquid or gel that is used to create messages, images, and
designs with the use of a pen, brush, marker, or quill. It has long been a necessary
component of writing, sketching, and even printing. In ancient times, it served a great
contribution to our ancestors in terms of communication and handing on informations
through writing down essential records of the past.

With a constant evolution in the development of inks, its components are now
mostly made of synthetic substances such as petroleum and chemical solvents that
may cause health-related problems, and adverse effects on the environment. Ink
poisoning may occur when the users accidentally ingested it, and when it comes into
contact with their eyes. Furthermore, petroleums, which contain volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) can be detrimental to the environment, wildlife and people.
Almost every product in today's modern world has been commercialized
including inks, and consumers have begun to seek out products that are more natural
and less expensive.

It is in this light that this research was conducted to create an alternative ink and
determine its effectiveness using natural materials as its main component which are the
Plum extract and Rice leftovers along with the vinegar and salt as its additives. This will
turn out to be more health and eco-friendly, and cost-competitive ink.

Plum (Prunus domestica) is an edible fruit that is widely known for its use as a
dye in fabrics, hair, and so forth. The researchers think that Plum has a great potential
in giving quality color to the ink due to its tanning color. Besides, the researchers seek
to know if the finely pounded Rice leftovers may be effective in enhancing the thickness
of ink so that it will not dissipate when use in writing, and if the ink will stick longer to the
paper. The researchers decided to test the effectiveness of these said natural
ingredients in the alternative ink production.
Direction:Go back to the background of the study that you had written in Activity 3.
Answer the self-check provided below. Check Yes if you have successfully followed
each indicator, otherwise check No.


Indicators Yes No
A. Research Topic
1.The research background is written from the general
to specific context.
2. The background of the study contains a brief
rationale regarding the research topic or problem.
3.An objective and accurate presentations of the
current and conventional practices are included.
4.The research gap is established.
5.The proposed study can fill the research gap.
6.The background of the study emphasize the
possible contributions of your identified STEM-
related research study to address the said gap.

Quarter 3 – Module 8

Performance Task

Activity 3: Writing the Background of the Study

Direction: Based from the activities 1 & 2, come up with your general research problem
and list three or four specific research questions (Note. You can have your research
questions that you asked/written in the previous activity, if you think it is anchored in the
guidelines you have provided in Activity 2).

STEM Research Title:

The Effectiveness of Plum Extract and Rice leftover as the Alternative Natural Ink
Ingredients for Markers

General Problem/Questions:
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Plum extract and Rice leftover as the
alternative natural ink ingredients. Furthermore, the researchers sought to answer the
following questions:

Specific Research Questions:

1. Is the mixture of Plum extract and Rice leftover as natural ink components effective in terms

a. Color
b. Paper absorption
c. Viscosity

2. How do the quality of Plum extracts and Rice leftovers affect the following:

a. Color
b. Odor
c. Rate of vaporization
d. Paper absorption

3. What will be the significant difference between the natural inks and commercialized inks in
terms of Odor, Color, Rate of vaporization, and Paper Absorption?

Direction: Complete the table below by checking YES if you agree with questions and
NO if you do not agree. If your answers in the table are all YES then skip table 2 and
proceed to the next activity. If not, you may go over with the activities in the explore
section and complete table 2.

Table 1. Checklist in Formulating Research Questions


1 Is the research title a STEM-related problem?
2 Do the guidelines follow in formulating the research
3 Are the research questions appropriate to the STEM-
related problem/topic?
4 Are the research questions quantitative in nature?
5 Do you think qualitative elements in your STEM-related
title will provide meaning to the numbers or statistical
data will be analyzed?
Quarter 3 – Module 9


Performance Task


This study primarily focuses on the making of a natural ink with a Plum extract
and Rice Leftover as its alternative components. This experiment aims to examine the
effectiveness of the said components as ink ingredients for markers in terms of color,
paper absorption, and viscosity, including its defined qualities and significant differences
from a commercialized ink. This study limits its coverage on the discussion of a natural
ink production, chemical testing of the sample ink, and the impact of natural inks on the

Out of more than 3,000 students of Pilar National Comprehensive High School,
30 Senior High School students were chosen as respondents to test the acceptability
and quality of the natural ink with Plum extract and Rice leftover as the components of
ink for markers. This study was conducted at Pilar National Comprehensive High School
for the school year 2020-2021.
Direction: Complete the table below by checking YES if you agree with questions and
NO if you do not agree. If your answers in the table are all YES then skip table 2 and
proceed to the next activity. If not, you may go over with the activities in the explore
section and complete table 2.

Table 1. Checklist in Writing Scope & Delimitation


1 Is the topic of investigation and the variables included?
2 Are the general objectives of the research there?
3 Is the time frame by which the study was conducted
4 Is the venue/setting/locale/area of the research
5 Is the subject/participants of the study, the population
and sampling included?
6 Are the research design, methodology and the research
instrument included?
Quarter 3 – Module 10


Performance Task


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Plum extract and Rice leftover as the
alternative natural ink ingredients. Furthermore, the researchers sought to answer the following

1. Is the mixture of Plum extract and Rice leftover as natural ink components effective in terms
a. Color
b. Paper absorption
c. Viscosity

2. How do the quality of Plum extracts and Rice leftovers affect the following:
a. Color
b. Odor
c. Rate of vaporization
d. Paper absorption

3. What will be the significant difference between the natural inks and commercialized inks in
terms of Odor, Color, Rate of vaporization, and Paper Absorption?
Significance of the Study

This study is significant to the following:

USERS- This study would be very beneficial to the users of markers. This study provides many
advantages to them, such as they would have recycled and cheaper way of having an ink for
their markers.

HOUSEHOLD- This study will be useful for our household necessity because the rice leftover
will be utilized again.

AGRICULTURE- This study provides plum farmers and planters an additional source of income.

OTHER RESEARCHERS-This will help other researchers as that it will serve as additional
information and will add factual concepts for their review of related literature.

Direction: Complete the table below by checking YES if you agree with questions and
NO if you do not agree. If your answers in the table are all YES then skip table 2 and
proceed to the next activity. If not, you may go over with the activities in the explore
section and complete table 2.

Table 1. Checklist in Writing Scope & Delimitation


1 Is the research title a STEM-related?
2 Are the research questions leading to the solution of the
STEM-related problem/title?
3 Is the background of the study focused on the
importance and validity of the problem?
4 Is the Scope & Delimitation discusses the parameters of
the research?
5 Is the Significance of the study specially pinpoints who
will benefit from findings or results of the research?
6 Are the format/criteria in writing/presenting the
statement of the problem followed?

Chapter I


Ink is a pigmented liquid or gel that is used to create messages, images, and
designs with the use of a pen, brush, marker, or quill. It has long been a necessary
component of writing, sketching, and even printing. In ancient times, it served a great
contribution to our ancestors in terms of communication and handing on informations
through writing down essential records of the past.

With a constant evolution in the development of inks, its components are now
mostly made of synthetic substances such as petroleum and chemical solvents that
may cause health-related problems, and adverse effects on the environment. Ink
poisoning may occur when the users accidentally ingested it, and when it comes into
contact with their eyes. Furthermore, petroleums, which contain volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) can be detrimental to the environment, wildlife and people.

Almost every product in today's modern world has been commercialized

including inks, and consumers have begun to seek out products that are more natural
and less expensive.

It is in this light that this research was conducted to create an alternative ink and
determine its effectiveness using natural materials as its main component which are the
Plum extract and Rice leftovers along with the vinegar and salt as its additives. This will
turn out to be more health and eco-friendly, and cost-competitive ink.

Plum (Prunus domestica) is an edible fruit that is widely known for its use as a
dye in fabrics, hair, and so forth. The researchers think that Plum has a great potential
in giving quality color to the ink due to its tanning color. Besides, the researchers seek
to know if the finely pounded Rice leftovers may be effective in enhancing the thickness
of ink so that it will not dissipate when use in writing, and if the ink will stick longer to the
paper. The researchers decided to test the effectiveness of these said natural
ingredients in the alternative ink production.


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Plum extract and Rice leftover
as the alternative natural ink ingredients. Furthermore, the researchers sought to
answer the following questions:

1. Is the mixture of Plum extract and Rice leftover as natural ink components effective in
terms of:
a. Color
b. Paper absorption
c. Viscosity

2. How do the quality of Plum extracts and Rice leftovers affect the following:
a. Color
b. Odor
c. Rate of vaporization
d. Paper absorption

3. What will be the significant difference between the natural inks and commercialized
inks in terms of Odor, Color, Rate of vaporization, and Paper Absorption?


This study primarily focuses on the making of a natural ink with a Plum extract
and Rice leftover as its alternative components. This experiment aims to examine the
effectiveness of the said components as ink ingredients for markers in terms of color,
paper absorption, and viscosity, including its defined qualities and significant differences
from a commercialized ink. This study limits its coverage on the discussion of a natural
ink production, chemical testing of the sample ink, and the impact of natural inks on the
Out of more than 3,000 students of Pilar National Comprehensive High School,
30 Senior High School students were chosen as respondents to test the acceptability
and quality of the natural ink with Plum extract and Rice leftover as the components of
ink for markers. This study was conducted at Pilar National Comprehensive High School
for the school year 2020-2021.


This study is significant to the following:

USERS. This study would be very beneficial to the users of markers. This study
provides many advantages to them, such as they would have recycled and cheaper way
of having an ink for their markers.

HOUSEHOLD. This study will be useful for our household necessity because the rice
leftover will be utilized again.

AGRICULTURE. This study provides plum farmers and planters an additional source of

OTHER RESEARCHERS. This will help other researchers as that it will serve as
additional information and will add factual concepts for their review of related literature.

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