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School Lanton High School Grade Level VII


Teacher Learning Area MAPEH
Teaching Date and
The learner demonstrates understanding of nutrition for a healthy life during adolescence
A. Content Standards
The learner makes informed decisions in the choice of food to eat during adolescence
B. Performance Standards
C. Most Essential Learning The learner makes informed decisions in the choice of food to eat during adolescence
1.Eplain the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating disorder.
D. Objectives
2. Discuss ways of preventing and controlling eating disoreders.
A. Topic Eating Disorders
Eating disorders typically develop during adolescence stage because adolescents are
B. Key Concepts
choosy about the food they eat.
C. Pre-requisite Skills Signs and symptoms of malnutrition and the different micronutrient defeciencies.
A. References MAPEH 7 Self-Learning Module Quarter 2 Module 5
Teacher’s Guide Pages
Learner’s Materials Pages MAPEH 7 Self-Learning Module Quarter 2 Module 5
Textbook Pages
1. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources
1. Websites

2. Books/Journals

C. Materials Laptop, internet connection

ACTIVITY A. Reviewing
lesson or
presenting The teacher presents the following activity to the students to recall the previous lesson:
the new Directions: Complete the table below with the needed information. Choose your answer from
lesson. the choices in the box below. Write

Your answer in your activity notebook

Vitamin A deficiency (VAD)
Anemia and Iron deficiency anemia
Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD)

Micronurtient Prevention
Eat foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, red
meat and
iron fortified food products

Eat foods such as breads, iodized table salt, cheese,

saltwater fish,
Seaweed, shellfish soy milk eggs, frozen yogurt and soy

Eat foods such as animal products, orange and yellow

fruits, dark green
Leafy vegetables, and palm oil.

This activity will give you an overall background and will introduce you to the lesson in this
B. Establishing
a purpose for Directions: Study and analyze the illustration below then answer the questions that follow.
the lesson. Do this in your activity notebook

Based on the illustration, answer the following questions:

1.Describe what you see in the illustration
2.What conclusion can you draw based on the photo.
C. Presenting
examples/ The activity “what do you see” introduces you to the topic EATING DISODERS. These
ANALYSIS instances of refers to psychological illnesses defined by abnormal eating habits that may involve either
the new insufficient or ecessive food intake that may affect or cause damage to an individual’s
lesson. physical and mental health.
Some common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating disorder.

ABSTRACTIO D. Discussing ACTIVITY 1. A closer look to eating disorder.

N new concepts This activity will introduce you to the different eating disorders and their characteristics.
and Enjoy answering this activity.
practicing Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterizedby severe restriction to take foods
new skills. because of fear of gaining weight and become obese.
It is a psychological disorder that affect both physical and emotional aspect of individual.
The characteristics of people who tend to develop anorexia nervosa are outside pressures
high expectations, the need to achieve, and the need to be accepted.
People with anorexia nerosa become malnourished and any cause death in severe stage if
not treated earlier.
Signs and symptoms
*Dry skin
*Brittle Hair
*Loss of body fat
*Irregular heart beat
*Loss of menstruation
*Wasting away muscle tissue

Bulimia is a psychological disorder characterized by consuming a large quantity of food in

a short period of time. People with bulimia disorder are concerned with their weight and
shape of their body.
To avoid gaining weight, people with this disorder take laxatives, induce vomiting, go on
dieting, or do excessive exercise to get rid of the food consumed.
Signs and symptoms
*Damage heart due to starvation
*Damage of kidneys due to laxative abuse
*Serious malnutrition
*Enlarge Stomach
*Tooth enamel injury
*Sores in the mouth
*Throats are often red

Binge Eating disorder is characterized by impulsive eating. People with this disorder loss
control over eating large amount of foods in one setting but they do not eliminate it.
This eating disorder may be an indicator that the person uses foods to eliminate unwanted
emotions to cope depression, and fight stress. Many people with binge eating disorder are
overweight and obese.
Signs and symptoms
*Lack of control one one begin to eat
*Disgust or self-hatred about eating behaviours

1.What is anorexia nervosa?
2.Give the characteristics of people who tend to develop anorexia nervosa?
3.What is Bulimia?
4.Enumerate the characteristics of people with bulimia disorder?
5. What is binge eating disorder?
6. List down the characteristics of people with binge disorder?
E. Developing ACTIVITY 2: Who Am I?
mastery This activity “Who Am I”? will familiarize you on the different eating disorders. Enjoy
(leads to answering the activity.
Formative Directions: Identify the kind of eating disorder base on the description given. Choose your
Assessment answer from the choices below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
Choices: Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia

1.I am an eating disorder characterized by compulsive eating.

2.I am characterized by self imposed starvation leading to ecessive
weight loss.
3.I am a disorder which the clearing of digestive tract follows
cycles of over eating.
The net activity Copy Cut” will introduces you to the different partices that contribute to
the prevention and intervention to avoid eating disorders.

Directions: For each item, write COPY if given practice help prevent eating disorders and
F. Finding write CUT if it doesn’t prevent eating disorder. Write your answer in your activity notebook.
applications ______1.Avoid skipping meals.
of concepts ______2.Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
and skills in ______3.Eat regularly-timed meals consisting of variety of foods in enough quantity
daily living. ______4.Eat more high fiber foods.
______5.Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day
______6.Avoid finger foods
______7.Eat more salty foods
______8.Not drinking enough water
______9.Eat everything without knowing what you eat.
G. Making
ns and
about the
H. Evaluating
I. Additional
activities for

A. Number of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. Number of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? Number of learners who
have caught up with the lesson.
D. Number of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III Principal III

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