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Quarter 1– Module 4
Sex Determination
and Sex-linked Genes
Science – Grade 9
Quarter 1 – Module 4: Sex Determination and Sex-linked Genes
First Edition, 2020

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Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Sex Determination
and Sex-linked Genes
Before you start answering the Supplementary Learning Material (SLeM), kindly
set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read carefully the
instructions below to successfully attain the objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Read carefully all the contents and follow the instructions indicated in every part
of this SLeM.
2. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Keep in mind that
Writing develops and enhances learning,
3. Perform all the provided activities in the SLeM.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


Expectations This will provide what you will be able to know
after completing the lessons in the SLeM.
Pre-test This will assess your prior knowledge and the
concepts to be mastered throughout the
Looking Back to Your Lesson This section will measure the skills that you
learned and understand from the previous
Brief Introduction This section will give you an overview of the
Activities These are activities designed to develop your
critical thinking and other competencies that
you need to master. This can be done solely or
with your partner depending on the nature of
the activity.
Remember This section summarizes the concepts and
applications of the lessons.
Check Your Understanding This will verify how you learned from the
Post-test This will measure how much you learned from
the entire SLeM.

LESSON 1: Sex Determination
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to achieve the following
1. Differentiate male and female chromosomes;
2. Determine the probability of having a male or female gender of offspring.
Let us start your journey in learning more about Sex Determination. I am sure
you are ready and excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Direction: Read and analyze the questions. Write the CAPITAL letter of the
correct answer in your paper.

1. Which of the following CORRECTLY describes the human chromosomes?

A. There are twenty-three pairs of chromosomes in humans.
B. Human is composed of 46 pairs of chromosomes.
C. Each pair of chromosomes is haploid.
D. All of the above.
2. Differentiate male and female sex chromosomes.
A. In humans, male chromosomes are homogametic while female chromosomes are
B. Male chromosomes are denoted as XY while female chromosomes are designated as XX.
C. Male chromosomes are identical while female chromosomes are different
D. All statements are correct.
3. What is the chance of having male and female offspring?
A. There is an equal probability of having male and female offspring.
B. There is a 2/4 probability of having female offspring.
C. There is a 50 % chance of having male offspring.
D. All of the above
4. What chromosome determines the sex of the offspring in humans?
A. X chromosome B. Y chromosome C. both X and Y D. cannot be determined.
5. What must be the gender of the offspring when the egg cell is being fertilized by an X
A. both male and female B. cannot be identified C. Female D. Male

Looking Back to Your Lesson

In Grade 8, you have learned
about gametogenesis (formation of
gametes) in the process called meiosis.
Spermatogenesis occurs in the human testis
while; oogenesis happens in the ovary of the
female. In the process of sex cell formation, both
the sperm and egg undergo Meiosis I and Meiosis
II producing four daughter cells carrying a haploid
number of chromosomes. In sperm formation,
there are 4 sperm cells or spermatozoa each
contain 23 chromosomes. In the formation of sex
cells in the female, only one oocyte or egg cell is
Some traits are produced containing a haploid
number of chromosomes. The three polar bodies or ootids will serve as nourishment for the
growing egg cell. The figure below summarizes the gamete formation.

Brief Introduction
Human Chromosomes

The Human Genome is arranged on multiple chromosomes having twenty- three pairs
of chromosomes or 46 diploid chromosomes. The twenty- two pairs are autosomes or somatic
while the 23rd pair is called sex chromosome. The female sex chromosome is indicated with
the XX while the male sex chromosome is designated as XY.

Types of Chromosomes

1. An autosome is a non-sex chromosome that is the same in both sexes of a species.

2. Non-autosomal chromosomes are usually referred to as sex chromosomes, allosomes,
or heterosomes. Both sexes do not have the same probability of expressing the trait which is
in contrast with the autosomal chromosomes.
In humans, a female is described as homogametic whereas the male is considered as
Homogametic- two of the same chromosomes like the human female sex
chromosome, XX
Heterogametic- two different chromosomes as the human male sex
chromosomes, XY.

Activities 3

Activity 1. Gender Reveal

Direction: Study the punnet square about gamete formation based on the sex chromosome.
Answer the questions that follow. Write your
answer in your paper.

Guide Questions:

1. What chromosome is received by all egg cells?

2. What about sperm cells X & Y?
3. Which sex chromosome is present in male and
female offspring?
4. What is the gender of the offspring if an egg is
fertilized with the Y chromosome?
5. What is the gender of the offspring when the egg
is fertilized by X chromosomes?
6. What is the probability of having male and
female offspring?
7. Based on the punnet square, which sex chromosome determines the sex of the offspring?
Activity 2. Crossword Puzzle

Direction: Solve the crossword puzzle. Write your answer in your paper.

Across Down

2. gender carrying XX chromosome 1. formation of sex cells

3. two different chromosomes 5. chromosomes of sex cells
4. sex chromosomes 8. gender carrying XY chromosome
5. identical chromosomes
6. reproduction of egg cells in the ovary of the female
7. chromosomes of species except for the gametes
9. production of sperm cells in male testis

Human has a total of 46 or 23 pairs of chromosomes Human males have 44
somatic/autosomal or body chromosomes and two different allosomes / non-autosomal or sex
chromosomes, X and Y. The males determine the sex of their offspring. Human females, on the
other hand, have 44 body chromosomes and two identical sex chromosomes, both X.

Check Your Understanding

1. Draw a Venn diagram to compare and contrast male and female
chromosomes in human
2. Justify why male parents determine the gender of their future offspring.

Post Test
Direction: Read and analyze the questions. Write the CAPITAL letter of the
correct answer in your paper.

1. Describe the human chromosomes.

A. Human is composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes.
B. There are 44 chromosomes in humans.
C. Each pair of chromosomes is diploid.
D. All of the above.
2. Which of the following CORRECTLY differentiates male and female sex chromosomes?
A. In humans, male chromosomes are XX while female chromosomes are XY.
B. Male chromosomes are heterogametic while female chromosomes are homogametic.
C. Male chromosomes are the same while female chromosomes are different
D. All of the above.
3. What is the probability of having male and female offspring?
A. There is an equal chance of having male and female offspring.
B. There is a 2/4 probability of having male offspring.
C. There is a 50 % chance of having female offspring.
D. All the statements above are correct.
4. Which sex cell determines the sex of the offspring in humans?
A. female B. male C. both female and male D. cannot be determined.
5. What must be the gender of the offspring when the egg cell is being fertilized by a Y
A. both male and female B. cannot be identified C. Male D. female

LESSON 2: Sex-Linked Pattern of Inheritance

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the X- linked and Y-linked traits;
2. Differentiate sex-limited and sex influenced traits;
3. Determine the resulting offspring using punnet square involving sex-linked and
sex influenced traits,
Let us start your journey in learning more about Sex Linked Patterns of
Inheritance. I am sure you are ready and excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer

Direction: Read and analyze the questions. Write the CAPITAL letter of the
correct answer in your paper.
1. When the genes are present in either the X or Y chromosomes, what pattern of
inheritance is being described?
A. autosomal traits C. sex-limited traits
B. sex influenced trait D. sex-linked traits
2. Which is TRUE about X-linked inheritance?
A. Females have a greater chance of inheriting the trait due to the presence of both
XX chromosomes.
B. Alleles responsible for the trait are located in the Y chromosome.
C. Males will be affected if they inherit the X chromosomes.
D. Alleles are not found in the X chromosomes.

3. Differentiate sex-limited and sex influenced trait.
A. Sex limited trait is located in X chromosomes while sex influenced traits can be
found in y chromosomes.
B. The expression of the trait is limited only in one sex while in sex influenced traits,
the expression of traits is influenced by the sex.
C. Both the traits are located in the X or Y chromosomes.
D. All of the above.
4. What is the percentage of having a hemophiliac son, when both the parents are
A.100 % B. 50% C. 0% D. Cannot be determined
5. The expression of lactation in cattle is a sex-limited trait.
All males are not lactating regardless of their genotypes.
A. Statement 1 is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Statement 2 is correct. D. Both statements are wrong.

Looking Back to Your Lesson

In Grade 8 you have studied that the passing of traits from parents to
offspring may not strictly follow the Mendel Law of Independent Assortment,
wherein the allele of the sex cell receives for a gene does not influence the allele received for
another gene. Some traits are expressed that are related to one's sex.

Brief Introduction
The genes that are present on the X or Y chromosomes are called sex-
linked genes and the chromosomes of interest still have the genes and alleles, and these
alleles are passed on to their offspring. Sex linkage is the phenotypic expression of an allele
that is related to the chromosomal sex of an individual.
X- linked
Traits are inherited through the x chromosomes. Males have only one X chromosome.
Thus, if they inherit the affected X, the trait will be expressed and they will be affected. Females
have two X chromosomes. Therefore, they can inherit or carry the trait without being affected
only if it acts in a recessive manner.
In humans, male and female gametes are different. Male gametes are heterogametic
having one X chromosome; and therefore, whatever is there, is expressed (ie., it can not be
masked by the other chromosome). Homogametic females, on the other hand, must have both
chromosomes affected for the X linked recessive chromosome to affect.
Females may be homozygous or heterozygous for alleles at a locus on the X
chromosomes; whereas, males are hemizygous for alleles on the X chromosomes. The table
below shows a particular recessive X linked disorder in humans the red/green color blindness.
As shown below, when the recessive allele is passed on to males, they are automatically color
blind to red and green; females can be carriers or can be color blind.
Genotype Gender and Phenotype of the offspring
Homozygous AA: X X female is normal
Heterozygous Aa: X A X female is normal and a carrier. A carrier has two alleles that
are normal and affected one.
a a
Homozygous aa: X X female is inflicted by the recessive sex-linked genes
Hemizygous A: X Y male is normal
Hemizygous a: X a Y male is inflicted by the recessive sex-linked genes

The following are some of the X-linked genetic disorders in humans: Deuteranopia,
Protanopia, Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B, Fragile-X Syndrome, G6PD Deficiency, Duchenne
Muscular Dystrophy.
Y-linked Genes
Sex-linked genes located in Y chromosomes are called Y-linked genes or Holandric
trait. The passing of traits is always from father to sons and not in daughters.
Hypertrichosis pinnae Auris is a Y-linked trait characterized by hairy ears. Another
example is retinitis pigmentosa. A rare eye disorder characterized by the loss of vision over time
this condition affects the retina to respond to light.
Sex- limited traits
These traits are autosomal which means that they are not found on the X and Y
chromosomes. The expression of the genes in the phenotype is exclusive only in one gender
which is commonly secondary sex characters.
Examples of cattle, for instance, lactation is expressed in females but never in males.
Both male (bull) and female (cow) however possess a gene pair for lactation. The gene for
lactation (L) is dominant over the non-lactating gene (l). Rooster (male) develops large comb
while hen (female) of the same breed do not. Fanlike tail feathers in peacocks (male) that are
never expressed in peahens (female).Horns that are exclusively found in males of certain sheep
In humans, the son may inherit the growth of a beard from his mother although his
mother does not show it.
Sex-influenced traits
These are also autosomal, meaning that their genes are not carried on the sex
chromosomes. Again, what makes these traits unusual is the ways they are expressed
phenotypically. In this case, the difference is in the ways the two genders (male and female)
express the genes.
Baldness in humans, though the condition is not exclusively for males only. Thus, this
gene has two alleles, ‘bald” and “non-bald.” The behaviors of the products of these genes are
highly influenced by the hormones in the individual, particularly by the hormone testosterone. All
humans have testosterone, but males have a much higher level of this hormone than females
do. In these results, the baldness allele behaves like a dominant allele, while in females as a
recessive allele.

Activity 3. Sex-Linked Genes

Direction: Analyze the example of a sex-linked trait and supply the needed information. Copy
the table and identify the phenotype and gender based on the given genotype. Write your
answer in your paper.
A. Character: wild-type eye color red (R) is dominant over white (r)

Genotype Phenotype Gender

( Male or Female)

B. Character: normal /non-bleeder (H) is dominant over hemophiliac/bleeder (h)

Genotype Phenotype Gender

( Male or Female)

Activity 4. Sex-Linked Problem Solving

Direction: Analyze the given sex-linked trait; show your answer using punnet square and
answer the questions that follow. Write your answer in your paper.
Sample Solved Problem: Cross between white female, wild type( red-eyed) XRXR female, and
white-eyed XrY male.

XR Xr 2/4 or 50%
XR Y 2/4 or 50%
red-eyed female 2/4 or 50%
red-eyed male 2/4 or 50%

R r R r
red-eyed red-eyed ♂
female female
red-eyed red-eyed
male male Y

A. X-linked
1. Color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait (Xc) whereas normal color vision is dominant
(XC). What is the resulting offspring between the carrier mother (XXc ) and
the unaffected father (XY)? ♀ X Xc

What is the percentage of offspring who are:
a. Female with normal vision
b. Male who is colorblind Y
c. Male who is normal

2. Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized by the absence of one or more of
the proteins required for blood clotting. When a person is afflicted by this genetic disorder,
bleeding is prolonged due to the slow formation of the clot. Show the result of the cross when a
hemophiliac father (Xh Y ) marries a normal mother (XHXH)
♀ X H X H

♂ ♂
Xh Xh

Genotypes Y Y

What is the percentage of offspring who are:

a. hemophilic male
b. normal male
c. carrier female

B. Y- Linked Genes
1. Pedro who has a disorder hypertrichosis pinnae Auris marries Laura.
Genotypes ♀ X X


a. What is the chance that their son can be afflicted by this condition?
b. How about the daughters?
c. Can females be a carrier or afflicted in the Y-sex liked genes? Why?
d. In Y-linked genes, who are affected, males or females? Why?

C. Sex Limited traits and Sex-influenced traits

1. Complete the Table by identifying the gender, genotype or phenotype of the offspring
a. Expression of Lactation in humans (LL, Ll & ll)
Genotype Phenotype and Gender
XXLL lactating female

b. In sheep, the horn is dominant (H) in males and recessive (h) in female
Genotype Gender and Phenotype
XXHH horned female
non-horned female
non-horned female
horned male
horned male
non-horned male

2. Sex-influenced traits.
Baldness in humans behaves like a dominant allele in males while recessive in females. Predict
the offspring if the mother is non-bald ( XXbb) and the father is bald (XYBB). Perform a Punnett
square and identify the genotypes and phenotypes of the resulting offspring.

Genotypes ♀ Xb Xb

Phenotype XB


1. Sex-linked is a trait in which the gene is located in either X or Y
chromosome. Sex-linked traits can be X-linked or Y-linked.
2. Sex-limited and sex influenced traits are those which are not found in sex
chromosomes. The expression of traits in a sex-limited trait is only limited to
one sex, while in sex influenced traits, the expression of the trait is related
influenced by the sex of the offspring.

Check Your Understanding

1. Why do males have a higher incidence of expressing X-linked traits?
2. Draw a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences of sex-
limited and sex influenced traits.

Post Test
Direction: Read and analyze the questions. Write the CAPITAL letter of the
correct answer in your paper.

1. What pattern of inheritance is being described when the genes are present in the sex
A. autosomal traits B. sex influenced trait C. sex-limited traits D. sex-linked traits
2. Which is TRUE about Y-linked inheritance?
A. Males have a greater chance of inheriting the trait due to the presence of both XX
B. Alleles responsible for the trait are located in the Y chromosome.
C. Males will be affected if they inherit the X chromosomes.
D. Alleles are not found in the Y chromosomes.
3. Which CORRECTLY describes sex-limited and sex influenced trait?
A. Sex limited trait is located in Y chromosomes while sex influenced trait can be found in
Y chromosomes.
B. The expression of the traits is limited only in one sex while in sex influenced traits, the
expression of traits is influenced by the sex.
C. Both the traits are located in the X or Y chromosomes.
D. All of the above
4. What is the percentage of having a color-blinded son, when both the parents are normal?
A.100 % B. 50% C. 0% D. cannot be determined
5. The expression of baldness in humans is sex influenced trait. All males are bald regardless of
their genotypes.
A. Statement 1 is correct. C. Both statements are correct.
B. Statement 2 is correct. D. Both statements are wrong.

Answer Key

Health, N. I. (2015, December 29). Chromosomes and DNA double helix. Retrieved June 24,
2020, from Creative Commons:
Lexicon. (2011, March 30). Mars Symbol.svg. Retrieved July 1, 2020, from
Standard, U. (2011, March 30). Venus symbol.svg. Retrieved July 1, 2020, from
Science, D. B. (2017, April). Chromatin Structure. Retrieved June 24, 2020, from Creative

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