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The Runaway Puppy

by Ellie O’Ryan
illustrated by Kellee Riley

Simon Spotlight/Nickelodeon
New York London Toronto Sydney

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Chapter One

When the intercom buzzed, Dora jumped
up to answer it. “¿Hola?” she asked.
“Hey! It’s me!” a familiar voice called
back. “Buzz me in!”
Dora grinned as she pressed the buzzer.
She knew that voice.
It was one of her best friends, Kate!
A few moments later there was a knock
at the door. “Hola, Kate!” Dora cried as she
An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020
opened the door.
Licensor Copyright Info TK
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. “Hi!” Kate replied. “Who’s ready to go to
SIMON SPOTLIGHT and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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the park?”
Manufactured in the United States of America TKTK XXX
First Edition 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN 978-1-4424-0806-7 3

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“Park! ¡El parque!” cried Dora’s little
brother and sister, Guillermo and Isabella.
The twins ran up to Kate and hugged her.
“I think we’re ready!” Dora said as she
looked in her bag. “Hats? Check. Sunglasses?
Check. Water bottles, snacks, and sunblock?
Check, check, and check!”
“Don’t forget these,” Kate said as she wig-
gled her fingers. “An extra pair of hands!”
Dora laughed. “Forget them? No way! I’m
counting on your help when the twins start
running in opposite directions!”
Isabella and Guillermo scrambled into
their double stroller and waited for Dora to
buckle them in.
Just then Papi stuck his head out of his
office. “Hola, Kate!” he said. “Enjoy the
“We will! Thanks!” Kate called back.
“¡Hasta luego!” they all yelled in unison.
Dora pushed the stroller down the hall to

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the elevator. While they waited for the elva- Explorer Girls. They were all really different,
tor, she said, “Thanks for helping me take but they had one important thing in common:
the twins to the park, Kate. Mami left for they loved living in Puerto Verde and wanted
a conference yesterday, and Papi gets a lot to help make the city even better. In only
more work done when the apartment is a few weeks the Explorer Girls had planted
quiet.” flowers in the park, organized a bike-a-thon,
“No problem! I love little kids,” replied and cleaned up the beach—together! But Dora
Kate. “They make a great audience!” knew that they’d just gotten started!
Isabella tugged Kate’s hand as the eleva- Dora’s friends weren’t the only reason she
tor arrived. “Story!” she cried. “Tell us a loved living in Puerto Verde. She loved her
story, Kate!” family’s apartment with its pretty terrace
Kate’s eyes twinkled as she launched into and view of the ocean. She loved that her
the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. The twins grandmother, Abuela, lived right upstairs.
loved the way Kate acted out every part— And Dora loved the city itself with its color-
even the wolf! ful buildings, tall palm trees, and cool ocean
Dora grinned at Kate and thought, I’m so breezes. In Puerto Verde it always felt like
glad she’s my friend! Kate was one of the great something exciting was just about to happen!
friends Dora had made since her family had After they stepped off the elevator Dora
moved to the city of Puerto Verde. She also pushed the stroller outside into the bright
became close with Alana, Emma, and Naiya. morning sunshine. The park was just a couple
Together the five girls called themselves the of blocks away, right across from the beach.

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It was a perfect day to spend outside—and it Everyone listened quietly. Suddenly a howl
looked like most of the people who lived in pierced the silence.
Puerto Verde agreed. As they walked, Dora Aw-rooooooo!
saw people skating, bike riding, and enjoying “Who—or what—was that?” Kate asked.
the beautiful day. “I don’t know,” replied Dora, her brown
But the twins weren’t interested in any of eyes sparkling with excitement. “But I’m
that. They were focused on only one thing. going to find out!”
“¡El parque!” they yelled as soon as they saw
the tall, twisty slide.
Dora and Kate smiled as they lifted Isa-
bella and Guillermo out of the stroller. As
soon as they were on the ground, the twins
raced off.
“Hey! Wait for us!” Dora called as she and
Kate ran after them.
Suddenly Isabella stopped running. She
scrunched up her little face.
“Isabella?” asked Dora. “¿Qué pasa?”
“I heard something,” she said.
“Shhh,” Dora said. “I hear something too.
I wonder what it could be.”

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she stepped closer to the bushes. Dora took
a deep breath and peeked under a bush with
big pink flowers.
Suddenly a furry creature bounded out of
the bush! It ran right past Dora and headed
straight toward Kate and the twins!
Chapter Two “¡Un perrito!” exclaimed Dora. “It’s a
little puppy!”
“A little puppy with a great big howl,”
Dora grabbed the twins’ hands and walked Kate added.
through the park, peeking under the swings Everyone laughed as the puppy grabbed
and over the slide. “¿Hola?” Dora called. Guillermo’s hat in his mouth and jumped
But no one was there. around.
“Do you think it’s a pirate ghost searching “Where did you come from?” Dora asked
for buried treasure?” Kate asked excitedly. the puppy. “Do you have a home?”
“Or a lost mermaid trying to get home?” “He doesn’t have a collar or tags,” Kate
“Probably not,” Dora giggled. Kate’s imag- pointed out.
ination was always running away with her! “Poor little puppy, you need somebody to
Dora took a few steps closer to the palm take care of you!” Dora cooed. “I wish I could
trees and heard the noise again—louder this keep you, but I already have my own dog.”
time. She could feel her heart pounding as “I’d keep him if I could,” Kate said. “But

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Kate had wrapped around her waist several
“¡Claro!” Kate replied as she took off her
belt. “It will look great with your capris!”
“I’m not going to wear it,” Dora said with
a smile. “I want to use it as a leash for the
“Oh. Right,” Kate said. “¡Buena idea!”
Dora turned the belt into a collar and a
leash for the puppy while Kate settled the
twins back in the stroller. On the way to the
animal shelter they stopped by Dora’s apart-
my mom is allergic to dogs.” ment to leave the twins with Papi and tell
“Well, we can’t leave him here,” Dora him where they were going. As they walked,
said. “Hmm. I know! Let’s take him to the Dora remembered something. “Doesn’t Alana
Puerto Verde Animal Shelter. I just wish I volunteer at the shelter on Saturdays?” she
had a leash.” asked.
Then Dora noticed Kate’s stylish outfit— “Ooh, you’re right! Maybe we’ll see her
which gave her an idea. there,” replied Kate.
“Kate, can I borrow your belt?” Dora Sure enough, when they got to the animal
asked, pointing to the thin braided belt that shelter, they found Alana playing outside

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with a pair of beagles. “¡Hola, chicas!” Alana puppy or cuddly kitten. Dora was surprised
exclaimed. “What brings you here?” to see so many animals without homes. “Do
“We found this puppy in the park,” Dora you think it will take a long time to find a
said. “But neither one of us can keep him. So home for this puppy?” she asked.
we brought him here.” Señora Alvarez smiled, but her eyes
“Oh, he’s so cute!” Alana squealed. “Let’s looked worried. “It’s hard to say. Adoptions
bring him inside to Señora Alvarez. She runs have been pretty slow lately,” she admitted.
the shelter, so she’ll know what to do with Dora couldn’t bear to think of the sweet
this little guy.” little animals waiting day after day for some-
Dora and Kate followed Alana into the one to adopt them. “There’s got to be some-
shelter where they found Señora Alvarez thing we can do,” she replied. “I just know
working at her desk. Alana introduced Dora that people would adopt the animals if they
and Kate to Señora Alvarez and explained all saw how wonderful they are.”
about the puppy they had found. Suddenly Dora gasped. “That’s it!” she
“What a handsome little fellow!” Señora exclaimed. “Let’s have a party where people
Alvarez exclaimed as she scratched the pup- can meet the animals and adopt them!”
py’s ears. “Thanks for bringing him in. We’ll “Buena idea, Dora!” Señora Alvarez said.
get him checked out by the vet and ready to “But we’re really shorthanded already. We
be adopted.” would need a lot of help to make it happen.”
Dora could see rows of cages behind “This sounds like a job for the Explorer
Señora Alvarez. Each one contained a lovable Girls!” Dora cheered. “I’m sure all of the

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girls would love to help with such an impor- “I know he’d love the company.”
tant event!” “Whoa—is it noon already?” Kate asked
“My mom works at the Arco Iris Café,” suddenly. “I’ve got rehearsal for the drama
Alana spoke up. ”Maybe they’ll donate club! Dora, call me later, okay? ¡Hasta luego!”
refreshments.” “The vet is here today,” Señora Alvarez
“What about Emma’s band?” Kate added. said to Dora and Alana. “Why don’t you take
“They could put on a concert to help bring the puppy to her for a checkup?”
out a crowd!” “Okay! Come on, Dora,” Alana said.
Señora Alvarez smiled. “It sounds like Dora gave the puppy a hug. “We have to
you guys are going to be great volunteers!” make sure you’re healthy, little guy!” she
she said. “Now when do you want to have said.
this party?”
“How about next Saturday?” asked Dora.
“¡Perfecto!” Señora Alvarez said. “Thank
you so much!”
“We’ll come over every day after school
to help get ready for the adoption party,”
Dora promised. “I can’t wait to tell the rest
of our friends!”
“And feel free to come play with the
puppy you found too,” Señora Alvarez said.

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the animals.”
“¡Yo también!” Alana said. “I volunteer
there every Saturday when I don’t have a
soccer game. And the best part is when
somebody adopts an animal! Everybody’s so
Chapter Three happy!”
“I can’t wait for the adoption party!” Dora
exclaimed as they reached her building. “I’m
While the vet examined the puppy, going to e-mail the rest of the Explorer Girls
Dora and Alana spent time with some of right now.”
the other animals. They walked the dogs, “Hasta luego, Dora!” said Alana.
cleaned the cages, and gave the kittens lots Inside Dora’s apartment the delicious
of cuddles. Dora breathed a sigh of relief smell of Papi’s arroz con pollo wafted from
when the vet told her that the puppy was the kitchen. “Mmm! Dinner smells so good,
in perfect health. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Papi!” she called.
little guy,” Dora promised as she tucked “Gracias, Dora,” Papi answered. “Would
a blanket around the tired puppy. Then you please set the table?”
Dora and Alana waved good-bye to Señora “Sure thing!” Dora replied.
Alvarez. After Dora finished setting the table,
“That was great,” Dora said as they she sat down at her computer to write an
walked home. “I loved taking care of all of e-mail.

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!"#$%&''()*+),-$./+0/12-$34%+'/,5(3-$*)(/657/6( She couldn’t wait to hear back from her
9;#$?4==0$=)&@('6$AAA friends!
!"#$-$;<=,&)()$B+),%A * * *
C)/D0$E/64)F/0A$G/6($/HF$I$J&4HF$/$)(/,,0$'46($ When Dora got to the Arco Iris Café the
next day, Alana was waiting for her.
*4(%%$QL/6R$!L()(S%$*&+H*$2$T$/$N+*$/F&=6+&H$=/)60$ “Hola, Dora!” Alana called. “I came into
H(<6$Q((7(HF$6&$L(,=$6L($/H+3/,%$J+HF$L&3(%M$!L(0$ work with my mom this morning and guess
what! Nobody reserved the private court-
6+&H$=/)60R$VHF$=,/0$Q+6L$6L($=4==0R$O(6S%$3((6$ yard, so we can use it!”
6&3&))&Q$/J6()H&&H$K$6L($V)'&$I)+%$C/JWA “¡Fantástico!” Dora said. The breezy
>M courtyard, which was full of beautiful tropi-
Before she sent the e-mail, cal plants, was often reserved for private
Dora uploaded a picture of the parties. But when no one else was using it,
puppy from her cell phone. the Explorer Girls got to hang out there. It
She was eager to show him to was one of Dora’s favorite places in Puerto
Naiya and Emma. Verde. When they got to the courtyard, there
“Dora! Dinner’s ready!” was a surprise waiting for Dora—the frisky,
Papi called. frolicking puppy she had found!
Dora hit SEND and hur- “Hi, boy!” Dora cried. “What are you doing
ried into the kitchen to here?”
help Papi serve dinner. “I stopped by the animal shelter to take

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him for a walk, but when I realized what you might get hungry while you worked,” she
time it was, we both hurried over here,” said.
Alana replied. “What are those?” Kate asked, pointing
“Now Emma and Naiya can meet him too!” to a plate. “Cookies?”
Dora said. “Kind of,” Alana giggled. “They’re dog
“Meet who?” Naiya asked as she walked biscuits! Mom and I baked them last night!”
in with Emma and Kate. “Oh, my gosh! Is She offered a biscuit to the puppy, who
this the puppy? He’s even cuter in person! Or gobbled it up and started running in circles,
in dog, I guess.” begging for more!
The puppy bounded up to Naiya and started “He sure has a lot of pep,” Alana’s mom
licking her ankles. “Ah! That tickles!” Naiya remarked.
laughed. “That’s it!” Dora exclaimed. “We can call
“We can’t keep calling him ‘puppy,’ he him Peppy! Peppy the puppy!”
needs a name.” Dora said. “Any ideas?” “That’s a great name!” Emma said.
“What about Buster?” asked Kate. “It’s perfect!” added Naiya.
“Hmmm . . . maybe something cuter,” “What do you think, little Peppy?” Dora
Emma suggested. “Like Fluffy?” asked. “Do you like that name?”
“That sounds like a name for a cat,” Naiya As if on cue the puppy barked and licked
replied. Dora’s face.
Just then Alana’s mom walked in, carrying “Or maybe you just want another biscuit!”
a tray of smoothies and snacks. “I thought Dora laughed. Peppy ate another biscuit, then

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curled up in Dora’s lap. another idea! What if we had a raffle to raise
“Okay! Let’s get to work,” Dora said. “I money for the animal shelter? We could ask
made a list of everything we have to do stores and restaurants to donate prizes.”
before the adoption party. We need to make “I love it!” said Naiya. “I’ll help you.”
posters to put around town.” “Gracias, Naiya!” Dora replied. “Señora
“I can do that,” Kate volunteered. Alvarez is handling everything else. But
“Great,” Dora said. “And we’ll need food there’s one more thing to discuss—Peppy! We
for the adoption party.” all should spend as much time with him as
“That’s all set,” Alana spoke up. “My possible.”
mom talked to the owner of the café, and “Let’s each take a different afternoon
he’s happy to donate food and drinks.” this week,” Kate suggested.
“¡Excelente!” Dora replied. “Now what “¡Buena idea! Peppy will get lots of love
about entertainment? Em, would your band and attention,” Dora said happily.
play at the party?” Everything was working out perfectly!
“Yes, I think so,” Emma said softly. “Let
me check with everybody to make sure
they’re free.”
Dora gave Emma a grateful smile. Emma
was very quiet, but she always did everything
she could to help out. “Thanks, Emma,”
Dora said. “Your band rocks! Oh, and I have

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English, and Spanish—and was learning a
fourth, Mayan, from her parents.
“Let’s check it out,” Dora said.
When Dora and Naiya walked into Très
Chic, they were surprised to find Kate and
Chapter Four Peppy there!
“Look at Peppy!” Kate cried. “I thought
he needed a little makeover before the party.
After school the next day Dora and Naiya So I brought him here and gave him a bath,
went to all of their favorite shops and res- and the owner helped me clip his nails and
taurants in Puerto Verde to ask for dona- trim his fur! Doesn’t he look great?”
tions for the raffle. In just a few hours they “¡Sí!” Dora laughed as Peppy leaped into
had received dozens of donations for the her arms. “And he smells great too!”
pet adoption party! “And guess what?” Kate added. “The
“Hey, look at that store,” Dora asked, owner offered to donate some fancy collars
pointing at a building across the street. “Très for the raffle!”
Chic Pet Boutique. Is that French?” “¡Fantástico!” exclaimed Dora. “That’s
Naiya nodded. “It means ‘very fancy,’” the perfect prize for someone who’s adopt-
she replied. ing a new pet!” Dora added the collars to the
Dora was always impressed by the fact bags of prizes that she and Naiya had col-
that Naiya spoke three languages—French, lected for the raffle. “We better head back

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to the animal shelter,” she said. “These bags “¡Perfecto!” Señora Alvarez said. “I hate
won’t hold any more donations!” to cut this meeting short, but I have some
* * * paperwork to finish.”
A few days before the adoption party “Do you need any help with the animals
the Explorer Girls gave Señora Alvarez an today?” asked Alana.
update. “Always!” Señora Alvarez replied. “They
“Here’s our schedule,” Dora began. could use some exercise!”
“The adoption party starts at noon, so the Dora and the Explorer Girls let several
refreshment area will be open then. Emma’s puppies out of their cages and took them
band will play at one o’clock, and right after into the animal shelter’s yard. The girls had
that we’ll have a pet parade to show off the a great time playing fetch with the puppies.
animals. Then we’ll have the raffle. And we “Hey, everybody!” Naiya called from
have about a dozen volunteers who will walk across the grass. “Watch this!”
the animals around all day until the party Dora, Kate, Alana, and Emma walked over
ends at six.” to Naiya, who had spent the whole afternoon
“Girls, I’m so impressed!” Señora Alva- with Peppy.
rez said. “What time can you get here in the “Sit,” Naiya said loudly.
morning to help set up?” And Peppy promptly sat down!
“I think we can be here by eight,” said “Wow!” exclaimed Dora. The Explorer
Dora as she glanced at her friends. The other Girls started to applaud.
Explorer Girls nodded. “Wait! We’re not done!” Naiya said with a

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ging faster than ever.
“Wow!” Dora cried. “Naiya, how did you
train Peppy in three languages?”
Naiya smiled and shrugged. “He’s a really
smart dog!” she replied. “He learned the
English command so quickly, I thought I’d
try Spanish and French too!”
Suddenly Dora had an idea. “You know
what? I think it’d be great to take this smart
pooch to show-and-tell at the twins’ pre-
school tomorrow!” she exclaimed.
“Kids love dogs—and Peppy loves little
kids,” Kate said with a laugh.
“Yeah, it will be hard to tell who loves it
grin. She leaned down to Peppy and told him more —the kids or the puppy,” added Alana.
in Spanish, “¡Siéntate!” “Something tells me that everyone will
Amazingly Peppy sat again! have a great time,” said Dora as she cuddled
When the Explorer Girls cheered, Peppy Peppy.
jumped up to lick their hands. Then Naiya
told Peppy to sit in French, “Assis!”
Once again Peppy sat down, his tail wag-

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twins’ classroom, Dora knocked softly on
the door.
The teacher, Maestra Julia, stepped into
the hall. “Hola, Dora!” she said. “Is this
Peppy? What a sweetie! Thanks for e-mail-
Chapter Five ing me to ask if it was okay to bring him to
show-and-tell. The kids will love him! Wait
here while I get them ready.”
The next day Dora could hardly wait to Dora peeked in the window as Maestra
take Peppy to the twins’ show-and-tell. Dora Julia helped the kids sit in a circle. Then
hurried to the animal shelter. Peppy was the teacher announced, “¡Atención, niños!
so happy to see her that he jumped up and Guillermo and Isabella’s big sister, Dora, has
down. brought a very special guest for show-and-
“Down, boy!” Dora said, laughing. “I mean, tell!”
sit! ¡Siéntate!” Dora held open the door while Peppy
Peppy sat down right away. pranced into the classroom. All of the kids
“Good Peppy!” Dora praised him. She gasped in excitement.
clipped on his leash and said, “Let’s go! “Hi, everybody!” Dora said. “This is Peppy.
¡Vamos!” Isabella, Guillermo, and I found him at the
Peppy trotted next to Dora as they walked park last weekend!”
to the preschool. When they reached the “Wow!” yelled Marcos, one of the twins’

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friends. “I love that dog! Does he live with
“No, Peppy lives at the Puerto Verde
Animal Shelter,” Dora explained. “They take
good care of animals who don’t have homes.
We hope somebody will adopt him soon,
though. Until then Peppy is learning lots of
new things. Watch this!”
Dora showed the kids how Peppy could be
commanded to sit down in English, Span-
ish, and French. Soon all the kids were call-
ing out “Siéntate” or “Assis” or “Sit!” Dora
and Maestra Julia giggled as Peppy sat down, One by one the kids lined up to stroke
jumped up, and sat down again. He loved Peppy’s silky fur. Little Marcos lingered. “I
playing with the children! But eventually the wish I had a dog like Peppy,” he said. “He’s
little puppy grew tired. the best dog.”
Dora sat on the floor so Peppy could crawl “He really is,” Dora agreed. “Thanks for
into her lap. “Peppy is getting sleepy,” she petting him so nicely!”
explained to the kids. “I need to take him “Boys and girls, let’s thank Dora for
back to the animal shelter. But you can give bringing Peppy to see us today,” Maestra
him a gentle pet before we leave.” Julia said.

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“Gracias, Dora!” called the kids. tonight,” Dora suggested. “There’s so much
“¡De nada!” Dora replied as she waved stuff! It will take hours to get it all done.”
good-bye. “I can’t believe we used up all of the
Dora carried sleepy Peppy all the way back paint when we made the posters!” Kate
to the animal shelter. She knew that he was exclaimed. “I’ll go buy more so we can make
going to be so happy when he had a family signs tomorrow. ¡Hasta mañana!” Kate waved
of his own. good-bye and closed the door behind her.
She only hoped that someone would adopt “I was thinking that—,” Dora began, but
him soon. she was interrupted by the sound of the
* * * front door opening. “Kate must have forgot-
On Friday the Explorer Girls were full of ten something,” Dora said as she walked to
excitement. The adoption party was only one the front of the shelter.
day away! They went to the animal shelter But it wasn’t Kate. A friendly-looking
right after school. couple stood on the doorstep. “Hello,” the
“I can only stay for a little while,” Alana man said. “We’re looking for a dog—specifi-
said. “I promised to help out at the Arco Iris cally, a dog that knows commands in three
Café this afternoon while the owners get all languages?”
of the food ready for tomorrow. I saw the Dora’s eyes grew wide. “Peppy?” she
menu that they planned—everything is going asked.
to be delicioso!” “Yes, that’s the one!” the woman
“Naiya, let’s organize the raffle prizes exclaimed. “My son, Marcos, met him at

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preschool yesterday and can’t stop talking “Come with me,” Alana said. “There are
about him. Tomorrow is Marcos’s birthday, some forms you need to fill out.”
and we think Peppy would be the perfect Dora, Emma, and Naiya were quiet as the
birthday present!” couple followed Alana, with Peppy trotting
“Oh, Marcos is your little boy?” Dora after them. “Wow,” Dora finally said. “So
asked. “Soy Dora. My brother and sister go Peppy’s found a home of his own.”
to preschool with Marcos. In fact I’m the “All thanks to you!” Emma said as she
one who brought Peppy to school for show- gave Dora a quick hug. “If you hadn’t brought
and-tell!” him to the twins’ preschool, the Diaz family
“¡Encantada! Soy Señora Diaz,” the woman never would have met him!”
said with a big smile. “Marcos is a sweet boy,” Dora said. “I
“This is Peppy,” Dora said as the puppy think he’ll take great care of Peppy.”
pranced up to them. Everyone laughed as “I’m really going to miss that puppy,”
Peppy jumped right into Señora Diaz’s arms. Naiya said.
“He’s very friendly, and he loves kids! I think “Yo también,” Dora sighed.
he’d be a great addition to your family!” Just then Señora Alvarez walked into the
“He seems like a wonderful dog!” Señor room. “Great job, girls! The Diaz family will
Diaz exclaimed. “Here, boy! Sit! ¡Siéntate!” come to the pet adoption party tomorrow
“I only taught him a few commands,” to take Peppy home!” Then she noticed that
Naiya spoke up. “But he’s a quick learner. I the Explorer Girls looked a little sad. “It’s
bet you could teach him anything!” always hard to say good-bye to the animals

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when they leave,” she continued. “But do
you know what makes it easier?”
“Knowing how happy the pets will be in
their new homes?” Dora guessed.
“¡Exactamente!” replied Señora Alvarez.
“And thanks to all of your hard work this Chapter Six
week a whole bunch of pets will be very
happy—very soon!”
“Then we’d better start sorting the stuff The next morning Dora jumped out of
for the raffle,” Dora said. “Because the adop- bed before her alarm clock rang. The day of
tion party starts in less than twenty-four the adoption party had arrived at last! She
hours!” dressed in one of her favorite outfits—a tan-
gerine-colored dress with a twirly skirt—and
hurried into the kitchen for a quick break-
fast. Papi was cooking at the stove.
“¡Buenos días, hija!” Papi said.
“What are you doing up so early?” Dora
“I wanted you to eat a good breakfast
before your busy day,” Papi explained. “I
made your favorite!”

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“Mmm, pancakes!” Dora said. “Yum!” painting colorful signs to display around
“And I have some good news,” Papi con- the party. Peppy’s leash was clipped to the
tinued. “Mami got an early flight home from fence, and the little dog seemed as excited
the conference. She’ll be back this after- as the girls. He ran around in circles, barking
noon!” loudly.
“All right!” Dora said. “I can’t wait to see “¡Hola!” Dora called. “You all must have
her!” gotten up even earlier than I did!”
“I’ll pick her up at the airport with the “I could barely sleep all night!” Kate
twins, and then we’ll come to the adoption said as she bounced around. “I was too
party,” Papi said. excited!”
“¡Muy bien! Just call my cell when you get “Hey, Dora, grab a paintbrush,” Emma
there,” Dora replied. She ate the pancakes called. “I hope these signs dry before we
and gave Papi a kiss. “See you later!” have to put them up.”
Dora hurried outside, practically skipping “Oh! That reminds me!” Kate exclaimed.
to the animal shelter. The golden rays of the “I got these awesome fabric-painting pens
early-morning sun made Puerto Verde look at the store yesterday. I want to add some
even more beautiful than usual. fancy designs to Peppy’s collar. He should
When Dora arrived at the animal shelter, look extra-special since he’s going to be a
the gates were wide open as volunteers car- birthday present today!”
ried in tables and boxes of food. The rest Kate hurried over to Peppy. “Sit, Peppy.
of the Explorer Girls were in the courtyard, ¡Siéntate! Assis!” she called. But Peppy was

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too excited to sit; Kate had to repeat the “And the Diaz family is bringing Marcos
command several times before he finally to pick up Peppy today! What are we going to
settled down. “Good boy,” Kate said as she tell them?” cried Alana.
unhooked Peppy’s collar. “I’m so sorry,” Kate said miserably. “I
Suddenly Peppy saw a squirrel running never thought he’d run out the gate like
outside. He jumped up and started to run that!”
after it! “Of course you didn’t,” Dora replied. “It
“Peppy, stop! Come back!” Kate shrieked. was an accident.”
But the puppy didn’t pay any attention “How are we—,” Emma began.
to her. He bounded over the posters and But Emma was interrupted by a shout
stomped through the wet paint. Dora and from Dora. “¡Mira! ¡Mira!” she yelled, point-
Emma lunged for him, but the little dog was ing at the sidewalk.
too quick. Before anyone could stop him, Everyone looked down to see a trail of
Peppy ran out the gate—and down the side- rainbow-colored paw prints on the ground.
walk. “Peppy ran through the paint, so we can
“Oh, no!” Dora cried. “Somebody, help!” follow his trail!” Dora exclaimed. “All we
But it was too late. have to do is catch up to him!”
Peppy was gone. The girls raced down the sidewalk, fol-
“¡Qué terrible!” Emma moaned. “Poor lowing the paw prints through the streets of
Peppy! He’s too little to be all alone in the Puerto Verde. Suddenly right outside the city
city!” carwash the trail went cold.

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“Oh, no,” groaned Naiya. “Peppy must block away. Let’s go!”
have run through some puddles and washed The girls hurried to the café.
the paint off his paws!” “Mom! Mom!” Alana called as she ran up
“How will we find him now?” Kate cried. to her mother. “Have you seen Peppy?”
“Where would Peppy go?” Dora asked. But Alana’s mom shook her head. “No,
“Where was he running?” honey, I haven’t seen him. Did he run away?”
The girls were quiet for a moment. Then “Yeah—just a few minutes ago,” Alana
Alana said, “He really loved those biscuits replied. “Call me if he turns up, okay?”
we gave him at the Arco Iris Café. Maybe he “I have an idea,” Naiya spoke up. “Peppy
went there to get some more?” loves different kinds of food! Maybe he went
“Maybe,” Dora said. “The café is only a to the farmers’ market!”

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“It’s worth a try,” Dora replied. “Follow would Peppy go? What does he love more
me!” than anything else in the whole, wide world?”
The girls ran three blocks over to the Suddenly Dora thought she knew exactly
farmers’ market. They hurried through each where Peppy was. She turned around and
aisle, peeking under every booth for Peppy. started running as fast as she could.
But the puppy was nowhere to be found.
“What now?” Emma asked.
“We could try the Très Chic Pet Boutique,”
Kate suggested. “Peppy loved getting a bath
“Let’s do it,” Dora said.
Once again the girls ran down the streets
of Puerto Verde. Dora was starting to get
What if they couldn’t find Peppy?
What if the little puppy was gone forever?
At the boutique Kate asked the owner if
she’d seen Peppy. But the puppy hadn’t been
“Come on, chicas,” Dora pleaded. “We
need to think. What are we missing? Where

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looking for?” she asked. “Who’s Peppy?”
“Peppy is a little puppy who got lost,”
Dora explained. “Will you help me find him?”
“Sure!” the girl replied. Soon all of the
kids at the playground were searching for
Chapter Seven Peppy. The Explorer Girls arrived and helped
look too.
The minutes ticked away, and Dora started
“Dora! Where are you going?” Alana yelled. to get even more worried. It looked like
“¡Espera!” cried Kate. Peppy hadn’t returned to the park after all.
The Explorer Girls took off after Dora, Suddenly a furry creature bounded up to
who ran down the beach. Her heart pounded Dora and jumped in her arms.
in her chest. “Please be there, Peppy,” she It was Peppy!
whispered. “Please, please, please.” “Peppy!” Dora cried. “You’re safe! Hooray!”
In moments Dora arrived at the park Everyone at the playground cheered!
where she and Kate had found Peppy a week “Dora, how did you know that Peppy would
ago. Dozens of little kids were running and come back here?” asked Kate.
jumping on the playground equipment. “I remembered how much Peppy likes
“Peppy!” Dora yelled. “Peppy! Where are little kids,” Dora explained. “Remember how
you?” he played with the twins when we found him?
A little girl ran up to her. “Who are you And I never saw him happier than when I

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took him to show-and-tell. So I guessed that her friends. Then she turned to Kate. “Let’s
he would come back to the park—since there go help Señora Alvarez.”
are always lots of kids here!” As it turned out, Señora Alvarez was
“I’m so glad you found him!” Alana looking for them. “Girls! Look who’s here!”
exclaimed. “I was really worried.” she called.
“So was I,” Dora said. “Now let’s get this The Diaz family was with her! Little Mar-
little guy back to the animal shelter. The cos’s eyes grew wide when he saw Peppy.
adoption party starts soon. Come on, Peppy. “Mom! Dad!” he yelled. “That’s the puppy
Your exciting day is just beginning!” who knows three languages! He’s the best
* * * dog ever!”
When the Explorer Girls returned to the “Happy birthday, Marcos!” everyone cried.
animal shelter, Dora could hardly believe all “¡Feliz cumpleaños!”
of the activity. The adoption party had just “I hope you like your birthday present,”
started, and there was already a big crowd! Dora added as she handed Peppy’s leash to
“I’ve got to find the band and warm up!” Marcos.
Emma exclaimed. “See you after the show!” “Birthday present?” Marcos repeated.
“I’d better go help at the refreshment “Peppy is my birthday present?” A huge grin
stand,” Alana said. spread across his face.
“I’ll make sure everything is ready for Dora’s eyes sparkled with happiness as
the raffle,” added Naiya. she watched Marcos play with Peppy. “You
“¡Hasta luego, chicas!” Dora called after were right,” she said to Señora Alvarez.

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that! And so would the twins!”
“Dora!” a voice called.
It was Mami! Papi and the twins were
behind her.
“Mami! You’re back!” Dora cried. She
rushed over to give her mother a big hug. “I
missed you!”
“I missed you too, sweetheart!” Mami
replied. “Look at all of this! You’ve been very
busy while I was gone!”
“Everyone worked really hard,” Dora said.
“It looks like today is going to be a huge
success,” Señora Alvarez said with a smile.
“There’s already a line of people at the adop-
“This part does make it easier to say good- tion table!”
bye.” Dora looked around. She saw all of the
“We hope you won’t be saying good-bye volunteers who had helped to make the
to Peppy,” Señora Diaz spoke up. “Please feel adoption party happen, and all of the people
free to visit him whenever you want. You can who were opening their homes to the ani-
bring the twins for a playdate!” mals. And she saw all of the animals who
“¡Muchas gracias!” Dora replied. “I’d love were about to start new lives with their very

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own families. Dora had never felt happier!
She knew that she wanted to keep helping
animals find homes of their own long after
the adoption party was over.
“Come on,” she said as she grabbed Mami
and Papi’s hands. “I want you to meet my
animal friends.”


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