University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka B.Sc. Engineering Degree Course Semester 7 EE4183-Laboratory Practice V Corona Characteristics

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Semester 7 Corona Characteristics

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

B.Sc. Engineering Degree Course

Semester 7
EE4183—Laboratory Practice V


To observe and analyse the following:

i. Corona characteristics of conductors

ii. Breakdown strength of non-uniform gaps.


i. High voltage AC equipment (100 kV rms)

ii. High voltage DC equipment
iii. 3 Conductor specimen.
iv. Wire mesh
v. Plate-rod gap

The corona formation of a conductor can be categorized into four stages namely.
1. The disruptive critical voltage (dcv) at which corona inception is occurred. An accompanying hissing
noise is created with this instant.
2. Formation of patches of visual corona along the wire. This is the visual critical voltage.
3. Formation of visible corona throughout the conductor wire.
4. Final breakdown of the medium.

The voltage at which the above occurs depend on the

(a). Atmospheric conditions
(b). Conductor diameter and surface conditioning
(c). Nature of the applied voltage

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Semester 7 Corona Characteristics

Corona test: Connect the cylindrical shaped wire mesh to the earth and fix the conductor straight along
the axis of the wire mesh. The connection of the high voltage source to the conductor is made through
the liquid resistor. Increase the applied voltage gradually and observe the four stages of the formation of
corona mentioned above. Record the respective voltages at which they occur.

Breakdown of non-uniform field: Set up the rod-plate gap and earth the plate gap. Apply the voltages
(ac. +ve dc. -ve dc) to the rod and increase the voltage until breakdown occurs. Vary the gap distance
from 0.5 cm to 7.5 cm and perform the test.


 Theoretically'. calculate Disruptive critical voltage. Visual critical voltage and Power loss for
the experiment.
 Plot the breakdown voltage vs gap distance


1. Explain the phenomenon of corona formation based on your observations. What is the
impact of this phenomenon for high voltage overhead transmission lines?

2. What is the importance oldie liquid resistor used in this experiment setup?

3. Comment on the theoretical values and practical values (for corona characteristics)
obtained during the experiment giving reasons.

4. How you differentiate the breakdown of non-uniform fields from uniform fields?
Comment on the features of non-uniform fields using rod-plate gap breakdown

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