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  ...

KITABUL BASAR   
    (C.C.I.M) 
(Textbook of Ophthalmology)
By:Dr.Mohd.Yusuf Ansari

( Textbook of Ophthalmology )
     
        
      
 . . .
2005     .   .

600   
  ------ ------
       
   

-------  

     

110002    
   2861 110002    
  2861
96 65 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   08
   
            
 
   
  
 
                   
114 97 --- --- --- ---- --- --- 09 
              Contents
   
126 115 --- --- --- ----  --- --- 
  10
      
    
     
177 127 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   11
   
                  
 
     
228 178 --- --- --- ---- --- ---    12
      
      
        
  
     
 06 --- --- --- ---- --- --- -  00
236 229 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   13 11 07 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   01
  
       Ant.Chamber    
288 237 --- --- --- ---- --- 
  14 Blood Supply Viterous Body
      
            17 12 --- --- --- ---- --- ---  02
 
     
      
        
305 289 --- --- --- ---- ---       15 21 18 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   03
   
                   
       
321 306 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   16
 23 22 --- --- --- ---- ---     04
 

     
      
339 322 --- --- --- ---- ---  17 32 24 --- --- --- ---- --- ---   05
 
   
   
 
 Diopter     
  

Optic Centre  
357 340 ---   18
--- ---- ---------
 
       36 33 --- --- --- ---- --- 
  06
378 357 --- --- --- --- ---- --- ---  19 Astimatism  Reduced Eye  
   
    64 37 --- --- --- ---- --- ---    07
384 379 --- --- ---- --- ---  
  20       
  

     
 


   "          "

 " 
        ""     "  
           
    
 
   
 
    
  
       
 
    Light      
     
  
   Optics  

           
       
   
      
           
          
     
      
   "    "

  

2004 09
8    
 Outer Layer  
 
           
 

    
  elastic tissues           
  
Cornea   Transparent          Anatomy of Eye
           5    
          Opaque    
eyeball       Sclera   
 
   0.3equatorial   
 
 Limbus   
Sclero-cornea  
 
 Middle Layer  
 eyeball        
Uveal tract       Retina 
 
 
  
 Iris  
  
  
        
 Iris  
   Pupil    
 
    Lense
Cilliary Body   
           
   
   
      Ciliary body        
end-organ 
     Ciliary Process    70 60          
Posterior Chamber
impulses   
   Aqeous Humour 
  
     
Optic chiasma       
 
Choroid 
     Visual cortex    
       
 Choroid   
 Structure
  
        sclera    vascularity
    
    24    
  
  Retina    epichoroidal space  
   3      
10   9  
 Anterior Chamber    Inner Layer  

   

  lenseCornea       Retina  
   Aqeuos Humour     
                
   Pupil          
 
    Ora-serrata  
          
  
 
 Pigment Layer
  Posterior Chamber     iris
  Retina Proper  

 Posterior Chamber     Synapses  
    
  eyeball     Optic Cells      
  
    lense   
 Iris   Pupillary   Connes  Rods
 Aquous Humour      Bipolar  

 Vitreous Body        Ganglion Cells     
Anterior        lense     optic nerve   eyeball Axons   
    Vitreous         Chamber Optic Nerve              
         Vitreous Body
        Optic Disc   Head
  eyeball
Leucocytes Hyalocytes   Inert   
  Retina 

 ciliary epithelium        Fovea centralis          Macula Lutea   
 

 Vitreous  

   Hyaloid cones             
      
 Blood Supply 
     Macula Lutea              
   Int.Carotid Artry            
      Ophthamic Artery   Lense
optic nerve   Central Retinal Art      
          
      eyeball      20 15 Suspensory Ligament   lense       
   optic disc           Ligament zonule     -
 
 
 
    
  
     
       hyaline     
   
 
       Ciliary Artery                 
   Uveal Tract   Chamber  
   zonule 
 Long Posterior Artery     Anterior Chamber   
   optic nerve     
    Posterior Chamber  -
- Vitreous Body 
  11  

  ciliarybody choroid  Sclera
02  Circle of Iris  
ciliary arteries  
   Short Posterior Artery    
Physiology of Eye optic nerve     20  6  
Circle of Zinn Haller sclera  
 optic nerve  ciliary arteries      

    Choroid  
 
Anterior Ciliary Artery   
  eyeball         

 
 sclera   Limbus
   bulber conj.    Recti
        
 Circle of Iris    
 Aqueous Humour   lense cornea    
     Vortex      eyeball 
   
       
Retina   vitreous 
optic vein    
    
 Nerve Supply 
        

  Aq.humour    
    
 Aqueous Humour 
        
            Long Ciliary Nerve      
 sclera 
 
  
 cornea   iris
 ciliary body 
 
 lense cornea    
 choroid   Short Ciliary Nerve    
   Intraocular Pressure.   
 
    
 iris   ciliary body
 

     
 
  
   Autonomic  
 
 
       Edinger Westphal     

 1.08    98.92  Aqueous Humour        eyeball     Parasympathetic      
        
     Pupil Sphincter Muscles 
     
      
 0.02    Hypothalamic     Sympathetic   
 
    Dilator papillae          
 Creatinine 
        Uveal Tract  
14   13  
  
 
 60  Reducing
  ....... 
 
        ...... Inorganic Salts    
   
   La ct ic   As cor bic Acid ..... .  
  Hyaluronic
   Aqueous Humour    
cornea      humor        

      Semi-permeable     
        lense

    BloodAqueousBarrier        
        
   Retinal 
  0.06     0.25      
  Prigment Epithelium 
 
  Bruche's membrane   
   0501       
ciliary  
      Cilliary Region     iris         
 
    eoithelium  
 
  0503   
    Uveal 
Iris  
   Plasmoid Aqueous Humour    
  
    BloodAqueousBarrier    
         
                
  
  Dilation
   
                    
          Aqu.humour              7%           
    
   Pupil        
   
     Vasodilator 
 
   
      Aqu.humour      Iridocylitis 
        
            IOP   
 Choroiditis 
       
 
   FiltrationLeber  
 Tissue Fluid  
 
     semipermeable     
   
           
  
   hydrostatic  
               
      
    eyeball       
     
16   15  
   
 Scleral Sulcus   
          

  Trabecular       
   
             Aqu.humour
 
               Hyaluronic   Ascorbic           
   
          Plexus      
     
   Aqueous Veins            Episcleral  Dialysis  
  
        Aqu.humor   Hydrostatic        
   
                     IOP    
 Intra-ocular Pressure  
                  
 mmHg       20 10        Non-electrolytes      
 
 
 Hg     2217           Osmotic              
                        
..........    Aqu.humour         
   Aqu.humour        Secretory       
    IOP  
                Aqu/humor
         Episcleral   
         ATP  Na-K-AT Pase     
   Intraoccular Pressure       
   osmotic pressure       Na 
  Schlem           Na 
         
    
sclerosis Trabecular
    IOP    
     
   Glucoma  
          
     Hydrostatic  
  
      
      
     permeability  

 
              
     
       
     Ciliary Process   
 
 Glycerol          
   Manitol
  IV 
 Canal of Schlem 
       Aqu.humor     
         
      

     
        
   Pupil    
  17  
 
03       
       
 
        Indirect Method
 
Physiology of Vision Digital Tonometery 
      
 
  
 Tarsal plate   
       
  4  3       
   Limbus    sclera  
     IOP 
     
 Schiotz Tonometer    

 
                  
   
       
cornea 

          sclera  

             
     
       
       Applanation 
     Retina  
  
          3.06cornea 
  
  Cone Cells  Rods    
  
        IOP  
      
  
                      
  Slit lamp Goldman
    optic system     eyeball
    Pulsair    
           
   Vitreous
   
   
 
     Optic Disc  
     
    cornea 
  
  Blind Spot   
 
     
         Photochemical     
 Photochemical Changes       IOP       
 Cones Rods             
      
 
   Rods       Pigments        
   
            

Rhodopsm   Rhodopsin             
       4 3    
   Chromoprotein 

   
    
 
       diagnostic      86     
20   19  
            124         Chromophor   molecules  
               
  Carotenoids        
 Visual Perceptions  
    
      
 
          Cones Rods        
       
 Retina  
   
       impulses              
 
          Ganglion   bipolar cells     
Form Sense     Light Sense             optic nerves 
Colour Sense    Contrast Sense         Cones    Rods  
Movement Sense    
       
     cones  
 Light Sense    

          
             Rods       
           
Retina   
  
    conesRetina  
        Light Mininum      
 Electrical Changes   
     
     
  
          
          
 
            
     Adaption   
       
     
   
      
      Adapt  
   Action-potential    
 Paracentral 
   Retina  
  Fovea   
             
          marginal 
      Biphasic            
        Rods      All-or None Response 
   
 
Night Blindness                  
     
   
    on-effect    
          
      
      off-effect   
    
                      0.5 
 Form Sense    
   
   Receptor 
      
    
     
    Retina  
        White Light    
  21  
         Cones    
04          
   Fovea   
 
    Visual Actuity        
 
Fovea  
       
 
Neurology of Vision
 Retina  
           
      
     
 
     
 Contrast Sense   
  
  
 
         
    
Snellen      Outline    
  Optic Nerve   Retina         Chart
  Retina    
 Optic Chiasm  Colour Sense  
 cross   temporal       
Cones       Retina  
 nasal                     accumodation    
Tract           
   
 
Retina  
   
  cross   Optic Chiasm
     Cones  
        
   
     
     
    
  
  
Geniculate Body            Trichromatic    
  Pregeniculate 
 Movement   
 
Body           
   Retina 
     
  post.tract
         
      
           
   
       Calcarine Cortex     
      
    
   
 
  marginal      
     Temporal lobe 
      
  
         
    
     
   
  
Calcarine    Parietal lobe   
  
  

   occiptal cortex     fissure
  23  
   cortex        
 
05    
   
       
      
Principles of Optics Calcarine
 
   
      
 
  Macular Field           
 
 Lesion 
  
 
  
    
 

     

 Physical Optics 
       Light  
 Geometric Optics 
 
   
  
 Physical Optics 

           
          
 
  Wave Length          
        

  Prism      
        (1) ......  
      
    Scotoma     (2)  

       
  Light Reflex 
    Spectrum   
   Nasal  (3a & 3b)   Temporal Hemiopia
mm 723                 (4 & 5)      
     3a  2
    (397 mm)      1mm  106mm  
        
   (6)    
     
  Infra-red       
     
             
26   25  
 
    
        
       Ultra-Voilet   
  Angle of Incidence           186000          
Mirrors and Reflection        
 
     
                        140000     
 
           Refractive Index       
   
    
                        
  
90  Normal      Plane of Incidence    
   
  
 

 Normal               
      

                     
 Reflect     
  Sign l=1' 
 
       
       Refract
 
   Geometric Optics   
 
                
           
Emergent Ray        
 Incident R 
 Plane Mirror 
       
 O N  M    Z Y  X  P   
   Reflect Ray    
        
     
    P      

 Virtual
 

 
 Refraction  
      Reflection
 
28   27  
   
  
        
Spherical Mirrors

        Concave  Convex  
     Centre of Curvature   
    Normal        
   
Pole of Vertex  VP 
   
  
      Sine            CP Axis
 Sine 
   Sine    
    Sine
   
    

      Constant   

 
           Index        f  Focus   
 1.40    
    1.33 
   P           
 
 
 Focal Lenght   
 Prism  
    
   
      
F V
  
    
    
   
   
 
    
 Base      
    
      
    
        
    
  Apex 

   

 Refraction  
 
          
Refractive Index     
        
  Refraction       
Apex Angle            
  
30   29  

  
 Angle of Incidence Ray    
    
         Wavelenght   

 
          
 C onver ge              
 
  Focus     Diverge              Prism-dioptre
  Focal Lenght         Prism-dioptre      
   Apex Angle 
 Lenses  
 
           
     
 Dioptre  ( Convex ) Converging  

1872Flex Monoyer   
  ( Concave ) Diverging 
 
 Dioptre          Cylindrical Lens   

      
   
 
    Reciprocal  
   
 
Biconvex\Bincocave 
  Dioptre 
Plano-Conex\Plano Concacave      
D=1/F  
   
 
  F  DioptreD
    0.5   112    

"  " "  "   2.0D- Dioptre
   (D)Diopter  
  

 Optical Centre    
(f)    (e)(d)(c)
 (b)(a)

        

    
 
              
 
          
        Focual Length

 
 Trace    
 Refract         (a)  Axis
 

        
 (b)  Focus  
  Axis     
32   31  
    
meridians     
   Focal Line 
 
 Combination of Lenses
          

      Dioptre 1   2
    Dioptre  
 
      3 Dioptre  Convex Lense
          
       
 
  
   
 
             
   Listing Gauss Dioptre
   F2 F1     
     
   P2 P1  
 Concave Lense

 
  
  
 
  BB AA  
 Optical Centre     
             N2  N1  Nodal Point
         
 Cylindrical Lense 
           

Axis           

      
  
34    
  
Aqueous  
 
  
  
        Vitreous Lense    Lense   
  300                 Vision and Optics
               
      Aqueous Lense  
    Listing Gauss 
         24   Retina  
  
     
Hyperopia           
   
  Myopia        
 Hypermetropia
         
Ametropia     Errors of Refraction     
            
  Emmetropia  
normal eye  
 
        
 

    

 
            
--   
   (E)
 
 
   (H)  Camer         Optics
   1570  1630  
   

   
 
   (M)     1579  1650  Scheiner   
       Obscura

 
Retina     
      Cornea  
   
  Demonstration   
 Curvature Ametropia 
 
  
 Index Ametropia   
 Lense
   
 
  Refractive Index 
 Axial Ametropia Listing  Gauss
     axiseyeball   

    
     
36   35  

 (C)   (B)  (A)-- 
  
 Astigmatism   
Relax Form   
    (D)       Astigmatism 

      cornea  lenseRefractive surface
                
      
        
   
 Regular Astigmatism    (A)

         10                    
 Suspensory Ligament       
    6       
     
Ant.Chamber  Cilliary Muscles                          
 Accomadation     Scleral Spur    angle   
  
      ciliary             Simple    
       Phiysiological Accomadation         
 
Dioptre   lenseconstriction        
 Accomadation Physical   Compound   
       Accomodation     
  
    Mixed  
 
       
    Curvature     : Irregular Astigmatism    (B)
 Convergance of Eye          refractive surface
                   
  angular 
   
        Accommodation 
 
  Accomodation Dioptre   
             
 Constriction of Pupils       
 

 
   pupil    
     
Retina  
 
     
    Accomadation    
     Accomodation
38    

        
 
 Occupation
                 
                  Examination of Eye
       
       
 
   
            
  
    
 Past History 
    
 
       
        
          
 
 Retinitis Pigmentosa  
   
      
  
 
     Ptosis   Concomitant Squint  
   Hereditory Factors  
     
 Patient's History  

   Forceps         Trimester 
       
    
        History   
 
        
  
 
   
   
     
     Age 
     
             
   
Diziness          6            
 
    
  Discharge  
Exudate      6         Occlusive      Amblyopia
   13  Myopia         
    
  Functional 50           20
  Subjective    
 Glaucoma    Catatract         60
 
 
     
   refractive errors  
40   39  
 MedianCanthus      
  eyeball
   Lacrind Puncta 
    
       
    eyeball 
         larimal duct       Functional Examination   
  mucoid 
purulent  watery  
    
  
     
   Schirmer's Test   Acuity of Vision   
5      Fornex     Colour Vision   
      10     15 Field of Vision  
 Conjunctiva 
      A
  eyeball   
   Examination of Anterior Segment
Palpebral            Bulbar Con.  
      
         Conjunctiva 
    
  
               Pupil Iris
  
                      Lids 
        eyelashes       
         
  
             Ulcerative       
  
         Cillia
 foreignbody   Fotlicle       Palpebral    
 Chemosis                     Lacrimal Puncta     Aperture
       congenital acquired    Ptosis     
    
    congestion          
Lid                  
  
      
 
    Proptosis  Thyrotoxicosis    Retraction
   Ptosis 

  mucopurulant   
  eyelashes    cornea   foreignbody     Lesion   orbit
   Photophobia     Iritation    Lacrimal Apparatus  
 
 Sclera  Lacrimal glands 
 

    sclera    
   balber conj  
 
   Oacryoadentitis                    
                    Tender

   
  iris 
  
            
 
    
    Ciliary Staphyloma           Lacrimal sac
42   41  
         Scleritis    
 
    foreignbody cornea   
      IOP  
      Loup            Cilliary  
  
Nebula         Opacity        Duskiness     
    Leucoma  
 Cornea
                    
              Abrasion           

 Blepharospm  Irritation   
Lacmal             
                  Rose Bengal-1% 2%sac
      Lignocaine 4%             
     Photophobia       
 Anterior Chamber   Lacrimation 
     
       2.5     Microcornea Planta         
  
          Hyper Metropia          cornea   Buphthalmos  
  Apakia   Buphathalmos  Myopia        Megalocornea
              Keratoglobus                
      Irridiocyclitis   
                   Keratoconus
Aqueous               Keratoglobus     

Pus   Iridocyclitis   
      Humour    Keratoscopic Disc    
    
            Cells               
  KP  Kiratic Precipitates                    
  

      Pus                    
  Hypopyon
 Iris 
 
            
       iris          
   IridisHeterochromia
44   43  
  
              
Muddy  
  Irititis 
  
        pupil      Position 
     
      Anisocoria   
                      iris   
 Tendon Reflex  
     Aphakia     
     Synaechiae
 
      Irritation      Iridodonesis   
    
     Spastic Mydriasis      Pupil
           
   iris    Apperture     4  3 
 
    Paralytic Mydriasis  
  
  Corectopia   
 Lense   Polycoria 
 Opthalmoscope    
              
  Slit Lamp     Reflex     
 
           Direct Reflex    
    Ophthalmoscope      Consensual Reflex 
        Lense      Direct   
   
 Cataract              
     
Deve-    Acquired  -
 -Developmental-  
      pupil   normal   
        
    lopmental Cataract 
    
             
-Corticalcataract  acquired    
 Retro-bulbar Neuritis  
 Nuclear    -            Consensual 
 
   Suspensory Ligament        cover 
   
      
        
 Purkinjes Images 
    
 15     
             
   pupil    

      convex  Purkinjes Images     

  concave    
  Argyll Robertson     
  accommodation 
 
     
          
     Pupil
     
     accommodation    Adie Pupil  
46   45  
    
  
     Aphakia
 
        
      Ocular Tension   
 
 
  mmHg    Conversion Chart     
      
mmHg2012 
          
       sclera
 2217   
       
     
10 7.5
    4
        
          

            
  
       
  
30 20  
   
  scleral coat  
   
         Appalanation Shiotz 
   
  
 sclera 
    
    
    
  
Shiotz Tonometer  (1)
  Applanation(2)     
   
        3.06  cornea                  
   
    IOP 
             Indentation
          Slit lamp   Goldman    
(Schiotz)     
     
       
   Indentation   
  
  
   cornea                
      
          
  mmHg    
   
    Slit-Lamp 

conju-    Local anaesthesia     Chin-rest 
 
  
  lacrimal    
 
       -nctival sac
         
 Xylocaine 4%    
   
             Knob     
        
                
   
    
 
mmHg 15.5  
  
 
 
48   47  
      refractive error    Pulsair    3
      
     
 
   Macula  Optic Disc  
      
     cornea
 
     fundus
  Indirect 
  Direct

 (B)
Examination of Posterior Segment
Direct Indirect 
      
  
 
  
5 4
  
 Transillumination 
      IIIumination        
 Cilliary Body     
 
             
   Streopsis     
  8 
    Transconjuctivo-scleral   

 
  

 Equator
  Oro Serrata
 
  
  Transcorneal    
 Indirect Ophthalscopy            
    
        
     conj.  Fornical   
            Myopic    ciliary    pupil sclera  
  
Direct      fundus            
 fundus   Astigmatism  
        Transcorneal         
 +20D    fundus                
 
 
 
  Ophthalmoscopy 
    
 Direct Ophthalmoscopy
        1851 
   
        
16  Fundus 

         
    concave  
            
 
 

20 13                  
 
  10 convex   Diopter(D)
 
        
50   49  
 
 Goniosope Applanation       fundus      
                

                      
      
           
 
Gonioscopy     
          
       
              
    
 Slit-Lamp Biomicroscope   
         Limbus
       
   
                          

               

 
Gonioscope       
 
    
   

      Gonioscope      Vit.Humous
 
  
cornea 

 Fundus Oculi
Binocular Microscope   
 
   choroid coat      
      
     fundus
 
  

 Optic Disc
1.5        
                  
        optic disc     
   Astigmatism
Scleral  
          
  
        
     disc   
     Ring
      Temporal        
  Nasal  optic disc    
52   51  
 
        

    foveal reflex      
       temp. art   
  
 Retinal Vessels  
 
 Retinal    
Pysiological Cup
    
Retina  (1)
optic                   
  Pigmented   (2)
              disc epithelium
                 Choroid 
Sclera (4)
  
  
       20-10   
    
            
                 
  intracranial  
Abnormal Fundus    Papillitis    
 Papilloedema          
    
      
  
  
Retina        optic disc
    
Visual   
             
    optic-disc   
        
      Obscuration
     
     
 Plysiological Cup 
                       Lamina Cribrosa       
  dilation  
    
           Retinal  
  
 
       optic disc                 

 
 exudate   bleeding  

    

 Macula 
                        Anatomically
    Retina        
  xanthophilic         33    temporal 

 
   Fovea      
       
         5        
 
 Axons    Macular Fan             fundal
tumour     Papilloedema     
 
         F ovea centralis  
   
   tumour Pituitary         macula
54   53  

 
  Subarachroid   Brain Abscene   
 Toxophasmosis     
   TB   Angio-    Demylination       
Choroiditis       lesion Macula    optic disc-pathy

   
  
    fundus          
       
                       constriction
      Optic.Dis
  
    atrophy      Optic Neuritis     
Functional Exam of Retina  scotoma  
  visual acuity  
        Retina 
 
     
   Optic Disc       
Field of      Color Sense    Visual Acuity  
         Optic Atropy  
 7  10 
  
     Kestenbaum's Sign     
    Vision
      optic disc   Optic Atropy
 Visual Acuity               
   
    visual acuity    atrophy   
   
              
  hypertension    
                 Retinal Arteriosclerosis 
              
    
  
     reflex 
Snellen            
 congestion     

   OpticDisc      
   Exuatate  
   Macula     
  
 Snellen's Chart              

    
   
   vitrous     Proliferation 
6 
          
             
   
        8.7 
 0.35     20   Retinal Haemorrhage   
         0.025   351 
    Superficial          
  Snellen   
         hamprrhage     

 1.8                       
   
        
 
    
   
 Retina  Subhyloid 
56   55  
  V     
     d   
      
D    6     
 
 24 126 (B)  (A)

          

   
    
 
    
   2555     
 Visual Acuity   
5  Nodal        
      
Nodal  5      
            

    incidence rays    lense
    
       V=6/6  
Nodal   
     5 5
 6/60         
 
    
            5
        
       
  
      
   
        
    2           
  
  5    60
 
     2/60      
       
  
  1/60     
 
     
Counting Finger ...........CF    20 6   

Hand Movement ........HM    
    
     
Perception of Light .........PL  3    
            
No Perception of Light ...No PL       3   
 
   
        
       
   
   E     
        
      

 
  Landolt's Ring 
  
     
 Near Vision    
 
   Jaeger's Test Types         
   
       
 V=d/D
58   57  
 Ishihara Chart 
           "1"   
  Pseudo Isochromatic      
      
Plates                 
        
   14  12 
          "J"   
      
 
         "6"        
 
           J6     
   
 
      
 
   
   FOE

"KITABUL BASER" gives up-to-date knowledge about eye diseases in simple and lucid Urdu so it is very much
 informative for B.U.M.S students.

  
 N-8
"KITABUL BASER" gives up-to-date knowledge about eye diseases in simple and lucid Urdu
so it is very much informative for B.U.M.S students.
 
Pseudo "KITABUL BASER"gives up-to-date knowledge about eye diseases in simple
Isochromatic and lucid Urdu so it is very much informative for B.U.M.S students.

FOE    

 Jaeger
 
 Lantern Test          
            
               Pt   48  36  24  18  12  10  8  6 5 Times Roman
         Edridge-Green        
  ''S''       
                     
   
 6 20     
  Color Vision 
          
 Holmgren's Wool-matching Test         
   Shades     
      
   Tobaco Amblyopia          
           Retrobulbar Neurititis     

 
       
     
     Test-Colours              
        
   
    
      
     
   Match Colours   
  
60   59  
                 
   
    visual field 
      
   Confusing Colours
     Macular   
   
Rod                 Cone Cells      
     Retina  

           Cells        Test Colours  
    
                           
 

   marginal       
 
 
      
                     
       Visual Cortex   

Recepetor           Red-blind        
 visual tract    Retina  
    Green-blind         
          visual cortex  Red-blind       
    
 
       

           Green-blind     
     
 Detchment       
   visual field   

             Retinitis Pigmentosa 
  Field of Vision  
        
 
Malingering           
           
  
     
 
 Orbit     
  
     
  
 
 Confrontation Test          
        
              
   

       Object  

    
      
 2       
              
         
  
             
  
          
        
 
62   61  
               
      
  
                        
   
             
       
 Chinrest             
  Meridians   
                 
    
      3           330       
        Red-Pin Test  
     
      
         
12          
      -15-15 30-30
     
      
 16
Menidians          

              
             
               Pin Head

              Central Scotoma   
 
        Pin
            Perimetry

 
    5  5/330
  Perimeter           
 Object    330       Tangent Screen    
    5        
   
 
 
         
60  78

  60   
           90         

         Lister      
    
 Scotometry Central Perimetry

    
 
        
         Optic-disc  

  
          
    
  
    Rodes  Cones  
   
64   63  

Relative   Obsolute Scotoma   Physiological Spot     
     

   Scotoma    
   15 12 temporal Fixation     
    
           1.5 meridian    

Central       5.5  7.5
        
      
 Fixation  Papilledeme     
  visual acuity Tangent          Optic Neuritis
2     
     
      Bjerrum's   
   
2  
  
  
  10      
 
Tangent Screen    
      
         
       10
      
     

 
       
 Paracentral      
     
  Fixation    
     
 Pericentral  
 Pathological Scotoma 
  Scotoma 
    
 Fixation
  
 Centro Caecal 
    
 
Fixation   
Scotoma 
    
      
  
      Tangents  
 Bjerrum-- Comet Arcuate   
 
   
 Fixation      
   
 temporal 
 nasal   Scotoma 
  Comet   
  
  
 
    Relative  
 Obsolute      
66    

         

 Anatomy  

Canthi          
  

Plica-semilunaris      
    Canthus      Diseases of Lids
     Lacrimal Canucle medial  
     
 
 Lacrimal Papilla     Plica 
Lacrimal   Ciliary         Lacrimal Punctum 
    Lacrimal Canaliculus         

Conjuctiva Tarsi         
         
          Lids
      Eyelashes Cilia
 
   3  
  
 
 
  
Orbiculari 
 (1
 Muscles  
Sweat Gland(2
             Hair Follicle  (3
 Cranial Nerve    Orbicularis Oculi Gld of Zeis  (4

 Orbital                Cilium (5

   Pretarsal  
 Preseptal  Gld of Moli (6
 
 Fascia      
 (8
  Lacrimal Canaliculus     arcade  
  (9
    Levator Palpebrae        
 (10
 
              Wolfring  (11
 
  Tarsal Plate   Insertion  
 arcade 

 (12
  Tarsal Muscle of Muller   
    Crypt(13

 Krause(14
Levater         sympathetic nerves  
  Muller(15
   Trasus   
 (16
  
 Orbital Rim     Orbital Septum   
 
Fat  (17
68   67  
 Zies Glands   Fascia     Orbicularis Muscle     Tarsi

  eyelashes 
    
             Orbit 
    
  Sebaceous        
   Tarsus  

 Moli Glands                      

margin        
Palpebral         Orbit      

  ebaceous  
  
   Palpebral Fasciae  
     Ligaments
hair follicle   Zies Glands      
 Grey Line  
 
       ebaceous                      
  Spiral Glomeralus         
   
 Accesory Lacrimal Glands(ALG)    
   
 Tarsal Plate          
 
 
  
   

  Palpebral Conj.   ALG   Hair-follicles   
 
   
   cornea
  Conjunctival-sac 
 
 Intermarginal Strips(1)
Upper Punctum 
  
 (2)
  Lids
Plica Semilunaris   (3)
Ophthalmic Artery    Caruncle (4)
Zygomatic Artery      Lower Panctum 
 
 (5)
Angular Artery 
   
  (6)

 
 Glands of Eyelids
      Lids    Lids
 Trigeminal Sensory   

 Meibomium Glands     
  Levetor Palberal          Tarsal Glands  
   Orbicularis   
      
Tarsal Plate 
   Sebaceous  

 Sympathetic Nerves     25       
 hair follicle
  
 

 Physiology   conjun              20       
     eyeball   
          ctiva
 
  foregnbdy
       
  
70   69  
 
    
 Ptosis   
 Transparent      
  

  Lid 
   
     lubrication  
    
 Epicanthus          Lids 
 
            
 Ptosis    Physiology of Symptoms  
        Canthus                   Lids 
 
              
                  
 

 
        Bridge    
   MarginLids 
   Spaeth's Z Transposition      Hordeolum    
 
   
 
   
 
 
Distichiasis    
   Marginal Blephiritis      
 
    Eyelashes      conjunctiva   Lid  
 
       eyelashes       
    conjunctiva  
 

     Meibomian         Entropion      foriegnbody  
     
 cornea   eyelashes
          cornea  eyelashes   
   cornea   

 
Congenital Deformitities

 Lids 
  
  (A)     
    Worth May  
  Ablepharon 
 
 
Ectro (E)Entro  (D) Distiachiasis (C)Trichiasis 
 (B)
  
  
     
   Microblepharon 
 Coloboma    
    lid  
   Cryptoblepharon
Limbus   
 
Notch  
   
  congenital   Lids
           
72   71  
    Oedema of the Lids   
 
        Loose 
 
    Passive       
              
Blepharitis ......    
  Margins  
  
    Lids   Stye  Lids         
 
 
      congestive  
             
 
 Squamous Blepharitis   Tononitis      Purulent   
 Aetiology    Sinusitis     Cellulitis    Orbital  

      
   
     Blepharitis              Lids    
 Dandruff  Erysipelas   
 
    
Bacteriology    Solid Oedema      
   Piryosporum ovale   ........     

 
     
          Lids

     insufficiency    Retinopathy
  
   Thrombosis Cavernous Sinus  
.......  

  Lids     Anaphylaxis   
 
Angio-neurotic            
    
Metabolic Disorders          Lids  
        Matabolic   
 
Seborhoea 
 
  
       
             
Ulcer    
Hyperaema     
74   73  
 
Symblepharon 
     Ulcerative Blepharitis    
     Aetiology 
 Sequele    
 Squamous Blepharitis      
        
     
  Tylosis                   
Sequale   Ulcerative Blepharitis    

   
     
    
    Bacteriology  
      
  
      Staphylococcus aureus  
Treatment      

       
                
           
 Phthiritis Palbebrum    
 
   Ascarica   Demodex folliculorum
 
 
    

      
 Eyelashes  
 crust   
  
     
                 
           Lids    
    
  
     Hair follicles  
  ulcerative
   eyelashes   
      
       
     

crust     
 
   3%    
 
         
 
  , 
             
  
 
   
      Gentamycin Soframycin
    
  congestive    Corticosteroid    
   
    Allergic      
Photophobia  
76   75  

         
        
Refractive Error         Chronic dacryocyctitis
   Bland Lotion       
  
      ,    swab 
    
 
    hair follicle    
  
       
  
 Nodule   
Nodule      margin    
              Chalazion
 
       
  
     
 ( Tarsal Cyst or Meibomium Cyst)

  
Tarsus   Meiborman       Cyst   
  
 Bulber Conjunvtiva       
     Grunuloma       
  nodule      
   Tenderness   
        
 
          
  
        conjunctiva        
 Stye        
 
  
             
     Hordeolum Internum
 Astigmatism       
  
 
eyeball  
 Astigmatism 
 Pathology 
 
meibo-      exfoliation    
 
 
 (b) 
 
  
 
        -mium gland.   

 
         Irritation             
  

   
    Epitheloid    

      Granulation      GliantCells    
 Irritation   
 
Blepharitis   

     Hyaline  
  virulent      
78   77  

  
    
    conjunctiva    

     
Stye   Treatment 

      
externum 
 Conservative       
       
  
 Metabolic Diseases     
 Incise & Drain       
            
     Chalazion Clamp            
   Staphylococus   
  
      
         
    immunity    Chalazion-Scoop
    
   refractive error         24      
  
    
 Biopsy
   
   
  
Chemosis  
      
    Chalazion

    Chemosis   lid      

    Histological      
    

Congestion       
 
    
    Chemotic        
 hyperaemea  congestion  Hordeolum externum
   
 
           Zeis      
 Cillia       
eyelash 
      
      Staphylococus
 
     

  
              
  
Carbuncle      
    Cillia
     Staphylocus  
 Aetiology 
    Carbuncle    
 stye
  
    
 
  
   
80   79  
 
Suppurative Chalazion       
    Complications
 
 
 Chalazion   
      stye
 
 Aetiology    
 
      
           
 
         S t y e    
  Chemosis   Congestion 
  Chalazion Treatment 
  
   
 
  Stye        
       
  
      
 

            horizontal   
 

    
 
fibrous tissues  
       lid   
 Hair follicles  
  
  
   
  conjunctiva  
           Gentamycin  
   
  
Treatment 
    250 Ampicillin
 
      
 Stye   
    immunity     
   abscess  
 Chalazion 
  
    
 verticle

 
   
Hordeolum Internum
      Stye   
 
     eyeball  lid  
    
    
 Meibomium gland
      
    
 
 Posterior Symblepharon 
    
  
           lid  
 
   Formix
 
 eyeball  Hordeolum Internum
  
 Anterior Symblepharon     

               
   Formix
82   81  
 
 

Preventive   

   
  Contact     
  
 Symblepharon
  
    Lids 
 

 
            
 
   Total Symblepharon      
                 
      
 
 
    
         
 lid

   
    
 
   Contact Lens  
Atiology 
 
 
      
Ancyloblepharon  Palpebtal       
            conjunctiva  Bulbar  
   symblepharon     
 
   
 
      lids               healing
    
 
    
    Diathermy
   
 

  Symplepharon       
   
    
     
    
 
  cornea      
Aetiology        
  
   
   
Treatment  : 



       
       
           Lagophthalmos
       
 

 lids    
     
  
    symblepharon 
 
 
  
   
    
 
  
             
 eyeball     
     
  Graft  epithelium  Diplopia
84   83  
   
 Lacrimation   Triachiasis

     eyelashes

  
Leucoma   
  

  
    
       
eyelashes     
   
  
 
  
 Reflex Blephanospasm
Aetiology 
    
   
 
   
    
   ulcers   
Diastrichiasis 
 
     
 Epilation 
 

   Entropion     
    
  
Epilation Forceps 
 
        
           

  Trachoma   
       
   Spasm Entropion 
 
     
 
  
 Ulcerative Blepharitis    
 Electrolysis Epilation      
 Ext.Hordeolum/Stye  
10  
30  hair follicle  
 
        
 Scars 
    
    
     
   
         
 
  Drocain   lids
  Burn 

     eyelashes         
Surgery  
          
   
   
 
 Cryoepilation           
 
  
  80  45         
   foreign body
    
  follicle    
 
  
congestion conjunctiva  
86   85  
 
 Membranous Conjunctiva      
   
  
  
     eyelashes 
     lids   
          infantile        
 
      
      
      
      Spastic Or Senile Entropion - - 
 
cornea   
                40   
   
      irritation     lower  lids  
 
  vascularity    Photophobia Orbicularis  

 
 
    
   
 Treatment         Degenerate     
 
  
       Tarsal Plate   
 
     
   tarsal plate  Degenerate     
     - - Atrophy  eyeball         lids  Muller Muscle  
      Inferior Lid Apponeurosis     
 
 
    

 Tarsectomy            
  lids
    lids     atrophyeyeball 

      
  
  
           Infantile Entropion 
    Coilodion  
         lids  
  
  lids  -
-       lids
  
  Cicatricial Entropion   
 
 80    lids 
  subcutaneous         
        
      palpebral conjunctiva       

       Trachoma 
   
   Scar 
 tarsal plate
      
 
 tarsus     

88   87  

   Skin-Muscle Operation   
 
Ectropion  
    
 
    
 
 eyelashes   
 
    
     
      
  incision 
       
          
  Or b icu la r is 
    
 

 SpasticEctropion   
   
   lids    
    
   
 
 Forceps 
             Orbicularis 
  
       
    Staphyloma        Tarsal Plate 
 
      bulber conjunctiva   
 
  
 
   
           
      24
 

Senile Ectropion     

 Wheeler's Operation   
    tone 
           senile entropion  

 
  lid      
  
 
  6 lower lid 
 Cicatricial Ectropion   
  
 canthi  
    
   
 Scar      
 
       
  
  
 
 
  
     
  burn    
     
   6   Orbicularis  
 Osteomtyelitis         
      

 Paralytic Ectropion     
  
   
    Facial Nerve   
 Malar     

      Tone 
      bone
  
    
  
    
Lacrimation    24
     
      
   
90   89  
 
 Kuhnt Szymanowski 
    
  
     
 
        
   
 
  
  
  
  ulcers   
 
 
  
      lower lid    Treatment 
  Split          
   
  Tarsal Plate   conjunctiva    
  
 
      Wedge      
 
  

  

    
 
  
       canthi     
  
    lower lid 

   
  scar tissues 
  
  
  
    24        
   
 

     Tarsorrhaphy 
  A
   
  
    
 Belaphanoptosis  

  Lateral Tarsorrhaphy   
           
     
 
  
 
 
              
Central/Paramedian Tarsorrhaphy    
   
 
       
        Lagosphthalmos 
 
       
 
Lovator Palpebro Superior 
     lids    
       
  
   

     Kuhnt Szymanowski   
 
   B 
Trachoma  
  
    
   .   
   

92   91  
    
atrophy  
  Myosthenia Grevis      
 
     95         

     
PhthisisPubli  
 
 eyeball
 
     Trauma       lids 
 Mechanical Ptosis      
    
   Congenital Ptosis    (A)
 
              
 
      Xanthelasma       
   
      
  
        Levator muscle Sup.Rectus  
 
 Levator
   
  
Pseudo-Ptosis           Ophthalmosplegia
   

   Blepharophimosis Syndrome    
   
   
  Trachoma   
    
         Ptosis     
 
   
  Ptosis    
 
 
  Epicanthus  
   
    Acquired Ptosis      (B)
General Atrophy
           
       
    

 Neurogenic Ptosis       
 
atrophy    
   
   
 Levator   

 
         
    lesion
 
   
  
     
 
   
   Mullers' Muscle     
 
 
         
        lesion   cranial sympathetic
lid     
         Horner's Syndrome     
 
      Myogenic Ptosis     
 

Tilting of Neck    
       
        lids
94   93  
 Blaskovic's Operation    (B) 
   levator muscle    
 
Marcus   
  Everbusch's Operationt       
 Jaw-Winking         
Frontalis   Sup.Rectus       
        
Gunn Phenomenon
               Muscle  
  Levator  Ptosis    
            
       Fascia          
            
      lid
 Motal's Operation   
  (C)  Treatment 
   insertion 

  

              
      
       medial          
   
 
  Tarsus    
  Fornix   
   

  
       lid             
 Greeve's Operation  
  (D)      
               
  
       

           
  Ptosis      
0.2 x 6  Fascia lata           lid  
     
   Strip          

  Frontalis    eyebrow 
  
  incision    
    
 Ptosis     
 

 strip              

 
  
     Tarso-Conjunctival Resection TCR  (A)
             
   Fasanella-Servat Operation   
 
 Tarsal plate         Levator    
  
  
                  
    Frontalis muscle  
 
 
   3  2   
 tarsal plate          
    Muller
    Frontalis muscle  
    
96   95  
   Bland Ointment-
-  
   
strips 

Surgical  
     

  Tarsorraphy     

 
     

 

  

 
      
 
  
  
    Orbicularis 
contracture    
   
    
             lids  
    Fatigue   
   
  
  
 
 Aetiology 
  blepharospasm          

   conjunctiva     
cornea       Aetiology 
 
   iritation 
 Lesion Congenital 
 lesion    
  
Complications Acquired    

      Canaliculi   
 Orbicularis  lids  
 
 lids   (Epiphora)    Contraction     
 
Proptosis  
 
    Eczematous    Complications

   
      
 Palpebral Vein   
       
  lids 
 
 lids  
 Keratitis     cornea
 
     lids   Treatment 
Treatment  Local 
      Liquid Parafin
  cornea
98    
 
 
          
     Lacrimal Fossa    

  Orbital Plate

 
      
Fornix 
  1210           
    p a l p eb r a l  
     Lacrimal Apparatus
        Lobules
   
  Acini  
   
 
    Tarsus    Fornix
   86  42 Fornix 
  Fornix    
 Lacrimal Passage    (B)  Anatomy 
            
 Lacrimal Glands  (A)
Lacrimal Puncta   
  
 
Canaliculi     
 Orbital   
  
Lacrimal Sac    
 

Palpebral  
     
Nasal Duct    
 Krause 

  Lacrimal Puncta   
     
   6  Canthus    
    
Puncta       Puncta 
 Canaliculi  
     Lacrimal Papilla   
  
      ........ Canaliculi    
      2 1       Punctum  
        
     76
    lacrmal bone  Lacrimal Sac 
  
    15           L.Fossa
100   99  

    
cornea              
    Fundus             6  5  

 
    Orbicularis   
     
 
    
   Nasal Duct       
      
         24 12     
   Nasal Duct  

 Globlet    Mucus                 6  3
 
               
  
          Turbinate     Maxilla  
     Hydrophilic     Hydrophobic    nasal duct             
 Physiology   Stratified Epith.        Canaculi         
 
  
  conjunctiva   cornea
       Columnar Epithelium   Lac.Sac  
    cornea        mucus 

 
          

   Conj.Sac.    
  alkline      
  
   lac.gland 
   Lysozyme              
 
  
       
        
Lysozyme 
 
43    
  Drainage 
Watering of the Eye
      
Lacrimation 
Epiphora   
    Capillary   
     
       
       Nasal Duct Canaculi  
          Lacrimation       
          
                 
         

       
  Ephiphora        
     
  Pathological  Acquired   Reflective  Layers  
  Lacrimation           conjunctiva 
  
  Lacrimation     
    

      Meibomian  
  
102   101  
  Nasal-Lacrimal     Reflective (A)
Maxillary        Decryocystitis      
      eyeball
 Epi     Authrum    
 
    
Inspection      
  
      Lacrimation        
 
    

    
        Epiphora              
         facial nerve  
lacrimal                   
      drain     
   Puncta 
      Puncta     Acquired  (B)
   lac.sac      
 Physostigmine  Pilocarpine    
Puncta                 parasympathetic
              
Mucocele        Puncta     Canaliculi 
  
      Mikulicz      
                
  
  
lac. gland  
 
  Atropic Rhenitis 
           
 Investigations
   
 Epiphora   
 Flrocein Dye Disapearence Test(FDD-Test)  A    L.puncta 
 L.Canaculi   
  
conjunctiva   2%      Nasal Duct      L.Sac
    Epiphora  
   
       2         
lacrimal drain      Punctum   
    cornea    
   
 Epiphora      
: Irrigation Test  (B)   Canliculus  
Canula         Streptothoix

         
   Canaliculus     
 Sac 
   lacrimal drain      
       
  
          
 Epiphora       
104   103  
      lacrimal drain     
         
Punctum    
  cornea 
  conjunctiva    X-ray Method   (C)
                  
      
   
 Hipiodot 
Tests 
       
 
 Shirmer's Tets I    Dryness of Eye
 
   
  Lac.Sac     
  
  
  Whatman    5    35
Accesory Lacrimal      
  5    

   Fornix  
   conjunctiva   gland
                 
 
 
 
        
     5   
   
    2510  
   Tearfilm 
 
   
        
 
    
   
   
 Shirmer's Tets II    
Sjogren's             
   
   Neoplasm
     Syndrome
Tearfilm  BUT   Mucin  
      
Conjuntival  CIC          Break-up Time
 Biopsy   conjunctiva   Impressions Cytology
  Mucin  
   Goblet Cells      
      2%    
    BUT 

   A                 
       
 
   
   conjunctiva    
 
  puncta              Xorophtahlmia 

35 15 BUT 
 
10    
    
    
 Steven-Johnsons  Pemphigoiad
  BUT
 scar 

      
 
       
   
   Mucomimetic       cornea     
106   105  
 
    Mikulicz'sSyndrome  
Aetiology  Dacryoadenitis
 Specific Granulomatous Infection    
  
      
     chronic dacryoadenitis     

  Acute Dacryoadenitis    (A)
 
 Sarcoidosis    Boeck 
 
                
        
     mumps 
Lymphatic Leucamia     
       Mononucleosis   
 
      Lymphoscarcoma Retrograde 
conj.   penetrating wound
Treatment       Infection
     (A)   
 
   
      antibiotics    
  lateral  
    
   Incise and Drain       Swelling 
       S     
   
  
Congestion    
        Larimal Sac     
Fornixconjunctiva   
     Congestion 
Congenital Dacryocytitis         
Acute Dacryocystitis           
Chronic Dacryocystitis   
  
 Chronic Dacryoadenitis   
 (B)
 Congental Dacryocystitis    (A)        
        
Nasolacrimal    tenderness  
      
 3 
   Duct   
Ptosis            
   
    
    lacrimal glands         
 
      Purulent 
   
            slavery glans 
108   107  
 
  
                         Punctum 
       
  
      
   
  Med.BulberLig.  
      
            Treatment 
 Osteomylelitis    Cellulitis   General
 
        lac. sac 

    conjunctiva  Gentamicin 
    larimal sac        6-8    
 
          swelling  Specific
  Erysiplas   Bowman's    18 Lac. Probe  6
 
    
        
  
   Malaise   
 
 4
 Lacrimation        (B)
Acute Dacryocystitis 
    
     Suppurative    lac. sac 

  
Tenderness         Lacrimal Abcess      

   Tender       
  
Treatment 
Aetiology 
   
   
 
           lac. sac
  5     5   
 
   
chronic conjunctivitis    
    
 
 
broadspectrum antibiotics     
 Pnemococcus  Streptococcus haemolyticus 
   5  250 Amoxycillum 
4      
   Staphylococus aureus
     Metacin    

  Pathology
                       
                          Leucocytes  Polymorphonuclear
        
           
110   109  

 
        vascularity   
 DCR     
  

  Muco-Purulent   mucoid   
 Dacryo-Cysto-Rhinostomy
 
    Chronic Dacryocystitis 
 (C)
Lacrimation            
     
  
       
   
 
     
          Aetiology 
Mucocele      
   hernia  Sac               40  
  Mucocele      
Inflammation        
 
 
   conjunctiva   Caruncle    menppause 910     
Pus         
      
  
   Puncta          Bacteriology  

           
       Streptococcus Pnenmonia
Complications    Candida albicans  
 Act.Daryocystitis       
 Act.Conjunctivitis           
   
Hypopyon Ulcer       
    nasolacrimal duct         
  Alcus Serpens of Cornea  lac.sac 

 Turbinate    rhinitis       
Treatment       nasal duct  DNS 

      nasal duct     Pathology
         nasolacrimal duct  
 
Bowman's Probe    
 
 
  antibiotics  Mucocele    sac       lac.sac
       
    
   
       
           probe  
 
    Adenoid     

 Epithelium
    stability 
           monocytes    
112   111  
  Cauterise    Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) (A)
                 

 conjunctiva   lac.sac 
         Mucocile     

   Epiphora     
    fibrosis    
    Anaestheasia   
    medial int. canthi    
Tumours of Lacrimal Gland    expose lac.sac   
   Fossa     
  
     Parotid    
    Punch ForcepsCitelle   
         
 vertical  horizontal   
 
  Flaps 
 Benign Tumours             Lacrimal S ac  
   
      

    Pleomorphic   Adenoma 
ant.    
post. flap 
Malignant Tumours      
   intermitant
  
           50  20       
   
     Adenocystic   90        nasal cavity    
    
      
 
   Squamous     spidle shape   
     Mucin           
Dacryocystectomy (B)
 
     Orbit              

       
 intracranial 
atropic         
    
   
  histologically      25       rhinitis
Mixed            Myxomatous     

    Anaestheasia    
   Tumours
     incision   DCR 
 Lymphoma          expose 
           nasolacrimal duct   
 
  irridiation 
     
  duct   
114   113  

 Medial Palpebra Lig.  
       
   
 
   
  
    
   
   
 Aetiology    
    
 
orbit  

 Acute Dacryocystitis                nodule

  S t r e p t o c o c u s h a e m o l y l i t i c u s         
 
 Staphylococus aureus    
  eyeball  
Pathology    Diplopia  
       lac.sac    
     
                

    
        gravity     

      
     
          

  
     
  Proptosis   
 
 Treatment 
  
  
 
     
Tenderness 
  
      
 
lac.sac 
           
  Tender 

   irridiation 
Fistula 

 
 
     orbit    
 
 
         
 
   
    
 
     
    Act.Dacryocystitis   
         
  
 
 Treatment  orbit
       
     
   
    
  Fistula Larcimalis

 
    Fistula Larcimalis
 
116    
   Medial   
          
Lamina Papyream   Ethenoid    maxilla

 Sphenoid      
 
    Palatine         orbit  Diseases of Orbit
  Zigomatic
    Sphenoid          
 
  Zygomatic    WingGreater
   
    orbit 
 
 
Optic Foramen 
 (i)          

              
       
  
 (ii)
Superior Orbital Fissure    
                  
    
     
       Optic Foramen    
frontal           

 optic vein  
    5     
   sympathetic fibers             Orbital Plate   
Lesser Wing Sphenoid bone 

Interior Orbital Fissure     
 (iii)   
     
      
  

   inf.orbital

  
Zygomatic   
   

  
 LS
   LM

  Eyeball  
  30     
        LP
 eyeball orbit     
  1/5    LS
   
     M
 

    
 MP
optic nerve   MS

Tenon's Capsule       

 TA
Extra-Occular     
  TP
118   117  
 Symptom's Physiology     
           orbit      
eyeball            5   6 4 3 
         
 
 Ciliary Ganglion   
      Ptoptosis  
       Foscia    
eyeaball     
    Tenon's Capsule  

Diplopia              
   fascia  orbit  

 cornea         
    
         Tenon's Capule      fascia 
 
       Limbus         
   sclera    
     optic nerve 

   
 
   conjunctiva     
  Sheath     
Orbital Cellulitis         

      Purulent 
   
   Orbatal Spaces 
                  
   Spaces    

 
       
         

Aetiology  Subperiorsteal Space  
 
   
Periorbital     
   

    Peripheral Orbital Space    
  

      
 Periorbital      
paranasal sinuses    
   Central Space    
 
     
 
     eyeball    
   Tenon's Space     
  penetrating wound 
   
 Tenon    
 cellulitis   ulcer 
   Blood Supply
Infection    Opthalmic Artery
  

       Pterygoid plexus   
120   119  
Prognosis     Furuncle Erysipelas 

      
 
          
      
abscess    Pneumococcus  Streptococcus  Staphylococcus
 
lac.sac     
   
 Pseudomonas Pyocyaneus aspergillus
   Symptoms  
  Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis     
     
 infection          
 

     Panophthalmitis      

  Diplopia  
Cavernous Sinus
    
     
Thrombosis Panophthalmitis Orbital Cellulitis     
               
    
          
  ............ ..........
     /                  bulbarRetro
          
              Lacrimation  
   photobhobia  
   
 Viterous   

        
       
 Emissary  
        
      Mastoid       
 
          
  pro.   
  
         
Chemosis  congestive
 
 
Treatment 
  
Tender   
     

 Local 
  eyeball 
   
.... 
General 
  retinal vessels  

    
  
 Broad Spectrum Antibiotics       Papilloedema     hamorrhage  
122   121  
          250 Ampicillin     loading
  4  
     cornea
 
   
     2
 5  5
    
 Aetiology    Incise and Drain          
         
   
   

         Asprin  

   (A)
 Bilateral Exophthalmos 

 
  
    
  Proptosis
       Endocrine Glands
      unilateral
      fascia eyeballorbit  
 Hyperthyroid     
  
thyrotoxicosis  Graves 
    
      
    Thyotropic        cornea
   
 
       
    
 
      cranium    Lesion 

 orbit 
    Oxycephaly  
Leontiasis 
      Retobulbar 
 
   
 
 
 Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis           
  
      
 Grave's    Retract   
     orbit      
Pseudo exophthalmus
  Myopia        
   paranasal sinuses       Macrophthalmos   
      Ethmoidal air Cells 
  
Xanthomatosis            
  
  Exopthalmometer   
 
 Hand-Schuller Christian     
orbit  
 

Unilateral  (B)
  
Exophthalmos         
    
 
            
124   123  
 
 Exposure Keratitis   
      Inflammaory Lesions     
 
 
 Panophthalmitis  Iridocyclitis 
      Orbital cellulitis             
 Treatment   Panothalmitis   Dacryoadenitis 

  
 Specific         
    
   
                Tuberculoma
      Traumatic 
Surgical         orbit   
           nasal cavity fracture       
        Emphysema  
         Vascular 
  
      
             
           
 orbit      Kroulein      

 Retbulbar      Varicosity    
 
     Greater Wing  Sphenoid           
     hamorrhage  
    eyeball  Tumours  

  Dermoid Cyst  orbit  
 Preventive  
     
       Glioma     Osteoma  
   Metastasis     
  Tarsorrhaphy     Melanoma
   

 
 Neurogenic
       
Pulsating Exophthalmos  
     Ophthalmoplegia 
    Arteriovenous   
 
    General Diseases 
Angular       
  
  Canthus        Leucaemia          
           Grave   )  endocrine glands
Aetiology   bilateral   
Traumatic  
 Complications
  
            
      
 
          
126   125  
      Fistula          Int.Carotid Art.
 

 Venography   
  TSH T4 T3 
  CATcranium    
 Treatment     saculr  Ophthalmic Art  
  
  LigationCarotid Art.
  
Acquired    

Neurofibromatosis    
       
  eyeball    
  
  arteriosclerosis 
        
  
  Eyeyball   
 
 Aetiology   
Traumatic         
fracture       Fracture      Congestion  
   

 
   conjunctiva 
Acquired         Papilloedma            retina

 
 
       
 orbit   pulsatile   
 
 
 Ascultation     
 Neurogenic
    orbit       
 
  
Horner       Sympathetic          
 
     
 Congenital           
    eyeball      .... Exophthalmos    
 
 Microphthalmos     
common    
  .
    
   carotid
  ESR  DC  TC  
    
128    
   

 
Marginal Part  
  
     Lid Margin    
epithelium squamous    Sulcus Diseases of Conjunctiva
 
Tarsal Part  
   
 
 Tarsus 
 
 
           

Orbital Plate  
    Formix  
     eyeball

     Muller'sMuscle 
 
  Septum Orbitale  
 
 
  
 Bulbar Conjunctiva    (B)   

   Fornices   Limbus  
       

         
  Fornix   
                
    3   Tenon's Capsule  
    Limbus    Mucocutaneos junction  
 
 
 sclera   
        Limbus  
 
 folds          

                    
    Semilunar Fold    int.canthus
  
- Palpebral-Conjunt   (1)
 
Caruncle         Epidermoid           
      
    Marginal    (1)         (2)

 
  -:Bulbar Conjunt 
 Or bi t a l  ( 3) Ta r s a l  (2) 
     

Limbal  (6)Bulbar  (5)Fornix (4)   
  
     
  
 
     
 2 2       fold     -:Fornix(3)
      Goblet    
 
Palpebral Conjunctiva 
        (A)
  Pigment       Limbus  
  
 Tarsus 
  
130   129  
  
  Adenoid Conjunctival Stroma   conjunctival 
   
    
        Fobrous

   Follicle 
  
 Bulbar                     3  2    
 
            Fornices     Papillary  Inclusion Conjunctivitis
   Follicular
   
  tarsal conjunctiva    
  
         tarsal plate         
    
 

tarsal plate      conective tissue
  
   
   
cornea 
       S t r o m a  
  
 Aetiology    Wolfring  Krause Accessory Lacrimal Glands
        lacrimal glands   

              Bacteriology 
 
       
  lacrimal sac 
 
Irido-       Corneal Ulcer       
        
 Pathogenic Nonpathogenic 
 Panophthalmitis    -cystis   
  
 Hordeolum         lids            
 
 Act.Dacryocyctitis     orbital cellulitis          
     orbit       
 lesion  
Lysozome  
    Dionin    irritants       Blood Supply
 
     Ant.Ciliary Art  
 
    
  Limbus        Palpebral Art
Nephritis  
  Precorneal Plexus
    Angio-neurrotic Oedema     Anemea   Nervous Supply

 Chemosis     lacrimal nerve  
 Treatment  Ciliary    Nasociliary Nerve   Infra-Trochlear N
 
      Nerves
132   131  

 
         -: 
   
  
     conjunctiva Blood Tears 
Bleeding Conjunctiva
            

   Subconjunctival Bleeding      
 
Palpebral Bleeding  
 
                    Petechial hamorrhage      
   
     
              
           
  
        
            
    
Infective Conjunctivitis     (A)     
   Palpebral     

         
       eyeball
Acute Conjunctivitis            Blood Tears   
Mucopurulent 
 Treatment 
Purulent      
  
Membranous   
   
 
Subacute or Angular Conjunctivitis                
 
Chronic Conjunctivitis         
  
FollicularConjunctivitis              Angioma
Inclusion Conjunctivitis      
 Trachoma       Haemophilia 
   

 
Viral Conjunctivitis        
Granulamatous Conjunctivitis          ......  
Tuberculous Conjunctivitis          Vicarious M.C.
 
Syphilitic Conjunctivitis           
 
 conjunctiva   
Parinand's Oculo-glandular Syndrome      
 
 Allergic Conjunctivitis     (B) 

Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis        
 
     -:    
134   133  
 
 
     Vernal Spirng Cattarh       

  
Acute Mucopurulent Conjunctivitis Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis      
(Catarrhal Conjunctivitis) Tarumatic Conjunctivitis  (C)
                
  
    
 
congestion   exudate  
   
    
Infective Conjunctivitis
 Aetiology  
  
  
Virus       
              
  
  

   
       antibiotics  

    75  
   
      infected    35     Virus    
    
         
  
     
      Bacteriology 
  
   Exanthematous   
   
   
       
        
  

            Staphylococus aureas 
Koch-weeks  Pneumococcus Staphylococus        Dilpcocus pneumoniae 
  incubation period     Streptococus  bacillus Koch weeks bacillus 
   4824 Streptococcus haemolyticus 
Morax Axenfeld diplococcus bacillus
 Pathology 
     
       Cornybacterium diphtherae 

     
    Fibrin        
     Pyocyanea

 
 
                    Nesseria gonococcus 

        
Adenovirus  Herpes Simplex  virus   
  
epithelium   
     
   
    
136   135  
                   

   Antibiotics      
      Phagocytosis  
Local         
 exfoliation     
           

 
  exudate  

  
 
             .....Congestion   
  4 Sulphacetamid20%        

        exudate 
       
    broad-spectrum   Tetracyclin Photophora      
     photophobia     
   

       Streoids 
 

viral infections         
    1412   

Exudate    
 

         
keratitis   Chemosis  

        
    
  
petechial hamorrhage 
   
   Chemosis
 Acute Blenorrhea   Excoriation 

Purulent Conjunctivitis exudate  eyelashes
      
   
 
          
 
 
  Keratitis
      
Ophthalmia Neonatorum   A  cornea       

Purulent Conjt-of-Adults 

 B     

 Opthalmia Neonatorum  (A)  

 
          
   Preventive 
 
infected                
 
      
    
   
138   137  

   Aetiology 
    
 Chemosis        
 
 
          Chemosis    Neissera gonorrhea   
       

     
            

     dischage   E-Coli       
Complications Stretpcoccus  Staphylococcus aureus  Pneumo coccu s

    Lids    3  2   Adenovirus  Chalmydia      
  haemolyticus
       86 
   

  31             
 
    97
.....   
 cornea   Corneal Ulcer     
  
  

 

vaginal virus   
     Nystagmus   
5      Inclusion Blenorrhea   
 Adherent Leucoma          
  10
 Staphyloma Slough   

 
 Treatment
   
 degeration       
 Preventive   
        Basal
 
           
 Mitosis    Papillary  
  infectuous diasease       Papilla   

 
       Polymyorphonuclear Leucocytes    
 
     Monunuclear    
     
 
   
        Crede            
      
             
       
        
 1000 u/pcc  Penicillin        
     Purulent    
     

140   139  

      Basal    
 
  Basal               
          
                   
     
         
       
 Atropine Sulphate   
       cornea   epithelium
Papillae    
    
 
      Purulent Conjunctivitis of Adults

 
        
      
        
   
   Lids   
 Infiltration   (A)     Arthritis   Urethritis 
      
      54    
  
   Aetiology 
 
  tenderness   
    
        
 
 
               
   urethra   conjjunctiva    
         
    

  

   
 
 
     Chemosis           
 Neissera gonorrhea    
    cornea     Pneumococcus  Stretpcoccus  Staphylococcus
Discharge      

 exudate   
  
 
   Pathology
 pseudo membrane     
24      3      
         
    
 pre-auricular                      3  2  
   

   
     
   
  Deneration 
142   141  
 Treatment   (B)
 Blenorrhoea
                  2  1
  
      
 
    

 Preventive  Dischange  
 

    
       
 prulent    
  Buller's Shield    
     Tenderness   
 

     

    tenderness  
       
              squamous       
 
 
antiseptics     epithelium
 Ianotropic  (C)
 Healing Stage 
              
    
   
        
      Penicillin    
Penicillin     Atropine       Lids  
                1000  
Congestion    
15   
5  
        enlarge Papillary     
          
    
 30     
 
      
  Discharge    
    Penicillin   
        
    Shulphamerazine            
   
    

  conjunctiva   
2   
     3
 
   cornea    
Syrgical 

 
 
        
  
Palpebral     
 
         
  Ulcer  
  
 
    
  
 Canthotomy  Fissure
144   143  
  
                  

     fibrous exudate       Acute Membranous Conjunctivitis
 
    
            
       
         
     
 scar tissue  
   Symblepharon   
 
     
 
 Fibrous Membrane
  
 Aetiology 
        
 
  
   
  8 2 
 Infiltration   A)
     DTP
      105
 
       
   
 
  
 
 
  
  
    
         
 Exanthematous   
      
Discharge    
 
  Serous      
 Klebs   
   Cornybacterium diphtheriae
     Retractor     Lids       Loffler's bacilli
 
      Bulber  
  
  Streptococus         
 
 Adenoivirus  Pneumococcus

  pre-auricular     
 (B)
 Suppuration    Virulent           
    Non-Diphtheriatic
  Lids  Pathology
 

         
    Muco-purulent 
  
     
  Coagulative         
           
  raw          epithelium   exudate
146   145  
 
      

 
 Discharge  
Pseudo-membranous Conjunctivitis  
 purulent   
  
  
  
       

 Cicatrization  (C)
 
   
epithelium   

 

    
  
 
    
   
          
 
       Ulcer 
  

    Exanthematous   
    
 
  
       
 
   
  Kleb Loeffler's bacillus        Buller's Shield
 Staphylococcus aureusStretpcoccus haemolyticus     
 Herpes  Adenovirus  Weeks Koch-      
   30       1000   
Irritants          
    
       30       ADS    
      
      Antibiotics     
   
  
exudate     
    Atropine           
 
 
     
               

 
          
   
          
   10'000 ADS   
 
       12 
      5'00000
        
         
      catarrhal
        
148   147  
     
   
  Maxella  Axenfeld-morax   
     
    
    
    

L a c u n a t u s      
           

Discharge     

 
Haemophilus   Sero-purulent    

  Strep.haemophilus  Staphylococus Fibrous membrane    

 
        
     

      Fornix 
         Bulbar  
       
   
    Proteolytic Ferment   
   
        3  1  
    

     Macerate  
     
   Hyperplasia             
  
                Globlet
     
  
          
 
    
 
    Angular Conjunctivitis
             ( Diplobacillary Conjunctivitis )

   
    
    
   

 

   
 Discharge        
  Canthi   
 
   
 

     Mucopurulent   
    
       
 
  
   
 
 
  
  
    
     
           
 
   
   
 
      
150   149  
  
Foreign Bodies   
   
  

 
      

    antibiotics      
           
  
 
            
                     
 Discharge       4 3   2.5    

 
                       
 
Congestion    
 

         
  Chronic Conjunctivitis
papillar             
  
  
  
    
   
          
     
 
 
  

 
 
         
  
   antibiotics         
             
      
      
  

              Maxella  Staphylococus     
    
 Irritants      
   Auto-Vaccine   
  
              
                
 
 
Follicular Conjunctivitis

    
       
 
   
        


   
  
              
152   151  
 
 Chemosis        
       
Congestion           
  
      3  2       Viral Conjunctivitis

  
             
  tarsal    
Simple Follicular Conjunctivitis   
       Inclusion Conjunctivitis   
Erosion     Trachoma  
 
 erosion  Punctate      Trachoma   
     
 

                 
 
   Viral Conjunctivitis   
 
            
    
         
               
    
        Corticosteroid   
   

                
     
          
Simple Follicular Conjunctivitis     
   
       

  
      
  
 
  Fornices        
    
   Herpes simplex   
  
 7 4.3Adenovirus
       

         
 
 
  
 1913   
  
  
 

      
Lacrimation  
 
   
         
           
        
  
154   153  
    
  M i o t i c s            

    IDU     
Iodide  DFP/Pilocarpine Echothiophate
 
      
     
          
  
 

      1%  
   
Inclusion Conjunctivitis         irritation     
  
              Endothelial  Adenoid Layer
 
 .................        
       
      follicles 
 
  Smimggbath Conjunctivitis          
       Globet
    
 
  
       
    photophobia      Irritation 
      Chalmydia         
   
Ba s o p hi l              T r a c ho ma  Follicles 
        Inclusion   Cytophlasmic     
    
 
        

            Tarsi   Fminices
        Congestion    
   
 
           follicles 
 
 
     
   Discharge     
 
 
      
     
 
  
Follicles   follicles     

                   2     
follicles 
              
156   155  
   Infiltration  
     Papillary Hypertrophy

    
Cicatrisation   
Pannus Discharge     
 
   
 Neutrophils         
      
                 
 Keratitis 
      
      
  Punctate Keratitis   
     Pannus   

        400  
 
       
 
      105  
                
  
         123    
       
 Antibiotics  
 
     
   6 250 Teracycline  
   
        
 Bedsonian   Chalmydia
 
Trachoma  Egyptian Opththalmia 
              250  
        (IC) Inclusion     TR     

   
   
       TRIC   
    Rough      
Halberstaedter Prowazek      Inclusion   Egyptian          
   
   HP               Opththalmia
         
         
    
           
          
               1/5       
  
   
 
      
      
    
   
                   
       
 
     Papillae              
158   157  
   
  
  Tr.O      
         
  
      
(Trachoma Dubium)..Tr.D             ( A )
       
         Infiltration    neoplasia Papilla e
    
         
 
     
 Stage of Infiltration    .....                Leber  Macrophage
              bulber  

   

 
   Fornices   tarsal      Mucopurulent        Punctate    (B)
        Papillae            Pannus 

 Slit Lamp           Browman        
 
       Inclusion                            
        

 Stage of Active Infiltration   .....            
  
              Cicatrical Line of       tarsal 
   
 
    
 
  Fornices    
        Arlt
     Paunus        Triachiasis  Entropion     
               
      
 
    
          
 1        
    Hebert's Pit          
  
           10
       
   
         
     

  ...... 
 Stage of Cicatrisation       
          
 Papillae      
  
 tarsal       
      Mac Callan   

       
                 WHO       
160   159  
                 
    
   Stage of Complication ..... 

        
 
 
       
 tarsus   Trichiasis 
  
         
   
  
   
            
    Levator   Ptosis      
 

                
 
   
         
     Xerosis      
    
 
   Rifampicim       
    

   
 

  

 
   
  
   10%  Albucin
           
     Atropine 1%       
   
 
Formices Palpebral    
 
 Panus 
    
    10 
3       (i)
 scar 
  
   3  
 
  
5 Doxycycline(ii)   (B)
          
 Giemsa

  
Giemsa  
  Knap's Roller Forcep    
 
 
  Formix     
 Leber  
  incision    
  
 
 
      
  
     
  Trachoma 
  Micro-IF Microimmuno-FluorescenceTest 
 
  
   
162   161  
Tuberculoma 

   
subconjunctiva   
 Limbus   Granulomatous Conjunctivitis
  
  
  T.B.    granulomatous  
 
   (B)
   conjunctivitis 
    
       
cornea     
  
          
Tuberculous Conjunctivitis
       
 
    
    
    
  
  
       Droplets
 Treatment  
       blood-born     
 Local  
     
 Streptomycin   
Lupus Vulgaris
  
        Investigations
General  
  Lesions
 Rifampicicin Streptomycin          histological section  
 Calciferol           Pyrazinamide  INH 
        
  
   
  

Surgical       (A)
 
       
 
conjunctiva     Ulcerative
   
  
  Galvo-Cautery                   
   
  Follicular   
 cautery   
  
  palpebral conjunctiva       
: Syphlitic Conjunctivitis 
         follicles   
      conjunctiva    Cock's Comb 
   
         
granular tissues     tarsus    
 Fornix 
 
Primary Stage             
     
         Neoplasia 

  
           Lids pedic      
 neoplasia 

         Lids      -ular polyp
164   163  

 
 malaise              Sub-maxillary
Granulations      
 
     
 
palpebral conjunctiva    

 Indurate 
 
       tarsus       Chalazion  
       Secondary Stage    
     prulant   

               
   enlarge   Tertiary Stage   
       Gumna     
   5    cornea            
 
  Investigations 
Parinaud        
 
    
     Wesserman Test  
      
         Kahn Reaction Test  
 Treatment   VDRL  

          Treatment 
        4  3      
   
    
 Tularensis Conjunctivitis  

 Parinaud's Oculo-gulandular Syndrome            

     
         conjunctiva    
     Tuleren    syphlis      Aetiology 
      Leptothrix  ....... 
   
        
   
     
 Brucella Tularens 
  
   
conjunctiva      43 Incubation period
       
  
  Corticosteroids   
     
      

  Broadspectrum Antibiotics    vomiting    
166   165  
 
 
 
......Congestion    
 Allergic Conjunctivitis
  
       
......Discharge.             

                     

.......Photophobia            
  Eosinophil    
  
  
       Photophobia       
     Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis  

.......Chemosis .   Vernal/Sping Catarrh Conjunctivitis   
 
 Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis   
......Discharge  
  
  
 Simple Allergic Conjunctivitis
  
      Eosinophils  
 Allergens 
 
   
 
 
 
  
  
   
  
       
 
 
      
  
  
 
  
      
Vasoconstrictor    Anti-allergic   
   
   Antistin Privine 
     Penicilin          
   Hydrocortisone Acetate--1%       Pilocarpine Eserine Hyoscine
 
      
Spring Catarrh Vernal Conjunctivitis         
 
 
 
        Staphylococus    
             foci     
 
  
  Bulbar   Palpebral  
    
   
168   167  
 
      
 
    Phlycter    
   
   
 
   
 
    
    
  
          
        
 
       
        
       
Corticosteroid    Iritation       
 
        
  Proliferation     
   
4 3   
        Eosinophils  
 
  Intal  Chromoglycate Disodium 2%   
     Papillae  
  Neoplasm    
  
         
   Hyaline    
    Photophobia    Eosinophil   
   
  
     Mucous   
Acetylcysteine          
   20% 10%
  
 
  Cryosurgery
   
 
 Palpebral Form 
  
   Follicles           
  Polygonal
Vernal Conj  Trachoma   Follicular Conj.         Cobble-stone

 
                       
  

         
  
           Fornix         
          
     Follicles   
 Papillae   
      

         Eosinophil    
      
             
    
        Bulbar Form   (ii)

  
 
  
     
          
   
Nodules     
 
  scar               
Limbus  
170   169  
     
  
 
 

 lymphocytes  Phylecten      
 Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis
      Polymorphs  Eczematous Conjunctivitis
        
      
  
  Limbal 
 
          
        
 
 
    
             Phlycters
 
       
  
    mucopurulent
  
    
       
   
  
Photophobia     
        
       12  5  
Congestion     
   congestion     
    
  Phycters  
    
Eczema          
  
                    
   
             
 
Phlycters         Adenoids
    Limbus       
  Blepharitis    
            mucopurulent 
         
    

           
      
 
3      
 
                     

       
 
Steroid Anti-histamine  
 
     
  
172   171  
   
Pterygium    
 1%Atropine  
 

 
      
    
   
 
         .... 
 
    
      
      Mantoux      

 canthi 
          
 
  - 
-     
  
Adenoid  
 Fold  
      
  
  
 
 
     
 
   
  
......     
        

 
          
       
   Limbus         
   
       
                   
  
  
            
.....Theories .     Pingus        Pinguecula    
  
             
        H y a l i n e    
       
 
  
 
     Fuchs     
     degeneration
  degeneration       
      Famael    
  irritative            Ultraviolet
 
 
 
 

        
      
  
    Stroma        Bowman  
 
174   173  
 
 
 MC Reynauld's Transplantation (A)     Bowman 
 
       
     Cataract      epithelium     
  
     -5Limbus 
 
  
  hyaline   Elastotic
 
           
  
     Head             
  
    
  Limbus    

  
  Limbus
  
(B)    
     
      
  
 Cauterised          
  
      

                  ....... 
           
     
    
  

   
           
        
  
Pseudo-pterygium     Pterygium       Progressive Stage
 inflammatory    degenerative   Non-Progressive  
  
 
Probe     Probe  .....  
 
   
    

        
     Paipebral fissure 
  
------------   
        Stationary    
 Progressive 
  Stationary  
 
 Stocker's Line       
     
     
 
   
....... 

          
     

........   Astigmatism       

  
    Limbus
Diplopia  
  
2500 Rad       
   
 

...... 
   
       

  Lamella     
     
 
 
  
  

    
176   175  
Malignant       Cocks' Comb      ......Cytotoxics
     
       Thio-TEPA 1:2000  
  

 Angoima     6  4 
   
Haemangioma      
Haemongiama   Lymphangioma   
    
          Naevi Tumours of Conjunctiva
  Cytoplasm         
         
   
  
   Melanophores
     
 
     
  Congenital Conjunctivitis   (A)
Tumours (C)
 Malignant Epibulbar Dermoid     
        
  Epitheliomata Epidermoid Carcinoma    
          
       Limbus       
                 Limbus
              Epithemoid       
 Sebaceaus  
             
       
   
       
  
   
 
 
                  
 
 Melanoma Carcinoma   
         Nevus    Dermolipoma 
  
          
 

        
 
       Limbus                             
 
   
  metastasis                canthi

       
    Demoid 
 Precancerous Melanoisis    Benign Tumours (B)
         
           Papilloma   
 
              preorbital 
   
   Limbus   
Fornices 
          Limbus             
  177  
  de novo   naevus      
12  
   
 
  
Diseases of Cornea
  
Cysts of Conjunctiva
   

 Implantation Cysts     
   

              
        Subepithelial  
            

                    
      
     Limbus   
     
  Stratified Squamous Epithelium     serous
       
                      
    
          11   11.5          
 
     
    0.67         0.52     Serous/Lymphatic  
 
    40D      
  
         
 
   Endothelium   
   
 Retention Cysts  
    Formix    
  
 
180   179  
 Endothelium    Epithelium 
   
                    
Endothelium Iris  
              
        Keratinise   Squamous 
      Columar      Polygonal
 
 Plexus   
 Cilliary      
 
              Bowman's Membrance       

         12  
     u    
 Physiology      Substantia Propria    
      
               
  Stroma 
                 

Pseudomonas         Corneal Stroma- 
  -Substantia Propria     

             aeruginosa    90      
   Lamellae200 150    
                   
Opportunistic    
         
Wandering Cell   Fixed-Cells   - -Keratocytes
  
               
      
     
  
 Stroma   
     
    Corticosteroids      
 Decemets Membrance  Elatic      
 
            

 Physiology of Symptoms   
   Pectinate ligament   
 Pain        Endothelium  Stroma 
              
        

      
   
Hassell Henle      Wart 
     
 Vision        
       
182   181  
  
      
   
   
 Photophobia   
Superficial Keatitis   
 congestion  Iris 
   
   
 Bacterial Keratitis      irritation   
           
       
                   
             
             
      photophobia
    
  
C.Diphtheriae    Gonococcus     Hypesthesia
Pneumococcus  Streptococus  Staphylococus     Lacrimation     
   
  
    E-Coli  Pseudomanas   
        
               
       
 
   (a)
 
  Keratitis
             (Inflamation of Cornea)
    
  
       
   
     
    Superficial Keratitis  (A)
     Infective 

   
Xerophthalmia  
    
      Central 
    Sjogren's Syndone   
Marginal    
   Non-infective 
    Contact  
Central  
          Marginal 
  
 
             
       Deep Kearatitis    
       
    Interstial Kearatitis      
  Disciform Kearatitis       
    
  Profunda Kearatitis        
       
  Sclerosing Kearatitis       
184   183  
        
          (b)
 LeucomaMacula Nebula  
    Docryocystitis     
    
          
  irritation         
Lacrimator   Stage of Infiltration   (A)
                    
Photophosia             Stroma       Polymorphonuclear

            
            
   
    
           PusCells     Stroma    

            Macrophages
Bhepharospasm       
         Iris       
        
Ulcers      Stage of Regression  (B)
            

         
                
   

  Leucocytes 
           
      
                      Limbus
       
Irititis      
 (C)
 Stage of Cicatrization 
             

       Granulation    
  
   Pupil  
           Fibroblasts 
Ciliary Congestion  
     
       
 Opaque
    
186   185  
               
     
  

  exudate       
      
  
  

  Pseudo Cornea      
       purulent 
        pupil    Hypopyon  

  Anterior Capsule Catract      
  
        
                
     Hypopyon  

                  
  Blood Vessels 
      Limbus
    Leucoma
   
   
      
  
  
 
    
      
  
  
 
  
    
  
  
   
          Antibiotis      
 
  
 
  
  Sensivityry        
 
   
  
Crystaline               
 
    Streptomicin          Penicilline 

  Descemetocele--Keatocele

   
         
           
  
   
  
      
       
 
   
 1% Atropine Sulphate 
      Paracentesis 
         Cilliary Muscle  
      
     Aqueos h.     Perforation    
    Analgesic                   
     
              Pseudomonas  

 Cautery                     

  Cauterization             Iris          
     10.00%  
        
        
   

188   187  
 
    
Hypopyon Ulcer  
 1% G.Anaethine
Ulcus Serpens     Spud     
        -
-            
Hypopyon 
    -   
-Sterile Pus
  
 
          
  Carbonic acid   
  Hypopyon Ulcer   Iridocystitis   
       
   
    
  
 
  Desquamation  
     24   Atropine  
    
     
   
   
  
 Dacryocystits
 
     
    
   
  
       
  Pneumococus  
   
      
 Gonococcus  Strptococcus  Staphylococus  Pseudomonas
Bandage  Atropine 
 
  
       Iris     
 
 
  
      
  Acetazolamide - - Diamox      
   

  
  
     
   Paracentasis  
   
  
   Descemetocele  
  
      
 
     Iris 
   
   
      
   
     Iris  
    
    
    
        

          
 
 
.... .  
    Keratoplasty  
                  
190   189  
            
Serpiginous    
        
Penicililn     
  Dacryocystectomy     ......    
    P a r a c e n t e s i s  
   
  Ant.Chamber      Iris  
  
    Hypopyon   Hypopyon  
 Paracentesis 
 .....   

             
    congestion   
     
   Hypopyon  
              
     
 
    
 
     Hypopoyn      
- 
-Xylocaine     
 
  
       Iris          
     4 3    5  Lignocaine                
     Panophthalmitis
   
       
 Iris 
       

      Eye Speculum    StaphylomaLeucoma 
  

Seclusio 
 
 Fix Forceps Occlusio    Iridocycitis      

     Limbus  

 Pupillae
     
  
   
         
   
 Atropine 1%      
 Atropine 1% 
          Gentamicin 
 2 
  APC  
   (2)
 Mycotic Keratitis(Fungal Ulcer) 
           
  
 
    1952    
  
      
      
   
        Spud
192   191  

.......Fungus     
  Fungus        
........            
 
     
   
    
 

    Scrapig 
   
  
  
    
        
 Anti-fungal Eyedrops -
    
-       
 2500  Mycostatin -
 - Natamycin      
 
    15      Isotonic Saline     
 
     Fusarium 
 Aspergillus Fumigalus 
  
0.1 Amphotericin B   Solanci
   30    Candida Albicans 
           
 
  
       
..... Satellite   
  
     
 Atropine   
     
  
  
     Satellite  
 
 
 Infiltration
 
 Cauterization  
 
 .....Ulcer . 
  
        
 Viral Keratitis
      (3)
  

Herpes  

 DNA  
   
   
   Adenovirus  H. zoster  simplex   
.. .. Pus 
 Herpes simplex (A)        Hypopyon  
              Iridocyctitis  
   Punctate        .......Ciliary Congestion    
 Satellite -
    -Dendritis erosions    Ciliary
194   193  
R  
Primary    
 
   Recurrent  
  
 
 
 
  
   

 
   
     Right   
      
Stain    
  HSV  
HSV2    HSV1       HSV2 HSV1
  
  
          
    
    
   
         
  
               
 
 Ganglion    
        Punctuate     
      
            
     
             ulcer  
  
    
  
      Ultra Violet 
 
 
 
       
  
    

 Ademovirus   
 
   
  
 Lesion 
  enlarge 
      
       
     
      

         
     
  Antiviral      
       7   
     5  Acyclovir  3%   
Neuralgia       
               

   
   
  85   0.5%)Iodo Deoxy Uridine- -I.D.U   Lacrimation
196   195  
 
 Naso-ciliary    Huchison's Sign    
 O.1%           
  
             
            
      
     
 Symptomatic Zoster        Triflorothymidine- 1% TFT 
                
Gummatous       Gasserian Ganglion         -95

 
  
    1%   3%   Ademine arabinoside Aro-A
 
    
        IDU   
  (A)  

   Cautrization 
   
  Neuralgia     
      
    
     
    
       Codine
  
     Indolent         
     Malaise      Contact Lens   Tarsorrahaphy
  

  Herpes Zooster Ophthalmicus (B)
       
Chicken Pox      
     4 
      3 
         
  
    108  Naso-ciliary   
 zoster

   
              
 
 
  
      Varicella  
   DNA
Scar   
  
 Chichken Pox     
            
 
             
     
  Zoster ophthalmicus    40
 (B)
     
   
   Ganglion Gasserian
 Keratitis        
 
       (supratrochlear)   
 
      
      
    
     
    
        
        
198   197  
      Infiltrat       Stroma      

Calamine                 
     Lotion  
         
         
       
IDU     
  Iridocytitis      
  Spray        
  4%   Iridocyslitis      

  Iris  
          Exudate 
        
 60              
       Scleritis     
              
    Oxyphenbutazone           
  Nodules
      
 Epidemic Kerato-ConjunctivitisEKC       (C)
                  
 
     Contagious     
        Iridocyslitis
 
  
      
 DNA    
 9  8  Adinovirus         

   
   
 
  
   Irititis     
  
  

                
  0.1%  Dexamethasone
 photophobia        Bensol
    
   Follicle    
                
  
         80             
- Pethidine            
      Erosions     Pentazocine-
200   199  
   Haemophilus aegypticus  Stroma 
Infiltration        
 
      63 
 
  
    
         
             
      
 
     
Incubation Period 
      85 
       
     
   
 
               
    
   
  Cold Compress    
    
        
  
     Atropine       
   AcyclovirTFT DCI
 
        Atropine  
 
           

 
     
 
Cautery 
   
   Indolent  
  

 
 cautery    Catarrhal Ulcer
   
  marginal ulcers  
  

 
 

  Allergy 
    
     
Syphilitic Interstitial Keratitis
  
   
         
 
  
 
 Moraxella   Staphylococus   
202   201  
Treatment     
Local  Non-Infective Kratitis
 
 
   
 
 Exposure Keratitis 
         
   
 Lagophthalmos  (A)
   Methylcellulose
        
cornea      
     
     
       
  
     

      
    exfoliation
Tarsorrhaphy    
   
    
 
 
   
   
  
  
    (B)
 Neurotrophic Keratitis     
   
  
 
 Orbicularis   Bell's Palsy  
Aetiology        
 
 cornea  eyelid

Local  Proptosis   
  
  proximal structure       
  

 
   
  
 
 Cerebello-pontine   Exophthalmic   
baseSkull  

  Orbital-apex 
   Coma Vigil   
 Keratitis               
General  Trauma 
Zoster  H-Simple      
       
Retraction   - 
 -Ectropin  
Ianotropic   
Gasserian  Trigeminal  Ulcer    
  
   
     
 cornea  
       
  
       Limbus
........ 
  ........     
 
Exfoliation                
  corneal ulcer     
204   203  
  
 
  
  
     
    
Treatment  ..... Hypopyon  
     ulcer      
       Stroma  
 

   Lamellar Keratoplasty    
    Hypopyon 
Congestion     

   congestion Ciliary
     Indolent     
Marginal Keratitis
  cornea   
      
   
Mooren's Ulcer(Chronic Serpiginous Ulcer)   (A)     

Autoim-      Rodent Ulcer      
        
 
     -mune    
    25    degenerative Treatment 
 
   cornea    Local
Aetiology          
  
     
    Surgical

   Tarsorrahphy    
 Lids     
 
   2/5       
                
                   cornea 
  Erosion     Atheromatous Ulcer   (C)
        Leucoma        cornea 
        degenerative Calcoreous  
Melting                 
  Syndrome      scar  
 epithelium
 Pathology  
                
 cornea         Limbus              foreign body  
    conjunctiva           Ischamic    Panophthalmitis   
  
206   205  
Operative  inf il-   Rou nd C ells    deg ener a t io n  

         cornea         Stroma        
   Paracentasis        Granulation 
       
             
Infiltration      

     Adhesive Cynanoacrylate           uler    
 Lamellar Keratoplasty 
           epithelium     
  
      Methotrexate  
                    
 
Rosasae Keratitis    (B)       Nebula  scar 
   
   

  
Infiltration  cornea 

 Mucopurulent     
 vascularity Ulcers   
  
 
           
 Lacrimation  
 
   .  
Aetiology    3
........Photophobia   
      
 
   
40  Treatment 
   
..... Primary 
  
         
        
                   
ischemic    
 
 Hypochlorhydria 
Conjunctivetomy  
 
         7  4    

 Proteo-  Collagenase      
 
   
    -glycanase
Rosasae Keratitis
     
   
     Azathioprine 
 
208   207  
 X-Ray Beta Rediation      
  
    1500 rep   
  
 Phlyctenular Keratitis    (C)       
   
 
       conjunctiva      palpebral    conjunctiva  
 Allergic            Nodules        Limbus    
   
    
Limbus Phlycter        cornea   
   infiltration   Wedge-Shaped     
Aetiology 
   heal   ulcer     epithelium
     
  
   Wedge-Shaped
 
   Chalazion   
  
 
  Endogenous          
 
   Staphylococus Tuberculo-protenAllergen
         
          Telangiectasia  ch.congestion 
  
  
 
  Blepharitis 
           
    Sebaceous Glands  
  Rhinophyma 
      Nodule   Bowman   
   
  
 infiltrate     epithelium   
             
 
 Phlycter  
 Preventive 
 Stroma      
           
node          epith        

    
 scar   Stroma    Ianotropic
Limbal         Phlycters      
         Calamine 

  Phylectenular Pannus          
       250  Tetracycline 
         6     

.......     Bleph  conjunctivitis   Keratitis
  
    
            -aritis
210   209  
   
   
  1% ........ 
 
        
 
    
     Blepharopasm 

  
 Broadspectrum antibiotics   ......     

General   ulcers  
nodules cornea  
     
          Limbus
    
    
 Phlyctenular Conjun  ....... Phlyctenular Keratitis    
    infiltration  nodules  
.......PhlyctenularUlcer      
 
   
  ulcer    
Deep Kerartitis
Fascicular Ulcer    
  
 cornea     Phlyecten     
  margin      Keratitis       Limbus 
  
             Infiltration         Phlyctenular Pannus   
    Deep 
Keratitis       
       
Interstitial Kerartitis         A Ring Ulcer   
Disciform Kerartitis        B    corneal margin 
Sclerosing Kerartitis     C 
     Ring Ulcer  
    
 

Interstitial Kerartitis       (A)   cornea  
 Stroma  
        
Complications  
        
  
    Substantia Propia
     
   cornea     
  
       
      
     
          
  
 
       
 secondary infection
Congenital or Acquired Interstitial K.    
Treatment 
Tuberculous Interstitial Kerartitis       
Local 
Leprous Interstitial Kerartitis   
    

       
   
 H.simplex 
 ulcer    
     Cogan's Syndrome  Ouchocerciasis  H.zoster  cornea
212   211  
  
      vestibule  Deafness
  
    Syphlitic Inter stitial       
photophobia   
            Kerartitis
 
  

  
   deep tissues         
   
     Ant.Uveal Tract 
 
 Blepharospasm         
    Aetiology 
        
 congestion       
 
 
Uveititis      15  5
       
Ground-Glass        
 
    
     Salmon Patch     
Treponema pallidum   
  (B)   
 
 
     Huchison's Teeth            
   allergic 
   scarRhagades      
 
     
    
   Saddle Nose      )          
    Pathology 
  
      
 Hutchison's Triad  
      Infiltration   
  
                 Endothelium  epithelium
Complications infiltration              
  
                 Vascularization
  

Uveitis   scar   
cornea                 
    Lamellae
  
 3 2     Salmon Patch  
Treatment             
General             
    
  
     
             
214   213  
 
         IM
   
     Antibodies   
          Bismuth 
    
  Antigens  
nervous lesion  
Pathology   Local 
     epith Stroma   
     3
2 Atropine 1%  

 
              
   
   Uveal Tract 
       Endothelial
           Steroid 
   Wesseley's Ring 
   
 infiltration      
                6-7   vascularity
     
     
Operative 
  
              
    
      
  
     irritation     Keratoplasty Penetrating  
 
 
 
 photophobia   
 
Disciform Keratitis     (B)
   
  congestionciliary       Deep Keratitis  
        Stroma 
      
    cornea        infiltration           
        viral infection 

 
  Slit Lamp  
  Aetiology 

 
        
Treatment      
Local   
  
  Atropine 1%   
Vacinia Varicella Variola Adenovirus
   
   
 IDU      
     
216   215  

 
 acute viral  epithelium
Ectasis of Cornea      

            
 
Penetrating Keratoplasty  
 
    
 
 
 
   (A)
 Keratectasia 
       Sclerosing Keratitis(Slcero-keratitis)     (c)
  Anterior Staphyloma        Scleritis    
   (B)            
 
Keratoglobus  Keratoconus   Margin      sclera   
 

 
 Keratectassia (A)
    -- infiltration    infiltration 
              cornea       
  
        Suppurative Keartitis           

      
               fibrosis 
     
               

         scar 
   
    Sclerozing Keratitis       
-Ectatic Cicatrix               
            
  Keratectasia        Stroma
       Leucoma        
    Keratectasia 
          photophobia   
    
    
 Anterior Staphyloma  B
   -
 -         Treatment 
  Complete         
  Local 
  Partial     
  Pupil     specific  
       
     
   
  Atropine 2%
  Iris   
       
  
       
  
    Aquous           
218   217  

     -1312                   exudate        Iris

    - 16    false cornea fibrosis 
   
  
          cornea               
 
   Stromal layer             
     
         Anterior Staphyloma
    sclera     
        Iris
 
     
    choroid 
 
 optic nerve        
      
                       atrophy
    ulcer     
  Lid
       Iridectomy       
 
  
 false cornea       Staphylectomy
Opacities of Cornea
  C
  Cornical Cornia Keratoconus 
       
     
   
     cornea 
    
   
   ulcer  
          
         
   
       
 
  cornea 
 Nebula(A)
     
  
ntraoccular Pressure
        
   
  
  65
     pupil    
      
     
       
Retina    
    Refraction   
 
  cornea Aquous Humour   
     
  
  
 Macula (B)
    
     
   
  
   Nebula
  cornea       
 
  
 
3 2 1
  
Keratoplasty Penetrating  
 
   C
Keratoglobus (Megalocornea)- 

Leucoma (3)
Macula  (2) 
 
Nebula(1)--      
      cornea
220   219  
  (C)  Leucoma (C)
  
      
    
    
  (D)    
   Iris     
 degenerative 
        Retina  
 
 Stroma      Calcareous   Hyaline   
 
 Atheromatous Ulcer
 
    Iris    
   
   Leucoma
  
  Leucoma   
     

        
  Atheromatous Ulcer 

 
      Aetiology 
Treatment         
 
Local      
      Dionin-
-    
    
     
   Leucoma       
  foreign body
            Corneal Dystrophy   
    Tatooing
    
Operative   (A)
   Optical Iridectomy    
    Leucoma    
  Leucoma     Optical Keratoplasty    Dense 
   
    
 
      Fuch's Line
  (B)
  Adherent         
  
Tattooing  epithelium       

       Hudson Stahli Lines     
  epithelium   Haemosiderin   Leucoma
 
 Tatooing
    
    Leucoma Melanin
222   221  
  
    Iris Leucoma -Gold  Hydr azine hydr a t e -2 %  
   
  Retina    
    Platinum Chloride 2%-
Chloride 2%
 
     
 
  pupil  
 
 
 pupil   Leucoma        - -       

Indications           
cornea   Reduction
  Iridectomy   Leucoma  
  epithelium        Lamellae

 
    
        
Proplased Iris     
Closed Angle Gloucoma         Xylocaine 4%  

Cataract Operation     
   Cataract Knife Leucoma
Ring Snechia        
 

    
Foriegn Bodies                 
Tumours and Cysts         Leucoma  
 Hydrazine hydrate
    
  Atropine 
  
        
    
     48 
     
  Mydriatic  
   
Optical Iridectomy       2 
   
  
 
 
    Lignocane 4% 
 
  
  Facial Nerve 
 Optical Iridectomy
 
 Orbiculisocali   
 
    
  
 Eye Speculum    
Iridectomy  Iris
 
   limbus  
    Keratome   

224   223  
           6
 
 Infective   Rubella    Iris
   Iris Forcep    
 Fuch's Dystrophy  Endothelial Conjunctivitis   
     pupil
     
  Scissor    Iris  
  
   
 
       
 
         
 24  
Anterior Uveitis     
  
Dry Eye   
Corneal.Vascularization    Keratoplasty

 
     
       
Donor     cornea 
Keratoconus     
Corneal -   - 
   
-Keratoplasty   
    
Salzman's Nodules      Grafting
Donor 
   
       
Pterygium              
Blind   
 Myopia     Apakia          Punch      Trephine  
  
  
 fibrosis      
    Ringer's Solution Glutothiane -
-         
 
    48- -24   cornea     
 
 Penetrating Keratoplasty    (A)  Keratoplasty 
 Lamellar  
   
  
 
       cornea        
    Endothelium         
 
    

       Endothelium          

       48 24       
    76    Graft    

 Lamellar Keratoplasty    (B) degen-        
  
 cornea
  
 
   -erative
  septicemia
226   225  
 
  Endothelium       
 
  
Injuries of the Cornea            
   
  
 Foreign Bodies     cornea 
  
 Graft      
       105  
Foreign Bodies   
 
        

    Trephine   
 
 
   bulber conj                     
   
      canthi            Trephine  
   
                 

 
     Formix 
        Double Arm Suture   Limbus  
  foreignbodies       
         
       Formix
   

                        Trephine   
   

             
        
Continous    
     
     cornea 
    

  photophobia             0.4  
 
    
 Lamellar  

 
 Complications 
    
     
  
        
     Infiltrate     

  
    cornea    
    
       
         cellular deposition   
       
        
    ulcer 
   
    Endothelium    
 
Treatment  
     
     Autolysis      
    degenerative      
  foreignbodies   
 Lids       Formix            
    
228   227  
                
 
 
 
        
   
   Instrumental
          
    F.B.Needle- 
Preventive  -F.B.Spud   
   
        Antibiotics   
 
   Stroide         
 48   
    cornea          
    
     
 
 
Wounds of Cornea        

Preventive Measures 
    
             
 Non-Penetrating     (A)   Atropine   
  
 foreignbodies        
  
 4829
 epithelium          
 Burns 
lacrimal cyst              
     
     
       
          
              
           
       
 Antibiotics      
 
       

Chemosis             
                 
   
Penetrating    (B)            
   
cornea            cornea     
          
   Iris      leucoma       
       
     

   
      

 prulent inflammation      Treatment 
        
      Primary
Iris        Pressure Bandage Atropine   
3%      
  
       
        
 
 
 
 
230    
     
Opaque     
 
  sclera     
    
cornea  13
    
     
        sclera   
 Diseases of Sclera

  
 Choroid   
Osteogenesis              
        Marfan   Ehlers-Danlos  Imperfecta
  sclera  
 
 Scleritis  
  
Episcleritis  
     

            eyeball  sclera  
Scleritis 
  
      

 
 Episcleritis      (A)

  
   bulber conjunctiva    
    cornea        5%  
Episclera 
   
    
  Sheath optic nerve
     
  
     0.3
  Rectus Muscle  
  
Aetiology  Optic Disc 
     sclera         -1 
     Lamina Cribossa     
 
  
          30  25 
         Post. Ciliary   
 
    

  
 sclera    
   Vertex  
   
   
    
    
  
   
 Epidura       
 
Gout Arthritis 
     sclera 
    
   
 ciliary nerve
  
 
  optic nerve    
   
    
    sclera 
Streptococcus   
  
 

   
   
    
  sclera  
232   231  
 
  
      Collagen
 
   
Inflamed Pinguecula
Phylecten  Episcleritis 
   
 
       
    
 
  
Limbus          
     Tenderness    
 Disxgarge    
   Ulcer Ulcer
    Lacrimation- discharge 
    
          
 
Pgotophobia     -
 Scleritis   (B)
 Nodules   

  sclera 
        
conjunctiva        3  2  Limbus  

conective tissue  - -Uveal Tract 
   
           -6-4  
  Episcleritis   
   
         Tender         
               
Suppurative Scleritis      
 Congestion    
Granulomatous Scleritis       
   conjunctiva  
   
 Aetiology  Complications  
              
   
     Uveitis  
    Scleritis    Keratitis
   
    
Treatment 
    
 Local 
     
    
 
 Polyarteritis nodosa                
 
      Wegner's  Relapsing Polychondritis 
          Atropine 
  Syst.Lupus Erythematous    Granulatosis  General
 Ancylosing Spondylosis          
 
Granulomatous       

  
 Sarcoidosis     Suganril-
-Salicylates 
234   233  
Anterior Sclera  Metabolic Diseases 
Tender  scleritis    
 RHD  Thyrotoxicosis    Gout 
   
  
Lids     Psoriatic Arthritis  
  Traumatic  
Posterior Sclera  
     
  
    congestion      Pathology 
Optic Disc     
     Proptosis    
Lymphoeytes        
       
Lamella     Infiltration    Polymorphs  

Treatment   fibrous tissues 
         
           marginal   corneal infiltration      
  40- Prednisolone         Uveitis 
     Slcerosing Keratitis     
       10   
        sclera  
  
      
  
  400  Tandril         
            
  
 Vesculitis       
     inflammatory        
Discharge  
     100 Penicillin  
Dischange     
 

sub-     
            
Photophobia   
     eyeball        conjunctiva   
  Biopsy   Swelling  
 Granulomatous Scleritis   
       sclera   
  cornea 

 Tuberculous Slceritis     
 Annular       
 
   
  Scleritis
Sclero-Keratitis      
 Congestion    
 
Perforative Scleritis     
        
236   235  
 
 
  
    
  
 
  Sclero-Keratitis     (A)

 Cilliary Staphyloma    conjunctiva  , cornea        
     
 
  sclera  
             scleritis          
 
  8 Limbus      cilliary bodies                      Limbus
   
                 
 
Uveitils  
     
 Intercilliary Staphyloma   
             
  Limbus  cilliary bodies  
 
               
    
  
 Equatorial Staphyloma   
  
 Perforative Scleritis      (B)
 
  
 sclera  
  
toxicity    
         sclera    Vortex 
 
       nodule   
sclera 
  
        
     
  conjunctiva    
 Posterior Stpahyloma
   congestive  
 
   Myopia      sclera        

    
Choroid     sclera eyeball
        nodule     
      
       
Treatment 
       
         
  intraoccular pressure   
   
 

         sclera   
  
     intraoccular pressure    
 
Anterior Staphyloma 
      Staphyloma    
 Anterior Staphyloma

 
    
238    
Stroma     

             14
  Lesser Circle of IrisChromatophores  
Muscular     Uveal Tract

     Stroma Iris   
    Sphinder Pupillae   
         pupil  Ocolomotor 
    Dilator Pupillae  Radial   
    
Epithelium   
 
   
 
 
   
Uveal Tract  
   stroma      
Iris 
   
Greater Circle        Iris 
Ciliary Body  
motr occulomotor     of Iris 
 
 sensoryNaso-Ciliary  
    
       
eyeball   
 Ciliary Body      
   uveal tract 
 ciliary body 
  
 Choroid     
        
 Anatomy of Iris
 
         
   lens    
   Stroma
 
 ciliary mscles  
      Pupil   
  ciliary body 
      
   
        Retina      
    
  
4  Pars Plicata   80 70 
 Pupillary zone Cilliary zone
   Plana    
 Pars
   Iris
  
4  ciliary body 
 Endothelium   

.....   

  margin  
  Suprachoroidal Lamina     
  

  
intrapapillary 
 
240   239  

    
          
        
  
   Longitudirnl-
-Meridional    
 Lens  Iris  
 ciliary body   
  Oblique--Radial      
 
  Accomadat  Circular     
  Cilliary Process   
   Aq.Humour  
      accumodation ciliary muscle 
   Cilliary Process          Aq.Humour  
     
 
  choroid 

 
   choroidal    
 
   Stroma   

        
           

Irititis       Epithelium

 
photophobia            epith       
    
   choroid  
       Aq.Humour    
     
    

 
 Retina  
  
       Supensory Lig 
       

  
      Mucular   
  Choroid 
  
 

     Posterior Uveitis   
       
      uveal tract 
          Vitreous     sclera   Retina 
 
 
Wandering Cells   Pigment Cells     
    Uveitis    
    

 Anterior Uveitis  
chorid   intervessel  
   
 
 
   Stroma 
    Posterior Uveitis
     
      
     Endothelium
 
  
Suprachoroidal             

 
  Uveitis  
      Bruch 

 allergy              choroid    

    Antigen        
 
   
Uveat 
      Tract  Satler's Layer       
 Exogenous Infections      Haller's Layer   
  
        
Ulcer 
  U.T. 
 
    
      
 
Retina   
 
   Pupil 
242   241  
 Haemorrhage   Pons  Edogenous Infections    
 irritation      sclera  cornea
     
 Central      
  retina  
 
    cervical   Secondary Infections.   
Argyll Robertson Pupils          

Parkinson's Syndrome  
    
      
 
 
  Biilateral   (b)     -  Mumps
-Smallpox  Brucellosis
   
        
   Diseases of Pupils

 Irititis 
    Myosis (A)
Hyperopia     constrict   

 Neurogenic   Aetiology  
 pineal body Supra-nuclear     Unilateral    (a)
        

      Myotics   

  
       parasympathetic   
    
   Pilocarpine  Eserine
 (B)
Mydriasis        supress  sympathetic 
      
    Ergotoxine  Ergotamine
 Aetiology    
   Unilateral  
 (a) Acute Irititis 

   
   Eye Injury    
    Mydriatics    Paracentesis          
 sympathetic 
     stimulant       
   Phenylpherine    Neurogenic 
Cyclopentolate Atropine       
  Lesion   Nuclear   
244   243  
     Homatropine
  

Argyll Robertson Pupil  (A)    congestive 
       Pupil Iris   
 
 Light Reflex    
        Eyeball 
    accomodation  Comverge    
  Neurogenic 
     depigment atropic   iris      Light reflex   atrphy
     pupil Eserine   parasympathetic  Lesion  
 
  
dilation  Atropine   Third Nerve
 Aetiology      T B  N e o p l a s m     

         n eurosyphlis  iritation Cervical Rib   mediastinum
 
   Pretectal Edinger-Westphal    Central    

Inverse Argyll Robertson Pupil   (B)   tumor cerebral cortex
      pupil   
  Hucthison  
 
  Light Reflex        
        Bilateral   (b)
 Aetiology       
   lesionmid-brain            
 
 Nucleus   Perilla  Edinger- Westphal   
Myotonic Pupil  (C)   Myopia   
         30     Atropy  
  pupil 
         
  
  Light reflex   
 Thyrotoxicosis  Anaemia 
   
        complicationDiphtheria 
 
     
   
     Miosis General Anaesthesia 
 Aetiology     
    Lesion  
246   245  
  
Endogenous Infections  Hutchison Pupil(D)
 
 
       
Oxudate     paranasal sinuses 
 tonsills  light reflex   
    pupil
            hamorrhage   
   
Predisposing Causes   Aetiology 
 Metabolic    Tentorial   Temporal  
Uveal Tract      
  Pupillomotor    pupil       Haitus
 -HLA-B27      
   
ulrative      Psoriasis Anky-Spondylitis    
 colitis 
  
Traumatic       
     Irititis         
 Irititis
Sympathetic           penetrating wound
    
  Irititis        Iris  
 
Melamin SOpthalmia
         ciliary body  
     
  Uveal Tract  
  Iridocyclitis  
                     
      Iris     
                 Ocyctitis       
 Stroma       
   
       Iridocyclitis    
       Fibrin  Leucocyte        

 
       
    Iris  Aetiology 
          
        Exogenous Infections  

  Aq.Humour            Ant.Chamber    

 cornea    penetrating wound 
  Hypopyon     
Purulent       
    
   motor sensory      Endophthalmitis  
Secondary Infections 
          irritation 
   Keratitis
      Dilater  Sphincter        Scleritis 
   
   pupil     
Uveal Tract 
 
 Iris 
248   247  
 Hypopyon         Exudate     
   
 

   Muddy    Iris               fibrous
    

  
        
 
  Occlusio Pupillae    Aperture 
 Cyclitis       Tenderness  
      degeneration 
  Irititis   
  Keratic Precipitates    
    
  
  
Slit Lamp  Inflammatory Cells       
           
           
 
    
       
Complications         
 
  
Posterior Synechia
 
     
  
Iris   exudate  Ant.Chamber    
     
     pupil         
Iris Bombe     
         pupil         
   Ant.Chamber  
   Aq.Humor  Post.Chamber 
      pupil
            
  

 
   
 
  
  (  )       Iris Bombe   Ciliary congestion    
                     
 
 
          Iris Bombe           Cilliary Injection
         
  
Constriction of Pupil 
  
 congestion    irritation
Occlusio Papillae
            
    
  
  ciliarybody  Iris
   

          
         
  
 
Anterior Chamber   
Complicated Cataract  
    exudate    Plasmoid       
   Ant.Chamber  
 
  Slit Lamp      Aq.Humour   
      
     cornea    
250   249  
Gluacoma   Irititis 
   Conjunctivitis    Pithisis Bulbi 
  ciliary  
   ciliary    Injection     
  

  
  
 
  watery  
  watery mucopurulent  
  Treatment 
         
   pupils  General
                   
 
  
                
      
            
 
Trigeminal  Div.       
   
    
  tendernes   
  
   
               Irititis   
   
    granular                 
    ACTH Local 
Photophobia    
   photophobia   
      Formentation      
     
      
Systemic   
    ACTH   ATCH 
       
    
       
        
    Pethiadine 
 Operative     
   Constrict
    Paracentesis     Mydriasis   
    
          
    
 fibrous exudate                 
Hypopyon      Synachia         
      
 Atropine           
          
      cataract Complicated    
  
      Sulphate
 
  Aq.Humour    Transfixation       
   Atropine
 Mydricain  
   
     Aqu.humor       
 
   
 
 
   Antibodies      Exudate  
252   251  
  

 
   Gummata       
 
 
        Iris  
  
   
  

      P.Synechia    Specific Types of Iridocyclitis

   1410    (A)

 
 Gonorrheal  (B)  Syphiltic Iridocritis 
  (A)
   
  Metastasis      iris    Congenital 
    
        
     Hypopyon       
  Simple Plastic 
 
  Gelatinous 
 
  irititis         

      Hypopyon                     
 

            
   Choroiditis         Oculusion Papillae
 Phthisis  
    Pseudo-Glioma

Interstital Keratitis      
Treatment 
   
  155
              
   Post.Synechia   Plasticexudate   
  
 10   

      
 
 Tuberculous   C  Acquired Syphilitis   (2)
 3     
Miliary  Simple Plastic 
     
       1610 4020
     
 
 
 
            Jarisch-Herxheimer
       KP        Mutton Fat  Iris Roseolas
       Hyphaema    tubercle      secondary phase    
 Hypopyon       iris     
Conglomerate   
       congestive
     
         Granulomatous  
           Gramuloma        
254   253  
   Nystagmus   Calafication    
     satelite nodules 
           Retina    
  Mantoux Test  eyeball
      
 
     
  choroid  
  Exudative    

 Uveal Tract      
           
 Tubercles      
      Cysts Retina 
  
    
             choroid
  
lesion       paracites   
   
      
     Optic disc    
       exudate       tumor Ophthalmoscope
   
   Vitreous   
    choroid 
Acquired   2
   
   
    eyeball    
 
CNS    
  
 Treatment 
Ivestigations Atropine   
 T.B 
   Sabin Fieldman Eye Test  
       Antibiotics
Enzyme Immunosorbent            
   Leprotic   (D)
 
  ELISA Assay     
     
  
Treatment    
         
    
    
Ianotropic   
       
 keratic precipital(KP)
        iris
    
   
 S u lp ha dia zine  C linda mycin  Toxoplasmosis (E)
2  1   
5  4  4        200  Clindamycin  
Toxoplasma Gondii        
150   Daraprim Primethamine       
Retina  
      
         6  5   
25     
   10 Folinic Acid   Congenital  1

    paraci    
      
  10060 Prydnisolone  Granulomatous     
   choroid  Retina  

Surgical                
    
    
Photocoagulation    
      
   scar     Coloboma 
   Macular
256   255  

 

 
 Keratitis        Cryosurgery
   atropic   (  )   Metabolic   (F)

Mantoux          
 
 
 Kvein Test        
 
Treatment              
 
                 cornea    conjunctiva   
  Atropine     
        vascularity
   pupliris         
 Heterochromic Cyclitis of Fuchs      I 
Mydriatic        Rubeosis Iris   
 Aetiology  
    Synechiae        
 
        
  Neovascular Glucoma      
  
  
 Benign Lymphogranuloma  Sarcoidosis   
 40 30 
           
  
photophobia           
              
 cataract             
      
  
 
 
Acute Iridocyclitis  
     
        Iris      
 Lymphadenopathy  Hilar  
            iris   
 
 Erythema  
   
Chronic Iridocyclitis      
   Atrophy       
   
 Iris        
        
    Granulamata    
     
   synechea      
Post Uveatitis   
   
 keratic precipital(KP)   
Granulmata    Retina  
 
 
Complications      choroid
 15  10  cataract     Hourford's Syndrome   
  

       conjunctiva   
258   257  
Vititigo   (2) Treatment 
 Poliosis    (3) Mydriatics
   
 Deafness & Tinitus    (4)
      cataract     
 Alopecia  
   
    Glaucoma 
  
   
     Phaco-Anaphylactic Uveitis        J
        
  
    Aetiology 
   Harola          Retina 
 
  
  
       ant.uveal tract 
 
 VKH       
    
Treatment     
     
 
   lense
             
     Cataract
  displacement Retina  
  
    loadind Sympa        pathological 
 Uveoparotitis (Herfordts Disease)  
   L  
 lesion   -thetic Ophthalmitis
 Aetiology   
  
Parotid 

     
  Uveal tract 
     
 
       
     
  
  
   
 KP       Flare  

  mumps         Treatment 
  parotid  
  
      Atropine   
  
   uveal tract 
          
   nodules iris
       
  
 occulomotor nerve   
(VKH) Vogt Koyanagi Syndrome K
 Diplopia
 Aetiology 
      
 
    
   
   Uveitis 
  
      
 (1)
260   259  
 

   
 Ciliary.Process   
 Hypotony     
  
Inflammation of Ciliary Body
 Aetiology 
 
              
   Cyclitis     
Uveitis     
  Irititis     
  
 
   Iridoctolitis 
 
      Irititis   
Acute Cyclitis     
    
Chronic Cyclitis       
 
 Purulent Iridocylititis   
   
  exudate      Vitrous    
Sympathetic Ophthalmia   
          
Acute Cyclitis      (1)
  
      
  congestion  
  
 

     
     
    
 Serous Type(A)
  
          iris   
  keratic precipital      
    ant.chamber      exudate
      Slit Lamp  
  exudate      
    
 
                   
 
      
               Endothelial
 
   cornea    KP  
  eyeball  
 
 Plastic Type (B)
Treatment        Fibrinous exudate   
   
    
 -Synechia 
          
 
 
 

          
       
   Total Post.
  (2)
Chronic Cyclitis   
   Cyclic Membrane
 
     
   Retina  Fibrinous exudate 
 
 
262   261  
 Local   Aetiology 
      
 Sensetivity 
  Atropine        
Systemic  
Sinusitis      Tonsilitis      
   Phenylbutazone 
          
   
       
   

 
   
  
   
Chronic Post. Cyclitis /
 
  
Pars Planitis  
 Pars Plana        Irritation 
  
 
          
 
 conges tion    ciliar y body      

Aetiology  
    
 
Tenderness 
 
  
 
  40 30
  
KP)keratic precipital         
 
 Vitrous
      (
 
KP  
 Hetrochromate 
  
   Hetrochromate   
  
      
    Slit-lamp Ophthalmoscope        
Keratic Precipital(KP)    cornea                  
  KP                
  
Flare       Slit Lamp  Treatment 
 haziness anterior chamber  General
Exudate         
       
     
264   263  

     
   GlobularOra Serata  Pars Plana  
 (A)  Oedema    
  
 eyeball penetrating wound  
     macula Retina  
 
 
 
    prulent        Retina  
   (B) Complications  

  
 septic   Retina   Choroid     cyst    macula 
 
Purperal Septicam
  Pyaemia        
 
   Subcapsular       
  
   
 Strptococus            
 Treatment 
 
          
B.Pyocyyanous Psendomonas E.Coli Staphylococus


 Pathology     
     UT 
   Vitreous   
  
Vitreous            
 
 
Sub Tendor      
      local   
 
           
 Cataract        Retrabulbar
 
     Tenon     
   Metastasis  
  Cytotoxic            
  
      Azathioprine
     
 cataract
 
   
   
  
Purulent Iridocyclitis-Panophthalmitis
  
   
          
 
   
     
   
  
  ant. uveal tract
   
  Aetiology 
      
 
Eyelids   
 
266   265  
 
  
 
Evisceration         Chemosis   conjunctiva 
 congestion
 
  eyeball   
 Proptosis 

 
 
       eyeballProptosis  
Indications Hypopyon  
    Panophthalmitis  pus       prulent anterior chamber
        
 Haemorrhage
 
  
 
   penetratind wd
            
         

Anaesthesia   
 sclera 
  
  Limbus
  
 
 
    
   
 
    
 Proceedure     Intra-occular Pressure
  
Speculam  Savlon  Treatment 
    Primary 
  
 
  Limbus   bulber conjunctiva           corneal ulcer    
      
 Tenon       
      circular incision
      Local 

  Forceps   cornea
    
    Penicilin  broad spectrum   
            Scoop        Gentamicin0.3
   
  sclera   Uveal Tract 
 
  Operative  
   
 
   
       
  
 
Post-operative      Evisceration  
   
  
     
  24 
   Systemic 
        Penicilin
268   267  

  

   Pigment
 choroid   Sympathetic Ophthalmia  
  
       
  
------Exciting Eye       
  
 
     Lacrimation 
       Exciting Eye  
Neoplastic Iridocyclitis          Ciliary        Sympathizing Eye  
    
 ciliary  
  43    Dangerous Zone    Region
   Mutton Fat KP                
 eyeball            Aetiology 
  Ophthisis Bulbi    
 Lacrimation        
  
      Ciliary Congestion  Exciting Eye 
         penetrating
  
   Iridocycilitis        
    Exciting Eye          
 
      
   50 

Choroiditis     
  Neuro-retinitis      
  Melalin  
 KP     cornea               
 KP         Slit Lamp     Melalin  
   iris Flare Auto-immune    

Differential Diagnosis    Uveal coat   
  
          Uveal             autoimmunity     Antigen

  
 
             
   
  
     
    
   
  
   
 
  infiltration UT 
 
   
 Treatment
     nodules  
Preventive 
  Epitheoid        Caseation 
      2  
     Epitheloid      Dalen Fuch's Nodules 
  

             Exciting Eye 
270   269  
Aetiology       
   Enucleation
   
          
   
   
          Atropine
 Irititis       

     
 Exciting Eye      
   
Idiopathic  
     
               Enucleation  
 
        
Enucleation    KP       
             
 choroiditis  
  
      choroid  
 
     
 Inflamation of Choroid
 Diffuse Choroiditis    ( Choroiditis 
           
 
  
         choroiditis 
  
  atrophy       
  
 
 
   pigmental prolifiration   
Non-Suppuraatine Choroiditis    
  
     
 Desciminated Choroiditis
Suppurative Choroiditis  
   
        fundus   
Endophthalmitis    
 
   
  
 Central Choroiditis 
    
 
  patch   
 
  Macula  Retina 
  
 Non-Suppuratives Choroditis

    Scotoma    
Oxudative    
 Granulomatous      
  
      

 Anterior Choroiditis       
        
   
     exudative 
 
     Plastic 
 Interstetial Keratitis     infiltration    Leucocytes       
 Juxto-Papillary            
       
Retina    

  
 
      Opticdisc 
  Pan Uveititis     
  
272   271  
  
      
    
   
 keratitis precipitate  Viterous  
   Pathology 
   Subtendon   
              
 
   Leucocytes      
 
General   
     Vitrous  
 Bruch   
        
 
 
          
          
  
              

           
   Antibiotics     
  
     
 Floaters 
         
         
  Vision  
  
    
   Cones    Rods      
    Micropsia   
 Suganril 
 Oxyphenbutozone            Cones  Rods  
       Macropsia
 Photopsia  
 
  

 
 
  choroid  haziness  Vitreous 
   
Suppurative Choroiditis    
     Retina
(Endopthalmitis) Pigment           
       atrophy
 
 
 
 eyeball      choroiditis 
 lense Retina   
 choroid   Treatment 
  
Ant. Chamber  
 Local 
    Viterous 
 
 keratic precipitate(KP)      
   
274   273  
Photophobia       
 
  photophobia      
Ciliary Body     
          
  Phthisis Bulbi          Exogenous 
             
penetrating  
Anterior Chamber      
         Endogenous   
   Metastasis  
  
        Vitreous  Nematode    
          

  
     Pseudo-Glioma  Glioma         Toxocara

   
Glioma     

    
   Staphylococus Aureus   
   
     E.Coli  Proteus
...... 
  Fusarium Aspergillus Cephalosporium  
 Cephazolin  Tobramycin  Gentamicin            Candida
          Sodium Fusidate- -Methicilin  
  
      
     
          Uveal Tract 
  
  inttraviteal      Vitreous     
Subtenon      Nodules     infiltration

   
              
   
  
- 
-Pr end ni s ol o ne             
 

        Dexamethasone  
 Vitrectomy     Panophthalmitis   
 
              
                 
 
   Vitreous  
   
276   275  
  
  
     
 
  
       Tumours of Choroid
        
              
  Haemangioma
  Pigmented Cells Optic    
     
 
     
     
   disc
 Malignant Melanoma 
       
 
            60  40
  
  
   
   
     85%  
  

 Cavernous Haemangioma        
         
        

   Endothelial      

 
  Neurofibroma
        
 
Spindle B   Spindle A  
 Plexiform Neuroma
Epithelial Cell    Fascicullar   
Neclotic   Mixed Cell  
  Von Reckinghansen      
 
      
     
    
    
  
   Buphthalmos
 Quiscent Stage                 
      
     Acoustic Neuroma      Encapsulated
 
      
 Bruch      Sheath
 detach   
 
   
 spindle cells   
                     
 Stage of Glaucoma      Sheath      Fibroblast
       Proliferated
  
   infiltration   Naevus Benign Melanoma
            
   Vortex         
             
   
        
278   277  

   Stage of Extrascular Tension    
Enucleation      Vertex    

  Optic Nervee   
   
 
 
           
 
   Stage of Metastasis   
         
    Metastasis   

       
 
  
  
 
 
  Indirect Ophthalmoscope     
     Transillamation   Slit-lamp Binocular  
 
     

 Local Anaesthesia  
   Evisceration    Prognosis
 
 
 
  
 
Epitheloid            
     
 Enucleation    
    
 
       
    
   
 
  
Tenon        

   insertion  
      

 
  
 Speculum  
 Enucleation    
 
  Enucleation  
 

      
     
   
  
 
 
   
     
   Choroidectomy 
  
  
    
 
 
  
 Radiocative Plaques     
 48  
 24  
 
  Photo coagulation
  
      -1
280    
Aqueous       Canal Of Schlem     
     Humour 15
  

   
        

     Endothelium       Trabeculae     
  Glaucoma
 
   
  Descemet    
  Space of Fontana
       Aqueous Veins   
  Spisclera  
 
 
   
 
   
     Ciliary Muscle  Ciliary Spur  
 
  
            
     
  Aqneuous Humour  
 
 20 Intraocular              
   
          Process
     
         Hg   
   
Aqneuous Humour        (2)   

   
       
      
                     
 
  
Aqu.Hum             
 
 
  
 
    Anterior Charmber    
                   
            
 Iris   
    
      Aqueous Humour      
    2.5
  
         
    
  
    Angle     
   
  .....    
       
    
282   281  
  
  Mesoderm  
  
   
 
  Types of Glaucoma

 
         Glaucoma    
 
   Congenital Glaucoma OR Buphthalmos     (A)
       photophobia   
 Primary Glaucoma   (B)
 
     Narrow-Angle Glaucoma    
 
 Chronic Simple Glaucoma/Open-Angle    
 Secondary Glaucoma    (C)
   
    
 Epidemic Dropsy Glaucoma    (D)
 Aphakic Glaucoma   (E)
  Zonules Malignant Glaucoma   (F)
 
   Zonule 

Descement   
    (A)
            Congenital OR Buhphthalmos
  Haab's Striae   ( Hydrophthalmos )
     Open-Angle 
    
  
   
       
    
     
  Buphthalmos   
    
 
  
     
 Temulous  
  
   Atrophic   Iridodenesis
 32    
 
 
   
    
    
   
  
  
  Canal of Schelm  
 
 
 
   
 
   
      
 
     Pectinatum Iridis
284   283  
       Lamina Cribrosa  
 
Primary Glaucoma  
 
        
   
 
  
  
             
 
     Precipitating
     
 Closed Angle    45  0         
 Rekinghanssen   Neurofibromatosis   
Narrow      20         Wide Angle
  Haemangioma  Sturge-Weber
      Open Angle  - -   
 20  Angle
Myopia 
   
     
    Myopia     
 
   
 

   Miotics   
 
 
    
Canalization    
 Narrow Angle Glaucoma   
      
    Trabeculectomy 
                 
     I r i d e n c l e i s i s - 
-T r ephinig
      Aqneuous Humour
  
     Probe   
 Trabeculectomy

 
 AngleNarrow-  
        
   
              Geniotomy   
 
  Congestive     Trabeculectomy  
      Genioscope    
 
 
    Limbus  
        

  
 
  50 40      Mesodernal  
    

   
            
    
 Strung Nervous    
  
286   285  

  Synechiae       Vasomotor
 
 
  
            Hypermetoropic  
          -
-   
 Accomodation   Paresis      
 Presbyopia     
         
 
        
 
     
 
 
  Atrophy   
  
       
 
                (A)
        Aqeuous             Pupillary
 Prodromal Stage         
           Humour
   IOP           Bombe   
   
    
40  
                Hypermetropic  
              mmHg     50   
        
 Neuro-Vascular    (B)
 Acute Congestive Stage       
     Autonomic     
      
           
    
          Trigeminal  
 
                
      
         
       
   
    
  
    
         
          
               
        
  
    Limbus    
    
 Chemosis          
 
 
  
    
-     
    
288   287  

 
    Glaucoma Fulminass  
            Chronic Congestive Stage    
    
          
   
  Concentric                 
         
          
   
    
(mmHg)    6                
   
     
    Phase of Absolute Glaucoma   
  Genioscope              
 Trabecular     
                    
   
   50   Synechea   Bullous           
   
  
 
 
          Keratopathy 
 Provocative Tests  
 
      Ectropion      
            
      
            
  
Staphylomata         
 
 Dark Room Test    (A)           
          Phtisis          
      
             Bulbi
            
      Tonography                
.          -8  Shiotz           
  
      Prone        Prodromal          
    

 
   
      
  
     
    
       
  
  

 
 Mydriatic Test   (B)
   
       
 Phenyulephrine    
      
   Euphthalmine
    
 30 Homatropine
290   289  
      -8        
Tonography     
      
   
        
         

  Miotic      
 
 Mydriatic-Miotic Test   
  Stenopaeic slit 
   
  Emsley Fincham Test  

     

            Mapstone   

  Haloes
  
   Pilocarpine 2%  Phenylphrine 1%
 
        Mid-Dialated  
    
                 
 Carbachol 0.75-3%-  - Pilocarpine 0.5(2%)    
      
                    
      
              
                        Follow-Up
    Dexamethasone 0.1%Atropine 1%  
    
  1.5  Procaine 4%        
   
  Alcohol 18%   7       Retro-Ocular         
       
         
     24   Emsley-Finchan       Cataract
       
Enucleation    
Pilocarpine         
     Stenopaeic Slit     
 
   
        Disc   
        
  
   - -Diamox        
    
     
 
 Manitol Pilocarpine -Neptazane                        
  
   Glycerol              
 
292   291  
     
    
   
 
 
   
Enucleation 
    A.Irititis
       
            
  
       
     Pupil
Chronic Simple Glaucoma 
     
       
          
      cornea 
            
 AC 
  
   
             
       exudate ..........
      
          
    
   
        
 
    (i)
   
         
 (ii)               
 
  - -   (iii)      
        
    
    H a l o s              Halos 
      ...........  
    6050  

      Poripheral Iridectomy   
 
  Synechia        
10  
                    

              
       12'O Clock   
      
  Trabeculae      
               
Aqueous Humour       Schlem          Bombe 

         
         
     
 
 
  
  
     Vascular Sclerosis   Synechiae          
        F i l t r a t i o n   I r i d e c t o m y    
 
        
      Trabeculectomy

     
     
   
        Absolute Glaucoma  
294   293  
     U.Tract 
    
  Atrophy
   Synechiae        
 
 
  
    
 Trabecular    
  
   .... 
 (B)
 
 
 (A)  
  
 
 
 LaminaCribrosa    Atrophy        
 
  
  
                   
          
  Lamina Cribosa       
  

      
               
      
 
         Lamina Cribrosa      
   
     
 Visual Defects  (C)     
         
  

  
               Presbyopic
Visual     
     
       
     
 Field   
  Absolute   

 
       
 Intra-ocular Pressure    (A)
 
    
 
          
 
 
 
 12%      
      6 
   
          25%     
                   
 
 
   Bjerrum's Screen    Baring of Blind Spot  Cupping of Optic Disc   
  (B)
   Isopter       Ophthalmoscopy  
    
      
  30          
296   295  
      
         
  8  
     15 
  50       
 Bulbar Pressune Test    
   

    
      
               
50          

4       Baring of Blind Area 
 
 Seidel   
    30        
 
  
 
       
     Blind-Spot
 Priscol Test   
 
 10        Priscol 
  
  
  Scotomate      
                
        
  15    
 Scotoma    
     10       

   
Seidel's Sign      Fixation Point    
 Concave
      13

 
 
Gonioscopy      
        
      
 Gonioscope   
 - 
- Arcuate             
      
 
    Annular        Bjerrum's Scotoma
               .Scotoma
  
    40      Synechia       Arcuate   

                        

   
          Sector   
                
   
    
         Tubular
     
    
  
  Provocative Test  
 
 
   
       
 
     
 Water-Drinking Test
 
         
    
    
298   297  
     Limbus       
    
        4         
  Miotics 
      
   
    Spur  
 ciliary body  3 2 2%   
                   
      Eserine Salph 0.5-1% 
        
    

     

          Trabecular
 
 Peripheral Iridectomy
          Sympathomimetics 
          1-2%     
 
        
            
 Iridencleisis  
   
    
Limbus  
12 O     Sympatholytics  
  
       Clock   Timololmaleat   B2 B1      
                
  
     

       
 Eliot  
Scheie's Operation.       
Diamox      Car bonic Anhydr ase
 
Trephine  
 Sclero-Corneal  
  
  Acetazolamide (250-500ms)
    
   

  
                 
Low Tension Glaucoma
 Pseudo Glaucoma        
 Trabeculectomy   
    
     
      Filtration 
  
 Optic Disc     
      
             
  

 Flap    Limbus  
           
  
 
 
   
       5   
       
     
300   299  
 
Peripharal Synechea       
 
    
      
  
 
Adherent Leucoma   Secondary Glaucoma
           

  
 
  
      
 
 
   
    
  
       
  
    
  
        
  Intumescent   
 
Acute Iridocyclitis      
       
   congestion  
 
   Phagomorphic   
  
        
..... 
Acute Scleritis      
      Morgagnian  
 
    
 
   Trabecular     
Hypopyon    
   Phacolytic  

 
   exudate  
 
 
   
Panophthalmitis    
   
  
         
      
  
      
        Conlusion   
 Orbital Cellulitis    
         Flocculent  
 
  
       
   
  
    
 Intraocular Haemorrhage    
 Post-Inflamitory    
       
Occlusio Pupillae-
-Ring Synechiae    
               
 Osmotic
      
 
   
   
  
 
302   301  
   
    Vitreous
Aphakia Glaucoma  
     
    

 
  Cataract 
   Haemorrhagic Glaucoma    
  
 

     
    
     
      
  
    
  
 
   Detachmant   
 
  
 Anterior Synechiae         
  
 Retinoblastoma    
    
 
     
       
    
 Iris   
       infiltration         
 
    
    
 
  Vitreous 
        A.H.       
   

   
       
 
         Mydriaties         
     cysts       
      Anterior Synechiae  
    
  Alpha-Chymotrypsin   Aphakia            
Trabecular    Zonale            
 Enzyme-Induced    
     
           
 
      
 Paracentesis    
 
   
    
 -      
- E nu clea t ion  

.....  
       Evisceration
 
 
   
 
   
304   303  
  
      
  
    
 
  20%  Manitol       
   
   
   
  Acetozolamicle 
 
  

 
    
     
 Posterior Sclerotomy     
    
                   
 
    
       Miotics 
   
Epidemic Dropsy Glaucoma 

 
   Synechiae     
     
Dropsy  
    
   
  Trabeculectomy  
  
    
 Scheie Cyclodialysis
      
 
  
      Telangiectasis
  
 
  Malignant Glaucoma
    (Ciliary Glaucoma)

   
   
  Filtration      
 
 
 Argemore maxicana  
    Iridectomy
       
 A.Humour   
   
  sanquinarin          
      
 
  Dropsy 
         
 
 
    
    
            
 
           
  Dialation
     
       
       
 
    
 
 1%
  305  
  
16  
             
Diseases of Retina       
  
         
  
  
         
  congestion 
  
   
     100    
50     
   
   
   
 
           
  
   0.5
 
  optic disc         
     0.1 
      0.2
Equator   
     

  
         Diamex Acetazolamide

     Oraserrata           Eserine-
-Pilocarpine     
  

Macula Lutea -  - 
    2.1      
        

  Fovea Centralis  
     
      
                 
   3   30 Ephedrine Hydrochlor

Anterior    
    
    Sclerectomy

   Cones Rods

  
 
308   307  
 
  
 
    
  
 Plexiform 

    
 
    Chorio-capillaries
Retinal Vascular                Hexagonal  

 System    Bruch  
 
     
  
 Macula Lutea    
  End-Organ    

              Cones   
....... Outer Layer.   
 
  External           
 

        Rods         Limiting Membrane
  Vis u a l P u r p le            
 Outer Nuclear Layer    
 Pigments   Cones  Rods
 Axons  
       
     Dendrites
    Inner Nuclear Layer   
Amacrine      
   
            
       
     Inner Plexifor Layer   
 
    Axons  
 Bipolar Cells  
          
        Dendrites
  
 
  Ganglion Cells   

             
  
     
  
  
 

    
     Axons    
 
Internal Limting Membrane      

           
  Fibres of Miller
310   309  
 
  
       

  
   
  Macula   
 Inflamation of Retina

  
Micropsia          Renitis    (A)
   
  
  Macropsia  
        
  
    
 
 
scotoma 

 
  Neuroretinitis          
Choroi-retinitis    
       
 
         
  
 
   
Sensetivity 
     
          
 
   
     
   
  atrophic            
  
   
 
  foci 
        
Metastasis  
     
       
  
    
Secondary      

 
 
   
 
      
              
Periphlebitis Retinae or
Eale's Disease   
      congestion 
 
  
 
  
           
 viterous        
 
   
 Haemorrhage 
degenerative     
 
                
  
         scar fibers      

            
  Neuroglia  
 
  
     Pigments    

       
     
 
      
312   311  
   
 
 Foci  
   RetinitisProliferans 
       
   
  Vitrectomy  
Rheumatic   
  
 
  
  
Photo-Retinitis           
     
 
   
  
   
   
         
 
     
 
 Tortuous

Eclipse           
  Sheath 
    
   Blindness  
 
     
        
  
   
  
  
    
     
  

   
Sequel 
        
Pigmentary       
  
   
   
      
Epithelium. 
    Proliferans    
    
  
   
         Mesoderm 
    
 

  
  
 
    16       
 
  

   Scotoma              
    Retro-bulbar
    
  Fovea         Mantoux   
 TB   
    
     
 
          
     Fovea     
 
314   313  
   
    
       
 
 
         
 Sequel

 
     
Scotoma       
     
  -
-Photocoagulation      
      
 
             
 
 
  
Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR)  
   
    Pigment Epith   
 Massive Exudative Retinitis /
   
 
 Coat's Disease

            

                    
 

 
  

 
    
  Talengiectasia  
  
   
    
   
       
  
   
 
 Angiospasm 
  
 
    
  
    

  
     
        

    
 Kinking   
 

  
 
   
   Macular area   
     
 
  
   
              Fondus  

  
     
       exudate  
316   315  
 
     
Bruch 
   
   

     
    
 
O.Disc  Pigment    
 Sequel 
  Atrophy    
    
  
 
 
    
Night               
 
     
   
        Blindness   
 Metamorphosia 
 
 
      
   
    
Retinopathies    
    
  Anti-amoebic  Anthelmintics 
 
 
     
       
      4       
Hypertension       Photocoagulation 
Diabetes Mellitus   
Nephritis    
  
Toxaemia of Pregnaucy    Syphilitic Retinitis

 Hypertension Retinophathy    

       
   
 
    
Arteriosclerosis Retinopathy    (A)
  
AnteriorRetinitis  
             
              
    
   
Arteriosclerosis    
     Perper Salt Fundus 
              
  
  
 
   
     Tortuosity       Copper-Wire 
      
            
 
    
  Exudates    
     
Macula  
         
318   317  
   Malignant Hypertention           
  Papilloedera                    
 Diabetic Retinopathy  

  
 (2)      
         
   
        
  65  20      
 
    

                 
          

     
       
  
          
 
       angiopathy Malignant Hypertensive    
  (B)

               
   

 
    
  
  
     
      
 

   Proliferation      
Papilloedema     
 Translucent  
           Platelets             
                 
Macula      

       
    
            

              
          
 
        
    
 
 
 
Solf               Axon     Reserpine          
  
  Exudate     
   
          
  
      
    
 Leakage        
   Pericytes     
   
         
    
  
  
  
   
  
 
        
 
  
  exudate    
 
320   319  
  
        Solid Exudate         
      
      Lipids   
                      
 
      
       
 

  
 Background Retinopathy 
 
 
     Clofibrate  Cholestyramine 
   
                  
 
  
 
      
 
       
        
     
 
       
 
     
 
     

Shunts    
 Photocoagulation 
 Proliferative Retinopathy  
  
Retinal Reattachment Surgery  Vitereous Surgery   
     
      
 Renal Retinopathy  
          
                        
   
 
 Macula   
    
       Glomerulonephritis      
  
      

  
       
  


       
   
     
           
           
 
  
          
  
  
 
     
  
    
       
  
  
 
 
 
   
Toxaemia of Pregnancy     
    
   
          
  
      
            
    
 
  
  321  
 
             
   
17    
 
     
       
 
Diseases of Lense              
 

              
                
                 
      

 4 
    
 
       Zonule   
    9  
        
  
     Pole 
   
         
   
 Vitreous   Aqueous Humour  

(B) Optic Atrophy 
  (A)
324   323  
            
  Morphological(A)            cortex    
       Capsular  
    
   
  Subcapsular    
     
 
    
Cartical    " "  "Y" 
  
     Supranuclear 
Equator   
     
Nuclear  
   

 Zonular Lamellar  
    
Sutural  
 Zonule of Zinn  Zonule          
Coraliform  
   
 
  Aetiology  (B)       
  
   
 Congenital or Developmental  (A)   Taute  Zonular Fibers  
             
 
Acquinal   (B)
Cliary    Zonule Lens    
    
Senile or Degenerative        Accommodation Body
Traumatic  
Complicated 
 
 
    35 
Secondary  
65 
 
            
     
 
Toxic  
              
    
 Reduce   Glutathione
Occupational 

 Electric   
        
 degenerative    
 Congenital or Developmental 
     
    
  
   
       
   Cataract
       
     
326   325  
 Anterior Polar Cataract.              
         
       
    2  capsule     
     Stationary   
          pupil   
     
Pyramidal       
   
              
       infiltrated       
    
      D  A      
 Posterior Pole Cataract.  
      
         
   
    Hyaloid    
      
 Fibro-Vascular Sheath  
    
  
        
  
 
  
      
  
      Morphology
 Central Nuclear Cataract  
      
   
           
 Blue dot Cataract    
      
         trimester 
 
   Embryonic      
   
      
 
             
     
        Anterior Axial Embryonal Cataract  
 
  Zonular
   Y   
 
   
 Sutured Cataract . 
 
Stationary       Punctate Catarct  
 
        Y        
 Blue-dot Cataract    
      Tritradiate Cataract   Slit Lamp        
 
     
   
328   327  
   Iridectomy       Mydriasis   Coralliform Cataract. 
   
 
                   
 
  N y s t a g mu s            Fusiform      Coral    
         Strabismus  
     Spindle-Shaped
   Coronary Cataract.  
 
 Needle Aspiration   
              
  
 
                
    
    
      
 
 Lensectomy  LamellarZonular Cataract  
                         
              
  50        
    Contact            
    
  
                          
     Hypoparathyoidism     
Zone       
      Lamella
   
Senile Glaucoma             
 
       Spoke      
 
     Riders  
       Stationary
     
    
 
  
     
  
      
 50 
 
    50  
            
    
  70 
    6/24 
  
  
     Axis    
    
 
           cortical
330   329  
 Intumescent Stage    
   55     
   
       
    
Dehydration   
         
    
               
 Glaucoma         
Myopia         Cortical Cataract    

   8075  

Nuclear Cataract     
 Mature Stage 
   
 
  
 
Cortical Cataract  
        
  
    Presenile 
           
  Lamella      
 
  
     FM     
        Slit Lamp 
 
   
  Perkinji  
   
    
  Reflective Index
 
  
  
        
      
   

 Incipicient Stage  

      
     
   Cuneiform        shaped Wedge 
    
 Hypermature Stage 
     
        
 
    Cupliform Cataract. 
  
  Proliferath    Cubital 
      
            
 
      
    Polyopia       
    Hypermature Sclerotic      
           
 
       
Suspensory       
  
 
 
       
  

     Lig
           
     
    Wedge-shaped Slit-Lamp
   
332   331  
 
     
       
Traumatic Cataract         
    
 Morganian       
             
           
 
  
   
   
        
Phacolytic          
Concussion     Coutusion  
Phacotoxic  Iridocyclitis    
     
   
             
  
         
 
              
      
 
   
       
 
Glaucoma      
        Myopia           
                  
 
     
                 
   Vossius Ring                      
        
 
     
   Rosstte Concussion Cat.                    
   
     
      
     
 
                 
    
 Immature Nature
   
Immature    
Mature   
                           
         

   
   
 
       
   
             
         
334   333  
 
 
  
  Complicated Cataract

 Aparathyridea   (B)       

       P a r a t h y r o i d    Iridocyclitis 
             

           Thyroidectomy   M y o p i a 
R et i n a l      
  C h o r o i d i t i s   
                 Dislocation
                         
                 
     
      Slit Lamp       
    
Myotonia Dystrophia     (C)     Polychromatic Lustre      
 
                      
         
  
 Myotonia   cortical    
  
   Iridescent     Extra-Capsular Extraction      
  
 
       
Mongolion Idiocyclitis    (D)
 
 

      

            Secondary Cataract
     
( Pathological Cataract )
   
      Iridescent                      
           Pathological
 Cretinism   
Diabetes Mellitus  (A)
             50      
    Iridescent      
         
 
         True Diabetes Cataract 
 Atrophic Cataract               
 Atopia Eczema     
        
  
 Vacules    
336   335  
 
  Vascular atrophicusKeratosis Follicularis Sclero Derma  Poikitoederma
   
             
     
   
 
Dislocation of the Lense
  

 Luxation  
 After Cataract
Partial Dislocation

 
        
      pupil      
 
  
  
    
    
       
               
    
 Myopia
Iridocyclitis  
        
    
Myopic  
          
   
 Fibrin      Hyphaema    
  
   
        
     
 
 Diplopia
           
   
  Ring of Sommering   Cubical
 Iridodonesis Tremulousness    
            
 Complete Dislocation  (B)     Elschning's Pearls 
 
             
 
 
     Vitreous            
    
   
  
   
 
    
  
       
Needilng        
     
         
Capsulotomy  
  
     Aphakia     
Na-YAG   
Capsulotomy   
338   337  
            
    Iridonesis    
            
degenerative 

 
 Glycolysis                       
 
    MonophosphateHexose-     

    Mitochondia          
    

         
 

     
  Osmotic         
 Hydration   
   
     
       
 
Glutathione   
     

              B u p h t h a l m o s     
     
         
  Myopia   Staphyloma
 
    
  
 Extraction  (A)  
          Astigmatism
 Myopia    
Intracapsular     
   
         Aphakia 
    
 160140   Limbus  
  
   
                    
          
   
Extracapsular   
    Limbus  
  

       
       
  Enucleation     
 

         

     
    Physiopathalogy  
 
       
      Transparency   
  339  
          
  
 
   Myopia
 Discission  (B)
 
     
        Limbus Discission
      
    
  Atropine    
    
    
   
4 3     
      86
Curettle Evacuation (C)
Discission         
  
     Discission     
  
 
 Lens Curett   Limbus
     
  
   Curett   
   
      

 Needle Aspiration  (D)
  
      
 Bowman'      
   
Suction Evacution    
341    
       
  
             
  
 
   
   Diseases of Vision

         

  
 

        
  
           
      Emmetropia    Fovea 
      

     Vitreous        
   Fovea    
      Accommodation
           
 
  
 
   Fovea  
    
        
    Ametropia   
 
 
Short Slightedness Myopia   
 (A)
Long-Sightedness Hypermetropia  
 (B)
Astigmatism   
    
      
 Axial Ametropia
 Simple Myopia         
             
                 
 
Diopter 65          Curvature Amet
   
 6
             Curvature   
Degenerative            21        
   

  6/6Concave  Index Ametropia   
343   342  
    Progressive or Malignant Myopia     
 

        
                  
 
 
     
     
   Diopter 30
2520 
 
     
     
 

              

   Eye Strain   
   Floaters 
Floats     
   Floates         
 Develpmental Myopia    
  Vitreous  
              
 Sqint   
Myopic  Choroidal sclerosis      10-Diopter 
      
   Stationary    
  crescent

     
    
        
  
        
   
 
     
     
   
     
 
   
     
    
curvature   
     
 
    Astigmatism      
   
 
  Keratoconus
 
           
 
Optic Disc  
 
      
  
      
 
 Myopic Crescent       
  

  

  Punctum Remotum  
    
        

  
      
 Infinity   
   
  
    
       
345   344  
     31 21 D  
  
   
    Macula 
   
        
 
 
          
  

 
        
    
 

Dosterios     
  
  
 
  Staphyloma
Hypermetropia (Hyperopia) 
 
 
Far Slighted
 degeneration    Viterous
 
      
             rupture    
              Retinal Haemorrahage  
  
  
 Post.cortical   
   
    Accommodation   
  

 
  Fovea Foster-Fuch's Spot        Macular   
 

   
 (A)  
 (B)   
      
   
 
 
   Retinoscope  
 
  
       
 
   
  High Myopia        
          
       
 
 
Total Hypermetropia     
    Atropine       
          
            
Latent Hypermetropia     Strain   
  Tones 
           
        
       
 
 
 
 
 ciliary muscles   
  
  Radial Keratotomy
347   346  
         Manifest Hypermetropia  
                 
 
         
     
           
Faculative Hypermatropia 
      
             
  Absolute Hypermatropia    
   
   
     
 
 Convergent  
         
   
  

     
       

        3D     
   
      curvature
             
                  
  Pseudo-nevritis         
 
 Astigmatism 
  
Shot-Silk     
       Curvature  
  Retina  
 
  Aphakia  
    
   
 
 
  Heterophoria 
    
  
 
     
     
  
 
 
    
       
349   348  
      
   
 Keratophakia Keratoplasty  
  
  
+ 1.0 D 40     
+ 1.75 D 45
+ 1.75 D 50
+ 2.50 D + 2.00 D 55 Presbyopia
+ 2.75 D + 2.50 D 60
+ 3.00 D+ 2.75 D 65        
 
 
        40    
   
  Punctum Proximum   
   
     30   
       
                   
 
Meridians 
    
 cliary        
   
   muscles
    
 
  
   
  
   
     40  
     
 Curvatune  
     
   
 
 
       
 Lenticonus   
     40
 
  Subluxation 
 
     
        
  
     Asthenopic   
  
   
(B)  (A) Astigmatsm   
 (c)    
   
            
      
    
   
  
    
Index Astigatism   
    
       
351   350  
   
    
   Regular Astigmatism   (A)
 Regular Asigmatism   
 Meridian        
     Cylindrical    
  
             
  
          
Irregular Asigmatism  Simple Astigmatism 
  
 
    
 
         
  
          
   Compound Astigmatism 
  
   
   
   Keratoconus          
  
 Keratoplasty      
Mixed Astigmatism
      
  
    
       
   
Amblyopia  Irregular Astigmatism     (B)
           
     Amblyopia
         
 
 
  
       
     
     
  Keratoconus 
    
  Anisometropia  
  
 
      Ex.Anopsia     
 
 
 Psychosomatic
   
  ....... Asthenopic  
   Macula 
 
 
  Asthenopic 
 
  accomodation  
     
Leucoma   refractive medium    
  
 
   -         Optic Disc    
 
     
353   352  
  
 
   
   
         
      Unilateral  (A)
Amblyopia  
 Ptosis       
 Hysterical Amblyopia      Functional 
             Strabismic Amblyopia  
   Spiral Constriction         Anisometropic Amblyopia  
Star Shaped Field       Stimulus-deprivation Amblyopia 
                Organic  
 
Lacrimation Blepharospasm  
 
    Bilateral Amblyopia  (B)
      
  
  
 Functional

         
C r o w D i n g              
    Organic
  Phenomena
  
    
         
 9 8       5 4  
    Strabismic Amblyopia  
         
   
 visual cortex       
 
 
 
    
   
             Anisometropic Amblyopia    
     
   
 
 Anisometropia    Anisometropia  
      
      
          
 
  
      
   Stimulus-deprivation Amblyopia  
              
355   354  
   

  
        
  
 
 

Night Blindness
    
  (Nyctalopia)
 
 
    
            
 
   
   

  Cuneiform
    
  
   (1)
  
    
         A  
   Retinal-binding Protein.        
  Rhodopsin- 
-Visual Purple  Rods     
        
      
Day Blindness
( Hemeralopia )    (2)

            
    
   
    
 karKwashior   Malabsorption Syndrome   

  
  
  
    Cirrhosis of liver   
    
       
  
Cones   Macula      
   
   
 
 
                
         3
 
 Coloboma   Photo Receptors     
  
   
     
  
 
    
 
      
   
 
 
   
  Cupuliform           
 
    Oguchi's Disc
    
    Rhinitis Pigmentosa  
   
 
 
   
  
     
 
 
 
     
357   356  
 
 Achromatopsia   (A) 
 
     
  Coloboma    
      
          
  
  Nystagmus          
  
     
   
  (B)
 Dyschromatopsia Colour Blindness
 
   
  
         
  
       
    
       Cones  
       
       Receptors     
 
 
Protanopsia   (i)
      
 
  
  
   
      
 

  
  
  
Deuteranopsia   (ii)
 
        
     
  
       
     
 
Tritanopia    (iii)
  
               
    
  
   
    
 
      
 (ii)
   
        
  
      
    
 
    
     
Protanomaly     
T o x i c       M a c u l a 
Denteranomaly   
    Amblyopia
Tritanomaly 
    
  
          
  
      
Achromatopsia     
  
Dyschromatopsia 
359    
 

  
       19
Orgigin       Oblique  Rectus

 
        
 
 Ampulus of Zinn    Strabismus

    
 

      Sphenoid   Oblique 
  
     
  Maxilla Oblique       
      
            
   
  Occulomotor    
 Ophthalmic          

      

    Divergence   Convergence     
  
 
 
            
  
  
   
 
  
  
Lateral Rectus  
  Abdudtion  
    
Medial Rectus  
 Superior Rectus 
 (1)
 
  Adduction   Lavator Palpebrae 

  (2)
 Medial Ractus  
Superior Rectus   
 (4)
     Elevation    Rateral Rectus 
Superior Oblique
 
Rotate   
 
 Reflected Tendon (6)
  

Inferior Rectus   Annulus Of Zinn (7)
      
 Depression    Optic Nerve(8)
 Rotate    
  Opthalmic Artery  (9)
Superior Oblique 
    Downwards 
361   360  
            
Saccatic System Inferior Oblique  
 
  
     
 Elevation 
 Smooth Pursuit System   
  
 
  

 
      
 Vergence System          
   
        
 
          
    
  Congugate Movement    
 Fixation Reflex  
 Yoke Synergic    
   
Dextro-Version              
       Fixation  Fovea   
 
 
  
 
  
 
Fovea 
  
               
      
  Contralateral      Direct Antagonist 
 
 
     
  
  
  
 Contralateral     
 
 Fusion Reflex        
      Binocular  
 
  
 
 
  
     

      
              
        Nuclei        
     Disparate Points  
   Medial Longitudinal      
     
 
  

               
      
       
   
   
Fusion     Panum's 
Fusional Area 
   Pons              
   Ocipital    Reflex
 
            Sylvius  

Binocular Vision      Sylvius  
    
   
    
 Pontine Reticular Foramen     
  
   
    
  
363   362  
         Streopsis  
Paralytic Squint      
Concomitant Squint       
Latent / Heterophoria   Simultaneos Perception   
Apparent Squint            
 Paralytic Squint (A)      Ambyoscope     
    
  
     
 
  Gaze  
  Fusion Perception    
           
       
           
    

       
 
               
   (A)
 
Nerve Nuclei  
 Streopsis   
            
  3D   
   
   
       Encephalitis
  
      
     
            

 Nerve Root  
            
 
      
       
 
Nerve Trunk
   
  

      
   
  Strabismus or Squint

 (B)          

 Fovea    
 
 
 
    
    
  
    
 
Musculo Fascial    
365   364  

 Torticollis   
 

   
 Deviation   
   
      
 
   
     
      
 
  
             Traumatic  
  
 Primary Deviation           
      

              Myopathy 
 
   Secondary Deviation        Myastheria    Myopathies  
   
         
 Head Posture    
          
    
 
               
       Synergist

Oblique             
Contracture  Antagonist   
    
       
 Limitation of Movement   
        Diplopia  
   Paresis       
  
         
 Diplopia     

              
   
     
 
     

           
          Vertigo  
 False Projection / False Orientation  
    
 
     
   

          
         

            
    - -   
367   366  
        

 Bielschowsky Head Tilt Test (c)  Diplopia Test (A)
               
     
 
 
            
     
  
  

         
  
                
   
 
         
           
  
      
        
    
  
            
  
 Oblique     
  Diplopia Chart -    
   
        
 Congenital Palsy
  
  
        
         
         
        
 
  
         
      
   Left Lateral Rectus      
 
      
      
 

           Rt.Medial Rectus    
   Hess Screen  (B)
13             
 
      144  13 
 Conservative 
 (A)
           
  
           
   
  
 
    
     
                    
    Prism
    
     6    
    
            
            
      
    
     
 
 

     
            
     
369   368  
   Palliative Treatment  (B)
         
         
 
            Medial    

  
  
  
  
       
  
     
       Muscle-   
    

      
      Transplant
   
 
   
      

    

  

  

    Exophoria    
    
  
  
    

     Heterophoria or Latent Squint
 
Enophoria              

                         
    Exophoria            Fusional          
  
                
     
      
        
      
          
  Over work  
         
   
 Refractive error 
    
Enophoria  
 
          
    Exophoria   
Myoest henia               
 
Disseminated Sclerosis Gravis Hyperphoria   
 
         
  
   
   Hypophoria     
      
  
    
  Cyclophoria   
       
    
  
   
 
  
371   370  
   Maddox Rod     
       
         Vision Disturbance  
                  
      
 
    Exophoria   
        Enophoria Diplopia  
      
 
       
           
 Prism  
    
     Fusion Reflex   
             
   Cover Test  
                  
   
                     
    

   
          
 
                       
           
Refractive error   Maddox Wing    
Enophoria        33  
           
Orthoptic Exercise           
         Fusion          
 
      
   
           
  
 
   
Surgery   
         
   
      
      0
 
    
         
 Maddox Rod Test     
 
 
  
373   372  
   
 
      
   Concomitant Squint or
 
 
     Visual Axis       
         
    
  
  
   object       
  
 
 
 
    
 Reflex Centre   Squinting Eye Fixing Eye    

 
   
   
             
 
irritation      Constant  
Intermiltent    
    Uniocular      
   
 Alternating 
 
10 
 4 
      5 3   
        Convergence    
 
    
       
     
  Divergence   
 
      
   
....... Diplopia 
      Vertical Squint  
 
     
  
 
 Hypotropia Hypertropia
 
  Binocular 
 Mixed Squint
      
 
 
Visual acuity   
  
          
  
 binocular  

    
         
 
   
 
   
      viterous 
375   374  
     
         
    
        
 
    
    
        
    
               
 
       
  
  Binocular Vision   
   Cover Test  
 
                    
  
        Fixing Eye        
    Cover      
    Convergent        
                         
               
 Occlusion    Nirschbeg Test Corneal Reflex Test     
                    
  
Doyens  Fixing                              
     
          Occluder       
             
     45  Limbus 20     
   Euthyscope  
 3530 
 Orthoptic Treamtment  
  Prism Bar Test 
        4           
           
     
Fusion       
  
  
       
   binocular  Power               
 Surgery  
  
   
  
Orthoptic    
        Synaptophone Test    
             Synaptophone   
377   376  
      
Pendular Nystagmus    Comitant  Noncomitant
            Diplopia      Diplopia 
 
  ...................    
       
Nystagmus    
         
            
   
False Projection 
Pursuit   Saccadic    ...........  
    
         

 
Mixed Nystagmus   Gaze 
 
             

           

 
 
Secondary Deviation     Secondary Deviation     
 
    
     
 
  
   
  
       
 Convergent

      Resect   
 
 
        
      
      
 
 
    
     
 
     

       
 Physiological Nystagmus     Divergent 
 
   
   
    
   
       
  
   
   
    Opto-Kinetic    
        
    

 
             4       
 
  Latent       40        
  2 
 
    
              
       
   

     

 Spontaneous Nystagmus        
  
    Amaurotic Nystagmust  Nystagmus

   Macular Growth    
  
 
    
  Amblyopic Nystagmus       
   
  
379   378  
      6
20    Spasmus Nystagmus    
                     
Ophthalmic Instruments
  
     Miner's Nystagmus      
    
     
  
  1a    
Eye Speculum(1)  Vestibular Nystagmus     
 1b  
   Labyrinth  
         
  
   54 32    Fixation Forceps (2)  
   Layrinth
     
     Central Nystagmus     
  
       Von Graef's Cataract Knife(3)
  
   
Paracentesis                 
     Elsching's Intra-capsular Forceps (4)       
     
    Encephalitis     
    
        

   
 Cerebelar   
  
  
 Capsulotome/Cystitome (5)
        
               
        McNamara Spoon(6)  Tabes
             
     Lens Expressor (7)
  Congenital Idiopathic      
 
            
  21   Iris Forceps (9)  
 
    Iridestomy
     
          Iris Scissors (10)    
     Iris  Iridectomy 
         
  
   "S" 2 Iris Repositor (11)      
  IrisIridectomy 
  
    
Bowman's Discission Needle (12)
   
    
   After Cataract        
 
  Ordinary Discission Needle (13)
    
  380  
    Keratome (14)
 Paracentesis               
     Zeigler's Knife (15)
    After Cataract   
   
  Vectis (16)
       
      Tooke's Knife (17)
              
  2
1.5      Elliot's Sclero-Corneal Trephine (18)
  1  
        Trephine  
      Dis-Holding Forceps (19)
  Cornea  Trephine  
384 383 382  381       Broad Needle (20)
 File No 13 File No 12--------       
    
 
          Thermo-Cautery (21)
 
        
    /      
     Epilation Forcep (22)
    Triachiasis    
Desmarre' s Upper Lid Retractor (23)
         
   Enucleation Scissors (24)
         
   Scoop   Evisceration Sccop of Mule (25)
  (Evisceration         
    Sac Knife (26)
           
     Muller's Retractor (27)
            
  
     Rougine (28)
       
          Lang's Dissector with Scoop (29)
           
  Nettleship's Punctum Dilator (30)
    
         

   10a
    10b
 
   10c
   10d
 S  11a

   11b
     12
  13
    14
   15
   16
Vectis  17
 


 1a
    1 b

      2
    3

 

     4

 
  5
    
  
    6
   8
 9a

  9b
 
384   383  

  
 
 
   
  34      33   32    
     31
   38a   37    /  36     35

 
    40    39   
  
   38b     

     Lacrimal Canula (31)

 Patancy           
     Chalazion Forceps (32)
   Chalazion    Chalazion  
      Beer's Knife (33)
 
   Chalazion   
      Chalazion Scoop (34)


     Chalazion   
 Knob     Strabismus Hook or Squint Hook (35)
    Enucleation     
  
   
  Strabismus Scissors (36)
    Enucleation     
  
   
  
 
      Foreign Body Spud & Needle (37)

  18
  19
  20
 21
   22
   23
  24
    25
   26
  27
  28
Rougine  29
   30
     Needle  Spud  

  / 
    Sinclair's Cyclodialysis Spatula (38)

 

Spatula 


 
   

      

 

 

 
 

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