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Learn Data Studio in Three Easy

Peasy Steps!
Step 1: Know the Basics

To use Data Studio, you'll start with a data set -- a system outside of Data Studio that
contains the information on which you want to report.  Your data set will contain two
types of data:

Dimensions are data categories. Values may include names, descriptions, date

information, or other characteristics of a category.

Metrics measure the things contained in dimensions. Metrics in your Data Studio

reports are aggregated, for example, as sums, counts, or ratios.

Data sets are typically organized into rows and columns, where each row in the
table contains one record, or instance, of the data.

Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 1

Item Name and Color are both dimensions, because they describe or categorize the
products for sale. Dimensions can be any other kind of data, including unaggregated
numbers, dates, text, and boolean (true/false) values. Quantity Sold is a metric; it is a
count of that row’s items sold.

When you create a new report in Data Studio, you either add an existing data source,
or create and add a new one. You can add more data to the report at any time.

Data source - is Data Studio’s representation of your data schema. This is where
you’ll connect to your data set and choose which dimensions and metrics you want
to use in Data Studio reports. Know more about data source and connecting it to
data studio from the video below:

As mentioned in the video, to setup data sources you'll need to use connectors to fetch
your data from a specific platform, system, or product. You can use free connectors built
by Google to access data such as Google Sheets, Google Ads, Google Analytics,
and other Google Marketing Platform products, and more. See examples of
connectors in the image below:

Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 2

Step 2: Navigate Data Studio
2.1 Home Page Tour
To get to the home page, just head over to:

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2.2 Data Source Tab Tour
The Data Source tab is where you can view all data sources you have access to.
You can click to open a data source to view or edit it, and you can control which data
can be visualized in reports, how that data will appear, and who will have access to view
or download the information.

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Here's a sample data source - 'Lumenessa Google Search console' that I have
access to.

P.s If you don't see any data sources yet, don't worry you can ask Rasha, Nils, or Luis
to help you in getting access to data sources but only when you're ready to create
reports on data studio.

Now we are looking at the data source ‘Lumenessa's Google Search Console’(see
the image below).

On this page, we can see and edit the data source fields and settings, edit the
connection, and create reports from this data source. The data source shows the
schema of your data set, with information about each of the fields.  A field contains the
information -- the metric or dimension -- that will appear in your reports.

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Notice that each field has a number of attributes assigned to it. See the image
below for reference.

The “Field” column lists metrics and dimensions by name. By default, the field name will
come from the connected data set, and you can change these names if you wish.
(Remember that changes made to the data source will affect all affiliated reports.)

2.3 Reports Tab Tour

From the Data Studio home page, clicking on a report’s name will open that report. In
this example, we will use 'Lumenessa's Dashboard'.

Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 6

Below is Lumenessa's Dashboard Report

On the left pane is a Pages navigation menu. If a report has multiple pages, you will
see the list here. If you would like to view a specific page, hover on the page navigation
menu and click on the page title. In our example, there are two pages; [page titles]: SEO

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The “Edit” button allows you to toggle between Edit and View modes. See image

This option will only be available if you have edit access to the current report.

To download report, view in full-screen, refresh data, make a copy of the report, or
share report with others, click on the drop down button next to 'Share'.

Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 8

Should you wish to further explore reports tab. Click the link below 👇👇👇
Add pages and report navigation
Use multiple pages and various navigation styles to organize related
charts, minimize the complexity of any given page, improve report
performance, and avoid "information overload" for your viewers. If

Report components
A component is any part of a report that can either be styled, be associated with a data
source, or both. Charts, date controls, and filter controls are all components you
might find in a report. Components also go beyond data, and can include things like
images, text, video, or embedded content. Toggle on each examples below to learn
more about each component:


Tables summarize your data such that each row in the table displays the summary for each unique
combination of the dimensions included. A Data Studio table can have up to 10 dimensions and 10


Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 9

Charts visualize data from your data source(s). You can select the desired data and choose your
chart type, such as bar chart, time series, or scatter plot.


Insert image files directly into the report and resize as needed


Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 10

Shapes can be used add design to your reports. For example, use a rectangle to build a banner at
the top of the page, or use squares and circles to highlight important information.


Scorecards show a single, critical metric.


Controls allow report viewers to filter the information on the page. There are a few different types
that allow users to change the date range, filter based on a dimension, or even change the data set
to a different data set they have access to.

Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 11

Step 3: Build your First Report!
3.1 Connect your data
Connect Sheets Data
Now that you’re familiar with where to find what you need, let’s create a new report from
scratch. Throughout the unit, you’ll create and share a report. In this lesson, you’ll begin
the process of connecting and editing your data.
For practice, we’ll connect and visualize data from The Great Outdoors, a fictional
outdoor gear company.  This company has its retail store data in Google Sheets; you
can view the sample spreadsheet data via this link.

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Ways to connect
The above demo sample walked you through how to connect data from the Data Studio
Home page, and also showed how to add additional data sources from the report.
 These are just a few ways to connect your data.

Create from the Home page

As seen in the image below, you can create a new data source from the Data Studio
Home page by clicking the “+ Create” button in the top left corner of the screen.

Learn Data Studio in Three Easy Peasy Steps! 14

Click this link to see choices for data sources built by Google.

Whichever method you use, you can always find your data
sources from the Home page Data Source tab.

3.2 Create a new report and add charts

Now that your data is connected, create your report and begin adding charts!

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Additional Notes: Data in reports
Adding multiple data sources

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In the demo above, you started your report with one data source and added a
second data source to account for the second worksheet in your Google Sheets
data set.
Generally, when you first create a report, you select a default data source, and all
charts and controls will get their data from there. This may be enough to begin
building your report from that single data source.
As seen in this example, you can select one or more additional data sources, and
you can even specify a data source to be used for each page, chart, or control.  In
this way, your reports can reference a variety of data sources, with each chart
pulling data from one data source.

Blending data
If you want a single chart to visualize data from two or more different data sources,
you can blend data to enable your chart to visualize fields from multiple data
sources.  This allows you to join the records of one data source to the records of up
to four other data sources, as long as those data sources share one or more
dimensions as a join key.
See an example in this data blending demonstration.

Video demonstration on data blending

Configure components
When configuring components, consider whether you want them to be page-level
or report-level.
Page-level components are the default; they appear as a single instance, only on
the page on which you create them.
Report-level components are repeated on each page of your report. An example of
a report-level component would be a logo that appears in the top left of every page.
Similarly, there might be a date range control on every page for viewers to filter the
data by time period, which could be configured as a report-level component.

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3.3 Add and configure report

Ready to put your knowledge to the test? Let's try to replicate a


1. Replicate Lumenessa's SEO page.

Follow the steps below:TBD
Should you have questions, feel free to contact anyone from the team or you can also
go the data analytics knowledge base and learn more!

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