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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528

Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023

©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

Identifying Sixth Grade Students’ Misconceptions on Solar System

Febiola Eka Putri1, Neni Hermita1*, Zufriady1, Tommy Tanu Wijaya2
University of Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Guangxi Normal University, Guangxi, China

Received: Oktober 13th, 2020 Revised: January 08th, 2021 Accepted: January 13th, 2021


The purpose of this study was to determine sixth grade students’ misconception on the
solar system. This study uses a sampling technique with a total sample of 88 students.
This research uses the descriptive quantitative method. This research aims to describe the
misconceptions on the material of the solar system in class 6 of public elementary school
in Pekanbaru, data collection techniques using the Four Tier Test. The results showed that
students' misconceptions were categorized as "medium" with an average of 47.58% of 88
students. The highest misconception on material related to the characteristics of stars with
a misconception level of 67.61% with this level can be said that there are still many
students who are investigated experiencing misconceptions. The lowest misconception is
27.27%, which is material about the sun as the center of the solar system.

Keywords: diagnostic test; four-tier test; sixth grade students’ misconceptions; solar system.

1. INTRODUCTION In science learning, students have a

As stated in Law No. 20 of 2003 lot of experience and knowledge related
concerning the national education to nature. All students have a lot of
system, education is a conscious and experience with motion, force, electricity,
planned effort to create an atmosphere magnetism, energy, about living things,
of learning and learning process so that inanimate objects, and many other
students actively develop their potential natural events that are known by
to have religious-spiritual strength, self- students before conducting the learning
control, personality, intelligence, noble process regardless of whether their
morals as well as the skills needed by knowledge is correct according to
himself, society, nation, and state. "concept" or not. With that experience
Natural science is the science that is intuition and "student theory" have been
carried out with experimental formed about natural events in the
investigations and theoretical everyday environment of humans, but
explanations of phenomena that occur in not necessarily intuitions and theories
the surrounding environment. These that have been formed are true.
phenomena are understood by scientists Misconceptions or misconceptions
that represent phenomena that are

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

present in important discussions in misconceptions, (2) misconceptions arise

physics and other sciences (Adi & because of analogy errors, (3) many
Oktaviani, 2019; Astuti et al., 2020; N. misconceptions arise from questions that
Hermita et al., 2019, 2017; Parlina et al., are too fast, without being explained, (4)
2019), because they are approved can be the existence slogans such as 'action
used in the process of assimilating new equals reaction' and 'every result has a
knowledge in the minds of students. reason', will encourage superficial
Misconceptions oppose the inclusion of thinking (Pujayanto, 2011). Based on the
new ideas or leadership-new scientific background of the problems that have
revolution, other participants whose been previously described, the problem
misconceptions can reject new ideas or formulation in this study is "Are there
ideas that are accepted, encourage them any misconceptions in the material of the
to find out the attainment of a complete solar system in elementary school?
understanding of teaching material
(Hermita, 2017). Misconceptions on 2. METHOD
students should not be allowed and given Based on this, the research carried out
must be reduced. If misconceptions that research through misconception analysis
occur in elementary students are not of Grade VI students of SD Negeri 147
immediately reduced, then these Pekanbaru on solar system material
misconceptions will carry over until they using questions related to the material to
become students (Hermita, 2017). be discussed using the Four Tier Test
The concept is an important thing in instrument.
teaching and learning activities (Wijaya, The four-tier diagnostic test or four-
Sukma, et al., 2020; Wijaya, Ying, & level multiple-choice diagnostic test is a
Purnama, 2020; Wijaya, Ying, Chotimah, test instrument that functions to reveal
et al., 2020a). teachers must teach misconceptions that occur in students
concepts properly to prevent and detect concepts that are already
misconceptions (Wijaya, Ying, Chotimah, understood and concepts that students
et al., 2020b). Identification of do not understand (Wilantika, 2018). The
misconceptions in science learning do in four-tier diagnostic test is a refinement of
the learning process, this process can be the three-tier test by adding a level of
done before, before, or before the confidence to the reasons chosen, as
learning process. This identification seen in Figure for example four-tier
requires follow-up activities so students questions (Hermita, 2017).
can release from misconception. To classify or categorize students in
Misconception can happen to anyone. the concept of understanding concepts,
Students who like the teacher can also not understanding concepts,
avoid misconceptions. The cause of this misconceptions, and errors is done by
misconception is caused by (1) tests or examining students' answers and
assignments are rarely performed to see matching these answers with table 1 and

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

analyzing and categorised based on table 2019).

2 (Sheftyawan, 2018; Marhadi et al.,

Table 1. Design of Four-Tier Test

Diagnose the state of student conception
Answer Choice (Tier 1):
A. Alternative choice of first answer
B. alternative choice of second answer
C. alternative choice of third answer
D. etc.
The First Confidence Rating Scale (Tier II)
A. Alternative ontion if ”sure” over the selected answer
B. Alternative ontion if ” not sure” over the selected answer
Reason (Tier III):
A. Alternative choice of first reason
B. alternative choice of second reason
C. alternative choice of third reason
D. Other Reasoning
The Second Rating Scale (Tier IV)
A. alternative choice if convinced of the reasoning answer selected
B. alternative choice if unsure of the chosen reasoning

Table 2. Percentage Rrate of Misconceptions Category

Percentage category
0% ≤ P < 30% low
31% ≤ P < 60% middle
61% ≤ P < 100% high

This developmental research for answers to multiple-choice and the

produced a valid and reliable question fourth level is the student's confidence in
instrument to measure students' the reasons given at level three. The
misconceptions. The question instrument material used is the properties of light.
developed was a question consisting of These questions were tested on 88
four levels. The first level is multiple- students (table 3). An assessment guide
choice questions, the second level is trust to the answers to questions made by
in the choice of answers in multiple- students can be seen in table 4.
choice, and the third level is the reason

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

Table 2. Total Population

No Classes The number of students per
1 VI A 29
2 VI B 27
3 VI C 32
Total 88

Table 4. Instrument Grid

Variable Indicator Sub Indicators Question number

The sun is the center of the

solar system

Star features 2, 4
The characteristics of the
Solar 5, 12
Misconception moon
Planet and its identification 7, 10, 11, 13, 14
Rotation and revolution 6, 15
Celestial bodies other than
planets and the sun
3, 8, 9
(Asteroid, Meteor, Comet,

3. RESULTS confidence level. For tier 1, the choice of

The implementation of this research answers to the questions raised, tier 2,
began in October 2019 at SD Negeri 147 namely the level of confidence in the
Pekanbaru involving 88 students divided choice of answers in tier 1, tier 3, the
into three classes, namely classes VI A reasons for tier 1, and tier 4, the level of
and VI B and VI C. This study uses a confidence in tier 3. Before the research
sampling technique while total sampling instrument was distributed to students,
is a sampling technique. where the the instrument the test was validated.
number of samples equals the The material of the solar system in
population. This research uses the this study is divided into 6 sub-indicators
descriptive quantitative method. It aims namely, 1) the Sun as the center of the
to describe the misconceptions on the solar system, 2) the characteristics of the
material of the solar system in class VI of stars, 3) the characteristics of the moon,
SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru, data collection 4) the planet and its identification, 5)
techniques using the Four Tier Test. rotation and revolution and 6) objects
The test used in this study is in the sky other than planets and sun (Asteroid,
form of questions related to the material Meteor, Comet, Satellite). In processing
of the solar system with a 4-level research data, researchers calculate

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

manually by adjusting the decision level a. Problems with the level of

to 4 levels (four-tier test). understanding the concept
Data collection in this study was category
conducted in semester 1 (odd) Based on data from research tests
2019/2020 school year i.e. starting that have been conducted, it can be seen
November 18, 2019-10 December 2019 the percentage of students who
understand the concept in each sub-
indicator in figure 1.

understand concept
Sub Indicator 6 26.90%
Sub Indicator 5 25.00%
Sub Indicator 4 31.82%
Sub Indicator 3 36.36%
Sub Indicator 2 22.73%
Sub Indicator 1 61.37%

Figure 1. Students’ Conception Profile on Medium Category

can be seen the level of revolution) students have a concept of

understanding of the concept of students 25.00% of 88 students and enter the
in the category of "medium" with an "low" category. And finally on sub-
average of 31.29% of 88 students. Sub indicator 6 (Celestial bodies other than
indicator 1 (the sun as the center of the planets and the sun (Asteroids, Meteors,
solar system) with a percentage of Comet, Satellites)) students have a
61.37% of 88 students who understand concept of 26.90% of 88 students and
the concept, this is categorized as "high". enter the "low" category. This proves
In sub-indicator 2 (star traits) with a that understanding the concept of grade
percentage of conceptual understanding VI students at SD Negeri 37 Pekanbaru
of 22.73% of 88 students categorized as on the material of the solar system is still
"medium". Sub Indicator 3 not quite high.
(characteristics of the month) with the
percentage of students understanding b. Problems with category level do
the concept of 36.36% of 88 students not understand the concept
categorized as "high". Sub indicator 4 From the results of grouping the
(planet identification) students have a results of student answers, we get a
conceptual understanding of 31.82% of percentage of not understanding the
88 students who fall into the "medium" concepts contained in each item
category. Sub indicator 5 (rotation and according to the graph.

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

Sub Indicator 6 6.43%

Sub Indicator 5 13.63%
Sub Indicator 4 12.72%
Sub Indicator 3 8.53%
Sub Indicator 2 5.14%
Sub Indicator 1 11.36%

Figure 2 Students’ Conception Profile on Low Category

Based on figure 2, it can be seen that the concept of 6.43% of 88 students and
the level of not understanding students' enter the "low" category. This proves
concepts is categorized as "low" with an that not understanding the concept of
average of 9.93% of 88 students. Not grade VI students of SD Negeri 147
understanding the highest concept lies in Pekanbaru in the matter of the solar
Sub Indicator 5 with a percentage of system is still relatively low.
13.63%. Sub indicator 1 (the sun as the
center of the solar system) with a c. Problems with the level of
percentage of 11.36% of 88 students misconception
who do not understand the concept, is From figure 3 we can see that
categorized as "low". In sub-indicator 2 students' misconceptions are categorized
(the characteristics of stars) with a as "medium" with an average of 47.58%
percentage of not understanding the of 88 students. Sub indicator 1 (the sun
concept of 5.14% of 88 students as the center of the solar system) with a
categorized as "low". Sub Indicator 3 percentage of 27.27% of 88 students
(characteristics of the month) with the who misconceptions, this is categorized
percentage of students not as "low". In sub-indicator 2 (star
understanding the concept of 8.53% of characteristics) with a percentage of
88 students categorized as "low". Sub misconceptions of 67.61% of 88 students
indicator 4 (planet identification) categorized as "high". Sub Indicator 3
students have not understood the (characteristics of the month) with the
concept of 12.72% of 88 students who percentage of students' misconceptions
fall into the "low" category. Sub indicator of 46.59% of 88 students categorized as
5 (rotation and revolution) students do "medium". Sub indicator 4 (planet
not understand the concept of 13.63% of identification) students experience
88 students and fall into the "low" misconceptions of 45.23% of the 88
category. And finally on sub-indicator 6 students who fall into the "medium"
(Celestial bodies other than planets and category. Sub indicator 5 (rotation and
the sun (Asteroids, Meteors, Comet, revolution) students experience
Satellites) students have not understood misconceptions of 46.02% of 88 students

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

and fall into the "medium" category. And "medium" category. This proves that
finally in sub-indicator 6 (Celestial bodies there are still many VI-grade students of
other than planets and the sun SD Negeri 147 Pekanbaru who
(Asteroids, Meteors, Comet, Satellites) experience misconceptions about the
students experience misconceptions of solar system material being tested.
46.59% of 88 students and fall into the

Sub Indicator 6 46.59%
Sub Indicator 5 46.02%
Sub Indicator 4 45.23%
Sub Indicator 3 46.59%
Sub Indicator 2 67.61%
Sub Indicator 1 27.27%

Figure 3 Students’ Conception Profile on Misconception Category

d. Problems with error category indicator 4 (planet identification)

levels students experienced an error of 10.23%
can be seen that the level of student of the 88 students included in the "low"
error is categorized as "low" with an category. Sub indicator 5 (rotation and
average of 11.20% of 88 students. Sub revolution) students experience an error
indicator 1 (the sun as the center of the of 15.34% of 88 students and enter the
solar system) with a percentage of 0% of "low" category. Finally, in sub-indicator 6
88 students who error, this is categorized (Celestial bodies other than planets and
as "low". In sub-indicator 2 (the the sun (Asteroids, Meteors, Comet,
characteristics of stars) with 4.52% of 88 Satellite)) students experienced an error
students, the error percentage is of 20.08% of 88 students and entered
categorized as "low". Sub Indicator 3 the "low" category. This proves that the
(characteristics of the month) with a grade VI students of SD Negeri 37
percentage of student error of 8.52% of Pekanbaru on the material of the solar
88 students categorized as "low". Sub system experienced low errors.

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

Sub Indikator 6 20.08%
Sub Indikator 5 15.34%
Sub Indikator 4 10.23%
Sub Indikator 3 8.52%
Sub Indikator 2 4.52%
Sub Indikator 1 0.00%

Figure 4 Students’ Conception Profile on Error Category

4. DISCUSSION human perspective. The behavior of

The causes of misconceptions include objects is understood as the behavior of
the use of teaching methods. Teaching living things, so it is not suitable
methods that only contain lectures and (Nurulwati, 2014). Conditions can occur
writing, do not reveal misconceptions, because the level of understanding of
narrow demonstration models and non- students is still at a concrete stage and
multiple intelligence are the main causes this also occurs because students do not
of misconceptions (Soeparno, 2013). So get explanations from people around
that the ability of the teacher to use the them to explain the true thing.
learning method in the form of a lecture One of the efforts to overcome
as found in the field is a factor in the misconceptions is by remedying
high misconceptions on material related misconceptions through remedial
to the solar system. This condition can teaching activities. One of the remedial
cause children to easily forget the teaching modes that can be used is text
material they are learning so that what is mode, and to remediate misconceptions,
experienced in everyday life causes conceptual change text or CCText can be
students to experience the wrong used. Conceptual change text (CCText) is
(context) about the material of the solar a type of text that is deliberately
system. Another factor that causes developed for remedial teaching-oriented
students to experience misconceptions is to remediation of misconceptions
also due to the ability of the students experienced by students (Hermita,
themselves, for example, students pay 2017).
less attention to the teacher when Overcoming misconceptions requires
explained about the subject matter. learners to be aware of
Students' mistakes in understanding misunderstandings and be dissatisfied
the material caused by student with them and substitute concepts to
experience (context) are a form of become available understandable,
humanistic thinking in which the thinking sensible, and valid learning cycles
is thought that views all objects from a identify misunderstandings in the early

F. E. Putri, N. Hermita, Zufriady, T. T. Wijaya, Identifying Misconceptions

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Journal of Teaching and Learning in Elementary Education (JTLEE) ISSN (Print) : 2615-4528
Vol. 4 No. 1, February 2021 ISSN (Online) : 2622-3023
©All rights reserved DOI:
Printed in Indonesia

stages of learning and teachers can students on the material of the solar
easily stop teaching and then redirect system are still quite high. The highest
concepts (N. Hermita et al., 2020; Neni misconception category was material
Hermita et al., 2020; ). The learning related to star characteristics with a
cycle teaching approach prevents conceptual understanding of 67.61% and
misunderstanding in three ways; the lowest was material regarding the
understanding of concepts, improved sun as the center of the solar system
problem solving, better laboratory skills, with a misconception of 22.27%. The
and also technological tools help highest level of student misconception
eliminate misconceptions (Turkmen, for each item was item number 4, the
2007). sub-indicator of star characteristics,
which received a percentage value of
5. CONCLUSION 64.77% while the lowest level of student
Based on the results and discussion of misconception was in item number 1 the
the research, it can be concluded that indicator of the sun as the center of the
the misconceptions of grade VI SD solar system with a percentage 27.27%.

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