Olimpiada La Limba Engleza Etapa Pe Scoala, 26.01.2013 Clasa A XI-a

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Olimpiada la Limba Engleza

Etapa pe scoala, 26.01.2013

Clasa a XI-a

I. Rephrase the following sentences, starting with the words given.

1. „I’m sorry, Michaela”, said Jerry. „I’m afraid I’ve broken you glasses!”
Jerry apologized……………………
2. Pearl is too young to read this book.
Pearl is not……………..
3. When we arrived, prayers were being said
When we arrived, they…………….
4. This car was cleaned a week ago.
This car hasn’t…………….
5. They didn’t sell the house because nobody wanted to buy it.
6. Why doesn’t he talk to me?
I wish he…..
7. If you hadn’t been there, we would have gone into trouble.
8. „What will happen if I lose my papers?”
He wanted to know…
9. Maybe your flight was cancelled.
Your flight….
10. He couldn’t remember the answer and his friend couldn’t either,

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct derived form of the word given in capitals:
1. Artists must be………………………. , otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear. CREATE
2. Why are you so……………………………….….. of his work? He's just doing his best. CRITIC
3. Have you made up your mind? We need to know your …………….……….. as soon as possible. DECIDE
4. He's too shy to look people…………………………….……….. when he talks to them. D I R E C T
5. Have they put the Christmas……………………………………………………….. yet? D E C O R A T E
6. They put too many unnecessary……………………………………………….. in food. ADD
7. I ………………………think that there's no point in arguing with him. Just ignore him. H O N EST
8. Extraterrestrial life has not been ………………………………..…………..proved yet. S C I E N C E
9. Why don't you call the …………………………………….….. if the lights don't work? E L E C T R I C
10. Music and television are forms of ……………………………………………………. . E N T E R T A I N

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one suitable word.

It's not always easy to decide which sport to take up. When choosing, it is important to remember that excellence in
sports results (1) …………………... a number of factors. For some sports, the body shape and structure with
(2) ………………….. you are born are important. Top runners are typical examples of individuals
(3) ………………….. have selected a sport because of their natural body type. Many other sports are more
dependent (4) ………………….. training and technique, and anyone following a well structured and appropriate
training programme should do well. The aim of all sports training is to improve fitness and skills, and to develop
training programmes that are (5) ……….………….. safe and effective.

IV. Read each of the famous quotes below and circle the option that correctly renders its meaning.
1. “Acting is all about honesty. If you can fake that, you've got it made.” George Burns
Burns was _______.
A. saying that he is honest B. angry about what actors do C. a fake D. making a joke
2. “If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins.” Benjamin Franklin
This means that _______.
A. you should think before you act B. avoid fast horses C. do whatever you feel like doing D. let someone else drive
3. “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt
This means that _______.
A. we should fool ourselves B. we are confused C. we can't do all that much D. we're capable of doing more than we
4. “Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.” Ronald Reagan
Reagan wanted to _______.
A. have government solve all our problems B. limit the power of government C. shrink the military D. eliminate all
5. “You aren't learning anything when you're talking.” Lyndon B. Johnson
This means that it's important to _______.
A. talk louder B. teach C. help others. D. listen to others

V. Do you believe people can change for real? Support your opinion with arguments and examples. (150
I. 2x10=20 de puncte
1. Jerry apologized to Michaela for breaking/ having broken her glasses
2. Pearl is not old enough to read this book.
3. When we arrived, they were saying prayers.
4. This car hasn’t been cleaned for a week.
5. If somebody had wanted to buy the house, they would have sold it.
6. I wish he talked to me.
7. But for you/ your presence/ your being there, we would have gone into trouble.
8. He wanted to know what would happen if he lost his papers.
9. Your flight may/ might have been cancelled.
10. Neither he, nor his friend could remember the answer.

II. 2x10=20 de puncte

1. creative
2. critical
3. decision
4. directly
5. decorations
6. additives
7. honestly
8. scientifically
9. electrician
10. entertainment

III. 2x5=10 puncte

1. from
2. which
3. who/that
4. on
5. both

IV. 2x5=10 puncte

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D

V. 30 de puncte
- ‘eye-catching’ title; overall impression 5p
- organization: introduction, main body, conclusion 5p
- paragraph building: topic sentence + arguments 5p
- vocabulary, formal language, wide range of structures 5p
- correct grammar 5p
- use of linkers 5p

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