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Daily Digest

22.txt Palin also is the subject of an ethics investigation

involving the firing of the state’s public safety com-
Palin introducing herself; GOP blasts questions missioner after he wouldn’t dismiss her former brother-
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) – Buffeted by political and in-law, a state trooper. Her efforts as mayor to gain
personal revelations, Republican vice presidential can- millions of dollars in federal funding through the so-
didate Sarah Palin presents herself to the GOP con- called ”earmark” process appeared to be at odds with
vention Wednesday, even as John McCain’s campaign the McCain message of fiscal reform.
declared heatedly it was time to stop questioning her Her personal life became a topic of discussion after
background. McCain was heading for St. Paul to be Palin revealed that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter
nominated in a roaring roll call. was pregnant. Yet her candidacy has excited Republi-
McCain was ”itchin’” to get to the convention city, cans at the convention and across the country, in part
campaign manager Rick Davis said. because she has earned a reputation for taking on en-
After a slow start of the convention because of Hur- trenched interests in Alaska and is staunchly pro-gun
ricane Gustav, momentum was building on Day Three and anti-abortion.
of the GOP gathering. The spotlight was on Palin, the ”Give her a chance to make her first speech, give her
44-year-old governor and surprise pick to be McCain’s a chance to do her first interview,” said former New
running mate. She has been the talk of the convention, York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the convention’s keynote
but most Americans have hardly heard her voice, let speaker.
alone her views. ”Of course it’s going to be high stakes,” Giuliani
She will give her address in prime time, at 10:30 said in an interview Wednesday with ”Good Morning
p.m. EDT. America” on ABC. ”The media is ready to pounce on
”She will speak as a governor, a former mayor and any mistake. ... She looks to me like she’s got tremen-
someone with both hands on the steering wheel of Amer- dous confidence, got tremendous ability as a speaker.”
ica’s energy economy,” said Tucker Eskew, a senior Mc- Palin walked onto the spare stage at the Xcel Center
Cain adviser. ”She will detail her record of shaking up about 6:20 a.m. local time for a run-through and spent
the status quo in Alaska and standing up to entrenched about 10 minutes looking out into the nearly empty
interests to put the government back on the side of the arena and discussing where she would stand at the
people.” lectern and where she would look during her prime-time
Wednesday night’s speakers also include a trio of speech. Joining Palin were McCain campaign manager
former McCain rivals, now supporters: Mitt Romney, Davis and senior adviser Nicolle Wallace.
Mike Huckabee and Rudy Giuliani. ”We are getting The disclosure Monday that Palin’s daughter Bris-
a little more political tonight,” Davis said in a hint tol is five months pregnant - and a continuing drip of po-
of the partisan barbs being sharpened for Democratic tentially embarrassing details - knocked the convention
presidential candidate Barack Obama. off message before a rousing program Tuesday night.
The campaign also lashed out at the media and Speakers extolled McCain as a war hero and mav-
called for an end to questions about Palin’s background erick senator while blasting Democrat Obama as an
and her family. Senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt untested liberal. The 47-year-old Illinois senator is seek-
decried what he called a ”faux media scandal designed ing to become the first black president.
to destroy the first female Republican nominee” for vice ”Democrats present a history-making nominee for
president. president. History-making in that he is the most lib-
”This nonsense is over,” Schmidt declared in a writ- eral, most inexperienced nominee ever to run for pres-
ten statement. ident,” former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson said as
Palin’s experience - she has been mayor of tiny Wasilla, delegates roared with delight.
Alaska, and has served as the state’s governor for less Palin, who has been in St. Paul since Sunday but
than two years - has been questioned since McCain out of sight, has a chance Wednesday to speak above
chose her last week. The process that led to her selec- the media din and present herself directly to voters as
tion has been criticized as hasty because McCain had a strong-willed reformer and a solid conservative with
met her just once before he offered her the job. appeal to women, including supporters of failed Demo-
cratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The convention returned, mostly, to normal Tues- to heed the call to leave - but said he would stay put
day after its opening session was cut short as Hurricane next time because returning was such a hassle.
Gustav bore down on the Gulf Coast. With damage ”People need to get home, need to get their houses
from Gustav relatively light, the political speeches be- straight and get back to work,” said Johnson, 41, who
gan, with President Bush calling McCain ”ready to lead used back roads to get into the city Tuesday night.
this nation.” ”They want to keep you out of your own property.
Thompson, a longtime ally of McCain whose own That’s just not right.”
campaign for the White House flamed out early this After spending days in motels, with family, or in
year, tossed chunk after chunk of rhetorical red meat hot, overcrowded shelters, evacuees came home to find
to the delegates. another set of problems. This storm was no Katrina,
”Washington pundits and media big shots are in a but there were still nearly 800,000 homes in Louisiana
frenzy over the selection of a woman who has actually without power, including about 77,000 in the city of
governed rather than just talked a good game on the New Orleans.
Sunday talk shows and hit the Washington cocktail cir- Officials said the main transmission lines into south-
cuit,” Thompson said. ern Louisiana were crippled and they had no timetable
But the media focus on Palin’s difficulties won’t for when much of the power might be restored. Hospi-
go away, particularly since Bristol Palin and the un- tals were running on generators, and some had to move
born child’s father, 18-year-old Levi Johnston, were to patients who they feared would suffer without air con-
attend Wednesday’s session. Republicans across the ditioning.
party defended Palin. Grocery store manager Ryan Carderara, 23, headed
”I haven’t seen anything that comes out about her back into a reopened St. Bernard Parish after ducking
that in any way troubles me or shakes my confidence in the storm at a friend’s house. He didn’t expect to have
her,” said former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who electricity, but intended to reopen his store on Thurs-
ran unsuccessfully for the party’s presidential nomina- day.
tion this year. ”It’s just the typical stuff you get living down here,”
The prime spot in Tuesday evening’s lineup went to Carderara said while he gassing up his car. ”We’ve been
Connecticut Democratic-turned-independent Sen. Joe here all our lives. We’re used to it.”
Lieberman - whose vote presently gives Democrats con- What’s left of Gustav moved north into Arkansas,
trol of the Senate - who enthusiastically endorsed Mc- knocking out power to nearly 100,000 homes and busi-
Cain and Palin. nesses there as lashing winds and several inches of rain
”When others wanted to retreat in defeat from the caused flash flooding in parts of the state. A num-
field of battle, when Barack Obama was voting to cut ber of schools were closed as water inundated saturated
off funding for our troops on the ground,” Lieberman ground and creeped up onto roads.
said, ”John McCain had the courage to stand against Gustav’s death toll jumped to 16 in the U.S., with
the tide of public opinion.” most coming in traffic accidents, and two in a post-
storm tornado. The storm killed 94 during its march
through the Caribbean.
Several roads remained closed in Mississippi, where
23.txt nine casinos that closed as the storm approached were
given permission Wednesday to reopen.
Traffic builds as Gustav evacuees return home President Bush was set to tour hard-hit areas of
NEW ORLEANS (AP) – Cars, campers and sports Louisiana Wednesday, and authorities were still try-
utility vehicles jammed the roads back to the Louisiana ing to assess the damage to low-lying communities on
coastline Wednesday, as the 2 million evacuees chased the southeast coast. A levee broke in Plaquemines
away by the threat of Hurricane Gustav tried to make Parish, and National Guard helicopters were bringing
their way home. in sandbags to plug it. The break was threatening a
Though New Orleans wouldn’t officially open its small group of houses, said parish spokeswoman Karen
doors until midnight, outlying communities were al- Boudrie.
ready welcoming residents back. Mayor Ray Nagin said ”It looks like someone just took a bite out of the
no one would be turned away from the city if they tried levee,” Boudrie said.
to come in early, but warned that New Orleans was still Early insurance industry estimates put the expected
in a ”very, very vulnerable state.” damage to covered properties at anywhere from 2 bil-
”I don’t want people heading in yet,” Nagin said. lion to 10 billion. That’s high, but well short of Kat-
”But if they jumped the gun, we will let them through.” rina’s 41 billion.
Those trying to make their way home were visibly Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said he won two promises
angry it took so long for officials to let them return after from the federal government that will ease Louisiana’s
Gustav’s Monday strike. George Johnson, 41, was glad recovery: the White House approved his ”major disas-

ter” declaration request, allowing residents of 34 parishes The storm that had been drifting south and east
to receive federal funding for housing and recovery, and finally swung to the north on Wednesday. It was ex-
a strategic oil reserve will be opened to help reverse a pected to sweep across the Bahamas and then start
severe shortage of fuel, particularly in south Louisiana. climbing along the U.S. coastline by the weekend, ac-
Initial inspections showed little damage to the Gulf cording to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami
Coast’s extensive oil and gas installations, though re- - with a 20 percent chance it could bring tropical storm
sumption of production and refining could still take a force winds to New York City.
few days. Reflecting confidence the industry suffered Haitian authorities on Wednesday reported four more
little damage, oil prices fell 5.75 a barrel Tuesday. deaths caused by Hanna, raising the toll to 25.
But markets and the southeast were nervously watch- Floodwaters swamped a hospital in the Les Cayes
ing the Atlantic, where a series of storms were brew- area, forcing nurses to move patients to higher floors.
ing. In the Caribbean, Tropical Storm Hanna pounded At least 5,000 people in Les Cayes remained in shelters,
flood-plagued Haiti just days after Gustav added to the said Jean-Renand Valiere, a coordinator for the civil
misery of a country that has lost more than 100 lives to protection department.
mudslides and flooding in the past month. The storm is High water still prevented U.N. soldiers from reach-
expected to change course and head for the U.S. coast ing the western city of Gonaives, where the rise of
after sweeping across the Bahamas. muddy water drove people to seek refuge on rooftops
Farther out to sea, Tropical Storm Ike marched west- Tuesday as wind gusts drove horizontal sheets of rain.
ward across the Atlantic and could arrived in the Ba- ”They are screaming for help,” said Iris Norsil, 20,
hamas on Sunday as a hurricane. Tropical Storm Josephine who managed to escape the city.
was just behind, gaining strength as that storm’s winds Water rose so much overnight near Gonaives that
topped 60 mph. a bridge people crossed on Tuesday night was under
New Orleans expected to begin this weekend bring- water on Wednesday.
ing back the estimated 18,000 residents who didn’t have A convoy carrying Prime Minister Michele Pierre-
the means to evacuate on their own and were sent to Louis had to abandon efforts to reach Gonaives when
shelters in Louisiana and other states on buses, trains one of the cars was nearly swept away, said Julian
or aircraft. Frantz, a Haitian police officer with the group.
The state has generally been quiet after the storm, ”The situation is as bad as it can be,” said Vadre
but there have been isolated reports of looting. Jindal Louis, a U.N. official in Gonaives. ”The wind is ripping
said two or three people attempting to loot a supply up trees. Houses are flooded with water. Cars can’t
truck fired on National Guard soldiers in Ville Platte drive on the street. You can’t rescue anyone, wherever
in south central Louisiana overnight. The soldiers shot they may be.”
at the attempted looters but they fled. There were no Haiti already had suffered scores of deaths due to
reports of injuries. flooding cause by Tropical Storm Fay and Hurricane
”It’s not going to be tolerated. We will defend our- Gustav in late August.
selves, and rightfully so,” said Maj. Michael Kazmierzak, Hanna was centered about 75 miles (125 kilometers)
a spokesman for the Louisiana National Guard. southwest of Grand Turk Island on Wednesday morn-
There were very few gas stations open in New Or- ing, with maximum sustained winds of near 60 mph (95
leans, but at one that was running, the consensus seemed kph), the hurricane center said. Tropical storm force
to be that residents preferred to rough it at home, even winds extended out as far as 290 miles (465 kilometers)
though it was going to be awhile before the city was in some areas - mostly to the north.
truly back on its feet. It was moving north at about 6 mph (9 kph) but
”Everybody knows it’s going to be miserable here it was expected to cut through or near the central and
for a while,” said Brendell John, 50. ”It always is after northeastern Bahamas over the next couple of days. It
a hurricane. The quicker you get back, the quicker you could regain hurricane force by Thursday or Friday.
get back to normal.” Rain and wind were picking up in the Bahamas,
where officials told residents they would shut down the
water system Wednesday night.
”Even though we’re not feeling the full effects of the
24.txt storm, it is rough out there,” said Chrystal Glinton, a
spokeswoman for the National Emergency Management
Hanna dumps more rain on flood-plagued Haiti Agency. ”Persons have been warned to stay indoors.
SAINT-MARC, Haiti (AP) – Far-reaching Tropical That’s what they’re doing. Waiting.”
Storm Hanna drenched flood-plagued Haiti on Wednes- Haiti is particularly vulnerable to devastating floods
day, adding to the miseries of a country that has lost because of its steep hillsides that have been deforested
more than 100 lives to mudslides and flooding since to plant crops or make charcoal.

Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Ike was cruising north-
westward across the Atlantic with top winds near 70
mph (110 kph) and projected to near the Bahamas by
Sunday as a hurricane, though the hurricane center cau-
tioned that ”it is too early to determine what, if any
land areas might be directly affected by Ike.”
Following behind was Tropical Storm Josephine, which
grew stronger, with top winds near 65 mph (100 kph).
And in the Pacific, Tropical Storm Karina weak-
ened to a tropical depression Tuesday night and was
expected to further weaken over the next few days.

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