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MODULE 2 Process Oriented

Performance -
Based Assessment
Module Overview This module will journey you on how to write a process
oriented learning competencies, design a process oriented
performance- based activity coupled with authentic
assessment such as scoring rubrics.
Module Outcomes 1. Formulate process oriented learning competencies.
2. Describe process oriented performance-based assessment.
3. To design a process oriented learning activities and
create a scoring rubrics to evaluate them.
Lessons in Lesson 1: Process Oriented Learning
the Module
Competencies Lesson 2: Task Designing
Lesson 3: Scoring Rubrics

Lesson 1 Process Oriented Learning


Learning Outcomes Formulate a process oriented learning competencies

Time Frame 2 sessions

This is the first lesson of Module 2 in the Assessment of
Learning 2 course. You will study about process oriented
learning competencies through an activity and you will describe
how you understood it through a reflection. You will also
formulate a process oriented learning competencies from an
activity that you are thinking for your students to do.
Process Oriented Learning Competencies Formulation
1. Browse the K to 12 Curriculum Guide and focus on
your discipline.
2. Identify what grade level and topic to work on.
3. Think about an activity you want your student to do
based on the topic that you’ve chosen in order to develop
a particular skill on them.
4. Determine the processes that your students will have to
Activity go through in order for them to develop their knowledge,
skill and attitude.
5. Try combining those skills in order for your students
to perform a particular task.
6. Write a draft of it.
7. Continue to enhance the first draft of the competency
you want to target for your students.

DRAFT: Form a group with 2 members and assemble and

disassemble a computer.

Questions to build up the activity

1. What’s the salient point of the K to 12 Curriculum
Guide based on your chosen discipline?
For me, the salient point of the K-12 Curriculum
Guide is the Computer System Servicing which is a
specialization of Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) that is under the Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE) and Technical-Vocational-
Livelihood (TVL) Track.

2. What grade level you chose to work on and what topic?

The specialization can be taken between grade 9 to

12 but I chose to work with senior high schools which is
grade 11 and grade 12. The topic I choose is the Computer
Hardware and Installers preparation and OS Installation
procedure because these are the common knowledge that
they should know when taking the Computer System
Servicing course.

3. Do you have an activity in mind where in your

students will do in order for them to develop a
particular skill?
Yes, for the computer hardware topic the
students need to assemble and disassemble a system
unit computer that will assist them to be familiar to the
following hardware components, aside from that their
skills will be assessed on how they will properly
assemble and disassemble it. The next topic is
preparing and installing an Operating system in a
computer, the students need to prepare a bootable
flash drive device that will aid them to install an
operating system.

4. What processes will the students have to go through

in order to develop their knowledge, skills and

The first activity will be by pair, first and

foremost the student will develop their
communication skills and their attitude towards their
partner since it is by pair. The next is developing
their knowledge in identifying the components and
remembering the instructions that are given to them.
Then, the students will demonstrate on how to
properly assemble and disassemble a computer that
will measure their skills. In assembling and
disassembling, the students need to follow
Occupational Health and Safety guidelines and
procedures that will assist them to be safe.

The second activity which is creating a

bootable flash drive, the students will help the
learners acquire the needed 21st learner century skills.
Develop the adherence of the students to the
procedure that will eventually measures the students’
knowledge, skills and attitude.

5. Have you thought of a task or performance for

the development of the skills of students?
Yes, the computer hardware assembling
and disassembling and creating bootable flash
drive devices.
It is important to assess students’ learning not only through
their outputs or products but also the processes which the
students underwent in order to arrive at these products or
Learning entails not only what students know but what they can
do with what they know. It involves knowledge, abilities, values,
attitudes, and habits of mind that affect academic success and
performance beyond the classroom.

Competencies are defined as groups or clusters of skills and

abilities needed for a particular task. The objectives focus on
behaviors which exemplify “best practice” for the particular task.
Such behavior range from a “beginner” or novice level up to
the level of expert.

Example of a process oriented learning competencies are:

1. Create a brochure in order to spread awareness
about Covid19 virus and its disease.
2. Deliver a persuasive speech before a class.

In creating a brochure the students have to develop skills on

gathering data or researching, manage the data to be included in
the brochure, writing skills, skills in design and lay out. Also, this
is a group work so they will also develop their collaboration
skills, communication skills and technology skills which are the
21st skills needed by the students in the 21st century education.

In delivering a persuasive speech before a class, students will be

developing skills on using appropriate voice quality, skill in hand
gestures, establishing rapport with the audience, facial
expression, skills in pronunciation and proper diction.
It’s Your Turn Activity

Using the K to 12 Curriculum Guide as your reference,

determine at least two topics in your area of specialization and
formulate process-oriented learning competencies of each of the
TOPIC 1: Computer Hardware
 Find a partner then assemble and disassemble a
computer system unit. Ensure that OHS guidelines
and procedures are followed.
TOPIC 2: Installer’s preparation and OS installation procedures
 Create a bootable flash drive device in accordance with the
computer system specifications.

Write a short reflection about your learning on this module.
This module will influence me in obtaining knowledge in
formulating a proper process-oriented learning competency. Once
you’re familiar in the given topic, you have an advantage because
maybe you already experience it, or you are aiming to achieve a
certain competency that will aid you to formulate a process-
oriented competency. I realized that creating an activity or learning
competency is not that easy, you need to think of the process that
your students need to achieve that can target their knowledge,
skills, and attitude while performing the given task or activity.

The skills that you develop in formulating process-oriented

learning competencies will be strengthen as we move on with
learning about task designing. Congratulations for working on it!


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