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Techtonic Shift: First Benchmark

Round 2
Case Brief
Michael, is a rising star in his dream organization, Ojas Banking & Services in the banking and financial services sector.
His manager Gabbar Khadoos Singh walks onto his desk one day and declares, ‘Hi Michael, the big boss has assigned
another important project to our team. I want you to help us minimize the risk of losing money and opportunity while
lending to our customers’. Gabbar gives Michael a data dump containing Customer and Loan Data of all previous
applicants. He then asks Michael to analyse the data and use the insights gained to propose business
recommendations in an upcoming presentation with the leadership team. Michael is expected to deliver at minimum,
insights related to client factors and loan factors that contribute to loan disbursement decisions and their
subsequent outcomes at Ojas Banking & Services. Additionally, there are various other business decisions that can
be incorporated by the company basis on the hidden insights that can be revealed by careful analysis of the data dump
provided. It is upto Michael now to bring forth business insights that will help improve the loan disbursement process at
Ojas Banking & Services immensely.
This data dump has 3 files as explained below:
1. 'app_data.csv' contains all the information of the client at the time of application. The data is about whether
a client has payment difficulties.
2. 'history.csv' contains information about the client’s previous loan data. It contains the data whether the
previous application had been Approved, Cancelled, Refused or Unused.
3. 'description.csv' is data dictionary which describes the meaning of the variables.


1. Michael is expected to deliver at the minimum, client factors and loan factors that contribute to loan
disbursement decisions of Ojas banking and services.
2. He is expected to propose a comprehensive framework for taking lending decisions.
Rules for submission
All participants are supposed to adhere to the limit of maximum 2-slides for submission (excluding annexures and
cover page). The file size should not exceed 25 MB.

1. Any assumptions taken must be specified in the annexures.

2. The final deadline of submission will be mentioned on the D2C platform.

3. For any queries, contact

a Pratyusha Vadavalli: +91 8939741278
b Shreya Shikha: +91 9505489248
4. Naming convention for submission – TEAM NAME_INSTITUTE NAME

5. The decision of the organizers is final and binding.

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