Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence Ethics

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C 1. __________ denotes the date after which the product is not expected to retain its claim safety, efficacy and quality.
a. lot number c. expiration date
b. batch number d. control number

D 2. Equipment used for manufacture, processing, testing or control must meet the ff. criteria, except;
a. non reactive c. non absorptive
b. non additive d. non operational

B 3. Required tests for new drugs, except;

a. Phase IV Clinical Trial c. Phase III
b. Bioavailability d. Phase I

C 4. ________ determine the therapeutic index of drugs

a. pharmacodynamics c. clinical pharmacology
b. pharmacokinetics d. toxicity test

C 5. Government agency who issued national identification card and purchase slip booklet to senior citizen

D 6. ____________ requires the representation of yellow prescription from a licensed doctor with S2 license number
a. List B c. OTC
b. Rx d. List A

A 7. __________ is a list of drug which cure the vast majority of illness, affordable and available to all persons
a. EDL c. USP/NF
b. NDF

A 8. __________ is the accredited professional pharmacy organization in the Philippines accepted by PRC
a. PPhA c. PAPPI

B 9. Refers to the moral principles of practice in Pharmacy

a. Jurisprudence c. Law
b. Ethics d. NOTA

B 10. It is defined as a system of Laws or the Science or Philosophy of Laws

a. Pharmacy Law c. RA 5921
b. Jurisprudence d. Ethics

B 11. RA 3720 is the

a. Pharmacy Law c. Dangerous Drug Act
b. Food, Drug, Devices and Cosmetic Act d. Senior Citizen Act

D 12. RA 6425 is the

a. Narcotic Drugs Law c. Revenue Regulation
b. Pharmacy Law d. Dangerous Drug Act of 1972

C 13. This term refers to any person who sells, administers, delivers or gives away to another any dangerous drug without
any proper authority.
a. Pharmacist c. Pusher
b. Nurse d. Drug Agent

B 14. Includes opium and its active components and derivatives such as heroin and morphine,
coca leaf and its derivatives
a. Regulated Drugs c. Both a and b
b. Prohibited Drugs d. List B

B 15. Refers to any drug which produces insensibility, stupor, melancholy or dullness of mind with delusion
a. dangerous drug c. synthetic drug
b. narcotic drug d. regulated drugs

D 16. The only person/s authorized to issue a prescription

a. physician c. veterinarian
b. dentist d. AOTA

C 17. An act to promote, require and ensure the production of an adequate supply, distribution, use and acceptance of drug
and medicines identified by their Generic Names
a. RA 5921 c. RA 6625
b. RA 6425 d. PD 881

B 18. It is the chemical component responsible for the claimed therapeutic effect of the pharmaceutical product:
a. chemical name c. binder
b. active ingredient d. disintegrant

C 19. It is the identification of drugs and medicines by their scientifically and internationally recognized active ingredient as
determined by the Bureau of Food and Drugs
a. Brand name c. Generic name
b. label claim d. Both a and c 262

A 20. Drug establishments is defined as:

a. any organization or company involved in the manufacture, importation, repacking, and or distribution of
drugs or medicines
b. drugstores, pharmacists and stores that sell drugs of medicines
c. both a and c

B 21. It is the proprietary name given by the manufacturer to distinguish its product from those of their competitors
a. generic name c. common name
b. brand name d. AOTA

D 22. The objectives of RA 5921

a. The standardization and regulation of pharmaceutical education
b. The examination for registration and graduation of schools of pharmacy in the Philippines
c. The supervision, control and regulation of the practice of pharmacy in the Philippines

D 23. This is/ These are created for the purpose of implementing Republic Act 5921
a. Council of Pharmaceutical Education c. Phil Pharmaceutical Association
b. Board of Pharmacy d. both a and b

A 24. The appointment of the Board of Pharmacy shall be approved by the:

a. President of the Philippines c. Commissioner of the PRC
b. Food and Drug Administrator d. AOTA

D 25. To be appointed member of the Board of Pharmacy, a person must be:

a. a natural born citizen of the Philippines
b. a duly registered pharmacist and has been in the practice of pharmacy for at least 10 years
c. a member of good standing of bonafide national pharmaceutical association in the Philippines

A 26. A complete pharmacy internship program based on RA 5921 Article III sec 18 shall consist of at least:
a. 960 hours c. 480 hours
b. 160 hours d. 980 hours

B 27. In order to pass the board examination, a candidate must obtain a general average of
a. 100% c. 50%
b. 75% d. 80%

C 28. Examination for registration to practice pharmacy in the Philippines shall be given:
a. once a year c. twice a year
b. thrice a year d. 5x a year

D 29. In order for somebody to practice pharmacy in the Philippines, he must be:
a. at least 21 years old
b. has satisfactorily passed the examination given by the board of pharmacy
c. holder of a valid certificate of registration duly issued to him by the Board of Pharmacy

A 30. A food shall be deemed adulterated if:

a. it bears or contains any poisonous substance which may render it injurious to health
b. its labeling is false or misleading
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

B 31. A food shall be deemed misbranded:

a. it bears or contains any poisonous substance which may render it injurious to health
b. its labeling is false or misleading
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

D 32. In R.A. no. 3720 Section 10, food means:

a. articles used for food or drink for man
b. chewing gum
c. articles used for components of any such article
d. all of the above

D 33. In R.A. no. 3720 Section 10, drug means:

a. any article recognized in the official Pharmacopeia and National Formulary
b. articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure and mitigation, treatment or prevention of diseases
in man and other animals
c. articles intended for any function of the body of man
d. all of the above
A 34. It is the concentration of known active drug substance in the formulation:
a. strength c. batch size
b. percentage d. AOTA

C 35. In tablets, this/these test/s is/are usually performed:

a. weight variation, content uniformity, hardness
b. disintegration and dissolution for the active ingredients 263

c. both a and b
A 36. In the preparation of liquid or suspension one of the choices below is necessary:
a. viscometer c. particle counter
b. moisture balance d. leaker test

A 37. It is a drug which has been used for at least five years, involving at least 5,000 patients
a. tried and tested c. drug for general
b. established drug d. investigational drug

B 38. It is a drug the safety and efficacy of which has been demonstrated through long years of general use and can be
found in current USP-NF and other internationally recognized Pharmacopeia:
a. tried and tested c. drug for general use
b. established drug d. investigational drug

D 39. The source or circumstances of drug production is/are:

a. imported as finished
b. locally manufactured from imported materials
c. locally manufactured from local materials

A 40. Products for external use bears:

a. red colored label
b. white colored label
c. any color as long as the statement “for external use only” is indicated
d. green colored label

A 41. Test for alcohol content should not be more than

a. 10% c. 75%
b. 20% d. 40%

D 42. All information required to appear on the label must be:

a. written in English or Filipino
b. clearly and prominently displayed
c. readable with normal vision without straining, the color contrast, the position and sparing of the information
must be taken into consideration in complying with labeling requirements.

D 43. In the current good manufacturing practice, we usually consider the;

a. building c. equipment
b. personnel d. AOTA

C 44. A senior citizen who purchase his medicine for his personal needs is entitled to a minimum discount of:
a. 10% c. 20%
b. 30% d. 15%

C 45. The following statements are true, except;

a. Prescriber of Dangerous Drugs should have S2 license issued by the Dangerous Drug Board
b. Dangerous Drug prescriptions are accomplished in triplicate
c. Dangerous Drug prescriptions are issued by the Board of Pharmacy
d. The original copy of the Dangerous Drug Prescription should be kept by the pharmacist

D 46. License to operate (LTO)of a drugstore can be suspended except

a. Refusal to allow entry of BFAD inspector during business hours
b. Failure to properly record and keep of all prescriptions received in the last two years
c. Failure to produce invoices and receipts together with lot numbers, expiration dates for the drug on stocks
d. Absence of pharmacist on three (3) inspections by BFAD inspector

D 47. The ff. statements are incorrect, except;

a. Erroneous prescriptions should not be filled by pharmacist, Rx kept and reported to DOH
b. Violative Rx could be filled, Rx kept and reported to DOH
c. Impossible Rx could be filled, Rx kept and reported to DOH
d. Violative Rx should not be filled by pharmacist, Rx kept by pharmacist and reported to DOH

D 48. The ff. are violations under the Generic Act which a pharmacist may commit except:
a. imposing a particular brand on the buyer
b. failure to make accessible the required up-to-date information on drug products to the buying public
c. failure to report to the nearest DOH
d. failure to return the Rx to the patient

A 49. Requirement for drug store except:

a. minimum of 50 sq. m. floor area with concrete, tile of wooden flooring
b. adequate water supply
c. reference books and documents such as USP
d. prescription book

A 50. Product standardization is the responsibility of:

a. drug manufacturers c. whole
b. retailers d. importers

B 51. An act to ensure the safety and purity of foods, drugs, devices and cosmetics in the country 264

a. RA 5921 c. RA 6425
b. RA 3720 d. RA 953

B 52. Drug product registration is regulated by:

a. Secretary of Health c. Multinational Companies
b. Bureau of Food and Drugs d. Local companies

D 53. Principal display label must contain the following, except:

a. pharmacologic category c. net content
b. dosage form and strength d. indications

C 54. Refusal to allow entry of BFAD inspectors is penalized by:

a. revocation of certificate of registration
b. temporary closure
c. suspension of license to operate
d. revocation of license to operate

B 55. That division in BFAD which is in charge of the inspection of manufacturers of foods, drugs and cosmetics
a. Regulation Division I c. Product Services
b. Regulation Division II d. Legal Division

A 56. BFAD is a regulatory agency of the national government under

a. DOH c. Office of the President
b. DDB d. Professional Regulation Commission

C 57. The presence of foreign matter inside the contents of a bottled syrup is a case of
a. misbranding c. adulteration
b. adultery d. mislabeling

B 58. All prescriptions dispensed in the drugstores shall be kept on file for:
a. one year c. three years
b. two years d. five years

C 59. When only the generic name is written but is not legible is a case of;
a. violative prescription c. impossible prescription
b. erroneous prescription d. NOTA

B 60. Where the brand name is not in parenthesis is a case of;

a. violative prescription c. impossible prescription
b. erroneous prescription d. NOTA

D 61. One of these is not a requirement for opening a drugstore

a. full time registered pharmacist
b. keeping of record books duly registered with BFAD
c. keeping of invoice indicating lot number or batch number of the manufacturer’s stock
d. keeping of list of patients who purchase drug in the drugstore

B 62. Prescription forms for dangerous drugs are issued by:

a. BFAD c. BIR
b. DDB d. PRC

B 63. Prescription for dangerous drugs are written in:

a. duplicate c. one copy
b. triplicate d. any of the above

A 64. The Board of Pharmacy is under the supervision of:

a. PRC c. CHED
b. Civil Service Commission d. DOH

A 65. The pharmacist should keep the copy of the original narcotic prescription for the period of
a. one year c. five years
b. two years d. four years

D 66. A permit to operate a retail drugstore is issued by;

a. DDB c. Board of Pharmacy
b. BIR d. BFAD

C 67. Government office where the professional register and where license is issued:
a. Bureau of Domestic Trade c. PRC
b. Bureau of Food and Drug d. BIR

D 68. A candidate for Board of Examination:

a. shall be a Filipino citizen of the Philippines
b. must be of good moral character
c. must have completed 960 hours of internship

C 69. Grounds for reprimand, suspension or revocation of registration certificate, except:

a. insanity c. honesty
b. immorality 265

B 70. Drugs which require batch certification before it can be released to the market:
a. anesthetics c. antineoplastics
b. antibiotics

B 71. The expiration date of the drug shall be expressed in terms of

a. day and year c. month and day
b. month and year

B 72. Poisonous preparation must bear

a. Rx symbol c. external use only
b. Vignette representing skull and bones

E 73. Counterfeit drugs refers to:

a. product with correct ingredients but not in the amount provided
b. product with wrong ingredients
c. product with insufficient quantity of active ingredients
d. drugs which is fraudently mislabeled

D 74. Parties liable for violation of RA 8203 are, except:

a. manufacturer d. drugs which is fraudently mislabeled
b. pharmacist e. AOTA
c. processor of counterfeit drugs

B 75. Monitors the presence of counterfeit drugs

a. DOH c. CHED
b. FDRO’s d. DDB

D 76. Pharmacists are required to report record of sales of dangerous drugs twice a year to the
a. BFAD c. Municipal Health Officer
b. DOH d. DDB

D 77. Which of the violative acts will warrant closure of establishment

a. failure to record sales and purchases for dangerous drug
b. loss of Rx form for dangerous drug
c. failure to comply with filling of prescription for dangerous drug
d. illegal importation, distribution, manufacture

B 78. Which of the following drug preparation cannot be distributed as samples

a. OTC c. Rx Drug
b. Dangerous Drug d. AOTA

B 79. Supplies/medicines to be given to senior citizen should not exceed;

a. one day supply c. one month supply
b. one week supply d. one year supply

D 80. The following must be presented by senior citizens when buying drugs;
a. prescription c. OSCA identification card
b. Purchase slip booklet d. AOTA

C 81. BFAD requires all manufacturing company to designate a person who will transact officially with BFAD
a. medical director c. liaison officer
b. product manager d. quality control manager

C 82. Pharmacists are requested by law to be in drugstore

a. for 8 hours c. while the outlet is open for business
b. in the morning only d. when there is BFAD inspector

A 83. The following are record book except;

a. Republic Act Book c. Poison Book
b. Dangerous Drug Book d. Prescription Book

B 84. The minimum requirement necessary for the opening of retail drugstore must be in accordance with the rules and
regulations of:
a. DDB c. Board of Pharmacy
b. BFAD d. DOH

A 85 Sale of physician sample is a prohibited act under the:

a. Pharmacy Law c. Foods, Drugs, Devices, and Cosmetics law
b. Generics law d. Dangerous Drug Act

B 86. The latest amendments to RA 5921 is

a. EO 175 c. RA 3720
b. EO 174 d. PD L916

B 87. Drugstore, Pharmacy and other business establishment which sell drug or medicine is known as:
a. Drug Establishment c. Drug Trader
b. Drug Outlet d. Drug Manufacturers

C 88. Who has sole authority to remove a member of the Board of Pharmacy,, for cause provided in the laws? 266

a. Chairman, PRC c. President of the Phil

b. Chairman, BOP d. President of Prof. Org.

A 89. The decision of the Board of Pharmacy in administrative cases involving a pharmacist becomes final and executory
after the lapse of:
a. 30 days c. 60 days
b. 15 days d. 90 days from notice to respondent

A 90 The Board of Pharmacy is under the supervision of:

a. PRC c. CHED
b. Civil Service Commission d. DOH

B 91. To be appointed as member of the Board of Pharmacy, a pharmacist must have practiced for at least;
a. 5 years c. 15 years
b. 10 years d. 2 years

C 92. Detailmen are requested to register with the:

a. Board of Medicine c. Board of Pharmacy

A 93. One of the functions of the Board of Pharmacy

a. examine applicants for the practice of pharmacy
b. to authorize opening of drugstore
c. to collect samples of drugs, medicines and cosmetics
d. to accredit colleges of pharmacy

D 94. RA 5921 was approved in:

a. 1965 c. 1960
b. 1970 d. 1969

B 95. Refers to the moral principles of the practice of pharmacy:

a. Jurisprudence c. Law
b. Ethics d. both a and c

B 96. How many years shall the chairman of the Board of Pharmacy hold office after appointment?
a. 2 yrs c. 4 yrs
b. 3 yrs. d. 1 yr

D 97. License to operate (LTO) a drugstore can be suspended EXCEPT

a. Refusal to allow entry of BFAD inspector during business hours
b. Failure to properly record and keep file of all prescriptions received in the last two years
c. Failure to produce invoices and receipts together with lot numbers, expiration dates for the drug stocks
d. Absence of pharmacist on three(3) inspections by BFAD inspector

C 98. The penalty for any person who falsely display within the establishment the certificate of registration of a pharmacist
not actually or regularly employed is:
a. a fine of more than P1000 or imprisonment of 6 mos
b. a fine of not less than P1000 but not exceeding P4000 or an imprisonment of not less than 4 yrs
c. a fine of not less than P1000 but not exceeding P4000 or an imprisonment of not less than 6 mos and one
day but not more than 4 yrs.

B 99. It is the proprietary name given by the manufacturer to distinguish its product from those of their competitors
a. generic name c. common name
b. brand name d. AOTA

C 100. Penalty imposed when the counterfeit drugs are not life saving drugs and the volume of the drug involved is not more
than one million
a. maximum penalty c. minimum penalty
b. medium penalty d. revocation of LTO

D 101. Penalty imposed when the counterfeit drugs are life saving and the volume of the drug involved is more than one
a. revocation of LTO c. minimum penalty
b. medium penalty d. maximum penalty

B 102 Products containing two or more active ingredients shall have a generic name/s as determined by the:
a. manufacturer c. DOH
b. BFAD d. drugstore owner

D 103. Major offenses under the Dangerous Drug Act warrant a penalty of:
a. reclusion perpetua to death
b. a fine ranging from 100,000 to 500,000
c. a fine ranging from 500,000 to 1,000,000
d. both a and b
d. both a and c

Administrative Sanctions. Shade A for closure; B for suspension of LTO; C revocation of LTO

B 104. Minor deficiencies in GMP such as inadequate storage facilities

C 105. For manufacturers: Lack of key technical and professional personnel 267

C 106. Selling misbranded drugs.

B 107. Refusal to allow entry of BFAD inspector

A 108. Absence of pharmacist on three inspection of BFAD inspector

C 109 Inadequate or improper documentation of the production process

C 110. Lack of Pharmacist

B 111 Failure to properly record and keep a file of all prescriptions filed in the last two years

C 112. Sale of distribution of antibiotic products without batch certification by BFAD

B 113. Failure to produce invoices and receipts together with lot numbers, expiry dates for drugs in stock

C 114. Failure to properly record dangerous drugs as determined by DDB

C 115. Failure to take necessary remedial or corrective measures within the prescribed period as directed by BFAD

C 116. Violation by BFAD standards of quality, efficacy, purity, and safety of drug products

B 117. Lack of minor equipment in production or quality control

B 118. For manufacturers: Poor housekeeping

A 119. Applicable S-tax for dealers of exempt dangerous drugs preparation

a. S-1 d. S-4
b. S-2 e. S-5-C
c. S-3

B 120. Applicable S-tax for prescribers of dangerous drugs

a. S-1 d. S-4
b. S-2 e. S-5-C
c. S-3

C 121. Applicable S-tax for retailer of dangerous drugs

a. S-1 d. S-4
b. S-2 e. S-5-C
c. S-3

E 122. Applicable S-tax for producer/compounder of dangerous drugs

a. S-1 d. S-4
b. S-2 e. S-5-C
c. S-3

E 123. Prescriptions for poisons shall be retained by the pharmacist for:

a. 1 year d. 4 years
b. 2 years e. 5 years
c. 3 years

C 124. The registration of pharmacist shall be renewed every

a. 1 year d. 4 years
b. 2 years e. 5 years
c. 3 years

C 125. Demerol is classified as:

a. regulated drug c. prohibited drug
b. OTC drug d. exempt drug

A 126. Phenobarbital sodium is classified as:

a. regulated drug c. prohibited drug
b. OTC drug d. exempt drug

C 127. R.A. no. 5921 was first amended by:

a. P.D. no. 281 c. P.D. 1363
b. P.D. 223 d. P.D. 1926

B 128. The following are prohibited drugs, except:

a. LSD c. morphine
b. amphetamine d. cocaine

D 129. Lomotil is classified as:

a. regulated drug c. prohibited drug
b. OTC drug d. exempt DDP

D 130. The following is considered practice of pharmacy:

a. manufacture of pharmaceuticals
b. undertaking pharmaceutical research
c. teaching professional pharmacy subjects 268

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

B 131. Drugs are considered adulterated if:

a. label is misleading c. differs from USP standards
b. it is an imitation
C 132. Establishments not requiring supervision of registered pharmacist:
a. drug importer c. plant management of laboratories
b. drug departments d. selling and distribution of drugs

A 133. The Pharmacy Law:

a. R.A. 5921 c. R.A. 6675
b. R.A. 3720 e. R.A. 8203
c. R.A. 6425

B 134. Food Drug Devices and Cosmetics Act:

a. R.A. 5921 c. R.A. 6675
b. R.A. 3720 e. R.A. 8203
c. R.A. 6425

C 135. Dangerous Drug Act:

a. R.A. 5921 c. R.A. 6675
b. R.A. 3720 e. R.A. 8203
c. R.A. 6425

D 136. Generics Act:

a. R.A. 5921 c. R.A. 6675
b. R.A. 3720 e. R.A. 8203
c. R.A. 6425

E 137. Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs:

a. R.A. 5921 c. R.A. 6675
b. R.A. 3720 e. R.A. 8203
c. R.A. 6425

A 138. Senior Citizens Act:

a. R.A. 7432 c. R.A. 6675
b. R.A. 3720 e. R.A. 8203
c. R.A. 6425

A 139. Consumer Act of the Philippines:

a. R.A. 7394 c. R.A. 7432
b. R.A. 7581 d. R.A. 5921

A 140. P.D. shortening the pharmacy course from 5 years to 4 years:

a. 1926 c. 223
b. 1363 d. 881

A 141. Executive Order amending R.A. 5921:

a. 174 c. 851
b. 175 d. 881

B 142. Executive Order amending R.A. 3720:

a. 174 c. 851
b. 175 d. 881

C 143. The Food and Drug Administration was abolished by this E.O. and created BFAD instead
a. 174 c. 851
b. 175 d. 881

B 144. Food Drug Devices and Cosmetics Act:

a. June 20, 1953 c. March 30, 1972
b. June 22, 1963 d. June 23, 1969

D 145. Pharmacy Law

a. June 20, 1953 c. March 30, 1972
b. June 22, 1963 d. June 23, 1969

B 146. Dangerous Drug Act:

a. June 20, 1953 c. June 22, 1963
b. March 30, 1972 d. June 23, 1969

B 147. Generics Act:

a. June 20, 1953 c. June 22, 1963
b. Sept. 13, 1988 d. June 23, 1969

B 148. Special Law on Counterfeit Drugs:

a. May 27, 1992 c. Sept. 13, 1988
b. Sept. 4, 1996 d. June 23, 1969

B 149. The permanent consultant of the DDB: 269

a. Secretary of Justice c. BFAD Director

b. NBI Director d. Health Secretary

A 150. The product of diseased animal is considered as:

a. adulterated c. deteriorated
b. misbranded d. abuse

A 151. Where generic name is not written

a. violative Rx c. impossible Rx
b. erroneous Rx

B 152. Where the generic name is the one in parenthesis

a. violative Rx c. impossible Rx
b. erroneous Rx

C 153. When the generic name does not correspond to the brand name
a. violative Rx c. impossible Rx
b. erroneous Rx

B 154. Shall be filled:

a. violative Rx c. impossible Rx
b. erroneous Rx

D 155. Shall not be filled:

a. violative Rx c. impossible Rx
b. erroneous Rx d. a & c

A 156. Revised rules and regulations to implement prescribing requirements under the Generics Act:
a. AO no. 62 c. AO no. 64
b. AO no. 63 d. AO no.65

D 157. The following are classified as major offense, except:

a. possession of dangerous drugs c. manufacture of dangerous drugs
b. sale of dangerous drugs d. possession of opium pipe

B 158. Special forms of prescription of dangerous drugs are obtained from:

a. BFAD c. Board of Pharmacy
b. DDB d. BIR

D 159. The penalty for violation of R.A. no. 8203 about counterfeit drugs is:
a. permanent closure of the establishment
b. revocation of its license to operate
c. fine not less than P100,000 but not more than P500,000
d. all of the above

C 160. The street name for marijuana:

a. ice c. grass
b. honey d. moth

A 161. The following are regulated drugs, except:

a. elixir paregoric c. diazepam injection
b. valium tablet

A 162. These are classified as adulterated drugs, except:

a. label is smeared and dirty
b. potency of drug is below label claim
c. other components added are not stated on the label
d. substandard materials have been added

B 163. Retail establishments shall record all transaction of exempt preparations in the:
a. Dangerous Drug Book c. Prescription Book
b. Additional Opium book

B 164. Brand Name means:

a. description of the chemical structure of the drug or medicine
b. proprietary name given by the manufacturer
c. description of internationally recognized active ingredient
d. name of the manufacturer

A 165. Refer to the statement regarding the condition wherein the use of the product may cause harm to the patient:
a. contraindication c. warning
b. precaution d. indication

D 166. Government office where the professional register and where license is issued:
a. Bureau of Food & Drugs c. Bureau of Internal Revenue
b. Bureau of Domestic Trade d. Professional Regulation Commission

D 167. Government office where you obtain a business permit to open a drugstore, drug department as sole proprietor.
a. Bureau of Domestic Trade c. Professional Regulation Commission
b. Securities and Exchange Comm. d. Bureau of Food and Drugs 270

B 168. Aspirin tablet with a brand name of Amopen:

a. erroneous prescription c. violative prescription
b. impossible prescription d. all of the above

A 169. BFAD is a regulatory agency of the national government under:

a. DOH c. PRC
b. Office of the President d. DDB

B 170. Selling of OTC drug is considered practice of pharmacy

a. False c. neither true nor false
b. True d. all of the above

B 171. The street name for LSD is:

a. Bottom c. Cactus
b. Acid d. Mushroom

B 172. Accreditation of colleges of pharmacy is a function of:

a. PRC c. Board of Pharmacy
b. Council of Pharmaceutical Education d. All of the above

D 173. Considered as Drug Establishment:

a. Department Store c. Supermarket
b. Botica sa Baryo d. Drug Manufacturer

A 174. Sale of physician sample is a prohibited act under the:

a. Pharmacy Law
b. Food, Drugs and Devices, and Cosmetics Act
c. Dangerous Drug Act
d. All of the above

B 175. Persons who are not practicing pharmacy:

a. teacher of the college of pharmacy
b. pharmacist-manager of a manufacturing company
c. pharmacist in a hospital
d. a & b

C 176. Order forms and yellow pad for prescriptions are secured from:
a. BFAD c. Dangerous Drug Board
b. Commissioner of Internal Revenue d. Bureau of Health

B 177. If a package does not bear the name and address of the manufacturer, the product is,
a. adulterated c. counterfeit
b. misbranded d. a & c

A 178. To implement the provisions of R.A. 3720, the agency created was,
a. BFAD c. Bureau of Customs
b. BIR d. DDB

D 179. R.A. 3720 was promulgated to:

a. ensure safety of foods, drugs and cosmetics
b. adopt measures to guarantee the purity and quality of food and drugs
c. allow BIR to set standards for food and drug
d. a & b

A 180. The laboratory division of the BFAD has the duty of:
a. testing, analyzing and doing trials on products submitted
b. inspection of manufacturing laboratories
c. taking samples from drug outlets
d. all of the above

B 181. A candidate for the board of pharmacy examination is required to be:

a. natural born citizen of the Philippines
b. completed an internship program of 960 hours
c. at least the age of 18 years old
d. a graduate of a pharmacy course of at least 3 years

D 182. A prerequisite for the practice of pharmacy is:

a. at least 21 years of age
b. holder of a valid certificate of registration from the board pf pharmacy
c. experienced in the practice of pharmacy for at least 2 years
d. a & b

D 183. Opium and its active components are included under:

a. dangerous drugs c. regulated drugs
b. prohibited drugs d. a & b

A 184. The act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body of any person refers to the term:
a. administer c. user
b. pusher d. deliver

B 185. Heroin is described as: 271

a. regulated drug c. derivative of amphetamine

b. derivative of opium d. hypnotic drug

A 186. A pusher of dangerous drugs is one who:

a. sells or delivers dangerous drugs c. plants the source of the drug
b. smokes the drug d. importer

A 187. The ultimate objective of the PNDF is to provide:

a. low-cost drugs c. high quality but expensive drugs
b. free consultation from physicians d. a &b

D 188. In A.O. no.64 s. 1989 of the Generics Act of 1988, the caution “Food, Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics Act prohibits
dispensing without a prescription” should be indicated in the label of:
a. prescription drugs c. prohibited drugs
b. regulated drugs d. all of the above

D 189. The duties of a pharmacist towards the public under the Code of Ethics is:
a. to maintain USP/NF standards c. sell physicians’ sample at a low price
b. not to use inferior quality drugs d. a & b

C 190. Nitrobenzene as a poison is classified as:

a. prescription drug c. violent
b. dangerous drug d. a & c

C 191. The duty of a pharmacist towards a physician:

a. not to make a prescription or diagnose a disease
b. to substitute one article with another
c. not to discuss with the patient any error committed by the physician
d. all of the above

B 192. If a lipstick as a cosmetic contains a substance that caused the swelling of the lips of the user, it is considered:
a. misbranded c. formulated correctly
b. adulterated d. a & b

D 193. The Rx symbol is required in the label of:

a. prescription drugs c. dangerous drugs
b. over the counter drugs d. a & c

C 194. The maximum volume of a cough syrup to be sold:

a. 60 mL c. 120 mL
b. 240 mL d. 250 mL

C 195. A wholesaler of narcotics must obtain:

a. S-5 c. S-4
b. S-1 d. S-2

B 196. Hospital pharmacies should be accredited by:

a. Board of Pharmacy c. Council of Pharmaceutical Education
b. BFAD d. DOH

C 197. A pharmacy intern is required to practice in:

a. BFAD c. hospital pharmacy
b. college teaching d. none of the above

C 198. A drug or medicine containing correct ingredients but not in the amount provided is:
a. adulterated c. counterfeit
b. misbranded d. b & c

A 199. The administrative designation assigned as S-3 is applicable to:

a. practicing professionals in narcotics c. sell physicians’ sample at low prices
b. not to use inferior quality drugs d. a & b

D 200. Administrative designation assigned to persons using narcotics in research, analysis and instruction is:
a. S-1 c. S-6
b. S-5 d. S-7

D 201. The regulation of the labeling, sale and distribution of hazardous substances is:
a. RA 953 c. Regulation Revenue 16-67
b. PD 881 d. PD 280

D 202. In the application for a new drug, the ff are the requirements:
a. components list c. investigation about its safety
b. specimens of the labeling d. AOTA

D 203. An adulterated cosmetic is:

a. contains filthy substance c. if the labeling is false
b. packed under unsanitary conditions d. a and b

A 204. Heroin is described as:

a. derivative of opium c. derivative of amphetamine
b. regulated drug d. hypnotic drug 272

B 205. The original copy of the records of prescription of drugs is retained by:
a. physician c. buyer of the drug
b. pharmacist who filled it d. a&b

C 206. The certification of batches of antibiotics is a specific function of the:

a. Board of Pharmacy c. BFAD
b. Bureau of Health d. NOTA

D 207. According to the international code of ethics, a pharmacist has the responsibility to:
a. show the same dedication to all
b. to promote the individual’s right to access to safe and effective treatment
c. to be sure the buyer-customer can pay for the medicine purchased
d. a&b

B 208. The duty of fixing the date of the Board of Examination for all professions is done by:
a. Board Examiner c. BIR
b. PRC Commissioner d. Any of the above

C 209. Prohibited Acts under Ra 3720:

a. manufacture of adulterated drugs
b. sale or offering of any drug beyond its expiry date
c. selling of OTC drugs in a drugstore
d. Forging or counterfeiting

A 210. If a device like a contraceptive contains a substance that reduces its safety and quality, it is considered to be:
a. adulterated c. not adulterated
b. misbranded d. not misbranded

D 211. Example of outlets under the responsibility of the Regulation Division I is:
a. Hospital Pharmacy c. Manufacturing Drug Laboratory
b. retail drugstores d. a&b

C 212. The meaning of the term “food” includes the ff, except:
a. chewing gum c. lozenges like Strepsils
b. candies d. a&b

B 213. Can a member of the pharmacy board teach in a school where a pharmacy course is offered?
a. Yes c. doubtful
b. No d. if permitted by the school

C/A 214. These sections are under the Product Services Division
a. Food Product Section
b. Physicochemical Section
c. Household hazardous substances
d. Research Section

D 215. These are sections under the Laboratory Services Division, except
a. Microbiology Section c. Toxicology Section
b. Research section d. Inspection Section

B 216. Under CGMP, buildings should provide adequate space for:

a. Storage of equipment c. packing operations
b. The holdings of rejected components d. Administrative offices

D 217. Sections under the Legal, Information and Compliance Division

a. Advertising and Promotion Section
b. Public Assistance Information and Compliance Section
c. Legal Research and Investigation Section
d. Licensing section

A 218. Batch record should include

a. all lot or control# appearing on the labeling of drugs from batch
b. label of component used
c. report of mix up errors
d. endorsement of the Administrative Officer

C 219. Prohibited acts on the labeling include

a. the manufacture of misbranded products
b. the use of any reference to any BFAD product
c. mutilation of the whole or any part of the labeling of the product while held for sale
d. using marks required by the regulation

C 220. Additional labeling requirements for biological products, except;

a. name of the species of animal or organism on where the product is tested
b. name and proportion of antibiotics in the preparation
c. name and quantity of all excipients
d. the potency of the product

E 221. Exemptions in labeling requirements include

a. Investigation Drugs d. Donated Drugs 273

b. Extemporaneous Preparation e. AOTA

c. Drugs with transparent covering

C 222. It plans, directs, and supervises the implementation of rules and regulations and SOP in inspection and licensing of
a. Regulation Division I c. Regulation Division II
b. Administrative Division d. Legal, Info and Compliance Div

A 223. Product container should

a. be unadsorptive c. suitable for intended use
b. should provide adequate protection d. store in a common area

D 224. Functions of the Laboratory Services Division, except:

a. Conducts all test analysis and trials of products under jurisdiction
b. Appears in investigational hearings as may be necessary
c. Certifies batches of antibiotics and antibiotic preparation
d. Obtain data on ADR from different resources

A 225. It is an example of a regulated drug:

a. Amytal Na c. Sublimate injection
b. Brown mixture d. Valium

C 226. The one responsible for the quality and purity of drugs sold in their original packaging is:
a. retailer c. manufacturer
b. wholesaler d. all

D 227. Counterfeit drugs refer to

a. medicinal products with correct ingredient but not in amount
b. medicinal products with insufficient quantity
c. drug deliberately and fraudulently mislabeled
d. all of the choices

C 228. Grounds for revocation of license to operate in a drugstore or pharmacy

a. the owner is not a pharmacist
b. pharmacist is absent during the time of inspection
c. no pharmacists

C 229. The ff statements are true, EXCEPT

a. prescriber of Dangerous Drugs should have S-2 license issued by DDB
b. Dangerous drug prescriptions are accomplished in triplicate
c. Dangerous drug prescriptions are issued by the Board of Pharmacy
d. The original copy of Dangerous drug prescriptions should be kept by the Pharmacist

B 230. The product of diseased animal or animal which has died otherwise then by slaughter is considered as:
a. misbranded c. deteriorated
b. adulterated d. abused

C 231. The office which supervises the Board of Pharmacy is:

a. Civil Service Commission c. Professional Regulation Commission
b. Office of the President

B 232. Under BFAD regulation, minor deficiencies in GMP is a ground for:

a. revocation of LTO c. reprimand
b. suspension of LTO d. AOTA

B 233. Drug product marketed “sample”, “not for sale” may be sold to the public provided the price is lower than the
commercial ones:
a. Yes c. depends on the discretion of the pharmacist
b. No d. NOTA

C 234 Filling and refilling of a prescription should be done by:

a. registered nurse c. registered pharmacist
b. pharmacy aide d. pharmacy intern

B 235 If a package does not bear the name and address of the manufacturer, the product is:
a. adulterated c. counterfeit
b. misbranded d. a&c

C 236. Who can suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of an erring pharmacist?
a. DECS c. Board of Pharmacy
b. BFAD d. DOH

A 237. The function of providing consultative, training and advisory services to all agencies involved in food and drug
manufacturing is the function of:
a. BFAD c. BIR
b. DOH d. Bureau of Customs

A 238. Poison book is maintained after the last entry it has been made:

a. 5 yrs c. 3 yrs 274

b. 2 yrs d. 1 yr

B 239. The BFAD Division that certifies batches of antibiotics is:

a. Inspection and Licensing c. Licensing Of New Products
b. Laboratory d. Regulation Division

A 240. The term “secretary” under RA 3720 means:

a. Secretary of Health c. Sec of Customs
b. Sec. of BFAD d. AOTA

D 241. The term “new drug” refers to:

a. not yet recognized by the expert c. containing discovered drug
b. intended for new disease d. AOTA

C 242. Prescription without specification on the Generic Name of the prescribed product is a violation of RA:
a. 5921 c. 6675
b. 3720 d. 6425

C 243. An amendment to the pharmacy Law which gives all Filipinos, regardless how his citizenship was acquired, the
opportunity to take the board examination:
a. PD No. 1926 c. PD No. 1363
b. EO 174 d. Board Resolution No. 112

D 244. If a face powder caused redness and itchiness in a person, it is deemed to be:
a. misbranded c. imitation
b. still be allowed to be used d. adulterated

B 245. The power to submit and recommend to the President the nominees for the members of the various boards is given to:
a. President of the Phil. Pharmaceutical Association
b. PRC Commissioner
c. PACOP President
d. Secretary of Health

A 246. Where more than one drug product is prescribed in one prescription is a case of:
a. violative prescription c. impossible
b. erroneous prescription d. NOTA

C 247. Indian hemp is known as:

a.. Papaver somniforum L. c. Cannabis sativa L.
b. Opium poppy d. amphetamine

D 248. Section under Regulation Division II (Manufacturers) is:

a. Inspection c. Licensing
b. Analysis d. a&c

B 249. RA 5921 requires all detailmen to be preferably:

a. physicians c. dentists
b. pharmacists d. nurses

A 250. The books kept for the purpose of recording the sale of poisons should be preserved for a period of:
a. 2 yrs c. 3 yrs
b. 5 yrs d. 1 yr

B 251. A registered pharmacist is one who:

a. graduated from the college of pharmacy
b. Passed the Pharmacy Board Exam
c. reached the age of 18
d. Experienced in the practice of pharmacy

B 252. A practicing physician can be allowed to open a retail drugstore:

a. Yes c. depends on the discretion of the PPhA
b. No

A 253. An application to open a retail drugstore must be signed by

a. Filipino registered pharmacist c. Chinese druggist
b. American registered Pharmacist d. a&b

A 254. A rating below 50% in three sets of subjects:

a. disqualify the candidate from passing the Pharmacy Board Examination
b. pass the Board Examination if the average is 75%
c. conditional situation

B 255. A drug trader is considered under:

a. drug outlet c. retailer
b. drug establishment d. b&c

C 256. Mandatory info. that shall be included in the labeling materials on pharmaceutical products as specified by RA 3720,

a. name of the product c. assay procedure 275

b. storage condition d. generic form and strength

B 257. The incoming shipment of food, drugs and cosmetics which are being imported are sampled and submitted for the
examination to the Bureau of:
a. Customs c. Health
b. Food and Drugs d. Internal Revenue

B 258 List of core and complementary drugs officially recognized by the DOH:
a. Drug Reference Manual c. PIMS
b. NDF d. AOTA

B 259. The size of the Rx symbol in a prescription label should be what proportion of the label:
a. ½ c. ¼
b. 1/5 d. 1/3

B 260. If a label for drugs has no Net Content that makes it misleading, it is considered:
a. adulterated c. poisonous
b. misbranded d. a&b

B 261. The principal display panel of the label of a dosage form is:
a. the side part c. back portion
b. most shown in front part d. any of the above

D 262. Requirement for approval of License to Operate (LTO) of an establishment

a. attendance to a BFAD seminar
b. certificate of registration of a Filipino Pharmacist
c. attendance to a CPE seminar
d. a&b

C 263. After the date, drug is not permissible to be sold refers to:
a. stability studies c. expiry date
b. shelf life d. a&b

C 264. A system of words or other system arbitrarily used to represent words:

a. secret key c. code
b. cipher d. NOTA

C 265. A pharmacist after filling a prescription containing a poison shall record the ff. except:
a. date of sale c. contraindication
b. name and quantity of poison sold d. purpose of the purchase

A 266. Poisons classified as violent

a. atropine c. Na hypochlorite
b. Aspirin d. Na phosphate

C 267. One of the ff. is not an objective of RA 5921

a. standardization of pharmaceutical education
b. control practice of pharmacy
c. adopt measures to ensure safe supply of foods and drugs
d. examination of graduate pharmacists

B 268. An act which provides for the registration and imposition of fixed and special taxes on all habit-forming drugs:
a. Dangerous Drugs Act c. Opium Law
b. Narcotic Drug Law d. Pharmacy Law

D 269. Member dean of the Council of Pharmaceutical Education

a. Dean of UP College of Pharmacy c. of a private college of pharmacy
b. of College of Medicine d. a & c

B 270. The Council of Pharmaceutical Education was created by:

a. PD 223 c. RA 3720
b. RA 5921 d. PD 1363

D 271. Required in labels for injection

a. statement of route of administration c. toxic dose
b. strength in units of potency d. a&b

B 272. The pharmacist may allow his certificate of registration rented provided he visits drugstores frequently?
a. Yes c. Doubtful
b. No d. depends on the discretion of the school

D 273. An adulterated food:

a. contains poisonous or deleterious substance
b. if packed under unsanitary conditions
c. without a DR number
d. a & b

C 274. If the standard of fill amount of container for food has not been complied with the manufacturer, the violation is:

a. adulteration c. misbranding
b. imitation d. a&c 276

D 275. Barbiturates are considered

a. dangerous c. prohibited
b. regulated d. a&b

B 276. In the label of a dosage form, the brand name is on top of the generic name:
a. correct c. allowed in emergency cases
b. wrong d. a&c

D 277. The price of medicines allowed for Senior citizens with a discount can be granted upon presentation of:
a. OSCA approved ID card c. Prescription of a physician
b. any ID card d. a&c

B 278. Drug samples for manufacturer should be:

a. sold to the patients c. given free to anyone
b. given to the patients by the physician d. a and b

B 279. Who prepares the question for licensure examination

a. PRC Commissioner c. BFAD Officer
b. Board of Pharmacy member d. CHED representatives

D 280. One of this is not a pharmaceutical legislation

a. RA 6675 c. RA 6425 as amended
b. RA 5921 as amended d. RA 593

D 281. An additional requirement for approval of an LTO for an outlet s:

a. drug steal containing the name and address
b. rubber stamp with the name and address with name and address
c. accounting record book
d. a&b

A 282. Display of certificate of registration of pharmacist is done where:

a. place in conspicuous area in the drug outlet
b. inside the prescription room
c. at home

C 283. In the case of drug recall, the responsibility for the quality of drug in original sealed container rests with the:
a. Pharmacists in-charge of the drugstore or hospital
b. drug distributor
c. drug manufacturer
d. delivery man

B 284. The Pharmaceutical manufacturer can sell their products directly to the:
a. public c. physician
b. wholesaler d. NOTA

C 285. Which RA prohibits the refusal of a drugstore owner to allow samples of his drugs to be collected by an authorized?
a. RA 953 c. RA 3720
b. RA 6425 d. RA 5921

A 286. Persons who are not considered to be practicing pharmacy:

a. detailmen c. faculty of a college of pharmacy
b. drugstore pharmacist d. b&c

A 287. The inspection of the food, drug and cosmetics establishments for compliance with Current Good Manufacturing
Practices is the duty of:
a. BFAD c. BIR
b. Board of Pharmacy d. CHED

A 288. Selling OTC drugs is a practice of pharmacy:

a. True c. doubtful
b. False d. depends on the location of the store

C 289. The Chairman of the Council of Pharmaceutical Education is:

a. PACOP President c. Secretary of Education
b. Dean of UP College of Pharmacy d. Any of the above

A 290. All prescriptions should have on the label “Warning: may be habit-forming”
a. False c. Sometimes
b. true d. Depending on the kind of prescription

A 291. DOH administrative order no. 56, 1989 regarding regulations, for licensing of establishments and outlets, the reference
books required for submission to the BFAD is:
a. USP/NF, Remington’s Pharmaceutical Science
d. All of the above

B 292. Pharmacist who substituted drugs called for in a prescription, without prior consultation with the prescriber violates:
a. RA 6675 c. PD 881 277

b. RA 88, 3720 d. PD 1363

B 293. Right of the respondents means:

a. to inform the public c. to have a slow trial
b. to be represented by counsel d. none of the above

D 294. Mandatory information that shall be included in the front display panel of labels:
a. precautions c. warning
b. contraindications d. name of product in generics

C 295. Pharmacy means:

a. any drug preparation or mixtures of drugs
b. article intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigations, treatment or prevention of disease in man or
c. place of establishment where drugs, chemical products, active principles of drugs, pharmaceutical
proprietary medicine and poisons are sold at retail and where medical, dental , veterinary prescriptions are
compounded and dispense.

C 296. All of these are true for yellow prescription forms, except;
a. they shall be used exclusively by the physician and other practitioner
b. it is not transferable
c. it is transferable
d. none of these

D 297. Which agency answers the functions of the former Food and Drug Administration?
a. Food and Drug Office
b. Bureau of Foods
c. Drug Administration of the Philippines
d. Bureau of Food and Drugs

C 298. All of these are correct for NDP, except;

a. NDP is enunciated on April 30, 1987
b. it ensure the safe and effective drugs are made available to all Filipinos
c. it is composed of core lists of drugs only
d. it is formulated through local research 278

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