GC Performance Domains

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Stakeholder performance domain can be defined by how well the team was able to handle its
engagements involving stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement can view as shown in the image

Furthermore, involves working with stakeholders to aid in defining a clear vision of what the project
should achieve, which can difficult due to the need for all key stakeholders agreeing on said vision.

This is usually carried out at the beginning of the project, which seeks to determine the initial work
involved in the project and is usually a continuous activity as new stakeholder appear in different
phases in the project. In the case of this project this occurred in the initial phase where they touched
on this process as the stakeholders were identified in the project charter but did not take the
additional step with the creation of a stakeholder register

Understand and Analyse

Once stakeholders are identified the team is then required to understand the beliefs, values and
emotions of the stakeholders involved as this can help in revealing potential treats to the project or
opportunities. In the case of this project this process captured excellently in the planning phase of
the project which allowed the creation of an extensive project management plan which would not
have been possible without a clear understanding of what the key stakeholder wanted from the
Prioritization in projects usually only comes into play in projects which involves too many
stakeholders and involves the prioritization of the stakeholders with the most power as they will
have the greatest impact on the project. However, since the project was relatively small and thus the
number of key stakeholders was also relatively small, prioritization was not a process that was
needed in the case of this project as all the stakeholders needs would have been met at all stages in
the project.

Engagement of stakeholders involves asking about their needs, management of stakeholder
expectations, resolving any issues negotiations and making decisions. Additionally, it involves soft
skills such as active listening, conflict management and interpersonal skills. Furthermore, it involves
both verbal and written means of communication which can be formal or informal. This process was
conducted as was discuss in earlier sections in this report and in the phase 2 report. This process was
done with the use of progress reports, conduction of video conference meetings and the project
manager conducting various negotiations with the external stakeholders

Due to dynamic nature of stakeholder engagement within projects as it progresses. Monitoring
stakeholders is important to ensure the current plan for the engagement of stakeholders is
performing well at any phase throughout the project. Hence it usually involves methods for
observing stakeholders’ satisfaction at any point in the project to identify, understand and analyse,
prioritize, and conduct engagement with them once again to ensure they are supportive. However,
the project did not employ much monitoring techniques by the project manger due to it only being a
weeklong in terms of execution and a relatively small number of stakeholders involved. Hence, the
initial plan that was created for the management of stakeholders was able capture all the
stakeholder requirements to stay supportive but most importantly it was enough to ensure
everyone was in alignment with the vision for a successful project.
PmBok 7th edition outlines for the stakeholder performance domains the various outcomes that
comes out from successful stakeholder engagements as shown in the figure below:

In the case of this project all the outcomes listed was met. The team and external stakeholder all had
a productive relationship throughout the project. This was checked by the project manager through
daily conversations with the team and the supervisor from ABC oil and gas. Additionally, the
stakeholders were also in agreement with all project objectives as no changes were needed
throughout the entire project. Finally, everyone was supportive and satisfied with the project from
start to finish, this was determined by project manager by conversating with the team and in the
case of the supervisor from ABC oil and gas came in the form of the signing off on the progress
reports which was distributed daily. Hence it can be concluded that for this performance domain a
high performance was achieved.

Project Work

The project work performance domain is linked to the establishment of various processes and the
performing of work to allow the team to produce to expected deliverables and outcomes

The aspects of project work that would be applicable to this project which would have been done
using the project management plan which was shown in the phase 2 report as well as earlier
sections of this report, theses aspect were as follow:

 Keeping the team focused

 Communicating with stakeholders
 Managing material, equipment, supplies and logistics
 Enabling project leanings and knowledge transfer

The project performance was both efficient and effective which was indicated in the status reports
which revealed that the team was able to get the oil at a quality far greater than what was required
and the completion of the project in less time than what was required. Additionally, appropriate
communication and engagement with stakeholders was also achieved as no one had to take time to
request information as all the information they required was available to them when they needed it.
Furthermore, all the physical resources were used with hardly any left-over material therefore the
physical resources were managed efficiently.

However, measuring change and improved capability due to continuous learning would be difficult
to speak on as the project life cycle was short and it was a relatively simple job. Hence, little to no
changes would have been made nor any errors by the team. Thus, these outcomes can be
misleading as it would indicate that they were able to achieve theses outcomes through
management when it was simply due to nature of the project

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