Cervical Proprioception Impairment in Neck Pain-Pathophysiology, Clinical Evaluation, and Management: A Narrative Review

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Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164



Cervical Proprioception Impairment in Neck Pain-

Pathophysiology, Clinical Evaluation,
and Management: A Narrative Review
Baogan Peng . Liang Yang . Yongchao Li . Tanghua Liu .
Yanqing Liu

Received: October 20, 2020 / Accepted: December 16, 2020 / Published online: January 12, 2021
Ó The Author(s) 2021

ABSTRACT activation of mechanoreceptors in degenerative

cervical discs and facet joints produces a large
Neck pain is very common, but most of the number of erroneous sensory signals. Clinical
causes are unknown, making diagnosis and examinations to assess the link between struc-
treatment extremely challenging. Current tural pathology and neck pain have been
studies have found that one of the main prob- unsuccessful, opening the way for the develop-
lems in patients with neck pain is the impair- ment of function-based tests. To date, eight
ment of cervical proprioception, which neck sensorimotor control tests have been
subsequently leads to cervical sensorimotor reported to evaluate patients with chronic neck
control disturbances. Cervical spine has a very pain. Although some tests may involve different
delicate proprioceptive system that plays a cru- subsystems (such as oculomotor system and
cial role in controlling posture and balance. vestibular system), all tests measure sensorimo-
Cervical proprioceptive impairment in neck tor control in the neck, and the most com-
pain occurs through a variety of mechanisms. monly used is cervical joint position error (JPE)
Experimental neck muscle pain induced by test. Current studies support the effectiveness of
injection of hypertonic saline results in inhibi- exercises targeting different aspects of sensori-
tion of the activation of painful muscle; chronic motor function, in particular retraining aimed
neck pain causes structural and functional at improving cervical proprioception and mus-
impairment of cervical muscles; excessive cle coordination. Based on the available evi-
dence, it is recommended that patients with
neck pain should be assessed and managed for
cervical proprioceptive impairment and senso-
rimotor control disturbances.
B. Peng (&)  L. Yang  Y. Li
Department of Spinal Surgery, The Third Medical
Center, General Hospital of the Chinese People’s
Liberation Army, Beijing, China Keywords: Cervical joint position error;
e-mail: pengbaogan@163.com Cervical proprioception; Cervical
proprioceptor; Cervical sensorimotor control;
T. Liu
Department of Algology, Lizhuang Tongji Hospital, Neck pain; Pathophysiology; Rehabilitation
Yibin, Sichuan, China

Y. Liu
Department of Algology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital,
Capital Medical University, Beijing, China
144 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

neck pain has no discernable cause and is con-

Key Summary Points sidered to be idiopathic [2, 3]. As with chronic
low back pain, studies have failed to explore the
Neck pain is a common cause of disability consistent relationship between structural
worldwide, but its basic pathology and pathology and neck pain [2]. Current studies
pathophysiology are still unclear. have indicated that one of the main problems
in patients with neck pain is the cervical pro-
Cervical spine has a very delicate prioception impairment, which leads to cervical
proprioceptive system that plays a crucial sensorimotor control disturbances [4–6]. Cervi-
role in controlling posture and balance. cal sensorimotor control involves central inte-
One of the main problems of patients with gration and processing of all the afferent
neck pain is that the alteration of cervical information (i.e., visual, vestibular, and cervical
proprioception leads to the disturbance of proprioceptive inputs), and execution of the
cervical sensorimotor control. motor program through the cervical muscles,
contributing to the maintenance of head pos-
To date, eight neck sensorimotor control ture and balance as well as the stability of cer-
tests have been reported to evaluate vical joints (Fig. 1) [4–7]. The cervical
patients with chronic neck pain, with the sensorimotor control disturbances secondary to
most commonly used test being the JPE neck pain are considered as a protective
test. response to limit further stimulation of the
Studies support the effectiveness of painful tissue. Such disturbances may, in the
exercises targeting different aspects of long run, further cause tissue damage, aggravate
sensorimotor function, in particular pain through peripheral and central nervous
retraining aimed at improving cervical system sensitization, and promote dysfunc-
proprioception and muscle coordination. tional motion patterns [8].
The clinical practice guidelines for chronic,
idiopathic neck pain do not support percuta-
neous or open surgical treatment, and recom-
mend conservative treatment [9, 10]. However,
as conservative treatment usually fails to
DIGITAL FEATURES maintain long-term efficacy, clinical studies
begin to pay attention to the evaluation and
This article is published with digital features, management of proprioceptive dysfunction in
including a summary slide, to facilitate under- patients with idiopathic neck pain [4, 5, 11–13].
standing of the article. To view digital features Based on the existing literature, this review aims
for this article go to https://doi.org/10.6084/ to clarify the pathophysiology, assessment
m9.figshare.13379681. methods, and potential treatments of cervical
proprioceptive impairment and sensorimotor
control disturbances in patients with neck
INTRODUCTION pain. This article is based on previously con-
ducted studies and does not contain any studies
Neck pain is a common condition and one of with human participants or animals performed
the leading causes of disability worldwide, with by any of the authors.
mean estimates of 7.6% point prevalence
(range, 5.9–38.7%), 37% annual prevalence
(range, 16.7–75%), and 48.5% lifetime preva- SELECTION METHODS
lence (range, 14.2–71%) [1]. Although neck pain
can be attributed to traumatic (such as whi- A comprehensive literature search was per-
plash-associated) disorders, metabolic, neoplas- formed through PubMed and MEDLINE from
tic, inflammatory, or infectious diseases, most the inception of the database to September
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 145

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of cervical sensorimotor control

2020. The search terms included ‘‘neck pain’’, head relative to the surrounding environment.
‘‘cervical proprioception’’, ‘‘cervical sensorimo- We now know that the cervical spine has a very
tor control’’, ‘‘cervical joint position error’’, and delicate proprioceptive system, which signals
‘‘cervical proprioception impairment’’. Refer- the position of the head relative to the trunk,
ences for this review were also identified from coordinates the vestibular and visual systems
the personal libraries of the authors, supple- and plays a crucial role in controlling posture
mented by the reference lists of recent reviews and balance [4, 14, 15].
and book chapters. Publications relevant to
cervical proprioception impairment and senso- Distribution of Cervical Proprioceptors
rimotor control were selected based on author
expertise to summarize our current under- Studies have shown that the spindles of the
standing of the impact of neck pain on propri- cervical muscles are the major proprioceptors of
oception impairment. Systematic reviews and the neck and not the joint capsules [4, 16]. The
clinical trials, particularly randomized studies, spindle density of the cervical muscles is much
were prioritized over lower-grade evidence. higher than that of the shoulder and thigh
muscles [17, 18]. In general, high spindle den-
CERVICAL PROPRIOCEPTORS sity in small muscles is associated with fine
motor tasks [19]. The deep cervical muscles in
AND PROPRIOCEPTION humans have shown high spindle content,
particularly in small suboccipital muscles
Balance, posture, and motor coordination are
[18–22]. Complex integrative mechanisms
common activities in daily life, which require
involving head–eye coordination may require
accurate perception of the head’s position in
complex proprioceptive inputs from the neck
three-dimensional space [14]. The vestibular
muscles, which may account for their high
system provides information about the position
spindle content [18].
of the head relative to gravity. The visual system
Mechanoreceptors, Ruffini corpuscles, Paci-
uses external cues to identify the position of the
nian corpuscles, and Golgi tendon organs have
146 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

Fig. 2 Cervical joint position error (JPE) test using a laser to the starting position as accurately as possible. The final
pointer. The patient is sitting 90 cm from the wall, and the laser position is measured relative to the starting position
starting point (center of target or reference point) of the (distance or angle). The errors are measured after cervical
laser projection is marked. The patient (blindfolded or extension, flexion, lateral flexions, and rotations. Adapted
closed) performs active neck movement and then returns from Treleaven [4] and Revel et al. [67]

been reported in human cervical facet joints Density Changes of Cervical

[23, 24] and discs [25, 26]. As with the periph- Proprioceptors
eral joints [27, 28], there are only a small
number of mechanoreceptors in the lumbar and The structures of cervical spine present degen-
cervical facet joints [23, 24]. There was no sig- erative changes with age, but the spindle char-
nificant difference in the distribution of recep- acteristics such as the spindle distribution,
tors between the upper and lower cervical facet morphology, and density in the cervical
capsules [24]. As suggested by McLain, these intrinsic muscles (longus colli and multifidus)
findings may indicate that the role of these remain unchanged [19]. So far, there is still a
receptors in cervical proprioception is more lack of comparative studies on the distribution
limited [29]. Similarly, there are only a few of mechanoreceptors in normal and osteoar-
proprioceptors in the cervical discs [25, 26]. thritic cervical facet joints. Cervical facet joints
However, because the cervical disc is located on and peripheral joints (such as hip and knee
the axis of cervical motion, they are in a favor- joints) are synovial joints and are anatomically
able position to detect subtle changes in the similar. Moraes et al. [28] noted that the
direction or position of the cervical spine [25].
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 147

morphology of mechanoreceptors in the hip PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF CERVICAL

joint capsule did not seem to differ between
healthy people and patients with osteoarthritis.
Overall, the density of mechanoreceptors in the IN NECK PAIN
joint capsule is low, but in the joint capsule of
osteoarthritis patients it is lower. The density of Motor Control Impairment
mechanoreceptors in patients with osteoarthri- in Experimental Neck Muscle Pain
tis is 0.044 per mm2, and in healthy people is
0.053 per mm2 [27, 28]. Recently, a comparative It has been reported that patients with non-
study by Yang et al. [25] found that Ruffini specific neck pain have motor control impair-
corpuscles were obviously increased in number ments, but the specific deficits of the underlying
and deeply ingrown into inner annulus fibrosus regulatory system remain unclear [37]. Experi-
and even into nucleus pulposus in the diseased mental muscle pain caused by injection of
cervical discs from cervical spondylosis patients chemicals such as hypertonic saline provides a
with dizziness in comparison with the discs way to assess changes in motor control due to
from patients without dizziness and control changes in afferent feedback. Experimental
discs. The densities of Ruffini corpuscles in muscle pain often results in inhibition of the
anterior outer annulus fibrosus are 1.02, 0.6, activation of painful muscles. The inhibition of
and 0.33 per mm2 in patients with dizziness, muscle activity induced by pain has been
patients without dizziness, and normal con- observed to decrease the surface electromyo-
trols, respectively [25]. In addition, the authors graphic (EMG) signal amplitude [38, 39] and
[30] also found that a large number of Ruffini motor unit discharge rate [40, 41]. Since the
corpuscles and substance P-positive free nerve force does not change when muscle activity
fibers grew in the degenerative cervical discs of decreases [38, 42], compensation mechanisms
patients with chronic neck pain and dizziness should appear in both painful and non-painful
compared with the normal control group. These conditions to allow similar motor outputs.
patients only showed degenerative changes of Muscle pain affects motor control strategies
the cervical disc on imaging, without cervical through central mechanisms [43, 44], including
disc herniation or nerve root compression. The in the painful muscles [38] as well as in syner-
studies suggest the degenerated cervical discs gistic and antagonistic muscles [45]. In repeti-
play a key role in impaired cervical tive dynamic tasks, the nociceptive inputs from
proprioception. the upper trapezius by injection of hypertonic
Proprioceptive information is transmitted to saline induces the reorganization of the coor-
the central nervous system through an encod- dinated activities of the three subdivisions of
ing across populations of afferent receptors, the the trapezius muscle [46]. This is consistent
ensemble coding, rather than the discrete units with the pain adaptation model [47], and
from individual receptors [31–33]. In physio- except for the decrease in painful muscle activ-
logical conditions, cervical proprioceptive ity, the activity of the ipsilateral and contralat-
information from cervical muscle spindles and eral non-painful muscle subdivisions increases
mechanoreceptors of cervical discs and facet [46].
joints is integrated and transmitted to the cen- Cervical spine is a complex biomechanical
tral nervous system to control head position, system consisting of innumerable degrees of
head orientation, and full-body posture freedom motion of each joint and at least 20
[29, 34, 35]. Any dysfunction of these cervical pairs of muscles, many of which perform similar
sensory organs or asymmetry of afferent inputs functions [48]. The decrease in muscle activity
can lead to a sensory mismatch between due to neck pain can be compensated, for
abnormal information (e.g., from degenerative example, by reducing the activity of antagonist
discs) and normal information (e.g., from nor- muscles or increasing the activity of synergistic
mal spindles) [35, 36]. muscles. An experimental study has shown that
the local excitation of the noxious afferents in
148 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

cervical muscles has an inhibitory effect on the impairment exists in people with chronic neck
painful muscles, which are offset at the level of pain. In addition, the effect of pain on many
the muscle group involved in the task by com- levels of the nervous system can alter the sen-
plex motor strategic reorganization. This sitivity of muscle spindles and change the rep-
change in muscle coordination is task-depen- resentation and regulation of the cortex to the
dent, so motor output remains constant in the cervical afferent input [43, 56, 57].
state of pain [48].
Acute neck pain induced by hypertonic sal- Functional Impairment of The Receptors
ine injection at C2/3 level in the splenius capitis in Degenerative Cervical Discs and Facet
muscle on one side caused cervical propriocep- Joints
tive disturbance with side-specific changes [49].
The clinical implications of this finding are that Most chronic idiopathic neck pain is thought to
neck pain itself has a clear role in propriocep- arise from degenerative cervical discs and facet
tion and neck sensorimotor control, and sub- joints [3]. The degenerative changes in cervical
sequently influence orientation. The main discs and facet joints are always related to
function of pain is to prevent further tissue inflammation [58, 59]. In the inflammatory
damage. This corresponds to a decrease in environment, the discharge characteristics of
muscle activity of the painful muscles, whose the mechanoreceptors will be excessively active,
activity moves from deeper pained muscles to thereby producing erroneous sensory signals
superficial muscles. It is likely that in neck pain, [25, 30].
this transfer may interfere with normal propri- The mechanoreceptors in the discs and facet
oception [49]. joint capsules can monitor and control activity
of paraspinal muscles. Electrical stimulation of
Cervical Muscle Impairment in Chronic mechanoreceptors in lumbar discs and capsules
Neck Pain seems to induce reflex contraction of lumbar
muscles. Similarly, mechanical stimulation of
A number of studies have indicated that mechanoreceptors in the lumbar disc and facet
patients with chronic neck pain may be associ- capsule can excite the surrounding muscles
ated with alterations in cervical motor behavior [60]. Thus, the function of the cervical motor
(timing and activation) [50–52], a decrease in control is closely related to the cervical propri-
cross-sectional area of cervical muscles [53] as oceptive inputs from the cervical discs and facet
well as muscular functional deficiencies in joints, which are responsible for the optimal
strength, endurance, precision and acuity, and recruitment of cervical muscles. In the process
range of motion [54]. Neck pain may cause of maintaining body balance, there are both
maladaptive strategies, change the neck muscle coordination and competition among the bal-
coordination, and reduce the specificity of neck ance organs [36, 61]. In pathological condi-
muscle activation, for instance, through tions, such as cervical disc degeneration or facet
reduced activation of the deep segmental mus- osteoarthritis, the erroneous proprioceptive
cles and increased activation of the superficial input distorts the direct linear interaction
muscles [48, 54]. As mentioned above, muscle between neck proprioception and vestibular
spindles densely packed in the deep neck mus- information, resulting in subjective body ori-
cles are the main source of proprioception entation and spatial psychological representa-
afferents in the neck. These structural and tion, which is manifested as dizziness or
functional changes in the cervical deep and subjective unstable perception [25, 62].
superficial muscles can change the discharge of
muscle spindles, which affects the afferent
input and leads to alterations in proprioception
[13, 55]. The results suggest that the complexity
and multifaceted nature of neck muscle
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 149

Table 1 Eight neck sensorimotor control tests*

Test Purpose Measurement (units) Method
JPE Ability to reposition the head to a Error from neutral head Participant sits in a chair facing a target on
given position position or target a wall 90 cm away. A specific laser
(degree or cm) pointer is placed on top of the head and
the participant is blindfolded. While
starting with the laser pointer exactly in
the center of the target, the participant is
instructed to move their head away from
the target. After returning to the center,
the error between starting position and
final position is assessed
Postural Amount of movement during quiet Sway area (cm2) or total Recorded during stance on a force platform
sway stance sway path (mm) in both eyes-open and eyes-closed
Subjective Ability to reposition the line Error from true vertical A tilted line appears on a computer screen,
visual displayed on the screen so that it (degrees) disk, or virtual reality device. Participants
vertical is aligned with the true vertical have to use a computer mouse or control
line knob to reposition the line to align it
with the true vertical line
Head tilt Ability to position the stripe with Error from true vertical A tilted white stripe appears in a pair of
response the true vertical line (degree) virtual reality goggles. The participant is
instructed to adjust the roll angle of the
head until the stripe is aligned with the
gravitational vertical
Smooth Eye movements while torso is Ratio between eye and Participants focus their eyes on a moving
pursuit rotated relative to the head target movement in target and keep the head still, in a neutral
neck neutral and torsion position, and a position in which the
torsion positions torso is rotated relative to the head
(torsion). The velocity of eye movements
while following the target is recorded.
The gain (ratio between eye movement
and target movement) is calculated. The
outcome measure (smooth pursuit neck
torsion) is the difference between the
gain in neutral and the average gain in
torsion (right and left)
150 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

Table 1 continued
Test Purpose Measurement (units) Method

The Fly Ability to track a computer- Error from target (cm or Participants track target (The Fly) on a
displayed target moving in a mm) computer screen by moving their head
specific pattern and neck. Fastrak system is used to
measure the accuracy. For different
difficulty levels (i.e., different fly pattens),
the accuracy of the performance is
Head Ability to hold the head still for a Angular velocity (degree/ Head steadiness in terms of head motion
steadiness period of time s) velocity is compared during two 40
second isometric neck flexion tests at a
high-load test and a low-load test.
Increased velocity is expected to reflect
decreased head steadiness
Rod-and- Ability to position an offset rod Vertical perception error Rod and frame are made up of a
frame into the vertical position (degree) luminescent vertical rod surrounded by a
test square frame. Participants are placed in a
dark room where the only visual objects
are the luminescent vertical rod and
square frame. In the different test
process, the test rod or frame offset by
different degrees, and the subjects are
required to use the joystick to place the
rod vertically. The difference between
the real vertical line and the subject’s
perception of the vertical line is
Data in the table are based on Michiels et al. [7], Humphreys [14], and de Zoete et al. [78]

Relationship Between Neck Pain motoneurons in animals [44, 64]. The algesic
and Cervical Proprioception Impairment chemical injection of the masseter muscle
preferentially affects the amplitude sensitivity
Neck pain itself may interfere with afferent of jaw muscle spindle afferents, which is con-
signals from the proprioceptors of the neck, sistent with the effect on static c-motoneurons
leading to erroneous proprioceptive informa- [65]. The results suggest that pain-induced
tion. The system that conducts pain carries modulation of spindle afferent responses is
activity to motor neurons in the same spinal mediated by small-diameter muscle afferents
segment [63]. Therefore, increased pain increa- and that this modulation depends in part on
ses muscle tension. Electrical stimulation of the transmission of nociceptive information
group III muscle afferents and intramuscular from the trigeminal subnucleus caudalis onto
injection of hypertonic saline can significantly trigeminal c-motoneurons [65]. According to
change the activity of leg muscle c- the pathophysiological model [66], the
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 151

metabolites produced by muscle contraction recent study [78] compared seven tests (all
activate the muscle afferent nerves of groups III except the rod-and-frame test) in 50 patients
and IV, which in turn activates c-motoneurons, with chronic idiopathic neck pain and found
supplying intrafusal fibers in both homomor- that different tests measured different compo-
phous and heteromorphic muscles, thereby nents of sensorimotor control. The study
increasing spindle stretching sensitivity and implies that all seven tests are independent of
reflex-mediated muscle stiffness. In addition, each other. It is not possible to recommend a
the concentration of metabolites such as test battery for clinical practice.
potassium, lactic acid, and arachidonic acid
may directly sensitize different proprioceptors, JPE Test
leading to erroneous proprioceptive signals.
Furthermore, the erroneous proprioceptive Cervical joint position sense (JPS) is a major
input can trigger the increased and prolonged component of proprioception, and mainly
reflex activation of neck muscles, which may reflects the ascending input (afferent) of cervical
lead to neck pain over time, thus forming a muscle, disc, capsule, and ligament receptors
vicious circle [60]. [79]. Abnormal cervical afferent input leads to
an impaired cervical JPS, which is measured as
CLINICAL ASSESSMENT cervical JPE [68]. Several methods exist to study
cervical JPE, and the most commonly used is
OF SENSORIMOTOR CONTROL active motion angle reconstruction test and
IN CHRONIC NECK PAIN requires subjects to relocate a neutral head
position or a predefined target head position
Neck Sensorimotor Control Tests without visual assistance selected by the
researchers (Fig. 3). In the study of head posi-
The vestibular, visual, and cervical propriocep- tion sense measurement, the measured variable
tive systems have unique central and reflex is the difference between the initially deter-
connections and integration [4]. As mentioned mined reference point position (neutral or tar-
before, the cervical sensorimotor control system get position) and the position produced when
in patients with idiopathic neck pain has been the subjects try to match the target position.
affected due to impaired proprioception. To This difference is called JPE and the angle is in
date, eight neck sensorimotor control tests have degrees (°) [80]. The test has been widely used to
been reported to evaluate patients with idio- distinguish patients with chronic neck pain
pathic neck pain: joint position error (JPE) [67], from the healthy control group [11, 12, 79].
postural sway [67, 68], subjective visual vertical Revel et al. [67] firstly reported that patients
[69], head tilt response [70], The Fly [71], with chronic neck pain showed poorer ability
smooth pursuit neck torsion [72, 73], head (6.11°) to restore the original position of the
steadiness [74], and rod-and-frame test (a sum- head after actively rotating the head to the
mary of eight neck sensorimotor control tests is maximum extent compared with healthy sub-
shown in Table 1) [14, 75, 76]. Although some jects (3.50°). They suggested changing the pro-
tests may involve different subsystems (such as prioception of the neck to account for their
oculomotor system and vestibular system), all findings. Alahmari et al. [81] compared the JPE
tests measure sensorimotor control in the neck, of 42 patients with chronic neck pain and 42
and the most commonly used is JPE test [77]. age-matched healthy people, and found that
However, it is difficult to compare test results the patients had a greater error in all movement
due to the different tasks required or the tech- directions tested (p \ 0.001). Similarly, other
niques used to quantify the measurements. In studies have revealed a significant greater error
addition, it is not clear whether different mea- in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain
surement methods are equally reliable and when compared with asymptomatic controls,
effective, and which test is preferred [7]. A despite the variability in methods used in these
152 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

Fig. 3 Craniocervical flexion test. During craniocervical additional 2 mmHg per phase and a maximum of
flexion test, the patient is positioned supine in crook lying 30 mmHg. The patient is asked to hold each position
with the neck in a neutral position (no pillow), making the for 10 s. There is a 10-s break between the two stages. The
line of the face horizontal. An uninflated pressure sensor is figure shows the starting position (left) and the end
placed behind the neck so that it is close to the occiput and position of craniocervical flexion (right). The craniocervi-
inflated to a baseline pressure of 20 mmHg, which is cal flexion includes the head nodding ‘ yes’’ movement to
sufficient to fill the space between the table surface and the keep it in contact with the supporting surface, and the
cervical lordotic curve, but does not push the neck into the flexion movement mainly occurs in the upper neck motion
lordosis. The device provides feedback and guidance to the segments. Adapted from Jull et al. [104] and Falla et al.
patient to perform the five test phases required, with an [106]

studies [68, 82–87]. Cervical proprioceptive impaired cervical JPS during head-to-neutral
errors in the patients with cervical spondylosis repositioning tests, compared with asymp-
were also shown to be significantly larger than tomatic controls.
those of the healthy control group, indicating
that the cervical proprioception in the cervical Differences in JPE Test
spondylosis was impaired [55]. A systematic
review including 14 studies suggested that JPE It is difficult to quantify pain and sensorimotor
was significantly higher in the neck pain group control. Although pain can be described and
than in the control group [79]. De Zoete et al. graded subjectively, sensorimotor control is
[77] in a systematic review and meta-analysis more difficult to understand. In JPE testing,
revealed a significant difference between idio- since the neutral neck position is a commonly
pathic neck pain and healthy groups in JPE used position, the memory head position may
testing, indicating that this test may be clini- be recalled during the test [87]. Recall of the
cally useful in assessing sensorimotor control. head position in a memory may involve more
Similarly, another systematic review and meta- than one sensory component because memory
analysis conducted by Stanton et al. [11] aimed may not only rely on proprioception. Therefore,
to synthesize and critically evaluate the avail- the validity of this test in evaluating sensori-
able evidence for proprioceptive dysfunction in motor control may be limited. In studies using a
patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain by preset target in the transverse plane, recall of
comparing the JPE of asymptomatic controls. the head position was less likely because the
Pooled estimates showed that people with head was in a less common position on the
chronic idiopathic neck pain had moderately neck. The head repositioning test makes
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 153

indirect evaluation of proprioception possible REHABILITATION

[88]. However, the results vary greatly.
Although most studies have reported reduced
sensorimotor control in patients with neck IN CHRONIC NECK PAIN
pain, other studies [88, 89] have reported that
patients with subclinical neck pain have fewer Evidence to date suggests that the management
relocation errors than controls. Rix et al. [86] of sensorimotor control disturbances due to
and Palmgren et al. [90] found that people with chronic neck pain may need to address the
chronic, nontraumatic neck pain were no less primary causes and secondary effects of alter-
accurate in head repositioning than healthy ations in proprioceptive activity
controls for all movement directions except [4, 5, 12, 13, 96]. Local treatments to relieve
flexion. In addition, other studies have reported neck pain are not discussed here. The focus now
that there is no measurable effect on cervical is primarily on tailored programs that address
proprioception in the case of cervical pain different aspects of sensorimotor control dis-
[91–93]. In general, these findings contradict turbances, such as training aimed at improving
the theory that the change of position sense proprioception and muscle coordination.
may be due to the nociceptive input, or the pain
experienced in the position-matching task pro- Proprioceptive Retraining
vides additional feedback to improve the accu-
racy of position matching [29]. These After a rehabilitation program based on eye–-
contradictory results suggest the multifaceted head coupling exercises aimed to improve pro-
nature of neck pain and the different mecha- prioception in the neck, Revel et al. [12] found
nisms in sensorimotor control. For example, that the ability to reposition the head after
muscle fatigue and/or muscle tension and cen- rotation was significantly improved, and neck
tral nervous system regulation may change pain was significantly reduced. There was no
sensorimotor control [55]. Pain itself may significant change in JPE in the control group.
interfere with muscle activity or adaptation of Jull et al. [13] achieved similar results in a group
exercise strategies [49]. Cervical proprioception of patients with chronic neck pain using pro-
errors were significantly and positively corre- prioceptive training. A randomized clinical trial
lated with the intensity of neck pain, indicating evaluated the impact of balance training on JPS
that the increase in pain intensity will impair in patients with chronic neck pain, and found
proprioception [55, 94]. Different pain time that joint repositioning accuracy was improved
courses such as acute, subacute, or persistent and pain was reduced in the intervention
pain may have different effects on sensorimotor group, while no effect was observed in the
control [92]. Persistent pain may cause mor- control group [97]. Another randomized control
phological changes in muscle components trial revealed that proprioceptive training with a
[53, 54]. In addition, an increase of age was gaze direction recognition exercise combined
thought to be related to the increase of cervical with conventional physical therapy was more
JPE. In elderly subjects, neck muscle strength effective than conventional physical therapy for
decline, sedentary lifestyle, memory decline, patients with chronic neck pain in improving
and cognitive or motor impairment may result neck disability and balance [98]. In a double-
in damage to the target reproduction test blind, randomized controlled trial, Saadat et al.
[80, 81]. However, the literature on the rela- [99] demonstrated that sensorimotor training
tionship between age and JPE is contradictory combined with traditional physical therapy
[81, 83], which suggests that there may be other exercises could be more effective than tradi-
factors beyond age that affect the cervical pro- tional exercise alone in improving JPS, endur-
prioception [95]. Therefore, many causes may ance, dynamic balance, and walking speed in
affect the proprioception and sensorimotor patients with chronic neck pain (Table 2).
control of cervical spine.
154 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

Table 2 Proprioceptive training in patients with neck pain and clinical outcomes
Study Study Participants Interventions Main outcome Results Main findings
design measures
Revel RCT Sixty participants The rehabilitation HRA; neck Greater gain in A rehabilitation
et al. with chronic group received a pain (VAS, HRA and more program based
[12] neck pain were rehabilitation 0–100) improved neck on eye–head
randomly program and pain were coupling should
allocated to a common observed in the be included in
rehabilitation symptomatic rehabilitation most medical
group and a treatment (e.g., group than in management of
control group nonsteroidal the control cervicalgic
anti- group patients
drugs, analgesic
drugs); the
control group
received only
The rehabilitation
included head
practice, gaze
stability, eye-
follow and
exercises and
30–40 min at a
time, twice a
week for 8 weeks
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 155

Table 2 continued
Study Study Participants Interventions Main outcome Results Main findings
design measures

Jull et al. RCT Sixty-four female Proprioceptive JPE; NDI; A significant Both
[13] subjects with training neck pain decrease in JPE, proprioceptive
persistent neck included head (NRS, 0–10) neck pain training and
pain and deficits relocation intensity, and craniocervical
in JPE were practice, gaze perceived flexion training
randomized into stability, eye- disability was have a
two exercise follow and identified for demonstrable
groups: eye–head both the benefit on
proprioceptive coordination proprioceptive impaired cervical
training or exercises. training group JPE in people
craniocervical Craniocervical and the with neck pain,
flexion training flexion training craniocervical with marginally
included the flexion training more benefit
low-load group. However, gained from
training of the the proprioceptive
craniocervical proprioceptive training
flexor muscles training group
Less than 30 min had a greater
at a time, once a reduction in JPE
week for 6 weeks from right
compared to the
flexion training
156 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

Table 2 continued
Study Study Participants Interventions Main outcome Results Main findings
design measures

Beinert RCT Thirty-four The intervention NHP; RHP; The intervention Balance training
and patients with consisted of neck pain group showed can effectively
Taube subclinical neck three balance (NRS,0–10) improved joint improve cervical
[97] pain were tasks: single leg repositioning sensorimotor
randomly stance, tandem accuracy and function and
assigned to stance and decreased pain, decrease
balance training standing on a whereas no neck pain intensity
(intervention wobble board. effects were
group) or to stay Each task was observed in the
active (control performed for control group. A
group) 20 s with a 10-s weak correlation
break in between was identified
between reduced
15 mins at a time,
neck pain
3 times a week
intensity and
for 5 weeks
improved joint
Duray RCT Forty patients The study group FSST; The study group Proprioceptive
et al. with chronic received SLBT; tended to show training should
[98] neck pain were conventional higher SLBT be included in
NDI; neck
randomly physical therapy with eyes physiotherapy
divided into and gaze opened and programs to
study and direction closed scores and improve balance;
control groups recognition lower neck pain it decreases the
exercise for intensity, FSST disability level in
proprioceptive scores, and neck patients with
training; the disability levels chronic neck
control group after the pain
received only treatment.
conventional However, no
physical therapy significant
Exercises were differences were
performed for observed except
3 weeks with five for in pain
sessions per week intensity scores
in the control
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 157

Table 2 continued
Study Study Participants Interventions Main outcome Results Main findings
design measures

Saadat Double- Fifty-three patients The traditional JPS; neck pain The combined A combination of
et al. blind, with chronic group performed (VAS,0–10), exercise group sensorimotor
[99] RCT non-specific traditional NFMET, showed training with
neck pain were exercises, and 10-m walk significantly traditional
randomized to the combined test, step test, greater physical therapy
either traditional exercise group and NDI improvement exercises could
or combined performed compared to the be more
exercise groups sensorimotor traditional group effective than
training in in joint position traditional
addition to sense, the 10-m exercises alone
traditional walk test, and the in improving
exercises. This step test. Pain joint position
sensorimotor intensity, muscle sense,
training endurance, and endurance,
program disability dynamic
comprised three improved in balance, and
parts: retraining both groups walking speed
joint position
and movement
exercises, and
balance training
All patients
received 12
sessions of
intervention 3
times per week
RCT randomized controlled trial, HRA head repositioning accuracy, VAS visual analogue scale, JPE cervical joint position
error, NDI Neck Disability Index, NRS Numerical rating scale, NHP neutral head position, RHP pre-rotated head
positions, FSST four step square tests, SLBT single leg balance test, NFMET neck flexor muscle endurance test

Retraining of Deep Cervical Flexor Muscles multifidus muscles posteriorly [100]. In order to
stabilize the cervical segments, the deep cervical
Deep muscles are important for maintaining muscle activity should cooperate with the
neck posture. The support of the cervical seg- superficial muscle activity [101, 102]. Recent
ments mainly depends on the muscular sleeve studies have found that the activation of deep
formed by the longus colli muscle anteriorly flexors, the longus colli and longus capitis, is
and the semispinalis cervicis and cervical impaired in patients with neck pain [50, 51].
158 Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164

There is evidence that the strength and endur- exercise in 15° of craniocervical extension
ance of the craniocervical and cervical flexors increased the activity of the semispinalis capitis
decrease in the patients with neck pain, and muscle, but not the deep extensor muscles
therefore rehabilitation is required [103]. The below the C2 level. This is to be expected,
muscle impairment determined by the cranio- because multifidus and semispinalis cervicis are
cervical flexion test seems to be the common the highest adherent to C2 and are therefore
feature of various neck pain. These observations less affected by craniocervical extension. The
prompted the use of the craniocervical flexion results provided some preliminary insights into
test (Fig. 3) to retrain the deep cervical flexor the impact of craniocervical orientation in
muscles in the motor relearning program for response to different deep and superficial cer-
patients with neck pain [104]. Craniocervical vical extensors during performing cervical
flexion training increased deep cervical flexor extensor exercises. O ’Leary et al. [119] then
muscle EMG amplitude and decreased stern- used the same method to compare the cervical
ocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscle extensor response patterns in patients with
EMG amplitude across all stages of the cranio- chronic neck pain with healthy controls, sug-
cervical flexion test [103]. In clinical exercise of gesting some alteration in the differential acti-
craniocervical flexion, retraining the deep cer- vation in cervical extensors in patients with
vical flexors can improve the function of cervi- chronic neck pain. High-load exercise is also
cal proprioception, maintain neutral posture, recommended to increase muscle strength and
increase the activation and endurance of the endurance [107]. Twelve weeks of specific cer-
deep cervical flexors, and reduce the neck vical resistance training resulted in a 34%
symptoms [13, 100, 105, 106]. increase in head-extension strength in healthy
subjects [120]. Cross-sectional area increased by
Retraining of Deep Cervical Extensor nearly 25% in splenius capitis, semispinalis
Muscles capitis, semispinalis cervicis, and the multi-
fidus, showing important hypertrophic effects
The deep cervical extensor muscles are [121]. A study using intramuscular EMG inves-
anatomically capable of coordinating cervical tigated the activity of the deep semispinalis
segmental movement with the deep cervical cervicis and the superficial splenius capitis
flexors [107]. The cervical extensor muscles are muscle at two spinal levels (C2 and C5) in
considered equally important in the recovery of healthy volunteers, and displayed the activa-
patients with neck pain [108]. In patients with tion of the semispinalis cervicis relative to the
neck pain, the activity of superficial cervical splenius capitis when manual resistance was
extensors is enhanced and delayed offset (re- applied in extension over the vertebral arches
laxation) after the activity [107, 109]. Com- (C1 and C4) [122]. A similar study in a group of
pared with healthy controls, patients with neck women with chronic neck pain showed that
pain showed structural and functional changes localized resistance selectively activated the
in the deep cervical extensor muscles [110–117], semispinalis cervicis muscle [123].
emphasizing the importance of exercise in
improving performance. Specific exercises of ETIOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT
the deep neck extensors have not been exten-
sively studied. A muscle functional magnetic
resonance imaging study [118] in a group of
Eliminating acute neck pain and preventing it
healthy volunteers showed that both the deep
from developing into chronic neck pain are
and superficial extensors were activated below
important for optimal management. If pain
the C2 level when an isometric neutral head/-
occurs, the cause should be analyzed and
neck extension was performed at 20% of the
resolved during treatment. Proprioceptive input
maximum voluntary force. Compared with the
of the muscle spindles can be reduced by
exercise in the neutral position, the same
reducing neck pain. However, there is a lack of
Pain Ther (2021) 10:143–164 159

research in this area. The reduction in neck article, take responsibility for the integrity of
muscle tension caused by neck pain is impor- the work as a whole, and have given their
tant to improve postural performance. This, in approval for this version to be published.
turn, may lead to the normalization of propri-
oceptive signals in the neck muscles, reducing Authorship Contributions. All authors con-
sensory mismatch. Cervical discogenic pain and tributed equally to the manuscript.
cervical facet joint pain are the two main causes
of chronic neck pain, accounting for 15–53% Disclosures. Baogan Peng, Liang Yang,
[124] and 40–55% [125] respectively. Manage- Yongchao Li, Tanghua Liu, and Yanqing Liu
ment aimed at eliminating inflammation in have nothing to disclose.
cervical disc and facet joint is particularly
important in theory. It can not only reduce the Compliance With Ethics Guidelines. This
sensitivity of nociceptors but also the sensitivity article is based on previously conducted studies
of proprioceptors. The difficulty lies in the lack and does not contain any studies with human
of specific diagnostic methods for cervical participants or animals performed by any of the
discogenic pain and facet joint pain [124, 125]. authors.

Data Availability. Data sharing is not

CONCLUSIONS applicable to this article as no datasets were
generated or analyzed during the current study.
Neck pain is a common cause of disability
worldwide, but its basic pathology and patho- Open Access. This article is licensed under a
physiology are still unclear. One of the main Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-
problems of patients with neck pain is that the cial 4.0 International License, which permits
impairment of cervical proprioception leads to any non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,
the disturbance of cervical sensorimotor con- distribution and reproduction in any medium
trol. Current studies recommend training on or format, as long as you give appropriate credit
different aspects of sensorimotor function, par- to the original author(s) and the source, provide
ticularly retraining aimed at improving propri- a link to the Creative Commons licence, and
oception and muscle coordination in the neck. indicate if changes were made. The images or
Overall, the recommended clinical evaluation other third party material in this article are
and management of sensorimotor control dis- included in the article’s Creative Commons
turbances are based on currently available evi- licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit
dence, but this is an emerging field that requires line to the material. If material is not included
more extensive studies to refine and determine in the article’s Creative Commons licence and
the evaluation methods and determine the best your intended use is not permitted by statutory
strategy for treating the disturbances in patients regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you
with chronic neck pain [4, 126]. will need to obtain permission directly from the
copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence,
visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-

Funding. No funding or sponsorship was REFERENCES

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